The Patriot Post ~ 8

Dems Get Emotional While Trump's Defense Stumbles


The show of the Senate’s second impeachment trial got underway yesterday and it was the stuff of Hollywood. It was marked by a video montage of the Capitol riot interspersed with cherry-picked segments of Donald Trump’s rally speech. It also featured sobbing House lawmaker Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who at the time of the riot was already emotionally reeling — the day prior he had buried his adult son who had committed suicide a week earlier. “If [Trump’s remarks were] not an impeachable offense,” Raskin declared, “then there is no such thing.”

If all it took to condemn and convict Donald Trump of the charge of “incitement of insurrection” was displaying the raw emotion of the accusers, then the Democrats have made their case.

The only question we were left with in our humble little shop was why the Democrats hadn’t also enlisted the “harrowing” testimony of commie/liar-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “near death” experience as she hunkered down in her office bathroom while the Capitol building was being overrun. She was across the street from the riot and safe from any actual danger, but we digress.

Into this circus Trump’s legal team timidly waded. Clearly impacted by the emotional displays, they weakly sought to present their argument against the constitutionality of this clearly politically motivated impeachment charade. Ceding the obvious, Trump defense lawyer Bruce Castor stated, “You will not hear any member of the team representing former President Trump say anything but in the strongest possible way denounce the violence of the rioters and those that breached the Capitol.”

However, Castor then went on a rambling and seemingly ill-prepared argument, where at times he even appeared to concede to the Democrats’ dubious narrative on the election being free from fraud (it wasn’t). “The American people just spoke and they just changed administrations,” Castor asserted, adding that the American people were smart enough to “pick a new administration if they don’t like the old one, and they just did.”

Castor’s display was so bad that Trump’s former defense lawyer from the first impeachment, Alan Dershowitz,  exclaimed, “I have no idea what he’s doing. I have no idea why he’s saying what he’s saying.” Dershowitz further noted, “He’s introducing himself: ‘I’m a nice guy. I like my senators. I know my senators. Senators are great people.’ Come on. The American people are entitled to an argument, a constitutional argument.”

Trump was reportedly “furious” and “beyond angry” over Castor’s abysmal display, and who could blame him? Castor certainly made no headway against the Democrats’ dubious and emotionally charged impeachment gambit. In fact, if anything he helped the Democrats, who picked up a few Republicans in the vote over the question of the impeachment’s constitutionality, which passed 56-44.

Castor lacked the necessary passion and conviction of the sound position of the argument against impeaching a former president. While it still remains highly unlikely that the Senate will vote to convict Trump, Castor’s display should leave no one feeling comfortable. Indeed, it might have sent a better message for Trump’s team to make his case by not even showing up. Why concede anything to the Democrats’ sham show trial? Too late now.  ~The Patriot Post


The Left's 'Insurrection' Hypocrisy

It’s telling, isn’t it, how Democrats supported a summer’s worth of deadly and costly rioting all across our nation’s inner cities and yet squealed like stuck pigs when a single short-lived eruption came too close for their Capitol Hill comfort.

In an all-too-predictable display of liberal privilege, they trotted out endless encouragement of and justification for the former, and nonstop denunciations of the latter; a Nobel Peace Prize nomination for the former, and a presidential impeachment for the latter.

“They’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop,” said then-presidential candidate lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris. “This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. And everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up and they should not.”

And they should not.

How is such overt sanctioning of mob violence not a disqualifying act? After uttering those remarks, Harris shouldn’t have been able to run for dog catcher, much less vice president of the United States. But she’s a leftist, so she’s immune from accountability.

“To the media,” as Pat Buchanan writes, “the long hot summer of rioting, looting and arson that followed the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis was driven by ‘racial justice’ protests against a ‘systemic racism’ that permeates society. … socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and his party have responded by setting as a goal the replacement of ‘equality of rights’ with ‘equity,’ an equality of results, where gaps in test scores, incarcerations, incomes and wealth between white and black are to be closed by government action.”

Ah, equity — that sweet-sounding word with the sourest of meanings. As we wrote last month, “Equality and equity aren’t the same things. Not even close. The root of the former word is one of the self-evident truths embedded in our Declaration of Independence. It refers to the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. The latter word, however, refers to systems and institutions that are ‘fair’ and ‘just.’”

