Dems Force Through Not-COVID Relief
Over unanimous Republican opposition, House liar-Democrats barely passed their pork-loaded COVID-but-not-COVID relief bill Saturday. Two liar-Democrats joined every opposing Republican in a 219-212 vote. As outrageous as it is, this kind of crisis-exploiting “stimulus” has been a liar-Democrat specialty since Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s first effort in 2009.
As we wrote last week, less than half of the bill is even arguably related to COVID, while the rest is a grab bag of spending on leftist constituency groups.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy says it’s even worse: “Congress won’t actually vote on this bill until 2 a.m. Saturday. Why? Because Democrats are so embarrassed by all the non-COVID waste in this bill that they are jamming it through in the dead of night. We ran the numbers. The amount of money that actually goes to defeating the virus is less than 9 percent — Less than 9 percent! So don’t call it a rescue bill. Don’t call it a relief bill. Call it the scumbag/liar-Pelosi Payoff.”
The relief portion includes $1,400 checks for all Americans earning less than $75,000, more “enhanced” unemployment benefits of $400 per week, more business loans, more bailout money for industries particularly hard hit by liar-Democrat-led shutdowns, and billions for health-related items. The other $1 trillion is decidedly not related to COVID.
“Yes this package is big, but the scale that families face is enormous,” insisted California liar-Democrat Barbara Lee. “Half measures just won’t cut it.”
Actually, half of this measure would still be too high.
“The numbers speak volumes. 18 million Americans on unemployment. 24 million people are going hungry,” House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi declared. “The time for decisive action is long overdue.”
If it’s so urgent, why is so much of the spending deferred for the next few years? In fact, 10% of it won’t be spent until 2024 or later. If that’s an “emergency,” the word has no meaning.
Moreover, anyone else wonder why, if unemployment is already sky high, liar-Democrats have included a measure to kill 1.4 million jobs? That’s exactly what their $15 minimum wage would do, according to the CBO. On top of that, the Senate parliamentarian ruled that the wage hike cannot be included in a bill under budget reconciliation. The House included it anyway.
That poison pill isn’t really about getting workers more money, of course. It’s a strategic play for liar-Democrat votes against those mean old Republicans who just don’t want to pay workers more. Washington liar-Democrats are counting on voters being ignorant of the resulting economic devastation such a drastic wage hike would produce.
Then again, as our Arnold Ahlert argues today, for liar-Democrats, economic devastation is the point. ~The Patriot Post
Orchestrated Economic Disaster?
“Warning lights should be flashing. Less than a month in, it’s becoming evident that President socialist/scumbag/ liar-Joe Biden’s economic policies are likely to end in disaster.” —columnist Rupert Darwall
Mr. Darwall is half right, and no one (inadvertently) explains it better than columnist Keven Williams. He wonders aloud about a “mystery economy” that has simultaneously produced a “U.S. GDP plunging at a rate of 32 percent while unemployment spiked to 15 percent,” and “12 million renting households who collectively owe back rent that may add up to more than $70 billion,” even as the “Dow closed at a record high last week, car dealers and art dealers both are enjoying record profits, commodities prices from oil to soybeans to copper are soaring, and, as though some rank symbolism were needed, the display cases of the nation’s Rolex boutiques are stripped as bare as a San Antonio supermarket after a polar vortex.”
In reality, there’s no mystery about it. While millions of Americans struggle — with no real end in sight other than a $1,400 stimulus check — the wealth of the nation’s billionaire class has skyrocketed. “After 11 months of pandemic misery, where millions have lost their jobs, health and wealth, total US billionaire wealth increased $1.3 trillion since mid-March, 2020, an increase of 44 percent,” explains on its website.
In other words, there are really two economies: one for the select few who have amassed historically unprecedented levels of wealth, and the other for everyone else. Tragically, that bifurcation has also produced something else: a progressive-dominated, government-corporate cartel determined to make sure it remains that way.
In the meantime, Americans will be fed a steady diet of “bread and circuses” designed to obscure it all. In service to “saving the planet,” one of the first executive orders enacted by President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden was to kill the Keystone XL pipeline project, costing the nation thousands of jobs. The skilled workers who lost those jobs were told by climate czar hanoi-John Kerry they could “transition” to making solar panels in some unspecified future.
Soon, there will be a lot more transitioning going on, as this is only the opening gambit in the administration’s efforts to impose a Green New Deal on America — one that will inevitably produce a dubious trifecta of rising gas prices, soaring energy bills for millions, and a return to energy dependence along with the inevitable permutations (read: Middle East conflicts) that arise when we go back to needing energy from nations that hate us.
