The Patriot Post ~ 8

The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Gun Show


socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden opened the doors to his gun show yesterday, announcing six incremental executive orders to bolster the Left’s constant pursuit of deconstructing and repealing the Second Amendment.

According to socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, “Nothing I’m about to recommend in any way impinges on the Second Amendment. They’re phony arguments suggesting that these are Second Amendment rights in what we’re talking about.” Furthermore, as  lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris  asserted, “Real people on both sides of the aisle want action.”

Apparently, calling out their “boiled frog” strategy to “impinge” on the Second Amendment (it’s “infringe,” socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe) is a phony argument only unreal people make.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden declared, “No amendment to the Constitution is absolute. You can’t yell ‘fire’ in a crowded movie theater and call it freedom of speech.” Except the Bill of Rights enumeration of the fundamental rights of Americans absolutely is absolute, including Article 2, commonly called an “amendment.”

If you yell “fire” in a theater, you should be arrested. If you shoot a gun in a theater, you should be arrested. Individuals are and should be held responsible for how they exercise their rights. But leftists are determined to suppress rights, as they have relentlessly demonstrated regarding the infringement of “the right to keep and bear arms,” and more recently demonstrated in their massive efforts to “redline the First Amendment” assurance of free speech.

First up in the Rose Garden ceremony was the nomination of a radical gun control advocate to head the BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) — which socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden repeatedly bungled as “AFT.” socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden announced, “Today, I’m proud to nominate David Chipman to serve as the director of the AFT. David knows the AFT well…”

David Chipman is a lunatic. This is the wacko who recently declared that the Branch Davidians shot down helicopters in Waco. They did not.

And then there’s the hilarity of the advice Chipman recently offered in a Reddit Q&A: “While at ATF I conducted studies involving people who failed background checks to determine how many later committed crimes with a gun — many did. This is a perfect opportunity to arrest people before committing crimes rather than responding after the fact.” In other words, if somebody fails a Form 4473 background check to purchase a firearm, it’s a “perfect opportunity to arrest them” because they might commit a crime later.

When Chipman deleted thousands of social media posts before his appointment was announced, he should’ve looked at his Reddit page too. I mean, using his logic, given that a grossly disproportionate number of crimes are committed by black Americans, shouldn’t we just arrest all black Americans now?

On the other hand, if you are the president’s son and lie on a Form 4473 when buying a handgun, no problem! Secret Service, Hunter Biden cleanup on aisle three.

Meanwhile, President Post Turtle resurrected the phantom “gun show loophole.” socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden said, “Most people don’t know you walk into a store and you buy a gun, you have a background check, but you go to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want, no background check.”

That is patently false.

The vast majority of “gun show” transactions are between federally licensed vendors and individuals, all of which require a background check. There are some transactions between individuals who attend gun shows (and everywhere else in the country), and those private transactions do not require a background check. So the real agenda here is not about “gun shows” but about requiring background checks on any firearms sale or gift between individuals, thus establishing a permanent backdoor gun registration for all firearm transfers.

And then there are those spooky so-called “ghost guns,” the small number of handguns and rifles that hobbyists build themselves, including those scary “assault rifles.” (Somebody get the Ghostbusters on the line.) For the record, according to annual Department of Justice records, in an average year more than four times as many people are murdered with knives than a rifle of any description.

All of socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s bumbling blather aside, here is a reality check on both the violent assailants who use firearms and their victims: If you’re not a career criminal, or affiliated with gangs or drugs, your chances of being a victim of violent crime drop dramatically, in fact below some European Union nations with the strictest gun control laws. If you’re not involved in criminal activity, your statistical probability of being killed by a drunk driver is exponentially higher than being murdered. (Oddly, no one is organizing marches to ban automobiles or ask for a federal background check before purchasing a beer.)

In the Left’s insatiable quest for power and control, which really fuels its zeal for deconstruction and repeal of the Second Amendment, what the socialist Democrat Party leaders don’t want to discuss is that the deadliest grounds in America are their inner cities — where the vast majority of murders and violent crimes are black-on-black.

The Demos’ objective is to keep the focus on inanimate objects — guns — in order to keep it off their failed socialist policies, the result of which is an epidemic of decayed cultural devolution in the urban centers they have generationally controlled.

