The Patriot Post ~ 7 Featuring "GARY BAUER"

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden's Border Blackout


Photo journalist John Moore asserts that the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration has taken unprecedented steps to block media access to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. “There’s no modern precedent for the full physical ban on media access to CBP border operations,” he observed on social media. “To those who might say, cut them some slack — they are dealing with a situation, I’d say that showing the US response to the current immigrant surge is exactly the media’s role.” Moore added, “Photographing Border Patrol agents and immigrant encounters can and has been done respectfully without interfering with operations.” He concluded, “Transparency is key, even in a politicized environment.”

Transparency is key, especially in a politicized environment. socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden wants to avoid transparency because it allows for greater examination of the terrible impact of his policy decisions — something he clearly hopes to avoid with this border crisis that he and his handlers have unleashed. How else does one explain Biden’s handling of the media?

Moore says that handling includes blocking media access: “The vast majority of river crossings by asylum seekers happen on federal land in south Texas’ Rio Grande Valley. The federal govt. controls access to those areas. The Border Patrol has been removing journalists who enter, including recently myself, CBS, others.”

White House Press Secretary liar-Jen Psaki continues to tout an administration committed to “transparency and truth,” but reality has been anything but.

Meanwhile, lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris appears to think the whole border crisis is merely another thing to cackle about. But that’s not how the American people see it. Nor do most people blame Donald Trump, the favorite target of the Left. A sizable majority of Americans place the blame squarely where it belongs: at the feet of socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden. In fact, that PR problem may partially explain the motivation behind socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden’s media blackout gambit.

You know it’s gotten bad when even Leftmedia outlets like CNN are questioning liar-Psaki over the “lack of access at the border.” CNN’s Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy noted that members of the media were denied typical accompaniment with a bipartisan group of senators and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on a recent trip to the border. “The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration blocked that from happening,” Darcy said. “It’s part of a larger pattern at the southern border of restricted media access — despite promises of transparency and the fact that there are at least 14,000 migrant children detained as the U.S. sees a surge in migrants attempting to to enter the country.”

CNN’s not alone. A recent Washington Post headline  read, “News orgs cite socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration opacity on border stories,” while NBC News reported that “ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration limits what Border Patrol can share with media about migrant surge at border.”

Trump, onto whom socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has been erroneously deflecting blame, cut to the chase regarding socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s lack of media access and transparency: “There is none.”

Similarly, Republican Senator Ted Cruz (TX) argued, “Denying the press the ability to observe, film, and report on the conditions at the border is not openness or transparency, it is hiding the truth from the American people. The press and the American people deserve more than denials and nexuses from a podium. They deserve to see and understand the crisis for themselves with the help of reporters who are free and independent from your administration.”

What is the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration attempting to hide? It’s easily predictable that efforts to block the press only serve to invite greater scrutiny, even towards the media’s guy. As bad as the border crisis has been reported to be thus far, with the intentional media blackout, it’s a good bet that reality is actually much worse. It’s almost as if Team socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden actually believed the Left’s stupefying narrative that walls and borders are “evil” and therefore must be eliminated for the sake of “social justice.” Nothing could be further from the truth, of course, but the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is scrambling to hide the truth in an effort to preserve the bankrupt narrative.

Just remember that, for Democrats, the more illegals are brought in, the better it is — because the real objective is all about growing a new Democrat voter base.  ~The Patriot Post


Evanston Goes for Reparations

It was only a matter of time. As repulsive as the idea of reparations sounds, we knew that someday, some leftist college town somewhere — whether Ann Arbor, or Cambridge, or Madison, or Berkeley — would sign on to atone for America’s original sin. Never mind that it’s a sin that no living American was either guilty of or subject to.

The idea itself, as author David Horowitz put it in his 2002 book, Uncivil Wars: The Controversy Over Reparations for Slavery, is both morally questionable and racially incendiary. And the 10-point case he made against reparations nearly two decades ago has aged remarkably well. But since when did bullet-proof logic ever stop a gaggle of do-gooding leftists?

And so, “The Chicago suburb of Evanston, Illinois,” as CBS News reports, “is about to become the first U.S. city to make reparation money available to Black residents. Part of a growing movement that has picked up speed in the wake of police killings of Black Americans including George Floyd last year, the decision by Evanston officials could also lay the groundwork for other municipalities and states considering reparations.”

