100 Days of ‘Unity’
socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is no Donald Trump. Breaking news, we know. That was a feature, not a bug, for 81 million Americans in the 2020 election, however many asterisks come with that vote total. As President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe “Unity” Biden marks 100 days in office, let’s check in on some of the big differences.
But first, we’ll preface it by saying that socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden was elected on an unearned reputation as a moderate and as a competent man who could calm the chaos of the Trump years. The truth is that Biden’s a party man, and his party is decidedly and radically left-wing these days. As for competence, well, let’s just say the 78-year-old non compos mentis Biden is not really the one running the show. We suspect it’s often President-in-Waiting lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris.
The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris administration’s work so far has primarily been to undo the myriad achievements of the Trump-Pence administration, whether in the domestic or foreign policy arenas.
The ChiCom Virus pandemic is one example where socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden hasn’t so much undone President Trump’s work as dishonestly claimed credit for it. The prevailing example of that is the COVID vaccine. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden made grand-sounding pledges and boasted of vaccine successes that in reality were merely taking the baton he was given. All he had to do was not screw up the plan.
Perhaps the biggest exception was rejoining the World Health Organization, the lying Chinese puppet that Trump wisely left.
When it comes to the economy, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has used the pandemic as an excuse to expand Big Government income redistribution. Whether the direct payments most Americans received, pausing student loan payments, restricting evictions and foreclosures, or just straight up taxpayer giveaways to leftist constituent groups, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris administration is using the coronavirus as the justification for massive transfers of wealth. Next up will be tax hikes galore, all on the premise of “fairness” (read: envy).
On climate change, which leftists insist is the biggest crisis facing the world, Team socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife/liar-Harris has been particularly destructive. From destroying the Keystone Pipeline (and thousands of good jobs) to rejoining the Paris Agreement to pushing the Green New Deal, “moderate” socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe is merely enacting the ecofascists’ agenda to remake the economy in the name of slowing a small projected increase in global temperatures.
The biggest changes have come on the immigration front. Whereas climate is largely a manufactured crisis, immigration has become a created one. By summarily overturning many of Trump’s rules or actions on refugees, asylum, building a border wall, or practicing enforcement in general, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has generated a border crisis that neither he nor his lackeys in the Leftmedia will honestly address. And his “border czar,” lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris, isn’t going anywhere near the border — or the press for that matter.
We haven’t the space here to discuss guns, packing the Supreme Court and the Senate, HR 1, “infrastructure,” the sickening racism of the Left, or a host of other things socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is doing.
“Unity”? socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden certainly made a show of pledging it during his Inaugural Address. But with all of the above and more, it’s hard to find him even half-heartedly trying to foster it. He’s routinely shunned Republican input, and everything of consequence Congress has done has been without any or almost any GOP support.
“If I look at the 100 days, it’s more like a bait-and-switch,” said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has “governed as a socialist.”
Don’t take his word for it. Socialist commie/liar- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gives socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden kudos because he has “definitely exceeded expectations” in terms of “collaboration with progressives.” That could be called a lot of things. “Unity” isn’t one of them. ~The Patriot Post
Tim Scott Gets Black-Republicanized
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott is a dangerous man. Which is why the Left can’t decide whether to ignore him or smear him.
Scott was raised in poverty by a single mom, went on to graduate from Charleston Southern University, built a successful small business, and eventually won election to the U.S. House of Representatives before becoming the first black politician since Reconstruction to represent a southern state in the U.S. Senate. That’s a pretty impressive life story for a guy whose grandfather dropped out of elementary school to pick cotton on the family farm.
For The Washington Post’s resident “fact-checker,” Glenn Kessler, though, the story is too good to be true. And with Scott having been tabbed by GOP leadership to deliver the Republican Party’s response to President socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s first speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, the Post obviously felt Scott could no longer be ignored. Which meant smearing him.
