Economic Smoke and Mirrors


Who are you going to believe — bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden or your lying eyes?

That’s the silly question we can all answer very easily after the president’s ridiculous remarks yesterday on the economy in general and inflation in particular.

The economy is historically great, he said. Nobody’s worried about inflation, he said. Someone doth protest too much.

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden went out to reassure the country about the state of the economy and the stock market promptly lost 700 points. That’s obviously overly simplistic, but it also speaks volumes of the confidence Americans have in the man vainly attempting to read coherently from the teleprompter. To be sure, the stock market is doing well on the whole, and there are plenty of other indicators of economic health and growth. Yet as all presidents are wont to do, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden dismissed or ignored the bad signs and claimed undue credit for the good things. “There’s nobody suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way,” he said. “No serious economist.” Nobody except for serious economists.

“Our experts,” he said, “believe and the data shows that most of the price increases we’ve seen are — were expected and expected to be temporary.”

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s “experts” have been wrong in their inflation expectations for months.

“My administration understands that if we were to ever experience unchecked inflation over the long term that would pose real challenges to our economy,” bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden explained. “ So while we’re confident that isn’t what we are seeing today, we’re going to remain vigilant about any response that is needed.”

Translation: We know there’s unchecked inflation, but we’re going to tell you there’s not while we print more money for our redistribution schemes.

“If we increase the availability of quality, affordable childcare, eldercare, [and] paid leave, more people will enter the workforce,” the president argued. “These steps will enhance our productivity — raising wages without raising prices. That won’t increase inflation. It will take the pressure off of inflation, give a boost to our workforce, which leads to lower prices in the years ahead.”

The exact opposite is the case. bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s American Rescue Plan has added to the cradle-to-grave welfare state, including paying people more to not work than to find jobs. That, in turn, has caused businesses to raise wages in a desperate bid to fill openings with workers. His insistence that such wage pressure doesn’t raise prices is delusional and deceitful.

As Mark Alexander put it last week, “The economic consequence of bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s ploy has been to suppress economic recovery and simultaneously inflate prices for all Americans.”

More of the same is all bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has to offer.

There are two big hurdles to economic recovery at the moment. First is still COVID, though maybe more accurately it’s the messaging coming from the bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration and other Democrat leaders. They’re still trotting out Anthony Fauci to insist that we need to be masking up our three-year-olds while bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is blaming the unvaccinated for every pandemic and economic woe. Rather than exuding optimism about a waning pandemic, the administration is still sowing fear.

Second is, again, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s rampant spending plans. After a year of huge amounts of emergency spending, adding trillions of dollars in more spending, financed by low-interest debt and money printing, is only going to hamper economic growth with higher prices for everything. bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden is goosing demand without increasing supply. That’s a textbook recipe for inflation.

If bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s not careful, the only winning he’s going to spur is for Republicans in 2022. ~The Patriot Post


bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Admits Facebook Not ‘Killing People,’ Still Pushes Censorship

On Monday, following blowback specifically from Facebook, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden somewhat walked back his outrageous comment from last week that Facebook is “killing people.” Asked by a reporter to explain himself, he said, “Facebook isn’t killing people.” Well, that’s a relief.

However, clearly keen on keeping his ridiculous fearmongering claim going, bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden explained that “60% of that misinformation came from 12 individuals” and “anyone listening to it is getting hurt by it.” Indeed, he says, “It is killing people. It’s bad information.”

Just to be clear, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden still says the disseminating of “misinformation” “is killing people.” This is bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s version of the Left’s flawed assertion that speech is violence. This dubious logic is the very reason our Founding Fathers codified the protection of free speech in the Constitution with the First Amendment — to prevent authoritarians like bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden from attempting to silence the speech of those with whom they disagree.

As we have previously noted regarding Congress’s apparent bipartisan criticism of Big Tech, the bipartisanship ends there. While Republicans decry suppression of speech by monopolistic corporations, Democrats and the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration contend that Big Tech is not doing  enough censoring. bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden made this point when he was attempting to clarify his “killing people” comment, once again chiding Facebook for being insufficiently vigilant in preventing “the outrageous misinformation” from being disseminated on its site. “That’s what I meant,” he stated.

