Democrats' Numbers Gambit With Illegal Aliens
The border crisis continues to escalate, including record numbers of unaccompanied illegal alien children, due entirely to socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden reversing Donald Trump’s effective enforcement policies. Naturally, the new administration and Democrats are scrambling to deflect blame. And who do they blame? Why, Trump, of course.
On Sunday, House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi asserted a blatant lie: “What the [ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden] administration has inherited is a broken system at the border, and they are working to correct that in the children’s interest.” She added that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is working “a transition from what was wrong before to what is right.”
While it’s accurate to argue that the socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden administration is working on a “transition,” scumbag/liar-Pelosi is absolutely upside down in her assessment of what is “wrong” or “right.”
Just how bad has the border crisis become? Well, it’s bad enough that it cannot be avoided by the mainstream media. While not of that ilk, the Washington Examiner reported that “a migrant facility in Texas was at 729% pandemic-era capacity at the beginning of March, as an influx of unaccompanied minors continues along the southern border.” The overcrowding in these facilities has become so bad that the minors are taking turns sleeping on the floor.
Mexican government officials are reportedly “worried the new U.S. administration’s asylum policies are stoking illegal immigration and creating business for organized crime.” Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who is a lefty himself, recently called on socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden “to work together to regulate the flow, because this business can’t be tackled from one day to the next.” Furthermore, Mexican intelligence has warned that criminal cartels are “diversifying methods of smuggling and winning clients as they eye U.S. measures that will ‘incentivize migration.’”
Meanwhile, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration has rejected calling it a “crisis,” though if anything can be called a crisis, the fault must be entirely attributed to the Trump administration’s immigration policy. That’s the narrative coming from the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration — a narrative that scumbag/liar-Pelosi clearly sought to bolster.
This is the same tactic socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has employed regarding COVID, claiming credit for the vaccine while at the same time falsely asserting that Trump left him with no COVID plan.
All this leads to the question of why socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden and Democrats would be so hell-bent on reversing Trump’s effective border enforcement policies, which in turn has invited the current crisis. Much of the answer lies in the reason the Democrats objected to Trump’s ultimately failed attempt to include a citizenship question in the 2020 Census: congressional apportionment. Illegal aliens obviously do not have the right to vote, yet they still afford Democrats a sizable opportunity for greater political power if they count toward a district’s population. By including illegal aliens as part of a constituency, Democrats can artificially expand apportionment, leading to the election of more Democrat representatives and thus greater congressional power.
However, the surging border crisis is now threatening to undermine the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s plan to grant mass amnesty to the dubious number of 11 million illegal aliens, hence the administration’s downplaying the crisis. As Matthew Tragesser of the Federation of American Immigration Reform explained, “The nation’s border crisis is certainly impacting President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s mass amnesty immigration bill. Even prior to February’s record apprehension totals, members of the president’s party voiced concern and skepticism over his radical amnesty bill. They understood that the bill was more so a messaging tactic and never really had a realistic chance of passage.”
Still, legislative success may be only a matter of time and numbers. Which is exactly why Democrats are flooding the nation.
~The Patriot Post
$27 Million for George Floyd's Family Isn't Justice
We wondered last week whether former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin could expect a fair trial. After the city settled Friday with the family of George Floyd for an astonishing $27 million in a civil rights wrongful death lawsuit, we know the answer: It should be declared a mistrial.
In the aforementioned story, our Douglas Andrews recounted the evidence that Floyd died of something other than Chauvin’s knee — something of his own doing, like an overdose of fentanyl. Yet because Floyd’s death lit the fuse for urban violence that destroyed much of Minneapolis (likely prompting Target to abandon its headquarters there), and because that “mostly peaceful” violence then spread nationwide, the city is effectively convicting Chauvin while fleecing taxpayers to give Floyd’s family what is essentially the winning ticket in the legal lottery.
Perhaps that’s a strident characterization, but what else can you call such an outlandish reward for the tragic and untimely death of a petty criminal, wrongful or not?