As Kessler writes, “Our research reveals a more complex story than what Scott tells audiences. Scott’s grandfather’s father was also a substantial landowner — and Scott’s grandfather, Artis Ware, worked on that farm. Scott’s family history in South Carolina offers a fascinating window into a little-known aspect of history in the racist South following the Civil War and in the immediate aftermath of slavery — that some enterprising Black families purchased property as a way to avoid sharecropping and achieve a measure of independence from White-dominated society.”
We should note, first, that Kessler’s article is behind the Post’s paywall. That means hardly anyone is going to read it beyond the ominous headline: “Tim Scott often talks about his grandfather and cotton. There’s more to that tale.”
In fact, there isn’t much more to the tale.
As The Federalist’s Jordan Davidson writes, “Using the guise of a ‘fact-check,’ Kessler spent nearly 30 paragraphs analyzing census documents and other records to try to counteract Scott’s claims that his grandfather left elementary school to pick cotton and ‘never learned to read or write.’”
Davidson continues, “While the article sets out to prove Scott wrong, it confirms the narrative that the senator has repeated in his book and from the political podium multiple times. While Scott believed his grandfather, Artis Ware, dropped out of school in third grade, Kessler claimed to have uncovered that Wear may have left school in the fourth grade, a slight inconsistency which even Kessler admitted could occur because the records are old.”
Stop the presses! Senator Scott’s grandfather may have dropped out of school after the fourth grade instead of the third grade!
As Dana Loesch twitter, “The white leftists trying to nullify Tim Scott’s family’s experience out of anger that they moved up in life and he became Republican are the same ones who defended dinky/liar-Elizabeth Warren’s wholly baseless claim of indigenous ancestry.”
Sean Davis noted that Kessler himself lives in something of a glass house, given that his great-grandfather, Auguste Kessler, practically built Royal Dutch Shell, a company whose World War II-era history is one of sympathy for the devil. “Your ancestors literally fueled the Nazi war machine,” said Davis, “but what you’re really upset about is that Tim Scott’s family were poor sharecroppers? Yikes, dude.”
Mollie Hemingway was a bit more blunt in her analysis: “What in the everliving bleep is wrong with you?”
Perhaps the most damning indictment of Kessler’s “fact-check,” though, comes from Kessler himself. “Scott tells a tidy story packaged for political consumption,” he cynically writes, as if Scott was the first pol to ever do so, “but a close look shows how some of his family’s early and improbable success gets flattened and written out of his biography. Against heavy odds, Scott’s ancestors amassed relatively large areas of farmland, a mark of distinction in the Black community at the time. Scott, moreover, does not mention that his grandfather worked on his father’s farm — a farm that was expanded through land acquisitions even during the Great Depression, when many other Black farmers were forced out of business.”
So there’s really no story here, folks. Just another Leftmedia smear job against a black conservative. Same ol’ same ol’.
As for his upcoming address, Scott is his typical optimistic self. “I’m excited and honored for this opportunity to address the nation,” he said. “We face serious challenges on multiple fronts, but I am as confident as I have ever been in the promise and potential of America. I look forward to having an honest conversation with the American people and sharing Republicans’ optimistic vision for expanding opportunity and empowering working families.” ~The Patriot Post
About That OTHER Knife Fight in Ohio
Did you hear about that knife fight in Ohio? No, not that one; the other one. The question is rhetorical because most likely you did not hear about the other one…
Last week, you heard plenty about the Minneapolis jury that rendered its guilty verdict against a white officer in the high-profile death of George Floyd. It found the officer guilty on murder and manslaughter charges, and, of course, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife/liar-Harris regime and its Demo race-hustlers instantly declared the conviction was irrefutable proof that our justice system is consumed, top to bottom, with “systemic racism.”
That is a BIG Lie, and Demos once again used a dead man’s casket as a political stage to advance their socialist Democrat Party agenda.
