The Patriot Post ~ 7 Featuring "GARY BAUER"

The liar-Democrats' Emotive Impeachment Appeal


Impeachment, as the liar-Democrats have taught us, is more than anything else a political act. But the presentation of their House impeachment managers yesterday, and their generally unhealthy obsession with our former president, makes clear that it is also an emotional act.

The overall strategy of the liar-Democrats appears to be to damage Donald Trump as much as possible, and to tar all of his supporters by extension — but to do so while hanging the former president around the party’s neck like an albatross. Whether it’ll work is anyone’s guess, but that’s the primary reason for the liar-Democrats emotive and legally dubious performance so far.

As the Washington Examiner’s W. James Antle reports, “Rep. liar-Jamie Raskin, a Maryland Democrat and the lead impeachment manager, fought back tears as he recalled his daughter being with him at the Capitol. On Wednesday, he traced the violence back to Trump’s speech to supporters protesting an election he told them was stolen. ‘He told them to fight like hell, and they brought hell that day,’ liar-Raskin said. The congressman called Trump the ‘inciter in chief.’”

Strangely missing from liar-Raskin’s richly choreographed presentation — and, for that matter, missing from every impeachment manager’s presentation — was an unambiguous and exculpatory utterance from President Donald Trump’s January 6 speech just prior to the premeditated riot: “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Yeah, we know, the president did indeed tell his supporters that they need to “fight like hell” if they want to keep their country. But there are many forms of fighting, and many of them are non-physical. On the other hand, it’s literally impossible to misconstrue the word “peacefully.” There’s no such thing as a peaceful riot or, to use the liar-Democrats’ favorite term, a peaceful “armed insurrection.”

If this was an armed insurrection, it was the least effective one in history. Where were the arms? The flagsticks, perhaps? Because the only firearm brandished or discharged that day was the one used by an as-yet unnamed Capitol Police lieutenant — a “hero” according to his lawyer — who shot an unarmed woman, Ashli Babbitt, a 14-year Air Force veteran, as she appeared to be climbing through a window into the Speaker’s Lobby.

Speaking of shameless hyperbole, the Left keeps telling us that “five people died in the riot,” but the whole truth about those five is a lot more complicated than they’d have us believe. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died the following night after having collapsed. He was not, as the Leftmedia repeatedly and falsely reported, “bludgeoned to death” with a fire extinguisher. No one seems to know what killed Officer Sicknick, but there’s zero evidence that it was due to an injury that occurred during the riot.

“As for the civilian deaths being counted by the Left, commentator Matt Walsh writes, "Overall, based on the available evidence, we can say conclusively that one person, Ashli Babbit, was directly killed by violence in the riot. We can say with relative certainly that two others died of medical emergencies stemming from underlying health concerns. That leaves two, Sicknick and [Rosanne] Boyland, whose deaths are still a relative mystery — to the public, anyway. Presumably the autopsy results could lend quite a bit of clarity, but those results are being withheld, for whatever reason. At this point, any claim that five people died because of the riot, or were killed by the riot, or even that five people died in the riot, is based more on speculation than evidence. It is what the social media company and the news media itself would normally call ‘misinformation.’”

Mercifully for the rest of us, the liar-Democrats’ emotional appeal for impeachment and conviction will soon be over.   ~The Patriot Post


socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, WHO Promote Beijing's Propaganda

One of socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s earliest executive orders was to reverse Donald Trump’s action to withdraw the U.S. from the World Health Organization on account of its failure to hold China responsible for unleashing the COVID-19 global pandemic. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s action to reenter the WHO occurred as a team from the WHO was in China ostensibly “investigating” the origin of the novel  coronavirus. In reality, it appears the team was there to boost Beijing’s propaganda as the ChiComs seek to counter growing consensus on the Wuhan lab-leak theory — that one of the province’s three bio-labs that just happened to be researching bat coronaviruses is responsible for releasing (perhaps accidentally) the virus.

