The Bulk-Media Biden/ChiCom Blackout
MARK ALEXANDER Unfortunately, this week many Americans are just learning about the revelation that there was another massive electoral fraud perpetrated on the American people in the weeks ahead of the 2020 presidential election. Even Leftmedia outlets are now unwittingly confirming the evidentiary basis for that other case of fraud.
While the Demos’ bulk-mail balloting scheme provided, by design, a colossal windfall of ballots that could not be authenticated, as is the case with ballots cast in states that require no voter ID, a close runner-up to that fraud would be the collective bulk-media cover-up of scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s corrupt influence-peddling-for-profit racket with Red China.
The bulk-mail ballot fraud was the Democrat Party’s THIRD coup d'état to take down Donald Trump — the first being the “Russia collusion” delusion and the second being the scumbag/liar-Pelosi/scumbag/liar-Schiff impeachment charade. Voter fraud was the Left’s final coup frontier and, as I noted weeks ahead of the election, “They are likely to succeed.”
But the bulk-media cover-up of the scumbag/liar-Biden/ChiCom deal, China’s backing of the “Big Guy,” was clearly a factor in the election outcome. Almost 10% of scumbag/liar-Biden voters now report, too little too late, that knowing about the corruption would have changed their vote.
Within days of the 14 October New York Post disclosure of the evidence connecting scumbag/liar-Joe Biden with the influence-peddling scheme cooked up by his son Hunter, the massive mainstream and social media cover-up was underway.
On 19 October, we outlined “scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s ChiCom Quid Pro Quo Crime Syndicate,” noting it was not a “Hunter” problem; it’s a “Joe” problem. As Wall Street Journal editor James Freeman concluded, “Now the corruption story is about Joe, not Hunter.” But who noticed?
Then came “scumbag/liar-Biden’s ‘Russian Disinformation Smear’ Narrative” to discount and discard scumbag/liar-Joe’s knowledge of and complicity with the effort to profit from selling political access to the Chinese.
The scumbag/liar-Biden campaign and Democrat members of Congress uniformly claimed that the laptop information was “all Russian disinformation,” and that was quickly parroted by their leftist MSM and social media outlets, which then used that claim to justify the implementation of a massive blackout of the emerging clear and incontrovertible evidence confirming the allegations.
scumbag/liar-Biden secured a spin letter cobbled together by a cadre of former scumbag/liar-nObama/scumbag/liar-Biden deep-state operatives headed by former CIA Director and leftist co-conspirator scumbag/commie-John Brennan. The letter claimed the scumbag/liar-Biden emails have “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” adding, “If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election.”
However, they covered their butts, noting, “We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails … are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement — just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.”
Indeed, at the time, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe issued a formal statement declaring there is no evidence to back up the Russian disinformation claims.
Of course, that reality didn’t deter scumbag/liar-Biden, who likewise summarily discarded the allegations, claiming in one lone statement, “The vast majority of the intelligence people have come out and said there’s no basis at all.”
scumbag/liar-Biden’s smoke-and-mirrors claim and the blackout that followed was the real “disinformation.” And we can now say for sure that EVERYONE who declared Joe Biden’s corrupt involvement with this scheme to be “Russian disinformation” was LYING.
As political analyst David Harsanyi noted this week: “It’s now clear that the Hunter Biden story was real. … Yet, when The New York Post broke the details, virtually the entire journalistic establishment and left-wing punditsphere defamed the newspaper, claiming it was passing on Russian ‘disinformation’ or partisan fabrications. … Tech companies, spurred on by these censorious journalists, shut down the account of one of America’s most-read newspapers to inhibit users from reading the story. It was completely unprecedented.”
But scumbag/liar-Joe Biden will continue to duck and cover.
