Americans Pay High Cost for bumble/socialist/ scumbag/

liar-Biden’s Border Crisis

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bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s border crisis has reached critical levels, as demonstrated by the ever-increasing numbers of illegal aliens flowing over the southern border. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents encountered a 21-year high of 210,000 illegal border crossers in July, and a new monthly record was set for the number of unaccompanied minors apprehended (over 19,000). Oh, and there’s a spiking number of COVID-positive illegal migrants (up over 900%).

The situation has gotten so bad that a Department of Homeland Security whistleblower recently contacted Republican lawmakers detailing the bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s attempts to circumvent U.S. law. In a letter, GOP House Members Jim Jordan (OH), Tom McClintock (CA), and Matt Rosendale (MT) allege, “We have learned recently from a frontline whistleblower that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is ignoring COVID-19 protocols to facilitate the surge of illegal aliens into the country.”

The lawmakers’ letter asserts, “The whistleblower explained that ‘numerous aliens with standing prior orders of removal are being released from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) custody … in direct violation of 8 USC 1231(a)(5),' the federal law that requires an alien’s final order of removal to be reinstated.” They further add: “The whistleblower explained that CBP is turning over only about 25 percent of illegal aliens to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for detention, and that most have been released for absurd reasons including high body mass index. The whistleblower said that illegal aliens are literally eating themselves to obesity in order to be released.”

In other words, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s DHS is looking for almost any excuse to avoid deporting illegal aliens, instead releasing them into the American population.

The result of such a lax and effectively criminal enforcement policy was recently brought home with a recent report from the Texas Rangers. It was recorded that from June of 2011 to June of 2021, more than 344,000 criminal aliens were arrested for crimes including 1,245 homicides, 66,924 assaults, 17,456 burglaries, 7,076 sexual assaults, and 980 kidnappings to name a few. And this was just in the state of Texas. As the Texas Department of Public Safety pointedly observed, the report “identifies thousands of crimes that should not have occurred and thousands of victims that should not have been victimized because the perpetrator should not be here.” Indeed, several hundred people would still be alive.

It comes as no surprise that there are now calls for  bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s impeachment. Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) on Monday called for the impeachment of both bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and his DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, stating, “Over the past several months, President bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and Secretary Mayorkas have blatantly and consistently refused to do their constitutional duty to take care that the immigration laws be faithfully executed, as required by Article II, endangering countless American and foreign lives in the process.”

While attempting to couch their border policy as “humane,” bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration “do-gooders” are engaged in doing the exact opposite. Border Patrol facilities for housing illegals are overcrowded and bursting at the seams. If kids in cages were supposedly terrible during Donald Trump’s tenure, they’ve only gotten exponentially worse under  bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden. And on top of this, there’s the rampant spread of COVID.

Aside from the plight faced by illegal migrants, there’s the shameful spreading of crime and disease via the bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s catch-and-release policy. Rather than seeking to secure the border first in order to better handle the illegal immigration problem, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden insists on propping the gate wide open. His administration ridiculously asserts that the key to stopping the migrant flow and solving the “root cause” is found in sending billions of taxpayer dollars to corrupt Central American governments. Therefore, not only is bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden turning a blind eye to what should be his first priority — the plight of everyday American  citizens who are experiencing higher levels of crime due to his open-borders policy — but he’s robbing American taxpayers to essentially reward corrupt governments for their failed economic policies. bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden should be held to account for his willful dereliction of duty.  ~The Patriot Post


bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Polling Plummet
It was a hot summer, 42 years ago, when Jimmy Carter delivered what became know as “The Great Malaise Speech.” At the time, the nation was besieged with “stagflation,” a stagnant economy with high inflation. Energy prices soared. Carter had demonstrated he was wholly inept in domestic and foreign policy matters.

Carter used the speech to list complaints he had heard from “business and labor, teachers and preachers, governors, mayors, and private citizens” at a Camp David summit, followed by a national town hall tour. He read a long list of complaints he received, starting with this: “Mr. President, you are not leading this nation — you’re just managing the government.” Actually, he was not leading or managing. He followed the list of complaints with a lecture on what the complainants needed to do in order to resolve our national problems — starting with the “restoration of American values.”

Arguably, he was correct about the degradation of our values, but his message conveyed, “It is your problem, not my problem.”

