Leftists Spew Anti-American Hate on July 4th
On July 3rd, The New York Times ran an interesting article titled, “A Fourth of July Symbol of Unity That May No Longer Unite,” wherein the symbol referred to was the American flag. The story attempted to make the case that Old Glory has become increasingly politicized and therefore politically divisive. To be fair, the article was relatively balanced, sharing views from Americans on both sides of the political aisle. But the fact that some Americans are divided over the flag is not exactly a testament to the “unity” bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden promised to bring.
One of the most telling points the article notes is this: “While 66 percent of Republicans surveyed said they associated the flag with their own party, only 34 percent of Democrats said the same.” The question naturally arises: Why has the foremost symbol of American unity become seemingly so divisive? Well, the sentiments expressed over the weekend by a couple of Democrat lawmakers, Representatives scumbag/worthless-Maxine Waters and scumbag/worthless-Cori Bush, go a long way in answering that question.
“July 4th… & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what?” Waters wrote on social media. “Only white men? Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now!”
scumbag/worthless-Bush’s dubious claims were just as bad: “When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.”
The pushback from Republicans was immediate. “Hateful, divisive lies,” chastised Senator Ted Cruz. “The Left hates America. Believe them when they tell you this.”
Both scumbag/worthless-Waters and scumbag/worthless-Bush are, of course, black women. They are members of Congress and some of the most powerful people in the country. But they hate the country they help run.
At the root of the growing division in America — and the hate espoused by scumbag/worthless-Waters, scumbag/worthless-Bush, and others — is the poisonous Marxist ideology of Critical Race Theory, which by design divides Americans along identitarian lines and encourages hatred by constantly elevating past grievances. CRT is an ideology that has always hated the value of individual liberty, seeing it as the primary problem in society preventing the realization of “equity.” Therefore, leftists have exploited those instances in American history where the nation has failed to live up to our founding ideals, and they do so not to encourage a greater realization of those ideals but to attack them.
scumbag/worthless-Waters and scumbag/worthless-Bush, along with a slew of other radical leftists, attack America, her flag, her people, and her history because they don’t believe in America. Through their words and actions they encourage more hatred of a nation that has brought more freedom, equality, and opportunity than any other nation in history.
Thankfully, there are Americans like boxing legend George Foreman who push back against this leftist hate and proudly express patriotism. As Foreman put it, “For about 54 years, people have asked me not to keep saying ‘I love America’. Well I do and I’m not ashamed. Don’t leave it. Love it.” Amen. ~The Patriot Post
Grilling bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Economy
As Americans return to work after celebrating Independence Day, it’s worth surveying the economy.
First of all, more Americans are indeed returning to work. Last Friday’s June jobs report was decent, showing that employers hired 850,000 people. The headline unemployment rate ticked up one notch to 5.9%, which is arguably a good sign because more people are looking for jobs. With 9.3 million openings, that shouldn’t be hard — at least for anyone not making more money by remaining unemployed.
“None of this happened by accident,” crowded bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden. “It’s a direct result of the American Rescue Plan.” No, economic growth is in spite of Biden’s spending and government policies.
Perhaps bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden would like to explain why, if his policies are so effective, the places where the economy is revving up are the red states where governors are doing their best to ignore or work around his policies.
The Wall Street Journal editorial board highlights one significant way Democrat policies are distorting not just the job market but supply chains:
As businesses bid up wages, more workers are quitting for higher-paying jobs. The number of workers who voluntarily left their jobs to look for other work increased by 164,000 to 942,000. High worker turnover makes it hard to run a business, and the labor shortage is causing supply-chain problems and pushing up prices. Inflation has eroded wage gains in recent months.
We’ve recently noted the tax of rising inflation, as well as the problems in the supply chain caused by employment shortages.
Nevertheless, we’re told all is well. The White House put out a social media boast prior to our weekend celebrations: “The cost of a 4th of July cookout in 2021 is down $0.16 from last year.”
