The Patriot Post ~ 7 Featuring "GARY BAUER"

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Masking and Vaxing Mandates

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In his latest effort to expand statist power, ostensibly to protect Americans from the ChiCom Virus, our feckless leader bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is priming the pumps to re-mask America, and he has started issuing vaccination mandates — for those who have been vaccinated. For months we have asked: If the vaccines work, why does bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden continue to insist that inoculated people need to be masked?

In his latest mixed message remarks, bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden declared: “In a significant part of the country … you don’t have to put [a mask] on — like in my home state of Delaware, where I lived in New Castle County, [and] where I was yesterday in Pennsylvania — because people got vaccinated. They got vaccinated. They don’t need a mask when the majority — the vast majority of people got vaccinated.” Actually, in New Castle County, the full vaccination rates are on par with the national average, about 50%.

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden then ominously insisted that in about 65% of the nation, people needed to wear masks again, arguing, “We’re seeing a spike in cases because of this new form, this new variant, called the Delta variant.”

Indeed, there is a surge in Delta COVID cases,  particularly in Florida, and that surge will likely reach record highs. But despite bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s claims, the dreaded “Delta variant” is not new, nor does it pose the fatality risk of COVID-19. In fact, it accounted for more than 62% of infections before Biden’s missed July 4th deadline, when he said he would give us permission to gather in small groups “in your backyard … and have a cookout or a barbecue.”

Remember when bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden was asked if he thought vaccination and masking should be mandatory? He responded flatly: “No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it to be mandatory … just like I don’t think masks have to be made mandatory nationwide.” In May, bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden reiterated his insistence that masking should not be mandatory for those who are vaccinated: “If you’ve been fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. Let me repeat: If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.”

But this week, asked about his repeated statement,  bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden snapped back, “No, I didn’t say that.”

For clarification, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s parrot, liar-Jen Psaki, was asked, “If vaccines work, then why do people who have the vaccine now need to wear masks?” She responded: “Because the public health leaders in our administration have made the determination — that is a way to make sure they are protected, their loved ones are protected.” In other words, because we say so! Just shut up and comply!

The go-to “public health leader” is, of course, Anthony “Flip-Flop” Fauci, the non compos mentis bureaucrat who insists: “The recommendations and guidelines have been changed to say If you are vaccinated, even though you are vaccinated, when you are in an indoor public setting in an area of the country with a high degree of viral dynamics … then you need to wear a mask even though you are vaccinated.”

Got that?

And what about masking children? Fauci endorsed the idea that universal masking of children over two years of age was “a reasonable thing to do.” To that end, bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden also endorsed the latest CDC “masking science” clown show, saying: “The CDC has provided clear guidance on how all schools can safely protect the kids and bring them back to the classroom: every student wears a mask. It’s that simple.”

But the viral threat to children has been grossly overstated.

Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Carey Business School, notes: “A tremendous number of government and private policies affecting kids are based on one number: 335. That is how many children under 18 have died with a Covid diagnosis code in their record, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet the CDC, which has 21,000 employees, hasn’t researched each death to find out whether Covid caused it or if it involved a pre-existing medical condition. Without these data, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices decided in May that the benefits of two-dose vaccination outweigh the risks for all kids 12 to 15. I’ve written hundreds of peer-reviewed medical studies, and I can think of no journal editor who would accept the claim that 335 deaths resulted from a virus without data to indicate if the virus was incidental or causal, and without an analysis of relevant risk factors such as obesity. My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020. Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia.”

However, the power-drunk bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is charging forward. In the inimitable words of that great 20th-century philosopher, Yogi Berra, “It’s like déjà vu all over again.”

The bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s “fear and angst” strategy is to scare folks into getting vaccinated. For the record, I don’t oppose vaccination, but I do oppose mandatory vaccination.

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden mandates are facing strident opposition from conservatives across the nation. That opposition starts in the nation’s Capital, where scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi has ordered that vaccinated members and staff who are not masked be arrested.

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy declared, “Make no mistake — the threat of bringing masks back is not a decision based on science, but a decision conjured up by liberal government officials who want to continue to live in a perpetual pandemic state.” That prompted the irrevocably moronic scumbag/liar-Pelosi to label McCarthy a “moron.” Noting the fact that there is no mask mandate in the Demo-controlled Senate, McCarthy responded, “Can she tell me where the science in the building changes between the House and the Senate?”