Consider, for example, the hard-left and wholly disreputable money-grubbers at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which recently decided to give certain racists a pass based on the color of their skin. “In the name of equity,” writes Daniel Greenfield at FrontPageMag, “the SPLC announced that it’s shutting down its black nationalist hate groups category like the Nation of Islam. After ‘doing the internal work of anti-racism,’ the SPLC will no longer list black racist hate groups because ‘the hate is not equal.’”

When is “hate” not really hate? When it comes from the Left.

Or consider the Bellingham insurrection. What’s that? You haven’t heard about the Bellingham, Washington insurrection two weeks ago — the one in which antifa tangled with police, stormed city hall, and forced the city’s mayor to be evacuated? Imagine that. “It is impossible to describe how evil these Antifa terrorists are,” writes Power Line’s John Hinderaker. “You really have to watch videos of them in action — this is just one of thousands — to get the picture. Which is why, I suppose, such videos are absent from the nightly news: Democrats want to protect their shock troops.”

Indeed, it’s almost as if Big Media only denounced certain kinds of political violence and insurrection. As for the January 6 riot at the Capitol, “That was an act of insurrection,” writes Buchanan of leftist opinion, “a treasonous attempt to overturn a democratic election and overthrow a democratic government. Of all the riots in 2020 and 2021, that was the unforgivable one. The proper response to that riot is not to heed its angry voices but to impeach the president on whose behalf they acted, to strip him of any right to serve again in public office, and to write new laws to deal with the horrific ‘domestic terrorism’ we witnessed at the Capitol.”

If it weren’t for double standards, the Left wouldn’t have any at all.   ~The Patriot Post


It's Time to End Photo ID for Voting ... and Buying Guns?

As noted previously, in the wake of the 2020 election, there is a solid plurality of the American people who believe that significant voter fraud occurred, and that  socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s victory is not legitimate.

Though they spent the last four years claiming President Donald Trump was not America’s legitimate president, and that he “colluded” with Russia to rig the 2016 election, and though they spent the last year or more wildly prophesying that Russia was poised to steal the election for Trump again, Democrats now claim the 2020 election was totally and completely free of fraud, and in fact was the best-run election ever.

As Republican-controlled state legislatures across the U.S. propose a series of bills to tighten up election laws, increase ballot security, and ensure only legal votes are cast, Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to oppose any and all efforts to increase ballot security. The very first bill introduced by House Democrats this year was HR 1, which would essentially do away with voter verification checks altogether.

In fact, Democrats incessantly declare that any efforts to increase ballot security and election integrity are driven by racism and are back-door schemes to suppress the votes of minorities.

Ironically, the people who believe this claim are not generally minorities, but uber-woke, affluent white liberals. Minorities are actually insulted by the assertion that somehow they’re less able to obtain the necessary voter ID or comply with other integrity measures.

But maybe progressive Democrats are right. Maybe, since voting is a (qualified) right that should be exercised by all, it is incumbent upon all who love America and believe in the free exercise of these rights to support making it as easy as possible for everyone to vote. Maybe we should do away with photo ID requirements for voters and take people at their word that they are who they say they are. Maybe people should be able to vote by mail with little effort to verify their identity. After all, people should not be denied the right to vote just because it’s inconvenient for them to come to the polls, right?

Gee, you know what else is a right? The right to keep and bear arms! Why, it’s right there in the Bill of Rights, the second right to be protected by the Constitution and the “palladium of liberties.”

Maybe leftist Democrats are on to something here! Let’s adopt the same standards for gun ownership that we do for voting! We should have the government mail out firearm purchase applications to every single American, and upon completion mail them the firearm of their choice. And since progressives fully support taxpayer funding of the “right” to abortion, surely they would not object to taxpayer subsidies for gun purchases … say, $1,000?

And there can be no more photo ID requirements to purchase a firearm, and certainly no more background checks. Any waiting period has got to go as well. If you can register to vote and then cast a vote on the same day, then you should be able to buy that AR-15 and be ventilating targets an hour later!

We should also consider lowering the age to purchase a firearm to 16, the same age that Democrats are pushing as the new legal voting age.

While we’re at it, let’s not forget the First Amendment’s right to free speech. If “every voice must be heard” when it comes to voting, then the same must apply to the right to speech.

