The Patriot Post ~ 6 issues

A Shadow Presidency?

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Last week, we had hopes for a Hail Mary from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton — a pleading with the U.S. Supreme Court that the fraudulent electoral processes in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin “suffered from significant and unconstitutional irregularities” and violated the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause, and that the results in those states should therefore be negated.

No dice. “The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution,” said the 51-word order from the Supreme Court. “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

Thus, as predicted by National Review’s Andrew McCarthy and others, the High Court refused to take up the case because each of the 50 states is entitled to make its own electoral laws, not because it deemed that the issues raised in the suit don’t have merit. Issues such as the national ramifications of improper state election corruption and the necessity of equal protection under the laws for all citizens most certainly do have merit. Illegal electoral practices in any state’s national-office elections impact every state and all Americans.

Here, though, even Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, who issued a statement saying they’d have heard the case, said they would “not grant other relief” — which means the nine justices would’ve shot it down (perhaps) unanimously.

Rudy Giuliani says the Trump legal team isn’t finished, but the window of opportunity continues to close. And legal doors keep getting slammed in their faces.

Isn’t there a judge somewhere who smells a rat? Someone who sees what the rest of us see? That scumbag/liar-Joe Biden couldn’t possibly have gotten all those votes legally, especially in the Democrat-controlled urban centers where voter turnout was at a North Korea-like 90% and Republican vote counters weren’t allowed to observe the vote-counting process?

A post-election Politico poll found that 79% of Trump supporters believe the election was stolen. What’s remarkable, though, is that 21% of Trump supporters apparently think it was on the up-and-up.

All that aside, barring some sort of last-second extraordinary measure — say, a nationwide march on Washington followed by a declaration of martial law and a call for new elections in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — President Donald Trump won’t prevail.

The Electoral College meets today to cast their votes for president and vice president. Nothing leads us to believe that they won’t vote for scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and lowlife-Kamala Harris. Tick, tock.

As John Hinderaker writes at Power Line, “There is no way that the Trump campaign’s various legal challenges, whether meritorious or not, will be resolved in time to make a difference. Which means that scumbag/liar-Joe Biden will be inaugurated under a cloud. Close to one-half of Americans will believe, likely correctly in my opinion, that he did not actually win the election. Legal proceedings will continue, but perhaps more important, enterprising authors will write books about the election. Some will argue that the Democrats stole the presidential race, others will try to defend scumbag/liar-Biden’s ‘win.’ … The debate will go on, with partisans on both sides mostly believing what they want to believe.”

But then what? What actually happens on January 21 and for the rest of 2021 if scumbag/liar-Biden is inaugurated? What happens for the rest of scumbag/liar-Biden’s four-year term, whether he actually serves it out or not?

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham says, “[President Trump] has a lot of sway over the Republican Party. If he objects to anything scumbag/liar-Biden [does], it would be hard to get Republicans on board. If he blessed some kind of deal, it would be easier to get something done. In many ways, he’ll be a shadow president.”

A shadow president, eh? Democrats gave Trump no peace whatsoever during his four-year term. Maybe Trump will repay the favor. Perhaps he and his staff will fire off a contrarian tweet and a one-pager whenever scumbag/liar-Biden announces a new policy or signs an executive order. If ever Biden ventures out of the White House, Trump might just follow him and hold his own impromptu rally and presser. He may start his own TV network so he and his guests could vigorously oppose, berate, and deride our illegitimate president every night during prime time. He could extend his “Trump” and “MAGA” clothing business to include a “They Stole It” line and an “Electoral Reform Now” line. How might the rest of us resist? Do we refuse to pay our taxes on April 15? (Asking for a friend.)

In addition to sharing some thoughts from fellow conservatives, whose analyses vary from restrained bitterness to all-out civil disobedience, Hinderaker pulls no punches: “For the sake of what is left of our country,” he says, “we should #Resist the scumbag/liar-Biden administration and the Democrats every step of the way for the next four years.”