“It’s going to be a long journey to justice. This is but one step on the journey to justice,” said family attorney Benjamin Crump. “This makes a statement that George Floyd deserved better than what we witnessed on May 25, 2020, that George Floyd’s life matters, and that by extension, Black lives matter.”
Black lives do matter. George Floyd’s life mattered. But his death ignited a national fiasco of political posturing as morally bankrupt as almost anything we’ve seen.
Back in 2015, the early days of Black Lives Matter as an organizational force, Baltimore settled with the family of Freddie Gray, another petty criminal who died in police custody, for $6.4 million. That was shortly after Eric Garner’s family received $5.9 million from New York City. Last September, Breonna Taylor’s family received $12 million from Louisville for her death, the one-year anniversary of which was Saturday.
In 2015, we noted that settlements like this are typically based on earnings capabilities over the lifetime of the deceased. So where did these cities get such sums? And why are cities settling before the police officers involved even go to trial — heck, before the jury is even selected?
The answer is that this is effectively a form of reparations.
That’s been a buzzword in leftist circles for decades, and they mean it to be a massive transfer of wealth from those who did not perpetrate the crime of slavery to those who were not victims of it. Practically, reparations have been paid in the form of “Great Society” welfare — for more than 50 years. And in some ways, reparations are even a part of the Not COVID Relief bill just signed by President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden.
Justice has never been an easy thing for humans to mete out. Sadly, this settlement only furthers that sad legacy. ~The Patriot Post
It's Time for a Cancel Culture Bash-Fest
The entire foundation of today’s Cancel Culture rests on the premise that today’s morality is so transparently superior to all previous manifestations of it that wholesale revisionism, artifact destruction, and censorship is eminently justifiable. So let’s take a good look at today’s “morality.”
Since the 1973 Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade, an incredible 62.5 million abortions have been performed in the United States. Since the current population is approximately 332 million people, the number of abortions performed amounts to nearly 19% — or nearly one in five Americans who would otherwise be alive today. A sane society might characterize the willful elimination of nearly a fifth of its population as genocide.
In America, it’s euphemistically called a woman’s right to choose, even when that “woman” may be in her early teens. Moreover, in several states, minors can not only get an abortion, but they can do so without parental permission or even notification. Is there any other surgical procedure where parental rights can be routinely usurped by government fiat?
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. The so-called “transgender” agenda, the one that presumes biological and chromosomal reality must be subsumed by “gender fluidity,” has been officially sanctioned by the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration. That agenda is also being disseminated in the nation’s schools, beginning with children as young as five, often with no parental opt-out rights. Some school districts have also proposed regulations requiring teachers to use the pronouns and names chosen by those children, even if parents object, assuming they are notified at all. And in California, a proposed bill would allow minors to have sex-change surgery without parental knowledge.
Tragically, they’re late to the party. As the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) website reveals, doctors are already performing double mastectomies on healthy 13-year-old girls, even as it admits professional guidelines “lack clarity … because there are no data documenting the effect of chest surgery on minors.” A 2018 custody case in Austin, Texas, centered on whether or not seven-year-old James Younger should undergo the chemical castration necessary to satisfy his physician mother’s wishes to turn him into a girl named “Luna.”
Again, in a better nation, performing mastectomies on healthy 13-year-old girls, chemically castrating seven-year-old boys, or giving children puberty blockers linked to thousands of deaths would be seen as both child abuse by parents and medical malpractice by a medical community already aware that the overwhelming majority of gender-confused children will accept their biological sex after passing through puberty.
The latest number of gender “identities” has supposedly reached 112. In other words, anyone can be whatever gender they choose simply by saying so, and anyone who disagrees will be labeled a transphobe or a bigot. The larger implications? If reality itself can simply be self-declared, then two plus two can equal five — with all the attendant totalitarian permutations fully intended.