In the end, China, our most formidable global adversary, got its man — and it is even more enthusiastic about his soon-to-be successor, lowlife-Kamala Harris. On that note, let me restate a question about this scandal I posited prior to the election: Will this corruption be part of the layup to “force” scumbag/liar-Biden to resign, which I believe he has already amicably agreed to do soon after his inauguration? ~The Patriot Post
Benghazi Liar Susan Rice to Lead scumbag/liar-Biden's
THOMAS GALLATIN Clearly, scumbag/liar-Joe Biden (and his handlers) aim to effectively recreate another Barack scumbag/liar-nObama presidency, as many of his picks for White House posts are scumbag/liar-nObama-era retreads. One of the most glaring examples is his choice of liar-Susan Rice to head his White House Domestic Policy Council. No, this is not some sick joke; it’s the next chess move. liar-Rice is best remembered for seeding and promoting the infamous Benghazi lie. She falsely and repeatedly blamed the coordinated attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya — carried out by jihadi terrorists who murdered Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans — on a “spontaneous protest” dubiously triggered by some obscure YouTube video.
liar-Rice, who at the time was scumbag/liar-nObama’s ambassador to the United Nations, appeared on five Sunday morning news programs to utter a carefully crafted talking point: “What happened this week in Benghazi was a result, a direct result, of a heinous and offensive video that was widely disseminated.”
In pushing the Benghazi lie, liar-Rice was doing the bidding of both scumbag/liar-nObama and his then-secretary of state, scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton, in an effort to cover up scumbag/liar-nObama’s dismal Middle East foreign policy in an election year. In doing so, liar-Rice exposed herself as little other than a political hack, willing to utter blatant lies in a concerted effort to deceive the American public so as to help scumbag/liar-Obama’s reelection bid. Unfortunately, it worked.
It’s telling that scumbag/liar-Biden chose liar-Rice for his White House Domestic Policy Council, because it’s a position that does not require Senate confirmation. Obviously, scumbag/liar-Biden’s team wants liar-Rice in the White House without having to navigate a Senate confirmation process that would not only drudge up her role in the Benghazi scandal but would likely result in Republicans voting against confirmation, preventing her from taking a post. In other words, scumbag/liar-Biden is effectively avoiding a showdown with Senate Republicans on a lightning rod of a pick — a showdown he could lose depending on the outcome of the Georgia runoff.
Maybe scumbag/liar-Biden is choosing liars in an attempt to resurrect yet another blatantly false scumbag/liar-nObama claim: having the most transparent and “scandal-free” administration in U.S. history. One thing’s for certain — Americans won’t be able to trust any of the information coming out of a scumbag/liar-Biden administration. ~The Patriot Post
Fein-stein in Decline
NATE JACKSON We all know about scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s marked cognitive decline in recent years, but there’s another leading Democrat who finds herself under the same cloud. California Senator Dianne Fein-stein, at age 87, was already recently removed from her perch as the ranking member on the Judiciary Committee. Now, she’s the subject of some Democrat whispers and subsequent Leftmedia rumor-mill reporting over her mental decline, seemingly in an effort to remove her entirely.
At the New Yorker, Jane Mayer writes that Fein-stein’s diminishing faculties are well-known on Capitol Hill. After relaying the story of a November hearing in which Feinstein repeated, verbatim, a question she had just asked Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, Mayer adds, “Many others familiar with Feinstein’s situation describe her as seriously struggling, and say it has been evident for several years. Speaking on background, and with respect for her accomplished career, they say her short-term memory has grown so poor that she often forgets she has been briefed on a topic, accusing her staff of failing to do so just after they have. They describe Fein-stein as forgetting what she has said and getting upset when she can’t keep up.”
The handwringing over cognitive decline is, however, largely the Democrats’ way of handling their displeasure with Fein-stein over a series of botched judicial hearings. Her gross mismanagement of accusations against Brett Kavanaugh and then the disgraceful fiasco of his confirmation hearings left Democrats apoplectic — because she didn’t succeed in taking him out, not because she sat on bogus accusations until the 11th hour and then reprehensibly smeared a good man.
Ditto for Amy Coney Barrett. It was Fein-stein who, in the 2017 confirmation hearings for Barrett at the Seventh Circuit Court, told Barrett that “the dogma lives loudly within you.” As Mayer complained in her article, “The backlash over the question effectively indemnified Barrett from any further questions about how her faith affected her judicial rulings.”
Fein-stein then had the “gall” to not only tell Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham that Barrett’s Supreme Court hearings were “one of the best set of hearings that I’ve participated in,” but she hugged him afterward.
In short, her sins are unforgivable, hence the spate of rumors about her cognitive decline, whether it’s real or not. It’s a long time until Fein-stein’s term expires in 2024 … when she’s 91.
