The Patriot Post ~ 8

Equity Isn't Equality


“Every agency will place equity at the core of their public engagement, their policy design, and program delivery to ensure that government resources are reaching Americans of color and all marginalized communities — rural, urban, disabled, LGBTQ+, religious minorities, and so many others.”

So said White House Domestic Policy Advisor liar-Susan Rice during a press briefing yesterday, lending further evidence to the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s seemingly pathological fixation on a single word: equity. Not equality. Equity.

And to be clear: Equality and equity aren’t the same things. Not even close. The root of the former word is one of the self-evident truths embedded in our Declaration of Independence. It refers to the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. The latter word, however, refers to systems and institutions that are “fair” and “just.”

“Fair” and “just,” eh? And who, exactly, gets to decide what’s fair and just?

“I’m the descendant of immigrants from Jamaica and enslaved Americans,” liar-Rice tells us, as if that non sequitur makes race-based discrimination any less repulsive. But don’t worry: “I have assembled a first-rate team to drive this agenda forward,” she says.

Equity. Anyone who can’t see the potential for mischief with policies and programs built around such a subjective term hasn’t been paying attention to socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s first week in office, or to Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s eight years in office.

Another way to look at that loaded word is to see it as the Left’s solution to systemic racism. Of course, this presupposes that systemic racism is really a thing rather than merely a cudgel with which to keep pounding away at whitey. But, as Peter Kirsanow, an attorney and member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, notes, it isn’t a thing. Instead, it’s a canard — unless you’re a white or Asian person looking to land a job or gain admission into an elite university.

“The term ‘equity’ has become ubiquitous of late,”  Kirsanow writes in National Review. “It has replaced ‘equal opportunity’ and ‘equal treatment’ with ‘equal results.’ Pro tip: ‘Equity’ is intentionally nebulous, innocuous-sounding shorthand for leftist social engineering. Whenever you hear or see the term outside the context of finance, understand that someone’s likely pulling a fast one on you.”

We’ll say this, though: liar-Rice is as good a pick as any to implement such a noxious agenda. If nothing else, she’s a team player. We learned that back in 2012 when, in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attack on our diplomatic compound in Benghazi, she disgraced herself by hitting the Sunday talk shows to repeat a pernicious lie on behalf of the administration: that the storming of our compound and the murder of four Americans wasn’t a planned terrorist attack but a “spontaneous reaction” by “protesters” to an utterly obscure anti-Islamic YouTube video. Never forget.

As for counting by race, brain surgeon and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, for one, isn’t a fan. “I grew up in the ‘50s and '60s,” he told Laura Ingraham last night, “and I can tell you what real racism was like. It was an everyday event. The world is very different here in America right now. And to use race as a mechanism to obtain power and position, I think it’s really quite shameful.”

The good doctor, though, was just sharpening his scalpel. “In fact, race relationships have deteriorated,” he said. “Why have they deteriorated? Because of the great emphasis, trying to create white guilt and black victimhood. Those are two very bad things and when you put them together, it results in some policies that absolutely make no sense. So the real conflict here is between common sense and idiocy.”

Common sense versus idiocy? That sounds about right.   ~ The Patriot Post


No Third Party for Trump

A lot of conservatives — and we do mean a lot of conservatives — have had it with the Republican Party. The ineptitude, the infighting, and the ideological wishy-washiness are longstanding problems in the GOP. The Tea Party’s rise a decade ago was as much a response to this Republican fecklessness as it was to Barack scumbag/liar-nObama and the Democrats’ spendthrift socialist bonanza. And for decades now there have been not just rumblings but occasional attempts to get a viable third party going. The 2020 election fiasco, which many conservative voters see as the GOP’s woefully insufficient effort to stop a stolen election, is driving talk of a third party yet again with Donald Trump at its head.

Trump reportedly considered the idea of a third party, though he has since done the math and concluded it’s not the right play.

Gary Bauer, who has done a lot of close work with Trump over the last four years and is as pro-Trump as anyone, put it this way: “With the conservative vote divided, the Democrat Party easily dominates. If the country is divided 50/50 and you split the conservative vote, we lose. And that does nothing to advance the conservative cause.”