The claim uses data from the American Farm Bureau Federation, but, to borrow a label from the Leftmedia “fact-checkers,” it’s “missing context.”
For one thing, fewer Americans were doing anything last July because of a certain pandemic. Second, the cost of a cookout is 8% higher than in 2019, when everyone was still living normally. Third, apparently a can of pork and beans is down 13%, but if you needed (ahem) gas to drive anywhere for your Fourth of July BBQ, you spent 7% more. Even at that, many stations were experiencing shortages over the weekend.
The point here isn’t to say the economy is in dire straits. Clearly, the recovery is happening. The problem is that it’s going in fits and starts because it’s being hindered by government spending and market distortions, as well as remaining restrictions on activity in heavily populated blue states. More taxes and more spending are not the answer. ~The Patriot Post
bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Misses
Remember when bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden said that if we obey his decrees, he would give us permission to gather in small groups to “make this Independence Day something special”? What’s “special” about Independence Day, of course, is that it celebrates the American Revolution against a government that was decreeing how we could live our lives.
Well, despite coming up short of bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s widely touted COVID vaccination goal — 70% of American adults vaccinated by Independence Day — he proclaimed, “We’re closer than ever to declaring our independence from a deadly virus.” And the White House insisted that the administration had “succeeded beyond our highest expectations.”
The real numbers: Sixty-seven percent of Americans have been vaccinated, about eight million shy of his goal. During his Fourth of July remarks, bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden called vaccination “the most patriotic thing you can do.” We’re guessing at least a few of the 33% who declined to get the shot would disagree.
Unfortunately, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has politicized the vaccine in many ways. For instance, last week, when it became apparent he wouldn’t make his goal, he shifted blame for the failure to — what else? — “racism.”
“There’s a reason why it’s been harder to get African Americans, initially, to get vaccinated,” bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden opined. “Because they’re used to being experimented on — the Tuskegee Airmen and others. People have memories. People have long memories.” Biden also contended that Hispanic Americans have been hard to convince to get vaccinated because “they’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported.” So, according to bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden, all Hispanics are illegal immigrants?
The White House sought to promote another alternate narrative for the reason it came up short of bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s July 4th goal, and that would be young people: “The reality is, many younger Americans have felt like COVID-19 is not something that impacts them and have been less eager to get the shot.”
Naturally, the White House was quick to claim it’s not moving the goalposts: “It’s less about the number and more about, does America look like America again? Have we protected some of our most vulnerable? Not only is the answer yes, but we’ve done it faster than we anticipated.”
That’s classic political spin designed to distract from the fact that bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden did not meet his goal. And let’s not forget that the only reason Biden was even able to put forward a vaccination goal was because multiple vaccines were developed in record time under Donald Trump’s leadership, with nearly a million Americans a day receiving COVID vaccines by the time Biden entered office. The lion’s share of the vaccination credit goes to Trump, not bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden — despite the latter’s disgraceful attempts to claim credit.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media touts China’s having administered one billion vaccine doses, as if the Chinese people have a choice in the matter. In totalitarian governmental systems like the one controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, individuals have no freedom to challenge or resist government diktats.
Individual freedom is a fundamental feature of the American system of government, not a bug to be eradicated, as the Leftmedia regularly insinuates. That Americans are free without government coercion to choose whether or not they want to get vaccinated is only a problem for those wishing to exert control. To diminish and ridicule people’s liberty to choose is to attack the very spirit of America. ~The Patriot Post
Mike Pompeo Unloads on CRT
It’s safe to say that few Americans love this country more than Mike Pompeo. The kid from Fountain Valley, California, graduated first in his class at West Point and served as an armor officer in the U.S. Army before co-founding and building an aerospace company in Kansas. But rather than remain in the private sector, he returned to public service — first as a congressman, and then as CIA director and secretary of state under President Donald Trump.
In a July 4 interview with radio host John Catsimatidis (the Pompeo portion begins at the 16:00 mark), he reflected on “this asset we’ve been given because we are just privileged to be Americans … and how we should never take it for granted.”