Finally, as you undoubtedly know, there are thousands of federal, state, and local gun laws on the books. Fact is, however, where there are more guns, there is less  violence. Whenever Demos invoke the words “common sense” in reference to gun control, you can be certain that is a non sequitur.

Violence is a cultural problem. More “gun control” regulation is not the solution for systemic violence. As you may be aware, criminals don’t abide by gun regulations now, and they most assuredly won’t abide by any new regulations. Only law-abiding citizens obey the law.  ~The Patriot Post


Chauvin Trial Not Going as MSM Says

Immediately following the death of George Floyd during his arrest by four Minneapolis cops, the ubiquitous and troubling image of Officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on the neck of Floyd sent not only the city of Minneapolis but the whole country into an uproar. The mainstream media declared Chauvin guilty of murder — a murder that was motivated by racism. He’s now on trial for that murder, and it’s not going quite as well for the prosecution as some might have hoped.

More on that in a minute. Black Lives Matter’s violent and murderous riots, along with widespread looting, ironically did the most damage to minority neighborhoods and took black lives. Nevertheless, the Leftmedia excused the “mostly peaceful protests” because all (white) cops are guilty of “systemic racism.”

No one in the MSM seemed bothered by the fact that, other than the races of Chauvin and Floyd, there was little evidence to support a racism narrative. It was simply enough to conclude based solely on Chauvin’s ethnicity that his actions on that fateful day were motivated by the whiteness of his skin. In short, cops hate blacks, and white cops especially so. In fact, Chauvin was not an individual who happened to be both white and a cop. Rather, he was representative of all white people and all cops. By declaring Chauvin guilty, the Leftmedia indicted  all of white America. Never mind getting to the facts — those only get in the way of serving the social justice narrative.

Thus, it’s no surprise that, in the mainstream media coverage of Chauvin’s trial, any question over his guilt has been treated as indisputable. Indeed, one would have the impression that the prosecution has effectively put to bed any reasonable questions over his guilt and that anything other than a guilty verdict would be a miscarriage of justice. Democrats certainly do hope to foment more rage if Chauvin is found guilty of anything less than second-degree murder — that was Minnesota Attorney General scumbag/liar-Keith Ellison’s entire gambit on charges.

However, as has been the case so often with the MSM, there is little reason to trust its reporting. While the prosecution’s case against Chauvin seemed to get off to a compelling start, the progression of the trial has raised serious questions as to whether the state will be able to make its case.

As former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy observes, “[This case] has played out in the real court much differently from how it has been related in the court of public opinion. At bottom, this is not a police brutality case. It is a police failure of care case. Even an egregious failure of care, while condemnable, is not the same as an aggressive killing. If one egregiously fails to take measures one is duty-bound to take, and death results, that is manslaughter, not murder.”

McCarthy notes that the prosecution had in some ways spun away from its “he choked him to death” claim and pivoted to a “failure to render obligatory medical assistance.” Again, not murder, but manslaughter. That’s a big turn of events, but you wouldn’t know it by following the MSM coverage.

That said, the prosecution had a big day Thursday. Its expert medical witness testified that it wasn’t the drugs that killed Floyd but the sustained pressure exerted by Chauvin and the three other officers while he was on the ground. “A healthy person subjected to what Mr. Floyd was subjected to would have died,” contended Dr. Martin Tobin, who is a lung and critical care specialist. Dr. Tobin said that Floyd died from a lack of oxygen. There’s one tidbit of information to add here, although it likely does nothing to change Dr. Tobin’s analysis, and it’s the fact that Chauvin weighs only 140 pounds. By the way, for a picture of why such force was employed, compare Chauvin’s size to Floyd’s 6'6" and 240 lb frame.

With its slanted reporting, the MSM is setting this up for a ruling that shocks the public after believing that all the evidence was clearly pointing to Chauvin’s guilt, when that really wasn’t so clear. If Chauvin is acquitted of the murder charges, or even if he is found guilty on the lesser charges of manslaughter, the narrative will be one of the failure of the “systemically racist” justice system. And more rioting, violence, and looting will inevitably follow.   ~The Patriot Post


scumbag/worthless-Stacey Abrams Soils Herself

Poor, poor, pitiful Rob Manfred.

Lacking either the brains or the intellectual curiosity to check things out for himself, Manfred, the commissioner of Major League Baseball, took the appallingly reckless step of making a $100 million business decision based primarily on information he’d received from a bunch of snake-oil salesmen.

