socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Uses Flags as Political Rags
You may have noticed that flags at federal, state, and local government buildings were ordered to half-staff by socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden.
Was it because eight were killed in a human trafficker’s vehicle last week as a direct result of socialist/scumbag/ liar- Biden and lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris inviting a mass influx of illegal immigrants across our border?
No. Yet that blood is on socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s hands because, as policy analyst Stephen Miller notes, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s immigration policies are “morally monstrous” and “indefensible.”
Was it because, two weeks earlier, 13 illegal immigrants they enticed to come were killed in another trafficker’s vehicle while making a run across our southern border?
No, though again, that blood is on socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s hands.
So why were flags lowered? On Thursday, President Post Turtle issued the order to perpetuate the latest chapter of the Left’s race-bait political agenda — this time based on the false narrative that the murder of eight people in Atlanta by a sociopathic assailant was racially motivated. Six of the women at three “spas” were of Asian heritage. Thus, it must have been a “hate crime.”
However, Atlanta police issued a statement indicating the assailant was mentally ill, had visited the locations for sex, had recently been treated for sex addiction, and targeted the locations because, in his deranged mind, that would alleviate his temptation. According to Captain Jay Baker with the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office, where the suspect is being held, “It’s a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate. He said it was not racially motivated.” Sheriff Frank Reynolds added, “We believe he frequented these places in the past.”
While the assailant claimed “sexual addiction,” the primary reason for his violence was most likely socio-pathology, and his compulsive preoccupation with sex was the trigger. As noted by historian Victor Davis Hanson, “His past proven sex addition and mental instability, along with his lethal shooting of non-Asians, suggest he was a pathological, mentally impaired murderer, not a race hater.”
Regarding his targets, a senior law enforcement official observed that if the assailant’s motivation was racial and linked to the ChiCom Virus pandemic, he would more likely have targeted some of the hundreds of Chinese restaurants in the region rather than driving 26 miles to commit the assaults. (There are three times the number of Chinese restaurants as there are McDonald’s franchises.)
Nevertheless, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms declared, “Whatever the motivation was for this guy, we know that the majority of the victims were Asian.”
Of course, the women at these businesses were of Asian descent because sex traffickers frequently victimize Asian women for illicit services at “massage parlors.” According to The Washington Post: “The Atlanta-area massage businesses where eight people were shot and killed Tuesday have long been identified online and by police as places where sex work and possible sexual exploitation regularly occurred — and where Asian women could be found. Customers who posted about the illicit offerings at Gold Spa, Aromatherapy Spa and Young’s Asian Massage made the businesses targets for people who showed up expecting to be able to purchase sex acts.”
Apparently, though, the fact that six of the victims were of Korean origin was enough for socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and lowlife/liar-Harris to spin the attack as a “racist hate crime,” an assertion that is being echoed by their Leftmedia propagandists.
Of course, the most disproportionate attacks against other races are committed by black assailants. And black-on-black assault is the most prevalent violent crime in the nation.
But that does not fit the Demos’ race-hate narrative, and when it comes to those fake narratives, they never let facts trump political agendas.
On Friday, after again referring to “President lowlife/liar-Harris” in a speech prepping her ascension to the throne, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden stumbled his way up the steps to Air Force One for a trip to Atlanta. Once there, he met with Asian American leaders in order to ramp up the racial exploitation of the victims.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden told them, “Hate can have no safe harbor in America.” Insisting Congress needed to pass the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, he declared, “Too many Asian-Americans have been walking up and down the streets and worrying. They’ve been attacked, blamed, scapegoated, and harassed. They’ve been verbally assaulted, physically assaulted, killed. It’s been a year of living in fear for their lives.”