Looking for their next “systemic racism” poster child, Demos found one in the police-involved shooting in Columbus, Ohio, on the same day as the Floyd verdict. Of course, you heard ad nauseam about a white police officer who made a split-second decision to use deadly force against a knife-wielding 16-year-old black girl who, as police body-cam footage clearly revealed, was about to stab another black girl she pinned against a car.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and his band of race-baiters immediately threw that officer to the wolves, implying the officer shot the assailant because of racist predispositions. The emotionally incontinent Leftmedia talkingheads generated plenty of ad revenue on that fallacious assertion, and the so-called Black Lives Matter cadres hit the streets. Naturally, leftist celebrities were quick to pile on.
However, plenty of evidence clearly showed this was a justifiable shooting and the officer saved a young black victim from life-threatening injury. Not a word of apology to that officer from socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, et al.
What socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and his Demo media and celebrity stooges did not mention is that, on the same day as the Columbus incident, there was another knife fight in Ohio. In that Cincinnati attack, no police officer was present in time to intervene and save the life of a black child. Consequently, a 13-year-old died in her father’s arms after being stabbed by another 13-year-old girl near the family’s home.
Her father, Maurice Jackson, was at her side moments after the assault. He responded with heartbreak and anguish: “I held her. I watched her as she died. I watched her, you know. All I could do was just hold her, hold her. I tried. I tried to stop the bleeding. The pain I’m feeling right now, it’s just, I can’t explain it. It’s very unexplainable. She should be burying me. I shouldn’t be burying her.”
Of course, the victim in Cincinnati does not fit the Demos’ hate narrative, and thus no socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden or lowlife/liar-Harris mention of that child, no BLM outcry for justice. This child was just another casualty of their urban poverty plantation policies that have kept poor people enslaved on government welfare plantations for generations. ~The Patriot Post
The Great Education Wealth Transfer
Whether it’s a giveaway or a debt forgiven, something that’s free releases the one holding an obligation from responsibility in contrast to ownership. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the appeal of socialism as repackaged and sold to today’s generation — the release from responsibility.
The University of Chicago’s Becker Friedman Institute of Economics has just published a study that reveals the beneficiaries of this massive entitlement initiative are not the poor. The authors observe that “high earners took larger loans,” meaning that socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s trillion-dollar loan “forgiveness would benefit the top decile as much as the bottom three deciles combined.” As for race? “Blacks and Hispanics would also benefit substantially less than balances suggest.”
The study goes on to expose more flaws: “Much of the public discourse misses the fact that significant targeted debt forgiveness already exists. … Importantly for most borrowers, Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) plans offer substantial loan forgiveness to low-income borrowers. … IDR plans link payments to income, so borrowers with persistently low incomes will only reimburse a fraction of their debt before it is forgiven.”
That’s right. Programs already exist to assist low-income individuals who cannot pay their college debt, yet those who take out big loans are the ones who’ll benefit the most from the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris plan. In his 2020 presidential campaign, President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden committed to $10,000 in debt forgiveness per student. Now, with both chambers of Congress in the hands of Democrats, the push is to increase that to $50,000 per student.
Funny enough, data show that as financial relief and aid to students increases, so do the tuition costs. That bears repeating. As access to funding becomes easier, so do the rising costs of tuition at for-profit institutions. Shocking, we know.
Both Harvard University and the National Bureau of Economic Research have published research replicating the science that, to quote the Harvard paper, “aid-eligible institutions capture part of federal aid by increasing tuition above the cost of education.” Put simply, to get more funding, prices are raised.
So, why don’t we just give away money for college so there’s no debt to anyone?
In the junior college or technical college space, this argument has more standing as individuals are trained for entry-level work or seek skills training for a specific trade or vocation. According to a McKinsey study, nearly half of graduates from four-year institutions are working in jobs that do not require a four-year degree, yet commie-Bernie Sanders, dinky/liar-Elizabeth Warren, and the rest of the Democrat Party are still demanding a College for All plan featuring a massive price tag.
What did the father of socialism, Karl Marx, say about free tuition? Writing for the Australian Financial Review, Bruce Chapman quoted the Communist: “If in some states … higher education institutions are also ‘free,’ that only means in fact defraying the cost of education of the upper classes from the general tax receipts.” Again, the benefit of “free” doesn’t reach the stated group of lower-income citizens.