Evanston is tony and scenic and is situated on the shore of Lake Michigan, 30 minutes north of Chicago. The city’s black population is around 16%. In addition to being the nation’s reparations trailblazer, Evanston is home to Northwestern University, which boasts the lowest acceptance rate (8%) and highest annual tuition costs ($56,691) in the Big Ten Conference. We suspect Evanston is also home to one of the white-guiltiest city councils in America — a council that CBS reports voted 8-1 last night “to start with an expenditure of $400,000 to give 16 eligible Black households $25,000 each to be spent on home repairs or down payments on property.” Who pays? “Funded by a new tax on legalized marijuana, the council previously committed $10 million over 10 years to repairing the ongoing harm that systemic racism has caused Evanston’s Black residents, with the housing initiative its first step.”

A “first step”? Perhaps just a down payment? That would make sense, given that $25 grand is chump change compared to the reparations tab calculated last year by three college professors: $6.2 quadrillion. That’s a six and a two followed by 14 zeroes. Or, to put it in a way that drives home the fiscal enormity of that number, if we were to divide 6,200,000,000,000,000 one-dollar bills into 16 even stacks, each of those stacks would reach the moon.

White folks, then, are getting off pretty cheap. At least so far.

If anything good can be said of the Evanston measure, it’s the targeted nature of the giveaway and the specified way in which it can be spent. And if you’re wondering about all the other black residents of the city, the criteria for inclusion were also pretty specific. As National Review reports, “Residents who have either lived in or been a direct descendant of a black person who lived in Evanston between 1919 to 1969 and who suffered discrimination in housing because of city ordinances, policies or practices will be eligible to receive the funds.”

How do Evanston residents feel about it, and will they be inclined to take it out on their elected representatives? We’ll find out next election cycle.

As for that lone “no” vote: No, it didn’t come from a principled opponent of reparations. It came from Alderwoman Cicely Fleming, who didn’t think the measure went far enough and instead called it a housing program masquerading as reparations. She also sees some progressive paternalism in the handout. “True reparations,” she said, “should respect Black people’s autonomy and allow them to determine how repair will be managed, including cash payments as an option. They are being denied that in this proposal, which gives money directly to the banks or contractors on their behalf.”

Our nation’s first half-black president, Barack scumbag/liar-nObama, blames whites for our nation’s failure to enact reparations nationally, but at least he can no longer blame the good white wokesters of Evanston. And perhaps, with our nation’s most “progressive” cities leading the way, scumbag/liar-nObama will one day run out of other people to blame.  ~The Patriot Post


The Threat of 'One-Party Control of the Press'

It’s not often that a federal judge takes direct aim at the mainstream media for its obvious and rampant partisanship, but Judge Laurence Silberman of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit did just that in a recent dissenting opinion.

“There can be little question,” wrote the appointee of Ronald Reagan, “that the overwhelming uniformity of news bias in the United States has an enormous political impact.”

In fact, he argued quite specifically that the nation’s leading newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post, serve as little more than “Democratic Party broadsheets.” He said that’s also true of “The Associated Press and most large papers across the country.” But it’s not only print. “Nearly all television — network and cable — is a Democratic Party trumpet,” Silberman added. “Even the government-supported National Public Radio follows along.” And it’s not only traditional media. Big Tech “has an enormous influence over the distribution of news” and “it similarly filters news delivery in ways favorable to the Democratic Party.”

Generally, the judge observed, the media’s “bias against the Republican Party” is “rather shocking,” even if “it is a long-term, secular trend going back at least to the ‘70s.” Importantly, he declared of social media, “Repression of political speech by large institutions with market power therefore is — I say this advisedly — fundamentally un-American.”

Of course, this isn’t news to Patriot Post readers, but it’s remarkable to find such pointed analysis coming from the federal bench, even if it is the same judge who gave the Supreme Court the foundation for its Heller ruling on the Second Amendment. Silberman wrote his opinion in an unrelated defamation case, but he used the media examples to explain why a Supreme Court precedent in the 1964 case New York Times v. Sullivan should be overturned. That ruling established the requirement of proving “actual malice” in defamation suits, which Silberman argued has allowed the press to become partisan and dishonest with “near impunity.”

Why does that matter? For one thing, it can “give rise to countervailing extremism” because “a biased press can distort the marketplace.” But it also puts our very republic in jeopardy.

“It should be borne in mind that the first step taken by any potential authoritarian or dictatorial regime is to gain control of communications, particularly the delivery of news,” Silberman concluded. “It is fair to conclude, therefore, that one-party control of the press and media is a threat to a viable democracy.” Indeed it is.  ~The Patriot Post


Is America Blowing a Chance to Beat China?

If one thing should have been obvious from the pandemic, it’s that the Chinese communists in Beijing have a depraved indifference to human life when it comes to achieving their geopolitical goals. Regardless of whether the coronavirus that exploded into a pandemic escaped from a lab or emerged from a “wet market,” the ChiComs told us who they were when they covered it up, ensuring that the virus would become a global pandemic.

