socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Presser:
The Demos' Open-Border Debacle
In his choreographed and scripted “press conference,” socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden declared, “I’m going to say something outrageous.” That was just before he had another non compos mentis moment: “If you hold near and dear to you that you, uh, umm, like to be able to, anyway…”
As a matter of fact, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden spent more than an hour regurgitating “outrageous” lies in what amounted to a very awkward presser featuring a lot of inane media questions.
Among his most egregious fabrications were his assertions about illegal immigrants and the Demo-induced border crisis — which is the direct result of socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s open-border debacle destined to dissolve national sovereignty. Naturally, he blamed Donald Trump for the surge of illegal immigrants. Of course, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has appointed lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris to manage that mess. That’ll fix it.
Asked about the border rush by illegal immigrants, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden responded, “Well, look, I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy; that’s the reason why it’s happening — that I’m a decent man, or however it’s phrased. That — you know, that’s why they’re coming, because they know socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is a good guy. … I like to think it’s because I’m a nice guy, but it’s not. It’s because of what’s happened every year.”
No, the surge and crisis are precisely because they think you’re a “nice guy” and your borderless-nation agenda will provide lots of free stuff — housing, food, education, and healthcare — while migrants take jobs from American workers and put downward pressure on wages. Meanwhile, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has left border states, most notably Texas and Arizona, to fend for themselves.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden said, “We’re trying to work out now, with Mexico, their willingness to take more of those families back. But we — that’s what’s happening. They’re not getting across the border.” Of course they are “getting across the border” en masse. Furthermore, Donald Trump had that all worked out with Mexico before Biden blew it up.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden attempted to deflect the surge, insisting: “There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. It happens every year. The reason they are coming is that it is the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way, because of the heat in the desert. It’s because of earthquakes, floods, it’s because of the lack of food, it’s because of gang violence.”
He added, “If an unaccompanied child ends up at the border, we’re [not] just going to let him starve to death and stay on the other side. No previous administration did that either, except Trump. I’m not going to do it. I’m not going to do it.”
There are abundant fact-checks for everything socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden said yesterday, but regarding his lies about the humanitarian crisis at our southern border, former Trump administration immigration policy advisor Stephen Miller addressed that disinformation best.
Here is Miller’s rebuttal to Biden: “He explained that he was resettling minors in the US in lieu of ‘let[ting] them starve to death and stay on the other side’ (Mexico) which he accused Trump of doing. This is spectacularly false and a grave smear on our border agents. First off, illegal crossers returned to Mexico are transferred to migration authorities not the desert. But unaccompanied minors were returned to their home countries to be reunited with their own families. They were not returned to Mexico unless Mexico was their home. This humane policy from President Trump brought unaccompanied minor numbers to record lows. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s disastrous decision to exempt minors from Title 42, and to stop the at-home reunification process in favor of domestic resettlement, single-handedly created this crisis. Worse still, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden made this decision with no planning, no preparation, no extra facilities, and no thought as to the tragic human consequences on both sides of the border. He is straining U.S. communities while keeping young illegal migrants from their families back home. The youth migrant crisis will only end when socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden does a full 180 and switches from a resettlement policy to a repatriation policy. As long as he admits every minor crossing illegally they will keep getting smuggled in record numbers — and the needless suffering will continue. Finally … [his response] on revoking Trump’s proven border tools defies human logic. If you stop removing illegal immigrants, and instead release them en masse, then of course they will come in ever-larger numbers. This shouldn’t be that hard to understand.”
In other words, the solution to the problem is to revert to the Trump administration’s proven policies to stop illegal immigration. But Demos don’t want to stop illegal immigration, and they don’t care about the consequences for immigrant children and families, much less the deadly consequences for American families.
More succinctly, Senator Lindsey Graham concluded: “The Trump policies created dramatic decreases in illegal immigration. The changes made by President socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden have created a virtual human tsunami.”
For his part, Trump responded, “By the time we finished what we were doing [on the border], very few people were coming up because they knew they weren’t going to get through. We stopped ‘catch and release’ — which was a disaster. The very biggest thing was, we had the ‘Remain In Mexico’ policy. … We wouldn’t allow people to wait in our country.” In other words, be released in our country and disappear.
Finally, when asked about the administration’s border media blackout — specifically, “Will you commit to transparency on this issue, Mr. President?” — socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden responded, “I will commit to transparency, and — as soon as I am in a position to be able to implement what we are doing right now.”
Asked again, “And just to be clear: How soon will that be, Mr. President?” he responded, “I don’t know, to be clear.”
