The Patriot Post ~ 6

The Economy Doesn't Need 'COVID Relief'


American businesses hired new workers at an impressive clip in February, adding an expectation-shattering 379,000 jobs. Headline unemployment dropped to 6.2%. This comes after recent news that fourth-quarter GDP growth was revised up to 4.1%, with expectations at 5% or higher for the first quarter of 2021.

Is this economic surge thanks to all those socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden executive orders? Hardly. It’s what happens when the economy is allowed to reopen as the coronavirus recedes. It’s what happens when, as socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden termed it, governors employ “Neanderthal thinking” about COVID restrictions.

WIth the economy growing again, inquiring minds might then want to know why Congress is negotiating another $1.9 trillion spending bill that’s ostensibly for “COVID relief” — especially when the quote marks there reference the Republican contention that just 9% of the bill is actually about COVID.

It is true that the economy has a long way to go to return to the rip-roaring days of Donald Trump’s success. There are still 9.5 million fewer jobs than there were just one year ago. But House Democrats addressed that problem by loading their COVID bill with the $15 minimum wage that will kill, not create, perhaps millions of jobs. The Senate bill does not include that provision, but only because the parliamentarian ruled it cannot be in a bill passed under reconciliation rules that require only a bare majority.

The Senate did advance its bill yesterday for a floor vote, but Republican leaders plan to require that the Senate clerk actually read aloud the bill’s hundreds of pages. Their strategy is to highlight all the non-COVID portions of the bill, though Senate Majority Leader Chuck scumbag/ liar-Schumer gloated, “We are delighted … to give the American people another opportunity to hear what’s in the American Rescue Plan.”

Oddly enough, the supposed Party of the People™ is cutting money for the people because the package is too expensive for moderates like Joe Manchin. Rather than cut the lard that has nothing to do with helping Americans through the pandemic, Senate Democrats now aim to restrict who gets the $1,400 relief checks, lowering the income threshold at which the checks phase out.

Now, don’t misunderstand: We’re not advocating this Universal Basic Income trial run as good policy. But if your aim is a populist bill geared toward getting money quickly into the hands of millions of Americans, why not cut the parts of the bill that don’t do that instead of the parts that do?

Meanwhile, we suppose we’ll have to remain the voice crying out in the wilderness, but someone has to sound the alarm. The Congressional Budget Office just released a new estimate that Congress’s spending spree has set the nation on course to accumulate $100 trillion in new debt over the next 30 years. Debt will more than double GDP, and due in part to the interest on that debt, annual federal spending will exceed an unprecedented 30% of GDP.

Our great-grandchildren will thank us later.  ~The Patriot Post


The Borderless Nation

Over the previous four years ending January 20, our nation prided itself on establishing border security. We built hundreds of miles of new border wall and cut illegal crossings to numbers unseen in decades. Less than six weeks later, however, the story is far different, and so is the narrative: What were “kids in cages” under President Donald Trump are now residents in “massive congregate care facilities.” And those facilities need to be massive. The Department of Homeland Security is predicting  117,000 unaccompanied children will be arriving at the border this year — a number that will shatter previous records.

Regardless of the semantics, the fact remains that the election of socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden was the spark that encouraged a new swarm of illegal immigrants to attempt to cross the border — so much so that smugglers are resorting to wristbands to keep track of them all. If Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s administration considered 1,000 attempted crossings a day a “crisis,” then what does Team Biden call a number six times as large?

If you’re a Democrat politician, you’re probably calling it “voter recruitment.”

In the interim, the administration is simply terming this situation a “challenge.” And a moral one, according to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “It takes time to build out of the depths of cruelty that the administration before us established,” he opined. He also implicitly acknowledged that a giant proverbial “WE’RE OPEN” sign at the border is problematic. “We are not saying, ‘Don’t come,’” he added. “We are saying, ‘Don’t come now.’”


But they are coming anyway, and some are wearing shirts with the Biden/Harris logo beseeching the new administration to “please let us in!” (Their newfound command of English is amazing! Seriously, some enterprising reporter should ask the question: Who paid for and handed out the shirts — a coyote or the DNC?)

