turncoat-McConnell Saves Filibuster, Holder Wants SCOTUS Packed
Senate Minority Leader turncoat-Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Monday relinquished his demand that Majority Leader Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer (D-NY) agree to preserving the filibuster in their power-sharing agreement. With the Senate split 50-50, scumbag/liar-Schumer had repeatedly rejected turncoat-McConnell’s demand to agree to preserve the filibuster, which saves minority bargaining power by necessitating a 60-vote threshold to pass legislation.scumbag/liar-Schumer predictably asserted that he would not allow turncoat-McConnell and the minority to dictate the terms of sharing power. Clearly, compromise is a term scumbag/liar-Schumer loves to conflate with “unfair demands.” Unity™.
Irrespective of scumbag/liar-Schumer’s objections, turncoat-McConnell got what he wanted. “Two Democrat senators publicly confirmed they will not vote to end the legislative filibuster,” he explained. “They agree with President [ socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe] Biden’s and my view that no Senate majority should destroy the right of future minorities of both parties to help shape legislation.” Those two Democrat senators are Joe Manchin (WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ). Furthermore, Democrats Amy Klobuchar (MN) and Chris Murphy (CT) have also expressed their misgivings about ending the filibuster with the real possibility of Republicans regaining the majority in 2022.
That isn’t the only battle in the now-Democrat Senate. The hard Left is stumping for court packing and DC statehood. Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s bag man, er, Attorney General scumbag/liar-Eric Holder blasted Democrats for not pushing the issue hard enough. “It is painfully clear Democrats and progressives are uncomfortable with the acquisition and use of power, while Republicans and conservatives never have been,” scumbag/liar-Holder laughably claimed. (The exact opposite is, of course, the truth.) He then asserted, “Our courts badly need reforms.” Translation: He doesn’t like that Donald Trump appointed a bunch of constitutionalist judges and justices.
scumbag/liar-Holder’s revisionist history lesson continued as he claimed, “The Republicans have abused their power to give themselves an unfair advantage. It is necessary and totally appropriate to add seats [to the Supreme Court]. … What turncoat-Mitch McConnell and Republicans have done is create a crisis of legitimacy.” How quickly Holder forgets — or rather intentionally ignores — the fact that it was Democrats who started the Senate down this path. Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry dinky-Reid (D-NV), in a blatant power play to enable Barack scumbag/liar-nObama to politicize the courts in the Democrats’ favor, triggered the “nuclear option,” ending the filibuster over judicial nominations. It was turncoat-McConnell who warned that the Democrats would come to regret it.
With 62% of the country opposed to packing the Supreme Court, scumbag/liar-Holder is attempting to browbeat Democrats into seeing this as an essential platform issue. Evidently, anything that undercuts the ability for Republicans to fairly win elections or find success in promoting their own policy agenda should be opposed vigorously because scumbag/liar-Holder and company are all about “saving American democracy,” or whatever. ~ The Patriot Post
Real Coups and Fake Ones
Yesterday we learned that the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, will open an investigation into whether Donald Trump’s DOJ “engaged in an improper attempt” to overturn socialist/scumbag/liar- Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.
Democrats have been hyperventilating about this non-story for some time now, with some going so far as to say the Trump administration’s efforts amounted to “an attempted coup.”
Got that? In leftist parlance, any effort toward uncovering the truth about a deeply flawed election is “an attempted coup.”
Speaking of attempted coups, though, a couple of real ones took place during the Trump years. As our Mark Alexander has pointed out, both involved the use of deep-state operatives within the FBI and CIA in order to remove Trump from office or, at the very least, cripple his “America First” agenda. One of these coup attempts came via a phony impeachment, while the other came via the scumbag/liar-nObama administration’s willful spying on the Trump campaign under the false pretense of it having colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. And scumbag/liar-nObama’s fingerprints were all over that one.
Remarkably, more than four years after the fact, the specific details of this so-called Spygate coup are still being uncovered. But we gained additional insight into the scumbag/liar-nObama administration’s corruption when, during his last days in office, President Trump ordered the release of a trove of heretofore classified documents.