In other words, there will be “transparency” as soon as the optics suit socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s open-border agenda.
Oh, and about that 11 million illegal immigrants Demos and their Leftmedia propagandists promote: A 2020 research report puts the number of illegals in the United States at somewhere between 16.5 million and 29.1 million. ~The Patriot Post
Big Lies at socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden's First Presser
How could you tell President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden was lying in his long-awaited first press conference? His mouth was open. No wonder he had to use cheat sheets to keep his story straight.
The president dishonestly addressed numerous topics yesterday, including immigration, COVID, election law, and the Senate filibuster to name a few. And on every single topic, he deflected, blamed, or outright lied. If only there were a few media “fact-checkers” to address the problem…
Bizarrely, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden asserted, “I’ve not been able to unite the Congress, but I’ve been uniting the country.” Wrong. Creating a border crisis, forcing girls to compete against boys, injecting racism into everything, and spending $2 trillion on Democrat constituents is not unifying.
Our Mark Alexander covered immigration, so let’s get to some of the other deception.
The ChiCom Virus is one of Biden’s favorite lies, and he began with it Thursday — the only topic he addressed before taking questions. It was just two weeks ago that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden gave a prime time address to falsely claim credit for Donald Trump’s vaccine achievements. Yesterday was no better. socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden spiked the football on reaching 100 million vaccine doses 42 days early, even though it was Trump, not Biden, who set us on that course. Some 22 million doses were distributed before socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden even walked into the Oval Office.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has now set a new goal of 200 million shots in his first 100 days. This too is virtually certain given the pace of distribution. All he has to do is not bungle it.
HR 1
HR 1 and S 1, its Senate companion, is a Democrat attempt at a federal takeover of elections in order to make the shenanigans of 2020 permanent.
“What I’m worried about,” socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden explained, “is how un-American this whole initiative is. It’s sick. … This makes Jim Crowe look like Jim Eagle.” Huh? He was talking about Republican opposition to bulk-mail balloting, but the question he was asked had to do with both state Republican efforts at ensuring election integrity and his own party’s efforts to “pass voting rights legislation.” His condemning words would be more appropriately applied to Democrat legislation.
Democrats are lying about what ails our elections. Requiring voter ID and limiting access to mail-in ballots is not “Jim Crow.” In fact, Democrats are grossly patronizing minorities by arguing they’re somehow less capable of meeting basic standards of integrity. Democrats are trying to exacerbate the problems we all saw in 2020 and force them on every state and jurisdiction.
Senate Filibuster
“Filibuster. Filibuster,” socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden began to answer a question. “You know, with regard to the filibuster, I believe we should go back to a position on the filibuster that existed just when I came to the United States Senate 120 years ago [sic]. And that is that — it used to be required for the filibuster — and I had a card on this; I was going to give you the statistics, but you probably know them — that it used to be that, that from between 1917 to 1971 — the filibuster existed — there was [sic] a total of 58 motions to break a filibuster that whole time. Last year alone, there were five times that many. So it’s being abused in a gigantic way.”
Last year, Democrats were in the Senate minority.
He expressed frustration that his radical leftist agenda is facing trouble in a 50-50 Senate. “I’m a fairly practical guy. I want to get things done,” he said. Sadly, his dementia then kicked in: “The best way to get something done, if you — if you hold near and dear to you that you like to be able to — anyway…”
Asked about it again later, he affirmed that he thought the filibuster was “a relic of the Jim Crow era.”
He certainly didn’t think that in 2005 when as a senator he made a lengthy and passionate defense of the filibuster. Heck, he didn’t even think it 10 days ago, when Press Secretary liar-Jen Psaki insisted that socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden preferred “not to make changes” to the filibuster but was “open to hearing” ideas. That doesn’t sound like it was a pressing racial issue last week.
On a final note, while Joe says he doesn’t “know if there will be a Republican Party” in 2024, “My plan is to run for reelection.” It’s okay to chuckle. ~The Patriot Post
Media Disgraces Itself at socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Presser
The first question from the White House Press Corps was a vicious two-parter asked by ABC’s Jonathan Karl: “Why did you lie to the American people? And why should we trust what you have to say now?”
Wait. You missed it? Well, that’s because Karl didn’t ask that question yesterday. He asked it on September 10, 2020, during one of many White House pressers held by then-President Donald Trump.
