socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s Climate Emissions
“The United States could go to zero [carbon emissions] tomorrow … [but] we’d still have a problem. The world would still have a problem. If China went to zero tomorrow with the United States, we’d still have a problem.” So says climate czar hanoi-John Kerry. That’s a good thing to keep in mind in the midst of all the emissions promises at President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s Zoom call “virtual climate summit.”
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s summit was timed to coincide with Earth Day yesterday, not to mention getting ahead of the phenomenon of rising temperatures known as “summer.” Democrats also prefaced the summit with their re-submission of the Green New Deal, while socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden himself opened the proceedings with a vague promise to cut U.S. emissions somehow or other. Using a benchmark of 2005, the year with the highest U.S. emissions on record, socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden pledges to cut emissions 50% by 2030 and 100% by 2050.
China’s Xi Jinping also promises to fight climate change. Obviously, the same man running genocidal slave-labor camps, stealing American intellectual property, and cheating on trade isn’t a man to be trusted on “saving” the planet. On the contrary, as the editors of National Review aptly explain, “Xi genuinely wants to be seen as a leader on climate — not out of any gauzy green sentimentality but because it suits his own interests. At the top of his to-do list is supplanting the United States as a world leader by exploiting discord in Washington and between the United States and its allies.”
ChiCom socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe and his own Red Party are glad to help.
In fact, while much of the rest of the world, led by the U.S., has been cutting emissions over the last 15 years (primarily here by fracking for natural gas), China has offset all that reduction and more by building coal plants as part of its economic and military development.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s plan would involve a huge wealth transfer from our nation to nations not subject to anything like the standards we have. Compare the efforts of the U.S. (population 330 million) with the coal-heavy appetites of India (1.3 billion) and China (1.4 billion) and you begin to get the idea.
At the 2015 Paris climate summit, China promised to begin reducing its emissions … by 2030. That just happens to be the same date socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden chose for cutting U.S. emissions in half.
Want some perspective on socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s goal? “Amid last year’s Covid-19 lockdowns,” writes the editorial board at The Wall Street Journal, “greenhouse gas emissions fell to about 21% below 2005 levels. In other words, even with the economy shut down and a large share of the population stuck at home, the U.S. was less than halfway to Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s goal.”
Columnist David Harsanyi argues, “Such an effort, if we were serious about it, would entail massive destruction of wealth, a surrender of our international trade advantages, the creation of a hugely intrusive state-run bureaucracy at home, the inhibition of free markets that have helped make the world a cleaner place and a precipitous drop in the living standards of most citizens — especially the poor.”
Nevertheless, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden insists, “The signs are unmistakable, the science undeniable.” Well, some science, anyway. And, he argues, “The cost of inaction keeps mounting.” We seriously doubt it exceeds the cost of the executive edicts and economy-restructuring legislation he and his radical party would foist on the nation. That’s the real agenda.
But as usual, nothing is ever enough for the leftist fringe driving today’s Democrat Party. That’s why climate alarmists are dumping wheelbarrows full of cow manure at the White House to protest socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s “bulls—t” climate plan. Nothing says “we care” like leaving a literal pile of crap for someone else to clean up. Democrat policy in a nutshell. ~The Patriot Post
House Dems Pass Power-Grabbing DC Statehood Bill
On Thursday, and for the second time in as many years, House Democrats passed the all-too-cleverly numbered HR 51, their bill granting statehood to Washington, DC. Last June, along a similar party-line vote, Democrats passed a DC statehood bill that had no chance of seeing the light of day in the Republican-controlled Senate. However, this time around — with the Senate evenly divided but controlled by Democrats via the tiebreaking vote of President-in-Waiting lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris — they have an outside chance of success. Of course, this would likely require the elimination of the filibuster, which thus far Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) has refused to budge on.
Even still, as we have argued, turning DC into the 51st state would require a constitutional amendment, further limiting its prospects. Likewise, GOP Senator John Kennedy (LA) observed that the Democrats’ “power grab” is “unconstitutional.”
But whoever accused the Democrats of being concerned about constitutional fidelity? The DC statehood gambit is a purely partisan power play intentionally designed to grant the Democrats a two-seat Senate majority that would open wide the gates for the implementation of their radical socialist agenda. Congressman James Comer (R-KY) warned, “Let’s be clear what HR 51 is all about: It’s about Democrats adding two new progressive U.S. senators to push a radical agenda championed by the Squad to reshape America into the socialist utopia they always talk about.”
If it were truly about representation for the people of the District, there are better options.
