Hunter Biden Is Under Investigation
DOUGLAS ANDREWS “This story broke in October,” tweeted Donald Trump’s former acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell to CNN’s Jake Tapper yesterday. “You didn’t do it then. Were you instructed to ignore it until after the election?”
Grennel was referring to a story that Tapper, like every other mainstream media lickspittle, had just reported after having repeatedly failed to do so prior to the November 3 presidential election: Hunter Biden, the wastrel son of the not-yet-president-elect, is the subject of a federal grand jury investigation into his “tax affairs,” as he euphemistically put it.
What a difference a few weeks makes. With the election seemingly safely behind their candidate, CNN finally feels free to engage in journalism. And Twitter, Facebook, and their Big Tech brethren are now allowing news about Hunter Biden to be reported on their platforms.
Grenell doesn’t have a law degree, but, like a good lawyer, he refrained from asking Tapper a question that he didn’t already know the answer to. And thanks to the intrepid work of James O'Keefe and his team at Project Veritas, we all know that the answer is Yes. Tapper and the rest of his CNN colleagues were told by their boss to refrain from reporting on Hunter Biden’s shadiness.
As Fox News’s Joseph Wulfsohn reports, “Grenell’s question appears to be valid after recordings leaked by Project Veritas last week revealed that CNN President Jeff Zucker and Political Director David Chalian urged staff back in October not to cover the explosive New York Post report that shed light on Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings overseas.”
Which explosive New York Post story is Wulfsohn talking about? This one, for those of you who’ve been off the grid for the past two months or are among the full 50% of Democrats who didn’t hear about it prior to casting a vote for scumbag/liar-Joe Biden.
“Obviously, we’re not going with the New York Post story right now on Hunter Biden,” Chalian is heard saying during a conference call on October 14 — the same day the Post published its first story on junior Biden’s abandoned laptop computer and his adventures with corrupt Ukrainian energy companies and scheming Chinese communists.
“I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs,” Hunter Biden claimed Wednesday in a prepared statement — a statement as hard to believe as the one his dad made earlier this fall when he told Fox News’s Peter Doocy, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”
“I take this matter very seriously,” the junior Biden added, “but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisers.”
Suuure he takes it seriously. As Miranda Devine reported yesterday in the New York Post, “It’s more than strange that Hunter Biden released a statement today in the form of an official press release from his father’s ‘scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris transition’ operation, for the purpose of confirming he is under federal investigation for tax fraud. … The statement had an addendum from his father: ‘President-elect scumbag/liar-Biden is deeply proud of his son, who has fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger.’ Sorry, that doesn’t wash. For too long, scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has gotten away with cynically using sympathy for his druggie son to shield himself from scrutiny of his family’s shady moneymaking schemes.”
You’re telling us. ~The Patriot Post
The FTC’s main allegation is that Facebook has engaged for years in competition-suppressing practices via “anticompetitive acquisitions” that “targeted potential competitive threats to its dominance.” In short, Facebook bought the competition. Moreover, the FTC alleges “anticompetitive platform conduct” in which “Facebook, over many years, has imposed anticompetitive conditions on third-party software developers’ access to valuable interconnections to its platform.”
The lawsuit states, “Since toppling early rival Myspace and achieving monopoly power, Facebook has turned to playing defense through anticompetitive means. … After identifying two signifiant competitive threats to its dominant position — Instagram and WhatsApp — Facebook moved to squelch those threats by buying the companies, reflecting CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s view, expressed in a 2008 email, that ‘it is better to buy than compete.’”
While the FTC’s lawsuit doesn’t address conservatives’ primary contention with Facebook — the tech giant’s regular, glaring, and unfair censoring of (conservative) speech — the practical result of breaking up Facebook would go a long way toward reining in its totalitarian speech control.
Even liberals like Sally Hubbard, director of enforcement strategy at the Open Markets Institute, recognize that the main problem with Facebook is its suppression of free speech. “Facebook’s role as a gatekeeper of speech has had devastating impact on the marketplace of ideas, and the public sphere of debate, and our elections,” she contended. “The platform’s monopolistic control of information flow allows Facebook to pick the winners and losers of speech based on what maximizes its profits — and the winner is disinformation.”
New York Attorney General Letitia James, in announcing that her state is joining the lawsuit, noted the widespread bipartisan nature of the legal challenge. She observed that Facebook’s “efforts to stifle competition, reduce innovation, or cut privacy protections will be met with the full force of almost every attorney general’s office in the nation.”
