A Very Consequential First Congressional Week
MARK ALEXANDER There are perilous moving parts this week that will have broad political implications for the coming years.
On Sunday, the 117th Congress was sworn in, though only a handful of Democrat Party members still honor any residual obligation to their oaths “to support and defend” our Republic’s Constitution.
The House will remain under the dictatorial thumb of leftist Representative scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who was reelected to her fourth term as speaker. She retained Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Majority Whip scumbag-Jim Clyburn as her underbosses.
House Republican leadership remains in the competent hands of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Minority Whip Steve Scalise. And, notably, Democrats hold a smaller marginal control of the House after their majority was cut down to 222-211 in November, with two seats still open.
In the Senate, the tenures of Leader Mitch McConnell and Majority Whip John Thune, who were reelected in November, hang in the balance of the Georgia runoff elections on Tuesday.
With Republicans now holding 50 seats, if the GOP doesn’t retain at least one Georgia seat, the Senate will be evenly divided, meaning with tie votes, presumed incoming leftist VP and Senate President lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris will provide the tiebreaker.
Though we expect the GOP will retain at least one of the two contested seats, the runoff results may be delayed given the likely prospect that the results will be contested, despite the fact that basic measures to reduce fraud are in place. Unfortunately, those measures are too little, too late for the integrity of election results in some Democrat states that allowed substantial bulk-mail balloting fraud — the failure to certify who was voting — resulting in contestable November election results.
If both Georgia seats are lost, the presumed incoming president, scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, will empower Senator Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer and his Whip Dick Durbin to do his bidding, including the rapid undoing of many of Donald Trump’s successful initiatives. Regardless, scumbag/liar-Biden will be rapidly undoing Trump’s executive initiatives by way of reversing or overwriting those executive orders.
The Demos’ ground game in Georgia has proven very effective and, arguably, President Trump’s contesting of the national election and vacillation on the ChiCom Virus pandemic bill for relief funding have undermined conservative voter turnout.
Then, on Wednesday, Congress meets in a joint session to count and certify Electoral College votes, currently standing at 306 electoral votes for Biden and 232 for Trump — the biggest post-election step for a peaceful transition of power.
Senator McConnell declared that the Electoral College vote certification will be “the most consequential I have ever cast.”
It will also be the most controversial, as a group of Senate Republicans headed by Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley will be joined by a contingent of House Republicans contesting the certification. Vice President Mike Pence said, through his chief of staff, that he “welcomes the efforts of members of the House and Senate to use the authority they have under the law to raise objections and bring forward evidence before Congress and the American people.”
Buckle up — this is going to be an interesting week! ~The Patriot Post
Implications of Georgia Senate Races Loom Large
NATE JACKSON Donald Trump and scumbag/liar-Joe Biden are facing off on the campaign stump once again today, this time in Georgia, which, you might have heard, is in the midst of two Senate runoff election races. Trump and scumbag/liar-Biden are holding rallies for the four respective candidates today. More than three million Georgians have already cast their ballots, and for good reason — there are huge stakes for years to come.
Much of the buzz coming into this week was President Trump’s weekend phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. In the hour-long conversation, Trump pressured Raffensperger to “find 11,780 votes” to show that Trump really won the Peach State, though Raffensperger was having none of it. The sharp disagreement over how Georgia conducted the November election looms large.
But the point of this story is what’s at stake in the U.S. Senate.
GOP Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler each failed to reach the requisite 50% of the vote in November, and thus they face socialist-Jon Ossoff and socialist-Raphael Warnock, respectively. socialist-Ossoff is an inheritance welfare liberal and socialist-Warnock a radical racist pastor who preaches a very different gospel than that put forth in either Scripture or by Martin Luther King, whose church socialist-Warnock pastors. socialist- Warnock’s is a gospel of socialism and hate, but in his ads he comes across as an all-too-likable and compassionate man who loves puppies (no kidding).
A victory for both of these Democrats would make New York Senator Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer the majority leader, giving Democrats unified control of DC and the ability to force through their radical leftist agenda. That means Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, statehood for the Democrat strongholds of DC and Puerto Rico (meaning four more Democrat senators), and packing the Supreme Court are all on the line. That’s to say nothing of economy-hampering taxes and regulations to cap off a pandemic shutdown and gut any recovery.
As Louisiana Senator John Kennedy darkly joked in November, if Democrats win, “you’ve got nothing to worry about unless you are a taxpayer, a business owner, a parent, a cop, a gun owner, a person of faith, or an unborn baby.”
There’s also the not-so-small matter of having a Republican check on a thoroughly corrupt incoming Democrat regime. Want to get to the bottom of FBI abuse of power or the scumbag/liar-Biden family’s dealings with China? Forget about it with a Democrat Senate. Want moderation in judicial picks? It won’t happen. And Democrat committee chairmen, including commie-Bernie Sanders, will be happy to run roughshod, as will the party as a whole if Democrats decide to nuke the legislative filibuster.