Next up, a $15 minimum wage. Much to scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi’s disappointment, the Senate’s chief parliamentarian ruled that such a wage hike could not be included in the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, because major economic bills cannot be passed via “budget reconciliation” — a process that allows passage of bills with a simple Senate majority.
Nonetheless, House liar-Democrats included it anyway when they passed the bill early Saturday morning, undoubtedly based on the idea that Vice President lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris, who can override the parliamentarian’s ruling, will do so. Never mind that the CBO estimates raising the minimum wage would cost America another 1.4 million jobs, as many small business operators who can’t afford such an increase will lay off workers.
Eliminating those small businesses is okay with California liar-Democrat Representative Ro Khanna.
When asked by CNN’s Abby Phillip what affect this will have on “mom and pop businesses who are just struggling to keep their doors open, keep workers on the payroll right now,” Khanna made it clear they were completely expendable. “We don’t want low-wage businesses,” he asserted. “Most successful small businesses can pay a fair wage.”
Undoubtedly in Khanna’s universe, Target, Amazon, and a host of other multinationals will fill the gap created by the extermination of these “unfair” small businesses, further enriching the mega-rich at the expense of those foolish enough to believe that risk, hard work, and determination are the real elements of success.
Which brings us to the next effort to crush the future of millions of Americans, namely the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s determination to legalize “11 million” illegal aliens. The quotation marks are intended to be sarcastic, as that number has remained unchanged for 17 straight years despite sustained caravans, border surges, and visa over-stayers. Even the most basic economic reality — when you have more of something, each unit of that something is worth less — will not deter a liar-Democrat Party wholly determined to make sure its power remains unassailable, even if millions of lower- and middle-class Americans see their wages remain stagnant or get cut, or have their jobs taken by those who have no business being here in the first place.
But don’t worry, America. That $1,400 stimulus check will be arriving in short order, courtesy of that $1.9 trillion stimulus package. One that follows the $900 billion stimulus package passed in December — even as liar-Democrats are discussing another $2 trillion in additional stimulus spending. “In order to grow the economy a year or two, three, and four down the line, we can’t spend too much,” said President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden said during a CNN town hall. “Now is the time we should be spending. Now is the time to go big.”
How big? “We are looking carefully, very carefully, at the question of whether we should issue a digital dollar,” Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell told Congress last Tuesday. Powell further noted that it’s a “very high-priority project for us.”
Who’s “us”? Certainly not the millions of Americans who understand the implications of moving to the cashless — and wholly totalitarian — society envisioned by those who wish to control every aspect of peoples’ lives.
Can Universal Basic Income or some more “creative” alternative that produces the same wholesale dependency on government be far behind?
Looking at the above, many Americans might wonder why liar-Democrats and more than a few Republicans would sign on to policies virtually certain to produce disaster for millions of Americans. It might be better if they wondered something else: What if it’s all intentional? What if crushing the middle and lower classes — along with the American Dream itself — is the real purpose here?
Too farfetched? If there is one thing above all else our Ruling Class learned during the pandemic, it’s that frightened and desperate Americans are increasingly pliable Americans, millions of whom have been more than willing to trade Liberty for security. So, we could endure a long recession/depression, buffeted by stimulus after stimulus. All the while, leftists know their corporate allies in media and Big Tech can control the national conversation and weed out everything they deem “misinformation” — as well as any remaining recalcitrants still naïve enough to believe the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the integrity of the election process still matter.
It’s what the quest for unabashed tyranny is all about. ~The Patriot Post
Amazon Black-Holes Clarence Thomas
Of Black History Month, actor Morgan Freeman famously said it was “ridiculous.” In a 2005 interview with Mike Wallace of “60 Minutes,” Freeman contended, “You’re going to relegate my history to a month? … Which is White History Month? Come on, tell me. … I don’t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.”
A clearly flummoxed Wallace wondered, “How are we going to get rid of racism?” Freeman shot back, “Stop talking about it.”
Well, the mainstream media led the charge in doing the exact opposite, elevating the Left’s insistence of identity politics above all else. In truth, Black History Month is really not about celebrating the accomplishments of black Americans. Instead, it is yet another instrument cultural leftists have used to further their political agenda of identitarianism.