His host then asked him about the future and what he’s worried about, and Pompeo didn’t hesitate.
This is a pretty resilient nation, [but] I’m worried about some of the things being taught in our schools. If we teach that [the] founding of the United States of America was somehow flawed, it was corrupt, it was racist, that’s really dangerous. It strikes at the very moorings, the very foundations of our country. And so I certainly worry about that. It’s called Critical Race Theory sometimes or the 1619 Project, but at the end they’re attacking the central understandings that we have shared together for 245 years in an attempt to divide the country. If that continues, if that is allowed to flourish and prosper, then we could in fact lose this thing that is so special. We can’t let that happen.
Unfortunately, Secretary Pompeo was preaching to the choir. If only he’d had an audience in the faculty lounge at the University of North Carolina, which disgraced itself last week by offering a tenured professorship — the position of Knight Chair in Race and Investigative Journalism — to New York Times journalist hack Nikole Hannah-Jones. Jones is the author of the roundly and widely discredited 1619 Project, which stresses that America was founded not with its Declaration of Independence in 1776 but with the landing of the first slave ship on its shores in 1619. (Who knew, for example, that we fought the Revolutionary War to preserve slavery, and that blacks were mostly on their own in the fight to abolish that vile institution?)
This morning, however, Hannah-Jones added eternal insult to UNC’s self-inflicted injury when she declined the school’s offer and instead decided to take a professorship at Washington DC’s historically black Howard University.
As for Pompeo, he’s worried about our education system at all levels, including our leftist institutions of higher ed:
They have lost what I was just talking about — this understanding of America and its traditions. [But] we can also make choices about where our kids go to school, and make sure that our kids are receiving an education that is broad. I’m happy if students take courses in philosophy and they learn about the history of socialism and the history of communism. I think when they learn that, they’ll see that they have failed every time they’ve been tried all around the world.“
As for CRT, Pompeo considers himself an optimist. "I’ve been out around the country these last days talking to people, and I don’t think anybody’s about to let that happen,” he says. “[But] I do worry that if we become fractured, or we lose faith in our constitutional principles, that somewhere, somehow, or some adversary like the Chinese Communist Party will undermine what’s made our country so special.” ~The Patriot Post
Grassroots Patriots Are Not Paranoid About Abuses
In order to buy the notion that grassroots Patriots are succumbing to paranoia when it comes to the matter of Tucker Carlson’s claims about the National Security Agency (NSA), you have to ignore a lot of things. What sort of things? Let’s list them:
- The targeting of Prop 8 donors.
- Operation Fast and Furious.
- The IRS targeting of Tea Party groups.
- Benghazi, and the lies Barack scumbag/liar-nObama, scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton, and liar-Susan Rice told.
- Operation Chokepoint.
- The “John Doe” investigations in Wisconsin.
- Attempts by Democrat AGs to investigate opponents of their preferred environmental policies.
- Spygate and the lies that triggered it.
- The politically motivated abuse of Missouri Governor Erik Greitens by a scumbag-George Soros-backed prosecutor.
- scumbag/liar-Andrew Cuomo’s effort to leverage the selective enforcement of financial regulations to coerce financial service companies to not do business with the NRA — an attempt to cripple the gun-rights group.
- Efforts by bureaucrats to undermine President Donald Trump on policy.
- The double standards held by menu police.
- The use of DARPA technology to affect domestic politics.
- Letitia James trying to dissolve the NRA after a fishing expedition.
- The massive bulk-mail ballot scheme and failure to follow election laws in certain states.
- Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby’s FCC complaint against a local TV station owned by a conservative media conglomerate.
- The leak of the tax data of some of America’s richest people to ProPublica.
- The charges against the Trump Organization from the Manhattan DA that amount to nitpicking over perks after another politically motivated fishing expedition involving James.
