Emails Expose Fauci as a Fraud


It sounds like a bad joke. Our nation’s federal government employs some four million people, and the highest-paid person among them is Dr. Anthony Fauci.

So we wonder: Has this guy ever had a performance review?

More than 3,200 pages of Fauci’s emails are now public, having been obtained by BuzzFeed News through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. They cover the Not-So-Good Doctor’s communications with all manner of correspondents during the period from January to June 2020, and they give us a glimpse into how Fauci handled his job. They also further degrade his reputation as the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases — and, even more than that, his reputation for honesty and integrity.

Former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows made a key point, saying, “Part of the troubling thing [with the emails] is, not only do they seem to correspond with what President Trump said and what Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo said in terms of the origins of the virus, but it indicates that Dr. Fauci had knowledge, or at least a suspicion, of things not happening in an evolutionary manner very early on, and he didn’t share that.”

Was Fauci intentionally withholding this information? It sure seems so. Recall that Donald Trump routinely and correctly called COVID-19 “the China Virus,” and he went on record more than a year ago with “a high degree of confidence” that COVID-19 came from a Chinese lab.

Didn’t Fauci have a duty to present the president’s side of the story, especially in the face of a Trump-deranged  mainstream media and Big Tech oligarchy — both of which we now know actively suppressed evidence that supported the president’s public statements on the lab-leak theory?

And then there was Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, who was regularly mocked by CNN and its ilk for having shared his spot-on instincts about the ChiComs as early as January 2020. If anyone deserves a commendation and an apology, it’s Tom Cotton.

The release of Fauci’s emails is thus one more piece in a mosaic of COVID-19 malfeasance by Big Tech, Beltway bureaucrats, and our fundamentally dishonest media. The scandal — and it is a scandal — was neatly captured by Republican Congressman Steve Scalise in a single tweet: “Big Tech was censoring posts about the Wuhan lab leak. The media was calling people who talked about the Wuhan lab leak conspiracy theorists. All while Fauci himself was emailing about COVID-19 possibly leaking from the Wuhan lab. Let that sink in.”

When it comes to holding Fauci accountable, though, no one beats Kentucky Senator Rand Paul — either for early and sustained assault or for terseness: “Told you,” he tweeted yesterday. As Fox News reports:

Paul has repeatedly criticized Fauci on social media and in interviews for his comments on herd immunity, wearing masks … and his dismissal of a theory suggesting COVID-19 may have originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. … Paul has also condemned Fauci’s claim made during a May 25 congressional hearing that a $600,000 federal grant from NIAID did not directly fund the lab’s gain-of-function research, which is research that involves modifying a virus to make it more contagious among humans.

And so, Fauci, the 80-year-old bureaucrat who even today is being hailed by Democrat dead-enders and their media trucklings as “a rare source of frank honesty within the Trump administration’s COVID-19 task force,” has once again been exposed — and this time by his own words.

As the Washington Examiner reports, those words include an April 2020 exchange with a man named Peter Daszak, “the president of EcoHealth Alliance, a research group that secured a grant to perform coronavirus research in Wuhan before the pandemic, wrote to Fauci ‘to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators’ after Fauci dismissed the idea that the pandemic started due to a lab accident in Wuhan.”

Was Daszak’s research of the highly dangerous gain-of-function variety? Inquiring minds want to know.

What we do know is that Daszak was selected to be part of the World Health Organization’s sham probe into the origins of COVID, where he continued to push the wet market theory.

One of the more outrageous revelations from the Fauci email trove concerns a different kind of neglect. As the Washington Free Beacon reports, “‘Too long for me to read,’ Fauci wrote in response to a March 2020 email from a physicist with extensive experience in China, or ‘tl;dr,’ as the kids say. The expert had reached out to express concern about ‘fabricated data’ coming out of China and the communist country’s other efforts to conceal the true extent of the virus.”