A demonstration of this reality comes from tech giant Amazon, which suddenly removed the highly acclaimed and popular 2019 PBS documentary “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words” from its Prime streaming service — during Black History Month. This action was taken despite the fact that Amazon’s streaming service actively promoted an entire section titled “Amplify Black Voices,” which it advertised as “a curated collection of titles to honor Black History Month across four weekly themes (Black Love, Black Joy, Black History Makers, and Black Girl Magic).” Why isn’t the nation’s lone living black Supreme Court justice worthy of a slot? (That’s rhetorical.)
Making matters worse, Amazon’s “Amplify Black Voices” featured two films celebrating Anita Hill, the woman who famously and falsely accused Thomas of sexual harassment during the confirmation hearings he called a “high-tech lynching.” Meanwhile, the only other black American to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, the late Justice Thurgood Marshall, is highlighted in two docudramas and two documentaries. This, of course, has everything to do with the fact that Marshall is an icon of the Left, whereas Thomas, a brilliant conservative thinker, serves to undercut the racial identitarianism of the Left.
The “Created Equal” DVD is still technically for sale but is no longer available on Amazon (sold out?). This is similar to Amazon’s recent move to suddenly, without notice or explanation, scrub Ryan T. Anderson’s book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment from its site.
The Left uses race as a cudgel to promote and popularize stereotypes onto groups in order to divide Americans along identity and ideology lines. By conflating identity with ideology, the Left aims to deflect legitimate criticism of its bankrupt ideology. Since identifies are intrinsically personal and therefore emotive, and ideologies are not, to criticize an identity is to attack an individual’s personhood, whereas criticizing an ideology is to contend with a person’s ideas.
That’s ultimately the reason Amazon black-holed Justice Clarence Thomas during Black History Month, lest any black American identify with someone other than those espousing the Left’s ideology. ~The Patriot Post
Donald Trump Wows 'Em at CPAC
Those who expected a humbled, gentler, more statesmanlike Donald Trump were no doubt disappointed. But those who expected the former president to come out swinging for the first time since socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden took office got exactly what they wanted.
Yesterday, during a much-anticipated 90-minute speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Trump lit into the many first-month failures of President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and relitigated the 2020 presidential election in a way that felt in every respect like a 2024 campaign speech.
Those in attendance were thrilled.
Trump began his speech by interrupting the raucous crowd and its chants of “USA, USA, USA” to ask, “Do you miss me yet?” He then declared the journey that began four years ago “is far from over.”
Trump continued, “Our security, our prosperity, and our very identity as Americans is at stake like perhaps at no other time. So no matter how much the Washington establishment and the powerful special interests may want to silence us, let there be no doubt: We will be victorious, and America will be stronger and greater than ever before.”
As Fox News reports, “Former President Donald Trump on Sunday tore into President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden on issues ranging from the brewing crisis at the border to foreign policy — while mapping out what he believes is the future of the conservative movement, and pledging not to create a new party. ‘socialist/scumbag/ liar-Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history,’ Trump said, calling the new administration ‘anti-jobs, [anti-family, anti-borders], anti-energy, anti-women, and anti-science.’”
For liar-Democrats, the chickens had finally come home to roost. American presidents have, historically, refused to criticize those who succeeded them in office. Jimmy Carter, though, broke with this tradition, saying that Ronald Reagan had failed to accept “the awesome responsibilities of the presidency,” calling the foreign policy of George W. Bush “the worst in history,” and calling Trump “a disaster” among other things. Barack scumbag/liar-nObama pretty much picked up where Carter left off. So it was perhaps altogether fitting that Trump, the counterpuncher, walloped socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden at every turn.
Twelve minutes into his speech, Trump gave the first indication that he’s open to challenging the liar-Democrats again in 2024: “What the socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden administration is doing to push young migrants into the hands of human traffickers and coyotes is dangerous, immoral, and indefensible,” he said. “socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden has failed in his number-one duty as chief executive: enforcing America’s laws. This alone should be reason enough for liar-Democrats to suffer withering losses in the midterms and to lose the White House decisively four years from now. Actually, as you know, they just lost the White House. … But who knows? Who knows? I may even decide to beat them for a third time.”
Trump focused largely on socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s immigration failures, but he also hit him hard for failing to reopen our nation’s schools — a promise that Biden has failed to live up to as he struggles to stand up to the teachers unions.
Trump’s speech was preceded by the CPAC straw poll, which surveys attendees about who they’d like to see on the ballot in the next election. Trump got 55% of the vote in the poll, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis second at 21%. CPAC also polled attendees without Trump in the mix. DeSantis won that poll with 43%, followed by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem with 11%, and Donald Trump Jr. with 8%.
