The Patriot Post ~ 6 Featuring "VAN JONES"

May Day: Border Crisis Sets Record


More than 180,000 people visited the U.S. border with Mexico in May. “Border czar” scumbag/liar-Kamala Harris wasn’t one of them.

President-in-Waiting scumbag/liar-Harris became socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s “border czar” in March. Since then, the border crisis has only gotten worse as we’ve all waited for scumbag/liar-Harris to actually visit the border. She’s laughed off the idea on more than one occasion, including this week just before her trip to Guatemala and Mexico. It’s certainly not a laughing matter.

A record high 180,034 people were apprehended by federal law enforcement last month trying to cross the U.S. border, and that’s after April and March saw 178,622 and 172,331, respectively. Since the Department of Homeland Security was established in 2002, no single month has seen the border traffic May did. Last month’s number represents an eye-popping 674% increase year over year, and are far higher than the 30,000-50,000 monthly average over the last decade.

Too bad these statistics weren’t released during scumbag/liar-Harris’s trip.

Not all of these migrants are being turned away, either. “More than 38,000 children who migrated to the United States from countries south of Mexico and came across the southern border without a parent have been released throughout the country since President socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden took office,” reports the Washington Examiner. “The figure represents the highest number of migrant children to be discharged from government custody at any point in U.S. history.”

Those children often become the connections that bring in adults later.

It’s not that scumbag/liar-Harris showing up at the border would suddenly fix anything, but it would convey at least a modicum of seriousness about the situation instead of laughing, shrugging, yammering about “root causes” of migration, and essentially asking What crisis?

As Mark Alexander put it, “So ‘Border Czar’ scumbag/liar-Kamala Harris, claims the ‘root causes’ of the southern border surge include ‘extreme weather conditions and the lack of climate adaptation; as well as … violence against women, Indigenous people, LGBTQ people, and Afro-descendants.’ Actually, the ‘root cause’ is the Biden/Harris open border invitation.”

Sure, she went to Central America and said to potential migrants, “Do not come.” But the clear and unmistakable message of socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s administration is that Donald Trump’s efforts at border security were cruel and racist, and the new sheriff in town isn’t going to behave that way. What potential migrants are actually hearing is if you come, you can stay.

Don’t take our word for it. Take socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s.

In 2019, he said, “I would in fact make sure that there is, that we immediately surge to the border — all those people are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard. That’s who we are. We’re a nation that says, ‘If you want to flee and you’re fleeing oppression, you should come.’” The coyotes making $200,000 to smuggle migrants certainly got the message.

“The truth is, the border crisis could be fixed overnight,”  says political analyst John Daniel Davidson. “All the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration has to do is stop letting people into the country. Turn them back at the border, and tell them they’ll have to wait in Mexico for the outcome of their asylum hearing. It won’t take long for word to get back to the sending communities that the trip isn’t worth it.”

In other words, go back to Donald Trump’s border policies.  ~The Patriot Post


Ameriphobia Strikes The New York TimesjBSqMnfq7OWWGbrg76pf7QnHl8KZ5d7Eh69jK0xlF0WwmIhlT4v-ZqKqI_0xzTaa9FzoTPPGGDQj9Ipc4v6lpMAK_es2i0EFvIv83BsbKCzm71Pe-G0iZXrx5KLubg=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400x

It had to be a chilling sight — indeed, a deeply disturbing sight. Like something out of 1930s Nuremberg. There, on Long Island, in deep-blue New York, were … trucks. And white people. With “dozens of American flags.”


“I was on Long Island this weekend visiting a really dear friend,” recounted New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay, “and I was really disturbed. I saw, you know, dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with explicatives [she meant "expletives”] against socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden on the back of them, Trump flags, and in some cases just dozens of American flags, which, y'know, is also just disturbing, because essentially the message was clear. It was, ‘This is my country. This is not your country. I own this.’“

It’s not clear whether Gay actually saw any signs that said, "This is my country, this is not your country, I own this,” or whether she simply gets triggered when she sees a group of Americans flying American flags in America.

Might she be suffering from flagophobia? Or crackerphobia? Or are these simply symptoms of the dreaded Trump Derangement Syndrome?

The above remarks by Gay were preceded by her opining on the outrageous lack of a congressional investigation into the unarmed non-insurrection of January 6. “The reality is, here, that, uh, we have … tens of millions of Trump voters who, uh, continue to believe that their rights as citizens are under threat by the simple virtue of having to share democracy with others. Um, I think, uh, as long as they see Americanness as the same, as one, with whiteness, this is going to continue. We have to figure out how to get every American a place at the table in this democracy, but how to separate Americanness, America, from whiteness.”

