Less Than Half of 'COVID Relief' Is Pandemic Related
The $1.9 trillion “COVID relief” bill currently winding its way through Congress has the gleeful support of most liar-Democrats. And why not? It has less to do with COVID relief than it does advancing leftist policy objectives and redistributing tax dollars to Democrat constituent groups.
Some major aspects are either certainly or at least arguably related to the pandemic and shutdowns. There’s $75 billion for vaccinations, treatments, testing, and medical supplies, and another $19 billion for “public health.” Then there’s the $413 billion in a third round of checks to individuals, this time $1,400 per man, woman, and dependent. And the $246 billion estimated for “enhanced” unemployment benefits of $400 per week. Businesses hammered by liar-Democrat lockdowns can apply for some of the $7.2 billion in the Paycheck Protection Program. There’s billions more for airlines ($15 billion), restaurants and bars ($26 billion), and other loans programs for businesses and industries particularly hard hit.
But even being generous in the accounting, the Wall Street Journal editorial board calculates that all COVID-related spending adds up to just $825 billion — not even half of the $1.9 trillion sticker price.
The rest is, as we said, nothing more than the liar-Democrats’ Big Government wish list. That includes $129 billion for schools, whether or not they allow children in the classroom and whether or not they spend the money between now and 2028. Institutions of higher learning get $40 billion. Another $39 billion goes for childcare. Defraying skyrocketing scumbag/liar-nObamaCare premiums (the same ones that were supposed to save everyone money) will cost $35 billion, and state Medicaid programs will tack on another $15 billion. The bill adds $86 billion for mismanaged pension funds.
Billions upon billions of dollars are spent on Amtrak, “socially disadvantaged” farmers, Head Start, food stamps, mortgage and rental assistance, FEMA, and more.
The biggest chunk and perhaps the most egregious is $350 billion for state and local governments. Here’s the catch: liar-Democrats are formulating the bill so as to steer the maximum amount to blue states with the worst self-inflicted economic damage. The Journal explains, “Last year’s Cares Act distributed money mainly by state population, but much of the $220 billion for states in the new bill will be allocated based on average unemployment over the three-month period ending in December. scumbag/liar-Andrew Cuomo’s New York (8.2% unemployment in December) and scumbag-Gavin Newsom’s California (9%) get rewarded for crushing their businesses, while Kristi Noem’s South Dakota (3%) is penalized for staying open. These windfalls come with few strings attached.”
Tax revenue, budget status, state employees — nothing matters as much as how hard liar-Democrat governors hit their states with job-killing shutdowns.
We’ve been pretty sour on the spending bonanza generally because our great grandchildren can’t afford the debt virus. But it’s even worse when you get into the particulars of just how wasteful and partisan the newly empowered Democrats plan to be. ~The Patriot Post
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Rejects 'America First,'On Friday at the G-7 summit, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden announced that, in line with his Day One executive order, the U.S. has officially reentered the dubious Paris Agreement. “We can no longer delay or do the bare minimum to address climate change,” he bloviated. “This is a global existential crisis. As of today, the United States is officially once again party to the Paris Agreement, which we helped put together.”
On a brief side note, it took Donald Trump nearly four years to extricate the U.S. from this bogus climate deal, but it took socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden mere weeks to fully reenter. If liar-Democrats were truly all about “equity,” then they should be content with a four-year process to reenter, but we digress.
When Barack scumbag/liar-nObama first entered the agreement, Senate Republicans correctly argued that, constitutionally, the agreement should have been brought before the Senate for a vote since it sought to hold the weight and authority of a treaty. scumbag/liar-nObama, knowing that it had no chance of meeting the two-thirds ratification threshold for a binding treaty due to its blatant and unfair handicapping of the U.S. economy, elected to bypass Congress — with the tacit help of a few senators.
While it may have no power as a binding treaty, that won’t stop the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration from treating it as such. Team socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden will appeal to it as cover to justify an economy-damaging agenda that is aggressively anti-fossil fuel. As the Wall Street Journal editorial board notes, “The economic damage will be real. A 2017 analysis of the scumbag/liar-nObama Paris commitments, by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Council for Capital Formation, predicted a $250 billion reduction in GDP and some 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025.”