Meanwhile, Facebook obtusely responded that “anti-trust laws exist to protect consumers and promote innovation, not to punish successful businesses.” How, exactly, underhandedly acquiring users’ personal information and then using it to sell targeted access to businesses and other groups is “protecting consumers” is beyond us. Never mind that Facebook is oppressively squelching its users’ ability to share or even view content freely via a cadre of leftist “fact-checkers” monitoring “acceptable” speech.
Facebook needs to be broken up and treated like a public utility. Its abusive practices need to be addressed and ended. ~The Patriot Post
So said distinguished race relations scholar and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Shelby Steele in his groundbreaking 2006 book White Guilt. “All underdeveloped, formerly oppressed groups,” he continued, “first experience new freedom as a shock and a humiliation because freedom shows them their underdevelopment and their inability to compete as equals. … No group that has been oppressed to the point of inferiority is going to face the realities of new freedom without flinching. Almost always, oppressed groups enter freedom by denying that they are in fact free, this as a way of avoiding the daunting level of responsibility that freedom imposes.”
If anything explains the fertile ground on which Critical Race Theory (CRT) has taken root in our country, it’s this denial of freedom and its enablement by those on the Left. In a country as wracked with white guilt as ours, the appeal of CRT is powerful indeed.
And why wouldn’t it be? If, as the theory suggests, our nation’s laws and legal institutions are inherently racist, and if race itself — instead of being biologically based and natural — is a concept created by whites to further their interests at the expense of non-whites, then black and brown people must be excused for any achievement gap that exists between whites and non-whites. That achievement gap, after all, is a byproduct of white racism.
This, then, is the debilitating virus called Critical Race Theory — a virus that years ago escaped the academy and has since infected our schools, our politics, and our popular culture.
On Monday, The Heritage Foundation released a 15,000-word report titled “Critical Race Theory, the New Intolerance, and Its Grip on America.” Within it, authors Jonathan Butcher and Mike Gonzalez argue that CRT makes race the prism through which every aspect of American life is viewed. “CRT,” they write, “underpins identity politics, an ongoing effort to reimagine the United States as a nation riven by groups, each with specific claims on victimization. In entertainment, as well as the education and workforce sectors of society, CRT is well-established, driving decision-making according to skin color — not individual value and talent.”
As its assertions of systemic racism become normalized across American society, so too does the inherent anti-white and anti-Western intolerance of CRT. The result, the authors say, is a “weakening [of] public and private bonds that create trust and allow for civic engagement.”
Among the ways that CRT is encroaching on the lives of average Americans: identity politics and the pitting of certain groups against other groups; the Black Lives Matter insurgency; school discipline, or the lack thereof due to disparate impact; free speech on college campuses and in the workplace; widespread CRT training; and race-based decision-making in media and entertainment.
Who do we have to thank for this epidemic? As Marlo Safi writes in The Daily Caller, “The movement has its roots in the Frankfurt School, where a manifesto was created in 1937 that drew influence from Friedrich Nietzsche, Georg Friedrich Hegel, and Karl Marx. One of the core tenets of the school of thought was to tear down Western institutions, and it claimed that ‘traditional theory fetishized knowledge, seeing truth as empirical and universal.’” (Whenever someone starts saying that knowledge is overrated, and that the truth isn’t really the truth, tell them you have a plane to catch.)
Closer to home, we can blame Harvard. More specifically, we can blame Professor Derrick Bell, whom Butcher and Gonzalez call “the recognized godfather of the CRT movement.” Bell, who died in 2011 at age 80, was a lawyer, a civil rights activist, and Harvard’s first tenured black professor of law. And when it came to the goals of CRT, he was blunt: “As I see it, critical race theory recognizes that revolutionizing a culture begins with the radical assessment of it.”
Were he alive today, we wonder what Bell would make of his revolutionary theory, which sees behaviors such as individualism, hard work, objectivity, delayed gratification, respect for authority, and affinity for the nuclear family as sure signs of whiteness.
And what would he make of the rank monetization of his theory by opportunistic white leftist race hustlers such as Howard Ross and Robin DiAngelo?
As for policy recommendations, Butcher and Gonzalez warn against letting CRT influence the government’s ability to count by race using the Census and other surveys. Nor, they say, should the federal government support so-called diversity trainings that embrace the CRT platform, nor micromanage local schools’ student discipline policies. They encourage parents to know what their children are being taught, and they call on state policymakers to protect free speech on public college campuses.
“Racism and intolerance should have no place in America,” the authors say, “but CRT is more than just a philosophical objection to discrimination. When followed to its logical conclusion, CRT is destructive and rejects the fundamental ideas on which our constitutional republic is based.”