Perhaps those arrested can get scumbag/liar-Kamala Harris to provide bail, as she did for the burn, loot, and murder thugs last summer?

As for vaccination mandates, which would require  evidence of vaccination be carried at all times, those plans are in the works.

Bottom line: The bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s contradictory messaging, particularly as it regards masking for those who have already been vaccinated, sets up bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s vaccination goal for failure.

Reinforcing the contradictions, in Los Angeles, the first Demo-gapolis to reinstate mask mandates for the fully vaccinated, one official noted, “As more people are vaccinated, the number of fully vaccinated people becoming infected will increase…” ~The Patriot Post


Woeful Immigration Enforcement Worsens Crisis
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More than 300 illegal alien sex offenders have been arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) since June 4 as part of Operation SOAR (Sex Offender Arrest and Removal). Acting ICE Director Tae Johnson stated, “Our officers have prioritized the arrest of noncitizens who pose the greatest threat to the security and safety of our communities.” He added, “By focusing our resources on those who have committed sex crimes and demonstrated predatory behavior, we reinforce our steadfast commitment to enhancing public safety across the United States.”

The trouble is that the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration refuses to shut down the border even as hundreds of thousands of illegals continue to pour across. Furthermore, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has stopped even providing court dates for illegal aliens. ICE has released some 50,000 illegals who recently crossed into the U.S. without court dates and has instead given them “addresses and contacts for ICE offices across the country” where they are “told to report to one of them.” And how successful has this move proven to be? Well, if the aim is to get illegals to show up, then it has been an abysmal failure, as only 6,700 (13%) have ventured to do so. It’s almost as if the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s goal is to ensure that these illegals don’t show up.

Meanwhile, the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration absurdly touts its immigration policy as a successful and “humane” effort to get “tough” on illegal immigration — unlike the “prior administration’s cruel and reckless immigration policies.” As evidence, bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s DHS pointed to some 12,500 illegal aliens it has deported thus far. Never mind that hundreds of thousands of migrants have been caught illegally crossing the southern U.S. border over the last few months (no one knows how many more illegals have crossed and not been caught).

Of course, if one is a Cuban fleeing the island’s brutal communist dictatorship, then the bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration is eager and vigilant in ensuring no entry into the U.S. That reality was recently brought to bear against 27 Cuban nationals who were intercepted last week by the U.S. Coast Guard a few miles off the coast of Florida in their makeshift boats and subsequently sent back to Cuba. Those refugees are sure to face severe retribution from their communist overlords for daring to seek freedom, but the bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration justifies the decision on the grounds that traveling across the open ocean is dangerous. “The time is never right to attempt migration by sea,” says DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “To those who risk their lives doing so, this risk is not worth taking. Allow me to be clear: If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States.”

The effective message is this: Crossing hundreds of miles over a desert infested with feuding drug lords whose coyotes prey on migrants by using them to move illicit drugs and other nefarious purposes is a-okay and “safe,” but Cubans aren’t allowed to flee legitimate political oppression. Talk about hypocrisy. This has everything to do with politics and nothing to do with feigned humanitarian concerns.

Amazingly, the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is determined to further fuel Central America’s migration train. Vice President scumbag/liar-Kamala Harris ridiculously contends that seeking to shut down the U.S. border should only come after the “root cause” for migration has been solved. This is exactly backwards, but then again, that appears to be the Biden administration’s actual plan. Case in point is the Justice Department’s threat to sue Texas over Governor Greg Abbott’s order aimed at preventing the spread of COVID from illegal aliens. ~The Patriot Post


An Abominable Infrastructure Bill

It seems like only yesterday when a high-ranking Democrat told us, “We have to pass the bill so that you can, uh, find out what is in it.”

