Manchin Bristles at lowlife/liar-Harris Pressure Play
In a conspicuously timed and located news interview last week, lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris intimated to a West Virginia news station that the state’s coal industry would essentially die due to the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s “green energy” agenda. But take heart, West Virginians, she added. There will be lots of new career opportunities for unemployed miners — jobs like “reclaiming abandoned land mines.” Just how many “abandoned land mines” lowlife/liar-Harris believes are lying around West Virginia is anybody’s guess, but nothing says “I care” like a California elitist telling West Virginians what to do.
Obviously, the real reason behind lowlife/liar-Harris’s West Virginia visit had little to do with building connections with West Virginians, 68% of whom voted for Donald Trump compared to socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s 29%. Rather, lowlife/liar-Harris was there to exert pressure on the state’s moderate Democrat senator, Joe Manchin. Get in line with socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan” was the unmistakable message.
lowlife/liar-Harris’s gaffe about “abandoned land mines” certainly grabbed headlines. She probably meant to say “abandoned mine lands.” But that really wasn’t the most offensive statement she made. Instead, it was her condescending elitism — the suggestion that miners’ jobs were dispensable because she knows what’s best for them. Worst of all was lowlife/liar-Harris’s overly simplistic, idealistic, and completely impractical claims that miners’ jobs, eliminated by government mandates, could easily transition to new equally fulfilling and well-paying careers.
It’s as if lowlife/liar-Harris and her elitist ilk view Americans and their careers like a box of Legos to be destroyed and reassembled in completely different forms, with little appreciable consequence to those whose careers have suddenly been eradicated. Recall that “Blue Collar” socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden expressed this same obtuse elitism back in December 2019 when he told a group of workers in New Hampshire, “Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well. Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God’s sake!”
The good news is that lowlife/liar-Harris’s pressure play backfired, as Manchin clearly took umbrage. “I saw [the lowlife/liar-Harris interview],” Manchin responded. “I couldn’t believe it. No one called me [about it]. We’re going to try to find a bipartisan pathway forward, but we need to work together. That’s not a way of working together.”
Making it even more obvious that this was indeed a pressure play to get Democrats in line behind socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s agenda was the fact that the one other state targeted by lowlife/liar-Harris’s local media appeal was Arizona, the home of Senator Krysten Sinema. She has expressed the unacceptable desire for a bipartisan stimulus bill. As The Federalist’s Jayme Metzgar observed, “ lowlife/liar-Harris’s media blitz was an unsubtle attempt to generate popular demand for the multi-trillion-dollar stimulus bill, pressuring Manchin and Sinema to stop agitating for bipartisan compromise and fall in line with the party.”
Manchin remains the Senate wildcard. But he’s been around long enough to recognize these partisan pressure plays, and he represents a state that is overwhelmingly red. We’ll see if Harris’s ham-handed approach only ensures that his demand of a bipartisan stimulus bill be met.
~ The Patriot Post
Christian Org Censored for Pointing Out Biology
There are some immutable truths in this world that we can all agree on: A cloudless sky is blue, gravity keeps our feet on the ground, an XY chromosome pairing produces a male human… [record player screeches] Hold on a minute. YOU CAN’T SAY THAT! shout the leftist censors.
Among socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s first acts was to hire Dr. Richard Rachel Levine as assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services. We warned that picking a so-called “transgender” individual for such a post was both pandering to a radical constituency and a trigger for silencing conservatives who have to talk about Levine and use actual facts and science to do it. It took about a week for that prophecy to come true.
The Daily Citizen, part of Focus on the Family, was suspended from Twitter for “hateful” rhetoric regarding Levine. That rhetoric? “Dr. Levine is a transgender woman, that is, a man who believes he is a woman.”
Except the Citizen’s comment is quite literally true.
According to a glowing 2016 bio in The Washington Post, “Levine does not discuss whether she took hormones or had surgery, calling it a private medical matter.” It’s not a “private medical matter” when organizations are being censored by Big Tech for attempting to explain the situation.