Even Rush Limbaugh is wondering what’s next. “There cannot be a peaceful coexistence of two completely different theories of life, theories of government, theories of how we manage our affairs,” he says. “We can’t be in this dire a conflict without something giving somewhere along the way.”   ~The Patriot Post


YouTube Embraces Totalitarianism
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Last Wednesday, YouTube announced it would begin removing all new video uploads that question the outcome of the 2020 election. “Our policies prohibit misleading viewers about where and how to vote,” YouTube stated in a blog post. “We also disallow content alleging widespread fraud or errors that changed the outcome of a historical U.S. Presidential election. However in some cases, that has meant allowing controversial views on the outcome or process of counting votes of a current election as election officials have worked to finalize counts.”

The video platform’s rationale? “Yesterday [December 7] was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect,” the blog continued. “Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, in line with our approach towards historical U.S. Presidential elections.”

How effective are YouTube’s censorship efforts? In the same blog, the platform boasted that “over 8000 channels and thousands of harmful and misleading elections-related video” have been eliminated since September, and that 77% of them were removed before they had 100 views — even as it characterized itself as an “important source of election news.”

A highly selective source is more like it — one where anything inimical to the agenda of our progressive, ruling-class oligarchs will be digitally incinerated.

The hypocrisy is blinding. YouTube has no problem publishing reams of content about the disputes surrounding the 2000 election, the 2016 election, or the avalanche of baseless accusations of Russian collusion. Nor did it enforce the same policy with regard to the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race, and losing Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams’s baseless allegations that voter fraud and suppression tilted the election to GOP Governor Brian Kemp. There are even a number of still-accessible videos alleging the terrorist attacks precipitated on September 11, 2001, were a false-flag operation, with at least one asserting that former Republican VP Dick Cheney was in charge of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans.

What is the ultimate goal of YouTube and other Big Tech corporations? 1984 provides the answer. “Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. A large part of the political literature of five years was now completely obsolete. Reports and records of all kinds, newspapers, books, pamphlets, films, sound tracks, photographs — all had to be rectified at lightning speed. Although no directive was ever issued, it was known that the chiefs of the Department intended that within one week no reference to the war with Eurasia, or the alliance with Eastasia, should remain in existence anywhere.”

In one sense, Orwell is out of date. Our Big Tech overlords don’t need a week to reconfigure reality, nor do they need human data “processors” like 1984’s Winston Smith working to the point of exhaustion to carry out their authoritarian ambitions. These days it’s all about algorithms created by social justice-imbued, useful-idiot techs who can expunge three-quarters of all unapproved videos before they reach more than 100 views. In short, as far as these totalitarian wannabes are concerned, Orwell’s masterwork isn’t the cautionary tale it was intended to be.

It’s a how-to manual.

Moreover, as far as their supporters in the Democrat Party are concerned, YouTube and the rest of our Big Tech overlords aren’t censorious enough. During a hearing conducted in November by the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Dianne Fein-stein wanted to know what Facebook had done to stop “the spread of misinformation” regarding the election results. Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) urged Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to step up his platform’s efforts to fight “misinformation” and clamp down on posts linked to “climate denialism.” Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) also blasted Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for allowing conservative news outlets to be part of its group of “third-party fact-checkers.” Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) thanked Facebook for censoring a group called Stop the Steal, which is contesting the election results.

YouTube is owned by Google. As of last August, Google  was used for 92% of all Internet search queries in the entire world. Microsoft’s Bing is second with a 2.78% market share, and Yahoo! is third with a 1.6% market share. In the video-sharing world, YouTube’s market share is 73.7%, with second-place Vimeo at 18.6%. As FinancesOnline reveals, Google and YouTube are the one and two most-visited websites, respectively, on the entire planet. And in a chilling boast, it notes that “when you don’t know how to do something you either Google it or find out more about it on YouTube.”

Or, as it is now abundantly clear, you don’t — not when there’s a de facto monopoly to prevent it.

How much power do these tech titans have? In conjunction with a wholly corrupted mainstream media — and quite possibly our equally corrupted Deep State — they have the power to literally decide who runs the nation. The power to completely black out a story about Hunter Biden’s dubious associations with Chinese communists and scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s connections to them before the election, and then suddenly put them front and center after the election. Stories that also reveal Biden’s brother, James, also under a criminal investigation. Stories once collectively dismissed as “Russian disinformation” or, as NPR’s Managing Editor for News Terence Samuel put it, “stories that are not really stories” but rather “just pure distractions” that are suddenly credible and damning.

