socalist/commie/liar-AOC’s Hypocritical Hysteria About Crime


“Hysteria,” she said. “Context,” she said. socalist/commie/liar-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez insists that the skyrocketing crime that’s alarming — and victimizing — more Americans all the time is little more than hysteria that lacks context.

“We are seeing these headlines about percentage increases,” said the ex-bartender formerly known as Sandy Cortez. “Now, I want to say that any amount of harm is unacceptable and too much, but I also want to make sure that this hysteria, you know, that this doesn’t drive a hysteria and that we look at these numbers in context so that we can make responsible decisions about what to allocate in that context.”

Remember, socalist/commie/liar-AOC represents a congressional district in New York City — a city where, Fox News reports, “shooting incidents and murders have risen 53% and 13% since the beginning of the year.” A city where, according to the New York Post, “rapes were up 41.7 percent and robberies were up 21.3 percent” year over year. A city that when the electoral dust settles will have elected a pro-Second Amendment cop to be its next mayor because crime is a huge issue for voters.

socalist/commie/liar-AOC says she wants context, so if that’s not enough, let’s give her some more.

After the death of George Floyd under the knee of Derek Chauvin — for which the former Minneapolis police officer was convicted in April and sentenced last Friday to 22.5 years — Democrats fomented a war on cops that included defunding police and Black Lives Matter and  antifa riots, which directly led to the surge in crime in American cities.

Given that socalist/commie/liar-AOC is the “new face of the Democratic Party,” and given that she often leads the cries for defunding police from the brave outpost of her social media feed and doubly secured congressional office, she bears at least some responsibility for the rise in crime.

It’s not hysteria to be alarmed at a drastic increase in violence, including murder, all over the nation. It’s not hysteria to say that race-baiters are sowing division based on a false narrative of “systemic racism” through the Marxist bludgeoning tool of “Critical Race Theory,” and that the result of this bitter tale of oppression and victimization has stoked violent rage among black men in particular — all while Democrats point the finger at “white supremacists.” It’s not hysteria to be outraged by the fact there’s been a 41% increase in police officers killed in the line of duty this year.

“socalist/commie/liar-AOC is mocking ordinary people as ‘hysterical’ who are afraid of violent crime in their neighborhood: people who, unlike her, don’t have reams of private security,” noted lefty journalist Glenn Greenwald. “Yet she just acted to ensure $2 billion more in spending on the police that protects her.”

Meanwhile, if anyone knows hysteria, it’s socalist/ commie/liar-AOC. She claimed she was “almost” “murdered” during the January 6 “insurrection” and says she’s been in therapy to overcome the “trauma” of it all. Members of Congress at the Capitol that day, she said, effectively “served in war.”

Hysteria indeed.

No less than famed Democrat strategist James Carville has argued that Democrats are the ones who are tough on crime, and that it’s Donald Trump’s fault that this is all happening. Other Democrats are likewise blaming  Republicans.

bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, of course, says it’s a problem of “gun violence.” That’s false.

socalist/commie/liar-AOC has a different tack — pretending there’s not much to worry about if only “we look at these numbers in context.” Well, the context is damning for Democrats. ~The Patriot Post


SCOTUS Punts on Key Case

Remember that “strong conservative Supreme Court majority” people have been crowing about (or lamenting) ever since justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett were seated? Well, never mind.

As CNBC triumphantly reports, “The Supreme Court on Monday handed the LGBT rights movement another victory, declining to hear an appeal that challenged the rights of transgender students to use the bathroom of their choosing.”

In a textbook case of media framing, CNBC’s Dan Mangan wrote, “The use of bathrooms by transgender students and the acceptance of such students on school athletic teams has become a flashpoint for conservatives in recent years.”

A flashpoint for conservatives? The issue was never a flashpoint when it didn’t exist. And it didn’t exist until “progressives” and their Rainbow Mafia brethren made clear that there are simply no rights upon which they won’t attempt to trample by way of The Tyranny of the One.

At issue in this case, Gloucester County School Board v. Grimm, was whether the Equal Protection and Title IX rights of a female who “identified” as male were violated when the school assigned its boys to “boys” bathrooms, its girls to “girls” bathrooms, and its lone gender-dysphoric student to use a separate single-person bathroom.

Lower courts had ruled that the student in question had a right to use the boys’ bathroom, and SCOTUS, which refused to hear an appeal of these lower-court rulings, obviously agreed — including all three of the above-mentioned Trump-appointed justices. Only Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito were willing to hear the case.

