Facebook Predictably Continues to Censor Trump
Still suspended. That’s the word from Facebook’s Oversight Board to former President Donald Trump.
As the Wall Street Journal editorial board writes, “Facebook reneged on its commitment to free expression when it banned Donald Trump ‘indefinitely’ from the platform in the panic surrounding the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. The company’s oversight board rendered its mixed judgment on the ban Wednesday, and the ruling is a win for Facebook’s censors. But the board has also given CEO Mark Zuckerberg an opening to rediscover his free-speech principles, if he has the nerve.”
That opening? The board ordered Facebook’s executives to come back within six months with a “defined penalty” for it to review. So, in the meantime, a former U.S. president continues to be censored by a selective suppressor of speech — a Big Tech behemoth that continues to enjoy (and profit from) outdated Section 230 protections that shield it against lawsuits from its users.
Republican Senator Josh Hawley saw through it: “This is a fake court set up by Facebook to allow Facebook to do whatever Facebook wants to do. This is what you can do with your monopoly because there is no accountability. … They don’t have any real competition, so they can go out there and suspend [or] deplatform a sitting U.S. president.”
“It is a sad day for America,” said Donald Trump’s former chief of staff, Mark Meadows. “It’s a sad day for Facebook because I can tell you, a number of members of Congress are now looking at: Do they break up Facebook, do they make sure that they don’t have a monopoly? And I can tell you that it is two different standards, one for Donald Trump and one for a number of other people that are on their sites.”
As Ben Shapiro put it, “Facebook’s Oversight Board says they were right to suspend Trump because he violated their rule ‘prohibiting praise or support of people engaged in violence.’ Last year, nearly the entire media and Democratic Party praised people engaged in the most costly riots in US history.”
House Republicans seemed genuinely upset by the board’s ruling, so we should expect a sternly worded memo shortly. “Facebook is more interested in acting like a Democrat Super PAC than a platform for free speech and open debate,” tweeted Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. “If they can ban President Trump, all conservative voices could be next. A House Republican majority will rein in big tech power over our speech.”
The WSJ editors are unquestionably proponents of free speech, but perhaps they have an added interest here in that their own ox was recently gored by Facebook. As they wrote on March 5, “China last winter censored doctors who shared ‘dangerous’ misinformation about the novel coronavirus on social media. Now America’s self-anointed virus experts and social-media giants are also silencing doctors with contrarian views in an apparent effort to shut down scientific debate. We’re seeing this up close and personal. Facebook this week appended a Wall Street Journal op-ed … by Johns Hopkins surgeon Marty Makary with the label ‘Missing Context. Independent fact-checkers say this information could mislead people.’ According to Facebook, ‘Once we have a rating from a fact-checking partner, we take action by ensuring that fewer people see that misinformation.’”
Yes, and everyone trusts The Fact-Checkers™.
The decision to continue banning Trump isn’t surprising given the hard-left makeup of Facebook’s multicultural board. As the Journal notes, it comprises “only two who clearly lean to the right: former federal judge Michael McConnell and anti-Trump libertarian John Samples. The others are varying degrees of center-left to further left.”
You’re telling us. As the Washington Examiner reports, “Fifteen of the 20 members have either worked for or are in jobs funded by [George] Soros’s foundations.” Said one board member, “God forbid if Trump becomes the president, this will be my last visit to US.” Said another, “Unfortunately I don’t trust Trump because I generally don’t trust racist people.”
Talk about a tainted jury pool.
Perhaps having sensed the direction of the board’s Wednesday announcement, Trump preempted them. As Fox News’s Brooke Singman reports, “Trump launched a communications platform on Tuesday, which will serve as ‘a place to speak freely and safely,’ and will eventually give him the ability to communicate directly with his followers, after months of being banned from sites like Twitter and Facebook,” as well as Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube.
The platform, “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,” is essentially a blog from which he can post comments, pictures, and videos. Furthermore, as Singman writes, “[It] allows followers to share the former president’s posts to Twitter and Facebook, however, the new platform does not have a feature to allow users to ‘reply’ or engage with Trump’s posts.”