Democrats see the transfer of wealth and the growth of government as a solution to any problem, making Americans more and more dependent upon the government — and more likely to vote Democrat. But the problem with excessively priced tuition is not solved by forgiving debt through the transfer of wealth or making these tuitions “free.” If funds are given for education, they should be given based on income and provided directly to families, who can then select the institution of choice from kindergarten through college.
Just imagine being free to make an educational choice that fits your child, your college student, or you as an adult learner. Now that’s free. ~The Patriot Post
Going Postal for the Surveillance State
Just when millions of Americans might be wondering how much more extensive our surveillance state can become, they get an answer, courtesy of Yahoo News:
“The law enforcement arm of the U.S. Postal Service has been quietly running a program that tracks and collects Americans’ social media posts, including those about planned protests, according to a document obtained by Yahoo News.”
One suspects that most Americans would be surprised to learn that an agency tasked with delivering mail even has an enforcement arm. But apparently it does. And the public is being subjected to wholly unwarranted scrutiny:
“The details of the surveillance effort, known as iCOP, or Internet Covert Operations Program, have not previously been made public. The work involves having analysts trawl through social media sites to look for what the document describes as ‘inflammatory’ postings and then sharing that information across government agencies.
”‘Analysts with the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) monitored significant activity regarding planned protests occurring internationally and domestically on March 20, 2021,’ says the March 16 government bulletin, marked as ‘law enforcement sensitive’ and distributed through the Department of Homeland Security’s fusion centers. ‘Locations and times have been identified for these protests, which are being distributed online across multiple social media platforms, to include right-wing leaning Parler and Telegram accounts.’“
That "inflammatory postings” are protected by the First Amendment is apparently irrelevant. And while groups like “right-wing leaning Parler and Telegram accounts,” along with the group called Proud Boys, are mentioned in terms of that surveillance, there were no references to either antifa or Black Lives Matter, despite seven months of rioting by them last year.
Rioting that precipitated nearly $2 billion in property damage in cities across the country and 18 deaths. (And that’s not counting the general increase in murders due to the resulting war on cops.)
Moreover, defining who’s “inflammatory” might be somewhat suspect at a time when Capitol building rioters are labeled “insurrectionists” (despite the FBI recovering no weapons), when the military is ordered to stand down for 60 day to find “extremists” in its ranks, and when NBA superstar LeBron James has suffered no consequences whatsoever despite tweeting “YOU’RE NEXT” to threaten a police officer.
There was one high-profile incident involving the “law enforcement arm of the U.S. Postal Service.” Last August 15, armed members of New York’s United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) showed up in Florida at the house of war hero and triple amputee Brian Kolfage to arrest him for alleged fraud charges related to the “We Build the Wall” project that raised funds to privately build a portion of wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. The agents seized information from his computer, including a list of the millions of individuals, most of whom were likely conservative, who donated to the project.
Yet whether the agency is specifically targeting conservatives is beside the point. Why is the USPS engaged in spying on anyone, at any time, regardless of political affiliation?
“It’s a mystery,” said University of Chicago law professor Geoffrey Stone, who was appointed by former President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama to review the National Security Agency’s bulk data collection following the Edward Snowden leaks. “I don’t understand why the government would go to the Postal Service for examining the internet for security issues.”
Rachel Levinson-Waldman, deputy director of the Brennan Center for Justice’s liberty and national security program, was equally perplexed. “Based on the very minimal information that’s available online, it appears that [iCOP] is meant to root out misuse of the postal system by online actors, which doesn’t seem to encompass what’s going on here,” she stated. “It’s not at all clear why their mandate would include monitoring of social media that’s unrelated to use of the postal system.”
“If the individuals they’re monitoring are carrying out or planning criminal activity, that should be the purview of the FBI,” she added. “If they’re simply engaging in lawfully protected speech, even if it’s odious or objectionable, then monitoring them on that basis raises serious constitutional concerns.”