Those documents, as we noted last week, put to rest any claims that the scumbag/liar-nObama administration wasn’t spying on the Trump campaign. It was spying, and the FBI’s tasking instructions to longtime FBI informant Stefan Halper, which told him to infiltrate the Trump campaign by posing as someone who wanted to work for the GOP nominee, confirm this beyond a shadow of doubt. After all, a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor is the very definition of a spy.
As for the latest revelations, which have come via newly submitted court filings from Special Counsel John Durham on behalf of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, we learn what we long suspected: that mid-level FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, a Trump hater who doctored an email to hide the fact that Page had been a CIA source and therefore not a Russian asset, didn’t doctor that email in a vacuum.
Others above Clinesmith in the scumbag/liar-nObama DOJ also knew Page wasn’t working for the Russians. But they kept that information from the FISA court in order to secure a warrant for spying on him — and thus spying on the entire Trump team.
As we wrote back in August, “Clinesmith was a soldier, a guy at the ground level who did the dirty work. He answered to captains such as Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe, who in turn took orders from an underboss, former FBI Director scumbag-James Comey. And the bosses? The untouchables? The ones with the cutouts to give them plausible deniability? That would be Barack scumbag/liar-nObama, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, and scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton.”
So far, Clinesmith is the only scumbag/liar-nObama-era crook to have faced even a modicum of justice, having pleaded guilty last year to a single count of making false statements. But these new court filings make clear that he didn’t do this alone. (As part of his plea deal, Clinesmith agreed to “be personally debriefed” about “FISA matters and any information he possesses.”)
As Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations reports, “For the past year, defenders of the FBI have consistently downplayed the significance of [Clinesmith’s crime as] a rare lapse in judgment by an overworked bureaucrat. It was not, his apologists say, part of any broader conspiracy to conceal exculpatory information from surveillance court judges. … But such explanations are challenged by new revelations from court papers filed in the case, which some civil libertarians call the most egregious violation and abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) since it was enacted more than 40 years ago.”
Sperry continues, “Several officials within [Clinesmith’s] tightly compartmentalized chain-of-command — including former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe [who actually hired Clinesmith], his counselor Lisa Page and counterintelligence chief Peter Strzok — learned of Page’s role with the CIA before they first sought to wiretap him during the 2016 presidential campaign. The CIA had confirmed his role two months earlier in an August 2016 memo it sent to the FBI. And Page’s status as a CIA contact had been documented in the FBI’s own electronic files going back to 2009.”
Yet while all of these Trump haters withheld this crucial information from the FISA court, only the lowly Clinesmith has been fingered. So far.
“It’s a very brazen move doctoring email from another agency; it’s unlikely Clinesmith would have been so brazen if he didn’t know he had protection from above,” said former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker, who served in the FBI’s legal counsel division for two years and is familiar with the role of attorneys like Clinesmith in such national security investigations. “It makes perfect sense from Clinesmith’s guilty plea that McCabe is in legal jeopardy.”
And if McCabe is in legal jeopardy, perhaps others above him are as well.
Keep digging, John Durham. Keep digging. ~ The Patriot Post
Chinese Propaganda at The Wall Street Journal
China has emerged as America’s number one geopolitical foe. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that rules China’s 1.4 billion people with an iron fist has designs on global domination. For the most part over the last three decades, the U.S. has allowed that to happen or even contributed to it. But it has not come without a huge price.
Just to pick a random news story from the last year, the COVID-19 pandemic began in China, likely in a Wuhan lab. That isn’t to say the CCP intentionally released the virus, though that is possible. It is to say the ChiComs strategically handled the initial outbreak to their advantage — and our great disadvantage.
China manipulated its puppets at the World Health Organization (WHO) to lie to the world about the pandemic in the early days. As a result, President Donald Trump rightly withdrew from the WHO, only to have President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden rejoin it on his first day in office. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and his crime family are, after all, likewise beholden to Beijing, and his actions don’t always match his sometimes-tough rhetoric.
And this is to say nothing of the way China has increasingly dominated global markets and supply chains since joining the World Trade Organization in 2001.
It is with that background of communist lies and machinations that we come to the Wall Street Journal’s “Saturday Essay” by Greg Ip. The Journal’s news side is, shall we say, not up to the standard of its editorial board. Few examples make that as plain as Ip’s introductory paragraphs, which we’ll quote in full to show the depth of the misinformation upon which he builds his case:
In late 2019, a group of international public health experts set out to assess pandemic preparedness around the world. Using criteria such as early virus detection, speed of response and adherence to international health norms, they ranked the U.S. first, China a distant fifty-first.