Yet perhaps nothing resonates more among our modern-day “moralists” than their repellant efforts to divide Americans by race. And once again, children are their primary target. Critical Race Theory — the claim that American institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist — is being taught in schools around the nation. And despite desperate efforts to give it a patina of legitimacy, it boils down to all white people being “privileged” oppressors, and all people of color being their “oppressed” victims. That such generalizations epitomize racism and the collectivist groupthink that is the hallmark of totalitarian societies?
For those who champion the Cancel Culture, that’s precisely the point: Either conform or be marginalized.
And nothing abets their efforts more than “woke” corporations and social media. This insidious alliance, which now permeates virtually every aspect of American life, seeks to ban and/or destroy everything from books, movies, and historical artifacts to dissent — and human beings themselves. This digitized guillotining is reminiscent of the French Revolution, yet its clueless supporters remain wholly ignorant of historical reality:
The same wholesale indiscrimination that led to the leaders of that revolution ultimately being executed also applies to this one.
In short, ask not for whom the Cancel Culture bell tolls, wokesters. Sooner or later it also tolls for thee, as its latest victim, Teen Vogue’s new editor Alexi McCammond, is belatedly discovering. As has become routine, damning homophobic and racist tweets she made as a teen have come back to haunt the now 27-year-old, putting her career in jeopardy. And like so many others, including musician Winston Marshall, whose “sin” was liking a book about antifa authored by Andy Ngo, or actress and former Fox News pundit Stacey Dash, who now regrets her “angry” commentary, McCammond is hoping a profuse apology will merit redemption.
Redemption granted by whom? The burgeoning legions of useful idiots and their enablers, suffused with a sense of intellectual and moral superiority, yet so fragile they require trigger warnings and safe spaces to insulate them from anything and everything that challenges their carefully cultivated — and wholly homogenized — worldview?
People whose ignorance is exceeded only by the arrogance that comes from being America’s self-anointed gatekeepers?
Columnist Glenn Reynolds nails exactly who they are. “Historically, it’s not the good guys who are out burning books and censoring speech,” he writes. “It isn’t the caring, empathetic people who try to destroy lives based on something someone said years ago, often while young, often taken out of context. It isn’t the good guys who take undisguised glee at the ruining of lives, families and careers.”
He adds, “You know who does these things? Horrible, awful people. Selfish people. People with serious mental and emotional problems who seek some sort of vindication for their deficient characters by taking power trips while imposing suffering on others.”
How long can it continue? Mao Zedong’s Red Guard Cultural Revolution enveloped Communist China from 1966 to1976. Ultimately, infighting over which subgroup was the purist in Maoist thought precipitated its self-destruction.
What about America? “The methodology of cancel culture is utterly incoherent and unsustainable,” columnist Victor Davis Hanson asserts, adding that if “the author of The Cat in the Hat is now an enemy of the people, then anyone and all can be so designated.”
Yet is goes far deeper than that. Behind the facade of arrogance is a level of fear and insecurity so all-encompassing that one is almost moved to pity our social justice warriors. Like their Red Guard counterparts, they must hide behind collective indignation lest their individual merit — or lack thereof — be discovered.
And found seriously wanting.
Yet salvation can be found, as the most damning aspect of the Cancel Culture is the millions of younger Americans growing up with no sense of humor whatsoever. It is long past time for America’s humorists to access the tons of comedy gold waiting to be mined by those brave enough to do so, as ridicule and laughter may be the most effective antidote against these Buttercup Bolsheviks and their loathsome “morality.”
Perhaps we could call it “circling back” to sanity. ~The Patriot Post
The States Will Have to Save Women's Sports
Mississippi, Utah, and Tennessee were among the first states to move forward with legislation to protect girls’ and women’s sports from the executive order issued on the first day of the socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden/ lowlife/liar- Kamala Harris administration in January. Last year, Idaho passed legislation prohibiting males identifying as females from participating in girls’ sports. That law is tied up in court with a suit in opposition from the ACLU and an appeal from the Alliance Defending Freedom to counter. But the bottom line is that it’s up to the states now.