The prospect of significant numbers of Americans losing their jobs seems to be of little concern to socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden, however, as demonstrated by his eliminating 11,000 jobs with his executive order halting construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Furthermore, under cover of the Paris Agreement, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden will instill even more economy-limiting emissions standards on the U.S., which has already been leading the world in decreasing its emissions. Meanwhile, the deal will do little to decrease global emissions because the ChiComs in Beijing are playing Western globalists like a fiddle. According to the Paris Agreement, China, the world’s largest CO2 emitter (it’s currently more than doubling U.S. emissions), will be free to continue increasing its emissions levels through 2030. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is playing right into the ChiComs’ hands.
Even socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden climate czar hanoi-John Kerry recently admitted, “Ninety percent of all the planet’s global emissions come from outside the U.S. borders. We could go to zero tomorrow and the problem isn’t solved.”
All the Paris Climate Agreement really amounts to is a leftist virtue signal — all symbolism and no substance. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is effectively announcing that Trump’s America First foreign policy agenda is being replaced with scumbag/liar-nObama-style obeisance to global elitists.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, hanoi-Kerry, and leftist celebrities everywhere lecture Americans about the “climate crisis” while they fly around the globe in their private jets, spewing massive amounts of CO2 in order to tell the world how hard they’re working to “save the planet.” It’s never really been about saving the earth, of course. Rather it’s all about them seeking to further their power and maintaining the status quo.Appeasement for Our Time
Someday soon, don’t be surprised if socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden lands at Joint Base Andrews, steps off Air Force One, and triumphantly waves a piece of paper while proclaiming “peace for our time.”
It worked for Neville Chamberlain, right?
“We’re prepared to reengage in negotiations with the P5+1 on Iran’s nuclear program,” he told the Munich Security Conference on Friday. And, if nothing else, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s foreign policy team has a sense of history. It was in that same city of Munich, after all, where Hitler punked Chamberlain.
The Wall Street Journal editorial board wonders whether the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s plan of appeasement by committee will be more effective than the Trump administration’s policy of solitary strength. “Mr. Trump,” the editors write, “upset Iran, and America’s European allies, by leaving the 2015 nuclear deal and embarking on a ‘maximum pressure’ sanctions campaign. Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has said Washington would return to the accord and lift sanctions if Tehran returned to compliance, while the Islamic Republic demanded the inverse. Someone has to blink.”
Will that “someone” be socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s unfortunately surnamed secretary of state, Tony Blinken? Because we’d be willing to bet it won’t be Iran. After all, if socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s first term is really nothing more than his former boss’s third term, then the mullahs already know how it ends. As the Journal continues, “Tehran ran circles around Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s negotiators, many of whom have returned to the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration, so it wouldn’t be surprising if Iran now agrees to talks. Some informal negotiations are inevitable, but this was an especially bad week for the U.S. to take the plunge.”
If weakness is provocative, then socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has been showing plenty of leg lately — especially toward Iran. “The Ayatollah understands only strength,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told The Washington Free Beacon. “I led a response to the Iranian threat that protected the American people from its terror and supported the Jewish state of Israel. Adopting the European Union model of accommodation will guarantee Iran a path to a nuclear arsenal.”
Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Rebeccah Heinrichs, who specializes in nuclear deterrence and missile defense, was less diplomatic yet: “Iran takes cheating on the nuclear deal to the next level, fires rockets at Americans in Erbil just days ago, then threatens to keep nuclear inspectors out, and how does socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden respond? Absolutely chokes,” she declared. “And what a disastrous message to be sending to adversaries the world over.”
And so, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration has cozied back up to China by rejoining both the corrupt World Health Organization and the ruinous Paris climate agreement. And he’s signaled a willingness to appease Iran by returning to a nuclear agreement that Donald Trump called “one of the most incompetently drawn deals I’ve ever seen.” And we’re just a month into his administration.
At some point, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is going to run out of giveaways with which to appease our enemies. And then what? Then we’ll see whether strength or weakness was the better approach to foreign policy. ~The Patriot Post
Racists Masquerading as Educators
Mark Federman, principal of East Side Community High School in New York City, is a man on a rather dubious mission. In a burst of “wokeness,” Federman sent white parents of students in grades 6-12 a handout asking them to “reflect” on their “whiteness.” It was accompanied by a color-coordinated graph of “8 White Identities,” ranging from a red zone on the left titled “White Supremacist” to a green zone on the far right labeled “White Abolitionist.”
