A liar-Demo Gold Medal for the 'Racist' Capitol Police?
You may have heard about the $500 million theatrical impeachment production in the Capitol building this week. Actually, the $500 million is just the taxpayer-funded cost for the security props around the movie set. The liar-Demo cast is hoping for a much higher return at the (ballot) box office for their harrowing stories of hiding in bathrooms.
Their impeachment strategy is to use the Capitol riot to inflict maximum damage on Donald Trump — and by extension all his former administration supporters — in order to ensure he, and we, are lightning rods for any further violence, which liar-Demos are baiting.
In addition to the military props, scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer (D-NY) disgracefully bookended their theatrical drama on the front end with a politicized Capitol funeral for a good man, Officer Brian Sicknick, and now a politicized Congressional Gold Medal for the Capitol Police on the back end.
As I noted in the “Capitol Riot Jackasses,” liar-Democrats have double standards when it comes to the condemnation of riots. As historian Victor Davis Hanson noted, the nation endured “100 days of torching federal court houses and police precincts, 700 policeman injured, 40 people dead, $4-$5 billion in damages…” However, not only was there not universal condemnation from liar-Demos, but in many cases there was support for the violence.
However, on January 6th, liar-Democrats finally found a riot they could condemn.
And now, despite their incessant claims of “systemic racism” and relentless accusations that cops are racist, the liar-Demo hate hustlers have finally found a police department they can praise.
Recall what socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden said about the “racist” way Capitol Police handled the riot: “Not only did we see the failure to protect one of the three branches of our government, we also saw a clear failure to carry out equal justice. No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn’t have been treated very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol. We all know that’s true. And it is unacceptable.”
And likewise, lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris condemned the Capitol Police: “We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capitol, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protesters last summer.” (Ah yes, that brazen “peaceful protester” lie.)
Translation: The Capitol Police are racists.
But now, on the heels of closing impeachment arguments against Trump, scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi insists: “They were martyrs for our democracy, martyrs for our democracy. … The service of the Capitol Police force that day brings honor to our democracy. Their accepting this reward brings luster to this medal. We must always remember their sacrifice and stay vigilante against what I said before, about what Abraham Lincoln said: the silent artillery of time. We will never forget.”
scumbag/liar-Pelosi added, “That day, those men and women risked and gave their lives to save ours, becoming martyrs for our democracy.” What about all of the other police officers across the nation who have risked and given their lives in defense of the little people this past year?
In fact, the hypocritical use of the Congressional Medal as a political prop, given the backdrop of liar-Demo complaints about the epidemic of racist cops, tarnishes it beyond recognition. Officer Sicknick and the Capitol Police should be honored for their service, but this award has nothing to do with honor and everything to do with political theater.
Finally, the Congressional Gold Medal should not be confused with the highest military award, the Medal of Honor, the latter being in all cases earned. Historically, the Gold Medal, first awarded in 1776, was given to Americans who had genuinely and demonstrably provided a great service to our fellow Americans and our nation. Too often now, liar-Demos award it as a political token, degrading it much as the once-noble Nobel Prize has been demoted to a leftist participation trophy. ~The Patriot Post
Disney Proves 'Mandalorian' Star's Point by Canceling Her
In a classic example of leftists not being able to tolerate the truth, the “woke” execs at Disney fired actress Gina Carano from the hit Star Wars show “The Mandalorian,” because they dubiously assert that her recent social media post was “abhorrent and unacceptable.” And what exactly was it that Carano said that “required” her immediate cancellation. Well, she had the audacity to criticize the Left’s cancel culture.
In a since-deleted social media post, Carano opined — quite insightfully we might add — the following:
Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors … even by children.
Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?
That was it. And it got Carano falsely labeled everything from a “racist bigot” to “anti-Semitic.” Disney subsidiary LucasFilm ridiculously declared that Carano’s “social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.” Denigrating whom, exactly? The Nazis? Here we thought the Left hated Nazis.