In recent months, Big Tech and the social media monopoly (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) have deplatformed, censored, shadow-banned, or outright banned anyone who dared question the legitimacy of the 2020 elections … except when Democrats cry foul over voter fraud or malfunctioning voting machines. That’s different. Those are legitimate grievances. But we digress.

If we take Democrats’ logic toward voting and apply it to the right to free speech, then everyone in America should have an equal right to those platforms, from the president of the United States all the way down to your neighborhood bartender — even former bartenders who are elected to Congress and then spend their time falsely accusing others of evil deeds and telling blatant lies.

The right to free speech should not be obstructed on these platforms, and everyone should have equal access to say whatever they feel like saying.

Of course, honest, decent, rational people understand that all rights come with responsibilities, and they must be balanced.

That means free speech does not allow someone to call for violence against others, but it does allow people to question the integrity of elections, whether that be Democrats from 2016 through 2020, or Republicans in 2020. And it means, rather than silencing dissent, allowing truth and error to battle it out in the public square.

It also means that we place minimal restrictions to exercising the right to keep and bear arms for law-abiding citizens, while protecting society by denying gun ownership to violent felons and the mentally ill (the actually mentally ill, not just those with “incorrect” political beliefs). And we don’t mail guns to buyers without confirming identities.

Unfortunately, as of now, leftist Democrats want no guardrails on the right to vote, but draconian restrictions on the right of free speech, and the right to keep and bear arms.

In doing so, they reveal that they don’t truly respect the Constitution, or the individual rights protected by it. They only respect power, and their desire to wield it through force or fraud.   ~The Patriot Post


CBO Says $15 Minimum Wage Will Cost 1.4M Jobs

The Congressional Budget Office released its latest analysis of the Democrats’ loudly touted $15 minimum wage campaign and found what conservatives and the economically sound have long argued: It would cost American jobs … and a lot of them. The CBO concluded that a $15 per hour federal minimum wage — a raise of more than 100% from the current rate of $7.25 — would effectively kill off 1.4 million jobs, resulting in 1.4 million Americans receiving a minimum wage of $0 per hour.

Not only would the $15 minimum wage kill off nearly a million and a half jobs, it would also raise the cost of living for Americans across the board. If a grocery store employee suddenly costs double, the price of milk will go up to pay for it. Mandating this wage hike would also raise the cost of the federal government itself, because the CBO projects that it would add an additional $54 billion to the national deficit over the next decade through additional unemployment checks and other income redistribution.

The CBO’s report does note that $15 an hour would raise the income of some 17 million people currently making less than that, but it would prevent young, less experienced workers from gaining employment. “Young, less educated people would account for a disproportionate share of those reductions in employment,” the report states. Those young workers, such as those in the fast-food industry who are in most need of gaining work experience rather than higher wages, will be further prevented access to jobs due to the higher employment costs for employers. That in turn could reduce their wages over time because their resumés are thinner. Meanwhile, advances in automation will be adopted at an even faster rate.

But socialists like Senator commie-Bernie Sanders still refuse to accept the economic reality of the damage caused by so drastically increasing the minimum wage. He called the CBO report “hard to understand,” while he continued to demand that Democrats press forward on $15 minimum wage even without any Republican support. “The only way to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour now is to pass it with 51 votes through budge reconciliation,” Sanders contended.

For the Democrats, this minimum wage play has everything to do with getting more people relying on government — and on them as a party. If some 18-year-old loses his job, he may not know it’s due to Democrat policy. But he will know that Democrats pushed to get him a higher wage and then an unemployment check.

This whole thing is nothing more than a feel-good policy that in the real world is a practical disaster. But when has the real world ever stopped leftists from projecting their ideological fantasies onto the rest of us?  ~The Patriot Post


Catch (COVID) and Release?

Among the numerous executive orders President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has issued in his first few days in office were three on immigration. Each of them was aimed at undoing President Donald Trump’s progress on law enforcement, which Team socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden claims was “cruel” and “immoral.”

The all-too-predictable results are already here: It’s “a building crisis.”

Those quoted words don’t come from some supposedly xenophobic right-winger but from a story in The Washington Post.