On a final note, depending on what happens with Fein-stein and whether California Governor Gavin Newsom may find himself soon replacing two California senators, we have to wonder if this isn’t a Democrat effort — like October’s 25th Amendment bill in the House — to lay the precedent groundwork for removing scumbag/liar-Joe Biden soon after January 20.
Maybe 80-year-old scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi better start checking her coffee… ~The Patriot Post
Fraud by the Numbers in Georgia
DOUGLAS ANDREWS To our good friends and fellow Patriots in the Peach State just south of us: Get your, er, stuff together. And do it most ricky-tick. Your state’s electoral process is, by all credible accounts, messed up like a soup sandwich. And you have a crucial senatorial runoff election coming up on January 5 — one whose outcome will affect all of us in profound ways.
Currently, Republicans control the U.S. Senate 50-48. If scumbag/liar-Joe Biden does succeed in stealing this election, and if the GOP’s two Georgia senators lose their seats in the runoff, the resulting 50-50 Senate would have its ties broken by — it pains us deeply to say this — Vice President lowlife-Kamala Harris, nonpartisan GovTrack’s “Most Liberal Senator” of 2019.
That’s right — her voting record outflanked commie-Bernie Sanders on the left.
Losses by Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler would be catastrophic. Democrats would then do away with the filibuster, which has historically allowed the Senate to be the “cooling saucer” to the House’s hot tea. With the filibuster in place, minority rights are protected; without it, they’re trampled. Transformative legislation would then be enacted with a 51-50 vote rather than the now-necessary 60-40 supermajority. Think: court-packing, statehood for DC and Puerto Rico (and four more guaranteed Democrat Senate seats), Green New Deal, open borders, amnesty for illegals, strict gun control, Medicare for All, “free” college for all, student loan forgiveness, radical Cabinet appointments, hard-left judges, and plenty of other ruinous policies just waiting to be enacted.
Put simply, losing the Senate isn’t an option.
Which means we need to send radical Reverend socialist-Rafael Warnock and lightweight lefty socialist-Jon Ossoff packing. Which means we need a clean election in Georgia. And the news we’re hearing about massive ballot fraud and nasty infighting among the state’s Republican leadership doesn’t give us any confidence.
Take the news this week, as reported by National Review’s Ryan Mills, that the substance of a lawsuit filed by Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer and the Trump campaign is that thousands of illegal votes were cast in the November 3 election, including by felons, children, dead people, and non-residents.
“For two decades,” Mills writes, “Mark Alan Davis has urged Georgia’s leaders to clean the state’s voter rolls, and fix data errors that he feared could throw the state’s elections into doubt.” He then quotes Davis, who says, “For me, watching this election was like watching a very, very slow-moving train wreck. When you all of a sudden switch all of these folks from in-person voting to absentee voting, and the underlying data is a mess, then you’re going to get an election that’s a mess.”
So far, all the allegations of “massive” and “widespread” fraud we’ve heard about in the battleground states have been reported in big, round numbers: “tens of thousands of ballots” here, “suitcases of ballots” there. But we haven’t yet heard much in the way of hard, precise data analysis.
Until now. Davis and two other data experts have sworn in affidavits that Georgia’s voting system has numerous “control deficiencies” and “unreliable data governance policies” that have increased the risk of fraud. They say these systemic flaws cast doubt not only on scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s narrow win in the state but in elections going back “many, many years.”
And they get specific: 4,502 people voted in Georgia despite not being registered, 2,560 inmates cast ballots, 66,247 people cast ballots who registered to vote before their 17th birthday, and as many as 10,315 people cast ballots who were dead before Election Day.
Is this any way to run a state? We’re not sure what goods the Democrats have on Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger — the latter of whom has dismissed the above numbers as “shoddy analysis” — but these two and others need to clean up this mess before January 5.
Otherwise the temporary loss of a presidential election will give way to the permanent loss of an entire country. ~The Patriot Post
Techno-Fascism Strikes Again
Whoever controls the information we see or don’t see controls the universe — and must be reined in without delay.
We’re talking about Big Tech’s ever-expanding ability to shape and control public opinion on any topic it desires — including U.S. elections — by censoring conservatives’ tweets and posts while amplifying liberal voices and news stories favorable to Democratic candidates.