Given the puppet strings tying the WHO to Beijing, it was predictable that the WHO team concluded it’s “extremely unlikely” that the COVID-19 virus leaked from a Wuhan lab. Ignore the fact that the WHO team spent a grand total of just three hours actually inspecting the Wuhan Institute during the nearly four weeks its members were in China. Furthermore, the team never bothered to visit the other Wuhan labs conducting bat coronavirus research. It brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “nothing to see here.”

Significantly, one prominent member of the WHO team, Peter Daszak, has ties to the Chinese Communist Party that should have precluded him from even being on the team in the first place. Daszak is the president of EcoHealth Alliance, which has partnered with the Wuhan Institute of Virology — the same lab the WHO team ostensibly investigated. No conflict of interests there.

Furthermore, Daszak spoke out against the U.S. intelligence conclusion that China was the source of the novel virus, calling it “wrong on many aspects” and “politically charged” — all while he effectively acted as a spokesman for Beijing.

Not only did the WHO team seek to throw dubious cold water on the lab-leak theory, team spokesman Peter Embarek also lent tacit support for the CCP’s propaganda about the virus’s origin in some other country by saying the foreign frozen-food theory merited further study. That’s a dubious claim, and the New York Post’s Miranda Devine sarcastically responded, “Who knows? Anything is possible. Maybe a spaceship from Mars dropped off the coronavirus in Wuhan, which just happens to be the only place in China with the highest-level biosecurity lab that was experimenting on bat coronaviruses that are the closest relative to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.”

In other propaganda news, on Monday socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden sought to quietly undo another action Trump initiated to confront the CCP’s efforts to infiltrate and spread its corrupting influence inside the U.S. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden rolled back Trump’s rule requiring universities and K-12 schools to disclose any connections they might have to China’s state-run Confucius Institutes.

Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX) blasted the move, stating, “By quietly backing away from the proposed rule without consulting Congress, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is sending a concerning signal about its scrutiny of CCP influence in academia, and telling academic institutions that they don’t need to be transparent about their ties to China’s regime. It’s all the more disturbing because the education industry already fails to report billions of dollars of foreign gifts and contracts. I strongly urge the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration to stick to its promises to prioritize the CCP as our main national security challenge, including in the American education system.”

The real trouble is that China’s influence over Joe “Big Guy” socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden via Hunter Biden’s Beijing business ties appears to run deeper than Democrats or anyone in the mainstream media care to know or bother looking into.   ~The Patriot Post


Progressive — or Terrorist?

“In reality they’re not after me. They are after you. I’m just in the way.” —Donald Trump

Despite the liar-Democrat Party’s Soviet show trial effort to remove a president from office who’s no longer there, Donald Trump is, for those with something more than a tenuous relationship with reality, no longer in the way. And what’s becoming clear, even as the leftist narrative of the rioting that took place on January 6 continues to unravel, is that Trump was spot on with his assessment. Vengeance-seeking American leftists, in total coordination with Big Tech, corporate media collaborators, and the wholly unaccountable bureaucracy known as the deep state, have made it their mission to convince the nation that anyone who supported Donald Trump is a potential domestic terrorist.

How fanatical are the perpetrators of this narrative? CNN anchor Jake Tapper called on Republicans “to stop these insane lies [about the election results] that have taken root in their party” lest there be no end to “MAGA terrorism.” That Tapper and his network spent three years blatantly lying about Russian collusion reveals that genuinely insane lies that serve the progressive agenda are perfectly acceptable.

MSNBC host liar-Nicolle Wallace not only likened Trump supporters to domestic terrorists, but noted that former President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama authorized drone strikes killing American citizens “for the crime of inciting violence, inciting terrorism.” She further insisted that Mitch McConnell, who was in the Senate at the time, knows the way you “root out terrorism” is to “kill those who incite it.”

Again, what constitutes incitement is highly selective. Here’s a small sampling of quotes from elected liar-Democrats immune from such a designation:

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” — scumbag/worthless-Maxine Waters

“We’re going to impeach the motherf—r!” —liar-Rashida Tlaib

“We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. And sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States.” — scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi

“We will probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the House of Representatives.” — scumbag/liar-Pelosi again

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” —Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer, “addressing” a mob on the steps of the Supreme Court — while a case was being heard

Is scumbag/liar-Schumer’s “you won’t know what hit you” less inciting than Trump’s “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”? And what about the sitting speaker of the House labeling her political opponents enemies?