Unfortunately, what this vote demonstrates is that there are no moderate Democrats left in the House. The vote passed along strict party lines, 216 to 208, with not a single Republican voting in favor. Clearly, the Democrats aren’t interested in fair play or compromise, as their radical leftist agenda with its Marxist-based equity ethic cannot abide Liberty. Tyranny always destroys justice, rights, and individual freedom. For the Democrat ruling class to further exercise control over Americans’ lives, it must check or eliminate the power of the opposing party. History has repeatedly demonstrated that one-party rule is a recipe for tyranny. ~The Patriot Post
Gretchen Whitmer Is a Liar
If, as La Rochefoucauld said, “Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue,” then what are we to make of those who lie about that tribute?
Perhaps we should ask Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. After all, she just got caught saying one thing and doing another, and then lying through her teeth about having even done that other thing at all.
It seems sort of pathological.
Whitmer was outed Monday by a local news source, MIRS, for having traveled to Florida at a time when she’d been warning her fellow Michiganders about spring break trips, particularly to Florida, amid a surge in coronavirus cases.
As the Detroit Free Press reported that same day, Whitmer spokesperson Tiffany Brown “would not say when the trip occurred, except that it was more than a month ago and within the last six months and during a time that Michigan’s coronavirus positivity rate was in the low single digits. She would not say where Whitmer went or whether Whitmer traveled alone or with others.”
Credit here to the governor and her flack. Other than the who, what, where, why, and when of the story, their transparency is commendable.
Having been caught red-handed, then, some additional details began to dribble out. She went to Florida. To visit her dad. Who has a chronic health condition.
But then we found out she’d been asked point-blank about any trips she’d taken. As Fox News reports, “Last week, Whitmer joined the Michigan publication MIRS on their podcast, where she was asked by reporter Kyle Melinn if she was able to take any days off for spring break or over the past year amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Whitmer, a Democrat, responded that she was ‘here in town the whole time’ during spring break and that the last trip she had taken ‘was to Israel’ on official business.”
In Whitmer’s defense, “here in town the whole time” can be interpreted in multiple ways. It could mean that she was there in Michigan the whole time, or that she was there in Michigan the whole time, or that she was there in Michigan the whole time. Plenty of wiggle room in that statement.
So she secretly left the state when she warned everyone else not to. Then she got caught lying about it. What’s not to love about this gal?
It’s not the crime that gets ya, Gretch. It’s the cover-up.
Recall that last May, Whitmer warned Michigan’s locked-down residents not to travel to northern Michigan during Memorial Day weekend. “Don’t descend on [the northern Michigan resort town of] Traverse City from all regions of the state,” she said, right before her husband got caught trying to pull rank and get the family boat undocked for a Memorial Day trip to their property just outside of — you guessed it — Traverse City. But we digress.
Sadly, in Michigan, the lockdown hypocrisy isn’t limited to Whitmer. It’s reached, er, pandemic proportions within her administration. As the Detroit Free Press continues, “Officials earlier confirmed that Whitmer’s chief executive officer, Tricia Foster, traveled to Florida with her daughter during spring break, at a time Whitmer had specifically expressed concern about spring break travel to that state. Elizabeth Hertel, the director of the Department of Health and Human Services, the agency that issues Michigan’s coronavirus restrictions, recently traveled with her family to the Gulf Coast of Alabama when her department was cautioning against such travel and while cases in Michigan were surging.”
In related news, long-suffering Michiganders may have a viable option for removing Big Gretch from the governor’s mansion in November 2022. As the Detroit News reports, “Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, revealed this week that she’s considering running against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in the 2022 election. … McDaniel, the former chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, made the remark during ‘a closed-door meeting on Wednesday with RNC members in Dallas.’”
Run, Ronna, run. A fed-up state turns its lonely eyes to you. ~The Patriot Post
The NYT’s BIG ‘Blunt Force’ Lie
Today’s Demo Party leftists, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife/liar-Harris regime and its scumbag/liar-Pelosi/scumbag/liar-Schumer tag team, have become the grandmasters of the BIG Lie — empowered primarily by the colossal influence of their Leftmedia and social media outlets.
The most notorious and nefarious of the BIG Lie media outlets are The New York Times and CNN. They propagate half-truths and outright lies at a rate unrivaled by the rest of the Left-MSM field combined, and in fact many of the lies the downstream media parrot originate with the Times and CNN.
Seeking accountability for one high-profile Times lie, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is after the source of the reprehensible Times assertion that Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was murdered by Capitol rioters. That lie was then repeated so often it was almost universally accepted as fact, and even entered into evidence in the Demos’ post-presidential impeachment theatrical production against Donald Trump.
Fact is, scumbag/liar-Pelosi and scumbag/liar-Schumer willfully and disgracefully used Officer Sicknick’s death as a political prop, and the Times enabled that lie.
In his letter to the Demos’ stand-in Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman, now that the DC medical examiner has officially declared that Officer Sicknick died of “natural causes,” Johnson is asking who was behind the Capitol Police disinformation campaign about Brian’s death.