As the Journal rightly concludes, “The oversight board advises that ‘Facebook must resist pressure from governments to silence their political opposition.’ But this is already happening in the U.S., as Democrats in Congress use their legal leverage over social-media platforms to press for censorship. This is a graver threat to democracy than Mr. Trump’s rhetoric. Mr. Zuckerberg needs the courage of his professed convictions.”
We won’t be holding our breath. ~The Patriot Post
Is Ousting Cheney for Stefanik Good for Conservatives?
Conservative Republicans might want to be careful what they wish for. Following Liz Cheney’s recent dustup with Donald Trump, where she publicly excoriated his views on the 2020 election results, Republican leaders appear poised to push her out of her position as House Republican Conference Chair and hand that post to Elise Stefanik.
Combine House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s “accidental” hot mic comments with House Minority Whip Steve Scalise’s endorsement of New York’s Stefanik for conference chair and it looks like the writing is on the wall for Cheney, the lone representative from Wyoming. A spokesman for Scalise said, “House Republicans need to be solely focused on taking back the House in 2022 and fighting against Speaker [scumbag/liar-Nancy] Pelosi and President [socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe] Biden’s radial socialist agenda, and Elise Stefanik is strongly committed to doing that, which is why Whip Scalise has pledged to support her for conference chair.”
For what it’s worth, Trump also threw his support behind Stefanik. “Liz Cheney is a warmongering fool who has no business in Republican Party Leadership,” he said. “We want leaders who believe in the Make America Great Again movement, and prioritize the values of America First. Elise Stefanik is a far superior choice, and she has my COMPLETE and TOTAL Endorsement for GOP Conference Chair. Elise is a tough and smart communicator!”
The primary reason Cheney may lose her leadership spot, likely to Stefanik, is Trump. That’s too bad if one is concerned with which of the two representatives has a greater commitment to conservative values. Or, to put a finer point on it, which one “believes in the Make America Great Again movement, and prioritizes the values of America First.”
Ironically, Cheney voted far more consistently for Trump’s agenda than did Stefanik. According to her House voting record, Cheney was 92.9% in line with Trump’s policy positions to Stefanik’s 77.7%. And yet, the narrative being presented by Trump is that Cheney is a roadblock to America First. With all due respect, that’s nonsense.
So, who is Stefanik? She’s a young rising star in GOP ranks who showed great acumen during Trump’s first impeachment trial as a member of his defense team. This along with her support of an objection to accepting the Electoral College votes from Pennsylvania likely won her Trump’s support.
In 2018, Stefanik created a political action committee whose goal was to support more Republican women running for Congress. It seems to have paid dividends, as a record number of Republican women were elected in 2020. This result may also be a significant factor explaining GOP leaders’ support for Stefanik.
Regarding her voting record, the Washington Examiner reports, “The American Conservative Union gives Stefanik a lifetime rating of 44%, compared to 78% for Cheney, while Heritage Action gives Stefanik a 48% lifetime score compared to 80% for Cheney.”
It’s clear that for Trump, loyalty to him personally supersedes even support for his policy positions. That’s something Cheney, in voting for his impeachment following the January 6 Capitol riot, refused to concede.
Cheney’s biggest mistake was her decision to respond to Trump rather than ignore him. Attempting to relitigate, one way or the other, the outcome of the 2020 election doesn’t move the party or the country forward. Learn from the past in order to avoid making similar mistakes in the future, but the past cannot be undone. Trump himself would do well to end his over-the-top criticism of Republicans and aim his ire at socialist/scumbag/liar- Biden and the Democrats’ extreme leftist agenda. ~The Patriot Post
The CDC’s Corrupt Political Agenda
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky earned her MD from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, was the chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital, and she’s served as a professor at Harvard Medical School. Yet now that she’s leading the Centers for Disease Control, which is really putting the emphasis on control over much of American life during the ChiCom Virus pandemic, what seems to matter most is Walensky’s union connections.
Our Louis DeBroux related just yesterday the scandalous reality that the CDC issued edited school guidelines that, in some cases, are nearly verbatim wording from communications with representatives of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). This collusion isn’t about public health or science; it’s about union demands. And Walensky was directly involved, even reversing herself on previous statements in order to accommodate.
“There is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated in order to reopen safely,” Walensky said in February. “Vaccination of teachers is not a prerequisite for the safe reopening of schools.” It is, however, a prerequisite if unions are going to cooperate, so now Walensky is pushing states to prioritize teachers for vaccination.