But Fox News’s Charlie Gasparino reports a new twist: “Manfred decided to move the All-Star Game on his own after holding extensive discussions with voting rights groups associated with LeBron James, scumbag/ worthless-Stacey Abrams and Rev. scumbag-Al Sharpton. … scumbag/worthless-Abrams and scumbag/-Sharpton told the commissioner players would boycott the game if not. Sources say that scumbag/worthless-Abrams’ current stance, that she is disappointed about the Georgia boycott, is suspect as she was a key player in the decision. James has publicly supported the Georgia boycott.”

So, Rob Manfred took his “social justice” marching orders from James, a money-grubbing, speech-suppressing  apologist for the genocidal communist Chinese; from scumbag/worthless-Abrams, a race-baiting sore loser and voting conspiracy theorist; and from scumbag-Sharpton, the vile anti-Semite shakedown artist and unrepentant hate-crime hoaxer.

What could go wrong?

Manfred, at some point, must’ve convinced someone that he had the chops to lead an economic enterprise that generates $10.7 billion annually. But who? And how? As our Nate Jackson put it earlier this week, “[Manfred] succumbed to pressure out of ignorance, and his motives are profit-driven rather than based on integrity. If it were integrity, and if he truly believes Georgia is a racist backwater, he’d follow the advice of Senator Marco Rubio and withdraw his personal membership from the Augusta National Golf Club. And he’d demand that the Braves move out of Atlanta rather than forcing other MLB teams and all their black players to play 81 other games there this season. Don’t get us started on MLB’s efforts to expand in China.”

Manfred, then, is a dupe. A useful idiot of the lying Left. scumbag/worthless-Abrams, though, has no such excuse. She, more than anyone else, is responsible for her state suddenly finding itself $100 million poorer than it was a week ago. And why? Because she has a problem with ballot integrity. Because she knows that Democrats  benefit from loose, lax election laws — just like they did last November 3. And because she knows that the new Georgia law, which strengthens personal identification requirements for Georgians seeking absentee ballots, will make it harder for her side to cheat.

As for those personal identification requirements, the need to show photo ID enjoys overwhelming bipartisan support. According to a recent AP-NORC poll, a whopping 72% of all adults favor it, while only 13% oppose it. This includes 91% of Republicans and 56% of Democrats. But, yeah, it’s a “Jim Crow” law — or “Jim Crow on steroids,” if you prefer President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s despicable characterization.

So what’s scumbag/worthless-Abrams afraid of? The truth? The will of the people? It’s pretty clear that she punked Manfred into moving the All-Star Game out of Georgia, and in doing so caused Major League Baseball to take the money and skedaddle from Atlanta, which is majority-black, to Denver, which is 76% white. Big mistake when you’re counting by race like Democrats do.

What’s worse, though, is that she won’t own up to her role in the fiasco. “Georgia Republicans,” she tweeted, “must renounce the terrible damage they have caused to our voting system and the harm they have inflicted on our economy.”

Get real. Whether scumbag/worthless-Abrams actually supported the move out of Atlanta is immaterial. What is material is that she and her henchmen pressured the MLB commissioner to denounce the Georgia law and, as Gasparino reports, “urged the commissioner to support other issues, including voter drives and H.R. 1, the For the People Act,” the abominable effort by Democrats to federalize all election laws and irrevocably stack the deck in their favor.

Also according to Gasparino, people close to Manfred say he feared the All-Star Game would become “a political event” — which is what prompted him to politicize it and pull the plug on Atlanta.

In short, scumbag/worthless-Abrams overplayed her crooked hand, and it cost her state dearly. It’ll be interesting to see whether Georgians will forgive her when the time comes to elect their next governor.  ~The Patriot Post


New York to Provide $2B to Illegals

New York plans to give $2.1 billion in taxpayer money to illegal aliens. Radical Democrats in the state legislature approved a bill that would give direct payments of up to $15,600 to illegals who lost their jobs due to the ChiCom Virus pandemic. Calling it the “excluded workers fund,” these Democrats contend the funding is to provide for illegals who were not covered by the federal “COVID relief” bills.