Sadly, the effects of the pandemic included enabling the defeat of President Donald Trump’s reelection bid under very controversial circumstances. Now, China is winning as socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden undoes many of Trump’s efforts on trade and foreign policy — efforts to halt the advances of the genocidal butchers of Beijing. Worse, American manufacturing is again headed out of the country.

Of course, China has managed to infiltrate a lot of America, like Hollywood, often using access to its vast potential market and its slave labor — which is much cheaper than employing American workers — as carrots. Many mainstream media outlets will ignore things like China’s genocide against Uyghur Muslims or its rampant cheating on trade simply because reporting those facts could leave their entertainment empires frozen out of one of the world’s largest markets.

While closer ties with China were necessary when the Soviet Union was a threat, the USSR is now dead. Russia, even with nukes and hackers, is not exactly the threat it once was, and it’s containable provided America continues pursuing energy independence that allows for exports to keep Russia from its best source of hard currency and geopolitical leverage. Oh, wait… socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden already started wrecking that, too.

Is it any wonder that China just humiliated socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s lackeys in Alaska?

Then again, the ChiComs are not who the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration considers the real enemy. Who is that real enemy? Well, leftists have told us who they really hate multiple times. And they are indoctrinating the military against their fellow Americans, not just during the stand-downs, but on the military’s professional reading lists, too.

What America needs to do is to start the process of economic de-coupling from China, rebuilding the military’s force structure, ensuring energy independence, and getting the economy on overdrive. Or, in four simple words: Enacting Trump’s policy agenda.

Instead, what we have is a military looking the wrong way, a government that seeks to silence and redline conservatism, pursuit of the Green New Deal giveaway to Russia and China, and silence about left-wing lies that inspire violence.

This could be worse than blowing a chance to put China back on its geopolitical heels. It could set the stage for some serious disasters for the United States.  ~The Patriot Post


Did Putin Play socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden?

It was as if our two greatest geopolitical foes had compared notes and coordinated their attacks. And while we take no joy in saying that both of them took Joe socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s lunch money, it’s hard to argue otherwise.

Over the weekend, China’s director of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, Yang Jiechi, roughed up his American counterpart, Secretary of State Tony Blinken, during bilateral talks in Anchorage. How bad was it? “Let me say here that in front of the Chinese side,” said Yang at the end of a contemptuous 20-minute dressing-down, “the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.”

But the debacle in Alaska might not have been the worst part of the week for Team socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden. Earlier last week, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden had ruffled the feathers of Russia’s anti-Western president, Vladimir Putin, whom he characterized as a killer during an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden also said Putin will “pay a price” for Russia’s efforts to interfere once again in our elections.

Putin responded to the “killer” comment two days later, saying, somewhat unoriginally, “It takes one to know one.”

But he said much more than that. In a separate interview, Putin elaborated: “With regard to my U.S. colleague’s remark, we have, indeed, as he said, met in person. What would I tell him? I would say ‘stay healthy.’ I wish him good health. I am saying this without irony or tongue in cheek.”

Putin added, “Secondly, taking a broader approach to this matter, I would like to say that difficult, dramatic, and bloody events abound in the history of every nation and every state. But when we evaluate other people, or even other states and nations, we are always facing a mirror, we always see ourselves in the reflection, because we project our inner selves onto the other person. You know, I remember when we were children and played in the yard, we had arguments occasionally and we used to say, ‘Whatever you call me is what you are called yourself.’ This is no coincidence or just a kids’ saying or joke. It has a very deep psychological undercurrent.”

Perhaps socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s silence was a further provocation, but Putin didn’t stop there. Instead, he challenged the American president to an on-air conversation to discuss socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s “pay a price” warning.

“I’ve just thought of this now,” Putin told a reporter  Thursday. “I want to invite President socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden to continue our discussion, but on the condition that we do it actually live. But with no delays, directly in an open, direct discussion.”

Putin said he thought the dialogue between the leaders of the world’s two superpowers (China’s Xi Jinping apparently couldn’t be reached for comment) would prove interesting for the U.S. and Russian people and the international community.

The White House’s response? socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is “quite busy.” To which the Russian Foreign Ministry responded, “One more opportunity has been missed to find a way out of the deadlock in Russian-U.S. relations created through the fault of Washington.” It added that “responsibility for this lies entirely with the United States.”

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden doesn’t get any diplomatic points for calling Putin a killer, but he does get credit for calling a spade a spade — first, because Putin is a killer, and second, because no American president before him, Democrat or Republican, had ever taken such a tough tack toward the Russian strongman.