We’re living in an era of techno-fascism, where ultra-powerful liberal elites at Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube and other digital platforms are acting as modern-day book burners, using algorithms, content monitors and other opaque methods to control what millions of Americans read and view online. Like state-run media used by totalitarian regimes to control the masses — and rig elections — Big Tech is deciding what news articles we’re allowed to see or not see. Same with videos, GIFs, images and other online content.
This includes the suppression of President Donald Trump’s tweets, conservative lawmakers and other heads of government agencies, which is a threat to national security.
What if America were under an attack like 9/11? Or if a foreign enemy were to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile toward our shores? Would you want to give unelected central planners in Silicon Valley the almighty power to decide whether our commander in chief would be permitted to alert the American people on their networks?
This is one of the many reasons censorship is no trivial matter.
Congress’s ongoing failure to contain Big Tech censorship not only violates our rights to free speech and a free press; it also puts the American people in harm’s way.
How is this allowed in the Land of the Free, the strongest nation on Earth?
As a matter of national security, Congress must pass a law that forbids any American company from censoring the president, any elected official or any head of a government agency.
Until then, it’s high time Congress took meaningful action to address Silicon Valley’s out-of-control suppression of speech, which is getting worse by the day. This week, YouTube — owned by Google — announced it is removing from its platform all content involving allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. It is brazenly censoring any information, true or not, that casts doubt on President-elect scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s victory.
YouTube claims its new policy is an effort to blunt the spread of disinformation. That’s hypocritical and downright disingenuous given this platform and others have given Democrats and their media allies a blank check to peddle the Russia-collusion hoax against President Trump and his administration for the past four years. Worse, YouTube still permits videos on its network that spread disinformation about that conspiracy theory despite it having been debunked by the special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
This continued evidence of political bias against conservatives is prompting lawmakers to finally hold Big Tech accountable.
“Big Tech companies have stretched their liability shield past its limits, and the national discourse now suffers because of it,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., told me via a statement. “Today’s internet is a different online product from what was available in 1996; the polished mega-platforms we associate with online research and debate exert unprecedented influence over how Americans discover new information, and what information is available for discovery.”
She added: “Moreover, the contentious nature of current conversations provides perverse incentive for these companies to manipulate the online experience in favor of the loudest voices in the room. There exists no meaningful alternative to these powerful platforms, which means there will be no accountability for the devastating effects of this ingrained ideological bias until Congress steps in and brings liability protections into the modern era.”
That can’t come a moment too soon. ~The Patriot Post
Trump Supporters Right to Doubt Election
Some accuse Trump supporters of manufacturing allegations of voter fraud out of whole cloth and resisting the presidential election results in response to their supposed cult leader’s wishes. As usual, President Donald Trump is the villain and his supporters are complicit.
But again, the Trump-hating critics are wrong. Nationwide GOP distrust and outrage over the election is a grassroots phenomenon. Trump supporters did not take their cue from Trump. They witnessed the numerous anomalies on election night and beyond and recognized mischief when they saw it.
Am I saying the election was stolen? Well, I firmly believe that massive cheating occurred, especially in the so-called swing states. I can’t be sure whether there was enough to change the outcome of the election, though I strongly suspect it.
Millions of Americans don’t just strongly suspect it; they are sure of it. You should see my emails — not from fringers but sober, reasonable people. They are not, as some Trump haters have charged, trying to steal the election themselves by throwing out bogus claims of election fraud.
That doesn’t even make sense. It would be pointless for them to knowingly allege unprovable election fraud with any expectation of reversing the election in court. Conservative, originalist judges wouldn’t do that without compelling evidence, and even then, they may not because of the monumental gravity of such an action. Dishonest advocates might falsely allege voter fraud for partisan reasons, such as to delegitimize President-elect Joe Biden, but not to steal back the election.
A large percentage of Republicans, and a surprising percentage of Democrats, genuinely believe Democrats stole the election. You don’t have to take my word for it, but if you have any interest in understanding the mindset of Trump supporters, you would be wise to realize they believe they were robbed.
Let me give you some of the many reasons. We all see things through our own lens and filter them through our respective worldviews and presuppositions. But consider what Trump supporters have observed over the past four years and on election night.