We are all owed a full accounting regarding those who lied on the grave of Officer Sicknick.
In my original essay on Officer Sicknick’s death, I noted that the day after he died, The New York Times reported that “the insurrectionists killed a Capitol Police officer by striking him in the head with a fire extinguisher.” The Times claimed it based the report on “law enforcement sources,” most likely Capitol Police sources. Despite there being no corroborating evidence for that claim, that lie was ubiquitously repeated by every other Left-MSM outlet. As I noted, it was not until February, “10 days after … the Democrats’ final day of impeachment ‘evidence’ in which they repeated The New York Times claim,” that the Times quietly updated its story to include, “medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma.”
As former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy observed after the Times’s correction, if Officer Sicknick’s death “did not happen the way the House Democratic impeachment managers have represented that it happened, we should be told … why such an inflammatory allegation was made in the impeachment article and repeated in the pretrial memo.” And that is what Senator Johnson is now methodically endeavoring to uncover and enter into evidence in scumbag/liar-Pelosi’s sham commission to investigate the Capitol protest.
And a note of irony: When fact-checking USA Today fact-checkers about a “missing context” claim about a Patriot Post meme, the so-called “fact-checker” actually restated the “death by fire extinguisher” lie — a week after the Times and even CNN were walking back their “bludgeoning” reports. I asked that fact-checker if she would fact-check her own fact-check repeating that lie. No reply.
Finally, if Senator Johnson is able to get some answers from Capitol Police, maybe he can also get answers about the only Capitol death on 6 January caused by another person — that of Ashli Babbitt.
~The Patriot Post
A New Front in the Culture War: Action Civics
There’s more news on a subject we analyzed back in February from socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s Department of Miseducation. Our federal bureaucrats have taken what the state of Illinois proposed at that time and supercharged these rules by proposing new federal regulations codifying Critical Race Theory (CRT) — a key concept within action civics — into government-sanctioned education. While they claim, “We propose these priorities to support the development of culturally responsive teaching and learning and the promotion of information literacy skills in grants under these programs,” the devil is, as always, in the details.
As has been the case throughout this academic obsession with the racist and Marxist fad of CRT, Stanley Kurtz is on the case. “ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is obviously co-opting conservatives’ interest in reviving traditional U.S. history and civics to deliver its perfect opposite — federal imposition of the very ideas conservatives aim to combat,” Kurtz writes at National Review, and he’s correct. It took the socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden regime nanoseconds to disband the 1776 Commission, President Donald Trump’s much-needed rebuttal to the fallacy of the 1619 Project, but now we will be spending real money on fake history.
“I have argued that additional anodyne-sounding priority criteria in the Civics Secures Democracy Act (CSDA) — criteria favoring grants targeted to ‘underserved’ populations and the mitigation of various racial, ethnic, and linguistic achievement gaps — would be interpreted by the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration as a green light to fund Critical Race Theory in the schools,” Kurtz continues. “The new draft federal rule for grant priority in American history and civics education makes it clear that this is indeed the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s intent.” That “anodyne-sounding” criteria is likely why the bill has a Republican cosponsor in both the House and Senate; however, the lead sponsor in both chambers is a Democrat.
As further proof of how this will turn education into indoctrination, Kurtz uses Massachusetts as an example in practice. In 2018, that state scrapped its highly regarded 2003 civics curriculum in favor of a new “action civics” set of courses at the behest of radical leftist educational groups. No one should be surprised to find the funding for the CSDA is intended to be targeted to those populations the Left feels are the victims of society and in need of “racial equity.”
A second part of the new regulations speaks to the need to “distinguish fact from misinformation” by “help(ing) students develop the skills necessary to meaningfully participate in our democracy.” The question is whether there will be any facts to distinguish in the sea of misinformation that is likely to be presented and, in many cases, acted upon — a significant ingredient of action civics is taking protests to the streets, including demonstrations advocating for driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants, gun control, and the Green New Deal, among other pet leftist issues. (No word on whether it’ll include all “peaceful” protests.)
As John Fonte explains at American Greatness, though, “One can assume, with a fair degree of certainty, that ‘action civics’ will not see students involved in pro-life and pro-gun rights protests or in projects supporting the hardworking, underpaid (often Latino) agents of the U.S. border patrol who risk their lives daily to enforce our nation’s laws.”