The point, of course, is that the media of today is unrecognizable in its newfound subservience to our nation’s chief executive. socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden told a basketful of lies yesterday at his streak-snapping first-ever press conference, but no one in the assembled press corps had the temerity to trouble him with a tough question.
Why, it was almost as if it were all scripted, right down to detailed presidential cheat sheets and a call-them-by-number listing of journalists’ names and faces.
So much for speaking truth to power. So much for comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. So much for the aggressive and obnoxious Jim Acosta types. Instead, the atmosphere was unlike that of any presidential press conference ever — or certainly in the post-Watergate era.
Kayleigh McEnany, who was White House press secretary at the time of Jon Karl’s ambush of Trump, could only marvel at the night-and-day difference between that bunch of jackals and this bunch of pantywaists.
“An eerie silence prevailed during the press conference,” \observed Power Line’s John Hinderaker. “Reporters held their breath as socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden weaved for minutes at a time through bizarre chains of association, hoping they would have some idea what he was talking about. This is in sharp contrast with President Trump’s press conferences, where he would get 10 seconds into an answer and the air would be filled with reporters trying to interrupt.”
At least the assembled media, during Donald Trump’s many press conferences, always paid him the compliment of bringing its meanest, nastiest, most partisan selves to the party. As for the media’s deferential treatment of Joe Biden, it seemed most interested in protecting him; in keeping him from falling and hurting himself.
“Stonewalled for 65 days by President socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden, reporters decided their first opportunity to question him should be used to let him monologue on his favorite topics,” wrote the New York Post editorial board. “It’s shocking how low the bar has been set for President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden. He seemed confused going from questioner to questioner, rambling to the point where he finally said, exhausted, ‘…anyway.’”
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden took ordered questions from 10 reporters. Fox News’s White House correspondent Peter Doocy didn’t rate a single one. That the administration avoided the nation’s most consequential news network speaks volumes about its fear of exposing socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden to real questions from legit journalists.
Fox News media analyst Joe Concha was disgusted by what he saw. “This was a disgrace for most of the press corps and for the president,” he said. “[President socialist/ scumbag/liar- Biden] said some outrageous things that demanded to be pressed on, and of course no one in the room can decide to do it.”
As David Rutz reported, “Concha took particular exception to PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor, who told socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden he was perceived as a ‘moral, decent man’ while asking him a question about the migrant border crisis that critics say is a direct response to his immigration policies.”
“Your tax dollars at work,” said Concha, noting that Alcindor’s praise of the president and her subsequent softball were “patently embarrassing to the profession.”
Alcindor also appeared to urge socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden to find a way around the Senate filibuster — a tool which Senator socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden had spent decades deploying and defending. “This wasn’t only bias in broad daylight,” Concha said. “It was activism.”
Indeed, activism is the essence of it. A healthy republic depends on many things, but few of them are as important as a free, fair, and ardently inquisitive press. But think about how far we’ve fallen in this regard: The institution that our Founders protected within the Constitution’s First Amendment has become a mob of naked advocates for one particular political party.
And worse, they’ve gone directly from hating the former American president to having pity on the current one. ~The Patriot Post
House Committee Blasts Big Tech ... Again
Big Tech has increasingly become an easy and favorite target of both sides of the political aisle. This reality was on display again Thursday during the latest congressional hearing involving the CEOs of Facebook, Google, and Twitter. As Representative Angie Craig (D-MN) put it, “This panel has done something truly rare in Washington these days — it’s united Democrats and Republicans.” She then added, “Your industry cannot be trusted to regulate itself.”
The trouble is that this seeming unity between Democrats and Republicans against Big Tech is for polar opposite reasons. To put it succinctly, the Republicans’ objections to Big Tech center on its increasing censorship of Americans’ free speech, specifically the speech rights of conservatives, whereas the Democrats’ primary objection is that Big Tech has not been doing enough censorship of conservative speech.
Expressing the Democrats’ primary issue, Congressman Mike Doyle (D-PA) blasted the CEOs for overseeing “havens of hate, harassment, and division,” before warning, “We will legislate to stop this.” Representative G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) asserted that social media sites are “being used to undermine social justice.” He also contended that Congress should “compel you, perhaps with penalties, to make meaningful changes” to force more racial diversity among Silicon Valley employees.
Again, Republican concerns focused on censorship. Representative Steve Scalise (R-LA) took Jack Dorsey to task over Twitter’s blatantly political decision last October to block the New York Post’s story exposing Hunter Biden via the discovery of his laptop. Dorsey dismissed it as a “total mistake” that “we corrected … within 24 hours.” (Fact-check: False information.) When Scalise pressed Dorsey on whether Twitter’s “censoring department” was held accountable for the mistake, Dorsey wryly deflected, “Well, we don’t have a censoring department.”