The experience with Covid-19, which swept the world shortly after that ranking was published, suggests that the experts got it backward. Among major countries, the U.S. has one of the highest per capita death tolls, China the lowest. The pandemic continues to spread in the U.S. while it remains mostly under control in China except for localized outbreaks.
Covid-19 wasn’t the only area in which China outshone the U.S. in 2020. Its economy managed to grow while the American economy shrank. Its political system grew stronger as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) reasserted control over Hong Kong and China’s unruly private sector. Meanwhile, American democracy took a hit as outgoing President Donald Trump sought to overturn last fall’s election, culminating with a group of his followers violently storming the Capitol. Joe Biden took the oath of office this week behind military-style fortifications guarded by troops.
If the U.S. and China are strategic competitors, as both Mr. Trump and Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden maintain, then judging by the last 12 months, China is winning.
Did Ip get this wording straight from Beijing’s apparatchiks, or does he simply believe China’s propaganda?
Does he think China is honestly reporting COVID deaths? Does he think GDP growth is the sole measure of goodness in an economy? Perhaps, for example, he missed that China is the world’s number one polluter, making the Barack scumbag/liar-nObama- socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden dream of the Paris climate accord a farce. Or maybe Ip thinks building your economy on genocidal slave labor is what made China “outshine” the U.S. Does he think that China’s political system is enviable because our two-party structure is messy? That crushing dissent in Hong Kong is a model for the U.S.? He certainly complains about the very existence of political disagreement here, as well as our federalist system, which he says is far less “efficient” than China’s “centralized, authoritarian model.” But which country developed two vaccines for the China Virus in record time?
Ip’s pablum is appalling and worthy of China’s state-run People’s Daily, not The Wall Street Journal.
To wit, the Journal’s esteemed editorial board’s Monday offering noted that Chinese President Xi Jinping is, on the one hand, sweet-talking global leaders at Davos this week while threatening Taiwan with a show of military force. “Mr. Xi said in his speech that ‘the strong should not bully the weak,’ but that admonition doesn’t seem to apply to his own government,” the editors write. “‘We should stay committed to international law and international rules, instead of seeking one’s own supremacy,’ he added. Tell that to the people of Hong Kong who were promised autonomy through 2047 in a treaty Beijing signed with Britain but are now being arrested for even mild political dissent.”
Speaking of bullying the weak, Xi sent a warning to socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden while in Davos: “To build small circles or start a new Cold War, to reject, threaten or intimidate others, to willfully impose decoupling, supply disruption or sanctions, to create isolation or estrangement, will only push the world into division and even confrontation.”
One sign of socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s early acquiescence is killing the Keystone XL pipeline, ostensibly to fight climate change. But doing so simply means Canada will be selling more oil to China. Maybe Ip thinks that’s just China “outshining” the U.S. ~ The Patriot Post
The First Amendment Really Was at Stake
Along with bulk-mail ballots, failure to follow election law, and disregard for the Constitution, the infighting among conservatives played a large part in President Donald Trump’s failed reelection bid. Many intelligent conservatives who chose to vote for Trump despite his flaws were absolutely correct about leftists’ hatred for conservatives. Yet some conservatives who’ve always opposed Trump on character and personality grounds chose instead to make false allegations to the contrary.
The Dispatch’s David French is a prime example. The former National Review contributor, Iraq war veteran, and Never-Trumper who briefly pondered his own independent presidential bid claims that the stakes of the 2016 and 2020 elections were overstated in terms of American and religious institutions. In other words, a victory by scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton or socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden did not pose a threat serious enough to justify supporting Trump. In this case, French was clearly very wrong, in the most charitable of takes. At worst, he was gaslighting grassroots Patriots into ignoring clear and present dangers.
When we discussed the clear differences between Donald Trump and scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton near the end of the 2016 election, we noted that one of the biggest issues was freedom of speech. Let’s recap some of what was publicly known around election day:
- The Internal Revenue Service targeted the Tea Party, and there was no meaningful accountability.