Here, Power Line’s Paul Mirengoff makes a great point: “[Donald] Trump strongly [and, as it turns out, rightly] criticized George W. Bush for appointing [let’s just come out and say it: left-leaning Chief Justice] John Roberts to the Court. But Bush, in two tries,” says Mirengoff, “succeeded in nominating one very strong and reliable conservative Justice — Samuel Alito. It’s far from clear that Trump was able to do so in three tries.”

Time will tell. And time is on the side of Trump’s three justices — Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett — who are a relatively youthful 53, 56, and 49 respectively.

As for this case, National Review’s Ed Whelan lays out an if-then scenario by which it may yet be taken up by the High Court, but it’s weak solace to those who’ve watched Chief Justice Roberts, for example, actively rewrite ObamaCare in order to save it.

This case, though, and “transgender” “rights” more broadly, pose a nightmare scenario for anyone with a daughter. Suppose a “transgender” man, having been permitted to enter the women’s locker room, exposes himself in front of your girl — or worse. What do you do? What recourse to you have? Shouldn’t the laws of a civilized society protect against this?

It happened recently at a spa in Los Angeles, and one patron had the guts to speak up about it: 

“A man flashed his penis in front of little girls at a spa and was allowed to do it because he claimed to be a woman,”  tweeted conservative commentator Matt Walsh. “If you watch this video and find yourself siding with the man, please realize that you are not only insane but evil.”

We side with Walsh, and we bring this up because there’s something fundamentally obscene, unnerving, and infuriating about such behavior — and civilizational decency calls on us to protect our girls from it.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court declined to do that. And in doing so, it failed us. ~The Patriot Post


Facebook’s Antitrust Win Sends Stock Soaring
On Monday, U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg  threw out antitrust lawsuits against social media giant Facebook that were raised last December by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 48 states. Boasberg, an appointee of Barack scumbag/liar-nObama, ruled that the plaintiffs had failed to provide enough evidence demonstrating that Facebook was an acting monopoly. Furthermore, Boasberg declared that too much time had elapsed since Facebook had acquired then-competitors Instagram (2012) and WhatsApp (2014) to now be raising the antitrust charge. The speech-suppressing “platform” can thus continue doing what it’s doing.

Regardless of Facebook’s status, the decision serves as an embarrassment to the FTC, which Boasberg chastised for raising such a significant lawsuit while providing  almost no supporting evidence. “Such an unsupported assertion might (barely) suffice in a Section 2 case involving a more traditional goods market, in which the Court could reasonably infer that market share was measured by revenue, units sold, or some other typical metric,” Boasberg wrote. “But this case involves no ordinary or intuitive market.”

Furthermore, “The FTC’s Complaint says almost nothing concrete on the key question of how much power Facebook actually had, and still has, in a properly defined antitrust product market,” the court’s filing reads. “It is almost as if the agency expects the Court to simply nod to the conventional wisdom that Facebook is a monopolist.”

This was always going to be a difficult case to make against a massive Big Tech apparatus, but it appears that the FTC didn’t bother to put much effort into the case either. It’s almost as if the FTC treated it as if the cake was baked even before bringing the lawsuit. Which raises a key question: Was this simply an effort to placate those angered over Facebook’s abusive censorship practices while at the same time sending Facebook a message to keep doing what the Democrats want, or else?

Is Facebook guilty of breaching antitrust regulations? In the spirit of a free market and a fair society, we think it is. In an article titled “Big Tech’s threat to democracy,” Matthew Crawford argues a critical point: “Google, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon have established portals that people feel they have to pass through to conduct the business of life, and to participate in the common life of the nation. Such bottlenecks are a natural consequence of ‘the network effect.’ It was early innovations that allowed these firms to take up their positions. But it is not innovation, it is these established positions, and the ongoing control of the data it allows them to gather that accounts for the unprecedented rents they are able to collect, as in a classic infrastructure monopoly.”

Yet that’s also why it will be exceedingly difficult to make the traditional antitrust market-control violation stick.

News of the judge’s antitrust dismissal sent shares of Facebook jumping 4%, and the social media company surpassed $1 trillion in market value for the first time in its history. Mark Zuckerberg and company are laughing all the way to the bank, while American users who made Facebook the behemoth it is today are increasingly losing out as their free speech rights suffer via suppression and demonetization.

Finally, the FTC still has 30 days to refile its antitrust lawsuit without prejudice should the agency provide necessary evidence to back up its monopolization charge, but we’re not holding our breath. ~The Patriot Post


While bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Guts Military,
China Gains Strength

There’s only one thing that we can take away from General Mark Milley’s response when a former Green Beret, Representative Michael Waltz, called him out over the use of Critical Race Theory to “train” military personnel: He’s in the wrong job.