In fact, the real “thought crime” Carano is guilty of committing is daring to compare the current abhorrent behavior of today’s American Left with yesterday’s German Left. (Yes, the Nazis were socialist left-wingers). She highlighted the ugly reality that American leftists demonize their political opponents by recalling the abhorrent behavior of the Nazis’ demonizing of Jews. While some may take umbrage with the equivalence argument, nothing she posted justifies her canceling. Ironically, by canceling Carano Disney has only proved her point.
Of course, there’s a long list of leftists who made much more offensive Nazi comparisons without being canceled. For example, remember when socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden said Donald Trump was “sort of like Goebbels,” the Nazi propagandist?
And what about House Majority Whip scumbag/liar-Jim Clyburn (D-SC), who compared Trump to Hitler? scumbag/liar-Clyburn pleaded, “I’m beginning to see what happened in Germany back in the 1930s. I never thought that could happen in this country. How do you elect a person president, then all of a sudden you’re going to give him the authority to be dictator? That’s what Hitler did in Germany.”
Disney’s action against Carano is also reminiscent of Disney-owned ABC’s unexpected decision four years ago to cancel one of its most popular shows at the time — “Last Man Standing,” which stared Tim Allen. Allen was “guilty” of having compared being a conservative in Hollywood to living in 1930s Germany. ABC never admitted it, but for that thought crime, Allen’s show was axed. Thankfully that wasn’t the end of the show, as Fox picked it up a year later.
Finally, what makes Disney’s action that much worse is the blatant hypocrisy. In 2018, “The Mandalorian” lead star Pedro Pascal posted on his social media account two juxtaposing pictures — the first depicting Jews behind barbwire captioned “1944 Germany” and the second picture featuring illegal immigrants behind bars captioned “America, 2018.” His facts were wrong — the photo was 2014 under Barack scumbag/liar-nObama, not 2018 under Donald Trump. But more to the point, would someone at Disney please explain how his speech was not “abhorrent and unacceptable”? Oh, that’s right — because it comes from someone touting the Left’s political and social narrative.
And by the way, didn’t Disney just praise the genocidal ChiCom regime for allowing its “Mulan” filming? Yes, yes it did. Spare us the indignation over the tweet of one actress. ~The Patriot Post
Cuomo Covers Up While DeSantis Shows the Way
Don’t look now, but the rats are beginning to abandon the Bad Ship Cuomo.
How else to describe yesterday’s breaking news that a top aide to New York’s Emmy Award-winning governor privately apologized to Democrat lawmakers for having hidden the state’s true data on nursing home deaths from federal investigators?
As the New York Post reports, “The stunning admission of a coverup was made by secretary to the governor Melissa DeRosa during a video conference call with state Democratic leaders in which she said the Cuomo administration had rebuffed a legislative request for the tally in August because ‘right around the same time, [then-President Donald Trump] turns this into a giant political football,’ according to an audio recording of the two-hour-plus meeting. ‘He starts tweeting that we killed everyone in nursing homes,’ DeRosa said. ‘He starts going after [New Jersey Governor Phil] Murphy, starts going after [California Governor Gavin] Newsom, starts going after [Michigan Governor] Gretchen Whitmer.’”
It’s not surprising that they’d try to blame the former president. He’s a handy whipping boy for a corrupt mainstream media that has continually given Cuomo the benefit of the doubt. This time, though, Trump’s watchful eye so paralyzed the Cuomo administration that they couldn’t think clearly. Or honestly. “In addition to attacking Cuomo’s fellow liar-Democratic governors, DeRosa said, Trump ‘directs the Department of Justice to do an investigation into us. And basically, we froze,’ she told the lawmakers on the call.”
It’ll be interesting to see how this “freezing” defense holds up in a court of law.
“So we do apologize,” DeRosa said. “I do understand the position that you were put in. I know that it is not fair. It was not our intention to put you in that political position with the Republicans.”
Ahh. Instead of apologizing to the more than 13,000 families who lost loved ones due to Cuomo’s catastrophic policy of returning COVID-positive patients to nursing homes and thereby allowing the virus to spread like wildfire, DeRosa apologized to her Democrat colleagues for, well, having inconvenienced them politically. They weren’t buying it, and neither is anyone else.