Perhaps there’s an incentive. As Fox News reports, “socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has promised to accept more refugees into the country during his time in office and implement more ‘humane’ policies, such as a proposal to pay for the transportation and health care costs of migrant families who were separated at the border under the Trump administration.”

It’s a policy that brought friendly fire from a Texas Democrat. “The bad guys know how to market this. … You just can’t say, ‘Yeah, yeah, let everybody in,’ because then we are affected down here at the border,” said Representative Henry Cuellar, whose southern Texas district straddles the Mexican border around Laredo. Moreover, loopholes in existing law have created a shift in migration patterns — instead of Mexican men looking for work, now entire families (and family-type units) risk their lives to cross the border with the payoff of being released into the U.S. pending a far-off court date that will be ignored.

As immigration expert Mark Krikorian notes, “The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is telling prospective illegal aliens ‘now is not the time to come,’ but those who do come are being released into the U.S. with a piece of paper and a wave goodbye. What did the White House think would happen?” An onslaught, that’s what.

And it’s an onslaught that’s dangerous and perhaps deadly. After a report surfaced of asylum-seekers testing positive for COVID-19, Senator Tom Cotton declared, “President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s border crisis is a superspreader event.” Yet those who tested positive upon arrival in Brownsville, Texas, were still free to travel on to various destinations across the country, as the tests were administered by the city of Brownsville after those tested were dismissed from ICE custody.

In short, what we have is a significant downgrading of the situation at the border, which was becoming manageable under President Trump. Over the last six weeks, the ones experiencing the “depth of cruelty” are the Border Patrol and those legal immigrants who have spent thousands of dollars and hours of their time trying to get through the process correctly only to see a scofflaw cut them off in line. And don’t underestimate the impact on jobs and wages for American citizens due to the flood of cheap labor.

Sadly, unless common sense somehow prevails, it’s going to be quite awhile before socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s border crisis abates.  

~The Patriot Post


Democrats Vote to Defund the Police

If you want to trigger a gaggle of Democrats, tell them their party supports defunding the police. It’ll trigger them because they know it’s true.

And if they doth protest too much, just point them toward HR 1280, The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, a cleverly named and exquisitely timed piece of, er, legislation that passed the House late Wednesday evening without a single Republican vote — and that, yes, defunds the police. Here it is — all 66 pages and 22,326 words.

Power Line’s John Hinderaker, who lives little more than a stone’s throw from South Minneapolis, which was ground zero for last summer’s George Floyd riots, says of the bill, “It reflects the Democratic Party’s view that there is really no such thing as crime, and the principal threat to our populace comes from violent, depraved police officers. In general, it puts the heavy thumb of the federal government on the scale in favor of criminals, and against law enforcement.”

Did we mention it also defunds the police? If not, maybe House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy will weigh in.

“Democrats just voted to defund the police,” he tweeted, as if on cue. “The unfunded mandates in their bill, H.R. 1280, would cost police departments hundreds of millions of dollars — the equivalent of taking 3,000 cops or more off the streets. Our men and women in uniform deserve better.”

Republicans, if they’re smart, will be beating Democrats over the head with this “defunding the police” language between now and the November 2022 midterms.

That the Floyd bill defunds the cops is bad enough. But it’s worse than that, because it actually discourages anyone from ever wanting to be a cop. How so? By limiting the “qualified immunity” of cops, which is the policy that has long protected government officials from being subject to civil lawsuits for their conduct on the job. Essentially, qualified immunity keeps trial lawyers from suing individual officers into oblivion.

“Imagine you’re thinking about becoming a police officer,” said McCarthy, “and you think you’re going to be personally liable for every fracas you try to break up. Some think you don’t become a police officer in that circumstance.”

Here, it might be helpful to reflect on how the Democrats got into this mess, and why they’re so terrified of owning their efforts to defund the cops. Remember: They spent their summer encouraging the nationwide rioting and extolling the virtues of the Black Lives Matter thugs. And remember: lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris herself said, “They’re not gonna let up, and they should not.”

