The Patriot Post ~ 8

Beltway Elites Kick National Guard to the Curb


“Yesterday,” said the anonymous Guardsman, “dozens of senators and congressmen walked down our lines taking photos, shaking our hands, and thanking us for our service. Within 24 hours, they had no further use for us and banished us to the corner of a parking garage. We feel incredibly betrayed.”

As well they should.

Our National Guardsmen, summoned to DC from across the nation to protect socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and his fellow Chicken Little Democrats from the Trump-supporting hordes who never showed, had been staying within the Capitol confines, including the Dirksen Senate Office building, while they rotated through their 12-hour security shifts. Then the Capitol Police summarily told them to grab their gear and get the hell out. No explanation. From there, as Politico reports, “The group was forced to rest in a nearby parking garage without internet reception, with just one electrical outlet, and one bathroom with two stalls for 5,000 troops, the person said. Temperatures in Washington were in the low 40s by nightfall.”

Our National Guardsmen are tough enough, and they’ve no doubt gone to ground under worse conditions. But still, why would the Capitol Police treat them so shabbily?

Apparently, a single Guardsman was found to be without a mask somewhere in a federal building — and that was just too much for one Massachusetts Democrat.

As Breitbart reports, “According to a source, Rep. Will Keating (D-MA) reported to the Capitol building authorities earlier in the day that a National Guardsman was seen in a Dunkin’ Donuts without a mask on. After Keating commented out loud that masks were required to be worn at all times in a federal building, the National Guard member responded, ‘I appreciate my freedom,’ according to the source.”

It’s unclear where, exactly, the Dunkin’ Donuts is located, but suffice it to say that National Guard commanders are now looking for the Guardsman who dared fire back at some smart-mouthed Mask Nazi in a donut shop.

It’s also unclear why Keating hasn’t made so much as a peep about socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and his family having very publicly flouted that very same mask mandate. Did it ever occur to Keating that maybe this Guardsman, having just finished protecting the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden inaugural from the mortal threat of a legion of Trump supporters, was simply “celebrating,” like the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden family was?

Why, it’s almost as if these Democrats are guilty of hypocrisy.

A day earlier, Keating had staged a little photo op with some Guardsmen from his home state. “Grateful for the opportunity today to thank some of the members of @TheNationsFirst deployed to DC from MA,” Keating tweeted for the folks back home. “Thank you to all the guardsmen and guardswomen (from all 54 guards) who have stepped away from family and work to protect the seat of our democracy [sic]. A job well done!”

Oooh, but if I catch just one of you 26,000 without a mask

We’ll say this: Those Beltway folks sure do have some mighty clean parking garages. If only someone could’ve sprung for another couple of Porta-Johns for our troops.

Word of this travesty spread quickly, and Republicans took to Twitter to take the Democrats to task. “Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer,” demanded House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, “why are American troops who are tasked with keeping security at the Capitol being forced to sleep in a parking lot? They deserve to be treated with respect, and we deserve answers.”

The Guardsmen were allowed back into the Capitol Thursday night, but the message from our Beltway elite had already been sent and received.

“If this is true, it’s outrageous,” harrumphed Senate Majority Leader Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer. “I will get to the bottom of this.”

It is true, scumbag/liar-Chuck. And it was outrageous. And our troops deserved better.   ~ The Patriot Post


socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden's COVID Reset

Following his inauguration before a near-empty National Mall Wednesday — thanks to the political theatrics of 26,000 National Guard troops present to “prevent violence” and “protect the Capitol” — socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden got busy signing 17 executive orders and acts.

One executive order in particular, socialist/scumbag/liar- Biden’s “100 days to mask” mandate on all federal property, proved to be little other than a publicity stunt designed to promulgate a narrative that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is serious about “following the science” in his efforts to end the COVID pandemic. Never mind the fact that the wearing of masks has become nearly ubiquitous in all federal buildings, as well as in airports and most businesses across the country. Furthermore, almost all the states have followed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 guidelines.

However, when it came to actually following his own EO, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden couldn’t be bothered. He and his family were caught Wednesday evening touring the Lincoln Memorial not wearing masks. When White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was questioned about it the next day, she dismissively responded, “I think we have bigger issues to worry [about].” Well, so much for all that talk about mask-wearing being a “patriotic duty.”