Some Republicans are demanding answers, but North Carolina Republican Congressman Greg Murphy has seen enough. “As a practicing physician,” he said, “I believe that any physician who puts the influence of political organizations before the well-being of our children has violated the Hippocratic Oath and does not belong in public service. These actions are unconscionable, and so I am calling on Dr. Walensky to resign immediately.”
Of course, Walensky won’t resign, and she won’t be fired either. She’s a minority woman toeing the company line while pleasing socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife/liar-Harris donors in the unions. (Remember, Jill Biden is a member of the National Education Association.) In fact, Walensky was reveling in her own profound wisdom in a friendly appearance this week on CNN, where scumbag/commie- John Berman didn’t even bring up the hot-off-the-press story of union collusion.
“Until everyone is safe, no one is safe,” Walensky did say during the interview while explaining why kids still must wear masks even when playing sports outdoors. This is the same woman who said at the end of March that she suffers a “recurring feeling” of “impending doom” about the pandemic. At a time when over 55 million Americans had been vaccinated with millions more each week, she moaned, “Right now I’m scared.”
Sowing fear is indeed the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s number one goal. For a president who wants to imitate FDR in terms of unconstitutional government expansion, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden wants nothing to do with FDR’s famous maxim, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Unfortunately, under this administration, rank politicization is the best we can expect from the federal government. The CDC has been discredited by its own actions and leadership. Meanwhile, more than 107 million Americans are now fully vaccinated, and 250 million doses have been distributed. Another 32 million are largely safe because they’ve already had COVID (there’s certainly overlap in that number with the vaccinated).
It’s not time for more pronouncements of doom or for collusion between political interest groups to keep the fear going. Instead, you could be forgiven for asking if it isn’t time for state and local governments, as well as churches, businesses, and everyone else, to start ignoring Walensky, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the CDC and get on with living. ~The Patriot Post
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Masking Message —
This week there was fanfare over a truly bizarre photo of socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and “Doctor” Jill alongside two frail Georgia folks in their 90s, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter. For the record, I have been in security details for Mr. and Mrs. Carter and can assure you they are people of normal stature — not “little people” as the Carter Center image portrayed. At 5'10", Mr. Carter is five inches shorter than I am, but in the photo next to the socialist/scumbag/liar-Bidens, the Carters look like a couple of Jeff Dunham’s retired ventriloquist dummies.
But there was something else curious about the photo. Neither the socialist/scumbag/liar-Bidens nor the Carters were wearing masks, despite their advanced age, vulnerability, and being inside and in close quarters. There were many other people in the room behind the photographer. The Carter Center was quick to note that the Carters and socialist/scumbag/liar-Bidens had been vaccinated so there was no need for masks. And they are absolutely correct.
The lack of masks is curious only because of socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s obsession with masking, a projection to perpetuate his statist ChiCom Virus power play to keep a fear-induced chokehold on his gullible constituent lemmings. This is the guy who wears a mask in Zoom calls and every time he steps outside. In fact, when leaving the Carters’ residence, as soon as they stepped out the door Joe and Jill masked up.
So, as socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is pushing incentives for people to get vaccinated with things like retailer discounts and sporting event promotions and employer incentives in order to reach his 70% vaccination goal in order to “return to normal,” his masking and other government-control agenda mandates imply the vaccine does not work.
In an interview days before his unmasked visit with the Carters, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden insisted, “But if we were, in fact, sitting there talking to one another close, I’d have my mask on and I’d like you to have a mask even though we’ve both been vaccinated. And so, it’s a small precaution to take that has a profound impact.”
He added, “It’s a patriotic responsibility, for God’s sake.” This from a career swamp dweller who is assaulting the foundation of American Liberty and the rights of genuine American Patriots on more fonts than any president in history.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden can’t have it both ways. He is directly contradicting the CDC’s recommendations for vaccinated people, not that the CDC political agenda or that career bureaucratic clown Tony Fauci are worthy of anyone’s trust. By continuing to wear a mask inside and outside, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is projecting that the vaccine does not work.