To be fair, there is a confluence of events regarding illegal border crossings. For one thing, a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said, “CBP has seen a steady increase in border encounters since April 2020.” Then in January, Mexico began refusing to take back families with younger children. (The Mexican government knows who’s now in charge in the U.S.) While we’re not yet to 2019 levels, CBP facilities are exceeding their pandemic-reduced capacity, and the migrants have to go somewhere.

Trump’s policy was to not allow a flood of asylum seekers into the U.S. in the first place. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s policy is to reinstate “catch and release,” letting them out of holding facilities with a date to return for a hearing. How many never return for those hearings? How many commit crimes in the interim and won’t be deported? How many migrant workers does it take to depress the wages of American workers?

And what about the coronavirus pandemic? socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden has been telling us for months how badly Trump handled it and how he’ll fix that and keep Americans safe.

Indeed, Trump handled it very differently. According to The Wall Street Journal, “U.S. immigration officials turned back more than 380,000 migrants, including thousands of families and unaccompanied children, between March and December. Trump administration officials said the returns were necessary to avoid possible outbreaks of Covid-19 inside cramped border facilities.”

In other words, migrants packed in tight quarters might yield COVID outbreaks, so turn them back and keep them out, protecting American citizens and law-abiding immigrants in the process. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s answer is instead to let the illegals in.

Wouldn’t want to be “xenophobic,” after all.

Yet according to the aforementioned Post article, that newfound “compassion” is a big problem. The Post relates the story of one migrant and her children who crossed the border illegally and were deported last year only to come across again with Uncle socialist/scumbag/ liar-Joe at the helm. Sure enough, this time, she and her children were released in McAllen, Texas. The Post reports, “The area has been one of those hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 100,000 cases, raising concerns in cities and towns worried about a growing influx of people and outbreaks inside shelters.”

McAllen City Manager Roy Rodriguez adds, “Federal officers are not doing any COVID testing for immigrants coming across.”

Who cares about a pandemic when there are potential voters to appease? That may sound overly harsh and cynical, but we think it’s clearly the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s calculation. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and his team may half-heartedly tell Central Americans not to cross the border, but they know exactly what message they’re really sending by rescinding all of Trump’s enforcement mechanisms.

In 2019, Jeh Johnson, Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s former DHS secretary, warned that 1,000 daily illegal crossings “overwhelms the system,” whereas 4,000 is “crisis” level. We’re currently at 3,000 to 3,500 crossing per day and counting.   ~The Patriot Post


An Unfortunate START

The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is demonstrating typical Democrat prowess — that is, incompetence — in national security. A prime example is the rush to re-up the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) for another five years without so much as a hint of statesmanship coloring the knee-jerk move.

Now, START isn’t entirely worthless. For instance, the treaty sets constraints on the numbers and types of nuclear warheads and missiles the U.S. and Russia can possess, limiting the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads and bombs at 1,550, and placing caps on deployed ICBMs, SLBMs, and nuclear bombers. The treaty also helps both sides better understand each other’s intentions and nuclear postures, through onsite inspections and information sharing related to nuclear forces. Further, each country has assessed the other to be in compliance with START’s terms since its inception in 2011. So the treaty isn’t without at least some merit on Ronald Reagan’s “trust but verify” standard.

But the present problem doesn’t concern the merits of START, per se. Rather, the issue is how quickly and readily the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration gave away the store, as far as potential negotiations were concerned. The move also lends a whole new context to the phrase “Russian collusion.” Notably, in a recent joint announcement Congressmen Michael McCaul and Mike Rogers called out the rash act, bluntly stating:

It’s frustrating the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration is wasting an opportunity to negotiate a stronger version of New START that includes non-strategic nuclear weapons, new weapon systems not covered by the original treaty, and a stronger verification regime. A clean five-year extension gives [Vladimir] Putin exactly what he asked for and causes the U.S. to lose critical leverage to bring Russia back to the negotiating table. … Regardless, the U.S. must maintain and modernize our nuclear deterrent and also must begin the process to address the People’s Republic of China growing nuclear stockpiles.

These two representatives might know a bit about the issue, as the respective lead Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs and House Armed Services committees. Their point: By rubber-stamping Russia’s approval of the term extension to START, the U.S. has squandered a key opportunity to negotiate for constraints on other weapons and, possibly, to pull China into START negotiations. The U.S. and Russia have roughly 6,000 warheads each, while China is estimated to have only a little over 300. But these numbers are misleading. Beijing is playing catch-up very seriously and poses an unchecked nuclear escalation threat, which means both Russia and the U.S. have a vested interest in addressing China’s nuclear aspirations.