In fact, Team Trump distanced itself and him personally from the newly organized Patriot Party. “[Donald J. Trump for President Inc.] did not authorize the filing of this Form 1, has not entered into any joint fundraising agreement to fundraise through Patriot Party, and has no knowledge of Patriot Party’s activities whatsoever.”

Moreover, an adviser said Trump’s goal “is to win back the House and Senate for Republicans in 2022.”

That may not fully assuage the anger of millions of grassroots Americans, but it is very nearly straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. And if Trump commits to helping Republicans win again, perhaps there’s hope of mending some fences in a pretty big GOP tent. For better or worse, the GOP is the most likely and ready vehicle for advancing the conservative agenda. Over the next two to four years at least, that’s going to mean doing everything possible to block or slow down the radically left Democrat Party.

To borrow a popular buzz word, that’s going to mean Republicans need some “unity.” And that ought to start with the DC squishes figuring out who they really want to represent.   ~ The Patriot Post


Judge Stymies socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden's
100-Day Ban on Deportations

In a classic example that serves to prove the old adage “what goes around comes around,” U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton, a Donald Trump appointee, on Tuesday issued a nationwide temporary restraining order against Joe Biden’s executive order halting illegal alien deportations over his first 100 days.

Immediately following socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Inauguration Day EO, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton took the new administration to court, contending that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s order would cause “concrete injures to Texas.” Paxton argued, “Border states like Texas pay a particularly high price when the federal government fails to faithfully execute our country’s immigration laws. [President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s] attempted halt on almost all deportations would increase the cost to Texas caused by illegal immigration.”

During the Trump administration, the states of Texas, Arizona, Indiana, and Louisiana signed an agreement with the Department of Homeland Security giving them a 180-day period for consultation before the feds could take any action to “reduce, redirect, reprioritize, relax, or in any way modify immigration enforcement.”

Beyond being a bad idea and a constitutional dereliction, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s EO is in violation of this agreement. Thus, Judge Tipton ruled that the order failed to follow the Administrative Procedures Act, stating, “Here, the January 20 Memorandum not only fails to consider potential policies more limited in scope and time, but it also fails to provide any concrete, reasonable justification for a 100-day pause on deportations.”

Recall that the Administrative Procedures Act was the very same rule used by Democrats to successfully prevent Trump from following through on his EO to end DACA. Two can play this game.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s order effectively prevents Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from deporting criminal aliens. In fact, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that socialist/scumbag/liar- Biden’s EO blocks ICE from deporting 85% of illegal aliens it had in custody. Of the 185,884 illegal aliens deported last fiscal year, 64% of them had criminal records or pending criminal charges.

This serves as an example of the fruit of Trump’s impressive judiciary record, and the primary reasons many conservatives voted for Trump in both 2016 and 2020. Furthermore, this is evidence that GOP state attorneys general will hold to their “save and defend” commitment.  

~ The Patriot Post


Non-White White Supremacists Hiding Among Us

One would think progressive Democrats would be euphoric. Having successfully put socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden in the Oval Office after keeping him hidden in his basement in the months leading up to the election, he’s now popping his head up to signal four years of radical progressivism.

Yet leftists are as angry as ever, and even frightened, because their monster has not been slain. Worse, it’s increasingly difficult to even identify the monster at a glance.

In the 1982 cult classic “The Thing,” Antarctic researchers discover an alien life form — a black, oily goo — that can absorb into living organisms and perfectly imitate them. Their transportation destroyed, trapped in a frozen tundra, the researchers turn on each other, terrified that the person next to them is an alien ready to kill and assimilate them.

Such is the fear NYU history professor Cristina Beltrán and countless other progressives now face. It has shaken them to their very core, as evidenced by her recent op-ed in The Washington Post entitled, “To understand Trump’s support, we must think in terms of multiracial Whiteness.”

Yes, you read that right — “multiracial whiteness.”

