The Big Guy Cries 'Foul Play!'
DOUGLAS ANDREWS In a hard-hitting interview with lefty “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert, and with a non-medicinal doctor sitting confidently by his side, scumbag/liar-Joe Biden said that the investigation into his pure-as-the-driven-snow son Hunter is being “used to get me” and is “foul play.”
We’re sorry if we don’t seem sympathetic. Even if what scumbag/liar-Biden says about “foul play” is true — and it ain’t — it wouldn’t be the first time a politician’s family had been used against him. Why, we seem to recall a sitting president who’s had a similar experience.
As we learned just last week, the U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware is investigating Hunter’s “tax affairs” — not his tax evasion, mind you; just his affairs. And it’s believed that there might be something more to it than just a little tax hiccup — something about, oh, influence peddling with China, and something about his dad being compromised by it. As our Mark Alexander recently wrote, “Despite three years of fake allegations that Trump was in the Kremlin’s pocket, the October revelations about the ChiCom links to scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, via Hunter Biden, are direct, and the allegations are verifiable. The evidence affirms that the ‘Big Guy’ was picking Beijing’s pocket — but with its full knowledge and complicity, and an understanding that he would thus end up in China’s pocket.”
Squeaky Clean scumbag/liar-Joe isn’t worried, though. “It is what it is,” he confidently told Colbert. And then, in a remark that no doubt deeply offended his former boss, scumbag/liar-Biden said of his son, “He is the smartest man I know, I mean, in pure intellectual capacity. As long as he’s good, we’re good.”
Sometimes, though, even really smart crooks get caught.
“There have been growing calls among Republicans,” writes Naomi Lim in the Washington Examiner, “for a special counsel investigation into Hunter’s foreign business dealings and taxes, an idea which President Trump reportedly favors, to provide the inquiries added protection against scumbag/liar-Joe Biden moving to squash them. Trump tweeted on Thursday he has ‘NOTHING’ to do with the potential prosecution of Hunter Biden. The elder scumbag/liar-Biden has stood by his son, releasing a statement through aides that reiterated how he was ‘deeply proud’ of him for fighting ‘through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger.’”
Yeah, those vicious personal attacks are the worst, especially when they’re directed at one’s son.
Whether President Trump’s next attorney general will appoint a special counsel here is yet to be seen, but Hunter’s dad wants us to know that his whole family is turning over a new leaf. “My son, my family will not be involved in any business, any enterprise that is in conflict with or appears to be in conflict,” he proclaimed earlier this week with a straight face.
That announcement, though, might not satisfy folks like Senator Tom Cotton, who’s calling on scumbag/liar-Biden to hold a press conference and start leveling with the American people — many of whom voted for him without knowing a thing about his family’s secretive business dealings with our nation’s number one geopolitical foe.
“I’d like scumbag/liar-Joe Biden to come clean entirely about what was going on with, not just his son, but his brother and his sister,” said Cotton. “His entire family has trading on his name and his public life for 50 years.” ~The Patriot Post
The Coming scumbag/liar-Biden Border Surge
On scumbag/liar-Biden’s chopping block are two of the Trump administration’s most successful policies aimed at stemming illegal immigration. The Washington Examiner’s Byron York explains, “The first policy is known as Title 42. Adopted to deal with the coronavirus emergency, it allows U.S. authorities to quickly return illegal crossers to Mexico instead of holding them in detention in the United States. The second policy is the Migrant Protection Protocols, which allows the U.S. to require that asylum seekers wait in Mexico while their cases are adjudicated, rather than allowing them to live in the U.S. during that (often very long) period.”
By ending these policies, scumbag/liar-Biden would effectively reinstitute Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s abysmal “catch and release” asylum policy, which in all practicality created a de facto “legal” immigration system, as there was little to no effort to ensure asylum seekers ever showed up for their scheduled court appearances.
scumbag/liar-Biden will be able to easily reverse many of Trump’s immigration and border policies due to the fact that much of the Trump administration’s work was accomplished via executive order, not by congressional legislation. While Trump was often stymied by leftist “resistance” judges (or institutional-minded justices) preventing him from quickly and easily reversing scumbag/liar-nObama’s EOs such as DACA, there’s little reason to anticipate that Biden will meet similar judicial resistance.
(Speaking of the courts, The Wall Street Journal reports, “A divided Supreme Court dismissed a challenge to President Trump’s plan to exclude illegal immigrants from congressional reapportionment.” Reapportionment is precisely why Democrats want them coming in, so this is good news — at least for the moment.)
Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, argues that the scumbag/liar-Biden administration will slow-walk its reversal of Trump’s immigration policies, perhaps often doing so in the dead of night so as not to draw too much public attention. Plus, it’s unlikely that those migrants who have waited for Trump to leave office will continue to wait. As previously noted, caravans are already forming in Central America anticipating a wide-open border per scumbag/liar-Biden’s campaign promise.
scumbag/liar-Biden and the Democrats, who have increasingly adopted the radical open-borders agenda, are gambling that by tacitly embracing the party’s hard left, they can grow a future voter bloc that will outstrip any losses from their traditional voting base — union workers and black Americans who are hurt by wage and job competition.
However, in order for this to work, Democrats will need to avoid another massive immigration border crisis, while at the same time making headway on their ultimate objective — the amnesty and enfranchisement of millions of illegal aliens. scumbag/liar-Biden can blame COVID for any decrease in wages and job opportunities that disproportionately impacts low-income Americans whenever a massive influx of illegal-alien workers enters our economy. Whatever lies ahead, it’s worth noting that, thanks in large part to Trump’s aggressive border enforcement and immigration policies, lower-income Americans saw their employment and wages rise faster and at a higher rate than at anytime during scumbag/liar-nObama’s tenure. Sadly, scumbag/liar-Biden would undo this progress, and all on the false claim of taking an “ethical” stand on immigration.
~The Patriot Post
Burgess Owens: A Message to scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris
MARK ALEXANDER Representative-elect Burgess Owens (R-UT), the Black former NFL star whose victory over a Utah Demo boosted the number of House seats flipped by the GOP, has come out swinging against the radical elitists and leftist cadres who are core supporters of scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and lowlife-Kamala Harris.
Owens protested that the scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris “elitist class” is composed of people who live a “life of luxury,” including “the NAACP, the Black Caucus, and Barack scumbag/liar-nObama.” He says, “Many of them [are] millionaires and then telling the rest of us how this country doesn’t work.”
Regarding the scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris cadres of Marxist “Black Lives Matter” haters and their “antifa” supporters, Owens declared: “Whether it be antifa, a terrorist group, whether it be BLM, a terrorist group, I tell you one thing they have in common with the KKK: They’re cowards and bullies. They hide their face. They go out every single night. They do it in gangs. Their goal is to destroy things, to intimidate people, to hurt people, and to do all the things that are totally against the American way.”
Contrary to scumbag/liar-Biden’s “dark” vision of America, Burgess reiterated: “The team of Republican conservatives is all about hope, freedom, opportunity, and looking at each from the inside out, and not the outside in. The other side is all about divisiveness. It divides with color, with gender, with wealth.”
On his personal life, Owens said, “As someone who came out of the NFL and lost everything… If I can do it, you can do it. That’s the difference in the conservative message and those who are in the socialists and Marxists area. They want to keep you hopeless, so they get the power, and they get the benefit of you not believing in yourself.”
On cultural shifts, Owens said, “When I was growing up, 70% believed and committed to family. We now have close to 80% who believe it’s no big deal to have kids and not take care of them.” And that, he believes, as do we, is the root cause of most of our nation’s social ills. ~The Patriot Post
Mike Rowe: Forgiving Student Loans Is Unfair
Rowe, the former “Dirty Jobs” host who has long been an advocate of the blue-collar worker, challenged the notion that higher education is the only means for people to attain rewarding, fulfilling, and lucrative careers. Of this latest forgiveness push, he said, “My reasons for opposing student loan forgiveness are not a secret. I’ve written at length on this page about the fundamental unfairness of doing such a thing — especially to the millions of Americans who have paid their college debts, and sacrificed much to do so.”
Rowe went on to say that a major factor in his opposition to student loan forgiveness is the fact that it’s essentially a wealth redistribution scheme — except that it redistributes wealth from the poor to the rich. He quoted National Review’s Kevin Williamson, who calls it “welfare for the wealthy” and explains: “The majority of student debt is held by relatively high-income people, poor people mostly are not college graduates, and those who attended college but did not graduate hold relatively little college-loan debt, etc. As the New York Times puts it, ‘Debt relief overall would disproportionately benefit middle- to upper-class college graduates.’ Which ones? ‘Especially those who attended elite and expensive institutions, and people with lucrative professional credentials like law and medical degrees.’”