As the Post continues, “In addition to stonewalling lawmakers on the total number of nursing home residents killed by COVID-19, Cuomo’s administration refused requests from the news media — including The Post — and fought a Freedom of Information lawsuit filed by the Empire Center on Public Policy.”
New York Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, for one, has seen enough. In a statement released yesterday night, she called this “a massive corruption and coverup scandal at the highest level of New York State Government,” and demanded that Cuomo and his senior team be prosecuted immediately at the state and federal level.
Meanwhile, some 1,300 miles south of Albany, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was showing the nation what real leadership looks like. Where Cuomo has utterly failed his state’s elderly citizens, DeSantis has protected the Sunshine State’s seniors.
Speaking in Port Charlotte yesterday, DeSantis reacted harshly to speculation that the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration might hit his state with travel restrictions — ostensibly to protect against spread of a coronavirus mutation, but more likely to draw attention away from his party’s $350 billion blue-state bailout and wealth-redistribution scheme.
“I think it would be unconstitutional, it would be unwise, and it would be unjust,” said DeSantis. “Restricting the right of Americans to travel freely throughout our country while allowing illegal aliens to pour across the southern border unmolested would be a ridiculous but very damaging farce. … We will not back down, and if anyone tries to harm Floridians or target us, we will respond very swiftly.”
Remind us again: Which governor wrote the book on leadership during a pandemic? ~The Patriot Post
The Left Hates Humor
Our fact-checking saga continues with a light-hearted joke about the Amish (sorry not sorry, broad-brimmed brethren). The fact that we even have to write about such a thing seems hysterical on its face — but in reality, it’s no laughing matter. This is just one more example of leftists waging their war on speech, humor, and all that is good in our world.
USA Today has demonstrated its total lack (or maybe intentional lack) of understanding for humor. In a recent “fact-check” labeled “Fact check: Amish communities have been affected by COVID-19 pandemic,” the unfunny “fact-checkers” decided that a meme joking about the Amish not having TVs was somehow false information. The clearly humorous image jests about the Amish not being affected by COVID-19 because they are not susceptible to Leftmedia propaganda.
But that wasn’t clear enough for the fine folks at USA Today.
As seems common for “fact-checkers,” they took the meme to a literal extreme. It’s reminiscent of what they did last year with this hilarious meme joking about Donald Trump’s DNA being “USA,” which they “fact-checked” because they hate humor as much as they hate conservatives. Sure, the Amish are human beings and just as susceptible to getting sick as anyone else. That is common sense, and everyone knows it. That’s not the point. The reality is that leftist “fact-checkers” aren’t interested in the truth; they want to BE the truth. They do not believe normal people can determine how an Internet meme should be interpreted. They do not believe people should be able to think for themselves.
Picking apart humorous content as literal is a bad faith practice, and it is intentional. If leftists can discredit humor by requiring everything to be literal, they discredit speech itself. This tactic causes everyone to fear saying anything at all. It beats good people into submission. It hands the reins of power only to those who have approved speech.
Because our instance of this meme was not the exact iteration highlighted by USA Today, Facebook’s trusty band of AI bots flagged our post automatically, grouping it in with similar content. This is a method used by Facebook that we mentioned in a previous altercation, and it means we have no recourse. It doesn’t matter that we clearly say the meme is meant as humor at the bottom of the frame. We take the punishment on the chin. We’re effectively discredited and diminished, which is exactly the way the Left likes it. ~The Patriot Post
The liar-Dems' Student Loan Scam
For years, liar-Democrats have played around with the idea of canceling student-loan debt. Often, this ploy seeks nothing more than stirring up enthusiasm among college-age voters or appealing to the party’s socialist wing.
But now that liar-Democrats have taken back the White House and Congress, they want action. Rather than working with Republicans and putting the idea up for a vote, however, some liar-Democrat lawmakers want to bypass the legislative process.