As Beltrán explains, “Rooted in America’s ugly history of white supremacy, indigenous dispossession and anti-blackness, multiracial whiteness is an ideology invested in the unequal distribution of land, wealth, power and privilege — a form of hierarchy in which the standing of one section of the population is premised on the debasement of others. Multiracial whiteness reflects an understanding of whiteness as a political color and not simply a racial identity — a discriminatory worldview in which feelings of freedom and belonging are produced through the persecution and dehumanization of others.”

To be clear, referring to Trump supporters, conservatives, and traditional-values Americans in general as “bitter” clingers, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, a “basket of deplorables,” and “just not very good people” is not dehumanization; that’s just speaking truth. Because, you know, Tolerance™ and Unity™.

And we guess that makes Nigeria’s Boko Haram (killing black Christians) and the communist Chinese (killing and enslaving the Muslim Uyghur minority) a bunch of “white supremacists.”

Beltrán and her ilk are truly stunned and amazed that, after years of relentless accusations of racism by the Democrats and the media (but we repeat ourselves), President Donald Trump increased his 2016 percentage of the minority vote — up 6% among black men, 5% among black women, 4% among Hispanic men, and 7% among Asian voters. Hispanic women stayed the same.

In order to explain away this impossible contradiction of minorities voting for Trump, progressives are forced to create a mythology where anyone who is evil is “white.”

After all, it must be a desire for “whiteness,” a desire to persecute others, that leads a minority to pledge fealty to the Bad Orange Man. It couldn’t possibly be because they supported and benefited from the Trump policies that led to the lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rate in U.S. history, or the five-fold increase in per capita income over the Barack scumbag/liar-nObama years. And it couldn’t be because Trump made America safer by cracking down on illegal immigration and reducing the flow of drug mules, gang members, and sex traffickers across the southern border. Or due to his investment of billions of dollars in Opportunity Zones in poor minority neighborhoods. Or because he pushed and signed criminal justice reform.

No, leftists say, it’s because these misguided minorities want to be white at any cost, even selling their souls.

This does make for some awkward clashes with reality though. While major news outlets described the Capitol protesters as a bunch of white supremacists rallying to their cult leader Trump, it’s harder to explain away the many Trump supporters who are, shall we say, melanin-enhanced.

As the Spectator put it, “There’s a small problem. Somehow, on their way to launching a neo-fascist takeover of the United States, the white supremacists ran out of whites. Simply looking at video of the Capitol riot, or looking at the FBI’s wanted images afterwards, makes it obvious that the mob of Trump die-hards were multiracial. The two most famous members of the Proud Boys, America’s premier ‘white nationalist’ group, are an Afro-Cuban and a Samoan. ‘Stop the Steal’ organizer Ali Alexander identifies as black and Arab.”

But how is it possible for brown and black people to be white supremacists? Because some of the melanin-endowed but intellectually unenlightened fall prey to the siren song of “colorblind individualism” and turn to evil.

So, to clarify, white people are responsible for all of the evil in the world. If you are white, you are racist, period, and denying your racism only proves how racist you are.

But if you are brown or black (or Asian or Pacific Islander), you are also “white” if you embrace a capitalist, pro-America philosophy. And if you don’t subscribe to the “woke” agenda of the Left, then you are, by default, embracing “whiteness” and therefore racism. Ergo, Thomas Sowell, a respected black Stanford economics professor, now becomes a white supremacist, but Shaun King, a progressive white activist from Kentucky who “identifies” as black, is not.

Luckily, Beltrán provides a path to redemption for “whiteness”: Embrace leftist ideology and vote Democrat. Imagine that.

Of course, this is all lunatic nonsense. Race, like sex, is genetically determined. And anyone who argues otherwise is lying or delusional. And when it comes to “persecution and dehumanization of others,” leftists lead the way.   ~ The Patriot Post


'Journalists': The New Censors

Certainly the most reliable thing about mainstream media actors is their unalloyed leftism. We as conservatives know that they’re going to be against us at every turn, even reporting in bad faith in order to score points or protect their fellow progressives. But just below that knee-jerk hatred for everything right of center, we’ve also counted on them to be First Amendment absolutists — which is to say, defenders of free speech at all costs.