Reading Levine’s Wikipedia biography is like walking into George Orwell’s 1984. Just as history was revised according to whatever “Big Brother” wanted it to be at any given moment, Levine’s achievements all list him as her. Except that he didn’t even “identify” as her until after he had achieved many of those things as a man — like playing linebacker at an all-boys high school. He married and divorced a woman with whom he had two children. Yet, “She transitioned in 2011,” says Wikipedia, without elaborating on what that even means or getting the pronouns to agree chronologically. How could “she” “transition” unless he “became” “she”? And how can we even write about this stuff without confusing the heck out of people?
The answer is there’s no such thing as “transitioning.” It’s dangerous and harmful pseudoscience. Richard can go to therapy, grow his hair long, and change his name to Rachel, as Levine has. He can even dose up on hormones and undergo cosmetic body-altering surgery, which he won’t admit one way or the other. But he cannot change the immutable fact of his God-given XY chromosomes.
YOU CAN’T SAY THAT! scream the censors.
Focus on the Family President Jim Daly put it succinctly: “Big Tech titans are the new emperors of the twenty-first century, wielding an inordinate amount of power by silencing individuals and organizations that don’t comport or cave to their political or social point of view.”
And you may not point out that the emperor has no clothes. ~ The Patriot Post
Supporting Congressional Term Limits?
Congressional term limits have again become a cause célèbre among those seeking to win the support of grassroots Patriots for higher office. In one sense, the push is very understandable because our Founders desired citizen legislators, not just professional ones. But the man leading the charge, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, is placing a risky bet to bring America closer to constitutional practices. In reality, Cruz’s proposal for a limit of three terms in the House of Representatives and two terms in the Senate will have some unintended but drastic adverse consequences.
Before folks get too invested in the approach championed by Cruz, they need to keep in mind that fond hopes do not always materialize. To illustrate, we’re reminded of some particularly notorious pre-game comments in not-too-distant National Football League history. In November 2007, Todd Sauerbrun, a punter and kickoff specialist for the Denver Broncos, publicly announced his intent to not kick away from Devin Hester of the Chicago Bears, who had arguably laid claim to being the greatest return specialist of all time by the end of his second year in the NFL. It didn’t go well.
For the record, here’s how Sauerbrun’s plan worked out: Hester took a punt back 75 yards for a touchdown in the third quarter. After a Broncos score in that same quarter, Hester returned the following kickoff 88 yards for a touchdown. To put it bluntly, Sauerbrun’s faith in his teammates had some unintended adverse effects on his team, which lost the game thanks in part to Hester’s returns, and his career in the NFL, which ended after that season.
In the same way Sauerbrun had faith in his teammates’ ability to tackle Hester, Cruz is placing a lot of faith in citizen legislators to bring America closer to constitutional practices. But what is likely to happen is far different than what the hopes were. In reality, Cruz’s proposed term limits will have some unintended but drastic adverse consequences.
One of the consequences is the fact that, in general, they will result in a massive shift of power from elected lawmakers to unelected bureaucrats, lobbyists, and the legislative staffers. During Donald Trump’s administration, bureaucrats undermined him, usurped policymaking power that belonged to elected officials, and engaged in multiple abuses at the federal and state levels. This should warn against shifting power away from elected lawmakers.
If there is one thing bureaucrats know, it’s how to be dilatory and to obstruct any sort of progress. Does anyone think encouraging that behavior is a good idea?
Furthermore, with the constant inflow of new members of Congress, power would shift outside government to lobbyists, who would have far more time and experience discussing various issues than the lawmakers they’re talking to. In addition, staffers will have a lot more influence because, after all, lawmakers will be gone in the not-too-distant future, so they will be more likely to cater to lobbyists and bureaucrats as they seek a more stable paycheck in the public policy arena.
That power shift is just one negative. Another is the fact that it wouldn’t just clean out Congress of the likes of scumbag/worthless-Maxine Waters; it would also have prematurely ended the career of Orrin Hatch after the 1988 election. Does anyone think that absent Hatch’s efforts we’d have Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court? Hatch, thanks to his longevity, played key roles in the confirmation of four other justices as well. Do we throw out the good lawmakers with the bad?