We’ve said it before, but elections matter. Perhaps Ken Starr believes that these changes won’t survive a Supreme Court challenge, but that’s a very tenuous lifeline to hold on to at this juncture in our nation’s history. Despite their lack of a clear mandate given narrow House and Senate majorities, Democrats are rolling full speed ahead on all fronts to secure perpetual power through whatever means necessary. Ongoing attempts to revamp voting laws, add the District of Columbia as a state, and pack the Supreme Court have all grabbed the headlines, but if we allow the educational system to be a further means of indoctrination, the rest will be rendered all but meaningless. ~The Patriot Post
Dems in Bed With Big Tech
“Big Tech [companies] are the largest financial supporters of Democrats in the country,” Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) asserted this week. “And so, to date, we have seen occasional rhetoric from Democrats directed at Big Tech, but when they’re your single-biggest donors, it shouldn’t be surprising that Democrats have been far less willing to engage in concrete action to rein in Big Tech.”
Cruz was lamenting the lack of any serious congressional action taken against Big Tech over its continued abuse of Americans. Not only have Big Tech companies quashed the right to free speech, they’ve also abused our privacy rights and have sought to limit free market completion.
Senator Josh Hawley on Monday introduced the “Bust Up Big Tech Act,” legislation aimed to “break up” companies like Amazon and Google. He echoed Cruz’s criticism, arguing, “The truth is tech has really made an effort to court this White House and to court the [Democrat] Party, and you look at the enormous sums of money that tech poured into the Biden-Harris campaign, that money has an effect.”
The Washington Examiner reports, “Campaign finance records show employees at five tech companies, including Google’s parent Alphabet, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook, gave more than $12 million to President Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, according to Open Secrets. Throughout the election cycle, Alphabet gave around $21 million to Democrats, with Amazon contributing around $9.4 million. Biden and Democratic super PACs were among the top recipients. Overall, roughly 80% of Alphabet’s funds went to Democrats, while 7% went to Republicans, according to a report by the Observer.”
Seeking to draw a clear line in the sand, seven House Republicans have pledged to not accept money from Big Tech. Led by Representative Ken Buck (CO), the pledge reads in part, “As conservatives, we firmly believe in the free market and the free exchange of ideas. We will not continue to accept donations from companies who violate those convictions. … The threat posed by these monopolies is a real and present danger to conservatives, libertarians, and anyone who does not agree with these corporations’ ultra-liberal points of view.”
The political divide on Big Tech is becoming clearer all the time, and all you have to do is follow the money.
~The Patriot Post
When Black Lives REALLY Matter
911 Dispatcher: “911, where is your emergency?”
Female: “Hello? 3171 Legion Lane.”
911 Dispatcher: “What’s going on?”
Female: “It’s 3171, we got these grown girls over here trying to fight us, trying to stab us, trying to put their hands on our grandma! Get here now!”
911 Dispatcher: (calmly) “Ma'am, do you see any weapons?”
Female: “We need a police officer here now!”
911 Dispatcher: “Do you see any weapons?”
Female: (indiscriminate screaming) phone call ends.
Officers responded to the scene and at 4:45 p.m. an officer-involved shooting was reported. Lying in a pool of her own blood was a 16-year-old teen, a foster care youth.
Onlooker: “She’s a f—ing kid man, damn, are you stupid?”
Officer: “She came at her with a knife.”
So, you might be wondering, what happened? To be honest, it’s not too complicated. A female wielding a knife with violent intent, thrusting it toward two different women, was killed by the Columbus Police Department in Ohio. I know this doesn’t sound newsworthy, but you have to catch the plot twist. The 16-year-old was a BLACK female teenager. You see, “black” is the new code word for privilege, victim, and a media frenzy no Hollywood movie can rival. Disclaimer: That’s only for the liberal black person in his/her death at the hands of a white civilian or police officer.
Not ALL black lives matter, just the dead ones who are shot and killed by (white) law enforcement officers. I must repeat this to get the point across.
Franklin County Children’s Services confirmed on Tuesday night that the girl killed was 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant and that she was in foster care and in the custody of Children’s Services.
Police received a 911 call at 4:35 p.m. about an attempted stabbing on the 3100 block of Legion Lane. The caller reported a female was trying to stab them, then the caller hung up.
The situation unfolded rapidly, according to clips from the body cameras of three officers on the street. Ma'Khia was holding a knife in her right hand and charged a woman dressed in pink — who turned to her side as the teen appeared to attempt to stab her. That’s when the shots rang out.
A white police officer shot and killed a black female who was trying to kill another black female and he is the “bad guy.” Let that sink in. When a black person’s life should matter, it doesn’t.
You can’t make this stuff up. A white police officer should and did use deadly force to eliminate the threat of what would have been a bloodbath for another woman. She was grateful that the police were there to save her life. This “Black Lives Matter: Columbus Edition” is, if you’ll pardon the expression, the same poop in a different toilet. It reeks of irresponsible parenting and another local government payoff to another proletariat victim. I’ll see you at the next “white cop kills ‘unarmed’ black person” stop. It’s never going to end. ~The Patriot Post