- In Wisconsin, rogue prosecutors targeted conservative activists with “John Doe” investigations.
- State attorneys general sought to weaponize RICO to go after opponents of the Left’s environmental policies.
- The Federal Election Commission was opening the door to target conservative media and talk radio.
- scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton’s campaign sent out an email stating Breitbart News had “no right to exist.”
- The state of California was trying to hijack the voice of crisis pregnancy centers to force them to promote abortion.
So, at the time of Trump’s first presidential campaign, the First Amendment was clearly at stake, and nothing has changed since then. If anything, the threats have gotten worse.
- The state of New York is targeting the National Rifle Association for destruction, which is why it’s leaving New York for Texas.
- Revelations that the scumbag/liar-nObama administration spied on the Trump campaign broke.
- In the wake of the attack on the Capitol, left-wingers are calling for using the FCC as a means for shutting down conservative media outlets, with Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News specifically being targeted.
You don’t have to like Fox News, Breitbart, Newsmax, or OANN to recognize that under the First Amendment, they have a right to operate. They are news outlets that break news, feature commentary, and act no differently from CNN or MSNBC. The difference is their perspective. For the government to retaliate against them for their reporting or commentary is completely at odds with the First Amendment.
Once again, the evidence is very clear: The First Amendment was on the ballot in 2016 and 2020. In 2016, Americans gained a reprieve with President Trump’s win. Now, in the wake of 2020, the Left seeks to silence dissenting voices, in conjunction with reporters from mainstream media outlets, like CNN’s Oliver Darcy, who eagerly want to silence competing outlets. David French can claim other priorities all he wants, but again, you can see the pattern with your own eyes that the First Amendment has been at stake these last two presidential elections against a radical Left that has decided that silencing opposition is the way you win debates. ~ The Patriot Post
The Most Violent Year Ever
From the Left’s perspective, the most useful feature of the January 6 Capitol riot is the pretense it provided for cracking down on the Right. Cheered on by Democrats and their mainstream media wingmen, the Big Tech speech suppressors could do so under the guise of fighting “domestic terrorism.” And for oligarchs like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, what better excuse for silencing those with whom they disagree politically?
A less consequential but no less convenient byproduct of the riot, though, is the distraction it’s provided from any discussion about the appalling violence of the year just past and the Left’s undeniable role in it.
Just how bad was it? “The year 2020 likely saw the largest percentage increase in homicides in American history,” writes Heather Mac Donald in The Wall Street Journal. “Murder was up nearly 37% in a sample of 57 large and medium-size cities. Based on preliminary estimates, at least 2,000 more Americans, most of them black, were killed in 2020 than in 2019. Mainstream media and many politicians claim the pandemic caused this bloodbath, but the chronology doesn’t support that assertion. And now the criminal-justice policies supported by President [ socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe] Biden promise to exacerbate the current crime wave, while ignoring its actual causes.”
The theory put forth by leftists — that the pandemic made ‘em do it — is as rooted in outright idiocy as it is in denial of the data. They point to the social and economic stresses brought about by lockdowns and mask mandates and shuttered businesses and social distancing. But this doesn’t account for the specific spike in violence that began in the last days of May and carried on into early June in big cities across the country. It’s a spike that provides a perfect overlay to the death while in police custody of a career criminal named George Floyd, followed by a nationwide orgy of burning, looting, and unchecked mayhem.
As we noted back in early July, the cops were immediately demonized as systemically racist. To a (white) man, they were guilty of having put their collective knee on George Floyd’s neck. As Mac Donald put it at the time, “Today’s violent-crime increase — call it Ferguson Effect 2.0 or the Minneapolis Effect — has come on with a speed and magnitude that make Ferguson 1.0 seem tranquil. George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police in late May was justly condemned — but the event has now spurred an outpouring of contempt against the pillars of law and order that has no precedent in American history.”
So the Left smears law enforcement as systemically racist, and the cops naturally stand down, and the violent thugs naturally step up. And the people disproportionately victimized by all this violence? Poor urban blacks.