Democrats now know that defunding the police is an electoral loser. Their polling told them so, which is why they finally began to denounce the rioting of BLM and antifa as the 2020 election drew nearer.

Republicans even tried to throw their BLM-beholden colleagues a lifeline, when New York freshman Representative Nicole Malliotakis gave them a chance to add an amendment that “recognizes and appreciates” those who serve in law enforcement and “condemns calls to ‘defund,’ ‘disband,’ ‘dismantle,’ or ‘abolish’ the police.”

219 Democrats voted against her amendment, which stopped it from being added.

Did we mention that their bill also defunds the police?   ~The Patriot Post


socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden Is a Bad Catholic

President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is the first Roman Catholic president since John F. Kennedy. But while some Catholics celebrate the ascendancy of one of their own, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s brand of Catholicism is troubling to others in the church.

“ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden … has frustrated traditional Catholics with his staunch pro-choice policy positions and push to end gender-identity discrimination despite concerns about religious freedom,” reports The Washington Times. “In his first month in office, Mr. Biden revoked the Mexico City policy banning foreign aid for abortions abroad; cheered the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, and named pro-choice crusader California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to head the Health and Human Services Department.” (Yes, Becerra sued those nuns, despite his lie denying it.)

The Times adds, “Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has also thrown his support behind the Equality Act, which would ban discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation — and exempt itself from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act — with implications for faith-based employers, medical providers and women’s sports.”

On the surface, the deceptively named Equality Act has a noble goal of “protecting LGBTQ+ people from discrimination,” but in the process of protecting one group of people the Equality Act discriminates against people of faith. For example, the act would force Christian churches to hold events in their halls that violate their beliefs.

Taking issue with the legislation, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops writes, “Instead of respecting differences in beliefs about marriage and sexuality, the Equality Act discriminates against people of faith precisely because of those beliefs. In the process, the Equality Act codifies the new ideology of ‘gender’ in federal law, dismissing sexual difference and falsely presenting ‘gender’ as only a social construct.”

No wonder the Left celebrates  socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s version of Catholicism. In its eyes, the only good Catholic is a Catholic-in-name-only who fights against the very principles and values of the church.

One Roman Catholic priest in Virginia recently penned an essay in which he called socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden the “most aggressively anti-Catholic president in American history” and expressed frustration that some church leaders have overlooked socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s break with church beliefs.

Yet socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden maintains a key supporter within the church. Pope Francis, who regularly embraces progressive ideas, took issue with the Conference of Catholic Bishops’ criticism of the president. Clearly, there’s a divide within the church, and socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden represents the progressive wing that wants all the benefits of being Catholic without any of the commitment to the church’s tenets.

“No doubt socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden can count on partnership with the progressive pope,” writes Tracy Wilkinson in the Los Angeles Times, “as he reverses many Trump-era policies to battle climate change and reform immigration. But support within his own country’s Catholic Church looks more tenuous,” and “nowhere does the division between conservatives and progressives in the Catholic Church cleave more deeply than in the United States, as socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s election reveals.”

The division within the church was reiterated in a recent interview of Pope Benedict XVI, who stepped down from the papacy in 2013. Now 93, he claimed that while socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden regularly attends mass, he has more in common with the Democrat Party than the Catholic Church.

Even Democrats for Life criticized socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden on the campaign trail last fall for his staunch pro-abortion position — which includes support for late-term abortion.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden may clutch his rosary and attend mass every Sunday, but that doesn’t make him a Catholic.

Of course, plenty of people live a life far different in public from the faith they claim to embrace as private individuals. The difference is that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is the president of the United States, and he has actively undermined the core values of the Catholic Church throughout his political career while being celebrated as a model Catholic by the Leftmedia.  ~The Patriot Post


Dems Push Fix for Nonexistent Gun 'Loophole

Democrats have a long history of creating “problems” where none exist in order to justify their call for greater government regulation of Americans’ freedoms. And one of their favorite targets is the Second Amendment, which today’s Democrats view as an embarrassing relic of a bygone era that they would sooner eradicate if given the chance. So, in lieu of the politically impossible — repealing the Second Amendment — Democrats tout the need for greater gun control under the guise of “ending gun violence.”