Finally, almost as humorous as the distorted Carter photo, when socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden was promoting his national vaccination goal a day later, he repeatedly instructed Americans to register for their inoculations at “Vaccines.gum” instead of Vaccines.gov. Apparently, it’s Bubblicious! ~The Patriot Post
Racist Vaccine Mandates?
As per their inclination, progressives and their media lapdogs have created a new term to paper over a genuine problem, one that may prove to be quite deleterious for a socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration dedicated to the idea that America is a systemically racist nation requiring a wholesale overhaul — by any means necessary.
The term is “vaccine hesitation,” and it’s being used to play down the reality that “communities of color” are hesitant to get vaccinated.
Wait, what? The media have been quick to point out that Trump supporters, Republican men, white Americans with or without college degrees, evangelicals, rural Americans, and younger Americans are hesitant to get vaccinated, according to an NPR/PBS/Marist poll of 1,227 adults taken in March. Unfortunately for the narrative shapers, that same poll revealed that 25% of black Americans said they were not planning to be vaccinated, compared to 28% of white Americans. Even more inimical to that narrative, 37% of Latinos said they would not get vaccinated. Forbes Magazine columnist Nicholas Reimann laments the obvious: That number is “much higher than most other demographic groups included in the poll.”
Nonetheless, in another opportunity to single out those who don’t align themselves with progressive, bicoastal sensibilities, CNN’s Brianna Keilar insisted that while many Americans “have turned to family and to friends and to faith for comfort and answer” during the pandemic, “many evangelicals are getting the wrong message and, in some cases, lies from pastors they have entrusted with their faith and with their lives.”
In short, Keilar believes evangelicals are preacher-led automatons incapable of making up their own minds. What about the one-in-four black Americans and more than one-in-three Latinos who feel exactly the same way?
Perhaps all of them should listen to the “experts” from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) instead. Or perhaps not. On Monday, Americans found out that the American Federation of Teachers lobbied the CDC and apparently succeeded in getting the agency to change its guidance on in-person school reopenings. Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the conservative watchdog group Americans for Public Trust revealed that AFT “suggestions” were used nearly word-for-word within the CDC’s guidelines.
Thus, Americans might be forgiven for being skeptical about an agency that claims to “follow the science” even as it appears just as willing to “follow the union.”
Yet the bigger picture is far more complicated. Vaccine hesitancy, regardless of demographic, is likely a series of snapshots in time. A person hesitant today may ultimately become convinced that vaccination is the way to go tomorrow, based on further information regarding vaccine effectiveness and safety. Most likely that’s because the vaccines have been distributed and delivered into the arms of the public under the auspices of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the CDC.
That reality is not lost on the public. Thus, as health services professor Stefanie Friedhoff points out, being more informed “is the single most important concern expressed by those unsure about the Covid-19 vaccine, according to almost every poll that asks this question. This is true across the political spectrum.”
More to the point, what motivates many vaccine-hesitant minority Americans is history. “There’s a terrible history in this country, most notably the Tuskegee Study,” Pennsylvania Democrat Senator Bob Casey stated in April.
Casey is right. The Tuskegee Study was conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service and the CDC between 1932 and 1972. It focused on 600 black sharecroppers, 399 of whom had syphilis, and 201 who did not. The study was conducted without the benefit of patients’ informed consent, and though the federal government promised the participants healthcare, they never received it, even when penicillin became the drug of choice for syphilis in 1947. Nearly 130 participants died.
At the very best, skepticism among reasonable people of every color and ethnicity might be elicited by that history. At worst — and searingly ironic — an administration and its media cheerleaders, wholly dedicated to convincing Americans that they live in a systemically racist nation, could be exponentially exacerbating that skepticism.
Regardless, systemic racism remains the progressive mantra, and Ezemenari Obasi, director of the University of Houston’s HEALTH (Helping Everyone Achieve a Lifetime of Health) Research Institute (HRI), keeps the fire burning. He insists, “Systemic racism is real, medical mistrust by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color) communities is earned, and the best way to accelerate scientific breakthroughs regarding SARS-CoV-2 vaccine uptake in BIPOC communities is to include them in the research process.”
Yet he cites the Tuskegee Study in reference to historic “oversimplification” of vaccine resistance.“We want to uncover whether it’s more nuanced than that,” Obasi adds, “and understand the role that recent mixed messaging from politicians has contributed to hesitancy.”