In short, “records of all kinds, newspapers, books, pamphlets, films, sound tracks, photographs” have indeed been “rectified at lightning speed.”

Why the coordinated about-face? With Trump effectively out of the picture, who needs a 78-year-old middle-of-the-road political retread with mentation problems when there’s a radical leftist vice president waiting in the wings? “The combination of this investigation and health considerations will lead to the resignation of scumbag/liar-Joe Biden from office,” asserts columnist Shipwreckedcrew. “Health reasons will be the public explanation, but there is no way for scumbag/liar-Joe Biden to escape the web of criminal entanglements that Hunter Biden was involved in with the Chinese and others based on the information that became public prior to the election.”

Is the American electorate prepared for a scenario where neither scumbag/liar-Biden nor Trump is inaugurated in January? Curious minds want to know. But curiosity per se that doesn’t accrue to ruling class interests is on the verge of being completely eliminated.

“A mighty deed, which could never be mentioned, had been achieved. It was now impossible for any human being to prove by documentary evidence that the war with Eurasia had ever happened.” —George Orwell, 1984

Or that the 2020 elect   ~The Patriot Post


Jill Biden Is a 'Doctor' in Pretension

THOMAS GALLATIN   scumbag/liar/-Joe Biden’s wife Jill holds a doctorate, but is she a “doctor” The  scumbag/liar/-Bidens insist she be addressed that way. But the question ignited quite the social media hubbub over the weekend following a Saturday Wall Street Journal op-ed by Joseph Epstein titled, “Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not if You Need an M.D.” In his cheeky piece, Epstein, a former lecturer at Northwestern University who chafed himself at being referred to as a “doctor,” blasts Mrs. Biden over her insistence on being referred to as “Dr.” Jill Biden. He argues, “In contemporary universities, in the social sciences and humanities, calling oneself Dr. is thought bush league.”

For daring to question this, Northwestern University’s English Department has removed Epstein’s profile from its website. Journal editorial page editor Paul A. Gigot writes that he too has faced calls for cancellation: “This has triggered a flood of media and Twitter criticism, including demands that I retract the piece, apologize personally to Mrs. Biden, ban Mr. Epstein for all time, and resign and think upon my sins.”

Why the hubbub? Mrs. Biden received an Ed.D. from the University of Delaware and is currently an English professor at North Virginia Community College, where, as is often the practice of college students, she is referred to as “Dr. Biden.” And again, she and Joe typically insist that she receive that address. But the White House is not some college campus, nor are American citizens a bunch of students under her tutelage.

Needlessly vain and pretentious is Mrs. Biden’s demand, as well as confusing. An example of this confusion was recently displayed by celebrity-turned-political analyst Whoopi Goldberg, who mistakenly identified Mrs. Biden as a physician, suggesting she should become the next surgeon general because she was such a great doctor.

In fact, back in 2013, the LA Times’s Michael McGough  questioned Mrs. Biden’s penchant for the “Dr.” title, as he wrote, “I have lots of friends (and a brother-in-law) with Ph.Ds. None of them expects to be addressed as ‘Dr.’ So what’s up with Jill Biden?” He also noted that Condoleezza Rice, who likewise holds a Ph.D., was simply referred to as “Ms. Rice.” And that’s while she was serving as George W. Bush’s secretary of state, a role with much more responsibility than that of the first lady.

And if anyone remains uncertain of Mrs. Biden’s motive, scumbag/liar/-Joe made it clear in 2009. As reported by the LA Times’s Robin Abcarian: “scumbag/liar/-Joe Biden, on the campaign trail, explained that his wife’s desire for the highest degree was in response to what she perceived as her second-class status on their mail. ‘She said, "I was so sick of the mail coming to Sen. and Mrs. Biden. I wanted to get mail addressed to Dr. and Sen. scumbag/liar/-Biden.” That’s the real reason she got her doctorate,’ he said.“