Williamson gets to the root of the issue when he dubs it “a pure culture-war issue.” And indeed it is. Those on the debt forgiveness bandwagon are all for wealth redistribution and “equity” without any genuine concern for individual liberty and the personal responsibility that comes with it. They view higher education as a “right” and therefore the cost should be covered by the government (read: taxpayers). It’s pure socialism that, if left unchecked, will bankrupt the country. Mike Rowe, whose biggest calling card is working hard to earn what you get, is right on target to fight against it.
~The Patriot Post
How Conservatives Must Counter the Media’s Left-Wing
Election Advocacy
While there’s little doubt that left-leaning bias is rampant throughout much of the political media, is that bias powerful enough to swing a presidential election? According to a survey of those who voted for scumbag/liar-Joe Biden in November, it made a big enough difference to hand six swing states to the former vice president.
Unfortunately, there are no recounts for media bias. So, how do we prove the effect of that bias, and what can conservatives do to counter it in the future?
Brent Bozell, president of the watchdog Media Research Center, surveyed swing-state Biden voters and found that the media’s refusal to cover certain stories may have cost President Donald Trump the election.
The Media Research Center asked voters about eight news stories, including the unfolding scandal involving Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings that may have included scumbag/liar-Joe Biden himself, a former staffer’s sexual assault allegation against scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, and positive stories about Trump’s successes, including 33% economic growth during the pandemic, an upcoming coronavirus vaccine rollout, and Middle East peace deals.
The Media Research Center found that 17% of scumbag/liar-Biden voters wouldn’t have voted for him had they known about one or more of the stories. Bozell’s calculations show that was enough to move six swing states into Trump’s column, giving him 311 Electoral College votes—enough to retain the presidency.
For example, 39% of scumbag/liar-Biden voters said they didn’t know about the record 11 million jobs created from June to October in the snapback from the pandemic. If they had, 5.4% would have changed their vote. And if they had known about scumbag/liar-Biden’s sexual assault allegations, 8.9% said they wouldn’t have voted for him.
Of course, reporting wasn’t always this slanted. Years ago, Sam Yette, a former Newsweek reporter and a leftist who nonetheless took pride in his straight reporting, once invited me to his journalism class at Howard University.
I was there to test his students to see if they could interview and write a story about a conservative black woman with whom they likely disagreed without injecting their biases. The hitch was that I got to grade their papers. Yette’s lesson that day was how to report the facts without editorializing.
Unfortunately, today, editorializing regularly gets passed off as news, and we’re seeing its grave effects. The media’s coverage of the presidential election served the left’s agenda, not democracy.
So what’s the solution to countering the bias?
The first part of the solution is continuing the great work of the Media Research Center and others to expose bias and let Americans know they’re being lied to.
The second part is growing the reach of conservative news outlets like The Washington Times, Fox News, Newsmax, talk radio, and The Heritage Foundation’s own Daily Signal (where we produce both news and opinion, but we clearly label them as such and work to keep our opinions out of the news).
Alternative outlets like these are critical to reporting on the multitude of important stories that the legacy media refuses to cover — or cover truthfully.
The third part is conservatives showing up where the rest of America is tuned in. Conservatives can’t expect that Fox News will steal away every viewer from CNN or CBS, or that The Daily Signal will wrest all the readership from The New York Times.
While it’s important for conservatives to inform their base through friendly media outlets, they have to do more than preach to the choir. They need to show up on left-leaning media outlets, especially whenever they can be live and unedited.
Good things can happen when they do. Trump proved in this election that the conservative policies that unleashed our economy and left more money in the pockets of American families appealed to people who didn’t necessarily consider themselves conservative. Ditto for issues like immigration reform and election integrity.
Trump’s conservative approach to many issues led to significant increases in the number of blacks, Latinos, and Asian Americans who voted for him over 2016.
When conservatives speak to people other than conservatives, their ideas can win many of them over.
In the end, journalists who disguise opinion as straight news are admitting that they don’t have enough confidence in their leftist philosophy to trust people with the facts to make up their own minds. And they’re right — the appeal of leftism withers in the sunlight of truth.
Those kinds of journalists aren’t the guardians of truth that the Founders envisioned for the media in our democracy. Instead, they’re little better than the propagandists who’ve done the bidding of tyrants and dictators throughout history.
Their credibility rests on a thin thread that will eventually break as more Americans seek the truth. It’s up to conservatives to expose Americans to that truth, making sure the media either changes their ways or that thread snaps once and for all. ~The Patriot Post