We can hear them now: Suckerrrrrs!

As John Tierney writes in City Journal, “After the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol … progressive journalists … identified a new root cause of mob violence: free speech. They’ve cheered the social-media purge of conservatives and urged further censorship of ‘violent rhetoric’ and ‘disinformation.’ It’s a remarkably self-destructive move for a profession dependent on freedom of speech, but the journalists now dominating newsrooms aren’t thinking long-term — and can’t imagine being censored themselves. The traditional liberal devotion to the First Amendment seems hopelessly antiquated to young progressives convinced that they’re on the right side of history.”

Speaking of history, leftists were always in favor of free speech before they were against it. Their favorite free speech cliché, in fact, goes back more than a century: I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

It’s a beautiful quote, both pithy and principled, and often falsely attributed to Voltaire, who himself was a strong civil libertarian. And though we’re not certain where the quote was born, we do know where it died: on our nation’s college campuses. Was it mere coincidence that this was where the one-time radicals of the ‘60s had become the tenured professors of the '80s? And might it be that these leftists now found free expression to be both inconvenient and unnecessary, since they already enjoyed academic freedom? In its place, our universities ushered in political correctness and promptly reversed the First Amendment gains made by the Free Speech Movement begun at Cal-Berkeley in 1965. It was a violent death.

Think about it: When was the last time you heard a leftist say he’d defend to the death your right to speak? These days, it’s laughable to imagine a leftist being willing to die for any cause, much less a noble one like free speech.

Over at Tablet, Armin Rosen goes on a bit of an archeological dig himself, although only back to late 2019. That was when a self-congratulatory paean to the once-respectable profession of journalism, a building called The Newseum, shut its doors for good. Imagine that: A museum whose raison d'etre was to give us the warm fuzzies about the mainstream media couldn’t pay the rent. We’d have thought George Soros or some other anti-American leftist (but we repeat ourselves) would’ve coughed up the cabbage just to stave off the embarrassment. To his credit, though, Soros got rich by breaking the Bank of England, not throwing good money after nauseatingly bad.

Alas, not even an endorsement from Time magazine, which named The Newseum one of the “world’s greatest places,” could save it.

“The museum was an anachronism in more ways than one,” writes Rosen. “The idea that journalists themselves look upon the constitutional right to free expression with quasi-religious awe is nearly as quaint as the idea the media could be the basis for a major D.C. tourist attraction. A publicly beloved press that earnestly believes in free speech now feels like it belongs to some fictive era of good feelings.”

As our Nate Jackson pointed out recently, the American people distrust the media now more than ever. And why shouldn’t we?

“In recent years,” Rosen continues, “the United States has seen more severe acts of political violence and deadlier riots than the events at the Capitol — but American guarantees of free speech apparently should not survive the shocking image of scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi’s office being ransacked. The notion that free expression is sedition’s handmaiden or that the prevention of treason should be a higher goal than the open exchange or exposure of allegedly dangerous arguments are not controversial views anymore; they pop up frequently … in The Washington Post and The New York Times.”

Rosen goes on to list a rogues’ gallery of speech suppressors from the world of journalism, from Trump haters like Max Boot to Pulitzer Prize-winning J-school deans like Steve Coll to publishers like CNN, The Washington Post, and Pro Publica. All of them are rotten. And cowardly.

But whether Big Media is censoring us of its own volition or taking its cues from Big Tech hardly matters. When a former Facebook exec says, “We have to turn down the capability of these conservative influencers to reach these huge audiences,” it’s pretty clear that they’re rooting each other on, and it’s pretty clear why.

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating:


Where Stands the Battle Against Big Tech Censorship?o90ZppWMBk2dujHqc2z62RUB4vjIaK0x_FVoJXBB6YCa4F1yOo_zORt6W2QlxQQrB_0ru4r8A_fUe5nPE6C_YUwcbAeugpfu8YFOwqSqCndomxQ24-WjccwioDs2Er_XB81P2oqOvXTuHTkvlwditkwr9mhSM1kMho0wlT4YtqcIdS3Y=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xFollowing Facebook and Twitter’s banishing of Donald Trump and Google, Apple, and Amazon’s deplatforming of competitor Parler, Republicans, conservatives, and free speech advocates of all stripes have been even more aggressively ringing alarm bells. So, what has transpired since?