As of Thursday, Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves signed into law a ban prohibiting “transgender” athletes from participating in girls’ and women’s individual and team sports. Tennessee’s General Assembly hopes to follow in short order with HB 003, which is very specific in its scope to protect high school sports for students whose biological sex at birth is female. Sponsored by Tennessee Representative Scott Cepicky and 41 House cosponsors (including this columnist), the bill has passed the state Senate along partisan lines and is set for floor debate and a vote in Nashville this Thursday.
Meanwhile, the Utah state Senate watered down a proposal that would ban those merely “identifying” as females from participating as a XX-chromosomal human. Now, the debated proposal would allow “transgender” individuals to participate with sports teams but prohibit their participation in competitions.
These three states are currently joined by 22 other states moving to put into state law policies to protect female athletes from the national Democrat agenda coming from DC.
From the crowd that demands we follow The Science™, the rejection of the actual science in the case of male vs. female body performance is glaring. Males have less muscle fatigue compared to women in various muscle groups. In one study, male participants had greater muscle fiber as demonstrated by needle biopsy and strength testing, with women being about “52% and 66% as strong as the men in the upper and lower body respectively.” Looking at musculoskeletal growth, strength, and performance, “gender divergence in the bone-muscle relationship becomes strongly evident during adolescence” related to hormonal differences and muscle forces that “coincide with a large growth in bone dimensions and strength.” This advantage is further accentuated when science proves that the presence of testosterone boosts hemoglobin production, compared to females’ capacity, which enhances performance due to greater oxygenation of tissues and organs. This is why blood doping is prohibited in organized sports. And a recent study in the British Journal of Medical Ethics demonstrates that “transgender” females “did not lose significant muscle mass (or power)” when their testosterone levels were kept below the International Olympic Committee guidelines for transgender athletes of 10nmol/L through hormonal therapy. Further, the journal noted, “Giving opposite-sex hormones to transgender people post-puberty did not alter the athletic-enhancing effects of testosterone on the male body.”
Since this is a political issue, science is ignored, and in a Cancel Culture like the one taking over our nation, many are following along just to avoid public shaming.
When Idaho published its March 2020 ban to protect female sports, companies within the state — Chobani, Clif Bar, HP, Micron, and Idaho National Laboratory — vilified state elected leaders for not supporting diversity. The NCAA, a “nonprofit” established to protect student athletes, even threatened to pull playoff games from the Gem State if “transgendered” individuals were not allowed to participate in female sports. Its website pledge — “The NCAA was founded in 1906 to protect young people from the dangerous and exploitive athletics practices of the time” — was from earlier days before the “woke” crowd became the moral authority.
It’s discouraging, disheartening, and perplexing that diversity to support women’s sports is considered divisive while diversity to pacify the small group of loud extremists who dominate Twitter is considered tolerance.
Linda Blade of Olympic track and field coaching said of the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris executive order, “Finished. Done. The leadership skills, all the benefits society gets from letting girls have their protected category so that competition can be fair, all the advances of women’s rights — that’s going to be diminished.” The accomplished women’s coach continued, “Parents of teen girls are generally uninterested in watching their daughters demoralized by the blatant unfairness of a rigged competition.”
Gender confusion will lead not only to a demoralized population of talented female athletes who can’t compete in rigged competition but to the destruction of an entire segment of sports, competition, and scholarship earned by girls and women for five decades to produce leaders and inspire young women. Republicans must unite and stand against the extreme policies coming out of Washington, DC, that will forever change our wonderful communities. ~The Patriot Post
scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi's Unhinged Phone Call
The substance of the conversation itself is of great importance, because it bears directly on the powers of a sitting president. What on earth was House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi doing on the phone with Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley on January 8, two days after the Capitol riot and nearly two weeks before the end of then-President Donald Trump’s term in office?
Word has it she called Trump “unhinged” and tried to undercut his powers as commander-in-chief. So, again, this is very serious stuff. Deadly serious stuff.