Once again, neither bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden nor his administration are backing down from their demands that Big Tech engage in censorship of “misinformation” on their platforms. This was bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden warning Facebook that it needs to go harder on censoring content that his administration wants silenced.

Twitter certainly got the message loud and clear. The social media giant temporarily suspended the account of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) over the claim that she had disseminated “misleading information” about COVID.

The great hypocrisy is that bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden essentially admitted to peddling misinformation with his “killing people” claims, though he excused it on the grounds that he’s “trying to make people look at themselves, look in the mirror, think about that misinformation going to your son, your daughter, your relative, someone you love.” The sheer arrogance and lack of self-awareness of that statement is mind-boggling.

Does bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden really believe that people sharing information — or even questions — about the coronavirus and vaccines that doesn’t comport with the administration’s unilaterally declared “truth” narrative is due to them desiring to willfully deceive people they love? Is bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden really claiming to love people’s family members more than they love and care for them? Maybe, just maybe, it’s because people don’t trust the information being fed to them by the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration.

The fact of the matter is that no one — absolutely no one — has all the information. Furthermore, the bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration and many government “experts” have repeatedly disseminated misleading information and flat-out misinformation on everything from the coronavirus to voter integrity legislation. It’s precisely because people care about those they love that they may be sharing information regarding COVID despite the fact that the bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration has declared it “misinformation.”

In a free society, people are free to express their ideas, opinions, and information. Within its constitutional bounds, our government should be concerned with protecting its citizens’ freedoms, not acting to reduce them. Clearly, bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has little concern with protecting Americans’ most fundamental freedom. ~The Patriot Post


Patriots Must Crack the Candidate Conundrum
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In 2020, Kim Klacik was seen as a rising star. She was taking on an entrenched Democrat in Baltimore in a very heavily Democrat district. Many grassroots Patriots rightly applauded her for attempting to win her city, which hasn’t seen a Republican mayor in over half a century. While she lost the House race, she proved to be a prodigious fundraiser and there was a chance she could be a potentially game-changing candidate statewide in Maryland.

At least, that was the case until Candace Owens leveled a series of charges, some of which are serious ones involving fraud and the misuse of campaign donations. While Klacik has denied the charges, Owens is not the only person to have raised questions.

Harmeet K. Dhillon, who is one of those sitting on the Republican National Committee, noted that while Klacik raised $8.2 million, she lost by 44 points. Dhillon’s concern appears to be more about the strategic wisdom of backing admittedly long-shot candidates like Klacik, given the finite resources of the Republican Party. When one considers that a swing of less than 50,000 votes (assuming the 2020 presidential election counts were accurate and above-board) would have given Donald Trump Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin, forcing the House of Representatives to decide the presidential election, Dhillon is asking a fair question.

There is, however, a counterpoint to Dhillon’s concern: Not fighting in the long-shot districts frees up the Left’s resources to hit swing districts. In addition, many of the big cities that have serious problems with violent crime and urban blight are Democrat strongholds that should be vulnerable, and someone like Klacik could spotlight those statewide or nationally — and it might convince people to change their votes. Over the long haul, efforts may make those districts more competitive. There are compelling arguments on both sides of this debate.

But Klacik’s 2020 campaign isn’t the only type of situation that presents tough calls for grassroots Patriots to make. In Ohio, J.D. Vance is among those running to succeed retiring Senator Rob Portman. Some past criticism Vance directed at Trump emerged. Vance has since said that in retrospect, he was wrong about Trump. Vance is running in a crowded field, including former Ohio treasurer Josh Mandel. But should he be written off based on his past criticism of Trump?

If grassroots Patriots want to do that, then by that same logic, they must also sideline Candace Owens, who once slammed Trump before she changed her mind and became one of his most ardent defenders. Others who would have been dismissed to the sidelines would include Ronald Reagan, Burgess Owens, Susana Martinez, and Trump himself. The self-appointed commissars all too often forget that if grassroots Patriots are to save this country, a lot of it will be the result of successfully convincing those who have opposed Trump — or conservative positions — to change their minds.

Similarly, grassroots Patriots also need to recognize that candidates are human, and they will have flaws. They may have had rougher times in life. Perhaps they once held positions on issues that didn’t line up, but changed those positions based on experience or persuasion.