~The Patriot Post
Congressional Republicans are in a good place to start laying the groundwork for taking the House in 2022 and advancing an agenda that will help the GOP reclaim the presidency in 2024. But they will need a rock-solid agenda that must include healthcare reform.
Ever since the passage of the (Un)Affordable (Lack of) Care Act in 2010, Republicans have found themselves in a political and policy quagmire regarding healthcare. They promised repeal, but couldn’t deliver, even after voters gave them the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014, and the presidency in 2016. Congressional leaders couldn’t find common ground on strategy or what they wanted real healthcare reform to look like. And simply being against Democrat policies isn’t going to cut it.
The GOP has a real opportunity to take up the healthcare argument and offer concrete solutions that will improve quality of care and coverage for millions of citizens. But, as former Louisiana Governor and 2016 presidential candidate Bobby Jindal recently noted in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Republicans need to ask themselves some hard questions about what they want from healthcare reform.
First, do Republicans want a full repeal of scumbag/liar-nObamaCare? Repeal and replace was the rallying cry ever since scumbag/liar-nObamaCare passed without a single Republican vote. But replace it with what? It’s nearly impossible to undo a wide-ranging law like scumbag/liar-nObamaCare, no matter how awful it may be. People learn to adapt to it, and it sinks its tentacles so deep into the bureaucratic system that ripping it out could spell disaster for millions of insured citizens. Rather than end scumbag/liar-nObamaCare outright, the best opportunity may be to reorient government subsidies toward Medicare block grants that give states more flexibility in managing their healthcare costs. Transparency in healthcare pricing, an initiative that President Donald Trump fought for, will also give consumers more options in managing their healthcare and give the free market more room to breathe.
What is more important? Cost savings or coverage? Barack scumbag/liar-nObama campaigned for his signature plan by promising to bend the cost curve down and make insurance coverage cheaper, stronger, and more widespread. We all know that didn’t happen. Instead, millions were forced to give up their current doctor, state-managed insurance markets popped up that offered less than adequate coverage, and costs continued to rise — though the real damage was delayed (by design) long enough to help get scumbag/liar-nObama reelected in 2012. During the initial scumbag/liar-nObamaCare debate, the public was concerned mostly with cost, which made it ripe for Republican repeal in the early days. But in recent years the focus has shifted to coverage and preexisting conditions. As the population ages, this will become even more important to voters. Republicans will need to offer reforms that protect coverage.
Do Republicans go with a grand bargain or incremental changes? scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has made it clear with more than one of his Cabinet picks that he is going to run the leftist political playbook. Or at least that’s what his handlers are telling him to do. Either way, another sprawling overhaul of healthcare won’t happen during a scumbag/liar-Biden term, and that’s probably a good thing. Giant legislative initiatives are not popular with the public. They are wide open for graft and secret provisions that rip off taxpayers, they are bureaucratically unwieldy, and they add to government red tape.
Republicans are better off taking on healthcare reform one piece at a time, making clear to voters that they want to improve the existing system. By offering commonsense proposals that Democrats will reflexively shoot down, the GOP will gain public support and lay the groundwork for real reforms that will stick.
The timing is ripe for Republicans to tackle healthcare reform again. On the congressional and state level, voters soundly rejected the leftward lurch that Democrats were selling in 2020. Americans want a government that works, and Republicans can prove that’s still possible by delivering a measured healthcare reform package that delivers the goods. ~The Patriot Post
Beyond the devastation of the China virus, Ratcliffe outlined a Red China threat assessment I first heard in national security briefings dating back to the scumbag/liar-Clinton years. As our nation’s Cold War with the tyranny and terror of the failed Soviet communist regime waned, a new and equally ominous threat availed itself.
Unlike the threat posed by Russia, however, which has countless nuclear weapons but a total economy smaller than that of Texas, the ChiCom threat is predominately economic — for the moment. Our national security and military planners have been ramping up our defenses against the ChiComs for decades, but the threat now is much better defined and much more formidable. And it’s closing in.
Notably, that threat has been contained and in some instances set back by the economic gauntlet established by President Donald Trump. The administration’s policies have hit Xi Jinping’s communist regime, and that of his North Korean puppet dictator Kim Jong-un, hard.
According to DNI Ratcliffe: “The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically. Many of China’s major public initiatives and prominent companies offer only a layer of camouflage to the activities of the Chinese Communist Party. I call its approach of economic espionage ‘rob, replicate and replace.’ China robs U.S. companies of their intellectual property, replicates the technology, and then replaces the U.S. firms in the global marketplace.”