But still, one wonders what the conversation after the conversation sounded like. Because it’s not hard to imagine General Milley concluding his call with Speaker scumbag/liar-Pelosi, rubbing his temples for a moment, then looking toward a trusted junior staffer and muttering, “That woman is nuttier than a fruitcake.”
Remember: scumbag/liar-Pelosi is the same sputtering octogenarian who, almost a year earlier, disgraced herself and her office when she tore up President Trump’s State of the Union speech on national television. Adults in control of their faculties simply don’t behave like scumbag/liar-Pelosi does. The fact that she’s the most powerful person in Congress and is second in line to succeed an ailing president who himself is unfit for office is enough to send thoughtful folks of every stripe straight to the liquor cabinet.
As for the call, there’s no dispute that it took place; only what was discussed. In a written statement and under a subhead titled, “Preventing an Unhinged President From Using the Nuclear Codes,” scumbag/liar-Pelosi told members of Congress, “This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike. The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy.”
Nor is there any dispute that scumbag/liar-Pelosi wanted to remove President Trump from office. Her statement to Congress also said, “As you know, there is growing momentum around the invocation of the 25th Amendment, which would allow the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to remove the President for his incitement of insurrection and the danger he still poses. Yesterday, Leader scumbag/liar-Schumer and I placed a call with Vice President Pence, and we still hope to hear from him as soon as possible with a positive answer as to whether he and the Cabinet will honor their oath to the Constitution and the American people.”
It’s rich indeed to hear scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi talk about honoring one’s oath “to the Constitution and the American people” when, among numerous other examples, she hasn’t lift a finger in decades to defend our nation’s southern border against illegal immigration.
We hope Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton can get to the bottom of all this. Last week, after the Department of Defense failed to respond to his Freedom of Information Act request for “any and all records regarding, concerning, or related to” the phone call between scumbag/liar-Pelosi and Milley, Fitton filed a FOIA lawsuit against the Pentagon.
“If Speaker scumbag/liar-Pelosi’s description of her conversation with General Milley is true,” said Fitton, “it sets a dangerous precedent that could undermine the president’s role as commander in chief and the separation of powers. Our new lawsuit aims to uncover truth about the call.”
Last month, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden visited the Pentagon and promised he’d “never politicize” the military. But whether announcing free sex-change surgery for “transgender” warriors, declaring war on the 19 white supremacists within their ranks, or attacking Fox News’s Tucker Carlson for sharing his opinions, socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden, scumbag/liar-Pelosi, and their party seem hell-bent on weaponizing the military for political purposes. ~The Patriot Post
Woke Pentagon Declares War on Tucker Carlson
As an E-9 and a master gunnery sergeant, Scott Stalker is among the senior-most enlisted men in the U.S. Marine Corps. So he should certainly know better than to spend taxpayer dollars cutting a Twitter video to attack a civilian opinion journalist, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson.
“Drama TV,” Stalker begins. “Ladies and gentlemen, that’s what I call it. … I understand some comments were made [recently], and I watched the clip that Mr. [Tucker] Carlson produced as he referred to pregnant women in the military. I’ll remind everyone that his opinion, which he has a right to, is based off of actually zero days of service in the armed forces. … My opinion is based off of 28 years of actual service in the military.”
Got that, folks? Carlson “has a right” to his opinion, but we should dismiss it because some pencil-pushing Beltway Marine with 28 years of mostly desk duty says we should. (This author served in the Marines from 1993-99, so the master guns can’t dismiss this E-5 quite as easily as he did Tucker.)
Stalker goes on to tell us why Carlson is wrong to wonder whether pregnant warriors are an essential component of our war-fighting ability, and he then unleashes a blizzard of non sequiturs in a pathetic attempt to argue that pregnant warriors actually make us “a more lethal and ready and fit force.”
He then stands up a straw man that would’ve made Barack scumbag/liar-nObama blush: “We value our families in the military.” As if Carlson had made anything remotely resembling the opposite claim.