For seven months, Americans endured rioting that was either tolerated or sanctioned by liar-Democrat politicians. The same media that have repeatedly used the word “insurrection” to describe the Capitol rioting are the ones that told us what precipitated more than 700 injured law enforcement officers, dozens of people killed, billions of dollars in damage, and the destruction of thousands of small businesses, many minority-owned, were nothing more than protests that “intensified.”

The difference? The media and liar-Democrats insist the rioting at the Capitol was far worse, because it’s essentially a “sacred” place. More sacred than the Supreme Court building, a firebombed federal courthouse, or a police station burned to the ground? More sacred than the hundreds of businesses, along with the dreams and savings of their owners, destroyed by riotous thugs?

The disconnect between the Ruling Class and the American public has never been greater, or more transparent. While thousands of National Guard troops have turned Washington, DC into the equivalent of Iraq’s Green Zone — supposedly threatened by “white supremacists” — antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters marched through the same city last Saturday, chanting “burn it down.”

While those same politicians remain comfortable in a Capitol building surrounded by fencing and razor wire, illegal border crossings soar and the socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden administration reauthorized catch and release allowing illegals — untested for coronavirus — to roam freely throughout the country.

While millions of citizens remain locked down.

Regardless, if you voted for President Trump, you’re a potential terrorist. And if you’re Christian to boot? According to Bill Maher, the “events of Jan. 6 were a faith-based initiative,” and that “if you accord religious faith the kind of exalted respect we do here in America, you’ve already lost the argument that mass delusion is bad.”

Faith in God is mass delusion? Compared to what? Progressive dogma asserting there are scores of genders? That the world will end in 12 years? That America is a “systemically” racist nation and all white people are “privileged”? That you can have an impeachment trial to remove a sitting president who’s no longer sitting and replace the chief justice of the Supreme Court who’s required preside over it with a rank partisan — and call it all constitutional?

As historian Victor Davis Hanson reminds us, the same American Left that once championed free speech and dissent, and despised Joe McCarthy-like black lists, now fully embraces “electronic surveillance, internal spying, monopolies, cartels, conspiracy theories, weaponization of the intelligence agencies, pouring billions of dollars into campaigns, changing voting laws by fiat, a woke revolutionary military, book banning, bleeding the First Amendment, canceling careers, blacklisting, separate-but-equal racial segregation and separatism.”

In short, the Left has become everything it used to hate.

Thus, the same leftists who once championed the “right to privacy” are the ones who abide Bank of America  handing the Feds the private data of customers whose only “crime” was being in or near DC on or about January 6. The ones who championed dissent are the ones who wonder aloud how to “reprogram” their fellow Americans, engage in a military stand down to find the “extremists” among those who freely chose to serve their county, or teach college students that Trump supporters are “enemies of the state.”

On Monday, a poll revealed that if Donald Trump started a new political party, 64% of Republicans would join it. More telling, 28% of independents and 15% of Democrats also said they’d likely join as well. Are independents and “rogue” Democrats also enemies of the state?

“The reason allegations of a ‘stolen election’ linger is that there are mountains of irregularities that have not been addressed,” writes columnist John Green.

Green is wrong. They have been addressed. The leftists who control the levers of power have determined that anyone who even raises questions about election integrity will be considered a potential terrorist. Joe Biden’s calls for “unity” are an utter sham, and the facade of leftist tolerance has been completely shattered.

Conform, or be canceled — comrade.  ~The Patriot Post


Taming the New Oligarchy

America faces serious challenges from within that must be addressed if our republic is to survive. Among them is the rise of the corporate oligarchy, the group of super rich tech gurus and investors who seem to always profit no matter what the circumstances — social unrest, international strife, pandemics. Nothing seems to stop people like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison, Elon Musk, the Walton family, and others from continuing to accumulate wealth on a scale that is forcing some to question our capitalist system.