That list is hardly exhaustive, but let’s call this what it is: A pattern of the abuse of power for political gain. Tack on a long track record of hateful rhetoric from the Left, a list of double standards a mile long, corporate redlining, and Silicon Valley censorship, and the fact of the matter is that dismissing the notion that the National Security Agency has turned its focus where it shouldn’t is believable. This is bad news for a host of reasons.
First of all, the NSA’s job is to be snooping around foreign communications. Finding out the latest plots from al-Qaida, hacking into the Ministry of State Security for the People’s Republic of China, getting blackmail material to put a twist on political leadership from France to Bangladesh — all of that is well within the NSA’s purview. Tucker Carlson isn’t, and the resources used to spy on him were not used for their intended purpose.
But worse, the alleged misuse — and let’s be blunt, the track record of Democrats means that extending the benefit of the doubt to the NSA under the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration makes playing with matches in the middle of a puddle of gasoline seem prudent — fosters distrust against an agency that needs implicit trust in order to protect the country. Why is that implicit trust necessary? Well, take one of the more controversial parts of the Global War on Terror.
Your Patriot Post team defended the use of enhanced interrogation because, while it was not exactly nice, it was the only way to get someone like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to spill his guts about what he knew. And while not all situations call for waterboarding someone, there are other times when our intelligence community will have to do things that people don’t like to think about in order to protect this country. This is why people needed to be held accountable for Spygate, and not just to avoid domestic discord.
The only people celebrating this NSA dustup are in places like Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran. Not only does it look like our intelligence community, at best, made a mistake that diverted resources from dealing with real enemies, but now our intelligence community will be less trusted by the party that takes those enemies seriously — and that will compromise efforts to keep America’s enemies in check. The compromising of those efforts will have dire consequences down the road, and grassroots Patriots should ensure an accounting for that. ~The Patriot Post
Are We Truly Worthy of Our Freedoms?
Independence Day, July 4th, is the day countless millions of Americans celebrate our independence and honor those brave men who fought valiantly, and shed their blood, to secure the blessings of Liberty for themselves and their posterity.
Or do we? Honor them, we mean.
Our forefathers believed so deeply in the cause of Liberty that they, a rag-tag band of ill-equipped, untrained, out-gunned, out-manned farmers, merchants, blacksmiths, and tradesmen, took on the mightiest military force the world had ever seen.
At Breed’s Hill, a small band of colonial soldiers, running low on gunpowder and ammunition, heeded Col. William Prescott’s famous command to not fire upon the advancing Red Coats until they saw “the whites of their eyes.” At Valley Forge, these same soldiers suffered months of disease, deprivation, and starvation, enduring the cruel, bitterly cold winter, many without shoes or coats, sleeping on the frozen ground, going days without food, dying by the hundreds of smallpox, dysentery, and typhoid fever.
They went months without pay, on meager rations, knowing their wives and children were left home to fend for themselves against the wanton savagery of the British soldiers and the American loyalists to King George.
They did all of this because they believed in the revolutionary idea that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these being life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
No longer were we as Americans to be subjects of a tyrannical king, but instead, we would form a new government where the people, as children of God, are the sovereigns, and where government is subject to us.
We can’t help but wonder what our Founding Fathers, who sacrificed so much, would think of their posterity. Americans in 1775 were so outraged over a three pence tax on tea, and the attempt of British soldiers to confiscate their muskets, that they went to war!
Today, millions of Americans meekly submit to the tyrannical dictates of a government that tells us we can’t go out in public without a mask, or gather in groups of more than four or five (which is smaller than many families!), and that we must stay six feet away from everyone else. We are being threatened with restrictions on travel unless we submit to being injected with a vaccine.
Where we once went to war over a tea tax, today Americans compliantly allow government to confiscate roughly half (or more) of our earnings in the form of federal and state income taxes, Social Security taxes, Medicare/Medicaid taxes, unemployment taxes, property taxes, vehicle taxes, sales taxes, SPLOSTs, corporate taxes, death/inheritance taxes, capital gains taxes, retirement taxes, etc. And that doesn’t even include the litany of fees we are forced to pay on top of these taxes.