Why is it that the Left keeps calling the American experiment a “democracy”? It’s a R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C. Perhaps they just like the idea of “democracy,” given their deep affinity for mobs and mob rule. As James Madison put it in Federalist 55, “Had every Athenian citizen been a Socrates, every Athenian assembly would still have been a mob.”

And where does Gay get her notion of “tens of millions of Trump voters” who won’t play nice with others? There’s exactly zero evidence to support this smear. (We should remind our readers that Gay is mathematically challenged. We take no pleasure in saying it, but this is the same genius who last year lamented, along with MSNBC’s Brian Williams, that Mike Bloomberg “could’ve given every American $1 million” instead of having spent it on his pathetic presidential campaign.

Finally, what’s with the baseless smear of white folks? Does anyone think that had Gay, last weekend on Long Island, amid all those trucks and “whiteness” and American flags, simply walked up and said Hello that she’d have been set upon or chased off? Nonsense. And despicable.

But we’d be remiss if we didn’t note that the Times came indignantly to Gay’s defense, huffing that her comments “have been irresponsibly taken out of context.” What’s the context? “Her argument was that Trump and many of his supporters have politicized the American flag. The attacks on her today are ill-informed and grounded in bad-faith.”

To this we say, pound sand, you schmucks. And we ask, who’s politicized the flag? Her comments are her comments, and they’re there for everyone to see and evaluate. The “out-of-context” canard is the last refuge of leftist scoundrels and fact-checkers. But we repeat ourselves.

Finally, then, we’ll offer a bit of friendly, compassionate advice from our humble shop to Gay and her colleagues on the Times editorial board: Shelter in place. Following Memorial Day and D-Day, and with Flag Day coming up and Independence Day soon to follow, it’s gonna be a mighty tough stretch for folks who hate this country. 

~The Patriot Post


Fallible Fauci Hides Behind ‘Science’

Dr. Anthony Fauci asserted during yet another recent media interview that “a lot of what you’re seeing as attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.” He went on to say, “If you are trying to get at me as a public health official and a scientist, you’re really attacking, not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you’re attacking science. And anybody that looks at what’s going on clearly sees that.” The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) sounds more like the pope of the “Church of Science” than a genuine scientist.

The fact of the matter is, Flip-Flop Fauci’s “follow the science” trope has been used far too often as a shield to deflect against any criticism of his continuously changing pandemic policy guidance — some of which he has admitted was intentionally misleading. Furthermore, the idea that governmental officials and so-called experts should be immune from criticism is anathema both to a free society and to the principles of sound science and intellectual inquiry.

Senator Rand Paul has been one of the leading critics of Fauci on Capitol Hill. He responded to the NIAID director’s latest dubious assertion by stating, “My complaint with Dr. Fauci is precisely that he doesn’t follow the science. By ignoring the validity of naturally acquired immunity, and consequently not prioritizing the vaccine to individuals not yet infected by COVID-19, thousands of deaths have and will occur when demand for the vaccine outstrips the supply, as we are seeing in India.”

Reason senior editor Robby Soave astutely observes, “‘Science’ is not synonymous with Fauci, or the CDC, or any lone source of authority. Scientific experts routinely disagree on various policies. … Being pro-science does not mean parroting the talking points of the government’s chosen spokesperson. Robust debate and challenge are part of the scientific process.”

Of course, Fauci is keenly aware that debate and challenge are part of the scientific process, which makes his assertion that any criticism of him is criticism of science disingenuous on top of being wrong. Fauci is knowingly conflating his publicly expressed opinions with “science” in an attempt to deflect from the troubling evidence that has come to light. The recently revealed trove of emails shows that he intentionally sought to undercut any attempt to investigate the possibility of COVID having leaked from the Wuhan lab. Republican lawmakers have now called for Fauci’s firing, which likely explains his “I Am Science” nonsense.

Furthermore, Republicans are concerned over possible collusion between Fauci and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to have the social media giant censor certain COVID posts that did not comport with the preferred narrative.

Representatives Jim Jordan and James Comer sent a letter to Zuckerberg requesting access to all documentation of these communications. They write, “In light of Facebook’s … censorship of certain COVID-19 content — including content about the pandemic’s origin — these communications with Dr. Fauci raise the prospect that the federal government induced Facebook to censor certain speech in violation of the First Amendment.”

