The Demos’ 1/6 Capitol Theater Commission
You may have heard… On January 6, 2021, there was an “insurrection” in the Capitol building — apparently a much more egregious assault on that building than that inflicted when the British visited in 1814.
Predictably, as a final chapter of Trump Derangement Syndrome while he was still in office, Demo Rep. scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi and her Senate sidekick, Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer, immediately seized on the riot as theatrical fodder for the 2022 midterm elections.
Let’s review.
On that unfortunate January day, after former President Donald Trump held a rally down the road, some outlying miscreants at that rally, spurred on by conspiracy theory luminaries such as InfoWars chief Alex Jones and others, unlawfully entered the Capitol building to disrupt the Electoral College process. A few of those protesters disgracefully attacked police, but most trespassed in the building without causing harm or damage.
As I noted in my original analysis regarding this shameful incident, the reason Capitol Police were not prepared for that fringe mob is that all law enforcement agencies expected Trump rally supporters to act like they always have — with civility and respect. There was no reason to believe that some fraction of 1% of those attending the Trump rally would resort to the riotous thuggery otherwise associated with “peaceful” leftist protests. Heretofore, that has been the standard modus operandi of the so-called “Black Lives Matter” Marxists and their like-minded “antifa” fascists.
Unlike all those leftist protests across the nation, there was only one actual casualty of the Capitol riot — an unarmed young veteran named Ashli Babbitt, who was shot dead by a Capitol Police officer. There has been no further public investigation — yet.
Though scumbag/liar-Pelosi and scumbag/liar-Schumer desecrated the death of Officer Brian Sicknick, claiming he was murdered by protesters and then using his funeral as a theatrical prop for Pelosi’s proposed “9/11-type” commission to investigate the riot, it was determined, after a three-month delay, that Brian’s death was not the result of the false narrative propagated by scumbag/liar-Pelosi and scumbag/liar-Schumer and their Leftmedia propagandists. Furthermore, it should be noted that, by way of invoking the 9/11 Islamist attack on our nation in reference to her “commission,” scumbag/liar-Pelosi also managed to use the deaths of all the victims who perished that fateful day as political fodder.
Notably, the 9/11 Commission was officially mandated to “investigate and report to the President and Congress on its findings, conclusions, and recommendations for corrective measures that can be taken to prevent acts of terrorism.” scumbag/liar-Pelosi’s 1/6 commission is almost identically mandated to “investigate and report to the President and the Congress on its findings, conclusions, and recommendations for corrective measures … that could be taken to prevent future acts of targeted violence and domestic.”
To advance their charade, scumbag/liar-Pelosi and scumbag/liar-Schumer arranged to have the National Guard called in and established security perimeters around the Capitol grounds and other key buildings — essentially $500 million in taxpayer-funded props around their theatrical set.
scumbag/liar-Pelosi padded the props with a “Congressional Gold Medal” for the Capitol Police, who a few weeks earlier she and scumbag/liar-Schumer had implicated as racists. Then there was another special “Capitol deployment ribbon” for all the Guard extras. (I should note that these token awards were not welcomed by many Capitol Police and military participants.)
For the record, the only Capitol grounds assault since January 6, despite all the security, was the murder of Capitol Police Officer William Evans by a radical black Islamist — who was then shot and killed as he attempted to assault another officer.
Fast-forward to this week.
The massive federal manhunt that followed the Capitol riot has resulted in 429 arrests for varying offenses from unlawful entry and trespassing to destruction of property and assault. Of those, 53 have been detained. There has been only one guilty plea.
Meanwhile, there were tens of thousands of assaults and thousands of murders across the nation over the last year, primarily in Democrat-controlled urban centers, that remain unsolved with no arrests.
And the Demos’ DC response reflects their penchant for double standards regarding the condemnation of riots and rioters. As historian Victor Davis Hanson confirmed, last year the nation endured months of “torching federal courthouses and police precincts, 700 policeman injured, 40 people dead, [and] $4-$5 billion in damages.” Among those dead were actual murdered police officers. That notwithstanding, not only was there not universal condemnation from Demos, but in many cases there was support for the violence — including from our current vice president, who this past summer said, “They’re not gonna let up, and they should not.”
Timed with the departure of the National Guard personnel, scumbag/liar-Pelosi called for a vote on her “bipartisan commission” to investigate the January riot, which was approved. Thirty-five Republicans supported the commission idea because, if approved by the Senate, it will open the door to a broader investigation than just what Pelosi envisions, including a probe into the death of Ashli Babbitt and scumbag/liar-Pelosi’s use of Brian Sicknick’s death as political fodder.