“A group of progressive lawmakers … introduced a resolution calling on [President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe] Biden to erase $50,000 in student loan debt via executive order,” reports Fox Business. “The lawmakers maintained that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden could use existing executive authority under the Higher Education Act to order the Department of Education to ‘modify, compromise, waive or release’ student loans.”
So the same liar-Democrats who accused Donald Trump of abusing executive authority want their president to cancel $1.5 trillion in debt without a debate?
What’s most troubling, though, is that this write-off wouldn’t primarily benefit the struggling college undergraduate waiting tables in a coffee shop. According to The Wall Street Journal, “The main beneficiaries of the dinky/liar-Warren-scumbag/liar-Schumer write-down would be higher-income students who borrow more for expensive graduate degrees. Colleges have expanded graduate programs because they can employ the students at low cost as teaching assistants.”
And a working paper published by the Becker Friedman Institute of Economics at the University of Chicago indicates that the highest income earners would receive more loan relief than those at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder. Two of the bill’s proponents, Senator dinky/liar-Elizabeth Warren and Representative commie/liar-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, forgot to mention this little fact.
But this isn’t the first time liar-Democrats have tried to appeal to young voters with their debt-forgiveness scheme.
In 2010, they enacted the Health Care and Reconciliation Act, which empowered the federal government to take over student-loan programs and directly dole out money to students. Unfortunately for taxpayers, many of those loans will never be repaid as a result of income-based repayment plans capping borrower monthly payments at 10% and canceling the debt entirely after 20 years of repayments.
Yet even with the reins of power in the hands of congressional liar-Democrats, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden isn’t ready to make a commitment.
As Zack Friedman notes at Forbes, “Discord among liar-Democrats is potentially bad news for student loan cancelation. Despite the proposed resolution, socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden has been consistent that he’s unlikely to cancel student loans through an executive order.”
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden himself has proposed canceling $10,000 in exchange for community service. Sure, that’s exactly what the American economy needs: millions of unemployed college dropouts volunteering in order to pay off loans.
While liar-Democrats like dinky/liar-Warren claim that canceling student debt will spark economic growth, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, ending monthly loan payments would only put $90 billion back into the economy, since borrowers can pay back their loans over several decades.
And here’s a question: What about all those borrowers who’ve worked hard and already paid back their loans, or those who borrowed from private lenders and won’t be covered by the Democrats’ plan? Why should they be punished?
Clearly, canceling student debt is a bad idea for a country that continues to struggle after a year of COVID shutdowns and is already burdened by an insurmountable debt. The plan to erase student debt is yet another example of the government riding in on a white horse and promising to save us from a crisis government caused in the first place.
Debt can’t be canceled without people paying for it, and those people are American taxpayers and their children. Those who didn’t sign for the loans in the first place shouldn’t have to foot the bill for them. ~The Patriot Post
The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Justice System Takes ShapeIt’s often said that a new broom sweeps clean, and nowhere is that more apparent than in the federal judicial system. Judicial appointments are always a primary factor in presidential elections, of course. But as has also become traditional for changes in presidential administration, President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s Justice Department is seeking the resignation of the remaining 56 U.S. attorneys appointed by President Donald Trump, out of a total of 94. Many of the other 38 appointees had already left once the election was decided. This combination of events means justice is going to being looking very different.
While this was an expected request, a bipartisan trio of senators objected to both the timing and the lack of consideration Team socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden gave to home-state senators. One key example was John Lausch, the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, who is conducting a probe into allegations of wrongdoing involving Illinois House Speaker Mike Madagan. The request for Lausch’s resignation irked both members of the state’s Senate delegation.
“While the President has the right to remove U.S. Attorneys, there is precedent for U.S. Attorneys in the Northern District of Illinois to remain in office to conclude sensitive investigations,” wrote Senators scumbag-Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth in a joint letter. “We believe Mr. Lausch should be permitted to continue in his position until his successor is confirmed by the Senate, and we urge the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration to allow him to do so.” Likewise, other affected U.S. attorneys are conducting similar investigations into corruption in their states and districts.