The question is, does socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden have the mettle and the cognitive capability to back it up, or have he and his handlers already been bullied into a corner by Putin?   ~The Patriot Post


Kristi Noem Backtracks on Gender Protection

Memo to Kristi Noem: What gives? The Republican governor of South Dakota has seen her popularity rise among many conservatives throughout 2020 over her principled stance for individual Liberty while other states stepped all over Americans’ constitutional rights during the COVID pandemic panic. Yet she recently threw a curveball when she refused to sign House Bill 1217 regarding sports and the so-called “transgendered.”

The legislation is aimed at providing protection to female athletes, as other states are beginning to do to counter the Left’s cultural assault. The South Dakota bill explicitly designates that, in order for a sport or team to be classified as female, it must be “available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex.” The bill passed both the state Senate and House and Noem was expected to sign it into law, as she had previously promised to do so. However, it was suddenly left up in the air with her apparent change of heart.

In a letter sent to the state legislators, Noem characterized her decision to refrain from signing the bill as concern over certain “style” and “form” issues that she wanted addressed. However, in spite of her simple insistence at a Monday press conference that “only girls should play girls sports,” it would appear that Noem’s objections to the bill are more substantive than mere stylistic.

Margot Cleveland reports, “First, Noem requested the legislature strike Section 2 of the bill, which would have required students to annually verify their age, biological sex based on genetics and reproductive biology, and attest that they had not taken performance-enhancing drugs, including anabolic steroids, in the preceding 12 months.” Noem reasoned that such a stipulation created an “unworkable administrative burden on schools, who under its terms must collect verification forms from every student athlete every year.” Yet schools collect similar medical forms from student athletes every year, and have done so for decades.

Noem further wanted collegiate athletics exempted from the law, as she argued an attempt to mandate collegiate athletics would necessarily run into the problem of national governing bodies, and therefore would be “unrealistic” and “unworkable.” Translation: She doesn’t want the NCAA to punish her state.

In short, Noem wants a rewrite of the bill, which has several proponents of the legislation asserting that the governor is bowing to outside economic pressure. They have pointed to Noem’s statements in which she expressed concerns over “unintended consequences” from the bill. It is indeed true that certain business have expressed concerns that the bill’s passage would have a negative impact upon the state’s economic opportunities, but that’s leftist cancel culture for you.

South Dakota is scheduled to soon host NCAA basketball and hockey tournaments. That leads Power Line’s Paul Mirengoff to observe, “It’s very likely that the NCAA would refuse to hold such tournaments in South Dakota if the bill as passed by the legislature goes into effect. Noem’s revisions would remove any claim that South Dakota is out of compliance with NCAA competition rules.”

It does appear that Noem, who had given full support for the legislation initially, has suddenly gotten cold feet, probably for economic reasons. Speaking to Fox News’s Tucker Carlson on Monday night, Noem essentially confirmed that she folded to the NCAA, while also claiming that the bill was a trial lawyer’s dream. But if the governor has any designs on national office come 2024, she’s going to have to show a whole lot more backbone on a total layup of an issue if she thinks fans of a fighter like Donald Trump are going to give her the time of day.  

~The Patriot Post


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Migrants for socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden

If Central American migrants could vote in our elections, it would be a landslide for the open-borders left. They are certainly voting with their feet, marching north in massive numbers.

Over the weekend, Fox News visited a migrant camp on the Mexican side of the border. It had to go to Mexico because the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is preventing the media from taking pictures at our border detention facilities.

Think about that for a moment. There’s more freedom of the press on the Mexican side of the border than the American side!

But what Fox News found in Tijuana is deeply troubling. There are 1,000 migrants in just one of the camps. The flag flying over that camp is not the Mexican flag or even the American flag. No, it’s a huge socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden 2020 flag, and many migrants are wearing clothing with socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s campaign logo.

I am obviously pro-Trump. But what’s happening on the southern border now should outrage every American taxpayer who cares about border security.

  • The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration just signed an $86 million contract to house migrants in American hotels. The National Guard troops in Washington, DC, had to sleep in parking garages or the hard floors of the U.S. Capitol!

  • A whistleblower just reported that the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden White House has ordered illegal immigrants to be released into the country without a court date to make their case that they qualify for entry into the country. This is scumbag/liar-nObama’s failed catch-and-release policy on steroids.

  • And the southern border is so overwhelmed that the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is now flying illegal immigrants to border facilities along the Canadian border. States like New Hampshire, Montana, and Minnesota will now be processing illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America.