To make it worse, the government then seeks to control every single aspect of our lives, no matter how inconsequential or arbitrary. Government controls how much water can flow through our toilets, how much salt can be in our foods, whether we can clear brush from our land, where we can send our children to be educated, how we save for our retirement, and what kind of health insurance we are allowed to have.
In public schools and on college campuses, we now have “free speech zones,” small spaces where those who want to espouse conservative and religious speech are allowed to engage with their fellow students and the public. Students are threatened with suspension for handing out copies of the Constitution, and mainstream religious beliefs are now treated as “hate speech” and prohibited.
So, we ask again, are we truly honoring the sacrifices of our Founding Fathers, and the subsequent generations of Patriots, who died to secure and protect these liberties? Or have we taken them for granted so long that we are now at risk of losing our liberties without a fight, and with little more than a whimper?
On April 17, 1776, Founding Father John Adams, writing to his wife Abigail, declared: “Posterity! You will never know how much it costs the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.”
But perhaps even more applicable in our day are the words of his cousin, Samuel Adams, who with the Sons of Liberty, protested unjust taxation by throwing an entire shipload of tea into the Boston Harbor in what came to be known as the Boston Tea Party.
Of those who would meekly submit to tyranny, rather than stand up again to fight against oppression, he said: “Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say, ‘What should be the reward of such sacrifices?’ Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship, and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth? If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
So on this 245th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, we must each look in the mirror and ask ourselves, “Am I worthy of the sacrifices of my forefathers? Or have I allowed their blood to be shed in vain?”
Our government has far exceeded the constitutional limits of its power, and has become little different from, and in many cases worse than, the tyrannical rule of the government of King George, against whom we rebelled.
It is still within our power to peacefully restore our government as a servant of, rather than the master, of We the People. But it takes each of us becoming educated on the Constitution and founding principles of freedom, and engaging in the return of government to its proper boundaries. It will take effort, and there will be resistance from those who enjoy the reins and perks of power.
But the memory of our forefathers, and the future of our children and our children’s children, demands no less.
Will you rise to the challenge of our day? ~The Patriot Post
Democrats Blame Republicans for Defunding Police
Most of us recall as children getting into a dispute with another kid and then blaming him for starting a fight. When Mom approached you said, “he hit me first.” The other kid denies it and accuses you of hitting him first.
As adults we become more sophisticated when lying. That’s why White House Press Secretary liar-Jen Psaki said last week in a briefing that “Some might say that the other party was defunding the police…” all because congressional Republicans won’t sign off on two “infrastructure” bills.
liar-Psaki is channeling the line of the day from Democrats who want to divert attention from Democratic mayors and city councils across the country who have voted to take money away from police departments, causing cops to quit, retire and making it difficult to attract new recruits.
The facts say otherwise, that’s if facts matter anymore.
Oakland, California, a city run and ruined by Democrats for years, decided to cut the police budget by $18 million while crime is spiraling out of control. Shootings in Oakland have increased by 70 percent, homicides by 90 percent and carjackings by 88 percent. Burglaries, rapes, and other crimes have also significantly increased.
Anyone who doesn’t see a connection between cutting police budgets and rising crime is smoking dope, which by the way is becoming legal in more states.
At least 13 other cities have cut police budgets, cities all run by Democrats.
Forbes magazine is keeping track. Perhaps the most ridiculous decision, among many, is one made by the city council in Austin, Texas. Forbes reports it “vot(ed) unanimously to cut $150 million (roughly one-third) from the police budget, reinvesting much of that sum in social programs, including food access, violence prevention and abortion access.
How does "abortion access” reduce violent and property crime, especially since abortion is violence against innocent unborn human life?
It’s not that social programs are an untried strategy to reduce crime. Trillions have been spent on them. “Midnight basketball” was tried during the scumbag/liarClinton administration on the theory that shooting hoops would dissuade teens from shooting each other. Like so many other feel-good programs, this one failed to reach its stated goal. At least in that basketball bill was a provision to hire 100,000 additional police officers.