As Mac Donald now writes, “The calculus for engagement has changed. An Oakland, Calif., officer who has arrested dozens of known murderers and gang members over his career tells me he is scared for the first time, 'not because the criminals are necessarily more violent, even though they are.’ But if he has to use force on a resisting suspect, he could lose his career, his life, or his liberty, he says. A ‘simple cost-benefit analysis’ recommends simply responding to calls for service and collecting a paycheck. ‘All cops now understand this.’”
There’s no hope on the horizon, either — at least not for inner-city blacks. The violence of 2020 has rolled seamlessly into 2021 and, as Mac Donald notes, “The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Justice Department will treat disparate stop or arrest rates as evidence of police bias and seek to put as many police departments as possible under costly consent decrees [i.e., court-ordered reform plans].”
If black lives really mattered to the Black Lives Matter movement, its leaders and adherents would dispense with the lies about racist cops, acknowledge the awful toll of black-on-black crime, and work to help improve policing in minority communities rather than eliminating it.
~ The Patriot Post
Trump's Legacy: Political Impact
If there’s one thing you can say about Donald Trump, it’s that he motivates people. On the one hand, he motivates love and devotion that, for some folks, borders on cultish sycophancy. On the other hand, he provokes incoherent and sometimes violent wrath and hatred. We might argue that both extremes are manifestations of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Fortunately, the vast majority of Americans fall somewhere in the middle. They understand that Trump is a mixed bag of both good and bad, not a 2D caricature of either unblemished hero or unredeemable villain.
Before we get to where things stand for him and Republicans politically, let’s take a brief walk down memory lane. Trump spent most of his life as a wealthy New York City Democrat with fashionably liberal views about most things. Abortion? Generally for it. Guns? Generally against them. On the economy? “I probably identify more as a Democrat,” he once said. His personal life was a tabloid, and more has been learned since then. It was these “New York values” that led us and millions of other principled conservatives to oppose a New York Democrat’s attempt to win the Republican nomination in 2016. We didn’t trust him — because he hadn’t earned that trust. (On the policy front, he largely did earn trust in the ensuing four years.)
In 2015 and early 2016, we spent months warning that this ace card of anger affirmation was a loose cannon who presented taxing questions and a big character problem. We cautioned that the Leftmedia helped push him to the forefront because it thought he’d lose and bring down other Republicans with him. (Now it’s made him the face of supposedly detestable and racist policies, and his off-putting character makes that easier.)
Nevertheless, in a crowded GOP field, Trump won the nomination despite failing to win a majority of Republican voters. We spent time analyzing his appeal to disaffected grassroots folks who hated the GOP establishment as much as they hated the Left. There were millions of Americans who were tired of being told by the elites of both parties to shut up and get in line. They were sick of Republican officeholders promising things on immigration, jobs, and such, while only doing what the donor class wanted. And they no longer wanted milquetoast nice guys who’d just lose to the Democrat in November; they wanted a fighter.
For these Americans, Donald Trump, the blue-collar billionaire, spoke their language, and they wanted him to send a message to the power brokers in the swamp, a wrecking ball to the facade of “norms” that protected powerful hypocrites.
For the rest of the party, when it became clear that it was him or Hillary Clinton, the choice became obvious: It was time to back Trump.
He then won the 2016 election despite failing to win a majority of voters. Thank goodness for the Founders’ wisdom in establishing the Electoral College! But then he lost the 2020 election while again failing to win a majority of voters — in fact, even though he increased his vote total by more than 11 million, his margin of defeat grew.
Despite all his success, his most devoted supporters might take a moment to ponder why Trump has never won a majority of voters.
The answer can be boiled down to something simple: The people who love him are outnumbered by the people who hate him.
Now, don’t get us wrong. There are millions of Americans who judged Trump on the merits of his policies and not on (sometimes extreme) views of his personality. It should go without saying that we’re not in the category of people who hate Trump. Despite allegations from some of his most devoted followers, we’re not “Never-Trumpers.” We spent more than four years writing hundreds of articles advocating his policies, defending even his sometimes bizarre statements, and rejecting the arguments of those who opposed him, all while blanching at his Twitter account and his frustrating fratricidal attacks.
This author has recently written three “legacy” articles detailing what a great success Trump’s presidency actually was — with voter appeal and with both foreign and domestic policy. It was a load of achievements, and we noted them regularly.