It certainly seems that Republicans are at grave risk tomorrow. Trump is both fueled by and fueling allegations of voter fraud in Georgia and elsewhere. A divided party could turn into a defeated party. The division is bad enough, but the defeat would be a big one — not just for Georgia, but for the entire nation. ~The Patriot Post
Surf's Up ARNOLD AHLERT “If we give these tin-pot dictators, these governors, more money, they’re less likely to open the economy. The answer’s not printing up and distributing free money. It’s opening the economy.” —Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)
Rand Paul has let the proverbial cat out of the bag and — tragically — precious few Americans want to hear what he has to say. That’s because those tin-pot governors and the rest of the Ruling Class have discovered there’s nothing quite like fostering desperation when it comes to making Americans as “pliable” as possible.
Following the passage of a $900 billion stimulus package two weeks ago — best described as a “bipartisan” 5,593-page middle finger to Middle America — a hard-pressed public will be receiving a whopping $600 apiece to weather their ongoing battle with a health-related virus, along with weathering the far more severe virus of megalomania that afflicts those aforementioned tin-pot dictators.
There is no question that millions of Americans are desperate, driven to the depths of economic despair by a virus and arguably the most contemptuous media-driven fear campaign this nation has ever endured, even as the definition of “quarantine” — detention or isolation imposed upon those suspected of being infected or contagious — was bastardized beyond recognition. Everyone, including the healthy, were “locked down” to “flatten the curve.”
Of course, not quite everyone. The term “essential workers” was also bastardized beyond recognition, as little distinction was made between the genuine heroes that included front-line healthcare workers, food producers, delivery people, etc. and the feckless hacks with political connections such as Hollywood movie producers, selective groups of protesters whose protests occasionally “intensified” into looting, arson, and murder, and an inner-circle of hairdressers and high-end restauranteurs needed to accommodate the “lockdowns for thee, but not for me” hypocrites who have made it clear the concept of a government of, by, and for the people has, for all practical purposes, been tossed on the ash heap of history.
In short, take your $600, stay inside — and shut up.
Perhaps the most maddening aspect of this debacle is the typical bureaucratic incompetence that accompanies it. No distinction was made between those who really needed support and those who needed no support at all. Perhaps this explains that while millions of Americans remain in dire straits, personal savings rates have quadrupled from 8% to 32%. In short, those Americans with jobs or other wherewithal simply put those checks in a savings account, while their less fortunate and “nonessential” fellow citizens struggled to make ends meet.
This economic bifurcation — arguably the largest separation between the rich and the rest of the citizenry in the history of mankind — is completely inimical to a nation conceived as one in which one’s class was largely determined by one’s talent and ambition, rather than one’s connections.
Yet even as this increasing separation is being further realized, the weak thinkers, long marinated in stew of grievance politics, wish to exacerbate it. The progressive dogma of “intersectionality” aims to increase the number of oppressed minority-within-minority victims as a means of equalizing outcome instead of opportunity. When one supplants meritocracy with the color of one’s skin or one’s gender under the auspices of increasing “fairness,” however, the very same capriciousness by which our tin-pot dictators determine which parts of the economy are more or less “worthy” of being opened or closed is exponentially increased.
Another thing Americans don’t wish to hear about is the national debt, which has reached a staggering $27.5 trillion. For most people it is a meaningless number, and all the warnings about mortgaging the future to pay for the present were largely ignored, even when the economy was booming. Due to the pandemic, massive levels of deficit spending, no matter how irresponsible, is viewed as a necessary and legitimate response to the ongoing emergency.
All well and good — for now. But as columnist Kevin Williamson warns, “We are training a generation of Americans to wait by the mailbox for their check from the government.”
No doubt. But that training is likely a prelude to the much more deleterious — and power-consolidating — level of training that will convince Americans to embrace Universal Basic Income (UBI). UBI has long been championed by progressives as a means of providing incomes for Americans whose jobs will supposedly be permanently eliminated by technology.
Add to the mix a Data for Progress survey released last April. It reveals that 66% of Americans supported a $1,000 monthly payment — for the duration of the pandemic.
That “duration” is an extremely flexible term? It remains to be seen how long millions of American will tolerate (or is that enjoy?) life without being “bogged down” by work, especially when it becomes apparent they will instead be bogged down by an unprecedented level of oppression that inevitably occurs when one relinquishes Liberty — and dignity — for security.
Moreover, Senator Paul’s warning about “less likely” in terms of opening certain sectors of the economy may become “never again,” especially for many small business owners who remain the most “problematic” group of Americans for a corporate oligarchy intent on eliminating competition and consolidating its power as a result.