Looking ahead to 2024, Trump put an end to speculation that he’d launch a third party. “I am not starting a new party,” he reiterated. “That was fake news. … Wouldn’t that be brilliant? Let’s start a new party and let’s divide our vote so that you can never win. No, we’re not interested in that.”
He also called for “comprehensive election reform” to help ensure that the Republican candidate in 2024 doesn’t suffer the same fate he did in 2020. “I received almost 1.5 million more votes than all of the Republican House candidates combined,” he said among a litany of other improbable election statistics that the Left has never bothered to address. “So how the hell is it possible that we lost?”
He closed by saying, “With your help, we will take back the House, we will win the Senate, and then a Republican president will make a triumphant return to the White House. And I wonder who that will be…” ~The Patriot Post
CPAC Was More Than Just Trump
“The Republican Party is not the party just of the country clubs. The Republican Party is the party of steelworkers and construction workers and pipeline workers and taxi cab drivers and cops and firefighters, and waiters and waitresses and the men and women with callouses on their hands who are working for this country. That is our party and these deplorables are here to stay.”
So said Texas Senator Ted Cruz on Friday to loud cheers from attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference. We discussed this switcheroo just before the 2020 election, and it’s great to see we’re not the only ones who’ve noticed that the formerly blue-collar liar-Democrats are now the elites, the academics, the paternalists, the critical race theorists, the Chardonnay-sippers, the theater-goers, the media darlings, the foundation favorites, and the party preferred by Wall Street.
The liar-Democrats have, quite simply, thrown in with the affluent and the special interests, and they’ve left the regular folks behind. And the GOP seems to have taken notice.
On Saturday, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem praised Donald Trump’s economic record, then drew a stark contrast between conservative governance and statism. “Most governors shut down their states,” she said. “What followed was record unemployment, businesses closed, most schools were shuttered, and communities suffered. And the U.S. economy came to an immediate halt. Now let me be clear: COVID didn’t crush the economy; government crushed the economy.”
She then noted that government, having created the problem, rode to the rescue by printing more money. Then she drew a sustained roar from the audience when she said, “For those of you who don’t know, South Dakota is the only state in America that never ordered a single business or church to close. We never instituted a shelter-in-place order. We never mandated that people wear masks. We never even defined what an ‘essential business’ is, because I don’t believe that governors have the authority to tell you that your business isn’t essential.” BOOM, as we say here in our humble shop.
“Truthfully,” she said, “I never thought that the decisions I was making were going to be unique. … We have to show people how arbitrary these restrictions are, and the coercion, the force, and the anti-Liberty steps that governments take to enforce them. … Now, many in the media, they criticized South Dakota’s approach. They labeled me as ill-informed, that I was reckless, and even a denier. … At one point, I appeared on George Stephanopoulos’s show. … He had just wrapped up a segment with New York Governor scumbag/liar-Andrew Cuomo, where he asked scumbag/liar-Cuomo to give me some advice on how to deal with COVID.”
From there, the jokes write themselves. Governor Noem, though, couldn’t be a more serious presidential candidate, and her limited-government approach and the inarguable results she’s delivered for South Dakota speak for themselves.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, it seems, will also have plenty to say about the Republican Party’s future. His state is “leading on the issues that matter to conservatives,” he said. “We don’t spout hollow rhetoric. We take decisive action. We cannot, we will not, go back to the days of the failed Republican establishment of yesteryear. We reject open borders and instead support American sovereignty and the American worker. Building a movement on amnesty and cheap foreign labor is like building a house on a field of quicksand.”
Former CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was also at CPAC, and he spoke forcefully about Trump’s “America First” agenda. He also noted the slings and arrows he’d taken as our previous president’s best cabinet pick, and demonstrated why no Republican in attendance has stronger foreign policy chops than Pompeo.
“America First is right for America,” he said. “It’s right for each of us. America First secures our freedom and the entire world benefits when America is fearless and bold and strong.” He called the Paris climate accord “a fantasy” for virtue-signaling elites. “And when President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden reentered this deal, I can tell you that Xi Jinping was smiling every single minute. And the American workers lost.”
Pompeo then rattled off a succession of foreign policy achievements that succeeded despite the elite naysayers in the It’ll never work crowd. And in doing so, he positioned himself as yet another Republican poised to help determine the party’s “America First” future, with or without Donald Trump.
To sum it up, the GOP has some heavy hitters not named Trump, and the CPAC audience heard quite a show. ~The Patriot Post
lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris Prepping to Take Over?