On the other hand, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley gave a brief history lesson on hypocrisy. “You are obviously within your rights to do this, but four years ago a similar action by then-Attorney General Sessions caused my liar-Democratic colleagues to sound the alarm,” wrote Grassley. “Senator Fein-stein observed at the time, ‘Under previous administrations, orderly transitions allowed U.S. attorneys to leave gradually as their replacements were chosen. This was done to protect the independence of our prosecutors and avoid disrupting ongoing federal cases.’ Senator scumbag/liar-Schumer expressed similar views, saying, ‘By asking for the immediate resignation of every remaining U.S. Attorney before their replacements have been confirmed or even nominated, the President is interrupting ongoing cases and investigations and hindering the administration of justice.’ Senator dinky/liar-Warren went so far as to say, ‘You can’t fire the rule of law, @realDonaldTrump. You can’t shut down ongoing investigations by career prosecutors.’”
It should be noted, though, that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden left two key appointees out of his request. One of them, John Durham, is able to leave his post as U.S. attorney since he’s also the special counsel for the investigation into the botched FBI inquiry into Russian influence in the 2016 election. The other is David Weiss, the U.S. attorney for Delaware. Weiss may be better known as the guy investigating Hunter Biden’s alleged tax evasion, so he’s safe based on the whiff of impropriety that would otherwise be emitted.
Given that changing out U.S. attorneys has become more or less a ritual whenever the White House changes parties, this will likely just be a speed bump on the road to justice. Then again, a longer-lasting change began taking shape immediately after socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden was sworn in as a score of federal judges have transitioned to senior status, which allows the new regime to select their eventual replacements.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden began his term with 57 vacancies on the federal court, and that number has grown thanks to a group of jurists — mainly those appointed by scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton a quarter-century ago — taking advantage of the opportunity to have a like-minded judge carry on their legacy. In that same vein, leftists are also trying to convince 82-year-old Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to retire so a younger black woman can take his place.
Yet there are a couple of other wild cards at play here. While the liar-Democrats made the unpopular vow to pack the Supreme Court, they curiously didn’t bring up the constitutional possibility of crafting more circuit and district courts and judgeships, creating and constituting “tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court.” It’s been pointed out that few cases a year reach the Supreme Court, meaning the judge’s word is law in a lot of instances.
Trump may have appointed a lot of jurists in four years, but there’s a lot of damage to be done by socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s appointees. Firing a few U.S. attorneys is just the tip of the iceberg. ~The Patriot Post
The Renewable Energy Pipe Dream
The biggest problem with the renewable energy sources of wind and solar is the fact that they are severely limited by their inherent unreliability. The “green” energy produced by wind and solar is neither constant nor controllable enough to meet the ever-increasing energy demands of a modern world.
First of all, no matter how loudly ecofascists tout renewables as a “solution” to the ostensibly disastrous problem of climate change, that doesn’t negate the reality that wind and solar fail badly in being a viable alternative to fossil fuels or nuclear energy. The simple fact is that solar only works when the sun is shining and there is nothing obscuring the panels (approximately 18% of the time) and wind turbines only work when the wind is blowing (approximately 40% of the time). One of the most glaring factors that serves to demonstrate their inadequacy is the fact that all renewable energy systems are necessarily backed up by either fossil fuels or nuclear power — energy sources that are reliable, consistent, and controllable.
Further highlighting the severe limitations of wind and solar is the natural environment’s impact on this technology. For example, cold weather not only diminishes the energy output of wind turbines but often reverses it. When the temperature drops below zero these wind turbines are shut down and actually consume electricity in order to keep their components warm to prevent damage and malfunction, turning these already lackluster energy producers into energy consumers.
Of course the ecofascists answer to the innate unreliability conundrum of renewables is batteries. They claim that by storing all the excess energy produced during the peak operational periods of wind turbines or solar panels, the innate unreliability problem is “solved.”