If Milley really wants to deal with race relations, he needs to put in his retirement papers and either join a nonprofit or run for office. But as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he has one job: Address the threats posed by China and Russia and their collusion against the United States, the genocidal Iranian regime, and the other conflicts in the Middle East while also handling potential threats in Latin America and Africa.

While General Milley, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Commander-in-Chief bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden are busy fighting the phantom menace of “white supremacy” in the ranks, China has been engaging in a military buildup.

Milley himself testified that China wants the capability to take Taiwan by 2027. According to the Congressional Research Service, China has 350 battle force ships. The United States Navy, with responsibility for two oceans and global commitments, has 293, per that same report. The fact is, we have seen a three-decade-long pattern of foolish cutbacks and high operational tempos combined with errors of omission.

George W. Bush rightly focused on the danger of jihadist terror but failed to build the forces up to a level that could also keep Russia and China from thinking they could pull off aggression. Barack scumbag/liar-nObama dismantled what Bush had put together to protect us from jihadist terror, hobbled our troops, and his ill-advised pullout from Iraq created the space for ISIS to metastasize. Donald Trump rightly worked to enable America to minimize involvement in the Middle East by building up allies, but he was distracted by fighting bureaucrats who  undermined his policies.

We’ve discussed this concerning situation multiple times, and it won’t get better under the bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden regime. We warned that Biden’s track record showed he was incapable of uniting the country in the best of circumstances, much less when many suspected foul play. And he certainly isn’t interested in putting America first in terms of military readiness.

Many grassroots Patriots will rightly question whether they want their sons and daughters serving in a military whose top brass can’t seem to advocate for sufficient numbers of ships, planes, tanks, missiles, and other implements of war to ensure our troops don’t have to make the ultimate sacrifice. Milley’s trip down the rabbit hole of CRT could well get troops killed in a war with China or Russia.

Whoever does eventually replace Milley will need to partially follow the advice of author J.D. Vance: Stop reading about “white rage” and “not losing wars,” and instead work to get Congress and the Pentagon behind the type of massive military buildup needed to stay out in front of China and Russia and get our troops out from behind a deadly geopolitical 8-ball. ~The Patriot Post


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Justice Department’s Lawsuit Against Georgia
Is Completely Partisan

The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, headed by new, radical Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke, filed a lawsuit on June 25 against Georgia.

The Justice Department claimed the state’s recently enacted election reform law, SB 202, violates the 1965 Voting Rights Act because it discriminates against black Georgia voters. The complaint reads like a press release drafted by the Democratic National Committee instead of a serious lawsuit by an apolitical Justice Department.

Clarke claims the new law has a discriminatory effect and that Georgia legislators “intended to deny or abridge the right of black Georgians to vote.” These claims are without merit and appear to be driven by the bumble/ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s disagreements with Georgia’s policy choices. The law does not discriminate under the Voting Rights Act.

For example, contrary to the Justice Department’s claim, there is nothing remotely discriminatory about requiring individuals to request an absentee ballot at least 11 days before Election Day instead of the prior deadline of only four days.

The lawsuit fails to mention that in July 2020, the U.S. Postal Service sent a letter to every state, including Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, recommending “strongly” that states change their deadline for voters to request an absentee ballot.

The Postal Service said the optimal deadline should be at least 15 days before Election Day “to account for [USPS] delivery standards.” Georgia acted to protect its voters, not disenfranchise them.

Georgia’s voter ID requirement for in-person voting has been in place without any problems since 2008, after courts decided it was both constitutional and did not discriminate under the Voting Rights Act. Yet, the Justice Department’s lawsuit claims extending the ID requirement to absentee ballots racially discriminates.

What is particularly bizarre about this claim is that Georgia’s voter ID requirement is similar to Alabama’s voter ID law, which was enacted in 2014 and applies to both in-person and absentee balloting.

Just last year, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threw out a lawsuit filed against Alabama that made the same arguments the Justice Department is now using against Georgia. The court concluded that the law did not violate the Voting Rights Act and that the voter ID requirement for absentee ballots constituted a “minimal burden” on voters.

Both Georgia and Alabama are within the 11th Circuit’s jurisdiction, where the issue has already been decided.