Scalise then warned, “Just recognize if you become viewed and continue to become viewed as an anti-conservatively biased platform, there will be other people that step up to compete and ultimately take millions of people from Twitter.” The trouble is Scalise’s complaint was too narrow and his warning lacked teeth. For example, just look at how Big Tech worked in concert to eliminate the threat of Parler just as a massive number of conservatives were jumping on board the free speech-promoting platform.
The reality is that Big Tech’s suppression is much broader and insidious than the mere deplatforming of some notable figures like Donald Trump. Big Tech’s suppression of speech might better be described as redlining the First Amendment.
Using devious and underhanded tactics such as shadow banning and dubious “fact-checking” agents clearly beholden to leftist political biases, Big Tech effectively exerts massive and increasing control over what content users are allowed to see and what content/opinions users are allowed to post. By erroneously declaring certain conservative opinions and views as “hate speech” or “missing context,” Big Tech justifies its speech controls.
And this is where the Washington game is being played. Both sides are calling for greater regulation of Big Tech, and this regulations gambit is playing right into the hands of Democrats. By calling for Big Tech to better regulate speech, Democrats are effectively calling for all speech to be regulated according to their own values and views, not according to concerns over protecting American citizens’ First Amendment rights. As the Wall Street Journal editorial board cogently observes, “The gatekeepers of online expression increasingly resemble government regulators, navigating threats and exhortations from politicians.”
Republicans want regulations preventing Big Tech from engaging in censorship, while Democrats want Big Tech to do their bidding by regulating the information and ideas that Americans are allowed to see and express on social media platforms. ~The Patriot Post
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden: A Border Crisis 'Happens Every Year'
You know our nation’s border policies are failing when Mexico’s Marxist president blames America for the surge of migrants heading for the border.
And that’s exactly what Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador recently asserted when he observed that President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s promise of better treatment for migrants encouraged them to seek refuge in the United States. Lopez Obrador added, “They see socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden as the migrant president.”
For his part, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden was dismissive in his first press conference yesterday. “The truth of the matter is nothing has changed,” the president said of the crisis he’s created on the border. “It happens every year.” As Joe himself might also say, that’s a bunch of malarkey.
The new drapes weren’t even hung in the Oval office when America’s “migrant president” made it clear that people leaving El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, and Guatemala would have a home in the United States.
Within a few hours after his inauguration, socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden immediately suspended Donald Trump’s Remain in Mexico program. On an important side note, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden suggested yesterday during his presser that all families should return to Mexico, basically endorsing the very program he just halted weeks ago.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden also pledged to increase the annual number of refugees allowed into the country to 125,000 from Trump’s cap of 15,000. Again, the message was clear: Our borders are wide open.
Jim Clifton, the chairman and CEO of the Gallup polling organization, posted results of a survey in which 120 million people currently living in Latin America and the Caribbean would like to migrate to another country. Of those, 42 million want to come to the United States.
That’s a wonderful testament to the American Dream that Democrats are always running down, but we cannot sustain that level of immigration. Yet Democrats encourage it.
Eager to appease leftists and establishment Republicans, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden ended funding for Trump’s border wall. The problem is he didn’t have the authority to bypass Congress. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is under review by the Government Accounting Office for cutting off that funding. This comes after dozens of Republicans in the House and Senate pressured the GAO to look into the matter.
Meanwhile, President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has so far failed to nominate someone to take the reins of the 60,000-member Customs and Border Protection agency. Put it all together and it’s no wonder that more than 100,000 migrants crossed the border last month alone.
As Neil Diamond sings, “They’re coming to America.”
In droves.
All of this could have been avoided, but no worries. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden just handed off the crisis (yes, it’s a crisis) to President-in-Waiting lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris. Yes, the same lowlife/liar-Harris who once compared ICE agents to the KKK, introduced legislation to cut back on detention beds by 50%, and claimed holding kids in detention centers for more than 72 hours was inhumane.
Let’s be fair. The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden-lowlife/liar-Harris administration does have a plan: pile migrants onto Greyhound buses and ship them to a town near you. But some state governors aren’t ready to roll out the red carpet.
The plan to transport migrants from the southern border to the U.S.-Canadian border is being met with resistance in Montana. Anna Giaritelli reports, “Gov. Greg Gianforte and Attorney General Austin Knudsen told Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that they opposed the idea of Customs and Border Protection using Immigration and Customs Enforcement airplanes to transport migrant families and children across the country due to a shortage of holding facilities in states on the southern border.”