Speaking of COVID and socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration narratives, the effort to paint the Trump administration’s response to combat the pandemic as an abysmal failure went into full swing yesterday, as CNN headlined, “ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden inheriting nonexistent coronavirus vaccine distribution plan and must start ‘from scratch,’ sources say.” Of course, those sources were unnamed socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration officials, and they were clearly speaking fiction.

This fake news is reminiscent of Barack scumbag/liar- nObama’s repeated claim upon entering office in 2009 that he was actually inheriting an economy in worse shape than originally reported. America was then subject to a steady stream of excuses in the following years. scumbag/liar-nObama always blamed the Bush administration for his failure to get the economy out of the great recession. Now the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is setting up to play that same “blame the other guy” game.

On Thursday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden chose to keep in his role leading the government’s effort in combating the pandemic, responded to a question from the press regarding this newly seeded narrative.

“Is the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration starting from scratch with the vaccine distribution effort, or are you picking up where the Trump administration left off?” a reporter asked. Fauci answered, “No. I mean, we’re certainly not starting from scratch, because there is activity going on in the distribution. … So, [socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s plan] is taking what’s gone on and amplifying it in a big way.” The reporter then pressed, “President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden said that what was left was abysmal. … Is there anything actionable that you’re taking from the previous administration?” Fauci responded, “We’re coming in with fresh ideas, but also some ideas that were not bad ideas with the previous administration. You can’t say it was not usable at all. So, we are continuing, but you’re going to see a real ramping up of it.”

If the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic was so “abysmal,” then why did socialist/scumbag/liar- Biden retain the same guy who led Trump’s COVID team? The simple answer is that it wasn’t an abysmal failure; in fact, it was by almost any objective measure an amazing success given the circumstances.

And what is socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s “ramped up” vaccination plan? He wants 100 million Americans vaccinated by the end of his first 100 days. What was the vaccination rate over the last two weeks of the Trump administration? Over 900,000 per day. And let’s not forget that it was under the Trump administration that not one, but two COVID-19 vaccinations were developed in record time.

By seeding this false claim that socialist/scumbag/liar- Biden inherited no vaccine distribution plan, he and his administration, along with their Leftmedia cheerleaders, are attempting to create a faux narrative of gross incompetence on the part of the Trump administration in order that any and all successes can be attributed only to the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration. Even better, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden can always blame any setbacks on the “abysmal” situation he inherited from Trump. It’s all a fiction, of course, but when did that ever stop the Left?  

~ The Patriot Post


Alas, the Paris Accord Is Restored

Just over a month ago, we discussed a strategy that President Donald Trump unfortunately never utilized before vacating the White House: Sending the Paris Climate Accord to the Senate for rejection. After all, Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution stipulates, “[The president] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.”

Trump’s predecessor, Barack scumbag/liar-nObama, the man responsible for this reckless pipe dream, slyly abrogated his constitutional responsibility by not sending the accord to the Senate for ratification — with the help of a few Republicans, we might add. In fact, Matt Margolis of PJ Media points out, “scumbag/liar-nObama, who fancied himself a constitutional scholar, never even attempted to go to the Senate for ratification. Instead, he avoided referring to the agreement as a treaty publicly, in order to argue that Senate ratification wasn’t constitutionally mandated.”


Regrettably, President Trump stuck to his guns by exiting the accord via executive order. Thanks to some finagling established in the accord framework, this EO route auspiciously paved the way for socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden to quickly rejoin it, which he hastily did — again by executive order — shortly after being sworn into office.

As NBC News notes, “On the updated White House website, climate change is second on a list of the administration’s priorities.” But it’s hardly second on voters’ priorities. As Gallup’s Frank Newport writes, “The top five problems facing the country today, from Americans’ viewpoint, are: COVID-19, poor government/poor government leadership, race relations/racism, the economy in general and the need to unify the country.” Furthermore, “The public does not mention climate change with any significant frequency as the nation’s top problem. … Less than half of Americans  say they worry a great deal about climate change, and less than half say global warming will pose a serious threat in their lifetime.”

Populism in the U.S. is on the rise for this very reason. While jet-setting globalists obsess over the unfounded notion that the Paris accord is capable of staving off 1.5°C of global warming, the grassroots Americans worry about their families and paychecks and cultural depravity invading their schools. It’s a chasm that worsens every time Democrats engage in a monolithic, tone-deaf policy that taxes and regulates the citizens of their own country while letting the real polluters, China and India, off with a wrist slap and a promise.