Ratcliffe continued, “China also steals sensitive U.S. defense technology to fuel President Xi Jinping’s aggressive plan to make China the world’s foremost military power. U.S. intelligence shows that China has even conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities. There are no ethical boundaries to Beijing’s pursuit of power. … The FBI frequently arrests Chinese nationals for stealing research-and-development secrets. … The U.S. government estimates that China’s intellectual-property theft costs America as much as $500 billion a year, or between $4,000 and $6,000 per U.S. household.”
Furthermore, as the DNI advised Congress, “This year China engaged in a massive influence campaign that included targeting several dozen members of Congress and congressional aides.”
Indeed, just this week, details emerged of a sordid ChiCom affair between Demo House Intelligence Committee member scumbag-Eric Swalwell and a Chinese honey-trap, Fang Fang. And, as we noted earlier this week, more than 1,000 ChiCom “researchers” have fled the U.S. since the FBI arrested a handful of Chinese spies last summer.
“Within intelligence agencies,” Ratcliffe noted, “a healthy debate and shift in thinking is already under way. For the talented intelligence analysts and operators who came up during the Cold War, the Soviet Union and Russia have always been the focus. For others who rose through the ranks at the turn of this century, counterterrorism has been top of mind. But today we must look with clear eyes at the facts in front of us, which make plain that China should be America’s primary national security focus going forward.”
The DNI concluded: “Beijing is preparing for an open-ended period of confrontation with the U.S. Washington should also be prepared. Leaders must work across partisan divides to understand the threat, speak about it openly, and take action to address it. This is our once-in-a-generation challenge. Americans have always risen to the moment, from defeating the scourge of fascism to bringing down the Iron Curtain. This generation will be judged by its response to China’s effort to reshape the world in its own image and replace America as the dominant superpower. The intelligence is clear. Our response must be as well.”
The question, of course, is this: Will a government headed by scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and lowlife-Kamala Harris be up to that challenge? Or will they dismantle the strong national security foundations laid by the Trump administration with China — as they will likely do in the Middle East?
The answer: Of course scumbag/liar-Biden will fold.
In the weeks before the 2020 election, one of the greatest frauds on the American electorate was the massive media cover-up of scumbag/liar-Biden’s ChiCom influence-peddling-for-profit scheme. It was the biggest corruption cover-up in election history, a clear case of collusion between the mainstream and social media, and their Democrat Party brethren.
Despite three years of fake allegations that Trump was in the Kremlin’s pocket, the October revelations about the ChiCom links to scumbag-=/liar-Joe Biden, via Hunter Biden, are direct, and the allegations are verifiable. The evidence affirms that the “Big Guy” was picking Beijing’s pocket — but with its full knowledge and complicity, and an understanding that he would thus end up in China’s pocket.
As Wall Street Journal editor James Freeman concluded ahead of the election, “Now the corruption story is about scumbag/liar-Joe, not Hunter.” But the story was subject to a media blackout like no other in American political history.
To ensure that the scumbag/liar-Biden regime can’t completely put a lid on the rest of the Demos’ deep-state corruption over the last four years, Attorney General William Barr notified Congress that he has appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel. This enhanced status will give Durham additional powers and protections, which will make it far more politically difficult for scumbag/liar-Biden to simply make the investigation disappear. But it remains to be seen if that investigation will advance into scumbag/liar-Biden’s ChiCom corruption.
Make no mistake: The most forbidding existential threat to U.S. national security and our economy is Red China. Clearly, the ChiComs got the presidential candidate they bid on. scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and his leftist cadres of elitist pantywaists are not going to defend our nation against the greatest threat to Liberty in modern history.
Gordon Chang, a noted legal and national security analyst specializing on the ChiCom threat, notes that the Red Chinese “are going to push a President scumbag/liar-Biden around. They’re going to do things which are dangerous because we are going to have to push back. Under President Trump the Chinese did not try this because they were afraid of him.”
We’re on a kinetic-warfare collision course with China, because scumbag/liar-Biden is going to put us back on a course to lose the economic war with China. ~The Patriot Post
My head almost exploded when I saw scumbag/liar-Joe Biden talking about how he’s going to deliver 100 million vaccine doses in 100 days after he becomes president. That would be the vaccine that was developed under Donald Trump’s direction in a miraculously short period of time.
But that’s not the reason I was so enraged by scumbag/liar-Biden’s press conference. He has not legitimately been elected president of the United States! The left, with their mobs in the streets and their media allies, stole the election and we all know it!
Donald Trump and Mike Pence are fighting to stop the steal, just as they have fought so valiantly on everything that matters.