It’s definitely time to send the Beltway’s highest-paid bureaucrat packing.  ~The Patriot Post


Vaccine Passports: Totalitarian AND Racist

“Americans are not stupid. Data is the new way to control everybody, and this unholy marriage of data and this health focus, this vaccine focus, is an incredibly, demonically brilliant way to control everyone.” —author and former Al Gore presidential campaign adviser Naomi Wolf

In late March, New York became the first state to issue a vaccine passport known as the “Excelsior Pass.” It’s an app that will allow New Yorkers to prove their vaccination status, or recent history of a negative COVID-19 test, in order to gain entry to events and businesses. Governors in Illinois and Hawaii have expressed interest as well.

By contrast, a duplicitous socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is getting the private sector to do its data-aggregating dirty work, as it was also revealed in March that the White House is working with companies in that regard. “The government is not viewing its role as the place to create a passport nor a place to hold the data of citizens,” stated Andy Slavitt, senior adviser to the White House COVID-19 Response Team. “We view this as something that the private sector is doing, and we’ll do what’s important to us.”

Yet Slavitt also made it clear that the government would be putting its proverbial thumb on the scale. “We think we can essentially put forward guidelines and guidance,” Slavitt added. “And given the federal government’s source and role in society from everything from the [Transportation Security Administration] to the [Veterans Administration] to the Department of Health and Human Services … We have a major impact on what will get done. So we’re putting forward our principles very clearly.”

Principles? A racially obsessed Democrat Party and its virtue-signaling private sector allies — the very same entities grown quite comfortable accusing America of “systemic racism” — are poised to endure an epic beatdown, based on such coercive “principles.”

One wholly of their own making.

For weeks, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s media allies sought to frame white conservatives as the most “vaccine hesitant” cohort of Americans. And, as always, they couldn’t conceal their bicoastal elitism when doing so. “The White House is working to reach vaccine-hesitant white conservatives the best way they know how: between episodes of Deadliest Catch, NASCAR races, and country music TV programming,” Teen Vogue reported.

Press Secretary liar-Jen Psaki signaled the administration’s support of that effort. “We’re looking for a range of creative ways to get directly connected to white conservative communities,” she said. “We won’t always be the best messengers, but we’re still trying to meet people where they are, but also empower local organizations.”

As recently as Monday, the UK’s Daily Mail framed a “huge fall” in U.S. vaccination rates in terms of geography, insisting the slowdown is driven by the “South and Midwest.” Again, the implication is that the Bitter Clinger Crowd was gumming up the works for their far more “enlightened” counterparts on the coasts and in the Northeast. Further categorizing that resistance, a Gallup poll released Monday revealed that of the one-in-five Americans who do not want to get the COVID-19 shot, 78% of them are unlikely to change their minds.

The problem with this particular framing of the agenda? It’s a calculated lie, obscuring a highly inconvenient truth.

The truth? According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, as of May 24, vaccination rates broken down by race across 40 states are as follows: 54% of Asians have received the jab, followed by 43% of whites, 32% of Hispanics, and 29% of blacks.

Thus as it turns out, the two biggest groups of minorities — and black Americans in particular — are the most vaccine-hesitant people in the nation. And as the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration and its allies in the private sector will soon discover, those who live by the Race Card, die by it also, as COVID “passports” become de facto segregation by race, in all its Jim Crow permutations.

Brought to America by the same Democrat Party that heartily endorsed it the first time around.

Yet it gets even worse. Beginning with the Supreme Court’s 1971 landmark decision in Griggs v. Duke Power Co., the concept known as “disparate impact” was established as part of the nation’s anti-discrimination efforts. Disparate impact is defined as “an unnecessary discriminatory effect on a protected class caused by a practice or policy (as in employment or housing) that appears to be nondiscriminatory.”

In other words, vaccine passports may not only be about bad racial “appearances” for the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration, and the private companies, organizations, educational institutions, etc., determined to segregate Americans according to their vaccine status. They may be illegal as well, when disproportionate numbers of minorities cannot access jobs, education, etc., relative to their white and Asian counterparts. Black and Hispanic Americans who have already endured higher unemployment rates during the pandemic, and a black-white achievement gap in education that has remained static for more than 50 years.

Perhaps nothing says “discriminatory effect” better than exacerbating those realities.

Moreover, despite all the hysterical progressive rhetoric to the contrary, the concerns of vaccine-eschewing minorities in particular, and millions of Americans in general, cannot be dismissed out of hand. The vaccines themselves are still authorized for “emergency use only,” meaning everyone who has received one is effectively a test subject. And there are few studies that address whether or not those who have already had coronavirus, and thus have immunity, will benefit or be adversely affected by adding a jab to the mix.