For her part, lowlife/liar-Harris said, “Racism is real in America, and it has always been. Xenophobia is real in America, and always has been. Sexism, too. The president and I will not be silent. We will not stand by. We will always speak out against violence, hate crimes, and discrimination wherever and whenever it occurs. … Knowing the increasing level of hate crimes against our Asian American brothers and sisters, we also want to speak out in solidarity with them and acknowledge that none of us should ever be silent in the face of any form of hate.” Notably, pretending to be more cautious than socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, lowlife/liar-Harris added: “I’m making no connection at this moment to the motivation of the killer. I’m waiting for an answer from, as the investigation proceeds, from the FBI and from the Justice Department. I’ll have more to say when the investigation is completed.”
It is disgraceful that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and lowlife/liar-Harris would use the Atlanta murders as cheap political fodder, but that is standard Demo MO. However, for socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, as commander-in-chief, to then desecrate our flag by ordering flags to half-staff across the nation to perpetuate his political agenda is inexcusable. These are the same flags that drape the coffins of American service personnel killed in action. (The Patriot Post‘s editorial office flies the highest flag in our city, and it remained at full staff all weekend.)
Finally, and predictably, the nation’s leading provocateur of hate, the Southern Poverty Law Center, was quick to get on board with a fundraising email about “the hateful violence” in Atlanta, which featured a big red DONATE button. Also predictably, adolescents of all ages are out protesting violence against Asians, dutifully following the political meme known as the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris regime.
~The Patriot Post
A Diplomatic Debacle in Anchorage
No wonder the ChiComs were rooting for Joe Biden on November 3. They’d long since taken his measure, and they knew he’d be an easy mark. Don’t say we weren’t warned.
A month before the election, we noted that the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden family had already enriched itself from its business dealings with China during socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe’s eight years as Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s vice president. Furthermore, as China expert Ben Weingarten noted, “The scumbag/liar-nObama/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration was remarkably soft on China over its most grievous provocations, whether in terms of the catastrophic Office of Personnel Management hack, the militarization of the South China Sea, or its flouting of U.S. capital market regulations with impunity, gaining the imprimatur of the administration after lobbying socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden to ink a memorandum of understanding effectively normalizing its cheating.”
Against this backdrop, then, we had remarkably low expectations going into the weekend — and Team socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden didn’t disappoint. As the Wall Street Journal editorial board writes, “That was some tongue lashing a senior Chinese official delivered last week in Anchorage to top Biden Administration officials in their first meeting. This is the new reality in U.S.-China relations, as adversaries look to see if they can exploit President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden as they did Barack scumbag/liar-nObama.”
If just one thing has become painfully clear to even the most casual of China observers over the years, it’s that the ChiComs don’t play by the rules. Instead, they flout them — whether militarily, economically, or geopolitically. Secretary of State Antony Blinken learned this the hard way when he offered an agreed-upon two minutes of opening remarks, which his counterpart, Yang Jiechi, China’s director of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, promptly repaid with a 20-minute anti-American diatribe.
Blinken noted our “deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States, and economic coercion toward our allies,” actions that threaten the “rules-based order that maintains global stability.”
Yang, clearly emboldened by not having Donald Trump’s far more formidable secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, sitting across from him, then went on a 20-minute tear about the superiority of “Chinese-style democracy” and America’s sins. He even went woke with the Left’s own language, referencing Black Lives Matter and scolding, “We believe that it is important for the United States to change its own image and to stop advancing its own democracy in the rest of the world. Many people within the United States actually have little confidence in the democracy of the United States.”
Yang saved his best mockery for last, though: “Let me say here that in front of the Chinese side, the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.”
“One of the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s most contemptible themes,” writes Power Line’s John Hinderaker, “is its declaration that ‘America is back.’ … The only thing that is ‘back’ under socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, or whoever is running U.S. foreign policy these days, is weakness. And the Chinese know it.”
Predictably, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s Praetorian Guard leaped into action, with The Washington Post spinning furiously to commend the administration for its “dust-up diplomacy.”
These, of course, are the same scribes who would’ve been appalled had Donald Trump tried the same approach. As Power Line’s Paul Mirengoff noted, “Trump was willing to take action against China that entailed risks to the U.S. economy, even with an election on the horizon. I’m pretty sure socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden will never do that. He’s all talk and has been for 50 years. The most we can hope for is that his team won’t be out-talked as badly in the future as it was in Anchorage.”