Finally, as if to concede the weakness of his case, Stalker invokes the Almighty — not once, not twice, but five times. God bless just about everyone, he sort of says. (Where’s that atheist agitator Mikey Weinstein when we need him?)
“Perhaps maternity flight suits have been around for a while,” said Carlson. “We’ve never heard of them. But here was the President of the United States promoting them at a press conference. That phrase stuck out not because we have some hateful bias against pregnant women flying military jets. We’re pro-pregnancy, as we often say. We’re also open-minded. Maybe pregnant women make the best pilots. The Department of Defense measures everything, so there has to be extensive research on this question. … The problem is, we’re pretty confident that socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden hasn’t asked to see those numbers. We’d bet money he never even thought to ask. The rest of us depend on the U.S. military to protect our families and to protect the country itself. socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden doesn’t see it that way. Finding the most effective military pilots — or infantry officers, or SEAL teams — is not his priority. It’s not even close to his priority. Identity politics is socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s priority. It’s all that matters.”
And when it comes to hammering home the identity politics at the expense of war-fighting readiness, Scranton socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe has clearly found a willing dupe.
But Stalker wasn’t the only one unleashed by the DOD. Take this article on the official Pentagon website, for example: “Press Secretary Smites Fox Host That Dissed Diversity in U.S. Military.”
Since when does our military brag about verbally abusing opinion journalists? As Power Line’s Scott Johnson opines, “Having brought out the big guns, the Pentagon is flailing. My assessment is that they are losing in a humiliating fashion. The Pentagon’s approach to the Carlson crisis is most telling. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Pentagon has picked a needless fight. It is abasing itself and losing in the process.”
MGySgt Stalker’s attack on Carlson, a civilian journalist, was indeed a disgrace. In fact, judging by the looks of Stalker, he should refrain from attacking journalists and instead start attacking those dead-hangs and that run time and that Rifle Expert badge that seems to have avoided him.
And if he thinks our critique is unduly harsh, he should remember: By his own ridiculous standards, we’ve earned the right to say it.
~The Patriot Post
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden's Address
President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden addressed the nation Thursday night on the first anniversary of the pandemic lockdowns. His remarks were meant to be optimistic and soothing. You could be forgiven if you missed the fact that it was a viciously partisan speech.
For whatever reason, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden just can’t acknowledge Donald Trump’s success in producing the COVID vaccines. The only reason socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden could offer any hope at all is because Donald Trump produced the vaccines in record time, which many experts said was impossible.
Trump pushed the major drug companies hard. He ordered the bureaucrats to cut the red tape. He launched Operation Warp Speed to get it done ASAP. And Trump got it done! Even some liberal critics have suggested that the vaccines could reasonably be called the “Trump vaccines.”
But socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden gave the impression that because he won the election, the American people now have vaccines. All he did was reorder more Trump vaccines, which any president would have done.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden also bragged that we are on track to exceed his pledge of 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days, or one million vaccinations a day.
Well, here’s a fact check you won’t get from the liberal media: No one said we couldn’t do a million vaccinations a day. Donald Trump was already doing that when he left office. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden underpromised and now claims to be overperforming!
If socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden truly was the unifier he claims to be, it shouldn’t have been so hard for him to say, “Donald Trump and I disagree on a lot. But I thank him for the vaccines that were already being distributed and mass produced by the time I took office.”
Here’s something else socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden didn’t say. While describing the wreckage caused by the virus, he lamented that our children have missed a year of school.
That was the moment for the president to say, “To my friends in the teachers unions and our big city mayors: Stop playing politics with our children’s education. Stop standing in the schoolhouse door! Open our schools now!”
With each passing day, it seems increasingly unlikely that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden will run for reelection. But he was apparently too afraid to make the teachers unions mad, so he didn’t say anything.
Lockdowns vs. Freedom
There was another deeply disturbing theme in socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s speech, and I hope it wasn’t lost on the American people. socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden promised that every adult who wants a vaccine will be able to sign up for one by May 1st.