Picking the right candidate is a big deal, as we have noted elsewhere. Good ones have the potential to be huge game-changers. Bad ones can set the cause of Liberty back. There are no guarantees in life, but grassroots Patriots can ask candidates for office at the federal, state, and local levels questions, do their research, and then make the decision that seems best.  ~The Patriot Post


The Seceding States of America
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We’re not sure what the folks at YouGov and Bright Line Watch were expecting when they did the polling, but we probably could’ve saved ‘me a lot of time and money — especially in their topline results, all of which suggested that our nation is deeply divided.

Just how divided? Consider the results of this question, which was just one among many:

President bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden made it a signature goal to reunite a country scarred by partisan and regional divides. Our surveys seek to assess whether the animus that characterized the Trump era persists. We therefore repeated a question from our January/February 2021 survey  asking respondents in our public sample about their support for breaking up the United States. As in last winter’s survey, we asked respondents the following:

“Would you support or oppose [your state] seceding from the United States to join a new union with [list of states in new union]?”

As in the previous survey, levels of expressed support for secession are arrestingly high, with 37% of respondents overall indicating willingness to secede. Within each region, the dominant partisan group is most supportive of secession. Republicans are most secessionist in the South and Mountain regions whereas it is Democrats on the West Coast and in the Northeast. In the narrowly divided Heartland region, it is partisan independents who find the idea most attractive.

If we consider bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s inaugural pledge, wherein he promised to “work as hard for those who didn’t vote for me as those who did,” we might call this “The Unity Question.” We might also look back to that pledge and see, in retrospect, how disingenuous it was, and how unsurprising these polling results actually are. Take a look at the map:

As the survey’s authors note: “These patterns are consistent from our January/February survey, but the changes since then are troubling. Our previous survey was fielded just weeks after the January 6 uprising. By this summer, we anticipated, political tempers may have cooled — not necessarily as a result of any great reconciliation but perhaps from sheer exhaustion after the relentless drama of Trump.”

What comes across as an interesting and deeply detailed survey is, unfortunately, corrupted by the bias of the polling organization, Bright Line. Language like “the relentless drama of Trump” gives the game away. Another giveaway: Many of the questions poll not only Republicans and Democrats but “an expert sample of political scientists” as well. And in every case, these “experts” track even further left in their responses than do the Democrats. For example, DC statehood and the abolition of the filibuster are overwhelmingly supported by these political scientists, while “policies that limit voting” (note the partisan nature of that phrasing) and local officials refusing to certify election results meet with near-unanimous opposition.

More evidence of the pollsters’ bias can be found in the wording of their topline results. For example: “Among the electoral reform proposals recently adopted or currently under consideration in the states, experts perceive grave threats from bills that encroach on the political independence of local election officials and that restrict mail voting.” And this: “Experts rate Donald Trump’s continued refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election as highly abnormal and important.”

In sum: Yes, we’re a deeply divided nation. Yes, bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has exacerbated that divide. And yes, pollsters should be viewed with great suspicion. ~The Patriot Post


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bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Censorship

Late last week, the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration confessed that it’s pressuring social media platforms to censor what it considers misinformation about the coronavirus vaccine. This should disturb every American.

President bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden underscored the point when he said in his usual hyperbolic way that Facebook is “killing people.” Facebook didn’t take too kindly to his smear. A spokesman for Mark Zuckerberg said the White House was looking for “scapegoats” after it failed to meet its vaccination target.

The First Amendment prohibits the government from censoring speech. But the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration is getting around the First Amendment by having private companies do their dirty work for them. What bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is trying to ban are opinions that he disagrees with or opinions that he sees as undermining his agenda.

But throughout the pandemic nightmare, the skeptics questioning the conventional wisdom frequently ended up being right and the so-called “experts” were often wrong. For example:

  • President Trump said vaccines would be ready by the end of 2020 and widely available by this spring. The “experts” and the left-wing media clobbered him for misleading the American people and insisted it would take years. Trump was right. The “experts” and the media were wrong.