The border disaster unfolding before the eyes of the American people is changing minds.
In just one month, support for a so-called pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens has dropped from 57% to 43% among registered voters, according to a Politico/Morning Consult poll released this week. Democrat support fell from 72% to 57%.
What’s happening on the border is criminal, and human lives will be lost in the process. At some point, the Keystone Cops running the White House need to decide who’s running the show and come up with a plan that’ll be humane for the migrants and respect the rule of law in America.
Don’t count on it. ~The Patriot Post
States Sue socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Over Energy Diktats
Back in October, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden claimed, “If you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.” As we’ve learned over the longest two months of our lives, those were just feel-good platitudes uttered by the titular head of a movement that’s completely turned the idea of good government on its head despite the thinnest of majorities in both houses of Congress. No mandate here, just a slew of executive orders that divide us.
Since Congress has been rendered impotent, the last resort for the opposition is the courts, which — fortunately — have been bolstered in the last four years with conservative, constitutionalist appointees. In the latest defensive salvo against President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s overreach, a group of 13 energy-producing states, led by Louisiana, has filed a lawsuit in federal court to overturn his proposed halt of oil and gas leasing on federal lands.
“By executive fiat, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and his administration have single-handedly driven the price of energy up, costing the American people where it hurts most — in their pocketbooks,” said Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, the lead plaintiff who filed the suit in his home state. “ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s executive orders abandon middle-class jobs at a time when America needs them most and put our energy security in the hands of foreign countries, many of whom despise America’s greatness.”
The suit alleges socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s order violates both the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act and the Mineral Leasing Act, and it follows previous suits regarding his cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline and his declaration that greenhouse gases have a “social cost.”
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden regime mouthpiece liar-Jen Psaki claimed the previous administration “flooded the oil markets with cheap federal leases,” but also that reversing it “will not affect oil and gas markets for years to come.” We may circle back to that economically illiterate point, but there’s another important lesson here.
As you may recall, America had finally become effectively energy independent for the first time in decades under the Trump administration thanks to energy companies being able to extract the resources with which we’ve been blessed. Under socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, though, the only American extraction will come from our wallets with a proposed tax on mileage driven. More importantly, though, losing our energy independence means that our adversaries around the world, in particular Russia, stand to gain at our expense. Imagine socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden trying to convince Vladimir Putin in person why he can talk tough yet give away one big advantage we held over Russia with our allies in Europe as a more friendly supplier of natural gas. Putin is probably still pinching himself because things are falling into place better than he ever dreamed.
So there’s bad policy and there’s BAD policy. “Cheap leases” or not, states that received half of the revenue generated from drilling on the federal lands within their borders will need to make budget cuts or figure out ways to restore this lost revenue, while Americans in all 50 states have to deal with increased prices for gasoline and electricity. The thousands of jobs dependent on the energy industry have also been placed in jeopardy, with those who were furloughed after working on the canceled Keystone project being the tip of that spear at a time when the economy’s unsteady recovery could use a sure job creator in an essential industry. All because Washington wants dictatorial power over how we stay warm and get around.
Certainly the new broom sweeps clean, and in this case socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and crew are trying to rid every nook and cranny of what they perceive as dirt from the previous occupant of the Oval Office. But did the people really want this radical change in policy? Those newly jobless in the energy industry who are pumping gas that costs several dollars more per tankful are certainly wishing the clock could be turned back to last year when Joe Biden was merely lying to us about consensus instead of destroying it. ~The Patriot Post
The Left Is Lying About Anti-Asian Hate Crimes
“It looks racially motivated to me,” said Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth, commenting on the fact that six Asian women were among the eight people murdered last week at two Atlanta massage parlors by a deranged young man.
And when it comes to racially motivated behavior, the Thailand-born Duckworth ought to know. After all, she vowed on Tuesday not to support any more of President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s executive branch nominees who were either straight or white, because he didn’t have any Asian Americans or Pacific Islanders in his cabinet. Duckworth’s threat didn’t last long, though. Someone must’ve clued her in that anti-heterosexual bigotry is technically still bigotry, and anti-white racism is technically still racism — even when the bigoted racist is a Senate Democrat.
Which brings us to today’s topic: the purported wave of white supremacist, anti-Asian hate crimes sweeping the nation due to former President Donald Trump having routinely referred to the China virus as the China virus. (We’re still waiting for those vile racists at Wikipedia to purge their website of its Spanish flu page, its West Nile virus page, its Middle East respiratory syndrome page, its Ebola virus page, its Lyme disease page, its Rocky Mountain spotted fever page, and, well, you get the idea.)