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton among others had called for short-term treaty extensions, which would have still kept the pressure on to address issues like tactical nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles. But with no pressure on either China or Russia to negotiate a nuclear armament deal, the likelihood of slowing or stopping the ChiComs’ nuclear ambitions or warhead production is nil.

In an attempt to counter the joint statement, Secretary of State Antony Blinken remarked that extending START makes the U.S., its allies and partners, and the world all safer. He added, “Unconstrained nuclear competition would endanger us all.” While these points may both be true, apparently lost on Secretary Blinken is the more salient point that a better START could have made the world even safer. All it would have taken was a team of competent negotiators and the ability to show Russia and perhaps China why modifying START would have been in their better interests.

Bottom line: Russia and China: 1; America: Zero.  ~The Patriot Post


What Does the GOP's Future Look Like?

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the first few weeks of socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s administration, it’s that we’ll have plenty of things to complain about for the next four years. Virtually all of former President Donald Trump’s good policies are being undone by an orgy of executive orders and actions, and the GOP is fairly powerless to stop it — which is what you get when you lose two Georgia Senate seats to a couple of hard-left clowns.

But four years of criticism from the wilderness won’t get it done. We need to not only resist and ridicule the Democrats’ ruinous policies, we also need to propose our own. And we need leaders to do so in compelling ways. Like candidate Donald Trump did.

Maybe he’ll decide he wants to be a candidate once again. The Democrats don’t have nearly the two-thirds majority to convict him in this week’s impeachment trial, which means they can’t disqualify him from running again. Former ambassador to Germany and acting Director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell says Trump has told him more than once that he’s interested in running again. But he’ll be 78 in four years, and perhaps he’ll be running a TV network by then. So who knows? One thing we do know: Trump is more interested in taking the House back in 2022 than he is in launching a third party. He made that clear during his meeting last week with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

In any case, conservatives should start to consider what our bench looks like, and who our next standard-bearer might be if it isn’t Trump. A tough and solidly conservative senator like Ted Cruz or Tom Cotton, or perhaps a successful young governor like Florida’s Ron DeSantis or South Dakota’s Kristi Noem? Both governors seemed to thrive during the Trump presidency, both have proven to be resolute leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic, and both seem to have that certain something that appeals to voters.

DeSantis is a fighter, and, like Trump, he’s been more than willing to call out media bias and Big Tech censorship. He did both last week at a press conference when he was challenged about the Hunter Biden news blackout just prior to the presidential election. “You’re trying to tell me if there was hacked information that could damage me, you guys wouldn’t print it? Give me a break,” he said. “You can whiz on my leg, but don’t tell me it’s raining.”

Noem, too, can throw a punch, and she can clearly articulate the differences between Left and Right. Two days after the January 6 Capitol riot, she published her thoughts when others were still hunkering down. “Our country has changed,” she said. “We have failed to educate generations of our children about what makes America unique. … Meanwhile, the left’s indoctrination takes place every day with kids all across America from the time they walk into a school at age 5 to the time they graduate college at 22. … What is it that Republicans stand for? We stand for the rule of law, not selective prosecution based on what your political views are. We stand for the right to defend yourself, your family, and your property. For your right to worship, to actually practice and live your faith according to your conscience. We stand for your right to earn a living and to do business.”

Going forward, we should also consider whether the Republican Party will bear Donald Trump’s America-First signature. Will it be a party with a strong populist-nationalist framework, or something else? It’s hard — indeed, foolish — to argue that the policies of our 45th president weren’t both popular and successful. And it’s hard to imagine the party reverting back to the more establishment style that defined it in the pre-Trump era. Unless we want to continue to lose presidential elections.

In any case, Democrats will do everything they can to sow division within the Republican Party ranks, as they’re trying to do now with Impeachment 2.0. Republicans shouldn’t take the bait. For now, at least, they would do well to remember our 40th president’s 11th Commandment: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow fellow Republican.”