Again, we know that migrants in our detention facilities are testing positive for COVID-19 at twice the positivity rate in Texas and nearly three times the national average. (That’s just the ones we catch and test.) And now we’re flying them across the country.

Whenever it’s pressed on the border crisis, the White House talks about its values and compassion. But how does any of this help the United States? We’re still reeling from a deadly virus and an economic crisis! Where’s the compassion for the American taxpayer?

The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris White House is clearly out of step with the values of the American people. Polling shows that two-thirds of Americans support “blocking nearly all immigration” into the country during the pandemic.

That policy is supported by 49% of self-identified Democrats, 67% of Independents, 69% of self-identified Hispanics, and 61% of all minorities.

This is public policy malfeasance at its worst.

Trump Responds

President Trump responded to the worsening crisis on the southern border this weekend. In a statement, Trump said:

“We proudly handed the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration the most secure border in history. All they had to do was keep this smooth-running system on autopilot. Instead, in the span of a just few weeks, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration has turned a national triumph into a national disaster…

"They are causing death and human tragedy. In addition to the obvious, drugs are pouring into our country at record levels from the Southern Border, not to mention human and sex trafficking. This Administration’s reckless policies are enabling and encouraging crimes against humanity.”

The Crisis Is a Strategy

What we’re witnessing at the border is a human tragedy. It is also a national security threat. But never forget what the main point is from the progressive point of view: Open borders is just another Democrat voter registration drive.

Maybe not next year, but down the road Democrats will guarantee that today’s illegal immigrants become tomorrow’s Democrat voters. That’s why amnesty is such a high priority for the left. And House Democrats just passed two amnesty bills that are bigger than the 1986 amnesty.

In addition to reversing Trump’s border security policies, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden also reversed Trump’s order that illegal immigrants should not be counted by the Census for purposes of congressional reapportionment.

Just to be clear, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden ordered the Census to include illegal aliens for the purpose of determining how many seats in the House of Representatives and how many votes in the Electoral College each state gets.

Most Americans probably don’t realize it, but illegal aliens do influence the size of state congressional delegations, even though they cannot or should not vote. Because the Census includes everyone and not just citizens, states with large concentrations of illegal immigrants get more votes in Congress than states that don’t have large numbers of illegal immigrants. How is that fair?

If non-citizens were excluded from the reapportionment process, California would likely lose as many as five House seats and Electoral College votes. States like Indiana and Ohio would probably gain extra representation in the House and votes in the Electoral College.

But to the left, immigration policy and border security aren’t about what is best for America and our workers. It’s all about political power and what is best for the Democrat Party.

By the way, during the campaign socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden said we should be taking in at least two million migrants. If he doesn’t get control of the border, and he won’t, he may well get two million migrants coming into the country.

America’s Enemies & The Left

I want to revisit a theme I have mentioned before, something that The Wall Street Journal has also noticed, and that is America’s enemies and the left increasingly use the same rhetoric to attack our country. In fact, it’s increasingly difficult to tell them apart.

For example, during last week’s summit in Alaska, the communist Chinese delegation accused the United States of “slaughtering” black Americans. Of course, President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and Vice President lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris would want to set the record straight about what a good and decent country America is, right? WRONG!

They went to Atlanta Friday and engaged in raw race baiting on the issue of anti-Asian hate crimes. And they did it even though there is virtually no evidence of racial bias in the Atlanta murders.

Vice President lowlife/liar-Harris declared, “Racism is real in America and it has always been. Xenophobia is real in America and always has been. Sexism, too.”

So the first female, biracial child of immigrant parents to become vice president of the United States is condemning our country as racist and xenophobic. That’s rich!

But just hours after she used this narrative against us, an official communist Chinese media outlet was parroting the left’s narrative that the murders of six Asian Americans in Atlanta is evidence of our “systemic racism.”

Is anyone speaking up for America anymore?

Iran Targets America

There was breaking news Sunday that American intelligence intercepted communications in January indicating that elements of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard were plotting to surveil and infiltrate Fort McNair in Washington, DC, setting the stage to assassinate General Joseph Martin, the Army’s vice chief of staff.

It’s not clear from the press reports exactly when in January this intelligence was received. But we do know that this plot against America did nothing to dissuade socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris from attempting to open negotiations with the Iranian regime for yet another nuclear bailout deal.

Moreover, what does that tell you about the assets the Iranians already have in the United States? As we have warned for years, Hezbollah has sleeper cells all over Latin America and in the U.S.

By the way, 11 Iranians were arrested last month in Arizona after illegally crossing the U.S. border.  ~The Patriot Post


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