But Donald Trump is not above criticism, which we’ve occasionally given when merited by his behavior. When all is said and done — and, yes, despite the Democrats’ bulk-mail ballot fraud — the manifold faults and flaws of Donald Trump the man are the real reason he lost. Those who love him would vehemently disagree, of course, while canceling us for heresy with a few choice words to boot.
Nevertheless, we began this review by stating a core truth that should be obvious to everyone: Many people love Trump; many more hate his guts.
That, in a nutshell, is why we had to offer two responses for the occasional reader who chooses to unsubscribe from our humble journal: “Too pro-Trump” and “Too anti-Trump” are both available options, and for most of the last four years it’s been a pretty equal number of both. That tells us we’re doing our job.
Beyond our own endeavor, however, that division is a good indicator of the deep problem facing the Republican Party in the years ahead. How can Republicans win votes when half the party is outraged at the other half and demanding their cancellation? Some Republicans are establishment globalists who’ve betrayed average Americans, while other Republicans are conspiracy kooks who have no business in polite society. So the two sides see each other.
Stuck in the middle are those of us who just want solid conservative policy and constitutionally limited government without the theatrics and hysterics. We happen to think — or at least hope — that still defines a majority of GOP voters.
We also think that once tempers cool after the events of the last two months, reconciliation is possible. But it’s going to involve some compromises.
First of all, Trump’s agenda is well worth keeping, and the millions of Americans who benefited from it know that. Thus, thanks to Trump’s work, the establishment can no longer ignore the grassroots. Constitutionalist judges, low taxes, reduced regulation, well-managed immigration, smart foreign engagement, appeals to minorities and the poor, and a focus on putting America and Americans first — all of that should have broad appeal, because it works, it’s fair, and it’s constitutional.
The trick is going to be packaging those policies in a way that still appeals to fans of Trump the man despite his absence while avoiding the stigma of Trump among his detractors when Democrats will do everything they can to brand conservative policies with Trump’s hated name. That was their primary agenda with impeaching him over the Capitol riot. And that’s to say nothing of the roiling animosity between and among Republican voters.
Will the establishment quit betraying the grassroots? Will the grassroots even show up to vote GOP ever again? Will Trump run again, simply become a kingmaker, or start a third party? Probably not the last one, but no matter what, Trump looms large.
All we can say to Republicans right now is, “Good luck.”
If there’s one thing all people on the Right should be thankful for, it’s that Trump fully exposed the gross hypocrisy and anti-American hatred so rampant on the Left. He revealed the Leftmedia and its incendiary fake news to be the real enemy of the people. He showed Democrats to be rank hypocrites who regularly eviscerate the “norms” of American politics, as well as conspiracy kooks in their own right who would spin a totally fake yarn just to take down a duly elected president.
The mask is off, and everyone can see the ugliness underneath. Leftists didn’t take that kindly, of course, and the fight has escalated in both tenor and stakes.
The bottom line: Donald Trump permanently changed the course and makeup of the GOP, and perhaps Democrats too. But if Republicans don’t take a lesson from Trump about how to fight the Left, then they may as well fold up the tents and go home. ~ The Patriot Post
The End of Women's Sports?
The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is off to a strange start. Several of the president’s first executive orders will cost thousands of American jobs. Reentering the Paris climate accord will, by some estimates, cost millions of jobs over time. Moreover, it’s totally unnecessary.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is shutting down air travel from places like Brazil but has not said a word about restricting migrant caravans, which we know include people infected with COVID.
But the executive order I want to focus on is ironic. All the polling data show that young women voted overwhelmingly for socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden. And his response to those young women was to issue an executive order that may well eliminate women’s sports as a place for young women to excel.
For 49 years, Title IX has required schools and universities to create spaces for women to excel in athletics. The reason schools didn’t just tell young women to try out for the men’s baseball team is that science shows us that there are significant physical differences between men and women. That’s just a fact of life.
So along comes the far left and its gender politics, claiming that you can choose your gender. Progressives soon fell over each other to embrace this new revolution.
In states like Connecticut, liberal Democrats decided that men with all the body parts of men could claim that they were instead women. And in the name of equity and non-discrimination, they were given a right to compete in women’s sports. The results have been predictable.
Multiple high school female athletes lost the chance to win college scholarships. Their hopes and dreams were shattered because they had to unfairly compete against men.