The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s “concern” for the Constitution might have been best expressed by UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who insisted the “original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles” in an appearance at the National Action Network (NAN), an activist organization founded by racial arsonist Al Sharpton.
The USPS provided a general statement addressing these revelations:
“The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is the primary law enforcement, crime prevention, and security arm of the U.S. Postal Service. As such, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service has federal law enforcement officers, Postal Inspectors, who enforce approximately 200 federal laws to achieve the agency’s mission: protect the U.S. Postal Service and its employees, infrastructure, and customers; enforce the laws that defend the nation’s mail system from illegal or dangerous use; and ensure public trust in the mail.
"The Internet Covert Operations Program is a function within the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, which assesses threats to Postal Service employees and its infrastructure by monitoring publicly available open source information. Additionally, the Inspection Service collaborates with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to proactively identify and assess potential threats to the Postal Service, its employees and customers, and its overall mail processing and transportation network. In order to preserve operational effectiveness, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service does not discuss its protocols, investigative methods, or tools.”
Does the word “redundant” come to mind? When the Russian collusion hoax was unfolding during the Trump administration, Americans learned (or were reminded) the federal government has 17 separate intel agencies, all operating in secrecy. Are we now up to 18 — courtesy of an agency that can’t even deliver mail on a [timely basis](https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/1-month-of-shipping-delays-usps-asks-for-patience-as-christmas-mail-products-arrive-late, and that has run multi-year operating deficits to the point where it has accumulated $160 billion of debt?
“I just don’t think the Postal Service has the degree of sophistication that you would want if you were dealing with national security issues of this sort,” professor Stone added. “That part is puzzling. There are so many other federal agencies that could do this, I don’t understand why the post office would be doing it.”
The answer is as simple as it is infuriating: Because it can. And because a feckless Congress that hides behind barbed wire and National Guard troops in Washington, DC, allows it to happen. ~The Patriot Post
Fallout From the War on Cops
At the end of a high-profile trial, everyone’s an armchair quarterback. And it’s in that spirit that we’d like to know why former officer Derek Chauvin, who was convicted on all counts, didn’t take the stand in his defense.
What on earth did he have to lose? Surely the prosecution couldn’t have done any more damage to Chauvin than the now-infamous video of him with his knee on a handcuffed George Floyd’s neck long after Floyd had passed out.
At least one inquiring mind wants to know: What was this veteran cop thinking as he looked directly at young Darnella Frazier, who was filming the whole thing? It seems reasonable that he must’ve thought his actions weren’t improper. Again, what was he thinking?
None of this matters, of course. Chauvin’s conviction was a fait accompli if ever there was one. The all-powerful state saw to it. But what does matter is where we’re headed as a nation, who’s leading the way, and how this disastrous War on Cops will eventually affect us all.
As to where we’re headed, what does it say about our criminal justice system that The Mob can wield such influence? What does it say when businesses in cities across the country start boarding up their windows in anticipation of a verdict that’s unsatisfactory to The Mob? What does it say when a U.S. congresswoman incites The Mob to “get more confrontational” if the jury doesn’t come back with a guilty verdict? And what does it say when a sitting U.S. president weighs in with The Mob by calling the victim’s family during the trial?
All of these things are shameful.
It’s no surprise to hear one alternate juror explain her own fears: “I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict.”
And, as Joy Pullmann at The Federalist points out, “The entire bloody year of 2020, in which unprecedented and murderous riots swept the nation, was premised on the incident that led to this trial. At least 30 people died amid waves of riots that widely used Floyd’s death as the pretext. The Floyd riots have caused the most high-dollar damage in U.S. history, an estimated $2 billion. The rioters’ violence against police, and elected officials’ willful endorsement of the rioters and failure to back law and order in response, helped cause a historic surge in homicides. As measured across 34 sampled cities, homicides surged 30 percent in 2020, causing an additional 1,200 dead. That’s just in 34 cities.”