In the Senate, scumbag/liar-Schumer is ramping up the theatrics, calling the riot “the greatest attempted insurrection since the Civil War.” Ah, an angle to infuse the investigation with the Demos’ hate-hustler narrative. But the proposal is meeting with vigorous resistance from Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Let me be clear: I do not support any of the actions of the jackass Capitol protesters, who apparently lacked any modicum of self-awareness sufficient to temper their actions, which set up the scumbag/liar-Pelosi/ scumbag/liar-Schumer “investigation” charade.
But if the commission is approved in the Senate and there is an actual investigation, Democrats, including socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris, may wish they had been more careful about proposing this sham investigation. ~The Patriot Post
Christmas in July — More Direct Government Checks
So said President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden earlier this week as he touted aspects of the American Rescue Plan, part of a broader, bipartisan $1.9 trillion (mostly not) COVID relief bill passed earlier this year. But his words aren’t anything new. For nearly a century, Democrats (and even some Republicans) have conditioned Americans into thinking they need government assistance to survive.
Contrast socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s language with that of former President Ronald Reagan, who famously said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
Indeed, that mantra took such hold that even former President scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton declared in 1996, “The era of big government is over.”
Well, those days are over.
Americans used to be independent and too proud to live off the government dole, but government handouts are no longer looked down upon. They’re expected.
Tapping into this enthusiasm, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is making the newly increased Child Tax Credit a monthly direct payment to individual parents making under $75,000 per year and parents filing jointly who earn less than $150,000 per year. According to USA Today, “Roughly 39 million households, covering 88% of children in the U.S., will receive the monthly payments.” The payments are set to begin on July 15.
Recipients don’t even need to pay taxes or fill out a form to qualify. In July, millions of Americans will log into their bank accounts and the money will be there. At a time when unemployment benefits exceed the minimum wage, causing employers to desperately scramble to find workers, this additional “entitlement” is going to have some detrimental economic effects.
Once everyone is accustomed to seeing direct deposits from Uncle Sam, fewer people are going to oppose them. Even some Americans typically opposed to drinking out of the government trough now gladly cash those checks.
One of the evil characteristics of socialism is that it takes advantage of people by claiming to help them. It’s incremental, but never repealed. Democrats have always needed a dependent class to hold onto power, but now they’ve got a dependent nation.
Under the current plan, the benefits are set to expire at the end of the year, but President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden wants to extend the program … until 2025. (Would the fact that a Republican president might take office then have anything to do with that arbitrary date selection?) Most Democrats, unsurprisingly, want this regular government check to become permanent.
According to the Washington Examiner, socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden is “casting a wider federal safety net that draws the ire of Republicans who fear the start of a full-blown welfare state.”
It’s decades late for Republicans to be fearful. The Left’s “Great Society” welfare state is bigger and bolder than ever, and Republicans have their fingerprints all over it. Despite largely opposing Biden’s $1.9 trillion plan, the GOP’s half-trillion-dollar alternative was a concession to socialism, not opposition.
The Democrats’ child allowance increase will add “almost $110 billion to the budget this year alone,” says American Enterprise Institute fellow Matt Weidinger. “The lion’s share of those new costs — and all of the increases for part-time workers and the unemployed — reflect new benefits paid for by others, not relief from taxes a recipient would otherwise owe.”
You can’t really blame Republicans too much. They’re up against an unwinnable fight. Fewer people remember a big tax cut than remember a direct deposit from the U.S. Treasury.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is Santa Claus and every day is Christmas. What’s not to like?
Sure, we’ve got to lend a hand to the less fortunate — those hit especially hard by largely Democrat-imposed pandemic shutdowns — but taking hard-earned money from one group of Americans and giving it to those sitting at home playing video games or trying their hand at microbrewing is downright criminal.
Conventional wisdom says socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and President-in-Waiting lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris will scare Americans into voting Republican in the 2022 midterms, but don’t count on it. Any GOP candidate opposing checks for hurting Americans will be portrayed as cruel and heartless.
In the long run, the price to pay for this socialism will be more than the Fed’s printing press can handle. Maybe then we’ll wake up from our Christmas dream and realize that socialism only works for those in power.