This screed was authored by Barnor Hesse, a Northwestern University professor of African American studies, political science, and sociology. Hesse also teaches a course called “Unsettling Whiteness,” and the professor makes it clear the content of one’s character takes a distant back seat to the color of one’s skin — if it matters at all. “There is a regime of whiteness, and there are action-oriented white identities,” he insists in a statement above the graph. “People who identify with whiteness are one of these. It’s about time we build an ethnography of whiteness, since white people have been the ones writing about and governing Others.”
The graph, developed by the Slow Factory Foundation, a group that bills itself as “anti-racist” and “climate-positive,” contains the following descriptions:
- White Supremacist: Clearly marked white society that preserves name and values white superiority
- White Voyeurism: Wouldn’t challenge a white supremacist; desires non-whiteness because it’s interesting, pleasurable; seeks to control the consumption and appropriation of non-whiteness; fascination with culture (ex: consuming Black culture without the burden of Blackness)
- White Privilege: May critique supremacy, but a deep investment in question of fairness/equality under the normalization of white and the white rule; sworn goal of “diversity”
- White Benefit: Sympathetic to a set of issues but only privately; won’t speak/act in solidarity because benefitting through whiteness in public (some POC in this category as well)
- White Confessional: Some exposure of whiteness takes place, but as a way of being accountable to POC after; seek validation from POC
- White Critical: Take on board critiques of whiteness and invest in exposing/marking white regime; refuses to be complicit with regime; whiteness speaking back to whiteness
- White Traitor: Actively refuses complicity; names what’s going on; intention is to subvert white authority and tell the truth at whatever cost; need them to dismantle institutions
- White Abolitionist: Changing institutions, dismantling whiteness, and not allowing whiteness to reassert itself
A New York City Department of Education official told the New York Post that it was parents who initially shared the material with school staff, and that Federman then sent it to every parent “as part of a series of materials meant for reflection” and as “food for thought.”
A Department of Education (DOE) official doubled down on this absurd assessment. “Anti-racism and the celebration of diversity is at the core of our work on behalf of the young people of New York City, and the East Side Community School’s students, parents and staff partner together to advance equity in their community,” the official insisted. “The document in question was shared with the school by parents as a part of ongoing anti-racist work in the school community and is one of many resources the schools utilizes.”
The official also illuminated the blowback precipitated by the handout. “Our staff are now being targeted with vile racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic slurs and degrading language from people outside of their school,” the official added, “and nothing justifies the abuse directed at our educators.”
None of this vile nonsense should surprise anyone. NYC Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza has made it clear that a major part of his “education” agenda is aimed at eliminating a “white-supremacy culture” among school administrators. Toward that end, Carranza held “white supremacy culture training” sessions that included the disparagement of concepts such as “individualism,” “objectivity,” and “worship of the written word.” The basis of this program is “Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups,” authored by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun. It lists more than a dozen hallmarks of “white-supremacy culture” school administrators are expected to avoid.
Christopher Rufo, who did a masterful job exposing the federal government’s equally corrosive training sessions on white privilege and Critical Race Theory — to the point where former President Donald Trump issued an executive order to end them — was the person who exposed this effort as well. He offered up a succinct take on what’s going on: “This is the new language of public education.”
Actually, this is the language of racist indoctrination and the attempted intimidation of anyone who dares to defy a progressive ideology increasingly exposed as bankrupt.
A concerned NYC parent summed up this orchestrated descent into de facto apartheid. “I grew up partly in New York on the Upper West Side and when I was young, you’d see all these kids playing in the yard at recess — black, white, Hispanic, Asian, whatever — and they all got along great,” he writes. “Now you have the schools teaching white kids they should feel guilty and that black kids should resent them.”
How bad has it gotten? The author of the op-ed wished to remain anonymous — because he was afraid school principals and teachers might retaliate against his children if he went public.
Thus, genuine diversity, as in the ability to challenge contemptible race-baiting drivel, remains beyond the boundaries of “acceptable” discourse. Instead, Americans are faced with a Cancel Culture where one’s choices are silent acquiescence or personal ruination.