  • We were continually told that children were particularly at risk from the virus. That’s why they shut down the schools. But we now know the overwhelming majority of Covid-related deaths occurred in people older than 70. Children face no greater risk from COVID than they do the seasonal flu.

  • Until recently if you suggested that the virus came from a Chinese lab, you were banned for lying to people. But now even the bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden Administration and the World Health Organization concede it’s a strong possibility.

In a free society we should demand that all viewpoints can be heard. And we should trust one another to sort it all out. We’re free men and women. We’re not living under communism. Not yet at least.

The Left’s Misinformation

This isn’t the first time that the left and social media titans have tried to censor viewpoints. And have you noticed how it’s always conservative viewpoints that get censored?

This juggernaut of censorship on social media is clearly being used to silence only conservative and traditionalist ideas. It’s totalitarianism. It’s un-American. And it’s growing. The Post Office is spying on our social media, as is the military.

Think of the things that have been banned or gotten people sentenced to “Facebook or Twitter jail” in the last few years. Perhaps the most notable example is saying the virus came out of the Wuhan lab. It was labeled a lie by the communist Chinese, social media and the Democrat Party.

I’m sorry, but it should be obvious that you need to seriously think twice if you ever find yourself on the same side as the Chinese Communist Party. (Speaking of communist China, the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration and U.S. allies are now blaming China for the recent massive cyberattack against Microsoft Exchange servers.)

Social media posts that condemn the killing of innocent unborn children are likely to be censored or suppressed as “hate speech” and lies because the left doesn’t believe the unborn child is a person.

And just think of the nonsensical gender issues that have sprung up in recent years. You can be banned from social media for saying the obvious truth that a man cannot give birth.

When investigative reporters at the New York Post broke the story on corrupt/liar-Hunter Biden’s laptop, every major network spiked the story. But even worse, social media platforms not only suppressed the story, Twitter completely shut down the Post’s Twitter page to prevent the story from gaining any traction at all.

Now we know that the New York Post report about Hunter’s laptop was in fact accurate. But Big Tech did everything they could to stop the truth from being known. And it affected the results of the election.

Think about this: Virtually every leading Democrat spent the first two years of the Trump presidency promoting the lie that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. None of them were ever banned from social media. Adam Schiff even said that the evidence of collusion was “in plain sight.” He was lying.

Now bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is condemning commonsense election integrity laws as a rebirth of Jim Crow. That’s not just a lie, it’s a dangerous lie. Is anyone going to shut him down on social media? No. In fact, social media is promoting bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s lie.

A Key Fact

Many people are frustrated that the vaccination level across the United States isn’t higher. The latest data suggest that approximately 68% of the adult population has had at least one shot.

But I want to remind you of something that is extremely important to keep in mind: In addition to that 68%, there have been 34 million confirmed COVID cases (10% of the population) and an unknown number of Americans who have already had the virus but were never tested. And the science is clear: If you have had the virus, you have antibodies.

Some people, such as Sen. Rand Paul, who have had the virus, after talking with their doctors, decided that they are not getting the vaccine. That is a completely rational decision to make.

But while fretting that “only” 68% have been vaccinated, we should not forget that there is a sizeable additional percentage of the population – 10%, 15%, 20% – who probably don’t need the vaccine because they already had the disease.

The combination of these two percentages is what we refer to as “herd immunity,” and we’re getting very close.

The Democrat Double Standard

The really “great” idea that Texas Democrats had to fly to the DC Swamp to prevent the passage of voter integrity legislation is becoming a bigger fiasco every day.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that Democrats hate the filibuster at the federal level. It stands in the way of their effort to “fundamentally transform” America. But bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has no mandate for big change. His party lost seats in the House of Representatives, the Senate is split 50/50 and Republicans control more states than Democrats do.

But the Texas Democrats are conducting a “filibuster on steroids.” They’re not only refusing to debate, they left the state to prevent a quorum so no business could be done at all. It must be great to be a Democrat. In the private sector, if you don’t show up for work you get fired!

Beyond that, all those smiling, maskless Democrats are now being diagnosed with COVID. And Vice President  scumbag/liar-Kamala Harris, who was in the same room with them and unmasked herself, reportedly went to Walter Reed Medical Center Sunday night for a “routine checkup.” Really?