That, of course, was House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi back in 2010 doing Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s dirty work to help ram through Congress a 2,700-page obscenity known as the Affordable Care Act. And while Senate Majority Leader Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer has so for refrained from saying something so stupid this time around, the bipartisan Senate committee that’s been hammering out a massive “infrastructure” bill has been perfectly willing to follow the same secretive scumbag/ liar-nObamaCare playbook. As the Wall Street Journal editorial board reported over the weekend:

Senators have negotiated behind closed doors for weeks over the details of their bipartisan infrastructure bill, and the legislative language was finally expected to be finished late Sunday. Yet Majority Leader Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer plans to jam the $1 trillion legislation through this week before most Americans will even know what’s in it.

“Given the thoroughly bipartisan nature of the bill, I expect we will be able to consider all the relevant amendments and finish the bill in a matter of days,” Mr. scumbag/liar-Schumer said. But being “bipartisan” is hardly reassuring. The infrastructure bill is being written by a handful of Senators, though you can be sure lobbyists are all over the details if not in the room.

They’ve indeed finished writing the bill, and they’ve made it available for your perusal. But you’d better hurry: Schumer wants this bill and a separate budget-busting $3.5 trillion package of child care, education, antipoverty, and climate provisions wrapped up and ready for Joe Biden’s signature before Congress’s August recess, which is scheduled to begin next Monday, August 9, and last through September 10.

This orgy of spending comes at a particularly inopportune time, too, given that the nation’s second-quarter GDP numbers were well off the mark. As the Business Insider headline blares, “US GDP badly missed growth estimates in the 2nd quarter — but the economy is still bigger than it was before the COVID-19 recession.”

When all else fails, print more money. As National Review grimly notes: “The bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s own estimates foresee debt as a share of the economy surpassing the World War II record this year. And Fed chairman Jerome Powell, who had been insisting that inflation is going to be transitory, has conceded that it will take longer to abate than he previously expected.”

Not to be deterred, senators will soon begin marking up the infrastructure bill. As the Associated Press reports: “Despite the hurry-up-and-wait during a rare weekend session, emotions bubbled over once the bill was produced Sunday night. The final product was not intended to stray from the broad outline senators had negotiated for weeks with the White House.”

We, of course, haven’t yet read the entire infrastructure bill. Nor do we plan to. Nor does anyone else on planet earth plan to. But because we’re deeply suspicious of its contents, we wondered about its page count, which, if nothing else, demonstrates both a sense of moment and a respect for legislative abominations past. How so? Just like the original bscumbag/liar-nObamaCare bill, this one tips the scales at more than 2,700 pages.

Here, at least for once, Karl Marx was right: “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.” ~The Patriot Post


Progressive Ideology Breeds Parental Estrangement
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“Do you want to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.” —Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Communist Manifesto

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.” —"What We Believe" page removed from Black Lives Matter website

One of the most devastating things that can happen to any parent is the loss of a child. The tragedy of outliving one’s offspring is almost unimaginable. Yet there is something almost as bad: Total estrangement from one’s offspring. For eons, there has been friction between parents and children, usually occurring during a child’s adolescence, when pushing the boundaries between parental authority and individual autonomy begins in earnest. Yet in most cases, a child’s transition into adulthood reestablished a family bond as that child began to more fully understand the workings of the real world.

For many parents and their children, that sort of reconciliation no longer exists. The politicization of everything, the Cancel Culture it has spawned, and the explosion of social media that facilitates it has brought the nation to the very brink of a society envisioned by Marx, Engel, and BLM. Thousands of children, long marinated in a toxic stew of progressive indoctrination by BLM-aligned teachers’ unions from kindergarten through high school, and then further indoctrinated at universities where progressive professors vastly outnumber  conservative ones have been taught one thing above all else: To view their own nation with contempt. And as sure as night follows day, the rejection of our nation’s core values, its traditions, its language, and its culture inevitably leads to the rejection of those who sustained those values.

In short, if parents do not abide the totality of their children’s worldview, they must be “un-personed,” in every Orwellian sense of the word.

“The left has been working on making the children of the middle class into radicals, turning them against their parents and their parents’ values for fifty years now, in multiple generations,” writes grieving parent Caryn Boddie, whose own children “canceled” her six months ago. “All the things we middle-class parents believed in and called good, our children now call bad and false, and more than bad and false, worthy of destruction, especially if we parents are Christian and conservative, and even more so if we are Trump-supporters. Our cancelation is the fruit of the left’s strategy to remake America.”