It’s the question everyone in Washington and across both sides of the political aisle is asking — some more quietly than others: “How long will socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden last as president?” As we noted previously, the most recent example is the letter from three dozen House liar-Democrats calling for socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden to give up sole authority over the nation’s nuclear arsenal. But wait … there’s more.
Further evidence that questions are swirling over socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s longevity, especially given his recent disastrous town hall, comes courtesy of a Politico article noting that lowlife/liar-Harris’s role has quickly expanded into taking the lead in communicating with foreign leaders and dignitaries. While the reason is supposedly that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden simply wants to help lowlife/liar-Harris gain experience, Democrat-friendly Politico pointedly observes, “Another, more strategic reason for the encouragement: as the heir apparent to the liar-Democratic Party — especially if socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, who is 78 years old, doesn’t run for re-election — lowlife/liar-Harris needs to bulk up her foreign policy expertise, and fast.” Four years for Ole socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe is a generous assumption. In reality, it may be far less than that.
The Spectator’s Kate Andrews observes, “ lowlife/liar-Harris is more than a spare spokesperson for the administration. She’s active in policy formation and delivery. The party’s keyholders only whisper it, but no one is banking on a second socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden term — not even socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden himself. It’s hardly a secret that lowlife/liar-Harris has presidential ambitions. The question is, what is her vision for the country — and will Americans endorse it?”
And here’s another question: What can Americans expect from a (likely sooner rather than later) lowlife/liar-Harris presidency?
One thing that will change is the energy level from the Leftmedia. The press corp is often embarrassed by Bumbling socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s clearly diminishing acuity, but it would suddenly and vociferously praise and celebrate lowlife/liar-Harris as a messianic figure. With Biden no longer giving it heartburn, the Leftmedia would be free to celebrate the first female president, highlighting her ethnic minority status, while labeling any criticism of her policy decisions as personal attacks due to her sex and race.
More importantly, remember that lowlife/liar-Harris was the most leftist of all Senators by voting record. socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden has been carpet-bombing America with executive orders and actions, demonstrating that he is anything but a moderate liar-Democrat. Policy-wise, however, lowlife/liar-Harris would be even worse (though one can’t help but wonder if she’s already running the Oval Office). She would instantly become the “woke” face of the radically leftist liar-Democrat Party.
What remains to be seen is how easily lowlife/liar-Harris will be able to distance herself from her record as California’s top prosecutor. It’s a record rife with heavy-handed abuse, disproportionally affecting black Americans. We’d guess it’ll be fairly easy with a sycophantic Leftmedia to sweep all that down the memory hole. ~The Patriot Post
Cruz Fires Up CPAC
In the past, I have told you that I am not giving up and going away. Well, neither is Senator Ted Cruz, who fired up the audience on the first day of the Conservative Political Action Conference. Speaking about the future of the Republican Party, Cruz said this:
“[The left looks] at Donald Trump and the millions of people who went to battle fighting alongside of him and they’re terrified. They want him to go away. Let me tell you this right now: Donald J. Trump ain’t going anywhere!
"The Republican Party is not the party just of the country clubs. The Republican Party is the party of steelworkers and construction workers and pipeline workers and taxi cab drivers and cops and firefighters, and waiters and waitresses and the men and women with callouses on their hands who are working for this country. That is our party and these deplorables are here to stay!”
House Passes Anti-Feminist Bill
As expected, the so-called “Equality Act” passed the House of Representatives. The vote was largely along party lines, with only three Republicans voting for it. But it is worth noting that not one Democrat had a problem with this anti-woman legislation.
The so-called “Equality Act” essentially legally abolishes biological sex. It effectively repeals Title IX and guts portions of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Is it really possible that the thousands of women who came to Washington in 2017 to march against Donald Trump think it is just and fair for their daughters to compete in athletics against boys who claim they are girls?
Is it really possible that all those women believe their daughters should be forced to share locker rooms and showers with boys who claim they are girls?
Do all those women really think women’s shelters should be forced to include men who claim to be women? Do they really think women’s prisons should be forced to include men who claim to be women?
Is that what they marched for? Is that why they voted for socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden? Is that really modern feminism?
It’s hard for me to believe that is the case. But if it isn’t, where are the voices of dissent outraged over what happened on the floor of the House by a unanimous liar-Democrat vote?
If you think I’m exaggerating the role of liar-Democrats in pushing this radical science denial, consider this: Three female athletes in Connecticut who were tired of biological boys stealing their college dreams sued to stop the state’s trans-sports policy.