The cities. That’s where this anti-cop virus has already begun to affect law and order, especially in the high-crime neighborhoods that most need policing. Our war on cops is, naturally, a disincentive for them to act, and a disincentive for them to become the next poster boy for police brutality or racist policing. In fact, it’s a disincentive for cops to remain on as cops at all. So beleaguered cops leave the cities, and the cities go to hell. And their residents flee to the suburbs. But they bring their leftist politics with them, and the anti-cop squeeze continues.
Heather Mac Donald, our nation’s foremost chronicler of crime and policing, notes that the latest insanity from the anti-cop Left is to get police out of the business of traffic stops and retail theft responses. “Instead,” she writes, “the thinking goes, unarmed civilian traffic agents and speeding cameras should enforce the rules of the road. Berkeley, Calif., has already banned officers from making stops for many traffic offenses, and jurisdictions like Lansing, Mich., and the District of Columbia are following suit.”
Mac Donald then goes on to show what a bad idea this is by citing the crime statistics of city after city: Oakland, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Chicago, and on. “This process of decriminalization has been going on for several years and is rapidly accelerating,” she continues. “Left-wing district attorneys decline to prosecute arrests that are said to have a disparate impact on blacks for crimes including subway fare evasion, trespassing, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, public intoxication and even some gun-possession offenses.”
So, a police pull-back in the cities. What could go wrong? Sandra Wortham, the sister of a slain Chicago police officer, sees the writing on the wall. “I cringe when I hear people say black communities are over-policed,” she says. “My neighborhood is not over-policed. My lived experience has shown me that policing that tackles the small things prevents the big things.”
She’s right, of course. The questions are: How far left will the anti-cop pendulum swing? How badly will this movement disincentivize good people from going into law enforcement as a career? And how much long-term damage will this do to our cities and communities?
These are questions whose answers will affect us all. Because in the war on cops, all of us are casualties. ~The Patriot Post
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Gift to China
socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden unveiled his climate change agenda Thursday, which is heavily influenced by commie/liar-AOC’s radical Green New Deal. But socialist/ scumbag/liar- Biden’s climate plan could easily be called the “Make China Great Again” plan. I’m not kidding.
Everything he is proposing will put a straight jacket on the American economy, hurt working-class jobs and destroy our energy industry. At the same time, he is empowering communist China.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden wants to reduce carbon emissions to 50% of 2005 levels by 2030. While the U.S. is making tremendous progress reducing emissions, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s radical goal is virtually impossible to meet. As the Wall Street Journal notes:
“Amid last year’s Covid-19 lockdowns, greenhouse gas emissions fell to about 21% below 2005 levels. In other words, even with the economy shut down and a large share of the population stuck at home, the U.S. was less than halfway to Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s goal.”
How much more are you willing to give up for the sake of the left’s climate claims?
While socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden plans to shut down our coal industry and who knows what else, the rest of the world isn’t quite so willing to go along. Sen. Joe Manchin noted, “There’s 667 coal-fired plants being constructed as we speak today around the world — zero in the U.S. and 667 in the world.”
Much of that coal construction is taking place in communist China. According to one report, “China built more than three times as much new coal power capacity as all the other countries in the world combined last year.” China is building more than one new coal plant every week.
Communist China is the biggest threat to Mother Nature on the planet. It is more than canceling out everything that socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and hanoi-John Kerry will inflict on the American people over the next ten years.
White House officials seem disappointed at communist China’s attitude. I get the feeling that some progressives seem to think, “Sure, China is running genocidal camps trying to wipe out an entire ethnic group, but as long as they are carbon neutral it’s okay.”
In other words, it seems the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden White House is more upset with China’s environmental policies than its human rights abuses!
Still Not Happy
A group of climate extremists weren’t happy that socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden and hanoi-Kerry weren’t destroying the U.S. economy fast enough. So, they dumped piles of cow manure in front of the White House in protest.
When this was happening, no one knew for sure what they were dumping. What if it had been laced with something toxic? This could have been a dangerous event.
But what if a group of conservatives drove a truck near the White House and started dumping an unknown substance to protest ongoing violations of our civil liberties?