Boddie recounts her conversations with other parents whose children have disowned them, and one of the common themes among them was that part of that disownment was precipitated by the child’s equally revealing determination to disavow religion. “Years ago, my children also told me I was not allowed to talk to them about God anymore,” Boddie adds.

And with what has America’s youth replaced God? According to research published in 2019, adults between the ages of 18 and 25 believe theirs is the most narcissistic and entitled generation in the nation.

How narcissistic? Last week in Texas, two teenage girls discovered the remains of a 25-year-old man. After stealing his jewelry, they posted a video of their crime to Snapchat.

Anomalous? Hardly. In 2016, a single story by CBS News chronicled a student who allegedly filmed a 16-year-old girl who died after being beaten in a school bathroom, another who allegedly live-streamed the rape of a 17-year-old, and three teens who were charged with raping a 15-year-old girl and posting it on Snapchat.

It’s not new either. A book released in 2009, The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement, written by Jean M. Twenge and W. Keith Campbell, revealed a sobering reality. “In data from 37,000 college students, narcissistic personality traits rose just as fast as obesity from the 1980s to the present,” it stated. Other studies revealed that, unlike their Gen-X and Baby Boomer predecessors, Millennials are more inclined to value money, image, and fame more than community, affiliation, and self-acceptance.

In short, it looks like a fanatical obsession with the preservation of a child’s self-esteem, the conviction that everyone should get a trophy just for showing up, and the emergence of technology that has supercharged a “look at me” mindset has produced a generation of Americans so fragile they need trigger warnings and safe spaces, and yet so arrogant they believe anyone who dares to challenge their beliefs is utterly beneath contempt.

Columnist Selwyn Duke adds another wrinkle to the growing embrace of parental estrangement, noting, “Children know that since their parents’ love is unconditional, they don’t have to toe dad’s and mom’s line to receive it. Yet acceptance by peers and teachers very well will be contingent upon embracing their ‘culture.’”

Perhaps nothing has debased that culture more than cellphones and social media. “The technologies we use have turned into compulsions, if not full-fledged addictions,” explains Nir Eyal, author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products. “It’s the impulse to check a message notification. It’s the pull to visit YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter for just a few minutes, only to find yourself still tapping and scrolling an hour later.” And, he adds, all of it is occurring “just as their designers intended.”

Thus, for younger generations of Americans, cyberspace is just as important — if not more so — than real life. Social media, et al, is so all-encompassing, this writer once spoke to a parent who “punished” his children by forcing them to put down their devices — and go outside.

The debasement of our culture has produced another thoroughly contemptible reality: The politicization of everything. Boddie notes the antifa thugs we have seen in mug shots “look like so many sons and daughters of suburban families.”

That’s because they are, as the revolution currently engulfing America has been perpetrated from the top down, not the bottom up. It is the elitists who wish to fundamentally transform this nation, not the middle- and lower-class Americans. Elitists who believe the surest pathway to unassailable power is to divide ordinary Americans from each other in every way imaginable.

Parental estrangement is an integral part of that mix.

Mark Twain once quipped, “My father was an amazing man. The older I got, the smarter he got.” That thousands of sons and daughters would reject that timeless insight into maturity to march in lockstep with a political ideology is a national tragedy.

Sadly, it is one that may only be realized by those sons and daughters when their own children learn to hold them in contempt.

~The Patriot Post


The Rank Politicization of Vaccination
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The divide over COVID vaccine favorability has increasingly fallen along political lines, with Democrats generally in favor of receiving it and Republicans generally more reticent. How did the vaccine become such a politically divisive issue when it never should have been?

The answer from the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is to blame “misinformation” on social media. However, that dubious explanation itself is predicated on a political power play that Democrats and their Leftmedia cohorts put in motion early on when the coronavirus pandemic first began.

With the economy roaring under Donald Trump’s leadership, Democrats were desperate for anything that could be used to prevent his reelection. And that opportunity came with COVID. “God’s gift to the Left,” Jane Fonda called it. Democrats and the Leftmedia used the pandemic to create a narrative in which Trump was responsible for the deaths of what was then 200,000 Americans. It was an absurd and disingenuous claim, especially given the fact that after Trump left office,  bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s “solution” to COVID was essentially to continue doing what Trump had started.