It turns out that stumbling up the stairs of Air Force One was the least of socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s failures this weekend.
~The Patriot Post
The Ever-Worsening socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Border Crisis
As the number of migrants illegally flowing across the U.S. southern border accelerates, the socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden administration is running out of facilities to house these illegals and has decided to charter flights to fly them up to states on the northern border. Read that again. Slowly.
“Border officials requested the air support from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement,” The Washington Post reports, “because 1,000 members of families and unaccompanied minors crossed the Rio Grande on Friday morning, and border agents have another 1,000 migrants they have been unable to process since [Thursday] night, the communications show.” As of Saturday, the Border Patrol had more than 5,000 unaccompanied minors in custody.
Speaking of detained migrant families, it was recently revealed that the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration has quietly ended long-term detentions. The Washington Times reports, “Now, with long-term detention over, families are either held for a few days for processing or released outright at the border without any ICE detention. In either case, they are generally free to make their way deeper into the country with deportation hearings years down the line.” This is an example of Joe socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden creating yet another pull factor for migrants, underscoring that this current border crisis is of his own doing, not Donald Trump’s, as the administration is falsely seeking to spin it.
The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is scrambling to contain the “humanitarian crisis” that has turned into what Texas Governor Greg Abbott described as “a complete disaster.” DHS now plans on spending $86 million in taxpayer funds to put up thousands of illegal migrants in hotels for upwards of six months. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended the decision, explaining that the U.S. is “on pace to encounter more individuals on the southwest border than we have in the last 20 years.”
Again, this crisis is entirely thanks to socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden reversing Trump’s effective border enforcement policies. On Sunday, Trump blasted socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden for turning “a national triumph into a national disaster.” Trump also leveled blame at Mayorkas, stating, “The pathetic, clueless performance of Secretary Mayorkas on the Sunday Shows today was a national disgrace. His self-satisfied presentation — in the middle of the massive crisis he helped engineer — is yet more proof he is incapable of leading DHS. Even someone of Mayorkas’ limited abilities should understand that if you provide Catch-and-Release to the world’s illegal aliens then the whole world will come.”
Even Mexican authorities are siding with Trump. No less than The New York Times reports, “Some Mexican officials argue that [Trump’s] harsh policies may have at times helped lessen their load by deterring migrants from attempting to make the journey north.”
Meanwhile, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is spinning its failed border policies as advancing a moral humanitarian effort versus that of the “immoral” policies of the Trump administrations. And yet, such claims belie reality, as the humanitarian crisis has only escalated under socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s mismanagement. As Trump’s former special advisor Stephen Miller observed, “What humanitarian principle is served by rewarding and encouraging the brutal monstrous trafficking of minors? What value or humanitarian principle is served by making it easier for criminal organizations to savagely assault innocent men, women, and children, for-profit, because that is what is happening right now.”
Furthermore, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is seeking to hide its “humanitarian” border efforts from the nation as officials refuse to grant media access to Customs and Border Protection. Veteran photojournalist John Moore explained, “I respectfully ask US Customs and Border Protection to stop blocking media access to their border operations. I have photographed CBP under Bush, sscumbag/liar-nObama and Trump but now — zero access is granted to media.” Thus, he added, “These long-lens images [were] taken from the Mexican side.”
This disaster is only growing, and no matter how Biden and the Democrats try to spin this as Trump’s fault, the reality on the ground defies such a blatantly false characterization. Even Democrat Representative Sheila Jackson Lee recognizes it, recently admitting, “The plan does not look like it’s working.” But like a good Democrat, she offered the caveat “at this time” and blindly doubled down: “But you have to get it implemented.”