I am sick and tired of hearing that millions of votes would have to be changed to change the results. Wrong! Changing a relatively small number of votes in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin would make it a tied election, which would be decided by the House of Representatives.
It is disgusting to see rino-Mitt Romney, rino-Pat Toomey, and others joining the left-wing mob that so desperately wants to end the Trump presidency.
The Wall Street Journal recently gave part of its editorial page to the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems to spout his lies about how voting machines cannot be manipulated when expert after expert has demonstrated they can be. And that’s not even getting into the issue of whether Chinese financial interests in the company may be involved.
I am doing everything I can to expose the fraud in this election and to stand with the president and vice president in this epic battle. I know you are too.
Keep praying and don’t give up hope!
Chinese Spies & California Democrats
A new report from Axios details the extent to which communist China is infiltrating our country. The report focuses on the efforts of one spy, Christine Fang, who was enrolled as a student at California State University East Bay, where she served as president of two student organizations.
Fang frequently attended civic events and volunteered and worked for several California Democrats, including Rep. scumbag-Eric Swalwell. Fang raised big bucks as a “bundler” for scumbag-Swalwell’s 2014 reelection campaign, and even helped to place interns in his Washington, DC, office.
She also used every trick in the book, including sexual relationships, to gather intelligence for her communist masters. According to Axios, the FBI “became so alarmed” by Fang’s connections with Swalwell that it gave him a “defensive briefing” to warn him that he was being compromised by a communist Chinese honeypot.
And yet scumbag-Swalwell was among the loudest voices on the left declaring that Donald Trump had been compromised by Russia, which was a total lie.
But wait… It gets worse.
scumbag-Swalwell sits on the House Intelligence Committee. In 2015, he became the ranking Democrat on the subcommittee with oversight of the CIA. And he’s connected to a communist Chinese spy who placed interns in his office!
Did Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi know about scumbag-Swalwell’s “situation”? Did the FBI bother to tell her?
And what is it about California Democrats and Chinese spies? Sen. Dianne Fein-stein, who chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee during the scumbag/liar-nObama era, had a Chinese spy working in her San Francisco office for 10 years!
Leftist politicians like scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi, Chuck scumbag-Schumer, and scumbag-Eric Swalwell have been tougher on President Trump for the COVID pandemic than they have been on communist China, which refuses to fully cooperate with international investigators seeking to learn more about the origins of the virus.
Multiple attempts by congressional conservatives to crack down on China have been blocked by scumbag/liar-Pelosi and the House leadership. Why?
This I know with certainty: scumbag-Swalwell and Fein-stein are only the tip of the iceberg. (See next item.)
China’s Friends
Longtime readers of this daily report and supporters of my work know that I have been critical of communist China’s influence in the United States for many, many years.
It never seemed to matter which party was in power in Washington. The policy was always the same: China always got what it wanted. Of course, we know why: Our corporate and political elites were always on the same page.
But thanks to recent comments by Di Dongsheng, vice dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, the extent of this sellout is crystal clear. Here’s how Di explained U.S./China relations in recent years:
The Trump Administration is in a trade war with us, so why can’t we fix the Trump Administration? Why, between 1992 and 2016, did China and the U.S., use to be able to settle all kinds of issues? No matter what kind of crises we encountered. … We fixed everything in two months. What is the reason?
I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. At the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence, we have our old friends…
For the past 30 years, 40 years, we have been utilizing the core power of the United States… Since the 1970s, Wall Street has had a very strong influence on the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States, so we had a channel to rely on. But the problem is that after 2008, the status of Wall Street has declined, and more importantly, after 2016, Wall Street can’t fix Trump…
So during the U.S.-China trade war they [Wall Street] tried to help. And I know that, my friends on the U.S. side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn’t do much…
But now we’re seeing scumbag/liar-Biden was elected [laughter]. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they’re very close to Wall Street. So you see that, right? Trump has been saying that scumbag/liar-Biden’s son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped him [scumbag/liar-Biden’s son] build the foundations? Got it? There are a lot of deals in all these.
If you doubt Di’s comments for any reason, check out this recent Wall Street Journal article titled, “China Has One Powerful Friend Left in the U.S.: Wall Street.” It confirms that China’s vice premier went to Wall Street in February of 2018 seeking help from America’s corporate titans to rein in Donald Trump.
Di’s comments also underscore the urgency of continuing the investigations into Hunter Biden’s dealings with communist China. Rep. Ken Buck has called on Attorney General Barr to appoint a special counsel to ensure that “a potential scumbag/liar-Biden Administration will not be the subject of undue foreign interference.” ~The Patriot Post