Finally, the most insidious aspect of this ridiculous issue is that the public misunderstanding serves to feed a narrative that Joe’s perspective on and "plan” for tackling COVID is that much more “legitimate” than President Donald Trump’s because he’s married to a doctor. It may be subtle, and a correction is offered in certain instances like the aforementioned Goldberg confusion, but the false narrative is clearly there. By insisting on the title of “Dr.” Mrs. Biden shows her own pretension and, ironically, personal insecurity.   ~The Patriot Post


Pandemonium of Pandemic Prattle
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At the early stages of the virus, when it wasn’t clear what demographic was most impacted or which treatments worked, Americans were willing to adjust their lives for their safety. During that window of time, the initial actions of Operation Warp Speed began. This emergency response team of experts assembled by the Trump administration planned on having millions of doses of vaccine to the American public by January 2021. (Remember when the Leftmedia “fact-checked” that prediction?) After just nine months, OWS hopes to administer the first immunization by today, December 14.

While Americans in growing number are protesting the closure of their businesses permanently, Bill Gates declared that the America-first approach is “selfish.” Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, says the new measure of success will be when up to 80% of Americans are vaccinated, pushing real relief into the late summer or fall of 2021.

The same voices in the media, elected world, and unelected bureaucracy that have been demanding mask mandates, closures, and lockdowns are now among those politicizing the vaccine and sowing doubts of its research and trial processes. This shouldn’t be a surprise in light of then-candidate lowlife-Kamala Harris’s declaration in the VP debate with Vice President Mike Pence that “if Donald Trump tells us to take it, I’m not taking it,” or New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s criticism that he was “not that confident” and viewed the vaccine during the Trump administration as “bad news.”

On CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar was grilled about the funding and reimbursement for the vaccine instead of being asked intelligent questions about its development and distribution. Azar did manage to communicate that the U.S. will have 900 million doses of vaccine under contract for its citizens, with options to purchase three billion doses more and that excess inventory will be made available to allies of the U.S. The second Pfizer doses will follow along with Moderna’s vaccine, likely to be approved this week, yielding up to 20 million Americans vaccinated by the end of this year.

On Fox News, Chris Wallace challenged Moncef Slaoui, PhD, the chief scientific advisor for OWS who was handpicked by the Trump administration after a distinguished career of three decades leading in vaccine science. Instead of interviewing Slaoui about vaccine administration and effectiveness, there were just more questions about hypotheticals and political arguments. Slaoui expertly navigated his answers to underscore the importance of Americans taking the vaccines to achieve a level of immunity that gets this viral spread under control.

Appropriately, a group of parrots is called a pandemonium. No matter the work, the science, or the data, the pandemonium of media haters parroting the destructive distrust in our country will continue to sow fear in whatever way it can. The goal is to redefine life, gender, and family, accuse neighbors of racism and bigotry, and now to sow fear of taking an innovative vaccine. May we all be aware of the pandemonium prattling on with the seeds of discord that will only further the Left’s agenda of growing government and reducing freedoms for the average American.   ~The Patriot Post


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The Heritage Foundation's Election Fraud Database Tops

1,300 Cases

With the addition of the newest batch of cases, all from the state of Texas, The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database now has 1,302 cases of proven election fraud, and we are following numerous other ongoing prosecutions.

As these cases and the database demonstrate, the threats to election integrity and instances of election fraud throughout the country continue to jeopardize fair and free elections for the American people.

The Texas cases also demonstrate that fraud can happen at different points during the election process, and that it effectively dilutes legitimate ballots cast by legal voters.

During the 2014 general election, for example, Avery Ayers sought to run as an independent challenging Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. However, he forged the signatures of voters to qualify to be a candidate on the ballot. Ayers pleaded guilty to a third-degree felony fraud charge in state court and was sentenced to five years in prison.

Though he was paroled five months into his sentence on that charge, he’s now in federal prison for a separate wiretapping felony.

Threats to fair and free elections can occur at the registration process, as some fraudsters use invalid or commercial addresses to register to vote in areas where they don’t actually live.

In 2013, a group of at least four people attempted to take over a local utility board by falsely registering a Residence Inn as their home address.