Trump had largely ended much of the problem by closing down many of the pull factors that enticed migrants to make the journey in the first place. Simply put, Trump turned off the tap; socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has turned it back on, full blast, and now he’s attempting to blame Trump for the mess. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, who is heeding the demands of his radical leftist handlers, owns this disaster. ~The Patriot Post
The CDC's 'Separate but Equal' Agenda
If the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) had begun last year with social-distancing guidelines of three feet instead of six, schools might not have closed, which harmed children in incalculable ways. It wasn’t just kids, either. The effect was, as Mark Alexander wrote last week, “wrecking the U.S. economy and millions of American lives.”
Nevertheless, the CDC officially announced Friday its new guidance of just three feet between students. Still, adults must remain six feet apart and masks should remain mandatory. Of the six-foot diktat, Dr. Scott Gottlieb wants to know, “Where’s the science?” He answers his own question: “Nobody knows for sure.” That’s reassuring.
In any case, the CDC’s shift, as dramatic as it actually is in practice, is almost beside the point. The real point is that the CDC is focused on social distance and social “equity.”
It wants people to remain, er, separate but equal.
CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky pledged Friday to prioritize “equity” in “everything we do” at the federal government health agency. “I can promise you as long as this team of people are here, as long as I am here, we will bake into the cake of everything we do our commitment to equity, to science, and to bring back the health to the American people and to keep it there.”
Walensky’s vow came on the occasion of a visit to the CDC’s Atlanta headquarters by President socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and President-in-Waiting lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris. The two were there to exploit last week’s terrible murder spree in Atlanta, falsely blaming racism for political gain. And the director of the CDC promised to extend this grotesque divisiveness to healthcare.
“Equity” is perhaps the definitive guiding radical leftist principle for the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration. But as our Douglas Andrews wrote in January, “Equality and equity aren’t the same things. Not even close. The root of the former word is one of the self-evident truths embedded in our Declaration of Independence. It refers to the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. The latter word, however, refers to systems and institutions that are ‘fair’ and ‘just.’” The biggest problem is who decides.
When you presuppose that every person (of pallor) and every institution in America is racist, as Team socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden does, the “solution” is to tip the scales against “oppressive” whites. Thus, every policy decision — including edicts from the CDC — is made by a career bureaucrat obsessed with counting by race.
That already happened with the CDC’s early vaccination plans, and the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration has worked to double down on that racist approach. It’s never enough, though. A CDC report last week purported to find that “equity in access to COVID-19 vaccination has not been achieved nationwide.”
The CDC aims to fix this by hiring a vaccine equity czar. That man is Demetre Daskalakis, whom The Washington Post immediately describes as “a top HIV/AIDS doctor and gay activist.” He loses points for being white, but maybe you can’t always check off all the intersectionality boxes.
We just have two questions: Was this racism Donald Trump’s fault for delivering vaccines in record time but doing it in a racist way? Or was it socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s fault for having built a vaccine plan from scratch, as he falsely claims? Biden can’t have it both ways.
~The Patriot Post
Medicare Insolvency Is Only a Matter of Time
As the silver tsunami of retiring American seniors is arriving, we’re reading news that Medicare, the government-run health insurance program currently covering 62 million people over 65, is awash in red ink. To say nothing of constitutional questions, the rising costs of care, the increasing demand for this care, and the diminishing ratio of workers to beneficiaries in the system are just a few of the warnings that a storm is coming for this government program.
The 255-page Medicare Trust Fund Annual Report was published on April 22, 2020. This report makes it clear that Medicare funds covering hospital care will be insolvent in just five years, and the insurance that covers doctor’s visits and medicines will have increases in taxes and premiums to cover the projected 8.2% rise in cost for Part B and 7.3% for Part D.
Dr. David Shulkin served as undersecretary for health at the Department of Veterans Affairs under President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama and as VA secretary for a year under President Donald Trump. In July 2020, following his own policy and actuarial analysis, Dr. Shulkin wrote that, due to COVID’s dramatic impact to payroll taxes, expenditures could exceed available revenue in Medicare as early as 2022 or 2023. Medicare has been in financial trouble for years because only about 40% of Medicare expenses are covered from tax revenue from the federal budget’s general fund. In the 2020 Trust Fund Report, it was documented that expenditures for Medicare Part A alone exceeded funding available from 2008 until 2016, when reimbursement changes kicked in from scumbag/liar-nObamaCare. Yet for almost two decades, policy papers and warnings about this have been ignored. Without reforms, the government will have to either raise taxes and premiums to cover the rising costs or reduce the covered care, or perhaps both.