Thus, much of what we now know about Anthony Fauci’s role in the most consequential event since 9/11 can be summed up in two acronyms: TLDR and TDS. Fauci didn’t read a crucial email because, in his words, it was too long for him to read. And Fauci also failed to tell the whole truth about what he knew concerning COVID-19’s origins, perhaps because he didn’t want to damage his standing among his admirers, many of whom were (and still are) suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

As the Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro sums it up, “The Fauci emails just show that Fauci consistently took the path of least resistance: downplaying the Wuhan lab leak theory, flip-flopping on masking, militantly fighting Rand Paul over post-covid immunity even though he knew better (Paul was right). Fauci wasn’t following science as a primary goal. He was a bureaucratic institutionalist, which is precisely what you would expect from a career bureaucrat. Which is why it was insane for the media to saint him as a groundbreaking truthteller just to spite Trump.”  ~The Patriot Post


Democrats’ Plan B if HR 1 FailsLMJe3m5ZtdFJThOaSIhCcaxv-Hn7dUSvHZ-lH6WTHEBPHpQ-uA1trYNscA8h1cxPpU3oxM_src6BqTOXuUwCP2i7HExZPKAmSvZcC6ITN163ubce6M7XRdm64iGaAA=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400x

Even power-mad Democrats have to give in to reality occasionally, and the current reality is that HR 1, their attempt to federalize election law and create a permanent leftist voting majority, is not going to sail through to passage. While the Democrat-controlled House has twice passed the legislation, the evenly split Senate is another matter — even if they get around the filibuster, only one or two Democrat holdouts can keep the legislation from reaching socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s desk. Democrats need insurance.

Enter HR 4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. It’s very much the brother of HR 1 in that it’s designed to look like a forthright voter protection bill on the surface, but underneath it’s a power grab that would allow Democrats to set up a permanent federal infrastructure to control voting in America for decades to come.

You may remember that HR 1 is a grab bag of leftist provisions that nationalizes voting laws, vastly expands mail-in voting, eliminates voter ID, institutionalizes same-day voter registration and early voting, and rolls back state laws preventing felons from voting. The so-called For the People Act masquerades as an attempt to protect voters’ rights after the chaos of the 2020 election. Of course, the chaos of the 2020 election was sowed by Democrat measures that called for early voting, bulk-mail balloting, and other actions that left the system wide open to fraud.

But, according to Democrats and the media, there was no voter fraud in 2020. Of course, that prompts a question: Why all the fuss about election laws?

HR 4 is similar to its legislative counterpart in another way: It is a solution in search of a problem.

Proceeding from the point that voter suppression is a major issue, this bill gives wide-ranging power to socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Department of Social Justice to whip states into line and oversee any state-level changes to voting law. The DOJ could force states to conform to leftist guidelines that will, like HR 1, create an infrastructure to ensure a permanent Democrat electoral majority.

HR 4 would reinstate the preclearance provision of the 1965 Voting Rights Act that gave the DOJ power to overrule a state voting statute if that statute was deemed to deliberately discriminate against a group of voters. Recall that prior to the Voting Rights Act, blacks in the American South lived in a state of perpetual discrimination thanks to Jim Crow laws put in place by Democrats over a century prior. Preclearance was a way to correct these bad laws.

The Supreme Court struck down preclearance in 2013, ruling that it was no longer needed. The 2012 election had seen a record number of black voters, and long gone were the days of fire hoses, attack dogs, and the Ku Klux Klan. The system had been corrected and states didn’t need to be overseen by Big Brother.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer see it differently. They want the public to believe that the current situation for minority voters is as bad, or worse, than the 1960s and before. HR 4 would reinstall preclearance on a permanent basis, giving the federal government power to overrule or negate any state law it saw as a bulwark to voting, including voter ID and other voter integrity provisions. State and local jurisdictions would be placed under federal oversight if the DOJ identified 15 local voting rights violations within 25 years or 10 state voting rights violations in the same time frame. What exactly constitutes a violation is delightfully nebulous, giving the federal government carte blanche to decide when and where to intervene on the state level.