Whatever ground he intended to gain with his national address was overshadowed weeks later by the Iran hostage crisis — the takeover of our embassy in Tehran, where 66 Americans were held hostage for 444 days. They were wisely released moments after Ronald Reagan was sworn into office in 1981.

Having spent time with Jimmy Carter on several occasions during the Reagan years, I found him to be a person of good character who suffered a dearth of leadership skills and was completely ill-equipped to lead the nation out of its domestic and foreign woes.

Carter’s speech was a long time ago, but to put it into perspective, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden had already finished his first term as a senator before Carter took office.

Now, little more than six months into bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s first term, he is challenging Carter’s record for ineffective leadership, as another Great Malaise is on our horizon.

To be fair, Carter was a Naval Academy graduate who was on the forefront of our nuclear submarine development, and he was a business manager and governor before he entered the White House at age 52.

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, on the other hand, avoided military service with five student deferments through college and law school, where, despite plagiarizing the work of others, he graduated near the bottom of his class. He then avoided military service with a “medical deferment” so he could get his political career underway. Five decades later, bumble/socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden entered the White House almost an octogenarian, having accomplished little of legislative merit in all those years, and, demonstrably, non compos mentis.

It appears that bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s socialist Democrat Party surge since entering office is losing some appeal beyond his most vociferous partisan leftists.

Thus, it is no surprise that approval ratings for bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and his puppeteer, scumbag/ liar-Kamala Harris, have plummeted across multiple reputable polls.

Daily tracking at Rasmussen Reports now indicates at least half of likely voters disapprove of bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s record as president.

In a Morning Consult-Politico poll, more than 47% of registered voters now view scumbag/liar-Harris unfavorably, while 45% view bumble/socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden unfavorably. scumbag/liar-Harris’s unfavorable rating was worse in an Economist-YouGov poll.

Gallup polling has bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden at 50% approval, down from 57% approval when he entered office.

According to a Monmouth University poll, bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s net approval rating of +24 has nose-dived to just +4.

An ABC News/Ipsos poll finds the nation’s optimism on the direction of the country has dropped 20 points since May. More than 55% of the public say they are pessimistic about our country’s direction — up from 36% in May.

All notwithstanding, as reported from the leftist echo chambers, The New York Times declared, “President  bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden enjoys widespread job approval, as Americans’ optimism about the future continues to climb…” Or as CNN puts it, “bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s approval rating simply hasn’t moved in six months.”

Actually, given the relentless Leftmedia propaganda in  bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s favor, it is remarkable that the “Pollaganda Effect” — media polls reflecting nothing more than what the MSM tells people — has not sustained bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/scumbag/liar-Harris ratings. But what Americans are actually experiencing in their daily lives is defying Leftmedia puffery.

Of course, the polling trends may not last if the bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/scumbag/liar-Harris great malaise does not set in. But the indicators are not good for Democrats retaining the House and Senate after the 2022 midterm elections. Therefore, the Left has put  bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s agenda into high gear. As political analyst Byron York notes: “bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s decline in support among independents will encourage more independence [for centrist Demos]. That is why you see so many Democrats urging bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden to hurry up and push his agenda through Congress as quickly as possible, before his ratings decline more. The president is politically weaker today than he was three months ago, and he will likely be weaker still three months from now.”

Finally, I note a related poll — one on race relations. Thanks to the Demo hate-hustlers, according to Gallup’s “Ratings of Black-White Relations,” “U.S. adults’ positive ratings of relations between Black and White Americans are at their lowest point in more than two decades of measurement.” Meanwhile, “Majorities of Americans rate relations between Hispanic and White people, Black and Hispanic people, Asian and White people, and Black and Asian people as good.” Of course, Demo partisans thrive on Americans hating each other. ~The Patriot Post


Masked Motives: Teachers Union Wavers on Classroom Return
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In our home state of Tennessee, parents and teachers alike just took part in the time-honored ritual of getting back-to-school supplies over the tax-free weekend. After a year of hybrid learning, everyone is ready for school to go back to normal.

That’s assuming schools will be allowed to reopen. This actually remains a question across the country, especially after the president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Randi Weingarten, stated recently that due to the COVID Delta variant, lack of herd immunity, and the fact that students under 12 years of age can’t get vaccinated, she cannot guarantee that school will indeed reopen.

The reasoning is ludicrous. Public school teachers were some of the first to be allowed to get the vaccine. The teachers who were concerned got the vaccine. The vaccine has proven to be helpful in fighting the Delta variant. Available evidence shows that though there may be breakthrough cases, there is an extremely low chance that the infection would cause hospitalization or death.