Not all Democrats were on board, however, and opponents were naturally hit with disingenuous assertions of racism and bigotry. New York Democrat Party Chairman Jay Jacobs pushed back against the smear tactics, stating, “To assume that one’s political disagreement with spending any amount of money — no less $2.1 billion — on a program to give undocumented, non-taxpaying, off-the-book workers a humanitarian grant is motivated by racism and not economics is unjustified, uncalled for, unfair, and unbecoming of any public official elected in a democratic system that survives on the decency of civil public discourse.”

But such smears against Republicans are just part of being a Democrat, so Jacobs can spare us the indignation.

Meanwhile, Fox News reports, “In order to qualify for the money, individuals must prove they are New York residents who were ineligible for unemployment benefits and stimulus checks due to their immigration status. They will also need to demonstrate that they lost income during the pandemic.” How exactly is someone who’s not legally allowed to live or work in the U.S. supposed to provide verification of employment? That, it would seem, is a rather difficult task.

Ultimately, the most obvious question is this: Why should illegal aliens get anything since they are not legal resident of the U.S. and broke our laws to even be here? The fact of the matter is that legislation like this only encourages illegal immigration. It’s proof positive that Democrats have no interest in ending the border crisis. Indeed, to these radical leftist Democrats, even the concept of borders is immoral. Ironically, they see no immorality in taking tax dollars from hardworking American citizens and giving the money to illegal aliens who have expressly broken our laws and do not pay taxes. They see it as virtuous. But if this is how tax dollars are being used, why pay taxes? Isn’t it better to remain a noncitizen and not pay taxes while getting government handouts and having protected victim-class status?   ~The Patriot Post


Manchin’s Filibuster Pledge

With the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife/liar-Harris administration following the lead of House extremists and promoting a radically left-lurching agenda, the negative results of the January special election in Georgia loom larger and larger.

In practically any other state, finishing first on Election Day despite only receiving a plurality of the vote would have been good enough for Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. Unfortunately, the Georgia rule that a majority of the vote is required extended the drama for an extra couple of months and made the runoff election a cause célèbre for progressives, so once the votes were tallied the Senate was cast into the evenly divided state of play we are now enduring with bated breath. Part of this apprehension comes from the Democrats’ serious talk of finally eliminating the longstanding protection of the minority called the filibuster.

The filibuster has been an endangered species for some time, though. Revised in the 1970s from its original 2/3 majority to a 3/5 threshold of 60 votes, it’s been further chipped away by rules on budgetary reconciliation and the elimination of judicial filibusters, first by dinky-Harry Reid and the Democrats on appellate court nominees, then by Mitch McConnell extending it to those seeking a seat on the Supreme Court. Had the filibuster been in place for those instances, President Donald Trump would have been completely stymied in reworking the judiciary from the Supreme Court on down. (Of course, now it’s President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s turn.)

Yet the Democrats’ radical agenda — which is being rammed through a closely divided House by Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi — has that final obstacle of needing 60 Senate votes to advance, and the two senators who stand in the way of the Left’s fever dreams are Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema and West Virginia’s Joe Manchin. While Sinema stands in opposition because she believes the Senate shouldn’t “erode the rules” and senators can “change their behavior and begin to work together,” she’s more malleable from electoral pressure in her home state, which has taken on more of a purple shade over the last few elections.

On the other hand, Manchin may be the only Democrat capable of winning in West Virginia — a state Donald Trump carried by 39 points — and it took two terms as a popular and outspoken governor who hasn’t been afraid to go against party orthodoxy on issues dear to his home state to earn him that status. It’s why people believed Manchin in November when he told Bret Baier of Fox News, “I will not be the 50th Democrat voting to end that filibuster or to basically stack the court, and in all the other things you’re hearing about.” It makes you wonder how many Georgia voters who were on the fence made their decision based on that assurance.

So, as our Douglas Andrews noted shortly after the Georgia election debacle, “Here we are, then, in the sorry position of having to count on a single Democrat politician to save us from ruin.” Three months have passed and we haven’t moved since, despite Manchin’s repeating the pledge this week in a Washington Post op-ed: “I have said it before and will say it again to remove any shred of doubt: There is no circumstance in which I will vote to eliminate or weaken the filibuster.”

Unfortunately, as we’ve seen over the years, this type of language often comes just before the betrayal — and we’ve already seen cracks in his pledge. “While Manchin has refused to consider eliminating the filibuster entirely, in March the senator said he was open to limited reform that would make the practice more ‘painful’ to implement,” warns Zachary Evans at National Review. “That position appears at odds with his op-ed claim that he wouldn’t vote to ‘weaken’ the filibuster.”