I have no doubt that before the week was over, there would be FBI raids at the homes of these activists. There would be editorials declaring that the right-wing, which assaulted the Capitol, is now assaulting the White House.
Tech giants would be volunteering to turn over anyone on social media who supported this “assault.” Big Banks would be turning over their financial information. scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi and Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer would be condemning this act of extremism, and the Pentagon would be drumming out of the military anyone who supported the protest.
The Enemy Of The People
My 10 year-old grandson recently started a newspaper at his Christian school. He’s a patriotic, America-loving, God-loving little boy. Maybe he will become a journalist. Unfortunately, that’s at least 12 years away. And I don’t believe either journalism or America have another 12 years to spare.
I’ve interacted with the media for 40 years. There were always some unprofessional reporters. Many showed their ideological bias. But what is happening now is entirely different.
American journalism has turned into propaganda. And that propaganda is aimed at creating hate for our country and hate for law enforcement. That’s why Donald Trump referred to the media as “the enemy of the people.” Our media are not informing. They are indoctrinating with propaganda.
As we reported yesterday, a police officer in Columbus, Ohio, tragically had to shoot a black teen-aged girl, armed with a knife, to prevent her from killing another black teen-aged girl.
Nearly every major media outlet buried the central fact that a girl with a knife was attacking another girl. All the media focused on was race — that a white cop shot a black girl.
But NBC News was the worst. They deliberately edited the 911 call and the police body camera video so that no one would know that the girl who was shot was armed with a knife.
That’s not journalism. That’s not even biased journalism. That’s vicious leftist propaganda meant to foment unrest and racial division in America.
Molly Hemingway said the media are creating one hoax after another meant to destroy every facet of American conservatism. She’s right. We had the Russia hoax. We had the Kavanaugh hoax. Now we’ve got the racist police hoax.
Thankfully, there is a silver lining. Nearly two-thirds of Americans are worried that constant criticism of the police will undermine public safety. They’re right to be worried. But they must channel that concern into opposition to left-wing politicians and their radical agenda.
Leftist Lunacy
It seems many leftists have been competing with one another to demonstrate their utter lack of knowledge about policing.
scumbag-Joy Behar and scumbag-Juan Williams said the Columbus officer should have fired a warning shot in the air. Never mind where that bullet might come down.
One Columbus city councilmember said things would have turned out differently if only there had been a social worker on the scene.
MSNBC’s scumbag-Joy Reid suggested that the police officer should have tried to break up the knife fight.
One reporter wanted to know why the officer didn’t just shoot the attacker in the leg.
The men and women on the Thin Blue Line have a thankless job. But I know you are very grateful for what they do.
Carol and I will often thank police officers whenever we see them. I urge you to do the same. Ask your pastor to pray during a service for the men and women in uniform who are working to keep us safe while we are sleeping.
Good News
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey declared a state of emergency along the Arizona-Mexico border and ordered the deployment of Arizona National Guard troops to the border.
Texas is suing the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration for creating a massive public health crisis on the southern border.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed anti-rioting legislation into law. The law increases penalties for assaulting police officers, holds rioters in jail until after their first court date (no quick releases putting rioters back on the streets), and makes it harder for cities to “defund the police.”
Montana Governor Greg Gianforte signed election integrity legislation into law.
Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT), endorsed and supported by CWF, blasted the left’s false “Jim Crow” narrative about Georgia’s new election integrity law.
By a 12-point margin, more Americans are less likely to buy Coke products since the company announced its opposition to Georgia’s election integrity law.
The Arizona Democrat Party filed a last-minute lawsuit to stop a forensic audit of ballots in Maricopa County. After months of insisting that there is zero evidence of any irregularities in the 2020 election, why are they fighting so hard to prevent an investigation that could confirm it?
Planned Parenthood finally admitted that its founder, Margaret Sanger, was a racist. But the real problem is that Planned Parenthood still destroys about 250 innocent black babies every day. The pro-life movement truly believes that black lives matter!
Two new polls find that the left’s court packing plan is extremely unpopular. ~The Patriot Post