He said, “We will issue guidance on what you can and cannot do when fully vaccinated.” He also threatened to “reinstate restrictions,” adding that we can’t reopen the country until we defeat the virus.
Well, many states have already reopened. More are relaxing restrictions every day. Between vaccinations and the number of people who have had the virus and recovered, even CNN says we’re well on the way to herd immunity.
Yet, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is threatening more restrictions?
But he did dangle this carrot: If we all do exactly what Uncle Joe tells us, maybe, just maybe, he will let us out of our homes to celebrate Independence Day. In small groups only, of course.
I think socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe forgot that he was president of the United States for a moment and thought he was president of communist China.
He has no authority to tell us what we can and cannot do. We do not need permission or guidelines from any president to have family and friends over to our homes for anything we choose as free people.
I don’t know what is in his confused mind. But here’s a guess: I suspect he’s already signaling that there won’t be a big July 4th celebration in Washington, DC.
Now why wouldn’t he want hundreds of thousands of people celebrating America during his first year in office?
Perhaps scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi and Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer are afraid a pro-Trump, America First rally will break out. Perhaps they know their far-left base really doesn’t want to celebrate America at all.
Extremism on Display
When Barack scumbag/liar-nObama talked about “fundamentally transforming America,” that wasn’t just an applause line. The left is serious. And its radical agenda has been on full display in recent days.
As we have previously reported, the COVID relief bill was stuffed full of left-wing garbage like reparations, cash for criminals, union bailouts, and tax increases.
But that’s not all. The left is pushing legislation to radically rewrite election rules, restrict religious liberty, grant a massive amnesty, and limit our Second Amendment rights.
In normal times, most of this extreme legislation would be dead-on-arrival in the Senate because of the filibuster. That rule requires at least 60 votes for most legislation to pass. But the filibuster is in growing danger.
Majority Leader scumbag/liar-Schumer is vowing to put gun control legislation on the Senate floor no matter what.
Senator Joe Manchin, perhaps the only “moderate Democrat” left in the Senate, is beginning to play rhetorical games with his previous defense of the filibuster.
Senator scumbag-Tim Kaine put a racially tinged spin on it, saying there would be a “moment of reckoning” if Republicans put “rules above rights” and filibuster HR 1, scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi’s nationalization of all election laws.
I would just remind Senator scumbag-Kaine that it was Democrats who filibustered civil rights legislation for many years. (By the way, when are we going to rename the Russell Senate Office Building?)
In coming days, the left will attempt to advance various items in its extreme agenda. When it does, there will be a full-throated call from the media and every progressive politician that the filibuster is a relic of racism and is being used again to thwart social justice.
Don’t buy it. It’s just another example of how the left is willing to bend any norm and break any rule necessary to obtain power and control your life.
What’s really happening is that the left is attempting to fundamentally transform America.
Yes, my friends, the culture war is very real, and it is being aggressively waged by the left, forcing its values on the rest of us and redefining America in the process.
Goodbye, Luis
Christendom lost a giant of the faith this week. Evangelist and Christian apologist Luis Palau died Thursday after a long battle with lung cancer.
Like Billy Graham’s crusades, Palau was well-known for drawing huge crowds all over the world. In fact, he once served as a Spanish translator for Graham, and the two men were life-long friends.
For more than 60 years, he preached the Good News of the Gospel in more than 80 countries. He authored dozens of books, and his radio broadcasts were heard by millions of people in 48 countries.
As Luis once said of his work, “I have no regrets in pouring out my years … for the sake of the Good News. If I was given a thousand lifetimes, I would dedicate them all to the same calling.”
His was certainly a life well lived, and I know Luis has been welcomed home by our Lord to the words we all yearn to hear: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Please join Carol and me in praying for Luis’s wife, Patricia, and his sons, Kevin, Keith, Andrew, and Stephen. ~The Patriot Post