Besides, we have plenty of Democrats just begging to be spoken ill about.   ~The Patriot Post


Heffernan's Nefarious 'Nazi' Neighbors

Los Angeles Times columnist Virginia Heffernan verified this week that chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome will long endure the departure of Donald Trump as long as the Democrat Party’s largest and most critical constituency — emotionally incontinent female voters — remains intact.

Heffernan, the archetypal wealthy white-privilege snowflake, was in a quandary this week after some of her neighbors extended a gesture of kindness and cleared the deep snow from her driveway. It’s a case study of the epidemic of sick-think that is progressively besieging  Leftmedia and social media influencers.

In her column “What can you do about the Trumpites next door?” Heffernan laments: “Oh, heck no. The Trumpites next door to our pandemic getaway, who seem as devoted to the ex-president as you can get without being Q fans, just plowed our driveway without being asked and did a great job. How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness? Of course, on some level, I realize I owe them thanks — and, man, it really looks like the guy back-dragged the driveway like a pro — but how much thanks? These neighbors are staunch partisans of blue lives, and there aren’t a lot of anything other than white lives in neighborhood. This is also kind of weird. Back in the city, people don’t sweep other people’s walkways for nothing.”

Heffernan, a New York native with the best Ivy League education her family could buy, posted a photo of her exclusive and very expensive snowed-in “pandemic getaway” in some mountain retreat where “there aren’t a lot of anything other than white lives.”

Obviously, she’s being held hostage there because only the most mindless and reality-detached leftist hypocrite would pen this column without sensing a scintilla of irony.

Struggling to understand a genuine and spontaneous gesture of kindness, which most of us here in Tennessee would extend at a moment’s notice regardless of a neighbor’s political perspective, Heffernan continues: “Hezbollah, the Shiite Islamist political party in Lebanon, also gives things away for free. … They offer protection and hospitality and win loyalty that way. And they also demand devotion to their brutal, us-versus-them anti-Sunni cause. Some of us are family, the favors say; the rest are infidels.”

Resisting any shred of gratitude, she then extended the “Hezbollah” comparison to a “Nazi” comparison: “When someone helps you when you’re down, or snowed in, it’s almost impossible to regard them as a blight on the world. In fact, you’re more likely to be overwhelmed with gratitude and convinced of the person’s inherent goodness. You might end up like the upper-middle-class family I stayed with in France as a teenager. They did not attend a citywide celebration for the 100th birthday of Charles de Gaulle, the war hero who orchestrated the liberation of his country from Nazi Germany in 1944. They did have several portraits of Philippe Pétain, Nazi collaborator, on their wall.”

She explained, “When I screwed up the courage to ask how it was for them during the occupation, the lady of the house replied, ‘We were happy because the Nazis were very polis.’ I didn’t know the word, so I excused myself to consult a French-English dictionary. I was in tears when I found the entry: ‘polite.’”

Laughably, insisting Trump had a “near-murderous contempt for the majority of Americans,” from the vacuous void of her ideological vacuum Heffernan alluded to “Rep. commie/liar-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who spoke eloquently this week about her terrifying experience during the insurrection at the Capitol.” Apparently, Heffernan didn’t get word that the commie/liar-AOC drama has been completely debunked.

Heffernan concluded: “Loving your neighbor is evidently much easier when your neighborhood is full of people just like you. … I also can’t give my neighbors absolution; it’s not mine to give. Free driveway work, as nice as it is, is just not the same currency as justice and truth. To pretend it is would be to lie, and they probably aren’t looking for absolution anyway.”

Of Heffernan’s “moral dilemma,” Democrat legal scholar Jonathan Turley observed concludes: “While most of us would find a thank you as natural and immediate, Heffernan explores her struggle in decision how to respond. … Under the guise of working through these issues, the column seems more of a vehicle for suggesting Trump voters are little better than terrorists and murderers. It matter-of-factly treats such references as obvious or plausible comparisons. … While many members and newspapers have heralded the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden election as a chance for healing… The fact is that people are addicted to rage. Many continue to use Trump as a license to hate, even portraying such hate as virtuous. It is so consuming that even kindness from a neighbor is treated as a moral dilemma.”

Commentator Megyn Kelly offered this advice: “Note to Virginia Heffernan’s neighbors: don’t plow again.” But I disagree. I would advise Heffernan’s neighbors: Plow early and often!   ~The Patriot Post

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