Term limits are a feel-good measure that is held out as a way to rid us of bad career politicians. But there is already something that offers grassroots Patriots a chance to oust bad politicians: elections. Perhaps the effort pushing a constitutional amendment that may never pass would be better focused on the hard political work to replace bad politicians with good ones, often by changing the minds of our fellow Americans. ~The Patriot Post
scumbag/liar-nObama Judge Goes Easy on Clinesmith
In a decision that is immensely frustrating to conservatives who endured years of government officials engaging in a willful attempt to subvert and ultimately remove a duly elected president, Judge James Boasberg sentenced Kevin Clinesmith to 12 months probation and 400 hours of community service. Who is Kevin Clinesmith? He’s the individual responsible for altering an email to indicate that Carter Page was “not a source” for the CIA when in fact he was. The alteration was significant in that it paved the way for the FBI to obtain its FISA warrant to initiate surveillance on Page, who was then Donald Trump’s campaign adviser. That was the FBI’s way in to the candidate himself.
Clinesmith is the only individual to date to be charged by John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Russian-collusion hoax. Yet even he was essentially given a slap on the wrist by Judge Boasberg, a Barack scumbag/liar-nObama appointee who ridiculously contended, “Mr. Clinesmith has lost his job in government service — what has given his life much meaning.” In other words, the poor guy just made a mistake that has already cost him his job, so we really need to go easy on him.
However, Page addressed the judge and pressed against such simplistic and naïve assumptions, arguing that the damage he had personally suffered, including death threats, were due in part to Clinesmith’s criminal actions. “This manufactured scandal and associated lies caused me to adopt the lifestyle of an international fugitive for years,” Page contended. “I often have felt as if I had been left with no life at all. Each member of my family was severely impacted.”
Judge Boasberg also asserted, “Mr. Clinesmith likely believed that what he said about Mr. Page was true.” This assertion runs counter to the prosecution’s position that Clinesmith held strong animus toward Trump out of which his actions against Page flowed. The prosecution argued that Clinesmith needed to suffer prison time in order to “deter others from committing similar crimes.”
The Wall Street Journal editorial board notes, “Friday’s sentencing will fuel cynicism about two-tiered justice. While George Papadopoulos served time in prison for making false statements to the FBI, and a federal judge refused to drop charges against former national security adviser Michael Flynn after the Justice Department said they had no basis, a top law enforcement official who abused his police powers while operating in secrecy escapes with probation.”
There’s also likely a bit of rear covering at play for Boasberg. The Daily Wire observes, “It should be noted that Judge Boasberg sat on the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the secret court that granted the numerous warrants against Page. He is now the presiding judge of that court.”
Still, the big looming question remains: In exchange for this lightest of sentences, did Clinesmith serve up someone higher up the chain to Durham? If that is indeed the case, then this slap on the wrist of a low-level member of the deep-state cabal may be worth a lot more than it currently appears. ~The Patriot Post
The Lincoln Project's Dirty Little Secret
Let’s start with what we know: John Weaver, longtime rino-John McCain campaign strategist and cofounder of the Trump-hating Lincoln Project, is a 61-year-old homosexual child predator.
We know this because he’s admitted to being the former, and because one of the 21 victims of his sexual advances who have so far come forward, Cole Trickle Miele, has credibly accused him of the latter. Miele says he was just 14 when Weaver began contacting him, and not much older when Weaver began asking him whether he was still in high school, telling him he looks “older” and “taller,” and gushing about how much he wanted to “come to Vegas and take you to dinner and drinks and spoil you!!”
Suffice it to say: This is a sickening story about a sick man.
If you want the lurid details of John Weaver’s depravity from a leftist source, Maggie Astor and Danny Hakim of The New York Times have you covered. But the Times published this story just two days ago, whereas a lone journalist named Ryan Gidursky broke the story a full three weeks ago in The American Conservative.
Why, if we didn’t know better, we’d swear the Times was trying to do damage control on behalf of a creepy Trump-hating homosexual.