When Trump predicted that his Operation Warp Speed would likely yield a vaccine by the end of 2020, he was widely panned by Democrats and their Leftmedia pundits as delusional. Yet Trump was proven correct with Moderna’s announcement a little over a week after the election that it had developed a vaccine. Pfizer soon followed suit. And just as Trump had predicted, Americans began being vaccinated before the year’s end.

Where were the media apologies or admissions that Trump had been right all along? They were nonexistent, of course, because Orange Man Bad.

Worse still, recall scumbag/liar-Kamala Harris’s comment regarding the development of a potential COVID vaccine prior to the election. When asked if she would take a vaccine developed under the Trump administration,  scumbag/liar-Harris responded: “Well, I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. … I will not take his word for it.” scumbag/ liar-Harris is Exhibit A in who’s to blame for the politicizing of the vaccine.

And she wasn’t the only one peddling vaccine mistrust due entirely to the fact that Trump was president. New York Governor scumbag/liar-Andrew Cuomo said it was “bad news” that the vaccine came during Trump’s presidency. But he didn’t stop there. scumbag/liar-Cuomo had state health officials review the vaccine because he didn’t trust the Trump administration to develop a safe one.

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden himself similarly expressed distrust in the vaccines, saying, “I trust vaccines, I trust scientists, but I don’t trust Donald Trump.”

Leftmedia outlets blatantly considered any potential announcement of a vaccine prior to the election as dubious and downright dangerous. A Vanity Fair headline from September read, “Will Anyone Trust Serial Liar Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Vaccine?” USA Today echoed this with a story headlined, “If Trump announces a pre-election COVID vaccine, who’d believe him — or go and get one?”

Even when Democrats were called out by the Trump administration for politicizing the vaccine, their Leftmedia defenders only doubled down. “Journalist” April Ryan fumed, “Mike Pence said scumbag/liar-Kamala Harris is playing politics with a national vaccine! He can’t be serious!” MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin offered his own disingenuous spin, stating: “Trump just lied, claiming that Joe Biden has ‘anti-vaccine theories.’ Biden is not anti-vaccine. Biden is against the possibility of politicization of a vaccine by Trump. Trump made other lies about the production of COVID vaccine that are not worth spreading, even in a fact check.”

There was much, much more of this leftist anti-vaccine politicization going on for months — in fact, nearly the entire time Operation Warp Speed was going. And the result was predictable. A Gallup poll from October of last year found that 50% of Americans wouldn’t trust a COVID vaccine.

Fast-forward eight months, and now bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden and company are complaining that too many Americans are still refusing to get the COVID vaccine. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said “the administration is looking into” a federal vaccine mandate before walking it back after the predictable reaction.

Democrats and the Leftmedia have the temerity to lament the politicization of a vaccine that they are entirely responsible for creating. The bumble/socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden administration is now demanding that social media companies crack down on COVID “misinformation” because it is “killing people.” Democrats made this mess. They seeded vaccine mistrust. But now they want to blame Trump and Republicans. ~The Patriot Post


Trump Still Looms Large
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The 2024 presidential election is still eons away in terms of all that can happen politically. Heck, in that sense, the 2022 midterms aren’t exactly right around the corner. Yet every once in a while, there’s a significant marker that maybe points to the direction things are going.

One such marker seems to have happened in Texas last week, where Republican Texas state Representative Jake Ellzey won a special election to replace the late Ron Wright, who died of COVID-19 in February. One special House election is rarely a major bellwether, but this one holds some intrigue.

Notably, Ellzey defeated Susan Wright, the widow of the late congressman. That happened despite the fact that Wright was endorsed by Donald Trump, Senator Ted Cruz, and newly installed number three House Republican Elise Stefanik. She also had the support of the Club for Growth, Trump’s Make America Great Action PAC, and House Freedom Action. Moreover, Wright lost despite leading by double digits in multiple polls.

We’re sure it was a particularly emotional loss for Wright, and we certainly offer our condolences.