~The Patriot Post
The Misery of the Maskaholics
Meet Joe. He’s a professional photographer and musician from Albany, and he got his COVID-19 vaccination earlier this month. And yet even today, he sticks to a safety protocol he’s had for 14 months. Whenever he goes out, he dons an N95 surgical mask, then a cloth mask over that, and then a pair of goggles. And he plans to keep doing this for at least the next five years.
As the New York Times’s Sarah Maslin Nir writes, “Even as a combination of evolving public health recommendations and pandemic fatigue lead more Americans to toss the masks they have worn for more than a year, [Joe] is among those who say they plan to keep their faces covered in public indefinitely.”
Indefinitely? What gives?
We’re not mocking this man; we just want to understand. As Nir continues, “For people like [Joe], a combination of anxiety, murky information about new virus variants and the emergence of an obdurate and sizable faction of vaccine holdouts means mask-free life is on hold — possibly forever.” (Leave it to the Times to choose “obdurate” when “stubborn” would’ve worked perfectly well.)
There’s clearly a political component to all this. Progressives have been more willing to abide by their government’s masking and lockdown orders, while conservatives have been less so. Think: blue state versus red state, tyranny versus Liberty. In fact, when we overlay two U.S. maps, one showing the level of mask compliance and the other showing 2020 voting preference, we see remarkable similarity. socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is Mr. Mask, after all, and Nancy Pelosi has, to use Teamspeak, obdurately refused to lift her masking rule on the House floor, despite the CDC’s clear guidance to the contrary.
Indeed, the only thing scumbag/liar-Pelosi finds more appealing than power is hypocrisy, and the latter was on full display yesterday afternoon, when she doubled down on her anti-scientific masking mandate: “What is this, the honor system? The honor system, as to whether somebody’s been vaccinated? Do you want them breathing in your face on the strength of their honor? … We have a responsibility to make sure that the House of Representatives chamber is not a Petri dish for the, uh, because of the selfishness of some not to be vaccinated.”
Later that day, though, she was seen chatting away, unmasked and mere inches away from other unmasked lawmakers. At least one of them appeared to be a fellow Democrat, Ted Lieu, and perhaps the others were, too. Which means scumbag/liar-Pelosi’s “Petri dish” fears are phony, and so are her “honor system” objections — except for members of her own political party.
But politics can’t explain it all. This dawned on this writer just last weekend, when he saw a young, healthy-looking couple walking down the middle of a quiet residential street, both of them masked up, and nary another soul near them. What possible political statement is being made by that?
Allahpundit tells of an even more bizarre occurrence in San Francisco, where a resident, Rebecca Kee, recently decided to take a neighborhood walk sans mask. “Then a man with two children, all masked, darted into the street to avoid her. When she told him there was new guidance, the man told Kee she was lying and he hoped her family would get sick and die.” So there’s that.
National Review’s Michael Brendan Dougherty thinks it’s time for a mass deprogramming. “It’s as if a circuit has been fused,” he writes. “While caution and restrictive behavior can be justified by a conscience informed by the risks, the human mind can also make calculations based on superstition. And one frighteningly common one is the equation of science with truth, fear with realism, and caution with virtue.”
As for the science, one-time lefty Glenn Greenwald’s observation was typically spot-on: “For the last year, anyone questioning let alone rejecting CDC/WHO guidance on COVID was vilified as an anti-science crank, to the point of being censored off the internet. Yet it’s now totally common for liberals with no scientific training to go on TV and reject new CDC guidance.”
Hmm … politics might not explain it all, but it seems to explain a lot. ~The Patriot Post
Cease-Fire Only After Israel Deals Big Blows to Hamas
The latest chapter in the seemingly unending conflict between Israel and Hamas-controlled Palestinian territory came to a close earlier today, with the two sides agreeing to a “mutual cease-fire.” In truth, it was “mutual” only because Israeli military forces accomplished their goal of deterring the immediate Hamas threat. After 11 days of fighting to respond to the unprovoked rocket barrage launched by Hamas militants, Israel met its objectives — key Palestinian leaders were taken out via implementing a strategy to hammer them hard and then step back.
Hamas suffered a significant defeat, as demonstrated by the lopsided death toll. Even the Hamas propagandists in the Associated Press acknowledge the overwhelming results: “Israeli strikes killed more than 200 militants, including 25 senior commanders, and hit more than 100 kilometers (60 miles) of militant tunnels.” By contrast, despite more than 4,000 Hamas rockets being fired, Israel’s “Iron Dome” blocked 90% of them and just 12 Israelis were killed.