The reason we have the law and police officers sworn to enforce it (and politicians who take oaths to uphold the law) is that there are people who won’t obey the law under any circumstances. The left has used incidents of police brutality and alleged racist behavior to advance an agenda that harms the very people who want and need police protection.
TV interviews of residents in cities and neighborhoods with large minority populations have shown they don’t want fewer police, but more. They don’t feel safe and now neither do increasing numbers of police officers who fear for their lives and careers if they attempt to apprehend suspects.
Democrats would not be getting away with their ridiculous claim that Republicans are responsible for defunding police without a compliant media and the apparent disappearance of Trump-era fact-checkers.
Thomas Jefferson was right when he said about liars: “He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, ‘til at length it becomes habitual…”
Ms. liar-Psaki, are you and your fellow Democrats paying attention? ~The Patriot Post
July 4, 1776: Sacrificing for Freedom
Every year on July 4, Americans celebrate a miracle: the founding of the United States of America. Our Declaration of Independence has 1,337 eloquent words, crafted by Thomas Jefferson and the 56 members of the Second Continental Congress. Those words turned the world upside down.
To this day, our Declaration of Independence is the only seminal document of any nation on earth to pay homage to God Almighty. No other founding instrument reflects on “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,” nor does any other proclaim all people are “created equal” and “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”
No other national manuscript appeals to the “Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions.” Nor does any such proclamation place the fate of its founders in the hands of God with a prayer: “For the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
Our Founders’ stirring prose, their affirmation of “self-evident,” God-given “Truths” and their carefully constructed “bill of particulars” listing 27 tyrannical offenses perpetrated by Britain’s monarch are without parallel in justifying independence. And there is more — the extraordinary assertion: “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.”
In 1776, it was one thing to express these concepts on parchment but quite another to make them reality. Standing in the way of achieving the Founders’ vision was the largest, best-equipped and best-trained military land and sea forces in the world. The Americans, on the other hand, had no Army or Navy; just patriots determined to be free.
The reason our country even exists today can be summarized in one word: sacrifice. The Founders and Gen. George Washington’s intrepid citizen-soldiers risked everything for freedom.
All 56 visionaries who signed the Declaration of Independence were declared to be traitors to the British crown, tried in-absentia, hunted, hounded and sentenced to death if caught. Fourteen of the signers didn’t live to celebrate our victory over the British at Yorktown, Virginia, on Friday, October 19, 1781. By then, Washington’s citizen-soldiers endured seven years of starvation, crippling wounds, frostbite, disease, exhaustion and continual defeats, yet persevered to win American independence.
Contrast this with what’s happened since Joe Biden became president. Washington and our Founders did everything in their power to build the meager American military. bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden seems determined to tear down our military. Rather than properly funding national defense, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden proposes major budget cuts and diverting funds to his pet social programs. Instead of ensuring America’s soldiers, sailors, airmen, Guardsmen and Marines are the best equipped, best trained troops in the world, Biden and his “progressive” puppet masters are using our military as a laboratory for social experimentation and indoctrination in leftist orthodoxy. Sadly, pension-protecting politicians, masquerading as generals, are going along to get along.
While Communist China is building a navy surpassing ours in both size and capabilities, U.S. military leaders are indoctrinating American troops in critical race theory and supposed “white privilege.” Chinese military leaders are equipping and training the largest standing army in the world while U.S. military leaders provide sex reassignment operations to transgender troops at taxpayers’ expense. As Chinese Communist officers use extensive budgets to buy influence around the world, U.S.-elected officials are undermining America’s credibility by refusing to honor commitments to allies like Afghani interpreters who have faithfully served our nation’s military for nearly two decades.
If bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and his fellow “progressives” were in charge on July 4, 1776, there would never have been a Declaration of Independence and America would still be a British colony. ~The Patriot Post