From a political standpoint, the Beltway’s prognosticators went into overdrive to figure out whether this means Trump’s influence in the party is waning. “This may have been Trump’s worst week since leaving the White House,” declared Republican strategist and Trump critic Doug Heye.

Memo to the establishment: Trump isn’t going anywhere. According to Federal Election Committee filings over the weekend, Trump has $102 million in the bank. His various political action committees reported another $82 million in income through June 30 — in an off year.

Memo to Trump: You can use all that money and influence for GOP victories, or for personal grudge matches.

The former president gave indications that he’s going to struggle with that choice. He understandably vented about the infrastructure deal in the Senate, but he unfairly blamed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. “Under the weak leadership of Mitch McConnell, Senate Republicans continue to lose,” Trump complained. “He lost Arizona, he lost Georgia, he ignored Election Fraud and he doesn’t fight.” He added, “RINOs are ruining America, right alongside Communist Democrats.”

McConnell doesn’t fight? A dozen years ago, we would have agreed. But McConnell displayed incredible backbone in the fight over the judiciary — backbone that won Trump the 2016 election and saw the confirmation of three Supreme Court justices and hundreds of conservative judges in just four years. You’d think Trump would show a little gratitude. Instead, he’s acting as if he’s some sort of small-government puritan, griping about infrastructure spending that he himself has touted.

And the reason McConnell is the minority leader is not McConnell but Trump and his divisive election recriminations in the disastrous Georgia runoffs the day before the Capitol riot.

On the other hand, Trump showed that he can be a team player — and we don’t doubt a very effective one. Trump said he “can’t imagine a more important time to elect good Republicans to the House and Senate.” He added, “Commonsense conservatives were never more badly needed.”

But will he put his money where his mouth is? So far, no. The Wall Street Journal reports, “Yet even as the former president has handed out more than two dozen endorsements for state, local and congressional candidates, his committees haven’t followed them up with campaign contributions.”

That’s not going to cut it in 2022. Furthermore, Trump’s flirtation with another presidential run in 2024 is handcuffing other Republican candidates who would, in our humble opinion, be stronger among the general electorate, who showed they’d clearly had enough of Trump’s personality and chaos.

As has been the case since Trump burst into the GOP primary in 2015, threading the needle among feuding Republicans is going to be as important for him as it is for anyone who talks about him. ~The Patriot Post


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America’s Got Buyer’s Remorse

A lot of insiders here in Washington, particularly at the White House, were privately shocked this week. New polling from the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden-friendly left-wing media showed that optimism about America’s future and the direction of our country dropped by 20 points. That’s an unprecedented decline in confidence. Additional polling shows it’s not a fluke.

The Washington insiders just can’t figure it out. Why are Americans so upset and worried? Let me help them sort it out.

In the last 24 hours, 6,000 people crossed our southern border. This has been happening every single day since  bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden took office. Many of these illegal aliens have COVID. And bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden won’t do anything to stop it.

But bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden was busy spreading fear to American citizens. White House officials are telling us to mask up again and suggesting that more lockdowns could be coming soon. None of that rhetoric is based on science. They’re fearmongering because COVID has enabled the left to massively move America toward big government socialism.

By the way, let me remind you that during last year’s campaign bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden said he had a plan to stop COVID. Biden lied, and people died.

But it doesn’t stop there.

  • Another police officer was killed by a thug in the last 24 hours.
  • Sixteen people were shot in Chicago in the past 24 hours.
  • Minneapolis just set a new murder record.
  • Every major American city is in the grip of a crime wave.
  • Radical leftists are constantly stoking racial hatred.
  • Medical schools are denying biological reality.
  • While inflation is skyrocketing, Democrats in Congress are scheming to spend trillions more.
  • The influential New York Times ran an editorial yesterday saying illegal aliens should be allowed to vote.

In short, it’s hard to be optimistic in bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and scumbag/liar-Kamala Harris’s America. And their falling poll numbers show that many Americans are having buyer’s remorse.

He’s No FDR

As I noted above, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s fearmongering is totally unjustified. Some in the administration are now comparing the Delta variant to Ebola.