Following the cease-fire news, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden was quick to take credit. “Over the last 11 days, I spoke with the [Israeli] prime minister six times,” he said. “I’ve also spoken with President Abbas and the Palestinian Authority more than once as part of our intense diplomatic engagement. And I want to also thank the secretary of state, the secretary of defense, our national security adviser, and everyone on our team for their incredible efforts to bring this about, this outcome that we’re about to see." Of course, socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden taking credit for the accomplishments of others is par for the course.
Meanwhile, Hamas leadership claimed victory. Palestinians celebrated the cease-fire by waving Palestinian and Hamas flags in the streets of Gaza and setting off fireworks. A Gaza shop owner put into words the reason why this conflict is doomed to continue: "Life will return, because this is not the first war, and it will not be the last war. The heart is in pain, there have been disasters, families wiped from the civil registry, and this saddens us. But this is our fate in this land, to remain patient.” To highlight it again: “It will not be the last war.”
The maddening reality is that peace could actually be a reality if all the Arab countries around Israel would accept the Palestinians, but none ever do, in part because violent malcontents make a better geopolitical bargaining chip than they do citizens.
Unfortunately, false narratives surrounding the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians have been propagated in the U.S. to the point where American Jews are experiencing a dangerous wave of anti-Semitism. This anti-Semitism is being stoked by Critical Race Theory’s “equity” ideology that classifies the Palestinians as the victims, irrespective of their leadership’s anti-Israel terrorism. And the Democrat Party is now the primary vehicle for this vile ideology. ~The Patriot Post
Good News for the GOP
It could be worse, fellow deplorables. You could be a Democrat.
Oh, sure, the GOP is powerless to set the agenda these days — powerless to hold hearings, and powerless to bring legislation to the floor. But you could be staring at three and a half more years of Jolt-less socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden as your party’s standard-bearer, and Unlikeable lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris as your error apparent.
Yep, it could be a lot worse.
Things are actually looking up, in fact — and not just because everything looks up when you’re flat on the floor. Even Democrat pollsters are taking notice. The Washington Examiner’s David Drucker writes:
Republican voters are united behind former President Donald Trump and enthusiastic about putting a check on President
socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden in 2022 as GOP infighting in Washington fails to translate outside the Beltway. That is the conclusion of a fresh survey from veteran Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg, who measured Republican voters’ fidelity to Trump and their intensity as it relates to participation in next year’s midterm elections. Greenberg discovered that three-quarters of the Republican electorate takes its cues from Trump and GOP voters overall are, by 11 percentage points, more interested in 2022 than Democrats.
November 8, 2022, is still an eon away, but that 11-point enthusiasm gap is considerable, and it correlates strongly with voter turnout. And voter turnout is the only thing that’ll force scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi to twist her lips and turn over the speaker’s gavel to Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
The big takeaway from this Democracy Corps poll, though, is that the Republican Party is the party of Donald Trump until he says otherwise. “The Trump loyalists [and the] Trump aligned … form a breathtaking, three quarters of the party in the electoral battleground states and districts that will decide who leads the country,” writes Greenberg. “With such high early engagement of Republicans and white working-class voters in this survey, it means the era of Donald Trump shaping the electorate is not over either.”
As for the rino-Liz Cheney dustup, it really hasn’t fractured the Republican Party at all, much to the dismay of the Democrats and their Leftmedia lickspittles. As our Thomas Gallatin wrote recently, “rino-Cheney sealed her own fate with her refusal to back off countering Donald Trump’s claims about a stolen election, as well as her continued vehement and vocal opposition to Trump himself. She frustrated a majority of House Republicans who recognize that Trump is still a major leader in the party and who want a unified focus on countering Joe Biden and the Democrats’ radical agenda, not relitigating the 2020 election.”
Gallatin’s assessment is also borne out by the polling: As a recent CBS News poll showed, “Eighty percent of Republicans who’d heard about the vote agree with rino-Cheney’s removal — they feel she was off-message, unsupportive of Mr. Trump, and that she’s wrong about the 2020 presidential election.”
We know what you’re thinking: It’s a trap! Those lying leftist pollsters are setting us up!