James Jenkins, recently added to the database, pleaded no contest and was sentenced to 12 months of probation and a $2,000 fine for his involvement in this scheme. One co-conspirator was convicted by a jury and sentenced to three years in prison, and two other conspirators entered pretrial diversion programs to avoid prosecution.

Others, like Israel Garza, attempt to vote even though they are ineligible. When successful, such actions can negate the ballot of a legitimate voter, effectively disenfranchising that voter.

Garza, a convicted felon whose rights had not been restored, attempted to vote in a 2010 Texas municipal election even though he was ineligible. He pleaded guilty to attempted illegal voting and was sentenced to a year in prison, two years of probation, and fined $2,500.

Another convicted felon, Benito Aranda Jr., voted in the 2012 Texas primary election. He was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison for voting illegally as a convicted felon, but is serving the remainder of his sentence under “community supervision.” That’s the Texas term for probation.

The Heritage database is not an exhaustive, nor comprehensive list. It doesn’t capture all cases, and certainly doesn’t capture all reported instances or allegations of election fraud, some of which may be deserving of being investigated or prosecuted, but aren’t.

But the database does highlight vulnerabilities in the election system.

We do our best to track cases that are brought to our attention, but we don’t add them to our database until a conviction has been obtained or a civil judgment entered.

Take, for example, a prosecution we are currently tracking in Texas, involving a social worker who has been charged with 134 felony counts of election fraud.

Kelly Reagan Brunner worked in a state-supported institution for Texans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She is alleged to have registered 67 of the residents to vote without their knowledge or consent, many of whom had been declared mentally incompetent under Texas law.

As Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said, it “is particularly offensive when individuals purport to be champions for disability rights, when in reality they are abusing our most vulnerable citizens in order to gain access to their ballots and amplify their own political voice.”

Another prosecution we are tracking, this one out of Los Angeles, involves Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro, aka Mark Anthony Gonsalves, a prospective mayoral candidate. He was recently charged with numerous felony and misdemeanor offenses of election fraud for his alleged involvement in a scheme that is said to have involved submitting fraudulent voter registrations on behalf of homeless individuals.

It’s alleged that Montenegro filed more than 8,000 false registration applications over five months, forging names, addresses, and other information on nomination documents.

Thankfully, this attempted fraud was caught before a ballot was cast due to the actions of a county registrar who flagged the suspicious behavior.

Other prosecutions we have recently started tracking involve other convicted felons illegally voting.

In Wisconsin, it’s alleged that at least four felons voted despite being on a special parole status that prohibited them from voting. These men had been convicted of violent felonies, including rape, burglary, and strangulation of a woman.

Can you imagine the anger of their victims, or the victims’ families, knowing that these criminals were casting ballots, taking part in the process that determines the laws that they intentionally violated?

As these cases demonstrate, election fraud often harms the most marginalized in communities, damaging the power the people have to freely choose their representatives.

Awareness of the current threats is the first step in securing fair and secure elections and should be a bipartisan priority in every state.

In the meantime, we will continue to bring attention to, and document, election fraud cases and convictions occurring throughout the country.  

~The Patriot Post


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Still Fighting

Thursday, I joined dozens of conservative leaders in calling on state legislators in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to exercise their constitutional authority to appoint new electors in view of the massive irregularities that occurred in the 2020 election. You can read our letter here.

I am pleased to report that state legislators in Michigan and Pennsylvania filed their own briefs supporting the challenge filed by Texas and 17 other states. In addition, 106 members of Congress are also supporting the Texas lawsuit.

Vaccine Approved

The Food and Drug Administration’s advisory committee voted 17-4 to approve Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine. It is hard to know what the rationale of the four dissenting votes could be.

The FDA also informed the CDC and Pfizer so they could begin “timely vaccine distribution.” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said, “We could be seeing [Americans] getting vaccinated Monday, Tuesday of next week.”

It can’t be said often enough, and we need to say it to friends, family members, and co-workers, that any fair history will recognize that Donald Trump and Mike Pence directed the fastest development of a new vaccine for a deadly disease in the history of mankind.

President Trump officially launched Operation Warp Speed in May. Because he knows how this city is a swamp mired in bureaucracy and inaction, it was Trump’s natural instinct to light a fire under the bureaucrats to get this done.