But if the identity pimps on the Left are going to create another massive voting bloc of aggrieved-and-hyphenated Americans (just as they have for blacks and Hispanics), it appears they’ll have to do it by lying. And, frankly, they’re off to a good start.
For one thing, the “surge” isn’t really a surge — at least not in the way we generally understand and use the term. In fact, the race baiters are simply having some fun with statistics. As Dennis Prager writes, “The Atlanta lie is part of the greater lie that there is a national epidemic of white supremacist anti-Asian racism. On March 18, for example, The Washington Post reported: ‘Anti-Asian hate crimes have spiked 150 percent since the pandemic began, according to a recent study.’ … The 150% increase in anti-Asian American hate crimes is contained in its ‘Fact Sheet: Anti-Asian Prejudice March 2020,’ according to which the number of anti-Asian American incidents rose from 49 in 2019 to 122 in 2020. So, the entire edifice of hate against Asian Americans is predicated on an alleged increase of 73 incidents.”
Seventy-three incidents.
Think about that. Ours is a country of 330 million. And the Left wants us to believe that Asian Americans are under siege because the number of attacks against them (Note: Even a “slight” is considered an “attack”) jumped from 49 in 2019 to 122 in 2020. That means the ratio of assaults against them “jumped” from 1 for every 6,734,693 Americans to 1 for every 2,704,918 Americans. This is the equivalent of a bad year for lightning strikes.
For another thing, if there is an increase in violent crimes against Asian Americans, it isn’t being perpetrated by white supremacists — or whites generally. As Robert Cherry writes in The Spectator, “Using 2019 FBI statistics — the most recently available data — I computed black and white perpetrators of hate crimes as a percentage of men 18 to 44 years old in their populations. The black rate was 40 percent, 76 percent, and 303 percent higher than the white rate for hate crimes against the Asian/Pacific Island, Latino, and LGBTQ communities respectively. Even more troubling, black rates for hate-crime assaults were 94 percent higher while for property destruction and vandalism, they were 14 percent lower than white rates.”
So the increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans is minuscule, and the group most responsible for it is most likely another minority group, Black Americans. But, yeah, other than that, the vile narrative being foisted upon us by the Left is accurate. ~The Patriot Post
Why DC Statehood Is a Constitutional No-No
The House Oversight and Reform Committee held a hearing Wednesday on HR 51, a bill that would advance the District of Columbia on a path toward statehood. Democrats have long touted this action under the guise of finally providing “representation” for the city’s residents, but the truth is far more partisan — the overwhelmingly Democrat District would grant the party a full voting member in the House and two more Senate seats. But there’s actually a bigger problem for Democrats than pure politics: the Constitution, specifically Article I, Section 8.
Veteran political analyst David Harsanyi sums up the issue: “There are numerous principled reasons to oppose D.C. statehood. But, really, no arguments are more applicable than the ones offered by the Founders, who created a federal district for the distinct purpose of denying it statehood. First, because they were concerned about the seat of federal power being controlled by a hostile or intrusive state government. Second, because they knew that if the capital were in a state — much less its own state — the people would vote to grow and accumulate federal power. Both situations were incompatible with the proper separation of powers and state rights.”
Democrats want to undo our Founders’ vision? Who knew?
Even if the Democrats were able to push through a DC statehood bill, that would do little to ensure that DC becomes a state. To make DC a state would require a constitutional amendment ratified by two-thirds of the states. The prospect of that happening is highly unlikely, to say the least.
Still, Republicans are taking the Democrats’ partisan power play seriously. Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC) warned, “DC is a pawn being used by congressional Democrats to gain power, all without regard to the constitutional and practical issues that making the district a state presents.”
The National Review editors observe, “Washington, as it now stands, has already accumulated far more political power than any city in the nation. Transforming the seat of this authority into a state would create voters who are almost wholly incentivized to grow the power and size of the federal government at the expense of other states.”
While Democrats love to argue that the 670,000 residents of DC lack the same congressional representation enjoyed by residents of the 50 states, it’s telling that they are unwilling to consider less politically contentious solutions. If representation is really such an issue, why not shrink the district and seek to have many of the residents of DC incorporated into the state of Maryland? In other words, there are more workable solutions that won’t run counter to the Founders’ purpose in placing the capital outside of any one state. ~The Patriot Post