Interestingly, when we visit The Lincoln Project website, we see not a hint of its cofounder. No “About” page, and certainly no statement about his awful sexual predation on boys less than a third his age. But on Sunday, perhaps knowing that their guy had been outed, the stand-up dudes at The Lincoln Project defenestrated Weaver via tweet: “John Weaver led a secret life that was built on a foundation of deception at every level. He is a predator, a liar, and an abuser. We extend our deepest sympathies to those who were targeted by his deplorable and predatory behavior. We are disgusted and outraged that someone in a position of power and trust would use it for these means.”
The Lincoln boys go on like this for another hand-wringing paragraph. They tell us how they’re “absolutely shocked and sickened by it.” (Here we can’t help but think of Captain Renault in Casablanca: I’m shocked — SHOCKED — to find that homosexual predation is going in in here.) The last sentence of their tweet, though, is quite revealing: “We are grateful beyond words that at no time was John Weaver in the physical presence of any member of The Lincoln Project.” Translation: We know that the cofounder of our Trump-hating enterprise is irredeemably toxic, and we want you to know we’re as grossed out by his child sexual predation as you are.
As the Times article continues, “Lincoln Project leaders, in their first extended comments about Mr. Weaver, said they had not been aware of such allegations until this month, when articles in The American Conservative and Forensic News, and an open letter on Twitter from a data analyst named Garrett Herrin, accused Mr. Weaver of grooming young men online. Steve Schmidt, a co-founder of the group [and MSNBC’s Trump-hating Republican squish], said its leaders had learned last summer from social media posts that Mr. Weaver, who has a wife and two children, might be involved in relationships with men, but emphasized, ‘There was no awareness or insinuations of any type of inappropriate behavior when we became aware of the chatter at the time.’”
Isn’t it amazing how little some people profess to knowing about a guy whom they’ve known and worked with for years? Especially when that guy turns out to be a child sexual predator? And especially when warnings about his deviant behavior have been ignored for perhaps more than two decades?
Weaver apparently hopes that having come out as a homosexual will blunt the outrage. It shouldn’t.
What John Weaver did to these boys and young men is repugnant. May they recover fully, and may he and his enablers be forever shamed by it. ~The Patriot Post
Is socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Commited to Unity or Unilateral Action?
President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden delivered a memorable inaugural address. In lofty rhetoric intended to echo through the ages, he spoke of unity and healing to a badly fractured nation.
But though the words were noble and welcome, the speech rang hollow. That’s because, even before he delivered his address, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden had declared his intent to implement a series of highly divisive executive actions on his very first day in the Oval Office. And on that, he delivered and hasn’t stopped. A week into his presidency, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has taken an astonishing 40 executive actions — more than any president in history.
The orders address many of the issues about which Americans are most passionate, issues like the sanctity of life, immigration, climate and religious liberty. Historically, Washington has been able to bridge divides and weather disagreements over highly charged policy proposals through deliberation and debate, with fidelity to the rule of law. It’s a slow, often painfully incremental process, but it’s one that gives voice to all Americans and ultimately gets the job done.
While some executive orders are perfectly fine, what we are seeing now are examples of short-circuiting the democratic process by cutting out Congress and leaving no room for debate or dissent.
A president truly interested in healing divisions would seek first to find common ground, focusing on issues where there is much agreement and mutual interest between left and right. President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden could have demonstrated his commitment to unity by using his first day in office to take steps that address problems of deep concern to all Americans.
For example, he could have announced a three-step plan to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and ease the pain it has inflicted on American lives and livelihoods. A plan to make rapid self-tests widely available, reopen our schools and assure efficient vaccine distribution would find approval on both sides Instead, he demonstrated a desire to satiate his left-wing base by unilaterally implementing their pet policies. Unfortunately, that approach will only further divide America — and leave us less secure, with fewer economic opportunities.
Consider just two of his executive orders on climate: one canceling the Keystone XL pipeline, the other putting the U.S. back into the Paris climate agreement.
The $8 billion pipeline project has enjoyed bipartisan support for years. It offered thousands of good-paying and meaningful jobs. When completed, it would have carried up to 830,000 barrels of Canadian oil daily to refiners in the Gulf Coast, with practically no discernable environmental impact.