In the meantime, Americans will be forced to endure the pitiful machinations of a ruling class that has somehow convinced itself that debating the difference between $600 and $2,000 is a noble pursuit — as if either amount will even remotely compensate the tens of millions of “nonessential” Americans forced to remain out of the workforce for nearly a year — even as our “representatives” themselves haven’t missed a single paycheck since the communist Chinese-precipitated crime against humanity began.
Moreover, because of Congress’s willful contempt for the public, the state-level tin-pot dictators will continue to dictate, because they have no incentive whatsoever to stop.
Just one question remains: How long will it be before “stimulus” and “serfdom” become interchangeable terms? ~The Patriot Post
God %$@! America, Again?
WILLIE RICHARDSON The infamous chant from Reverend Jeremiah Wright spoken so eloquently in a sermon in 2003 rang around the world in 2008 — or at least it should have, since he was the pastor of Barack Hussein scumbag/liar-nObama. Wright preached:
When it came to treating her citizens of African descent fairly, America failed. The government put them in chains. She put them on slave quarters, put them on auction blocks, put them in cotton fields, put them in inferior schools, put them in sub-standard housing, put them in scientific experiments, put them in the lowest paying jobs, put them outside the equal protection of the law, kept them out of their racist bastions of higher education, and locked them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three strike law, and then wants us to sing God Bless America… No, no, no! Not God bless America, God d-n America! That’s in the Bible.
If you didn’t think that was enough, we have a new black liberation theologist acting as a preacher on the Atlanta, Georgia, scene. He is trying to trade in his pastoral duties for the work of the ministry of politics. His name is Reverend socialist-Raphael Warnock, and he’s running on the liberal and controversial radical ticket for Senate. Like his predecessor, socialist-Warnock hates America and what she stands for. He stated the exact words of his mentor, Jeremiah Wright: “God d—n America!”
Where does this radical rhetoric come from? Why does the Left always seem to find the token black guy standing behind a pulpit as a puppet? It goes without saying that the Left uses pandering in exchange for the minority vote and filthy lucre.
socialist-Warnock said about the criminal justice system, “Somebody’s got to open up the jails and let our children go.” What?! I have over 20 years of experience working with “our children” in and out of jail. Oftentimes, “our children” are returned to civilization after being incarcerated, but they return to prison before long. Opening the jail cell and letting criminals leave sounds like a novel and compassionate idea, but it doesn’t hold water. What “our children” need are parents who love them, accountability for their actions, and a strong faith.
socialist-Warnock has fallen off his rocker, saying that if “black theology and the black church” will not support “dismantling the prison-industrial complex,” then “both deserve to die.” Are you shocked that a pastor would put the gospel of Jesus Christ on the back burner to the gospel of social justice? I’m not. This is business as usual with many black pastors. They claim to never “preach politics,” but they are always urging their members to vote. Vote or die.
Fair or not, Georgia has become a swing state with the recent election. It doesn’t need a radical to represent it in the Senate. Keep Georgia red! ~The Patriot Post
A 2021 Rally Cry for Conservatives to Combat the Left's
Destructive Agenda
As we approach the end of 2020 — a year with a deadly pandemic, a crushing economic shutdown, brutal riots and a contested presidential election — it often feels as though things can’t get any worse.
Yet, the political left sees these very moments when the American people are overwhelmed and exhausted as opportunities to push its destructive agenda. It won’t stop promoting socialist climate policies, government-run health care, identity politics, racial division, bending a knee to our worst enemies and penalties for offending the sensibilities of the woke.
As the threats continue to grow, Americans are feeling anxious. They’re worried about whether America will still look like America two years from now.
That’s why in 2021, conservatives of all stripes must unite and work together in common cause to fight back.
We must put any differences aside to enter the battle immediately in front of us: preventing the takeover of America by the left.
This is not a call for some “kumbaya” moment. It’s a call to band together to fight against those who are actively working to destroy America as we know it. Conservatives need to remember that, like a sports team, we don’t all have to play the same position, but we all have to play on the same team.
If we don’t stand united, if we become parochial in our thinking, if we let ourselves get distracted while our nation is under attack, we risk letting this great and precious gift we’ve been given slip from our grasp.
It’s OK to disagree among ourselves. Debate is good, because it can often lead to better answers. But to work together means civil discussion and being open to hearing new ideas. It means rejecting the tactics of the left — personal attacks and cancelling culture have no place among conservatives. And it means keeping our eyes on the prize: a strong, free and prosperous America for all Americans.
Those who believe that this country’s founding principles are what gave us the greatest nation on Earth must work together to keep her great. Our future is too important to leave anyone out of the fight.
And we have reason to be optimistic. During the recent elections, the conservative movement made substantial gains, even with Americans who hadn’t traditionally thought of themselves as conservatives before.