The rise of the oligarchy is certainly not new in the American experience. The Gilded Age of the late 19th century was marked by a sharp rise in corporate wealth resulting from the post-Civil War industrial expansion that made America an economic powerhouse. The downside of this tremendous growth was that corporate titans influenced politics to rig the game in their favor, leading to a divide between rich and poor so great that it threatened to topple our society.

The corruption and social upheaval at the turn of the 20th century soon gave way to a progressive era that saw some needed reforms like worker protections and the break-up of corporate monopolies. But it also brought other less-needed reforms that greatly expanded federal power at the expense of the states. Take, for example, the graduated income tax and the direct election of senators.

We appear to have reached an age of oligarchy once again. Some would say that history is repeating itself. But there are important distinctions to be made between then and now, and a new progressive era is the last thing that will save us from this new breed of corporate overlords.

The modern oligarchy holds tremendous sway over society, greater than at any time in our history. America’s 614 billionaires have amassed a collective net worth of $931 billion. Walmart and Amazon account for 15% of all retail sales in the United States. The five largest publicly traded companies — Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft, and Facebook — account for a whopping 20% of the total value of the stock market. And all these companies have thrived during the pandemic while millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and thousands of smaller companies have been destroyed.

The oligarchs of today are part of a nexus of power that runs from Silicon Valley to Wall Street to Washington. They have ingratiated themselves into American politics, and while they are big donors to the liar-Democrat Party, we shouldn’t underestimate their hold on Republicans as well. From outside Washington, it’s difficult to see a difference in the fiscal and administrative behavior of the two political parties. They spend taxpayer money with no accountability for where it goes, and they have ceded their power to an anonymous bureaucracy that runs our daily lives.

There have been uprisings against the oligarchy and its political minions. commie-Bernie Sanders might be a socialist but he’s also a populist, and the Vermont senator was summarily shut down in 2016 and 2020 as he tried to wrest control of the liar-Democrats from the power brokers. Donald Trump, also a populist, was assailed throughout his presidency and defeated in 2020 for fighting against the corporate, political, and social status quo that the oligarchy has put in place. And average Americans are routinely silenced on social media and in the court of public opinion if their views do not comport with those shared by our overlords. The oligarchy frequently has to rig the game in order to stay in power.

The good news, though slight, is that the oligarchy is not invulnerable. The secret is out on who these people are and what they intend to do. The overreach by elected officials during the pandemic and by social media companies in the lead-up to the 2020 election may not be so much an expression of tyranny as ham-handed attempts to maintain power. If that is the case, we can expect more mistakes by this powerful elite as we continue to challenge their vise-like hold on our country.   ~The Patriot Post


South Dakota Embraces Federalism

socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has signed more than 50 executive orders and actions in just his first two weeks in office, setting a modern record that blows by the past four presidents — combined. It’s not just the number that’s a problem, of course, but the radical leftist content of the orders. And it appears the only thing that may slow down socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s EO deluge would be writer’s cramp. The truth is socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has taken Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s “pen and phone” style of governance and put it into overdrive, and Biden’s hardly given it a second thought even as he literally writes off thousands of American jobs.

In light of socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s dangerous and overreaching actions, Republicans in South Dakota’s state House have authored a bill that would grant the state government the authority to ignore presidential executive orders deemed unconstitutional. As the bill  reads, “The Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council may review any executive order issued by the President of the United States, if the order has not been affirmed by a vote of the Congress of the United States and signed into law, as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.”

If passed, the legislation would grant South Dakota’s attorney general the authority to exempt the Mount Rushmore State from any presidential executive order or action “that restricts a person’s rights or that is determined … to be unconstitutional.” That may relate to public health emergencies, or it may pertain to regulating natural resources, agriculture, land use, the financial sector (especially regarding environmental issues), and the right to bear arms.