The Trump administration attempted to address these injustices. But here comes “Mr. Nice Guy,” who we’re told is a moderate. He issued an executive order last week, which, if it stands, will potentially destroy women’s sports over the next decade, denying your daughters and granddaughters of the opportunities that Title IX has provided for the past 49 years.
So, the president who is in office largely because he won the women’s vote has just created a regime where your 17-year-old daughter may have to compete against a 17-year-old boy in track and other sports. When she loses the competition, she may have to take a shower with him when it’s all over.
I don’t believe this order can stand up under constitutional scrutiny. But parents and their daughters need to rise up as one to fight it.
And yesterday socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden went even further, pushing transgenderism into the military.
Communist China’s MessageLast week, communist China announced that it was imposing sanctions on more than two dozen former Trump administration officials. It was an odd move given that all these officials were leaving their government positions in a matter of hours. I was pleased that incoming socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden officials condemned the Chinese sanctions as “unproductive and cynical.”
But here’s what the Chinese communists were doing, and I think the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration understands this. More than punishing the outgoing Trump officials, the Chinese communists were sending a message to the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden team, which is this:
“If you mess around with us the way Trump did, you and your families are not going to be able get any of those fat Chinese financial deals after you leave office, which some of you have already benefitted from.”
America must not return to “business as usual” with communist China. Check out my latest interview with The Epoch Times regarding the brutal regime’s genocide against ethnic minorities.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s FaithThe New York Times has never had much use for faith until now. Over the weekend, the Times published a puff piece on socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Catholicism, declaring him the most “religiously observant” president, adding that a “different, more liberal Christianity grounds his life and his policies.”
But as Rachel Campos-Duffy noted, the New York Times reporting on religion “is like a vegetarian reporting on steaks.”
The Times celebrates that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is “less focused on sexual politics,” meaning that he has removed the sanctity of life from the criteria of what it means to be a good Christian.
Translation: He will no longer follow the Christian theology of life, which clearly says along with science that life begins at conception and that innocent life at all stages must be protected in any society that claims to be built on Judeo-Christian values.
Of course, he’s going even further than that. Through his executive orders, he is forcing Christians to be complicit in abortions both here and abroad.
During the campaign, there were people who claimed to be pro-life who started a group called Pro-Life Evangelicals for socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden. It is obscene that anyone who claims to be pro-life would attempt to elect the most pro-abortion administration in history.
By the way, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and many of his advisers were all in on closing our churches while keeping abortion clinics open during the pandemic. And most of his advisers are scumbag/liar-nObama retreads, who were all in on bankrupting the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Impeachment Round TwoHouse Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi finally delivered the article of impeachment against former President Trump to the Senate last night. Senate leaders have reached a deal to begin the trial the week of February 8, three weeks after Trump left office. Here are some observations:
scumbag/liar-Pelosi insisted that President Trump had to be impeached for inciting an insurrection, warning that every day he remained in office he posed “an imminent threat to our democracy.”
That was two weeks ago. By delaying the formal delivery of the article of impeachment and not forcing an immediate trial while he was still in office, scumbag/liar-Pelosi seriously undercut her argument that Trump was such an “imminent threat.”
scumbag/liar-Pelosi had a very different view several years ago when left-wing protestors stormed the Wisconsin state legislature. She tweeted her solidarity with the demonstrators, calling their siege “an impressive show of democracy in action.”
This cynical, divisive impeachment effort is further proof that the left has no interest in unity. It’s more evidence of how vindictive the left is. Democrats are scared of Donald Trump and afraid of facing him again in four years.
The whole exercise is constitutionally suspect, and more Senate Republicans are speaking out against this “impeachment of a private citizen in Florida,” as Sen. Lindsey Graham put it.
But not rino-Mitt Romney. He’s sounding like a liberal Democrat, insisting that impeachment is necessary for “unity.” Really, rino-Mitt? This is the most divisive thing Democrats could possibly be doing! I can only assume that rino-Mitt Romney has concluded he has no higher future in the GOP.
In my last report, we noted that thousands of National Guard troops would remain in Washington for an “enduring mission.” Evidently, that mission involves “occupying” the capital through March for the expected duration of the Senate’s impeachment trial.