Mixed messaging? The Biden administration owns mixed messaging, and no one makes it clearer than a vaccinated president who not only continues to wear a mask even in totally unnecessary circumstances but declares it one’s patriotic duty to do so, despite CDC guidelines to the contrary.
Again, logical Americans of every color and ethnicity might be inclined to ask themselves why a host of restrictions still apply whether one is vaccinated or not, and if so, why one should get vaccinated. Even more important, if they have already had the coronavirus, they might be asking themselves why they need a vaccine at all. They might also wonder if pregnant women, or those who wish to get pregnant, should get the vaccine.
Thus, these are not unreasonable questions. Yet it won’t be long before those same Americans and many others begin asking why the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is attempting to make vaccinations effectively mandatory. According to White House Press Secretary liar-Jen Psaki, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration “is not now nor will we be supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a credential.” She added, “There will be no federal vaccinations database, and no federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential.”
Of course not. Instead they will outsource their coercion to woke corporations and colleges, which will require those working at or attending their institutions to be vaccinated. And because these requirements are occurring in piecemeal fashion, what will effectively become a national mandate is being obscured.
Yet what will the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration and its corporate collaborators do if minority Americans who don’t want to get vaccinated start accusing them of racism for forcing them to do so? For an administration dedicated to stoking the fires of racial division — from Jim Crow to Jim Eagle, as it were — such accusations may prove to be the ultimate irony, especially for an administration whose standard-bearer once asserted that if you didn’t know whether to vote for him or Donald Trump, “You ain’t black.”
And if one’s racial “legitimacy” now requires one to also be vaccinated? Perhaps we are nearing a moment when millions of black Americans will discover that the same Democrat Party that made them second-class citizens during the Jim Crow era is willing to do so again if they fail to get vaccinated.
In short, they may discover that “social justice” — delivered at rhetorical gunpoint — is no justice at all.
~The Patriot Post
Central Insanity Agency
The Central Intelligence Agency is always looking to recruit new agents and advertising is one way it has done so in the past. The difference this time is in a newly created series of recruitment videos that reflect the spirit of the age in which we live, rather than appealing to abilities and patriotism.
The videos seem to suggest that the super-secret agency has been infiltrated, not by spies from Russia, China, or al-Qaida, but rather a subtler and nearly invisible enemy.
That would be the infiltration by woke liberals, whose primary goal appears to be the undermining of every tradition and institution — from Disneyland’s Snow White ride (the famous kiss scene by the Prince has been deemed sexually aggressive because Ms. White is unconscious and cannot give consent, so it will be re-imagined) — to America’s foremost intelligence agency.
The latest CIA video features a Latina officer who identifies as a “cisgender millennial.” Even the word “cisgender” is so new that my spellcheck does not (yet) recognize it. The video is part of a new series called “Humans of CIA” designed to attract a more “diverse pool of candidates.”
From the script: “I am a woman of color. I am a mom. I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. I am intersectional, but my existence is not a box-checking exercise.”
Really? What else could it be?
WebMD defines anxiety disorders: “They’re a group of mental illnesses that cause constant and overwhelming anxiety and fear. The excessive anxiety can make you avoid work, school, family get-togethers, and other social situations that might trigger or worsen your symptoms.”
Forget the other stuff. Why would the CIA be fine with an agent suffering from such a malady?
Some conservatives immediately began mocking the video. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said: “If you’re a Chinese communist, or an Iranian mullah, or Kim Jong-un … would this scare you? We’ve come a long way from Jason Bourne,” a reference to the star of the spy movies, not to mention the real-life drama of Virginia Hall, whose World War II exploits for British, French and American intelligence are chronicled in a book by Sonia Purnell entitled “A Woman of No Importance.”
Donald Trump Jr. joined the mock fest when he tweeted that the agency has gone “full woke. China and Russia love this” and are “laughing their asses off.” Trump junior added: “wokeness is the kind of twisted PSYOP (psychological operations) a spy agency would invent to destroy a country from inside out.” Such operations have traditionally been used to influence the reasoning and emotions of people, a strategy now full-blown in America.
The late historian Will Durant had the definitive statement about what happens to nations that ignore traditions and policies which have worked in the past: “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within.”