However, the problem here is twofold. First, the battery storage capacity needed simply does not exist, nor is it likely to ever exist. As American Experiment’s Issac Orr observes, “A recent analysis by the consulting firm Wood Mackenzie estimates there will be about 741 gigawatt-hours of battery storage in 2030. This amount equates to 741,000 megawatt-hours (MWh). … In 2019, the state of Minnesota consumed 72 million megawatt-hours of electricity. This means the amount of battery storage expected to be in existence for the entire world would be the equivalent of just one percent of Minnesota’s annual energy consumption.”
Second, there’s the high cost of battery storage. Orr notes, “Current cost estimates for battery storage are about $250 per kilowatt-hour, which equates to a cost of $250,000 per megawatt-hour. This means the cost of all the expected battery storage in the world (741,000 MWh by 2030) would cost $185 billion to build, and this doesn’t even begin to include the cost of building the wind turbines and solar panels needed to charge the batteries!” And again, that would meet just 1% of Minnesota’s current annual energy consumption.
We’re really only scratching the surface here. There are certainly favorable aspects of renewable energy, and this isn’t a black-and-white calculation, no matter how much leftists tell us this is a “moral” choice. Not to put too fine a point on it, however, given the reality of the laws of physics, the day the world’s energy needs are fully met by wind and solar is the day pigs will fly. ~The Patriot Post
Incendiary Rhetoric for Thee, But Not for Me
liar-Democrats are once again impeaching former President Donald Trump –now a private citizen — for provocative rhetoric they say incited the attack on the Capitol Building Jan 6. If inflammatory language is now cause for impeachment, according to the left, when do similar proceedings start for Sen. Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer, who threatened two U.S. Supreme Court justices?
While speaking to a crowd of left-wing abortion activists last March on the steps of the Supreme Court, scumbag/liar-Schumer warned Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh that they would “pay” if they don’t rule his way on abortion rights. “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” the liar-Democratic leader threatened at the rally. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
Was that not inciting violence?
At minimum scumbag/liar-Schumer’s threats were not unlike strong-arm tactics used by the Mafia back in the days of Al Capone. Highly inappropriate for any lawmaker drawing a rare public rebuke from Chief Justice John Roberts who said: “Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous. All Members of the Court will continue to do their job, without fear or favor, from whatever quarter.”
Or what about so-called Squad member Rep. worthless-Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., who encouraged Americans to crank up “unrest in the streets” last summer during the Black Lives Matter protests and riots taking place throughout the country? During a TV interview on MSNBC the far-left congresswoman told guest host Tiffany Cross, “You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives.”
Then there’s Congresswoman scumbag/worthless-Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who, during the Trump administration, was accused of inciting mob violence against sitting cabinet officials. In 2018 she said: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them! And you tell them that they are not welcome, anymore, anywhere.”
Even scumbag/liar-Schumer took to the Senate floor to say that it was “not right” and “not American” to harass political opponents. But alas, Waters still holds office today.
But that’s not all. During a 2018 campaign event in Georgia, President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s former Attorney General scumbag/liar-Eric Holder boasted about “kicking” Republicans. scumbag/liar-Holder said he disagreed with former first lady Michelle scumbag/liar-nObama. He said: “It is time for us as liar-Democrats to be as tough as they are, to be as dedicated as they are, to be as committed as they are… Michelle always says, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. No. When they go low, we kick them.”
Double standards indeed.
Apparently, in America today, there’s one code of conduct for GOP politicians — including a former president — when it comes to incendiary rhetoric and free speech but not for liar-Democratic lawmakers and Department of Justice officials.
Where is that dual justice system written in the U.S. Constitution?
Answer: nowhere.
Until the left plays by the same rules and the enforcement of said rules is applied equally amongst liar-Democrats and Republicans, America will continue to be dangerously divided. A path that is unsustainable.
As commander in chief, President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden must act on his promises to unify the country. He can do so by addressing the nation and calling upon members of his party and the toxic media to stop the relentless smears and attacks against conservatives. Ask these hatemongers to stop calling half the country Nazis, white supremacists and other dehumanizing labels that are tearing our country apart.
Americans must remember that “United we stand, divided we fall.”
That’s not just a proverb; it’s the truth. ~The Patriot Post