The Justice Department also claims Georgia’s prohibition on providing food and water to people waiting in line to vote racially discriminates. The Justice Department says this prohibition will prevent “churches, non-profit organizations, and other groups from sharing food and water to encourage voters not to abandon long lines to vote due to hunger or thirst.”

Every state bans electioneering near polling places and voters. Prohibiting the giving of money and gifts — including food and water, as SB 202 does — to prevent the unduly influence of voters waiting to cast ballots is a wise and reasonable policy. The Justice Department acknowledges that SB 202 allows poll workers to distribute water to voters waiting in line and that voters can bring their own snacks and water.

Additionally, voters in Georgia are not stranded in the Sahara Desert. The prohibition only applies close to polling places in order to avoid electioneering perpetrated by candidates and supposedly nonpartisan (wink, wink, nod, nod) organizations.

Such a prohibition is certainly not racially discriminatory since it affects all voters equally. The new Georgia ban on food and water is virtually identical to a New York election law that prohibits giving voters “any meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision” unless it has “a retail value of less than one dollar.”

The Justice Department has not sued New York over this long-standing prohibition or claimed that it is racially discriminatory. Could that be because it is a blue state represented by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., an important political ally of Attorney General Merrick Garland and his boss, President bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden?

Georgia allows government officials to send absentee ballot request forms to voters, but only after a voter or an authorized relative makes the request. The Justice Department claims this discriminates against black voters by not allowing third parties to send unsolicited absentee ballot request forms to voters.

The Justice Department also claims it is discriminatory that Georgia has banned permanent absentee ballot lists. This means a voter must request an absentee ballot for each election. This is, in fact, an election best practice.

No reasonable person would think there is anything discriminatory about any of these provisions regarding absentee ballot requests, particularly given how notoriously inaccurate voter registrations lists are and how hard it is for states to keep them up to date and remove individuals who have died or moved away. The allegations in this complaint lack any modicum of common sense.

The Justice Department also claims that Georgia’s refusal to count provisional ballots cast outside a voter’s assigned precinct before 5 p.m. on Election Day, unless the voter signs a statement explaining why he was unable to vote in his assigned precinct, is racially discriminatory. But Georgia already provides an accommodation in counting such ballots in the first place.

Most states require an individual to vote in his assigned precinct and do not count ballots cast outside of that precinct. When the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a 2004 claim that refusing to count ballots cast outside a voter’s assigned precinct violated federal law, it noted that the “advantages of the precinct system are significant and numerous.”

How is requiring an explanation from a voter before extending this accommodation — one that is not required by federal law — possibly discriminatory?

The Supreme Court is considering this very question in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee. The court will, likely, issue its decision this week. We guess the Justice Department could not wait a few more days to file its lawsuit to see whether, and how, the court will resolve this issue.

There is also the issue of ballot drop boxes. There is no right under the Voting Rights Act to the use of absentee ballot drop boxes. Georgia never allowed drop boxes until last year’s election, and then only through an emergency rule issued by the State Election Board. SB 202 legalized drop boxes, providing that each county can have one drop box and an additional number per “100,000 active registered voters in the county or the number of advanced voting locations.”

But the Justice Department claims that limiting the number of drop boxes is racially discriminatory. This is an absurd claim given that the number of drop boxes a county can have is defined by two quantitative standards that have absolutely nothing to do with race.

The Justice Department also apparently does not like that the law requires the drop boxes to be “under constant surveillance by an election official, law enforcement officer, or license security guard,” a basic security protocol. Ballot boxes inside polling places are constantly monitored. Isn’t that even more important when they are on the streets?

The Justice Department’s complaint lists random remarks and incidents that it believes show state legislators acting intentionally to pass this legislation to discriminate against voters. For example, the complaint claims a “U.S. Senate candidate mispronounced and mocked the pronunciation of then-Senator scumbag/liar-Kamala Harris’ first name during a campaign event, despite having been her Senate colleague for four years.”

According to Garland’s Justice Department, that is evidence that the Voting Rights Act has been violated, even though it is irrelevant to anything that happened in the state Legislature.

In another example, an anonymous, hate-filled, threatening racist called Ebenezer Baptist Church, where now-Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., was a pastor. That is shameful, to be sure, and something no one condones.

But what does that have to do with the legislation passed by the Georgia Legislature? The Heritage Foundation sometimes receives anonymous, hate-filled, racist messages, too, over our efforts to guarantee the integrity and security of the election process through common sense reforms. Does that mean that opponents of election reform, including Garland and Clarke, are engaging in racially discriminatory behavior by filing this lawsuit?