Heritage Foundation senior fellow Robert Moffit, PhD, recently wrote, “Insolvency means that Medicare wouldn’t be able to fully reimburse hospitals, nursing homes, and home health agencies for promised benefits. In 2026, Medicare payments would be immediately cut by 10%, and the payment cuts would continue each year thereafter.”
And Sally Pipes, CEO and senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, wrote on Feb. 24, 2021, “Medicare is going bankrupt.” Her serious warning highlighted the procrastination: “The program’s hospital insurance trust fund ran a nearly $6 billion deficit in 2019. Pre-pandemic, it was on track to become insolvent — meaning there wouldn’t be any money in the fund — by 2026.”
That’s right — the year before COVID, Medicare ran a $6 billion deficit just based on hospital care for the elderly.
Going forward, Moffit, Pipes, and others predict tax increases and cuts in care. That’s called rationing when it’s severe.
In 1960 in the U.S., per-person spending on healthcare annually was a mere $146, but in 2018 that cost per person had skyrocketed to $11,172. With the expansion of contracted healthcare coverage, prices are most often hidden and only known after care is delivered. If you can’t see prices in advance, you can’t shop to minimize your out-of-pocket costs, not to mention the lack of competition. Large insurance plans and big systems complain that if they publish prices, there will be price fixing, but in every single other area of commerce — food, gasoline, cellphones, clothing, cars, etc. — prices are published in advance, and consumers select their good or service based on price, budget, and value. Competition works.
In healthcare we have a third-party payment system promising to provide big discounts, but that’s helping to hide prices by adding layers of administrative costs and protecting a system where costs will not come down unless there are government mandates and regulation. The healthcare plan determines the care you receive, and payment is based on hidden contract prices. The result is paying higher premiums and greater out-of-pocket costs.
Why is healthcare insurance so different from any other type of insurance? By definition, insurance is a contract by which an entity receives financial protection or reimbursement from loss and protection from risk. In practice, however, health insurance companies dictate drugs, place of care, and procedures. Alarmingly, insurance plans including Medicare determine patient care.
Besides being able to see prices in advance and having robust health savings accounts, innovative solutions outside of insurance can be used, such as direct medical contracting for a menu of services and association health plans that empower businesses and nonprofits to join together to buy insurance coverage for members.
More government and more bureaucracy are not the answers to rising healthcare costs and access issues, and that’s true even of a massive government program like Medicare. ~The Patriot Post
Whatever Happened to Scranton socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe?
When Barack America tabbed socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden to be his vice presidential running mate in 2008, he did so for the textbook reason: to balance the ticket. More specifically, he did so to offset his perceived radicalism and his lack of experience with a seasoned centrist politician — someone who could appeal to the swing voters who might not be comfortable with a candidate who had no executive experience and whose DC career consisted of less than a single term in the Senate.
But that 66-year-old socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden isn’t anything like the 78-year-old version running our nation today. So diminished is his capacity these days that calling him out for a half-century’s worth of falsehoods seems, sadly, like elder abuse.
“How to explain socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s ideological transformation over the years?” asks veteran political observer Michael Barone. “Perhaps it’s the same as the explanation of why the chameleon’s complexion changes when he moves from desert to forest: adaptation to local terrain.”
Or perhaps he simply doesn’t know any better. As Texas GOP Congressman Ronny Jackson, who served from 2013-18 as physician to both Barack scumbag/liar-nObama and Donald Trump, said, “Speaking as someone who was in the White House, saw him frequently around the West Wing and other places like that, I know he’s always been prone to gaffes, but these aren’t gaffes anymore. He can’t form sentences. Sometimes, he can’t complete a thought. … I won’t make any particular diagnosis about dementia … but what I will say is that something is not right.”