Voters rejected the far-left’s agenda in November. Rather than adding to the liberals’ numbers in the House of Representatives, governors’ offices and even state legislatures, the people sent even more conservatives to office. And in the Senate, conservatives who were supposed to lose by double digits easily fended off left-wing challengers.
In addition, President Trump saw historic gains with a broad coalition of Americans. He increased his percentage of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters over 2016 despite the media’s attempts to tarnish his image at every turn.
Many of these voters are seeing that the left has gone off the deep end and that conservative policies just work better for everyone. They’ve already seen how cutting taxes and regulations gave rise to the greatest economic expansion in American history, to more and higher paying jobs, and to the lowest unemployment rate in five decades. They saw how conservative policies made America energy independent, proving that energy costs and gas prices don’t always have to go up.
They saw how conservatives prioritized veterans’ care and worked to rebuild our national defenses against increasing threats around the world to protect our families and our freedoms. And they found that their children performed better and were happier when they were free to choose schools that best met their children’s needs.
While these and other gains are undeniable, a long list of left-wing politicians, activists and public officials are ready to roll most of them back without a moment’s hesitation.
That’s why, just as the conservative movement is building, 2021 is no time to take a break, to retreat or to go off in our own separate corners. We must not fail in our duty to combine our efforts into a whole that’s greater and more powerful than the sum of its parts.
We must unite in common purpose against those who mean this nation harm. We must fight for those principles that gave us the freest, most prosperous nation on Earth. And we must fight to fulfill the promises of our Forefathers and to pass on to our children and our children’s children a nation that’s at least as free as the one we inherited.
History and the infinite sacrifices of those who came before us have left that sacred obligation in our hands. America and her generations yet to come deserve no less than our fullest commitment to seeing it through. ~The Patriot Post
scumbag/liar-Biden's Climate Change Litmus Test
From the looks of President-elect scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s selections for cabinet positions and other high offices it seems belief in “climate change” has become a litmus test. scumbag/liar-Biden appears to have raised climate change to the level of a religious doctrine.
In naming hanoi-John Kerry a climate “czar,” Rep. Deb Haaland (D-NM) to head the Dept. of the Interior — if confirmed Haaland would become the first Native American cabinet secretary in history, a diversity priority for scumbag/liar-Biden — and Michael Regan, head of North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality, who would be the first Black man to lead EPA (ditto on diversity), scumbag/liar-Biden has signaled he is all-in on using government to change the climate, which some believe is already improving because of technology and innovation in the private sector.
Here is a fundamental question: If scumbag/liar-Biden thinks government has the power to change the climate (it doesn’t), why hasn’t government been able to prevent hurricanes and other natural disasters?
COVID-19 is being used by politicians — nearly all of them Democrats — to erode our liberties. If given the power to dictate what we drive, the type of house we can live in and other freedoms we have long taken for granted, the government will not be able to resist adding even more demands in the name of saving the planet.
At the 2016 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, climate change disciples laid out their vision for America’s future. By 2030, some forecast:
— The U.S. will not be the world’s leading superpower.
— A billion people will be displaced by climate change.
— Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide.
— There will be a global price on carbon (and) this will help make fossil fuels history.
If these initiatives are enacted, it will turn the United States into something other than what we have enjoyed for two centuries. Some comments by the Davos attendees dismissed the notion that a majority of citizens should decide such crucial matters, leaving decisions instead to unaccountable elites.
This is the stuff of dictatorship, little different from what communist leaders have done in the past, and in the present in China.
President-elect scumbag/liar-Biden has called climate change a “crisis.” How many crises can we deal with at one time? I thought COVID-19 was a crisis. How about getting that under control before we start addressing climate, which is changing, but for the better in many places and provably in the U.S.
According to the International Energy Agency, a Paris-based autonomous intergovernmental organization “committed to shaping a secure and sustainable energy future for all,” “The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis — a fall of 140 Mt, or 2.9 percent, to 4.8 Gt. U.S. emissions are now down almost 1 Gt from their peak in the year 2000, the largest absolute decline by any country over that period.”
Opinion polls have been all over the place on this issue. Prior to the election, an NPR/PBS News Hour Marist poll found climate change taking over the top spot of concerns for Democrats. The economy remained the number one issue for Republicans with climate change not registering among those polled.
The media will join politicians and some “experts” to promote climate change during the scumbag/liar-Biden administration, including end-of-the-world scenarios with little or no scientific information that contradicts their line. Two years ago, “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd announced he would not have any guests on who doubted climate change. This is censorship and the promotion of a single point of view constitutes indoctrination.
Implementing the scumbag/liar-Biden climate doctrine will cost a fortune and result in an outcome most Americans will not like. ~The Patriot Post