This complaint is nothing less and nothing more than a partisan lawsuit and an abuse of the Justice Department’s enforcement authority under the Voting Rights Act.

Every allegation in the lawsuit, from the objection to voter ID requirements to voting in each voter’s assigned precinct, is based on the patronizing view that black and other minority voters are somehow not as capable as other voters of dealing with election rules and procedures.

That is obviously and clearly not true, but it is the shameful and embarrassing position the Justice Department takes today. ~The Patriot Post

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Lying With a Straight Face

All politicians tell lies, but the bumble/socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden/scumbag/liar-Harris administration is taking lies to a new level. They now want us to disbelieve what we can see.

To paraphrase a quote attributed to the 19th-century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, there are lies, damn lies … and then there is Vice President scumbag/liar-Kamala Harris.

More than 90 days after being tasked to stem the record flow of migrants into the U.S., Harris finally went to the southern border, falsely claiming, “We’ve made progress.” She visited El Paso, Texas, while the real problem is in the Rio Grande Valley. Clearly, neither she nor her handlers wanted pictures of people wading, walking and jumping fences to get into the U.S. with her there.

Instead, scumbag/liar-Harris found a safe place where she talked with border control officers, who had been overwhelmed by migrants in places where she was not. Predictably, she blamed the Trump administration for causing the problem when, in fact, Trump claimed to be on the way to a solution. Trump and a few House Republicans are scheduled to visit the border on Wednesday, leading some to wonder if Harris was trying to upstage him.

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott said the real problems along the border are less in El Paso than in areas not protected by the unfinished border wall. Abbott said Harris would “fail in her mission if she refuses to speak to residents of the Del Rio sector whose homes and ranches are being overrun by gangs and smugglers.”

Abbott has pledged a $250 million “down payment” to resume construction of the wall. Governors in Florida, Arizona and Nebraska have dispatched law enforcement officers to Texas to support local officers and the border patrol.

What frustrates and contributes to the anger many Americans feel toward their government is that solutions exist, but many politicians refuse to apply them. Recent TV interviews with migrants have shown they were motivated to come because they believed President bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is making it easier for them to be admitted.

scumbag/liar-Harris’ recent speech in which she said, “do not come, do not come” had about as much credibility as scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton’s denial of sex with Monica Lewinsky.

There are critics who say this is part of a plan by Democrats to “import” new voters and make the party a permanent majority. That may be part of it, but I suspect another reason is to undermine the values and traditions that built and have sustained this country from the beginning. There are those secular progressives who speak and behave as if they hate America and would be happy to see it brought down to the level of other countries or destroyed outright. What better way to do this than to dilute those values and traditions by importing foreigners?

We see this dilution occurring at many levels, including culture, language, behavior, media, and academia. Anyone who objects is labeled with an unending stream of pejoratives. It is why many remain silent or flee in fear from the battlefield. Recent challenges to school board members at public meetings over what is being taught in some public schools gives hope that increasing numbers of Americans are fed up and are now pushing back.

The ultimate push-backer is Donald Trump. His visit to that part of the border where the largest number of migrants are coming across will help focus on the Biden administration’s failure to deal with it and scumbag/liar-Harris’ meaningless visit to El Paso, which is not “the new Ellis Island,” as Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas) called it.

Better to call it one of several “invasion crossings.”  ~The Patriot Post


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CEOs for Communism?

If 50 years from now the whole world is taking its marching orders from communist China, one reason will be that love for America withered among our elites.

Last week, John Donahoe, the CEO of Nike, held a conference call to discuss his company’s quarterly earnings. When asked about conditions in communist China and growing tensions with the West, Donahoe made it clear where his loyalties lie. He said:

“We’ve been in China for over 40 years, still invested significant time and energy in China in the early days, and today, we’re the largest sport brand there, and we’re a brand of China and for China.”

Nike is “a brand of China and for China.” Let that sink in for a moment. (Ironically, Donahoe’s wife, Eileen, once served as the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Commission!)

Donahoe personally makes millions of dollars a year. His company is making billions of dollars. Nike’s profit margins are high because it is making shoes in communist China, likely with slave labor, while it sells those shoes at ridiculous prices to your children and grandchildren.

Meanwhile, Nike is preening around like it’s a woke corporation all in on social justice, even going so far as hiring Colin Kaepernick. They are all in on condemning America as a country built on slavery, while profiting off of slave wages/slave labor in communist China.

In a healthy country, that’s the guy who would have demonstrators outside his house every night. That’s the guy who would be harassed at restaurants.