And then there is history: Many black Americans are fully aware of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments involving 600 black Americans treated like lab rats by the federal government for 40 years. Why should they trust the government now, especially when the socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden administration and the Democrat Party are still insisting America is racist to the core?

And then there are HIPPA laws. Though the Left takes great pains to assure Americans that the presentation of vaccine passports is strictly voluntary, who’s kidding whom? The same tech companies that already track Americans’ every move can certainly determine whether or not one has has been granted access to certain venues. And if those venues have vaccinated and non-vaccinated sections, they can determine in which one a person is seated.

It wouldn’t take much extrapolation to build a database from that info. And when the reality that the FBI attempted to access the data of everyone who was simply in  Washington, DC on January 6, and tried to force the Gannet newspaper group to provide them with the names of those who simply read a USA Today story about a suspect in a child pornography case who fatally shot two FBI agents in February, the notion that aspects of our health data are off limits to these totalitarian wannabes is utterly laughable.

Columnist Jazz Shaw gets to the bottom line. “This is not freedom,” he asserts. “This is not American. This is simply tyranny.”

It is tyranny disproportionately affecting American minorities the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration purports to champion. In other words, talk is cheap — and the irony is searing.  ~The Patriot Post


Maher on socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s ‘Higher Education Scam’

Wealthy leftist entertainer Bill Maher recently issued a scathing condemnation of socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s so-called “American Families Plan.” Specifically, he berated socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s free higher education proposal, calling it a scam that is driving tuition inflation.

Maher, a New Yorker and graduate of exclusive Cornell University, is no bold “truth speaker,” but he does occasionally speak truth as part of his across-party-lines schtick.

Maher, a New Yorker and graduate of exclusive Cornell University, is no bold “truth speaker,” but he does occasionally speak truth as part of his across-party-lines schtick. In this case, it seems the more applicable paraphrase of an old adage would be, “even a blind nut can find a squirrel once in a while.”

He then leaned into socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s scam: “socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s ‘American Families Plan’ asks taxpayers to pony up hundreds of billions so that everyone can go to college. And billions more for subsidized childcare so our kids can go to school while we go to school. …socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s plan is an endorsement of a particular idea that the more time humans spend in classrooms staring at blackboards the better. Liberals see more schools … as the answer to everything. We imagine going to college as the way to fight income inequality, but actually it does the reverse. … I know free college is a left-wing thing, but is it really ‘liberal’ for someone who doesn’t go to college and makes less money to pay for people who do go and make more?”

Maher says that’s especially true because “colleges have turned into giant luxury daycare centers with overpaid babysitters anxious to indulge every student’s whim.” He adds: “A third of students spend less than five hours a week studying, and when they do it’s for their onerous BS course load [including] ‘History Through Twitter,’ ‘Advanced Racist Spotting,’ ‘Intro to Microaggressions’ and ‘You Owe Me an Apology 101.’ … Why is China kicking our a—? Because in 2019, we issued more undergrad degrees in visual and performing arts than in computer and information science or math.”

Humorously, he says, “Say what you want about Lori Loughlin — at least she understood that one good scam deserves another.”

On the subject of education inflation, Maher says: “In 1960, colleges awarded tuition aid to 15% of students. Well, it’s now 45%. … Since 1985, the cost of college has risen 500%. It doubles every nine years. Every year it increases at four times the rate of inflation. Yet nobody knows how to replace a tire.”

As for those diplomas, he notes: “Colleges are businesses selling a consumer product for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they want to give the customers what they want, a magical piece of paper called a diploma. … In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church famously sold indulgences, which were tickets to heaven that you could buy. Well, now, another priesthood of academia sells a different ticket to heaven.”

But undergraduate degrees are not enough. He warns: “That’s only the beginning of the scam. Now many entry-level jobs require a master’s degree. … Toll booth ahead: You need to pay for more education. … This is what the Scientology does, makes you keep taking courses so you can move up to the ‘bridge of freedom.’”

Maher concluded: “The answer isn’t to make college free. The answer is to make it more unnecessary, which it is for most jobs, so that the two-thirds of Americans who either can’t afford to or don’t want to go, don’t feel shut out.”

Of course, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s motivation is not funding “higher education,” but pushing an ever-increasing number of young people into what amounts to leftist reeducation camps.  ~The Patriot Post


MAGA Is America’s Future

When President Donald Trump began his first campaign in 2015, he ran on one simple but genius phrase: “Make America Great Again.” MAGA encapsulated the idea of a prosperous future that President Trump envisioned for our great nation.