Mark Alexander contends that actions like this are just what is need to move toward a Constitutional Confederation of states. “My proposal,” he wrote recently, “would be to pursue a grassroots-inspired Constitutional Confederation — an alliance of those states that are not urban-leftist mob ruled, whose delegations could assemble to affirm the authority of our Constitution in order to provide broader sanctuary for the Rule of Law it enshrines — in effect, re-ratify our Constitution and reaffirm its supremacy as law.”

Hey, if “sanctuary” jurisdictions can block the federal government from enforcing federal immigration law, surely there’s room for states to actually stand up for the Constitution. Here’s hoping this move by South Dakota catches on across the country as more red states work to protect their citizens against socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and the liar-Democrats’ power grabs. ~The Patriot Post


Did Twitter Suffer for Banning Trump?

We’ve written at length about Donald Trump’s use of Twitter, both the good and the bad. We won’t rehash that here. What we are interested in is how Twitter has faired after its widely publicized banning of Trump while he was still president.

Surely, denying the president of the United States use of the public square for his own free speech would bring severe consequences for a company like Twitter, especially if the 74 million Americans who supported Trump in November or the 90 million who followed him on the platform took their ball and went home.


“Trump’s ban doesn’t even register as a blip on Twitter’s growth this year, which has continued unabated after his ban,” wrote Kalev Leetaru of RealClear Media recently. In fact, Twitter’s traffic did so well that Leetaru believes the social media giant “may feel more emboldened to silence other prominent voices, safe in the knowledge that doing so won’t impact its growth.”

The traffic stats are interesting. Leetaru notes that while Twitter doesn’t divulge its full statistics, “it is possible to estimate its growth from the daily random sample that it makes available of 1% of all tweets, which is highly correlated with its actual growth.” He writes, “Since its peak in July 2013, Twitter was on a years-long decline through the end of 2018, but had begun slowly growing again over the course of 2019. Then, in the space of just two weeks in the middle of March 2020, as lockdowns swept the world, the platform grew by almost 100 million tweets a day, rising back to its July 2013 numbers.”

That growth continued through 2020 with one exception. The biggest blip in the last year seems to have been Twitter’s late-October push to censor election news that would hurt socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden. But Twitter recovered from that traffic drop, and Jack Dorsey’s outfit helped in accomplishing the Left’s mission: defeating Trump.

Thus, we’re left to conclude once again that unless the market of users chooses to punish Twitter for its censorship, Big Tech will roll on.  

~The Patriot Post


Who Was the Capitol Riot Ringleader?

As the liar-Democrat actors guild launched their theatrical impeachment farce against former president  Donald Trump this week, the nation’s capital looks like an occupied war zone — a city on lockdown under imminent threat of a terrorist attack. There are more than 6,000 National Guard personnel still on “defense” around the Capitol at a cost of almost $500 million, and an absurd array of hardened barriers topped with razor wire.

To emphasize and extend the drama, Speaker scumbag/ liar-Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is treating Republican members like criminals, and liar-Democrat Party protagonists want to make the terrorist barriers permanent.

Moreover, to nationalize the drama, the  socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris regime ordered the Department of Homeland Security to issue a national terrorism alert warning (the first in years) about anti-government extremists, though admitting “DHS does not have any information to indicate a specific, credible plot.”

So, what specific and credible threats can DHS verify?

Start with the Demo-constituent riots nationwide over the last six months, which historian Victor Davis Hanson notes resulted in “torching federal court houses and police precincts, 700 policeman injured, 40 people dead, $4-$5 billion in damages…" liar-Democrats justify that violence, including the murder of police officers, under their wholly unfounded ”systemic racism“ lie, insisting that ”police are the problem.“

Since that DHS warning was issued, there was a violent insurrectionist battle with police in Bellingham, Washington — which you did not hear about, because some insurrections are acceptable. As political analyst Daniel Greenfield notes, "The [Southern Poverty Law Center] announced that it is shutting down its black nationalist hate groups category [and] will no longer list black racist hate groups because ‘the hate is not equal.’”

Of course, you know the “anti-government extremists” socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s DHS is warning about — grassroots American Patriots, who liar-Demos are calling terrorists.