Why would Donahoe say something like that? He made a very clear calculation: He’s betting that there will be no significant blowback in the U.S. (If you would like to share your thoughts with Nike, you can do so at this link. Select the option, “Nike as a company.”)

But Donahoe also knew that the communist Chinese were paying attention to that call, as Beijing’s long arm of oppression now reaches all the way into the United States. And he chose to appease communist China. This supremely privileged CEO should be ashamed of himself.

We also got another reminder of how this sickness of people profiting in America without appreciating America is spreading.

One Sour Berry

Another American Olympic athlete, Gwen Berry, who excels in the hammer throw, decided to hammer her country over the weekend. When Berry was accepting her third-place medal in the U.S. Track and Field competition, she became furious when our national anthem was played.

Berry threw a shirt over her head. She turned away from the flag. Sadly, she demonstrated that even though she is a good athlete, she is an ingrate who has no respect for America.

Berry insisted that she had been set-up by the U.S. Olympic Track and Field organization, saying:

“I feel like it was a set-up, and they did it on purpose. They said they were going to play it before we walked out, then they played it when we were out there… But I don’t really want to talk about the anthem because that’s not important. The anthem doesn’t speak for me. It never has.”

U.S. Track and Field officials denied Berry’s claim, and suggested it was just bad timing. Bad timing to play the national anthem? Shame on them!

It’s disgusting and depressing that we have anti-American athletes like this. But what’s worse is that leaders of American universities, corporations and athletic organizations tolerate it.

This is very simple: If you’re unwilling to respect our flag and national anthem, you will not represent the United States at international competitions no matter your athletic abilities.

Go try out for the Russian or Chinese communist teams. But you will not have our stamp of approval so you can urinate in the United States while the whole world is watching. We will not cooperate in our own decline by elevating haters of our country.

In a healthy self-respecting society, such a rule would be easy to implement.

And there’s something you can do, too. Don’t just rail against those who don’t love America. Demonstrate how much you love America.

My friends, July 4th is coming up. Please demonstrate what true patriotism looks like. Make sure the flag is proudly flying outside your home. Take your family to decorate the graves of our veterans.

Use this Independence Day to do something patriotic with your family. Show what a real patriotic American looks like and how they act. It’s never been needed!

Archives Attacks America

Craven corporate CEOs and woke athletes are nothing new. But even those charged with preserving our history at the National Archives are joining this insanity. The people in charge of our national treasures are now clearly part of the left-wing juggernaut to smear our Founding Fathers.

Following the death of George Floyd, National Archivist David Ferriero commissioned a task force to study racism at the National Archives. The report is damning, declaring bluntly, “Racism is embedded in the history and current practices of [the National Archives and Records Administration].”

If that’s true, then it seems Mr. Ferriero, an scumbag/liar-nObama appointee, should be fired immediately. But that’s not really what the task force is getting at. What they really mean is that our history and America are racist.

Among other things, the task force is upset that the National Archives’ Rotunda, where the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are kept, is a symbol of “structural racism.”

How so? Because it features too many white men. Well, that’s because it’s just a historical fact that white men wrote those documents.

Among other recommendations, the task force demands that public displays and online materials provide “trigger warnings” to “forewarn audiences of content that may cause intense physiological and psychological symptoms.” They want articles about our Founding Fathers to not be so celebratory of their achievements. They also want “safe spaces” in every facility.

If the people advising the National Archives despise our founding, they should not be working there. Just like Gwen Berry should not be representing our country. Just like the American National Association of Manufacturers should kick Nike out of the association.

Trump’s Back

President Donald Trump addressed a huge crowd in Wellington, Ohio, Saturday night. An estimated 15,000 people turned out, and more than 2 million watched online. As expected, the former president was unsparing in his criticism of the current occupant of the Oval Office. Trump said:

“After just five months, the bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is already a complete and total catastrophe… Crime is surging. Murders are soaring. Police departments are being gutted. Illegal aliens are overrunning the borders… Critical race theory is being forced on our military. Gas prices are spiking. Inflation is skyrocketing, and China, Russia and Iran are humiliating our country.

"bumble/socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is destroying our nation right before our very own eyes. The number one priority for everyone who wants to save America is to pour every single ounce of energy you have into winning a gigantic victory in the midterm [elections]!”

Trust me, my friends, Campaign for Working Families is working hard to do just that!

There is nobody in either political party today who can command crowds like that in a non-election year! It’s insane for any Republican “leader” to suggest that the GOP can move on from Trump without moving on from the 74 million people who voted for him. ~The Patriot Post

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