We’re not so sure. Nor is National Review’s Rich Lowry. In fact, he’s downright bullish. “The GOP Future Is Bright,” blares the headline of today’s column. “All indications,” he writes, “are that GOP voters are united and energized, and the party is doing what’s necessary to make Kevin McCarthy the next speaker, which would instantly squash the never-very-plausible talk of socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden being the next FDR. The foundation of the GOP’s unity, of course, is that Donald Trump effortlessly maintained his control of the GOP. The anticipated civil war came and went with barely a shot fired.”
So there you have it. Have a great weekend. ~The Patriot Post
Divisions in Oregon Typify American Politics
“For 220 years, the injustice of taxation without representation has lived on in Washington, D.C.,” complained DC Mayor Muriel Bowser earlier this year. Her push “to finally right this wrong” involves the Democrat pet project of statehood for the constitutionally distinct federal District of Columbia. It’s a bastardization of the “no taxation without representation” slogan of the American Revolution, but the good people of eastern Oregon have said, Hey, maybe they’re onto something.
Earlier this week, voters in five Oregon counties — Baker, Grant, Lake, Malheur, and Sherman — approved measures to recommend the process of seceding from the state and joining neighboring Idaho. Jefferson and Union counties passed similar measures last year, and there’s a push for more to make a contiguous Idaho. The argument is that the more conservative eastern portion of the state is clearly not being represented by the more populous, powerful, and very leftist western side.
According to The Hill, “Oregon voters favored President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden over former President Trump by a 56 percent to 40 percent margin in 2020, but voters in those five rural counties gave between 69 percent and 79 percent of the vote to Trump.” Democrats in Portland — and their lawless vagabonds filling the ranks of antifa — have a stranglehold on the state, and voters in the eastern half clearly aren’t feeling socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s “unity.”
“This election proves that rural Oregon wants out of Oregon. If Oregon really believes in liberal values such as self-determination, the Legislature won’t hold our counties captive against our will,” said Mike McCarter, president of Citizens for Greater Idaho, which is pushing for Idaho to absorb 22 of Oregon’s 36 counties and even some of California’s and Washington’s. “If we’re allowed to vote for which government officials we want, we should be allowed to vote for which government we want as well.”
Obviously, this is not going to happen anytime soon. Idaho’s legislature may readily agree to bring in more land and population, but the shift would also require the approval of the Oregon legislature and the U.S. Congress. Oregon isn’t going to do so for a number of reasons, but there’s really only one that matters: The state legislature has strong Democrat majorities — 37-23 in the House, and 18-11 in the Senate with one Independent. While letting Republican areas leave would actually solidify Democrat control over Oregon, they have little reason to empower their political opponents while letting go of tax revenue and nearly three-quarters of the state’s territory.
Moreover, approval from Congress for such splits has come only three times in our nation’s history. Kentucky was born out of Virginia in 1792, Maine separated from Massachusetts in 1820, and West Virginia seceded from Virginia in 1863. There’s also a move afoot to split California into three states, but let’s just say it’s been a while since this happened.
The real story here is the serious division between conservatives and leftists. Again, despite socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s promise to bring “unity,” Democrats have only sown hatred and division for years now. Given that a significant number of residents in one state have decided divorce is better than living under the same “roof,” how much longer can we expect our country to abide its deep divisions? ~The Patriot Post
LPGA Looking to Erase Women’s Sport
For the first time, a “transgender” individual has won an LPGA event. Hailey Davidson’s par putt on the 18th hole secured his victory over the field of biological women. Not only did Davidson defeat his female opponents on that day, but he also received an email from the USGA stating that he’d met its Gender Policy for eligibility. Davidson is now hopeful that the LPGA will also give him the green light to compete on the women’s tour.
Davidson, who clearly struggles with gender dysphoria, recently had sex “reassignment” surgery after years of taking hormones in his attempt to force his body to comport with his “gender identity.” Davidson’s story should garner sympathy for an individual struggling with such significant mental delusions. Instead, he’s just the unfortunate pawn of the Rainbow Mafia in its unending drive to destroy the nation’s sexual mores.
This latest episode only highlights the danger of another very real issue — the systematic elimination of women’s sports. Oh, there will still be “women’s” sports, but everything will be classified by “gender identity” and not biological reality, giving a distinct advantage to the men who compete. Women’s sports in name only. Thus is the “fairness” of “woke.” As political commentator Joel Abbott sarcastically observes, “If you’re a woman and you think this an erasure of your very existence, just remember that letting biological males dominate your sports is how we defeat sexism and the patriarchy once and for all!” ~The Patriot Post
Why Do We Keep Repeating Bad Democrat Ideas?