The Trump administration stood with the biological girls in court. But the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Justice Department abandoned them and withdrew from the suit this week.
It’s been said that a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. Perhaps it will soon come to be that a conservative woman is one whose progressive daughter came home and told her that she was forced to shower with a boy in the name of equality.
Meanwhile, I am pleased to report that conservative state legislators are pushing back, doing what they can to preserve some semblance of common sense in their states.
And kudos, once again, to Senator Rand Paul, who had the courage to challenge Dr. Rachel Levine’s support for the chemical castration of children. Who is Dr. Levine again? Levine is socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s nominee to be the assistant secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, and is also a man who claims to be a woman.
Failing Our Children
There’s not much that liberal New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and I would agree on. But when it comes to the issue of school closures, Kristof now gets it. His latest column highlights just how devastating the left’s shutdown of our nation’s public schools has been for millions of children. Here are some facts he presents:
According to one estimate, as many as three million children in the United States have missed all formal education for almost a year.
The San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank estimates that educational disruptions during this pandemic may increase the number of high school dropouts by nearly 4%.
Applications for federal student loans among high school seniors have fallen 10%, a sign that some may be giving up on college.
Fifth graders in mostly minority schools mastered only 37% of the math that usually would be expected.
And to his credit, Kristof is clear where the blame for this outrageous failure lies:
“The educational losses are disproportionately the fault of Democratic governors and mayors who too often let schools stay closed even as bars opened. The blunt fact is that it is liar-Democrats … who have presided over one of the worst blows to the education of disadvantaged Americans in history. The result: more dropouts, less literacy and numeracy, widening race gaps, and long-term harm to some of our most marginalized youth.”
Knowing the intolerant culture that now prevails at the Times, I hope Kristof doesn’t get canceled for daring to speak the truth!
Emergency Relief Delayed?
Among the many items on the left’s wish list that liar-Democrats stuffed into the “emergency” COVID relief bill is a doubling of the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. While it would obviously help some workers, as many as 1.4 million jobs would likely be lost as a result of this increase, which would devastate struggling small businesses right now.
Thursday afternoon, Senate liar-Democrats suffered a setback to their progressive dreams. The parliamentarian ruled that the minimum wage hike did not pass muster with the strict rules that govern the budget reconciliation process Democrats are using to ram through this massive $1.9 trillion bill.
Progressives aren’t happy. Many are demanding that Vice President lowlife/liar-Harris overrule the parliamentarian, which she could do. But the White House is signaling that it won’t “go nuclear” and break even more Senate rules.
Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi dug in, however, insisting that the minimum wage hike stay in the House bill, which passed Saturday morning.
But if Senate /liar-Democrats don’t overrule the parliamentarian, then two different bills will be passed, and the “emergency” relief will be delayed as the House and Senate will have to iron out their differences in a conference committee sometime later.
As we have noted in the past, this really isn’t much of a COVID relief bill. Only 1% of the money is dedicated to faster vaccine distribution.
Here’s another problem: Much of the money meant to help hurting Americans is going to those who haven’t lost their jobs or suffered steep declines in income.
We know that because stock trading surged last year as the stimulus checks went out. There were lots of articles like this one, advising people how to invest their stimulus checks. And downloads of the popular new Robinhood stock trading app surged as the stimulus checks went out.
Yes, many people are hurting. They should be helped. But those using the stimulus money to open stock accounts are not going to bed hungry. They are not having problems making their mortgage or car payments or keeping their lights on or paying off their student loans.
But when liar-Democrats are giving away money, they don’t even bother to determine whether it is going to those who truly need it.
Hypocrisy Check
The border facility that socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has been forced to reopen to accommodate the growing number of children crossing the border is the same facility that lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris vowed to close if she made it to the White House.
After multiple attacks by Iranian-backed militias in recent days, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden authorized the dropping of a few bombs in Syria. When Donald Trump did the same thing in 2017, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Press Secretary liar-Jen Psaki tweeted, “Also what is the legal authority for strikes? Assad is a brutal dictator. But Syria is a sovereign country.”
Governor scumbag/liar-Andrew Cuomo and his henchmen continue to do everything they can to ruin the woman who has accused him of sexual harassment. In the middle of the Kavanaugh confirmation controversy when he was wrongly accused of sexual assault, scumbag/liar-Cuomo demanded that Judge Kavanaugh take a lie detector test. Now the governor is refusing to say whether he will follow his own advice.
As the saying goes, if the left didn’t have double standards, it wouldn’t have any standards at all! ~The Patriot Post