In one simple phrase, President Trump let our nation know that he would always put America first. He would bring jobs back to America, secure our borders, rebuild our military, ensure peace through strength, defend our police, and enact fair trade deals that benefit our own citizens. And he did. President Trump fulfilled all his promises in only one short term. But that’s exactly what MAGA is about — building and creating a future through commonsense policies so that everyone can achieve the American dream.

Every Republican running for office right now should keep that in mind. You’re either for the American people, or you are against us. MAGA is rightfully the future of the Republican Party and the future of our great nation. In fact, it should be a litmus test for every single candidate running for office. You have no business running for office if you have no interest in representing the American people. One Republican governor certainly understands that.

We need more leaders like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has fully embraced the MAGA movement. Governor DeSantis rejuvenated the Florida economy and protected the interests of his state throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. And his constituents know it. His MAGA approach to governing is generating support for him and the people he represents.

If I succeed in my campaign to unseat the current governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, I will follow in President Trump’s footsteps and fight to my last breath representing the people of Georgia, just like Governor DeSantis has for his constituents in Florida. As I have said before, we don’t need people who govern like scumbag/rino-Mitt Romney or Kemp. We need people who will govern like President Trump and Governor DeSantis. We need elected leaders who will carry the torch of the MAGA movement forward to ensure a bright and brilliant future for the next great generation of Americans.

Let’s face it, no one can deny the results of the MAGA movement. In four short years, President Trump led our nation to having the unimaginable record-low unemployment rate of 3.5%. He cleared the way for employers to add millions of jobs to the economy in his first few years in office, and he even fought tooth and nail to ensure our corporations bring their manufacturing plants back to the United States. More than 1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs did come back to the U.S. under his bold leadership. That’s the same success I will bring to Georgia, and it should be the same success that all politicians running for office should hope to achieve for their constituents.

In 2020, Democrats and their Leftmedia propagandists  used the ChiCom Virus pandemic to implement their bulk-mail ballot fraud, destroying the integrity of our election under the guise of “public safety.” And they will continue to push their HR 1 so-called “voter rights” bill even though it will not pass the Senate.

In my state of Georgia, we still don’t know where hundreds of thousands of ballots originated.

The Georgia Star reports that “officials at the state and county level in Georgia have failed to produce chain of custody records for more than 333,000 absentee votes by mail ballots deposited in drop boxes located around the state” from the 2020 presidential election. Those ballots had the potential to sway the state’s election either way considering that President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden won Georgia with fewer than 12,000 votes. All MAGA candidates running for office should support statewide forensic audits for their respective states, and they should also support legislation to ensure the security of our elections moving forward. If we don’t know the origins of hundreds of thousands of ballots in Georgia, then that is likely also the case in other states throughout the country.

We must figure out what went wrong in the 2020 election and ensure that it never happens again. Democrats abused a broken election system, and they will again in 2022 and 2024 if we don’t fix the problem and stop them. The first step is for every state in question to pursue statewide forensic audits. Arizona is a great example of a forensic audit detecting potential fraud and inconsistencies with ballots.

In Arizona, elected officials began an audit of votes from the 2020 election in Maricopa County, which holds more than half of the state’s population. In a letter to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said that the audit revealed there are “a significant number of instances in which there is a disparity between the actual number of ballots contained in [batches] and the total denoted on the pink report slip accompanying [batches].” She added that in most cases, “the total on the pink report slip is greater than the number of ballots in the batch.”

The only people afraid of forensic audits are those with something to hide. If ballot irregularities are appearing in Arizona, there is a good chance the same will happen in Georgia and other states throughout the country with forensic audits. All candidates who claim to support the MAGA movement should demand forensic audits in their states. Even if President Trump won your state, you are not safe from Democrats stealing your election next time. Trust me. If Democrats can steal Georgia, they can steal your state as well.

I’ve called for Governor Kemp to issue a statewide audit in Georgia. I joined more than 500 of my Republican friends in Georgia in an open letter to Governor Kemp demanding a forensic audit of every single ballot in the state from the 2020 presidential election. Unfortunately, he has continued to refuse.

Support for President Trump’s MAGA movement should be the litmus test for every candidate running for office. President Trump said it best when he visited North Carolina for the state’s GOP convention on June 5: “The survival of America depends on our ability to elect Republicans at every level starting with the midterms next year.” And the Republicans we elect need to be candidates who support the MAGA movement that President Trump started. We cannot accept anything less.

Regardless of the 2020 election results, the MAGA movement will continue to gain momentum and be the foundational framework for conservative American policy moving forward. I will proudly stand by President Trump and will proudly continue to support the MAGA movement when I am elected to office. This is about the American people and building a future that leaves no one behind. Together, we can Make America Great Again.  

~The Patriot Post

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