It would be no mean feat to drum up the requisite number of violations for the DOJ to step in and seize control of a state’s voting laws. Surely, the ACLU or any other of a myriad of leftist organizations would be more than happy to oblige their federal overlords by mapping out however many lawsuits and grievances were necessary to reach the violation threshold.

HR 4 is nothing more than a plan B for the Democrats should HR 1 fail. It is cut from the same cloth, designed to take voting laws away from the states under the false pretense of protecting voters from discrimination where none exists. It is a power grab for Democrats trying to permanently fix the rules in their favor and nothing besides.  ~The Patriot Post


Media Pulls Heartstrings With Dishonest Unemployment Narrativef_e5DsJlgj-7WvCqOmGE1sJz6g7qbUvb4AUPPKD9qhAyMH43FsiuEyA1QdnzuDlQxGZHU6ZLBIx_TflDT55MF4eY8ZcXBWCdVzg-zEt2kuMWG-l8WzrPiswy5FG7mA=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400x

“Gig workers to lose all unemployment benefits in 20 GOP states,” blared a recent CBS News headline. It includes the panicked quote, “You can’t prepare for it.” That, says one of CBS’s subheaders, is “Cruelty, plain and simple.” The message is clear: Heartless Republicans are going to hurt people, compounding misery and suffering during the coronavirus pandemic.

The real meat of the story is what CBS doesn’t even mention: The government has been subsidizing  unemployment by paying many people more not to work than they would earn at a $15/hour job. That extra $300 a week isn’t the only factor in last month’s pathetic jobs report, of course, but it is a big reason many people stay on the sidelines. And numerous Republican governors are saying enough is enough.

CBS reports: “All told, about 1 million gig workers and nontraditional workers who qualified for PUA [Pandemic Unemployment Assistance] will cease to receive benefits in the 20 states that are curtailing the program early. These states have provided a 30-day warning that the benefits are ending, but workers who spoke to CBS MoneyWatch said they believe they will need more time than that to find employment. These workers represent a diverse pool — from freelance writers and musicians to dog walkers, house cleaners and Uber drivers.”

The point of this type of “news” story is to find a sympathetic victim or two, drum up their woes as representative of some larger narrative, and hang it around Republican necks.

It works because it’s compelling to make individual connections. Personal stories are always more relatable than data. Indeed, we certainly do sympathize with the millions of Americans who are still struggling to find work as the economy slowly reopens after COVID. Their stories are often heartbreaking.

But which party advocated lockdowns and persisted in maintaining them far longer than anyone could honestly argue was necessary? Why are these workers unemployed in the first place? And who created a new entitlement for them that would then become “heartless” to remind them is temporary?

The only time CBS uses the word “Democrat” in the article is quoting a tweet from socialist/commie-Bernie Sanders about how compassionate his party is: “Democrats in Congress secured life-saving unemployment aid to workers so they wouldn’t have to go back to work for starvation wages or without childcare.” socialist/commie-Sanders pleaded with the labor secretary “to ensure Republican Governors do not strip that assistance away.”

See how he tied unemployment benefits to the Democrats’ “living wage” trope? CBS let it slide without mention. The network did, however, immediately quote an activist railing about the “systemic racism” that means Republican actions will be even worse for minorities.

The truth is that the pandemic has seen two recoveries — one Republican and one Democrat. Unemployment remains persistently high in Democrat states, not Republican ones. Yet CBS almost exclusively quoted “victims” and left-wing activists because the Democrats’ Leftmedia super PAC would rather stick to highlighting only the misery supposedly caused by cruel Republican governors.