Standing With Israel

Due to COVID restrictions in Washington, D.C., Christians United for Israel held their annual Summit in Dallas, Texas, over the weekend. Sunday night, attendees heard from Pastor John Hagee, Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. You can watch their remarks here.

As a founding board member of Christians United for Israel, I am proud to support the tremendous work of Pastor Hagee and CUFI’s incredible staff. America and Israel are the twin pillars of Judeo-Christian Western Civilization. Our alliance is founded on shared faith and values.

With new leaders in Washington, Jerusalem and Tehran, rising anti-Semitism around the world and talk of another nuclear deal with Iran, it is absolutely essential that pro-Israel Christians continue to stand with Israel and make their voices heard. ~The Patriot Post

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The Big Lie About Election Reforms in Texas and Other States

President bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden  claimed in a recent speech that state election reform efforts are “the 21st-century Jim Crow assault” and “the most dangerous threat to voting and integrity of free and fair elections in our history.”

This has to one of the most foolish things he has ever said. It also displays a fundamental ignorance of the real history of Jim Crow. Contrary to his outrageous charges, the states are acting to protect all of their voters and guarantee safe and secure elections. That is not Jim Crow.

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s propaganda—there is no other word for his false claims—on July 13 in Philadelphia was timed to coincide with Democratic state legislators in Texas leaving the state to avoid a special session called by Gov. Greg Abbott to vote on election reforms.

Before discussing the untrue claims they also are making, we should note that by leaving the state, they are, in fact, demonstrating their contempt for the democratic process and evading their responsibility as legislators.

As Fox News contributor Byron York of the Washington Examiner accurately calls it, “Republicans won control of the Texas House by an 83 to 67 margin. … [Democrats] are frustrating the will of the majority, and the rights of Texans whose votes made Republicans the majority—in the name of voting rights!”

And what are they opposing? Keep in mind that Texas has a long history of election fraud, including in recent years. There are many proven cases demonstrating that in the Election Fraud Database maintained by The Heritage Foundation. (The Daily Signal is the news and commentary platform of The Heritage Foundation).

And that is without mentioning the infamous Ballot Box 13, which Lyndon Johnson used to steal his election for U.S. Senate in 1948. Texas has had a particular problem with vote traffickers, political operatives paid by campaigns to coerce and intimidate voters who are using absentee ballots. There is even a special name for them in Texas: “politiqueras.”

Texas has had a voter ID law in place for several years for in-person voting. Texas provides a free ID to anyone who doesn’t already have one, and Texans—including minority voters—have had no problems voting. With the significant expansion of absentee balloting, Texas wants to increase the security of the absentee balloting process by extending the ID requirement to absentee ballots.

The proposed House bill would allow a voter to satisfy this requirement by simply writing the number of the voter’s driver’s license or free ID on the absentee ballot application. If the voter doesn’t have an ID, he can use the last four digits of his Social Security number. If he is one of the almost nonexistent Americans who don’t have a Social Security number, he can just sign a statement saying he doesn’t have an ID or a Social Security number.

Yet this is apparently so onerous and discriminatory toward black voters that it amounts to “voter suppression,” according to the Democrats who fled Texas, including state Rep. Michelle Beckley who claimed this makes “it harder to vote by mail.”

It is hard not to laugh at such an absurd claim when you look at this simple and easily met requirement, particularly when the latest poll shows that 84% of minority voters support voter ID.

Texas even wants to provide an opportunity for voters using absentee ballots to correct a defect in their ballot, such as forgetting to sign it before they mail it to election officials. You probably have not heard a word about that in all of the biased coverage.

The Texas Democrats are also complaining about a provision that requires anyone (other than an election official) “assisting” a voter to fill out a form providing the assister’s name, address, and other information, such as whether he is a relative or a paid political operative. This would give election officials the ability to identify someone who illegally intimidated or pressured the voter.

No one who is following the law would object to such a requirement. But Beckley does, saying this provision will make it “easier to prosecute people who assist mail and in-person voters.” She is certainly correct about that, but it seems she doesn’t want the politiqueras who illegally coerce voters to be prosecuted.