First, Big Tech is a lot more powerful than many may have appreciated. Parler, which filed a lawsuit against Amazon Web Services (AWS) for breach of contract, had its demand for a preliminary injunction denied by a Washington State federal court. However, as The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland observes, the failure to win the injunction was not the court’s fault. She notes, “The court’s analysis proved solid — and sadly also proved it will be hard for conservatives to counter Big Tech’s stranglehold on the modern public square.” This is due primarily to the fact that “the governing legal precedent makes it unlikely anyone seeking to challenge a deplatforming decision will ever succeed.”

Amazon celebrated the ruling by invoking the Left’s flawed notion of “free speech” and reiterating the dubious claim that Parler failed to prevent violence. “This was not a case about free speech,” said the tech behemoth. “It was about a customer that consistently violated our terms of service by allowing content to be published on their website that actively encouraged violence (and without an effective plan to moderate it.)”

Turning the FTC’s Section 230 on its head, Amazon justified its abuse of Parler by arguing, “Under that statute, the provider of an ‘interactive computer service’ is immune for acting in good faith to restrict access to material that is excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable. This is precisely was AWS did here: remove access to content it considered ‘excessively violent’ and ‘harassing.’”

Oddly enough, AWS also provides web hosting services for Facebook … and yet took no action despite the fact that some perpetrators of the Capitol riot extensively used Facebook to communicate and orchestrate the attack. There is no evidence that Parler users did so, but that hasn’t stopped Democrat lawmakers from continuing the effort to demonize Parler by demanding an investigation  into its supposed role in “planning and incitement” of the riot.

Of course, the Democrats’ real goal is to demonize and cancel anyone who dared to support Donald Trump. One of their biggest targets is Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), who recently called on Americans to “stand up against the muzzling of America.” Hawley offered a sobering warning that Big Tech stands as a major threat to Americans’ First Amendment freedoms, especially our freedom of speech. “The alliance of leftists and woke capitalists hopes to regulate the innermost thoughts of every American, from school age to retirement. And they’ve trained enforcers of the woke orthodoxy to monitor dissent or misbehavior,” he wrote. “Everyone knows it can happen to them, so everyone shuts down. The circle of trust narrows. Conversations — too easily recorded — shift to encrypted messaging apps. For now. Until those get banned too for interfering in efficient social credit markets. … The powerful see in the present moment an opportunity to consolidate their control over society and to squelch dissent. That means those who believe in the First Amendment and the fundamental principles of American liberty must now take a stand, while we still can.”

Meanwhile, the Leftmedia is calling for the cancellation of even mainstream conservative media outlets like Fox News. The New York Times’s Nicholas Kristof wants “advertisers to withdraw from Fox News so long as it functions as an extremist madrasa, and cable providers should be asked why they distribute channels that peddle lies.” MSNBC’s Anand Girdhardas wonders, “Should Fox News be allowed to exist? Brain-mashing as a business model shouldn’t be legal.” And The Washington Post called for cable providers such as Comcast and Charter Spectrum to boot Fox News from their list of channels.

Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corp. (which owns Fox), says, “For those of us in the media, there’s a real challenge to confront: a wave of censorship that seeks to silence conversation, to stifle debate, to ultimately stop individuals and societies from realizing their potential. This rigidly enforced conformity, aided and abetted by so-called social media, is a straitjacket on sensibility. Too many people have fought too hard in too many places for freedom of speech to be suppressed by this awful woke orthodoxy.”

Finally, there’s the glaring issue of Big Tech’s massive hypocrisy on free speech. Back during the scumbag/liar- nObama era, Big Tech came out in favor of “net neutrality.” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg then claimed, “Net neutrality is the idea that the internet should be free and open for everyone.” Gee, where did that idea go?