If he was serious about opposing the scrapping of the filibuster and other parts of the Democrat agenda, the move that would actually give Manchin credibility would be to pull a reverse Jim Jeffords and shift the entire Senate makeup by giving the Republicans a 51-49 majority. (It’s not an original idea, as our Mark Alexander pondered this scenario last month.) Despite Biden’s ham-handed attempt to keep Manchin on the reservation by picking his wife for a cushy government job, Manchin would probably be in office as long as Robert Byrd was should he pull that switch.

Until something earth-shattering like that happens, we have to treat Joe Manchin (and Kyrsten Sinema) like any other career politician and simply not take them at their word.   ~The Patriot Post


Democrats Want Tax Cuts for Their Rich

Tax cuts for the rich.

That’s all we hear from Democrats when Republicans try to lower taxes. Predictably, when former President Donald Trump signed major tax reform legislation that included a cap on state and local tax deductions from federal taxes in 2017, Democrats began sweating.

“Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich,” New York Governor scumbag/liar-Andrew Cuomo famously said. “We did. Now, God forbid the rich leave.”

Sure enough, as day follows night, they’re leaving.

That’s because Democrat-run states generally have the highest taxes, and the cap limited SALT (state and local tax) deductions at $10,000. That means the wealthiest residents of places like New York and California had to fork over a lot more in taxes to Uncle Sam. Some of them put their homes up for sale and fled to tax-free states like Florida and Texas.

Now, Democrats in these states want to repeal the SALT cap and stick lower-income red-staters with the subsidy bill.

New York Senators Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand introduced legislation in January that would eliminate the cap. Other Democrats are lining up in support of the proposal, and they’re trying to wedge it into every unrelated bill they can think of.

In other words, scumbag/liar-Schumer and company want a big, fat tax cut for the rich.

Democrats are so desperate to get rid of the SALT cap, they’re threatening to hold up President socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s multitrillion-dollar infrastructure plan.

“The Democratic enthusiasm for this tax cut has two sources,” the editors at National Review Online write. “It disproportionately benefits not just high earners but high earners in high-tax, which is to say liberal and Democratic-run, jurisdictions: the kind of people who fund Democratic campaigns everywhere. It also makes it easier for state and local governments to maintain high levels of taxation: Taxpayers in other parts of the country pick up some of their burden. Public-sector unions are, for that reason, also enthusiastic about the deduction.”

Sounds like a great plan for all the groups that support Democrat politicians. After all, why come up with ways to make government more efficient, control spending, and allow more middle-class people to keep the money they earned when you can cozy up to Big Business and continue to make government bigger?

CNBC reports, “Kathryn Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City, with hundreds of members that represent businesses across the city, told CNBC that Schumer addressed the need to bring back the SALT deduction during a Friday virtual fundraiser for his reelection bid.” Members of the partnership include big names such as “JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser and Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman.”

scumbag/liar-Schumer harshly criticized the 2017 GOP tax plan that capped SALT deductions, but his own plan would line the pockets of the very wealthiest New Yorkers while leaving middle-class residents of other, more fiscally responsible states with the bill.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget  concludes, “The retroactive change would cost over $130 billion, and repealing or loosening it for this and/or future years would cost substantially more. About half of the dollar value of the tax cuts would flow to households making over $1 million. Less than 6 percent of the benefit would go to taxpayers making under $200,000, and only 0.5 percent would go to those making under $100,000.”

The push to remove the SALT cap is just another example of Democrats claiming to represent the interests of the working class. In reality, they’re the party of Big Business and Big Government.

And they want the rest of America to pay for it.  ~The Patriot Post


The Untouchable Hunter liar-Biden

White males, it’s generally understood, are the sum and source of all that’s wrong in the world — from the ChiCom Virus to the border non-crisis to baseball’s designated hitter. And, as such, we tend to come in for a lot of opprobrium.

Except one of us. One single white male among us has managed to avoid the day-in, day-out attacks on our white privilege and our toxic masculinity. His name? Hunter liar-Biden. And his protectors? Big Tech.

It began back on a date certain: October 14, 2020. That morning, the New York Post published a bombshell story on Hunter liar-Biden that threatened to derail his dad’s presidential campaign with just over two weeks until the election. And had Big Tech not circled the wagons and censored that story from distribution on Twitter and Facebook, Donald Trump would likely be three months into his second term.