Children under 12 are not super-spreaders. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, as of July 29, children account for 14.3% of all COVID cases. Furthermore, “The available data indicate that COVID-19-associated hospitalization and death is uncommon in children.” That’s an understatement. Keep in mind that a few states even count as children those up to the age of 20, potentially skewing the data.

The real reasons for AFT’s hesitation? This is a hostage situation.

The teachers unions have every reason to hold the threat of school closures over the heads of parents. Most of these reasons come in the form of political power and stacks of cash.

In terms of money, they demanded that the federal government give them millions of dollars toward updating filtration in schools, and this they received.

In terms of power, it is no secret that the teachers unions wield an immense amount of sway in the Democrat Party. In April of this year, Weingarten stated regarding the 2022 elections that it “will be a vitally important cycle, and that’s why the AFT moved earlier than usual, mindful of the challenges posed by the pandemic, to ensure our long-term allies could establish a footprint.” That movement she’s referring to is monetary donations to congressional candidates and committees through AFT’s PAC.

You don’t hear the teachers in these unions saying much. The fact is that the average public school teacher saw a rise in salary of 3% even though most were not teaching in person until the spring — if at all. The unions have greased the pockets of teachers and politicians alike and will likely continue to do the bidding of the federal government in the process.

President bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden stated two weeks ago that the Centers for Disease Control is going to recommend that students under 12 are masked at school. And this week, National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins stated: “The recommendations are for kids under 12, that they avoid being in places where they might get infected, which means recommendations of mask-wearing in schools.” (Bafflingly, he recommended masks at home as well, but we digress.)

Again, this is an unnecessary measure that does not align with science.

It will be interesting to see if this eventually plays a part in AFT’s decision to reopen schools this fall. It will certainly unmask any doubts that the teachers unions and the current government administration are in cahoots to control parents through threatening their children’s education.

~The Patriot Post


Anti-Gun Hypocrite Sets an Example
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Leftist gun grabbers have a long history of exploiting children to push for gun control. Now we can add child endangerment to their résumé.

In a little-noticed story last month, the Associated Press reports: “Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren pleaded not guilty … to charges stemming from a police raid that allegedly turned up a rifle and pistol, and her 10-year-old daughter alone, in the home she shares with her husband. A grand jury indicted Warren and her husband Timothy Granison … on a felony count of criminal possession of a firearm, as well as misdemeanor counts of endangering the welfare of a child and having unsecured guns in a home.”

This isn’t a story about actually endangering a child by having guns in the home. It is a story about leftist hypocrisy.

Warren is one of the mayors involved with Michael Bloomberg’s anti-Second Amendment group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

MAIG demands leftist policies like “universal” background checksred flag laws, and storage requirements. And in Warren’s case, New York requires registration of pistols, and Rochester requires locked gun storage. The mayor violated both of those laws.

Perhaps Warren’s daughter was endangered by those unlocked guns. Bloomberg’s buddies at the Brady Campaign certainly want us to think that. Or perhaps the girl was actually endangered by Granison’s cocaine trafficking.

Either way, Warren serves as the poster child of hypocrisy, which surely played a role in her June primary defeat. As she nears the end of her term and faces criminal charges, here’s hoping a few more Americans take heed of her story to promote good gun safety practices, such as those taught in the NRA’s Eddie Eagle Gun Safe Program. Warren’s daughter and millions of other kids would benefit from knowing what to do should they encounter a firearm. And Democrats would benefit from abandoning their “do as I say, not as I do” philosophy. ~The Patriot Post


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Far-Left Democrats Want Eviction Moratorium to Last Forever

Far-left Congressional Democrats scumbag/worthless-Cori Bush (Missouri), Ilhan Omar (Minnesota) and Ayanna Pressley (Massachusetts) slept in the rough on the Capitol steps over the weekend, surrounded by cases of bottled water, pizza boxes, staffers and fawning press. These Democrats, who are part of a group who call themselves “The Squad,” are protesting the end of the federal moratorium on evictions, which expired Saturday night, and warning of soaring homelessness.

They should have been shooed away by Capitol Police for their stunt. Camping on public property is against the law in the District of Columbia. It threatens public safety, creates disorder and health hazards and wrecks neighborhoods. Last week, the Los Angeles City Council passed an ordinance banning encampments in most public areas and ordering police to clear tents and cardboard colonies. Even uber-liberal LA has had enough.