Blocking the project not only undermines the energy security of the United States, it will likely backfire environmentally by forcing producers to transport their crude via riskier, more inefficient methods. And the economic costs are huge. In the wake of socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s action, TC Energy, the company behind the project, announced an immediate 1,000 layoffs, with many more to come as the work winds down.
As for rejoining the Paris climate agreement, that too offers essentially zero environmental benefits at a huge cost. To have any impact whatsoever on climate, the entire world would either have to quickly change the way it consumes energy or simply remain undeveloped. Both options are devoid of reality.
When the scumbag/liar-nObama administration proposed regulations and emissions reduction targets in response to the Paris Agreement, Heritage Foundation economists estimated it would cost the average family of four more than $20,000 in lost income by 2035, an annual average loss of nearly 400,000 jobs and an aggregate GDP loss of over $2.5 trillion. Although the energy landscape has changed since then, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s stringent emissions targets would likely impose similar drastic consequences.
While the extreme left has viewed the Keystone pipeline as a symbol of evil incarnate and the Paris Agreement as all things bright and beautiful, not all Americans are eager to suffer the economic consequences of these actions — especially at a time when economic growth and job creation are so desperately needed.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s unity message made for a great speech, but his executive orders tell a different story. If our new president is going to be more interested in pandering to his base than in delivering for all Americans, he’ll go down in history not as the great healer, but as just another lip-service politician who squandered an opportunity to bring our country together. ~The Patriot Post
Can 'Systemic Racism' Be Eliminated?
Second only to his fixation on “climate change” is President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s focus on “systemic racism.” In addition to reinstating mandatory race theory training for federal employees, socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden proposes spending even more money we don’t have to fix a problem beyond the government’s reach. As with original sin, curing racism is best solved internally. It is a matter of the heart.
If racism is systemic, meaning it is embedded in white people, how is it possible to eliminate it? Do those on the receiving end of discrimination have a role to play? This is a question Democrats never address. If spending money is the key to limiting racism, more progress should have been made by now.
If white people are all inherently racist, then why have so many willingly contributed to causes and programs to lift poor people of color out of poverty to become self-sustaining? Why did so many white people vote for Barack scumbag/liar-nObama for president?
Part of the campaign against racism was Lyndon’s Johnson’s “War on Poverty.” According to the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, almost $23 trillion has been spent on programs to end poverty, but the poverty rate remains about the same. This is the definition of insanity, repeating the same behavior and expecting a different outcome.
In none of these pronouncements by socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden and the civil rights establishment does one hear about the personal responsibility of those who have the opportunity — if they make the right decisions, regardless of circumstances — to improve their lives.
Some years ago, I visited a Washington, D.C., middle school with the Rev. Jesse Jackson. The group of young people of color assembled in the school auditorium were focused on his every word. He admonished them to stay in school, study, not have kids out of wedlock and stay off drugs. It was sound advice.
Why don’t politicians cite the successes and overcoming of obstacles by those who made right choices, instead of their constant focus on those who are making wrong choices? I think it’s because especially liberal politicians need a guaranteed base of voters who are addicted to government and, thus, to them, to sustain themselves in office.
Is it racist for teachers’ unions in big cities like Chicago to keep their schools closed, denying especially minority children a proper education? They are blaming COVID for staying away, even though some scientists say children are least likely to catch the virus.
If kids are denied a quality education, they could end up in gangs, as some do. It might be argued that denying schoolchildren their right to a good education harms public safety. On an average weekend in most big cities, dozens are shot and killed. How many perpetrators of this random violence are high school or college graduates on a path to successful lives?
In his classic, multi-volume work, “Abraham Lincoln: The War Years,” Carl Sandburg writes of a meeting between a black delegation and the president one month before Lincoln issued The Emancipation Proclamation.
One of the men took notes on what Lincoln told them. Among many of his thoughts on race — some distasteful and some not — Lincoln said: “Success does not as much depend on external help as on self-reliance.” (Vol. 1, p. 575) Should that not resonate in our day?
The best approach to eliminating, or at least reducing, racism is success. Telling stories and modeling those who have overcome hardships is better than singing, “We Shall Overcome Some Day.” Following Jesse Jackson’s advice to those schoolchildren can improve any life.
~The Patriot Post