Consider the language House Intelligence Committee chairman and unhinged leftist Rep. scumbag/liar-Adam Schiff (D-CA) used to describe the Capitol mayhem: “It was the most dangerous moment for our democracy in a century. … America has been through a Civil War, World Wars, a Great Depression, pandemics, McCarthyism, and now a Trumpist and white nationalist insurrection.”

Thus, according to the irreparably delusional scumbag/ liar-Schiff, the Capitol riot was “the most dangerous moment for our democracy in a century.” He is out of his mind, but the rhetoric he is using is callously calculated to invite more violence.

As I wrote last week, “Demos are baiting and begging for more violence” — you know, as part of socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden’s “unity theme.”

Fact is, American Liberty is under assault, but not by conservatives across the nation or military personnel who have been stationed in DC as theatrical props. They are merely a smoke screen to obscure the real threat posed by  socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and  lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris, their Leftmedia propagandists, and their Big Tech First Amendment suppressors.

Regarding the “Capitol riot jackasses,” in my assessment of that disgraceful incident, I wrote that it was no mystery why police were unprepared for the riot: “The real reason Capitol Police were not prepared for that fringe mob is that all law enforcement agencies expected Trump rally supporters to act like they always have — with civility and respect.”

I noted further: “Given the upbeat and lawful tenor of ALL previous Trump rallies across our nation over the last four years, there was no reason to believe that a tiny element of last week’s rally attendees, some fraction of 1% of those in attendance, would resort to the riotous thuggery associated with ‘peaceful’ leftist protests. Heretofore that has been the standard modus operandi of so-called ‘Black Lives Matter’ racists and so-called ‘antifa’ fascists. What happened on the Capitol grounds was unprecedented for a Trump rally.”

In fact, those who battled with police outside and inside the Capitol building, by both appearance and action, certainly do not represent any marginally affiliated contingent of conservatives. They looked and acted more like the Demo-constituents clashing with DC Police last weekend, threatening to burn the city down, as they have done in other urban centers for the last six months.

So, the question remains, who were these thugs? Given that they were completely atypical of “Trump supporters” (as they have ubiquitously been tagged by liar-Democrats and their Leftmedia), who were they?

Though a handful of them were leftist agitators, the majority were NOT. While many of those who followed the rioters into the Capitol were not combative, the atypical break-off group of violent radicals, clearly distinguishable from “Trump supporters,” were much less likely inspired to violence by anything Donald Trump said than they were by the rhetoric spewed by a primary benefactor and promoter of that rally.

We now know that benefactor and promoter was InfoWars agitator and conspiracy theory charlatan Alex Jones. The 46-year-old Dallas native once claimed he stopped using marijuana because “it made me paranoid,” then dropped out of Austin Community College to launch his paranoid conspiracy theory empire...  ~The Patriot Post


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socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden & Beijing: Together Again

Perhaps the Chinese Communist Party should seriously consider making January 20th a new national holiday. The swearing-in of socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and a liar-Democrat Congress is going to be the gift that keeps on giving for the Chinese communists.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden clearly has an affinity for communist China. In the past he has declared, “A rising China is a positive development for America and the world.” He has also defended the communist regime’s brutal one-child policy. Now that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is in power, he’s delivering for Beijing.

Surely, the communist Chinese applauded when socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. Not only did that decision guarantee that America will have to import more energy from dangerous places around the world, but it also likely guaranteed that China will now get Canada’s oil.

Very quietly the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration withdrew a Trump rule requiring American universities to disclose how much money they receive from communist China to host Confucius Institutes.

These institutes are not cultural learning centers, but centers of espionage and communist propaganda. And, as we know, there are already far more socialists and communists on our college campuses than conservatives. Giving the communist Chinese free rein on our college campuses is a serious threat to our national security.

And what exactly is the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Institute at the University of Delaware hiding?

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden also rejoined the World Health Organization, which is completely controlled by communist China. Now, thanks to socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, we are going to be giving the WHO more taxpayer dollars. Predictably, the WHO just cleared communist China of any responsibility for COVID-19. And, of course, communist China is demanding that America be investigated for creating the virus.