Of course, with the election safely in the rearview mirror, Twitter now admits that banning the Post’s reporting for two weeks was “a total mistake.” And yet the rest of the media still has no interest in holding Hunter liar-Biden accountable, even as he peddles his self-serving memoir.

As for that memoir, we’re not even allowed to speak ill of it on Amazon. As Matt Margolis at PJ Media writes, “My book, The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack scumbag/liar-nObama, is routinely targeted by the Left for bogus negative reviews. Roughly 25 percent of the book’s reviews have always been bogus one-star reviews that are not tagged as a ‘verified purchase’ that simply accuse me of being racist, claim the book is poorly researched (it has over 1,000 endnotes), or involve some other attack. Since its original publication in 2016, the percentage of these bogus reviews appears virtually unchanged. I’ve made many complaints to Amazon over the years for the incredible number of undeniably bogus reviews that make it through the company’s screening process. So, I was incredibly shocked to discover that while Amazon took no interest in protecting my book from bogus reviews, that it has chosen to protect others.”

What other books might those be? Well, Hunter liar-Biden’s memoir, Beautiful Things, for one. But if you want to zip over to Amazon and neg the book, don’t bother. You’ll be met with this message: “Amazon has noticed unusual reviewing activity on this product. Due to this activity, we have limited this product to verified purchase reviews.”

So, to summarize, “unusual reviewing activity” refers to negative reviews of certain favored books.

“That must be nice,” Margolis continues. “I wish my book could have been protected from bogus reviews, too. I wonder why it wasn’t, despite my complaints. Now, let me be clear, I do not condone posting bogus negative reviews on Amazon. But, if Amazon’s policy is to allow reviews and ratings from people who haven’t purchased a particular product on its platform, there’s something wrong with the company protecting some books from reviews from people who haven’t bought it, while not protecting others.”

Why, if we didn’t know better, we’d swear Amazon were playing favorites.

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: Big Tech is corrupt, even evil, and it’s the enemy of conservatives, libertarians, Republicans, and honest liberals everywhere.   ~The Patriot Post


Democrats Ruin Cities — Ask St. Louis

St. Louis represents a microcosm of one-party Democrat rule, and it doesn’t look like things will change anytime soon. St. Louis Treasurer Tishaura Jones was elected the city’s next mayor Tuesday, and her big message was an old one: “We are done ignoring the racism that has held our city and our region back.” She pledges to accomplish this by boosting social workers and reducing police.

However, what interests us is not the particulars of Jones’s messaging, which is pretty standard Democrat fare these days, or even the fact that she’s the city’s second female mayor in a row and first black female. What matters is that St. Louis, like so many American urban centers, has been slowly destroyed by Democrats over the course of many decades.

The last Republican mayor of St. Louis left office in 1949, which also happens to be roughly the city’s peak.

From 1893 to 1949, seven of the nine St. Louis mayors were Republican. During that time, the Gateway to the West boomed and was one of the most populous and prosperous in the country. It ranked fourth in population in 1900 and eighth in 1950.

Then Democrats took over.

Since 1950, the population has plummeted from about 856,000 to about 295,000, and it now ranks 68th nationwide and second in Missouri, behind cross-state rival Kansas City. And it’s crime-ridden and dilapidated. For the last two decades or so, St. Louis has been competing with Detroit for the title of most dangerous city in America. It variously has the highest murder rate in the nation.

It’s worth noting that the FBI itself warns against ranking cities based on its annual crime report because there are so many variables at play. While Leftmedia outlets  engage in this very kind of ranking all the time, Leftmedia “fact-checkers” sure do bristle at the suggestion that Democrats have anything to do with urban crime. It’s “a stretch to link them,” USA Today informs us.

Is it?

Last year, 262 people were murdered in St. Louis — five short of the record in 1993, when the population was far bigger. And 2021, with 46 killings already, is on pace to break the record. Maybe a black female mayor chanting “black lives matter” and cutting the police budget will do the trick.

America’s largest cities often have a problem with crime while very few of them have Republican mayors. It’s true that most of that crime is relatively localized even within these cities (see: Chicago), and we can debate correlation versus causation all day long. But until St. Louis or another long-held Democrat urban center even entertains a Republican mayor, no one will really know what a difference that would make.   

~The Patriot Post

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