Is it just us, or is the American Dream so much more than another couple of months of enhanced government checks?  ~The Patriot Post


Women Athletes Find a Friend in DeSantisfuNchEyh2DJCgAg31pUN0hsdV91WUaZecpcBJd9kEEj8e56S1yrTeF5uoWfNwnr2d6Cv__OCvcCo1yb8CIxVyw8r3eqxrYbnWQ4KCjMrwzg54oKKwkgzZpLcuTSJZw=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400x

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has done what South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem failed to do — protect women by standing up against the Rainbow Mafia’s “transgender” bullying. On Tuesday, DeSantis signed into law a bill that protects girls’ and women’s sports in the Sunshine State.

Explaining his motivation, DeSantis noted, “I think as these bills were going through various legislatures, I remember the NCAA put out a statement saying, ‘Any state that enacts this, we’re not going to hold events there.’ And so I called the speaker of the House in Florida and I said, ‘Did you hear what they said?’ And he’s like, ‘Yeah.’ I said, ‘We definitely got to get this done.’”

In what might be best described as a veiled rebuke of politicians who have caved under pressure from the “woke” mob, DeSantis asserted, “You can’t be cowed by these organizations, or particularly by woke corporations from doing the right thing. And so my view was throughout this whole time, we have to protect our girls. It is discriminatory to force them to compete against biological males. And so if the price of having a tournament is that I have to deny equal opportunity to hundreds of thousands of young girl and women athletes throughout Florida, I am much more willing to stand with the girls. And to hell with these events.” Now that’s backbone.

DeSantis’s decision was praised by women’s rights activist Selina Soule, who as a track athlete in high school in Connecticut lost out on several championship opportunities to two biological males. The two young men were allowed to compete in girls’ sports on account of their declared “gender identities” and combined to win 15 Women’s Championship titles over three years while setting 17 women’s state track records.

In signing The Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, DeSantis noted the importance of collegiate sports to both men and women. “[Sports] took me to college,” he said. “It’s taken many of our girls to college, to be able to get an education and to compete. We believe that it is very important that the integrity of those competitions are preserved.”

The bill delineates that a student athlete’s gender will be defined by his or her “biological sex based on the student’s official birth certificate at the time of birth.” Furthermore, the bill allows for a student to sue a school should it permit a “transgender girl” (read: a biological male) to compete in a sport intended for biological girls. DeSantis explained that this was included in the statute to “vindicate the rights of any women athletes who may be discriminated against.” He added, “Moving forward, any student who’s deprived of an athletic opportunity as a result of a violation of this law will have a right to civil remedies.”

Thankfully, high school and college girls in Florida now have protections in place to guard their sports from exploitation and abuse by the Rainbow Mafia. Maybe DeSantis’s actions will encourage others, like Governor Noem, to boldly take a stand.  ~The Patriot Post


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Tulsa Demagoguery

socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden was right about one thing Tuesday in his speech to mark the 100th anniversary of the 1921 attack on a Tulsa black community. Remembering this tragic event should have happened sooner. Why didn’t Barack scumbag/liar-nObama do it?

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden could have used the anniversary to bring healing, remind the audience of all the progress that has been made in our country and point to a future where Martin Luther King’s dream of a color-blind society could be finally accomplished.

He did the opposite. He used the anniversary to pick on the scab of racial discord. He picked at it until it bled again. We can thank God there was no race riot in Tulsa Tuesday night.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden lied. Repeatedly. His lies were the lies of a demagogue. They were the lies of a man who sees political gain for his party and the left, in increasing hatred and in labeling their political opponents as racists. Here’s just a few of his lies:

  • socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden claimed he just wanted to make sure that we teach our children all of America’s history — the good and the bad. If that is what he wants, why was one of his first official acts in office to disband the 1776 Commission whose whole purpose was to acknowledge our historic mistakes and defend our glorious history and progress?

  • Why does he give “aid and comfort” to the 1619 Project that falsely argues the United States began that year when the first African slave was brought here, not in 1776 when we won our independence? That fake history along with Marxist critical race theory will destroy our country if we lose the battle to keep it out of our schools.