Matt Margolis encouragingly predicts, “With any luck, the moment socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden illegally gets us back into the Paris climate treaty, Republicans will mount a legal challenge to it, and the Supreme Court will rightfully strike it down.” A Supreme Court, we might add, that includes three new stalwart constitutionalists, thanks to President Trump. While we wish it never needed to face the High Court, perhaps Trump, for whatever reason, envisioned a final act in which SCOTUS ultimately nullifies this congressional end run.  ~ The Patriot Post


The Prospects for Religious Liberty Under socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden

In one of his final acts as president, Donald Trump declared today, January 22, Sanctity of Human Life Day. Trump’s declaration — already archived by the federal government — stated today was a day to “celebrate the wonder of human existence and renew our resolve to build a culture of life where every person of every age is protected, valued, and cherished.”

We don’t know if this Trump proclamation can be rescinded by socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, but it led us in our humble shop to wonder how this date will be observed: as a commemoration of the sanctity of life on a date that’s otherwise a grim reminder of Roe v. Wade? Or as a glorious celebration of legalized abortion? (If the latter, brace yourself for Roe’s golden anniversary two years hence.)

While socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is a professed Catholic — only the second such president in our nation’s history — his track record on abortion is troubling indeed. As NBC News put it, “[ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s] position on abortion has evolved throughout his career. Most recently, in 2019, he dropped his long-standing support of the Hyde Amendment, a decades-old policy restricting federal funding for abortions, after having faced mounting criticism. He has also vowed to codify Roe v. Wade and to fight state-level policies limiting access to abortion.” Get that? “Evolved.”

It doesn’t get a whole lot better in other realms of religious liberty. However, James Freeman of The Wall Street Journal strikes a hopeful tone, noting that the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration has had a court case involving religious freedom and gender “transition” procedures dropped into its lap by a North Dakota appeals court. “[ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden] should immediately call off this federal campaign against religious liberty,” declared Freeman, “rather than forcing Tuesday’s winners to continue to slog their way through the court system against a vengeful Washington bureaucracy.”

The reality, however, is that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden campaigned against religious rights. On the eve of the election, our Thomas Gallatin warned voters, “A vote for Biden is a vote against religious liberty and freedom of speech. It’s a vote against tolerance. It’s a vote against the core ideal of religious liberty upon which America was built.” In this case, Gallatin was decrying the Biden pledge of passing the Equal Rights Amendment in his first 100 days, creating a “right” of sexual “identity” regardless of biological sex (a.k.a. the science).

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has since doubled down on this threat, selecting a person born biologically male but living as a woman as the new assistant secretary for health. Dr. Rachel Levine (born Richard) is a pediatrician who was appointed to a Pennsylvania state post by a Democrat governor in 2017, six years after he “transitioned” and four years after divorcing his female wife. Once again quoting Gallatin, “This perfectly underscores the Democrats’ radical agenda, which seeks to undercut the very fabric of truth. Levine may be a skilled pediatrician, but he clearly is suffering from serious mental delusions. In the recent past, placing an individual with such a serious mental issue in such a position of authority would have been unthinkable. Yet today it is not only celebrated, but anyone who dares to object is vilified as a bigot.”

Followers of Christ believe it’s perfectly reasonable to question the mental wellbeing of those who defile their bodies while ignoring the Scriptural reference that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. That, of course, doesn’t give us license to demean or mistreat them. Corollary to that, those who believe in that manner may feel they can’t participate in the charade of allowing someone to change their gender. That’s the stance taken in the North Dakota court case alluded to above, Religious Sisters of Mercy v. Azar.

And the answer may have to be found in the courts, at least for the next two to four years. (That timeframe assumes that a potential Republican-controlled Congress would have the guts to dare President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden to live up to his proclaimed religious beliefs.) Given that a new coalition of legal groups has made it its mission to “wage relentless legal warfare” against the racism of Critical Race Theory, perhaps we can use that model to strengthen existing groups that advocate for religious freedom as well.

Whereas the Trump administration fought for religious liberty, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration will likely fight against it. Indeed, in the upcoming months we’ll have to render unto Caesar what is his. But that doesn’t mean we have to willingly give an inch for what isn’t.   ~ The Patriot Post


The Preferential Treatment of Left-Wing Violence

If you’ve been glued to CNN or MSNBC, you’d think the U.S. Capitol melee earlier this month was the most violent uprising in American history.

After the dust settled, one of the cries from the Left was the alleged kid-glove treatment of the protesters and the suggestion that police would have been more aggressive had Black Lives Matter or antifa forced their way into the Capitol.