He also brought in drug company executives and said, “This is a national emergency. I’m going to make this easy for you by paying for your vaccine. That way once we find one that works, we will have already stockpiled millions of doses.”

The bottom line is that the Trump vaccine will cure the Chinese virus.

I don’t believe for one second that if scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton or scumbag/liar-Joe Biden had been president that they would have been able to do what Trump has accomplished because they are swamp creatures. If either had been president, we’d be waiting years for a new vaccine.

Another Peace Deal

Kudos to President Trump! Morocco announced that it was joining the Abraham Accords and signing a peace deal with Israel. Morocco is now the fourth Muslim-majority nation to normalize relations with the Jewish state since August.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed the latest agreement, saying:

“I want to first thank President Trump for his extraordinary efforts to expand peace, to bring peace to Israel and the peoples of the Middle East. President Trump, the people of Israel and the State of Israel will be forever indebted to you for your magnificent efforts on our behalf… The light of peace on this Hanukkah day has never shone brighter than today in the Middle East.”

I just want to remind you that the entire foreign policy establishment said that such agreements were impossible without first creating a Palestinian state, another fanatical Islamist state carved out of Judea and Samaria.

Four years ago, then-Secretary of State John Kerry declared:

“There will be no separate peace between Israel and the Arab world. I want to make that very clear with all of you. I’ve heard several prominent politicians in Israel sometimes saying, ‘Well, the Arab world is in a different place now. We just have to reach out to them. We can work some things with the Arab world and we’ll deal with the Palestinians.’ No. No, no, and no…

"There will be no advance and separate peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. Everybody needs to understand that.”

Thankfully, President Trump didn’t buy into the “conventional wisdom.” He has now secured four separate peace deals between Israel and Arab nations. That’s four more than our most recent Nobel Peace Prize-winning president managed to accomplish!

The scumbag-Swalwell Scandal

I woke up Friday morning troubled by additional aspects of the scumbag-Swalwell-communist Chinese scandal.

Imagine that someone you had come to trust turned out to be working for an enemy of the United States and was attempting to compromise you to hurt America and benefit their country. On top of that, this individual was someone with whom you were romantically involved.

When shown evidence that this person was a spy for a communist country dedicated to replacing the United States as the premier power in the world, any normal person would be irate. You’d feel a tremendous sense of betrayal, especially if they were working for a murderous regime that puts people in concentration camps.

Yet I have not found one interview scumbag-Eric Swalwell has done expressing any anger toward Fang Fang. scumbag-Swalwell’s anger seems to be reserved for Donald Trump. As one columnist put it, Swalwell has been projecting his experience being compromised onto Trump.

Then I thought about something else.

We’re being told that this Chinese spy was compromising Rep. scumbag-Swalwell for nefarious purposes. At some point the FBI approached the congressman with disturbing information about her true identity. One would expect that the FBI would have arrested and charged Fang relatively quickly. But that’s not what happened. She fled the country.

So inquiring minds want to know: Was she tipped off that the FBI was on to her? Was it Rep. scumbag-Swalwell who tipped her off? Is that why he doesn’t say anything negative about her because he knows what she knows about him? scumbag-Swalwell would have a really good reason for wanting her out of the country because a trial would expose him as well as her.

We need a special prosecutor.

Northam’s Lecture

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam imposed new mandates in response to rising COVID cases. He ordered stricter masking, imposed a curfew, and limited gatherings to just 10 people. But he didn’t shut down churches this time because of the recent Supreme Court rulings, thanks to President Trump’s appointees.

But Northam did lecture Christians. He urged Christians not to go to church, saying, “God is wherever you are… Worship online is still worship.”

As a Christian, I believe that wherever two or more are gathered, He is there. But what I don’t embrace is the notion that Ralph Northam is someone who should instruct my faith.

Let me remind Governor Northam where God also is. He is in every baby made in His image. But Northam said that if one of those babies managed to survive an abortion, that baby should be left on the table while the mother and her doctors decide how to dispose of the problem.

Northam may want to remind himself that God was there when that baby was conceived. Perhaps that is something he should address in his prayer life before he starts lecturing us about our prayer life.   ~The Patriot Post

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