An even higher authority preached: “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.” (2 Timothy 4:3 NLT)
The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is weakening America from inside out, especially by ignoring the crisis at our southern border. Wokeness is spreading at least as fast as COVID-19 ever could.
Unlike the virus, there is no vaccination for this moral and intellectual pandemic.
The CIA has had problems in its past, but none as serious as this. If they continue to succumb to wokeness, the “I” in its acronym will stand for insanity. ~The Patriot Post
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Non-Infrastructure Infrastructure Bill
Well, they’re at it again. Since the left can’t sell its ideas to the American public honestly, it’s changing the definitions of words yet again to get its agenda passed. This time, it’s the word “infrastructure,” as in President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s recent “infrastructure” bill.
Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden used his address to Congress last week to try to sell the American public on a huge far-left wish list of new spending and programs, including his “American Jobs Plan.”
Infrastructure has been commonly understood to mean projects like roads and bridges. In fact, we’re being sold this massive bill because we’ve been told for years that our roads and bridges are crumbling all around us.
Yet, in socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s budget-busting $2.25 trillion plan, less than 5 percent of those dollars actually get spent on traditional road and bridge projects. Much of the rest is spent on left-wing priorities that don’t even come close to meeting the definition of infrastructure. Those priorities likely wouldn’t get public support if Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and his allies were honest with the American people about what the bill actually contained.
But that’s precisely why they have to change the definitions of words. If you fraudulently label something “infrastructure,” it becomes a “must-pass” bill.
This new definition of shovel-ready infrastructure includes massive amounts of corporate welfare, a huge expansion of Medicaid benefits, federal rules to undermine right-to-work laws across the country, a “Civilian Climate Corps” that would use billions of taxpayer dollars to fund legions of environmental activists, and billions in subsidies for buying electric vehicles.
If Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden had introduced his plan in a half-hour infomercial instead of a press conference, the Federal Trade Commission would have pulled it off the air and fined him for false advertising along with the hucksters who run the get-rich-quick infomercials you see at 2 a.m. when you can’t fall asleep.
But redefining language is nothing new for the left. When they can’t win public opinion with the truth, they change the meanings of words to trick the public into their way of thinking.
Examples abound.
scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton famously called taxes “contributions” and talked about how the government needed more of them from you. But if you actually treated them like contributions and decided that they were voluntary, armed IRS agents would knock on your door and put a lien on your home.
And when it comes to abortion, there’s no such thing as a baby growing inside her mother’s womb anymore; it’s now called a “product of conception.” That’s the left’s way of pretending that abortion isn’t the destruction of human life. Haven’t you noticed all those “Happy Product-of-Conception Shower” cards in the greeting card aisle at CVS? Me, too.
And what about when a politician tells you that they’re cutting spending? In typical Washington-speak, spending cuts aren’t actually cuts in spending but cuts to increases in spending. So they’re still spending more money than they did before — just not as much as they wanted.
No matter what they call it, Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s infrastructure plan includes the biggest tax increase and the greatest federal power grab in decades.
The trillions in new taxes necessary to fund a spending plan of this size would cripple the American economy just as we’re trying to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden says the tax increase would be borne by businesses and the rich, but raising taxes on businesses hurts all Americans, especially poor and working families. The simple fact is that companies have to pay for higher taxes somehow, and they usually do it by charging higher prices for goods and services, by lowering employees’ wages, or by investing in operations and jobs overseas where taxes are cheaper.
But won’t all that job creation that Mr. socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden is promising with his infrastructure projects offset all those jobs lost?
Not even close. While the administration claims that the plan would create millions of jobs, federally funded infrastructure projects often just end up diverting skilled workers from private-sector construction work, with new construction jobs being far less than promised and certainly not enough to overcome the job losses.
In the end, the American Jobs Plan is being used as a Trojan horse to hide an agenda that would cost American families, chase jobs out of the country, add trillions to the debt, and concentrate more power with the federal government.
It has all the hype of a 2 a.m. infomercial, but like most of them, it can’t deliver. It’s filled with false promises of “free” benefits that are only possible through increased costs for working Americans. It won’t build much infrastructure, but it will build a bigger swamp in Washington and drag us closer to the downward spiral of central planning and socialism that we must avoid if we ever want America to be America again. ~The Patriot Post