All of this is by design. While Americans are force-fed lectures about race, the most divisive and corrosive aspect of American society — as in an elitist class intent on imposing a de facto oligarchy on a constitutional republic — remains purposefully obscured. “The most elite in America are the most likely to damn the privilege of those who lack it,” historian Victor Davis Hanson explains.
What else is being obscured? A black-white educational achievement gap that spans more than half a century. And what is Chancellor Carranza doing about that? Implementing a grading policy more attuned to social justice than academic achievement and eliminating tests for the city’s elite schools because they don’t produce the “proper” racial outcomes — as in not enough blacks and too many Asians.
Thankfully, there’s a light at the end of this repugnant tunnel. Last Friday on Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Rufo reminded America that his Stop Critical Race Theory coalition will continue filing lawsuits against racist programs being implemented in America’s classrooms and elsewhere. The coalition asserts such efforts violate the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which “prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.” Their aim is to get a case in front of the Supreme Court.
It’s what happens when one tries to eliminate racism — with racism. ~The Patriot Post
The Cruel and Unusual Punishment of Bigo Barnett
Maybe Richard “Bigo” Barnett was the mastermind behind the whole thing. Maybe he hatched the plan, organized the rioters, and led the charge into the Capitol building on January 6. Maybe he’s planning more “armed insurrections.” Maybe the authorities think he poses a clear and present danger to the rest of us. Maybe that’s why he’s being held without bail in a federal prison in Washington, some 1,000 miles from his Arkansas home and his ailing wife.
Maybe, but we doubt it.
Barnett was the guy made famous by Agency France-Presse photographer Saul Loeb. In an image that raced around the world, he’s sitting in a chair in Nancy Pelosi’s office, with his left foot propped up on the corner of the desk, “just making himself at home, you know, just sort of like he owned the place.”
“They were taking lots of selfies of themselves,” Loeb told ABC News. “You know, they just sort of seemed like happy to be there, sort of surprised that they were there, I would guess.”
Clearly, not all riots are the same. As Miranda Devine writes in the New York Post, “When violent anti-cop rioters were arrested in last year’s ‘summer of rage,’ high-profile liar-Democrats donated cash to bail them out, left-wing lawyers defended them pro bono, and sympathetic judges and DAs bent over backward to let them off scot-free. But when Trump supporters were rounded up over the Capitol riot, they were on their own.”
Let’s be clear: What Barnett and his fellow rioters did was wrong. They broke the law, and they deserve to be punished. But Barnett is 60 years old and has never been in trouble with the law before. Why is he being treated like a drug kingpin and a flight risk?
Why is it, for example, that Barnett is languishing in prison while a pathological rioter named Thomas Moseley keeps getting arrested and bailed out by an organization called the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which enjoys the enthusiastic support of lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris?
“If you’re able to, chip in now to the MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota,” the future vice president tweeted back on June 1, when Moseley and his ilk were wrecking downtown Minneapolis.
According to Fox News, Moseley “had been arrested and released in cases involving allegations that include damaging a police precinct in August and rioting in December. He was arrested again on Jan. 27, just 22 days after his latest release. During that span, he is also suspected of trying to illegally purchase a gun, and officers are investigating that matter.” And Moseley is now facing three new felony counts.
Lest you think Moseley is some sort of anomaly, the fund has also bailed out a guy named Darnika Floyd, who allegedly stabbed a friend to death, and Christopher Boswell, who’s been charged with sexual assault and kidnapping. The group put up $100,000 on behalf of Floyd and $350,000 on behalf of Boswell.
And yet Richard Barnett, a 60-year-old window installer, is being held without bond and faces more than 10 years in prison for entering a restricted building, violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, and stealing public property. (That last charge is for having taken an envelope from scumbag/liar-Pelosi’s office, even though he left a quarter behind to pay for it.)
As Devine reports, “Barnett waived his Miranda rights when the FBI interrogated him and spent his entire lifesavings of $25,000 on legal fees that did not save him from jail. An additional weapons charge was added, for a stun stick that he claims had no batteries.”
Barnett behaved badly, no doubt. But it’s pretty clear that he’s being punished for the crime of having dared to offend scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi and her fellow liar-Democrats. “The shocking images of Mr. Barnett with his boots up on a desk in the Speaker of the House’s office on Wednesday was repulsive,” said then-acting U.S. Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen.