When Trump’s Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai sought to repeal “net neutrality,” Twitter’s public policy manager Laura Culbertson objected, “Free expression is part of our company DNA. We are the platform that lets users see what’s happening and to see all sides. … Without Net Neutrality in force, ISPs would even be able to block content they don’t like, reject apps and content that compete with their own offerings, and arbitrarily discriminate against particular content providers by prioritizing certain Internet traffic over theirs.” Yeah, that sounds bad, and Twitter should definitely never do that.

Now, only three years later, these same Big Tech companies are justifying their own efforts to silence free expression, block content they don’t like, and arbitrarily discriminate. The truth is that Big Tech behemoths never wanted an “open and free Internet.” They want Internet providers barred from “selectively excluding” certain content while they themselves are free to censor and suppress whatever they don’t like.  

~ The Patriot Post


Silencing the LambsRu2kawARJftNXuwPlmY2G75nuF-Sq5gUvMEGDQlPevXinzP_VxAxspXtAPTLrTExs7xc9dDcTHd6qgFv8SUCCxwi2lkqnKNNey9ttMPrb4vNyg3rgfqPA0Mm7D5x3IcsUVzyi6VfkMramdsZ4xkAMAtDd46mdHXwlM1UYYeLtiz85Adi=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xheight="226" />Last week, I talked about all the finger-pointing taking place in the Republican Party. Many pointed fingers at each other while throwing Donald Trump under the bus if it helped them politically. Republicans divided, arguing with each other while the Left watched with glee. The Left is unified; Republicans are not. Conservatives continue to play defense while the Left plays offense. You don’t win in sports or politics playing only defense.

This same battle is taking place in the Church. Trump haters and Trump supporters are in their own circular firing squads shooting each other. I have been a casualty of this infighting, as have many other Christians. A very good friend whom I love dearly believes all of us Trump supporters were lied to and we are like cult members.

When socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden won, my friend posted that the country was saved and democracy prevailed. He suggested Trump’s Presidential Library be located at Alcatraz. Now, if my news sources were CNN, NPR, MSNBC, and other mainstream media, I would probably feel the same way. Trump would seem to be the epitome of evil. The leftist propaganda machine worked.

Let me state clearly what many followers of Jesus believe about Trump. President Trump was never our “idol.” We were able to separate what Trump said (social media) from what he accomplished (actual policy). We didn’t have to like what Trump said to be thankful for what he did. We put up with his personality and celebrated his policies.

Trump was elected because he was NOT a politician, not because of his sterling character. Anyone remember scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton’s sterling character qualities? Me neither! We had a choice to make and we chose the lesser of two evils at the time.

Trump’s election was, to me, God taking “the foolish things of the world to confuse the wise” (Romans 1). Sort of like an unsaved Persian king named Cyrus who freed the Israelites from Babylonian captivity and paid to rebuild their temple. God is not limited to using only those I approve of. I believe Trump did good things for America, so obviously I’m in a cult!

Other Christians voted for socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and his team because they hated Trump. They claim they don’t “hate” Trump, but there’s a lot of voltage when his name comes up. Leftists told us what they would do when they won, and they are doing it quickly — more access to abortion; “LGBTQ” rights; open borders; and, more importantly, punish, censor, and silence those who supported Trump.

You believed a socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden presidency was better than a Trump presidency because … why? Maybe because socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris were of such sterling character and godly virtues, that made them better than Trump! And you’re okay with the new administration’s desire to punish and deprogram Trump voters? To silence the free speech of conservatives?

Most Patriot Post readers know our Declaration’s opening statement: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness…”

Christians, you and I have one enemy, and he’s not a Democrat or a Republican. Satan is the author of all the turmoil and deception we see around us. If we fail to see this, we will surrender our country to godless communism. Our religious freedom will only be a distant memory.

We’re NOT in a political battle; we are in the deadliest spiritual battle our nation has ever faced. It’s not “Right or Left”; it’s good against evil.

Something to think about?   ~ The Patriot Post


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