Maybe it has a similar rate of transmissibility, but that’s where any comparison ends. It would be more accurate to say it’s like the common cold or spreads like the flu, because if you’re vaccinated the outcome is about the same. Conjuring up images of Ebola, a super deadly virus, is a deliberately irresponsible effort to scare people.

Yes, the Delta variant appears to be more contagious. Perhaps at some point we’ll discover that it’s more dangerous. But right now, the data do not support that conclusion.

COVID deaths are at their lowest levels since the pandemic began. If you’re vaccinated, you’re at greater risk from lightning strikes, bee stings and car crashes.

While it’s not entirely clear what the CDC is basing its decisions on, the buzz is that it involved a study that was rejected after peer review and based on a vaccine that isn’t used in the U.S. If true, the agency is destroying whatever credibility it has left.

Meanwhile, as one sensible journalist points out, the experience in other countries suggests that the Delta variants comes on fast and disappears just as quickly. A leading European economist noted, “The current Delta wave in the U.K. is turning out to be much, much milder than we anticipated.”

Yet, the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration is ranting about Ebola.

During the depths of the Great Depression, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt rallied the American people by telling them, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s no FDR. This president is telling us the only thing he’s got is fear.

If bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden isn’t fearmongering over COVID, he’s race baiting or setting his hair on fire over climate change. The only messages we’re getting from the White House are:

“COVID is going to get you!”

“If you escape COVID, white nationalists are going to get you!”

“And if you escape the Klan, the sun is going to get you!”

I’m surprised confidence in the future fell only 20 points!

scumbag/liar-Pelosi’s Power Trip

scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi is on a real power trip. First, she blocked GOP appointments to a special committee and then picked her two favorite RINOs to sit on the committee. Now, she’s threatening to arrest anyone who doesn’t follow her mask mandate. Arresting members of the opposition party is a hallmark of dictatorships.

House GOP Whip Steve Scalise tweeted, “To be clear: Pelosi is directing police to ARREST vaccinated people who aren’t wearing masks. This isn’t about science — it’s about power and control.”

The American people want Congress to work productively in a bi-partisan manner. But scumbag/liar-Pelosi has destroyed any chance that the House could function that way. Just the other day, she called Kevin McCarthy, the House Republican Leader, a “moron.”

I was pleased to see that dozens of House Republicans and their staff members protested scumbag/liar-Pelosi’s new mask mandate by walking maskless through the Capitol Building, daring the petulant scumbag/liar-Pelosi to arrest them all.

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), a rising conservative star endorsed by CWF, tweeted, “If scumbag/liar-Kamala can pay bail for violent Antifa rioters, then I can pay the bail for any Republican staffer arrested for not wearing a mask.”

My Body, My Choice?

The modern Democrat Party has been deeply committed to abortion on demand for decades, and the intensity of their commitment gets greater every day. Indeed, House Democrats voted unanimously Thursday to kill the Hyde Amendment, forcing every American to subsidize abortions.

For years, the left’s pro-abortion mantra has been “My body, my choice.” But when it comes to vaccines, their commitment to personal choice disappears.

They say, “Well, if you don’t follow medical advice you could kill someone else.” That’s not likely if other people are vaccinated. But when it comes abortion, it’s not merely hypothetical. Another innocent person always dies in every abortion.

Life must be so easy for left-wing Democrats who don’t seem bothered in the least by little irritants like logic.

Good News

  • More than 200 congressional Republicans filed an amicus brief calling on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.
  • Hundreds of state legislators filed an amicus brief calling on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.
  • New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu signed a “medical freedom” bill into law banning vaccine mandates.
  • Georgia Republicans began the process of “cleaning house” when it comes to elections in the Atlanta area.
  • Homeschooling soars due to the pandemic and as more parents express outrage over radical curricula infected with racist and Marxist theories.
  • The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declared Gov.  scumbag/liar-Gavin Newsom acted illegally and exceeded his authority when he ordered private schools to close during last year’s lockdowns.
  • One Pennsylvania school board voted unanimously to teach patriotism in its schools and to ban critical race theory.
  • Several lawsuits in Minnesota are challenging state-imposed policies based on racist, Marxist critical race theory. Here’s the kicker: The lawsuits are being filed on behalf of minorities who were punished by the racist policies. 

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