  • He barely bothers to conceal his political goal of using the mercurial issue of race to damage conservatives. There is no other explanation for this comparison of the Tulsa riot with the January 6th turmoil on Capitol Hill. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden shamelessly cites the events on that day as evidence of “white supremacy.” But he doesn’t stop there. The efforts in multiple states to safeguard the integrity of our election laws are cited by socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden as “echoes of the same problem.”

  • socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden said the U.S. intelligence community has concluded that white supremacy represents the greatest domestic threat to our homeland. If they really believe that they should be fired. This is one of the most racially diverse countries in the world. We are the only majority white country that has elected a black president. On the very day socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden engaged in his racial demagoguery, thousands of people of color crossed our border. Yet we are supposed to believe they are risking everything to come to a country of white supremacists?

In socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s America it is still 1619. Or maybe it is 1850? Or is it the era of Jim Crow laws? There is no progress. No Martin Luther King. No civil rights movement. No integration. If socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden was right the whole country should take a knee when our national anthem is played.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s race baiting and the steady drum beat of anti-American rhetoric from the political left is killing the love of our country in the hearts of our children. No enemy of the U.S. — not in Beijing or Moscow or Tehran — can harm us more than the “Put America Last” crowd is harming us with their message of hate and tribalism.

We must fight this demagoguery with all of our might and courage. An alliance is forming already, and it is multi-racial. Most of our fellow citizens, regardless of color, want to live in peace with each other in a country we love and that is worthy of our love. Most Americans realize that we are imperfect, but we are also better than virtually any other existing nation now or in the past.

If America is laid low by a foreign foe or destroyed internally by the leftist termites eating away at our foundation, the world would sink into another dark age.

We must make our stand here.  ~The Patriot Post


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Seven Steps to Surviving Cancel Culture
As a Black conservative for more than 40 years, I’m an expert on being canceled. I was canceled by the political left long before cancel culture was all the rage. If there’s one thing liberals and leftists dislike more than a conservative, it’s a Black conservative.

Liberal America doesn’t want to hear from African-American conservatives because we go counter to their narrative that Black people needed liberal saviors, especially ones who come bearing gifts of more government.

But we weren’t just canceled by liberals. For decades, liberals worked to put a wedge between Black conservatives and our own communities. As a result, many African-American leaders wouldn’t invite us to the table and wouldn’t allow us to offer our ideas to help solve problems in our own communities. We weren’t considered “authentically Black” — whatever that is.

And so it continues today.

Black liberals, but especially White ones, had the audacity to lecture me about being a traitor to my race when I started thinking for myself as a young woman in my 20s — when I started questioning why we thought government was always the answer to our social ills.

They called me a traitor when I became the national spokesperson for the National Right to Life Committee and talked about the tragic wrong of abortion, especially in the African-American community. They really lost it when I started a crisis pregnancy center to help Black women keep their babies.

And when I led the effort to reform welfare in Virginia in the 1990s — trying to reform a system that discouraged marriage and work, that weakened the Black family, and that fostered perpetual dependence — they really hit the roof!

Apparently, I didn’t know my place.

As someone who has been a public figure now for four decades, I have learned to navigate both that kind of cancel culture and the “woke” cancel culture that pervades society today.

Here are seven lessons I’ve learned:

  1. First and foremost, don’t give a damn about cancel culture. If you do, you’re giving small-minded people control over you that they don’t deserve. Realize that these are often people who want to silence your ideas because they’re afraid if others hear them, they might agree.

  2. Always be honest. The best defense is always the truth. Moreover, make sure you have your facts straight before you speak and that you can back up what you say.

  3. When you’re wrong, have the courage to admit you’re wrong. But when you’re right and taking a principled stand, have the courage to stand up for those principles, even in the face of withering criticism. Others will see your strength and be encouraged by it. But if you’re right and you give in, you have only served to embolden cancel culture. You have fed its voracious appetite and made it stronger, giving it more energy to seek out its next victim. You have made it harder for others to stand up for the truth, and as a result, many will continue to cower in silence.