Diminished cognitive abilities aside, many folks tend to become more conservative with age. Not socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden. These days, he’s embracing policies that would’ve made him wince just a decade ago. And the before-and-after comparison is jarring.
As Barone continues, “The senator who opposed government financing of abortions for 30-some years now supports it — and up through the ninth month of pregnancy. The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman who sponsored and bragged about the tough provisions of the 1994 crime bill now decries systemic racism and echoes almost the entire Black Lives Matter mantra. The politician who supported the welfare reform bill that House Speaker Newt Gingrich [pushed and scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton signed] in 1996 has now concocted ‘COVID relief’ legislation that includes multi-thousand-dollar payments to single mothers with no work requirements.”
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s right-to-left transformations on violent crime and on illegal immigration are equally outrageous.
And it’s not just those on the Right who’ve noticed Biden’s leftward lurch. As pollster and former scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton adviser Doug Schoen notes, “President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, along with leading Democrats on Capitol Hill, started the year with the choice between two paths to govern. The first route … is characterized with bipartisanship. … It is clear that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and Democrats have chosen the second route, which involves embracing liberal policies and using their power to push through a progressive agenda without any support from Republicans. While it may lead to legislative wins, it will do away with the promise of socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden to reach across the aisle and adds the risk of potential losses in 2022.”
Schoen is right about the bad tidings for Democrats in 2022. The first midterm of a new presidency is historically bad for the incumbent’s party.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has indeed changed his colors, and radically so. It makes one wonder whether he even knew what he was saying when, during his inaugural speech, he promised to “work as hard for those who didn’t vote for me as those who did.”
But, again, why the change? Barone thinks that as socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s surroundings have changed – both in Delaware and in DC – he’s become less familiar regular folks and more familiar with progressive causes. “That’s my explanation,” he says, “for why one of the few politicians who has personally witnessed over a half-century the damage inflicted by policy mistakes on crime, welfare and immigration seems determined to make the same policy mistakes again. Anyone have a better explanation?”
We’ll bite: cognitive decline? ~The Patriot Post
Eating socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe's Lunch
A little over a year ago, top Chinese officials came to Washington, DC, hat in hand to sign a trade deal they hated. They did so because Donald Trump made it clear that the days of America being taken for suckers were over.
Contrast that to how the Chinese communists walked into Thursday’s negotiations on our territory. They claimed that communist China speaks for the world, not America.
When U.S. officials raised concerns about the communist regime’s crackdown on Hong Kong and its genocide against ethnic Muslim Uyghurs, Beijing’s lead diplomat shot back: “China is firmly opposed to U.S. interference in China’s internal affairs… On human rights, we hope the United States will do better… There are many problems within the United States regarding human rights… The challenges facing the United States in human rights are deep-seated. They did not just emerge over the past four years, such as ‘Black Lives Matter.’” He went on to claim that American blacks were being “slaughtered." Well, at least the Chinese communists and the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration found one thing they could agree on. They both cite the Black Lives Matter movement as proof that America is evil.
But I wonder why we never hear about the "Uyghur Lives Matter” movement in communist China. Of course, no such movement exists. It isn’t allowed to exist. And if the communist dictators in Beijing get their way, the Uyghurs may not exist for much longer!
I don’t know where this is going, but I wouldn’t be surprised if communist China and the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration announced some agreement to help both sides save face, likely pledges to fight COVID-19 and climate change. That’s really all President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden wants our relationship with communist China to be about. And that’s also what communist China wants.
It doesn’t want to address “internal matters” of Hong Kong, Taiwan, religious persecution, or genocide. It doesn’t want to talk about national security threats, cyberwarfare, espionage, and intellectual property theft. But communist China is happy to talk about climate change.
What Didn’t Come Up
In the litany of things we raised with the communist Chinese, I saw no mention of COVID. That alone tells you that the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration has no courage and no logical policy.