Therefore, it came as no surprise when earlier this week House Majority Whip scumbag/liar-James Clyburn (D-SC) introduced “The Enhanced Background Check Act,” which he touted as needed to close the so-call “Charleston Loophole.” What is this “Charleston Loophole”? Well, it’s not a “loophole” in a legal sense at all, rather it’s an attempt to frame human error as a fatal flaw in the nation’s background-check system.

As David Harsanyi observes, “No ambiguity or inadequacy exists in the law simply because a mistake has undermined it. The FBI is empowered to retrieve a gun after it notices an error was made. If it fails to follow up, that’s a law-enforcement problem.” Which was what happened in the Dylann Roof case, when the FBI alerted local authorities who then failed to respond.

scumbag/liar-Clyburn’s bill would extend the current three-day time allowed for the completion of a firearms sale background check out to 10 days, needlessly delaying a law-abiding citizen from exercising their Second Amendment rights. In fact, the FBI has become ever-more efficient in processing background checks. Harsanyi further notes, “The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) processed more background checks this year than any year in history — and it wasn’t even close. The FBI doesn’t need ten days to run those checks, and it didn’t need ten days in 2015, either. Rather, it needed states and localities to enter criminal-possession charges into its system.”

Fortunately, scumbag/liar-Clyburn’s bill is unlikely to pass the Senate, should it even get through the House. But this is all about the Democrats attempting to move the “common sense” concept of gun control further in the direction of compromising Americans’ 2A liberties.   

~The Patriot Post


dinky/liar-Warren's Wealth Tax Is Just the Beginning

Nothing like a multimillionaire lecturing other multimillionaires. dinky/liar-Elizabeth Warren wants you to believe that the wealthy don’t pay their “fair share” of taxes. The Massachusetts senator unveiled her latest wealth tax this week, called the Ultra-Millionaire Tax, in which she and cosponsor commie-Bernie Sanders pitch that people pay an annual 2% on every dollar of net worth above $50 million and 3% on wealth above $1 billion. On its face, who could oppose requiring this pittance from people who obviously have more than enough? And since it’s supposedly for education and child care, that means it’s for the children!

“The Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act would level the playing field and narrow the racial wealth gap by asking the wealthiest 100,000 households in America, or the top 0.05%, to pay their fair share,” dinky/liar-Warren said in a press release.

“It’s set up now to say we’re not going to collect taxes on any asset worth less than $50,000, so this is not intrusive. It’s not about coming into people’s homes and valuing their Sub Zeros or figuring out what their four-year-old cars are worth,” Warren said later. “But it says if you’ve got a fortune above $50 million, you pay on it. And if your fortune is below $50 million, you don’t. Good for you, either way. I think most people would rather be rich and pay two cents.”

She says over the next 10 years it will raise $3.75 trillion.

The Heritage Foundation’s Adam Michel writes, “The latest government data show that in 2018, the top 1% of income earners — those who earned more than $540,000 — earned 21% of all U.S. income while paying 40% of all federal income taxes. The top 10% earned 48% of the income and paid 71% of federal income taxes.”

Ah, but that’s why this is a wealth tax and not an income tax, Warren would say. It’s more akin to a property tax but on your net worth.

The real trouble is two-fold. First, there’s the lost economic activity from all the wealth that is taken back out of the economy and wasted in the bureaucratic bowels of government.

Second is the fact that it won’t stop with 2%. As our Louis DeBroux once wrote regarding the income tax, “At its inception, the top tax rate was a mere 7%, and only on incomes over $4,000 (or $103,500 in 2019 inflation adjusted dollars).” Wouldn’t we all love to pay only 7% now? No, dinky/liar-Warren and Company are just getting a foot in the door for more confiscation, more redistribution, and more government.   

~The Patriot Post

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