Some data seem to support such claims. As Clyde Hughes, citing the U.S. Crisis Monitor project, writes, “Between May and December of last year, for example, police forcibly attempted to break up and disperse liberal protests at a rate more than two times greater than they did for conservative events.”

On the surface, this is worth exploring. Then again, there’s probably a reason why the actions of some groups are met with a tougher response than others.

No one excuses the violence at the Capitol on January 6 — we’ve pretty thoroughly condemned it — but the vast majority of protesters were about as tame as could be. After all, how many “insurrectionists” walk between rope lines and keep their hands off the artwork? The violent few were arrested and face long-term prison sentences. Others are being aggressively pursued by the FBI.

Compare this to nearly a year of antifa and BLM protesters setting fires, damaging scores of buildings, attacking and injuring police officers, destroying public property, looting stores, and setting up autonomous zones. Where was the outrage from the Left or our own government?

In most cases, police made few arrests and the FBI pretended the riots never happened. The media often called them “peaceful protests,” and some even justified the violence as necessary to bring about social justice.

Last November, as The Heritage Foundation’s Mike Gonzalez wrote, “When it comes to these organizations, including Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the newer splinter groups that mimic their tactics, the media often seems to take their social-justice posturing at face value. In the current media environment, left-of-center actors who claim to represent the cause of the oppressed are granted more moral license to use violence as a political tool.”

And if you think the election of socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden would bring about peace and unity, think again.

A Black Lives Matter march in New York City on Martin Luther King Jr. Day left 11 police officers injured, as “protesters” threw projectiles and vandalized property. Apparently, police warned the protesters to leave before they made arrests. New York state Attorney General Letitia James didn’t approve of the police response, however; she said they acted too aggressively.

If anything, the response to left-wing violence in the past year hasn’t been aggressive enough.

In response to the serious investigations currently underway at the FBI to find and prosecute the Capitol rioters, Miranda Devine of the New York Post wonders, “Where was that kind of gravitas when BLM-Antifa rioters locked Seattle police in a building and tried to burn them alive? Or when police were attacked with bricks and  Molotov cocktails, whole blocks were looted and set ablaze at a cost of billions of dollars, and parts of some US cities were turned into lawless autonomous inside which people were murdered? For months.”

Good question. Of course, we all know the answer. Political violence is now acceptable for some groups, but not for others.

In the end, we as Americans need to agree that all political violence is unacceptable. And until socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and his sidekick lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris bring themselves to denounce left-wing violence, their calls for unity will fall on deaf ears.  ~ The Patriot Post


The Media Earned Americans' Distrust

This just in: Americans don’t trust the mainstream media.

What is news is that what little trust still exists has been declining, and for good reason. “For the first time ever, fewer than half of all Americans have trust in traditional media, according to data from [the 21st annual Edelman Trust Barometer],” Axios reports. “Trust in social media has hit an all-time low of 27%.”

Some of the questions in the survey are especially revealing. “Journalists and reporters are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations.” Fifty-six percent said yes. “Most news organizations are more concerned with supporting an ideology or political position than with informing the public.” Fifty-eight percent agreed. Frankly, it’s shocking that 100% of Americans don’t see through the media’s facade.

To be sure, most conservative news sources have a clear bias. The big difference between these sources and Leftmedia outlets is that conservatives acknowledge this bias.

The mainstream media has nearly always favored more liberal causes and candidates. What’s new in the last few years, however, is the extent of the sheer advocacy and activism in so-called journalism.

Leftmedia and social media behemoths not only continue to insist they are objective but established “fact-checkers” to “discredit,” suppress, and silence anyone who disagrees. As we have so often argued, the “fact-checkers” are not, in fact, checking facts, but expressing and/or rebutting opinions. That they don’t own up to this glaringly obvious reality is why people don’t trust them.

Media columnist Margaret Sullivan opines, “Our goal should go beyond merely putting truthful information in front of the public. We should also do our best to make sure it’s widely accepted.” Yet Sullivan works for The Washington Post, which we certainly would never accuse of putting truthful information in front of the public. Quite the contrary. Since 2015, the Post’s mission has been to attack Donald Trump no matter what. One month after Trump’s inauguration, the paper even went so far as to adopt, for the first time in its history, a motto — the ridiculously pompous “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”

(That same Washington Post now says it won’t maintain the same lie tracker for socialist/scumbag/liar- Joe Biden that it did for Trump.)