The Squad is playing on this public concern over the homeless to demand Congress enact a new eviction moratorium. It would not only suspend rent and mortgage obligations but actually cancel them until the pandemic is over. When is that? In their view, maybe never.

Far-left Democrats have a socialist agenda, which can be seen in their message: Don’t pay rent, we’ll block evictions; don’t pay back college loans, we’ll cancel them; don’t work, we’ll take money from those who do work and give it to you.

Before Omar set up camp Friday, she introduced a bill in the House for guaranteed incomes. Everyone would receive $1200 a month from the government whether you work or not. Utopia, unless you happen to be one of the people toiling to pay for it.

The truth is there’s no need for an eviction moratorium. Congress has provided $47 billion in rent relief with generous terms. A New York City household of four earning as much as $95,450 is eligible. There are delays in getting the money out, but in New York, California, Massachusetts and several other states, any renter who applies for aid is protected from eviction while waiting.

That federal rent aid is on top of stimulus checks and unemployment benefits with federal add-ons, and in New York State, newly enhanced state vouchers for renters who need help.

The White House said Monday, “Money is available in every state to help renters who are behind on rent and at risk of eviction.” The White House and US Treasury are pressuring states to get the money distributed.

The economic problem is not tenants unable to find work. It’s too few workers willing to take the jobs available.

“America’s employers can’t fill a record 9.2 million jobs because the government has been paying people more in unemployment to stay home,” Rep. Nicole Malliotakis told the New York Post. “So why aren’t they paying their rent?”

Continuing the moratorium would clobber mom-and-pop landlords who need revenue to pay mortgages and repair buildings. They’ve been hardest hit during the pandemic, according to the University of Pennsylvania Housing Initiative. Prolonging the moratorium threatens their survival, putting housing supply at risk.

Let’s be clear. A moratorium won’t relieve the crime, filth and disorder caused by hardcore homeless lying on the streets, benches and subway stairs. Most are mentally ill or addicted. They didn’t become homeless because of pandemic layoffs. Some have been living rough for a decade.

They need sensible love: removal from the streets to supervised shelters with mental health and addiction services. For their sake, as well as to restore quality of life and safety in cities such as New York.

As for homelessness caused by the pandemic, Republicans and Democrats alike supported a temporary moratorium on evictions during the lockdown, when millions were forced out of work. That time has passed.

Yet Monday morning, scumbag/worthless-Bush tweeted from her sleeping bag, predicting 11 million would become homeless. A lot of theatrics, but none of it true.

Layoffs are way down from the pandemic peak in April 2020, and it’s time to get the capitalist engines humming. Unfortunately, that’s not what left-wing Democrats want.  ~The Patriot Post


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The Blame Game

While watching the financial news network CNBC yesterday, I was surprised by how downcast the hosts were. Has something terrible happened? Yes. New coronavirus cases have surpassed last summer’s peak. In seconds, they were attacking the unvaccinated, blaming them for threatening the economy.

But communist China is responsible for this, not our fellow Americans. The communist Chinese unleashed this virus. And hundreds of thousands of Americans died as a result of communist China’s deceit.

Thousands of businesses were destroyed. Religious liberty suffered. Your child’s education suffered. Yet, the first impulse of our media elite and left-wing politicians is to blame their fellow Americans.

By the way, CNBC continues to be a proponent of more trade with communist China. Maybe they could talk to their friends in Beijing and beg them not to send us another deadly virus.

You had to watch for several minutes before CNBC got to the good news. While cases are going up fast, deaths, thankfully, remain low — about a tenth of what they were at the worst of the pandemic.

What explains the difference? Americans are making rational decisions. The elderly and those with serious pre-existing conditions have gotten vaccinated. The elderly accounted for the great majority of last year’s COVID-related deaths. It’s a lot harder now for people like Gov. scumbag/liar-Andrew Cuomo to kill the elderly in nursing homes.

Experts note that the Delta variant in England appears to have peaked and is now declining. The evidence is overwhelming that we’re just going to have to learn to live with COVID.

We cannot continue moving the goalposts. The objective cannot be that no one ever gets COVID again. If that becomes the goal, our schools will never reopen and we’ll never get back to normal.