Indeed, it’s hard to imagine anything more “shocking” and “repulsive” than a 60-year-old Arkansan putting his boots up on a desk in scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi’s office. The horror of it all.
Barnett’s cousin has been trying to raise money for his legal defense, but leftist fundraising platforms such as GoFundMe have banned pages for anyone involved in the Capitol riot. And yet, as Devine notes, “a 28-year-old woman shown on video punching a female Trump supporter in the face has raised $250,000 on GoFundMe.” Go figure.
For a long time now, we’ve known that our nation has a two-tiered justice system: one for the rich, and one for the poor. Increasingly, though, we’re seeing two more tiers: one for the Left, and one for the Right. ~The Patriot Post
Three Lessons Conservatives Can Learn From Rush
I discovered radio legend Rush Limbaugh later than many of his longtime fans, but for reasons that may be different from many of his listeners. His message caught my ears after my disgust with “black radio” and the radical progressive direction it was taking with its listeners. In fact, these talkingheads would often attack Rush, which led me to seek him out. Interestingly enough, I found that many of the things this so-called “racist” was saying was in accord with my own feelings. From that point on, he had a new fan in me. Today, Rush’s absence leaves very big shoes to fill for conservatives, and there’s much we can learn from a man who spoke without fear.
Rush stood for his message regardless of the many ways the progressive mob tried to come for him. This is a critical lesson for my conservative friends — especially my Caucasian brothers and sisters who fear the “r” word: racism. Rush loved America through the harsh criticism and media attacks. When he called President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama a “halfrican,” leftists came for his throat despite the fact that Obama, indeed, is half-American and half-African. The term couldn’t be truer, yet Rush garnered much backlash for saying the obvious. We can learn from his example — that telling the truth comes at a price.
He was a man of faith. An unwavering spirit, Rush never cowered to the status quo. RINOs today are seeking inclusivity, perhaps to gain a political edge. Rush was a follower of Jesus Christ and never apologized for it, especially in his last days. His faith was crystal clear as he challenged atheism and progressivism as moral platforms in ways few pastors have courage to do today. TV anchors are afraid to say the G-word, but Rush was not.
During his last days, Rush set a solid example for the future of conservative radio. His battle with lung cancer could not stop his voice as he championed President Donald Trump through the challenging 2020 election. A true friend to the MAGA movement, his message resonated with consistency and conviction that most radio hosts could only dream to possess. He didn’t sign off until the almost very end, and Rush’s perseverance should encourage the next generation of conservatives who want to carry the torch of free speech — however harsh or bitter it may taste.
I owe this Patriot and his family my heartfelt prayers and great patience as we conservative influencers keep his spirit of faith, dedication, and courage on-air for all of America to hear. ~The Patriot Post
Biden's Amnesty Bill
The amnesty bill introduced in Congress Thursday with President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s support is the most radical immigration bill ever. As one immigration policy expert put it, “It’s extraordinarily radical. You can’t even call it left-wing.”
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden claimed that his bill will “restore justice, humanity, and order to our immigration system.” He couldn’t be more wrong. There’s no justice, humanity, or order to rewarding illegal behavior. And this legislation will only encourage more illegal immigration.
There are no new law enforcement measures in the bill. It’s all amnesty, all the time. There’s nothing about securing the border. There’s nothing about enforcement of immigration laws inside the country. Nothing.
To give you some idea of just how extreme this bill is, the term “illegal alien” is being changed to “noncitizen.” The bill legalizes every illegal alien in the country as of January 1, 2021. So, we’re not talking about just people who “have roots here.”
And it even allows nearly 900,000 previously deported illegal aliens to come back! Why on earth would you do that?
In addition, the bill expands chain migration and dramatically expands the legal immigration system so that even more foreign workers will pour into the country to compete for jobs with American workers and recent college graduates.
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) blasted the bill as “a non-starter” that would “devastate the economy.” Even Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) ripped it as “a blanket amnesty.”
The Left’s Priorities
How do you know when someone cares about you? One way you can tell is when they do things for you. So ponder this:
socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden can’t open our schools and won’t open our churches, but he is opening our borders.
Millions of Americans can’t get COVID vaccines, but socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is prioritizing illegal aliens.