  4. Don’t try to cancel others. There’s no need to be cruel and adopt the tactics of cancellation. Here is where I go back to my faith-based roots. We all fall far short of perfection. We need to show grace and forgiveness toward others, especially if we hope for the same mercy from others when we inevitably stumble ourselves.

  5. Be principled and don’t be a hypocrite. Hypocrites make easy targets for canceling and are fun for everyone to take down a few pegs.

  6. Expect that anything you write or anything that you say in front of a camera (even your friend’s cell phone) could end up trending on social media or landing on the front page of a newspaper. If you’re not okay with that, think twice about saying or doing it.

  7. There are an awful lot of people who are willing to deliberately take things out of context to make other people look bad. So always include context with what you say and write publicly, even if it means writing a slightly longer tweet or taking an extra 30 seconds to more fully explain your point. People may still take you out of context, but you will always “have the receipts,” as they say.

In the end, you can’t be afraid to speak up for what you know is right. You will inspire others to follow your lead, and when more people speak up, we’ll reach enough critical mass to eventually cancel “cancel culture.”

Remember the old days when you could debate and disagree and still be civil? Honest debate has been the cornerstone of Americans finding the best solutions to our biggest issues for nearly 250 years. For the sake of our society, it’s time to return to those days. ~The Patriot Post


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The ‘Can’t Do’ Narrative Continues

President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has pledged to “help narrow the racial wealth gap and reinvest in communities that have been left behind by failed policies.” He used the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre in Greenwood, a thriving African American community ravaged by a racist mob in 1921, as the occasion to promise more federal contracts for minority-owned companies and address discrimination in home appraisals for black families.

The Tulsa mob murdered more than 300 Black men, women and children over a two-day period, May 31 to June 1, forcing thousands to flee for their lives while watching their homes and businesses burn to the ground. No one was ever held responsible for the devastation.

But socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Tulsa appearance and speech continues a narrative favored by Democrats that reinforces the wrong belief that African Americans can do nothing without government. Of course, if the government were their savior, would it not have solved all the problems Democrats continually talk about, but do little to fix?

Democrats want to keep reminding us how bad race relations have been historically and how bad they are now, but even Democrats must admit we’ve made significant progress. I offer just a few statements from accomplished African Americans who faced crippling discrimination and racism in their day but still became successful. These motivational words point us in the direction we need to go and could move many from a dependence on government to lives of self-sufficiency.

If Ken Burns were presenting these statements as one of his great documentaries, it might start with a picture followed by these quotes:

“If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life.” Marcus Garvey (a Black nationalist and leader of the Pan-Africanism movement, which sought to unify and connect people of African descent worldwide).

A case could be made for school choice for low-income students denied a good education in failing inner-city schools: “The purpose of education is to create in a person the ability to look at the world for himself, to make his own decisions.” (James Baldwin, writer).

Speaking of the need for school choice, here’s one from Frederick Douglass: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

On giving up because one believes there is no way out of one’s circumstances: “We may (en)counter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” (Maya Angelou)

“I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.” (Madam C.J. Walker, an African American entrepreneur, philanthropist and social activist).

Need more? Here’s one from Rosa Parks: “Each person must live their life as a model for others.”

This one seems absent from all American culture today, regardless of one’s race: “We all have dreams. In order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort.” (Jesse Owens, Olympic runner)

Why do we rarely hear such thoughts expressed by especially Democrats and even Republicans when speaking to and about African Americans? Why aren’t the successful used as role models instead of the constant focus on the unsuccessful?

The narrative should be: This is how we became successful, and this is how you can be successful too. Changing the narrative offers potentially better outcomes than the one presently being promoted by liberal politicians.  ~The Patriot Post

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