By the way, China’s state-owned media outlets are mocking socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s coronavirus vaccine rollout as racist, blaming “long-term structural racism” in America’s medical community and industry. It is increasingly difficult to tell the difference between Chinese communists and American leftists. They both hate America!

There are also socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s billionaire supporters like Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks. For whatever reason, Cuban ordered his team to stop playing the national anthem before games. Perhaps he should change his name to “Mark China.”

Meanwhile, communist China is doubling down on patriotism, while so many Americans who have been given the most are turning against this most exceptional nation.

But in many ways, the biggest gift to China will continue into next week. (See next item.)

The Left’s Propaganda Victory

The left was planning Donald Trump’s impeachment before he took office. That’s not a joke or hyperbole. They said it publicly. Just minutes after President Trump was inaugurated in 2017, the Washington Post ran this story: “The Campaign To Impeach President Trump Has Begun.”

Now the left is trying to impeach him even after he has left office. But this sham process, which has zero chance of success, does nothing but stoke disunity. The only thing it is guaranteed to succeed in is bringing aid and comfort to our enemies.

Unfortunately, Trump’s attorneys aren’t helping. One was virtually incompetent. How could that be?

Well, anytime a high-profile law firm represented the president or other leading conservatives, the left would unleash a campaign of intimidation, economic threats from high-profile clients, even death threats against its lawyers until the law firm caved and backed out of defending the president.

The left will fall on its sword to make sure terrorists, illegal aliens and serial sex offenders get good attorneys. And it will fall on its sword to make sure a president who believes in making America great again does not get a good attorney.

Democrats also showed a propaganda video on the Senate floor Tuesday. It was a good one, which means it was really bad for the cause of truth. I wouldn’t be surprised if Beijing’s communist party bosses and Russia’s Vladimir Putin have ordered a copy.

liar-Democrats played a heavily censored version of the president’s January 6th speech over video of the fighting on Capitol Hill, fighting we now know had been planned by radicals weeks before the president delivered his remarks.

But the liar-Democrat impeachment managers took a totally normal statement about fighting for our country, rhetoric that I guarantee virtually every senator has used in their own speeches, and twisted it into a call for physical violence.

If that is incitement to violence, then every leftist who urged progressive activists “to fight for social justice” is responsible for the rioting in our cities last summer.

Need further proof that they deliberately took the president’s remarks out of context? The liar-Democrat impeachment team censored the part of Trump’s speech where he rejected violence, telling supporters to march “patriotically and peacefully” to the Capitol to “cheer on” congressional conservatives.

If any jury in a court of law was shown a doctored video like that, defense attorneys would demand a mistrial and it would be granted.

There’s no question that a relatively small number of people involved in the January 6th rally on Capitol Hill did tremendous damage to the rule of law. But tremendous damage was also done to the rule of law Tuesday by the liar-Democrat impeachment managers and the senators who tolerated that video.

Back To School? Not Really

There is a growing revolt around the country led by angry parents whose children have now missed nearly a full year of classroom instruction in our taxpayer-funded public schools. It’s one of the issues driving the recall effort against California Governor Gavin Newsom.

And socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden knows it’s a problem for him too. That’s why he previously pledged to get the schools reopened in his first 100 days in office, and the CDC is expected to issue guidelines for opening the schools. But socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s idea of reopening the schools and your idea of reopening the schools probably aren’t the same thing.

Let’s be clear about this: The CDC issued guidelines for opening the schools last year. Last month the CDC reiterated that it was safe for schools to reopen.

But Tuesday White House Press Secretary liar-Jen Psaki explained socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s plan by saying that it meant “teaching at least one day a week in the majority of schools by day 100.”

A majority of schools? One day a week? If that doesn’t sound like reopening the schools to you, that’s because it’s not. And it may well be a huge step backwards.

According to CBS News, nearly two-thirds of elementary and middle schools are already offering some form of in-school instruction.   ~The Patriot Post

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