Democrats apparently also don’t want to guarantee the transparency of the election process. Election observers are a fundamental key to fair elections. That is why our own U.S. State Department sends observers to fledgling democracies all over the world and why the Voting Rights Act of 1965 had an entire section authorizing federal observers.

Yet in the last election, we saw instances of credentialed observers being ejected from polling and ballot counting locations or placed so far away from election activity as to make effective observation impossible.

So the Texas bill makes it clear that except for watching a voter cast his or her ballot, observers “may not be denied free movement where election activity is occurring” and are “entitled to sit or stand near enough to see and hear the activity.”

Mind you, the observers can’t interfere in the election process and can be ejected if they “commit a breach of the peace or a violation of law.” But election officials can’t refuse to give observers the access to which they are entitled under the law. This not discriminatory and not Jim Crow; it is good government.

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden says what the states are doing is “pernicious.” No, what is pernicious are the outrageous lies that he and other liberals are spreading about commonsense election reforms sponsored by state legislators who are trying their best to protect the integrity of the franchise for all Americans. ~The Patriot Post


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‘Defund the Police’ Backfires on the Left —

So They Blame Republicans

In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in 2020, Black Lives Matter, antifa and other Marxist organizations demanded law enforcement agencies be defunded. In an astonishing display of progressive Democrat solidarity, scores of mayors, city councils and county boards of supervisors in cities and counties across our country capitulated to the far left’s demands and sided with rioters, looters, anarchists and arsonists in destroying American cities.

The places most affected by the “defund the police” movement include Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Indianapolis, New York and Minneapolis. As law enforcement budgets in these cities were being cut and experienced officers retired and resigned, the obvious happened: Crime skyrocketed. Worse yet, the people most adversely affected are minority citizens – the very people BLM and other radical groups claim need protection not by the police but from the police.

The toll on Black Americans is staggering. In 2020, the percentage of Black murder victims in Chicago was over 70%. After the police budget was cut, that percentage rose to more than 80%. At the same time in Milwaukee, the percentage of Black murder victims rose from about 60% to nearly 90%. Other “defund the cops” jurisdictions across America have suffered similar results.

Only the ideologically blinded were surprised by the rapid upswing in violent crime resulting from defunding the police. To paraphrase a comment from Alexander Hamilton and James Madison in Federalist No. 51: If men were angels, police wouldn’t be necessary.

But, alas, men are not angels, a fact causing serious concerns for congressional Democrats who must run in 2022. Having already lost seats over this issue to Republicans in the 2020 elections, Democrats are now desperate to distance themselves from the movement.

On July 1, 2021, Hennepin County District Judge Jamie Anderson issued a writ of mandamus ordering Minneapolis to hire more than 700 new police officers no later than June 30, 2022. The plight of incumbent and aspiring Democrats instantly worsened. The judge’s order came as a consequence of the sharp uptick in crime experienced in Minneapolis because of the failure of city leaders to support the police. This slap in the face to the Democrats who govern Minneapolis was felt by Democrats nationwide, especially those intending to run for office in 2022.

With public opinion polls placing blame for the rise in crime squarely in the lap of their party, Democrats are frantic to find a way out of the mess they created. Should they defend defunding the police? That won’t work. How can they defend an increase in violent crime? Should they be honest and admit their mistake, hoping the American public will forgive and forget? No. Leftist Democrats are masters of deception, distortion and hypocritical finger pointing to avoid telling the truth.

As is their penchant, they decided to lie and blame defunding the police on Republicans. Cedric Richmond of the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration was dispatched to talk shows to advance the absurd notion that Republicans defunded the police by voting against the Democrat’s turkey-riddled $350 billion aid-to-cities legislation. Richmond’s nose grew by the second throughout his interviews.

Among the many problems with this pathetic attempt at blame-shifting is the legislation in question contained no funding earmarked for police. Rather, it is a federal bailout of poorly governed Democrat-run cities – the very places defunding their police. The cities with the largest spikes in crime are all controlled by Democrats. Defunding the police remains a bad idea birthed by Democrats, a fact Americans grasp no matter how hard Democrats and their media allies try to deny it. Even The Washington Post gave the Democrats three “Pinocchios” on the issue, which indicates “significant factual errors,” according to the Post’s fact-checking method. ~The Patriot Post


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