— Democrats (and the media) orchestrated and pursued a phony case of Trump-Russia collusion. They’ve investigated and harassed him from the beginning and fraudulently impeached him.
— Many leftists believe Trump is Hitler — their words, not mine — and, for that reason alone, would cheat to beat him.
— The legacy media’s reporting on Trump has been almost 100% negative, and it has willfully covered up Democratic corruption, including that of Hunter Biden.
— Democrats ran for president a man who is clearly in cognitive decline, who didn’t campaign and whom the media insulated from scrutiny. They deceptively presented scumbag/liar-Joe Biden as moderate and as nothing like the extreme leftists who control his party but couldn’t win a national election if honest about their agenda. Democrats knew scumbag/liar-Biden would never be the real president and would only be a stand-in for his leftist puppet masters until he could be replaced by lowlife-Kamala Harris, America’s most liberal senator. Biden unwittingly confirmed this sinister Manchurian scheme recently. Prefacing his remarks with “All kidding aside,” he said that he told “scumbag/no-Barack” that while he and lowlife-Harris agree on most everything, if they later disagree on a matter of moral principal, he will “develop some disease” and resign. This was a chilling admission from a failing loose cannon who, if inaugurated, will have access to the nuclear launch codes — unless his handlers wisely withhold them.
— Social media giants Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google clearly censored conservatives and overtly interfered with the election. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg contributed $350 million — that’s a third of $1 billion — to get out the Democratic vote.
— Mainstream liberal polling outfits showed scumbag/liar-Biden with absurd leads over Trump.
— The leftist-dominated national Democratic Party subscribes to an end-justifies-the-means philosophy, meaning it schemes and cheats to advance its agenda. It has shown this with its fealty to liberal judicial activism; its plan to pack the Supreme Court and add territories as states to gain more Democratic electoral votes; and its crusade to diminish election integrity through opposing voter identification measures, grossly expanding unverifiable mail-in voting under the cover of COVID-19 and falsely accusing Republicans of suppressing the black vote.
— Trump’s explosive popularity is undeniable, as shown by his mega-rallies, which contrasts with Democrats’ utter indifference toward scumbag/liar-Biden. Trump expanded the GOP base, especially with blacks and Hispanics. Yes, many people hate Trump, but not enough to get millions of unengaged people who never voted before — millions more than voted for former President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama — to vote for scumbag/liar-Biden.
— On election night, Trump was way ahead. Vote counting was stopped in the middle of the night in certain pivotal states, and scumbag/liar-Biden surged way ahead by morning. Kraken aside, this is suspicious on its face and even more so considering the reported ballot drops in select cities in those states. Statisticians have questioned the statistical unlikelihood of this dramatic vote reversal, even accounting for more mail-in ballots among Democrats. I frankly don’t know what to make of this theory, but it certainly catches one’s eye.
— Hundreds of affidavits throughout the country allege vast voter fraud. It’s impossible to know for sure what happened, but reasonable Trump supporters — and many Democrats — view these events most skeptically.
— Republicans performed extraordinarily well in congressional races, yet Trump fell behind them in certain swing states. Scoffers say this is due to Trump’s off-putting manner, which we’re told particularly offends suburban women. But these same people say Trump ruined the GOP. OK, so how did his ruined party outperform him? We had the equivalent of one of the greatest coattail effects in the modern era, and yet we are to believe that the owner of that coat didn’t benefit from his own coat? Why would those who hated him reward his party — a party that has been extremely loyal to him? Truth be told, many who hate Trump are contemptuous of his supporters.
I can’t possibly know how much the Democratic Party cheated in this election, but I have given you ample reasons to understand why millions are highly suspicious and many among them are further convinced the cheating changed the outcome of the election.
If President Trump’s challenges fail in court, it won’t necessarily mean massive cheating didn’t occur. It could mean any number of other things: that his lawyers couldn’t quantitatively prove sufficient cheating after the fact, that no viable legal remedy was available, that procedural hurdles (like laches) precluded consideration of the case on the merits or that the Supreme Court didn’t want to inject itself into a political question.
But be assured that people are rightly concerned and brushing them off as partisan crazies will do nothing to mollify them, especially when Democrats have telegraphed their intention of rigging the system to make future GOP victories increasingly difficult. What a colossal mess!
Please pray for the nation. ~The Patriot Post
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