In August 2016, before Trump was even elected, The New York Times’s Jim Rutenberg explained why the media shouldn’t be objective. “If you view a Trump presidency as something that is potentially dangerous,” he wrote, “then your reporting is going to reflect that.”

Memo to Sullivan, Rutenberg, and your cohorts: In order to make sure your reporting is widely accepted, you might try setting aside the agenda and actually putting truthful information in front of the public. Frankly, there are some outlets on the Right that should heed this advice too, though they have but a fraction of the influence of major media and only have an audience because of the aforementioned distrust.

The objective of the press should be to report the who, what, when, and where. If reporters could stick to this simple plan, they might be surprised to find that more Americans begin to trust what they’re reading and hearing again. Until then, Donald Trump was and will continue to be right to call the Leftmedia “the true enemy of the people.”   ~ The Patriot Post


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socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Inauguration Highlights COVID Divide

As the nation gathered to watch the inauguration this week, one thing became glaringly obvious: President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is already breaking his promises to the American people.

If you recall, throughout the presidential campaign, Biden tweeted repeatedly that if elected president, he would “listen to the experts” to combat the coronavirus. Yet, amidst a pandemic where the death toll reached a grim milestone this week — surpassing 400,000 COVID-19 deaths, according to John Hopkins University — the president and many of his high-profile guests attending his inauguration flouted CDC guidelines and advice of the so-called experts.

For instance, Lady Gaga, Garth Brooks and Jennifer Lopez were all permitted to sing at the 46th president’s swearing in ceremony — something that Americans are forbidden from doing at church, our kids’ schools, music venues and elsewhere because the “experts” say singing can spread the highly contagious coronavirus.

“It is possible that COVID-19 may spread through the droplets and airborne particles that are formed when a person who has COVID-19 coughs, sneezes, sings, talks, or breathes,” says the CDC. It warns, “There is growing evidence that droplets and airborne particles can remain suspended in the air and be breathed in by others, and travel distances beyond 6 feet (for example, during choir practice, in restaurants, or in fitness classes).”

As such, California Governor Gavin Newsom banned singing and chanting in churches last summer. A ban that’s still in effect restricting Americans from practicing their faith singing Gospel music and other forms of religious expression.

Yet, the “rules” never seem to apply to liberal elites.

Consider the irony that while socialist/scumbag/liar- Biden’s privileged pals were singing to their heart’s content, just two days earlier — on MLK Day — Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has brought on as his top COVID adviser, told more than 100 Black clergy and leading public health officials at a Choose Healthy Life Black Clergy Conclave event that they won’t be able to sing at church until “maybe” next fall.

The question came from the Rev. John Vaughn, a pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. He asked socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s top pandemic adviser, “When can we expect to go back to church, when we’ll be able to sing, we’ll be able to do wind instruments?” he asked.

Not until “the overwhelming proportion of our population,” at least 70-85% of the population, is vaccinated, said Fauci. But again, none of that purported “expert” advice stopped socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s guests from abiding by the same restrictions imposed on the rest of us.

Inaugural attendees violated social distancing guidelines and at times mask mandates. Many hugged those outside their household — something the CDC and other “experts” strongly discourage. If you think former First Lady Michelle scumbag/liar-nObama hugging President Biden’s grandchildren at the inauguration was no big deal, try telling that to millions of Americans whose children haven’t been able to hug or visit their own grandparents for almost a year.

Other attendees held hands, gave fist bumps, high-fives and, in the case of Jennifer Lopez, skipped wearing a mask as she walked arm in arm with a Marine escorting her to the stage. COVID “rules” for thee, but not for me.

Yes, attendees were required to get COVID-19 tests prior to the event, per reports. However that requirement doesn’t lift singing bans for millions of Christians and other people of faith across America, nor does it exempt professional musicians who would gladly get tested if that meant being able to earn a living or sing at their place of worship.

Same with school kids across the country who are still barred from participating in musical theatre or singing in a choir. And let’s not forget that just last month in towns across America Christmas caroling, the beloved holiday tradition was canceled because we were told by the “experts” it’s too dangerous to sing — even if the caroling took place outside and participants were distanced. Let’s also consider all the restaurants and other small businesses crushed throughout the pandemic and the millions of jobs destroyed due to social distancing mandates and other government restrictions. Who speaks for them while Lopez belts out “This Land Is Your Land”?   ~ The Patriot Post

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