861,000 Americans filed for unemployment benefits this week, but socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden just gave the green light for 25,000 migrants to enter the country and look for jobs.
In a healthy country with a fair media, the juxtaposition of those three facts alone should drive socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden’s approval rating into the low 30s. As Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) put it, “Why are we placing the interests of non-citizens over the interests of Americans?” That’s a very good question. But there are no good answers.
Fortunately, it seems that more and more Americans are noticing socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s extremism. A new Rasmussen poll finds that 54% of voters agree with this statement: “ socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is not the moderate nice guy that they made him out to be. He’s a puppet of the radical left.” Only 40% of voters disagree.
More socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Extremism
There’s an old saying in Washington: “Personnel is policy.” And it’s clear from some of socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s nominees that they will be pushing extreme policies if they are confirmed. For example:
Kristen Clarke, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s nominee to lead the Office of Civil Rights at the Justice Department, has promoted conspiracy theories about black racial superiority and dabbled in anti-Semitism.
Xavier Becerra, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s choice to be secretary of Health and Human Services, has no medical experience whatsoever. But he is staunchly committed to abortion on demand. As attorney general of California, Becerra continued the prosecution of pro-life journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in aborted baby body parts, and he attempted to force faith-based ministries to promote abortion.
Neera Tanden, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s nominee to lead the Office of Management and Budget, is president of the far-left Center for American Progress. She is a left-wing hack who deleted more than 1,000 offensive tweets before her confirmation hearing. Even NPR considers her to be socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s “most controversial cabinet pick.” (Has NPR looked at Clarke yet?!)
No moderate would even consider, much less appoint, these three to key positions of power and responsibility. No Republican should vote for them. Nor should any liar-Democrat who claims to be a moderate.
Conservative leaders and organizations are working together in various ways to oppose these nominees, and we are part of these critical efforts. Please contact your senators now and urge them to vote “NO” on the confirmations of Clarke, Becerra, and Tanden.
Cancel Culture Confusion
During an interview with the Associated Press this week, Senator John Thune (R-SD), the Republican whip or deputy leader, attempted to defend the Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump from the conservatives who are now upset by their betrayal.
Thune said, “If we’re going to criticize the media and the left for cancel culture, we can’t be doing that ourselves.” With all due respect, senator, that’s just plain stupid.
I remember when John Thune was first elected to the Senate. He defeated then-Senate Democrat Leader Tom Daschle. Many believed that Thune could be presidential material someday.
But I rarely hear his name or read about him. Do you recall Thune ever leading the charge on any significant issue? I’m beginning to understand why.
Here’s what Sen. Thune doesn’t understand: The cancel culture attacks regular people for merely exercising their First Amendment rights.
Politics is about electing people to represent us. Using Thune’s rationale, we could never go after left-wing liar-Democrats because that would be part of the cancel culture.
Sorry, Sen. Thune, but we’re going after politicians who oppose our values, and it doesn’t matter whether they are Republicans or liar-Democrats!
It’s no secret why conservatives are so loyal to Donald Trump. He’s a fighter. He said what he was going to do and he did it. He kept his promises.
Conservatives are beyond fed up with politicians who were elected to defend our values but never fight for them. They are disgusted with politicians who don’t do what they were elected to do. And conservatives have every right to be upset with weak-kneed politicians and to push back against them.
That’s not the cancel culture. That’s accountability.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Blinks
The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration just blinked hard on Iran. It begged Europe to restart negotiations on another nuclear deal with the ayatollah’s radical regime. At the same time, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden began the process of rolling back tough sanctions against the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism and anti-Semitism.
Iran has done absolutely nothing to deserve this. It has not renounced terrorism. It has not suspended its nuclear weapons program. It has not suspended its ballistic missile program. It has not stopped oppressing its own people.
Not surprisingly, however, the ayatollah wants more. He’s demanding nothing short of full sanctions relief.
The 2015 scumbag/liar-nObama/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden nuclear deal was a disaster. Iran did not comply with the terms of the deal, and it used the sanctions relief it received then to fund terrorism all over the Middle East.
It would be utterly foolish to repeat past mistakes hoping for different results. But that definition of insanity appears to be driving many of the left’s retread scumbag/liar-nObama-era policies. ~The Patriot Post