Let me repeat what we do know. The virus began in Wuhan, China. China’s communist officials knew early on it was deadly. They lied to the world about the danger of human-to-human transmission, and they got the World Health Organization to lie too.
And while communist China was lying to us, it was cornering the market on medical supplies that it knew everyone would need once the world understood the danger.
While it knew how dangerous the virus was, it locked down Wuhan and stopped travel inside China, but allowed international travel to celebrate the Chinese New Year. It seeded the world with the coronavirus.
It wrecked Western economies and caused us to go dangerously into debt. While China did all this, it had the extra bonus of contributing to Donald Trump’s defeat and the election of its preferred candidate, socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden.
Killer Instincts
I know socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden likes to think of himself as a foreign policy expert. Well, let me remind you what Robert Gates, Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s defense secretary, said about socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s foreign policy: “I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
It seems we’re about to find out.
In a predictably softball interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden said that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “a killer." He does that in the same week we’re sitting down with communist China, when we should be trying to play one of them off the other.
When Trump met the threats of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by mocking him, the entire media complex and every leading Democrat immediately set their hair on fire. They screamed that the ignorant Trump, who didn’t appreciate the nuances of diplomacy, was going to get us into a war with a dictator who has a dozen nuclear warheads.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden just called the head of Russia, who commands thousands of nuclear warheads, "a killer." Other than a few conservative commentators, there is virtual silence in the media about just how irresponsible that was.
Putin’s response was very telling. First, Russia recalled its ambassador to the United States. But Putin also wished socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden "good health." Of course, that was sarcasm. Putin and the leaders of the world know that socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is a failing man.
That’s why after wishing socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden good health, Putin threw down a challenge. Putin said he wanted to debate socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden "on the condition that we actually do it live, without any delays, directly in an open, live discussion." Putin added, "I think it would be interesting for the people of Russia and the people of the United States and many other countries.”
Of course, Putin knows socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden would never agree to such a “discussion." His handlers would never let him do it because he can’t handle it. Every day we all see — the whole world sees — the evidence of Biden’s cognitive decline.
Thursday, for example, while speaking about a vaccination center in Arizona, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden referred to "President lowlife/liar-Harris and I.” At no point did he correct himself. And yesterday, sadly, the president fell multiple times while attempting to board Air Force One.
Fighting Back
While the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration struggles for a strategy to handle communist China, I am pleased to report that a number of conservative senators are stepping up to the plate.
Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR), Rick Scott (R-FL), and Jim Inhofe (R-OK) introduced legislation Thursday to repeal “most-favored nation” trade status for communist China. Referring to the urgent need for this legislation, Senator Inhofe said: “I said it 20 years ago and I will say it again: We cannot allow the pursuit of trade to blind us to certain realities about the ruling communist regime in China. To continue to ignore these actions as if they can be separated from what we do in our trading relationship is dangerously misguided.”
Senator Cotton noted:
“For twenty years, China has held permanent most-favored-nation status, which has supercharged the loss of American manufacturing jobs. It’s time to protect American jobs and hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for their forced labor camps and egregious human rights violations.” I agree completely! Communist China never deserved this special trade status in the first place. But we were assured at the time by our political and corporate elites that trade with communist China would change communist China. That was a lie. It changed us!
American multinational corporations became apologists for the Chinese Communist Party, while heartland communities were gutted by closed factories and shattered dreams.
While American corporations enriched communist China, the regime’s behavior got worse year after year. Communist China hasn’t stopped its military buildup. To the contrary, it now has a larger navy than we do.
It didn’t stop spying or stealing intellectual property. To the contrary, Chinese spying has gotten worse.
And while China’s communist party bosses complain about our “meddling” in their internal affairs, they installed propaganda centers, knows as Confucius Institutes, at dozens of American universities and colleges.
Why we have tolerated communist China’s behavior for so long and continued to reward it with most-favored nation trade status is incomprehensible. Revoking that status is the bare minimum we should do considering the regime stands accused of genocide!
~The Patriot Post