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Picks

As I have said before, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s radical appointments clearly expose the lie that he is a “uniter” and a “moderate.” His latest appointments are no exception.

As you know, I was a Trump-appointee to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). I served three years and my term ended in May. President Trump appointed me because I have devoted much of my career to defending the right of every human being to worship God freely.

Last week, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden filled my vacancy with Khizr Khan. He’s a Muslim American, and that’s fine. I served proudly with Nury Turkel, a Muslim Uighur. He worked closely with me to expose communist China’s persecution of both Christians and Muslims. We were on the same side on virtually every vote.

Can we expect the same from bumble/socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden’s appointment of Mr. Khan? Well, I don’t know because Khan has no record on the issue of religious liberty. His only claim to fame is attacking Donald Trump when he suggested that we should pause immigration from countries that are known hotbeds of Islamic extremism.

The headline from the left-wing Politico says it all: “bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Nominates Trump Critic Khizr Khan To Religious Freedom Commission.”

Sadly, Mr. Khan’s son died while serving honorably in the U.S. military in Iraq. But Khan used his son’s death to attack President Trump for trying to stop the same radical Islamists who killed his son.

Maybe Mr. Khan will surprise me. I hope so. But I fear he will likely use this position to score cheap political points and advance the left’s agenda.

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden also announced the appointment of Deborah Lipstadt as the ambassador to combat anti-Semitism. She is a professor of Holocaust history at Emory University in Georgia.

According to the Zionist Organization of America, Lipstadt compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, and she compared anyone questioning the merits of the last election to Holocaust deniers.

As someone who has spent decades fighting anti-Semitism and Holocaust deniers, I find it offensive that Lipstadt was appointed to this important post.

ZOA believes she is only interested in fighting anti-Semitism from one side of the political spectrum, and she has remained largely silent about anti-Semitism from the left and from radical Islam.

So once again, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has taken government posts that should be non-partisan and appointed people to them who will use their power to demonize conservatives and advance the left’s agenda.

Muppet Madness

Years ago, the left mocked conservatives for suggesting there was a “gay agenda” aimed at children. Today, the left openly promotes that agenda.

The latest example comes to us courtesy of the Muppet Babies, a Disney show aimed at children ages 4 to 7. In a recent episode, Gonzo (a male muppet) decides to go to a ball in a dress as the princess “Gonzo-rella.” While some may get a chuckle out of this, it’s actually quite serious.

From the schools teaching our children that race is everything to the Muppet Babies teaching our kids that transgenderism is just another lifestyle choice, the left is all in on indoctrinating our children, while far too many Americans are still sleepwalking through the culture war. Conservatives must become woke about the battle we are in.

About That Event…

You probably heard about the recent event in Massachusetts where a lot of vaccinated people got breakthrough COVID infections. This event was reportedly what caused the CDC to reimpose its latest mask mandate.

Well, there’s a lot about that event that no one at the CDC or the media told us. It was an annual gathering of gay men engaging in heaving drinking, drug use and promiscuous sex. In short, it was a bizarre model on which to base public health policy for the rest of the country.

If you care to read more, you can at this link.

Speaking of COVID, today’s dose of liberal “tolerance” comes from Kate Coyne-McCoy, a top official at the Rhode Island Democrat Party. Referring to Sen. Lindsey Graham’s announcement that he has tested positive for the virus, Coyne-McCoy tweeted, “It’s wrong to hope he dies from Covid right? Asking for a friend.”

scumbag/liar-Cuomo The Creep

New York Governor scumbag/liar-Andrew Cuomo celebrated recently when the Justice Department let him off the hook for seeding nursing homes with sick COVID patients. It seems his celebrations were premature.  scumbag/liar-Cuomo is still in a heap of trouble.

New York Attorney General Letitia James just dropped a bombshell report accusing him of sexual harassment. In her remarks to the media, James said:

“The investigation found that Gov. scumbag/liar-Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed current and former New York state employees by engaging in unwelcome and non-consensual touching and making numerous offensive comments of a suggestive and sexual nature that created a hostile work environment for women…

"The governor and his senior team took actions to retaliate against at least one former employee for coming forward… The investigators found that scumbag/liar-Cuomo’s actions and those of the executive chamber violated multiple state and federal laws…

"This investigation has revealed conduct that corrodes the very fabric and character of our state government and shines light on injustice that can be present at the highest levels of government.”

Stay tuned. We’ll keep you posted. ~The Patriot Post

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