socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Plan to Fleece the Nation

and Call It ‘Infrastructure’


The nation is quickly approaching $30 trillion in debt. The government has spent something in the order of $10 trillion over the last 18 months, including $2 trillion less than a month ago. So what’s the Democrat plan? Spending another $2 trillion on “infrastructure” — the first of two big proposals totaling $4 trillion — and slapping a bunch of taxes on all Americans to “pay for it.”

“No one making under $400,000 will see their federal taxes go up. Period,” President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden lied on Wednesday. “This is not about penalizing anyone.”

About that… socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s so-called “American Jobs Plan” features massive tax hikes that are the biggest since scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton in 1993. He disguises this, of course, as merely rolling back some of President Donald Trump’s tax cuts for the “wealthy” and big corporations, but the reality is small business owners are going to be clobbered, as will all consumers. Businesses don’t pay taxes; people who buy their more expensive products do.

That means you.

As the Wall Street Journal editorial board aptly puts it, “Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s corporate tax increases will hit the middle class hard — in the value of their 401(k)s, the size of their pay packets, and what they pay for goods and services. This damage won’t show up immediately, especially as the economy booms as Covid eases this year, but the corrosive impact will compound in the coming years.”

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden aims to fleece corporations for $1.5 trillion over 10 years by raising the corporate income tax rate to 28% from 21%. But he doesn’t account for just how much the 2017 Republican tax cuts fueled economic growth and how much jacking up taxes will hurt that growth, thus reducing the tax revenue he says it will bring in. To the contrary, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and his party insist that government is the primary driver of economic growth.

And socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s solution for pushing the U.S. back toward the world’s highest corporate tax rate? Get other countries to hurt themselves by agreeing to a global minimum.


Speaking of unity, the American people are generally in favor of fixing roads and bridges so that we have a smoother driving experience. So, despite the cost, $2.25 trillion for infrastructure should make everyone happy in the end, right? Well, the total amount spent on actual roads and bridges is a mere $115 billion — just 5% of the total. Outside of a few billion for airports and waterways, the rest is more of the same old leftist agenda: Bail out unions and subsidize green energy.

Mass transit will get $85 billion, and Amtrak gets another $80 billion — even despite $70 billion for these things just last month. Another $174 billion goes to subsidize electric cars, which, ironically, means more drivers won’t pay the very gas tax that’s supposed to fund infrastructure. Still another $100 billion goes to retrofitting schools (again, after massive education spending in the Not COVID Relief bill), and $213 billion pays for “affordable” housing. And on and on it goes.

Yet commie/liar-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said what many Democrats are thinking: “This is not nearly enough.” It never is.

“President Trump talked about draining the swamp,” said former White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow. “But President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden wants to re-build and re-inflate the swamp into a quagmire of central planning.”

By the way, this may be called the “American Jobs Act,” but that’s quite a stretch. As the GOP’s rebuttal noted, “A National Bureau of Economic Research study found that for every $1 million spent on green jobs as part of the 2009 scumbag/liar-nObama- socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden stimulus, only 15 jobs were created.” socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden killed a few hundred times that many jobs with his Keystone Pipeline edict.

Trump hammered socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s plan as well: “ socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive nations. The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations.”

Still, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden promises bipartisanship. “I’m going to bring Republicans into the Oval Office, listen to them, what they have to say, and be open to other ideas. We’ll have a good-faith negotiation.” But we all know where that will lead — the same place it did with “COVID relief,” which was to totally ignore and outvote Republicans. After all, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden says, “We have to get it done.”

And hey, Unity™!   ~The Patriot Post


The Left Is Ruining Sports

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: The Left destroys everything it touches. It’s true. You name it, and, as Dennis Prager astutely observes, the Left has likely ruined it: religion, free speech, literature, the arts, even late-night TV.

But perhaps nowhere has the Left’s pernicious influence, its overbearing and infuriating wokeness, been felt any more powerfully than in the world of sports. And the fans, it seems, are taking notice.

As Jay Busbee writes for Yahoo Sports, “In the wake of last summer’s social justice protests, which consumed sports for much of the second half of 2020, nearly half of all Americans changed their sports viewing habits, according to a new YouGov / Yahoo News poll. As athletes and leagues embraced a new, progressive strategy aimed at amplifying messages of social justice and political advocacy, some Americans began watching more sports, but about three times as many watched less.”

Think about that: three times as many fans are tuning out rather than tuning in. By any analysis, that’s an institutional crisis. As Busbee continues, “The breakdown by political party runs as might be expected. … 13.7 percent of Democrats say they watched more sports in the wake of social justice movements, while 19 percent watched less. On the other hand, only about 8.6 percent of Republicans watched more sports, while 53 percent watched less once social justice messaging became prominent. Worth noting is that Independents came in somewhere in the middle, with about 8.7 percent saying they watched more sports in the social justice era, and about 38.6 percent saying they watched less.”

It’s obvious that Busbee is trying to put a positive (or at least non-negative) spin in his “somewhere in the middle” characterization of independents: Their numbers hew far more closely to Republicans than Democrats.

But back to the infection of sports by the Left. Not coincidentally, we think, this influence has been most noticeable in the sports that have the greatest percentage of black athletes. We suspect this is because the Left gets a twofer here — the intersection of two distinct things it’s ruined: race and sports. Take the National Basketball Association, for example, whose membership is 81% black and whose ratings have done more than merely slump of late — they’ve fallen off the table.

Here, one wonders about the paucity of pale-faced performers on the hardcourt and whether the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration will take steps to make the NBA “look like America,” as it has committed to doing with its cabinet selections. Or whether newly woke Coke, with its training regime that urges employees to be “less white,” will use its influence to encourage the NBA to be “less black.”

We’re not holding our breath. Nor are we seriously advocating for such a change. In the world of sports, teams win championships by playing their best players, not by obsessing over whether their starting five could look “more like America.” The same should hold true in the world beyond sports — so long as that world places a greater value on excellence than “equity.”

Sadly, it seems, we no longer do. As Prager points out, “America has become the least racist multiracial society in world history. On a daily basis, Americans of every race and ethnicity get along superbly. But the Left constantly poisons young minds with angry diatribes about systemic racism, microaggressions, and white privilege.” Is it any wonder, then, that folks are getting sick of having race shoved in their faces? Of being made to feel insufficiently woke?

Some folks — lots of them, in fact — simply want to enjoy the dang game. “Why are so few people actually watching sports?” asks Clay Travis of OutKick. “It used to be that if you wanted to get a break from the serious things in life you would actually watch sports, but now sports have become politics by any other name.”

Sadly, this damaging trend lurches only one way: to the left. As evidence of this, the U.S. Olympic Committee just released its “guidelines” for social protest by American athletes at this year’s Olympic trials. And, yes, the same athletes who hope to represent the United States in the upcoming Olympic Games will be allowed to take a knee during the national anthem, or raise a fist, if they’d rather.

Again, it only goes one way. Otherwise, we’d have “NRA Night” at New York Knicks games, and “Honor Our Cops” night at LA Lakers games, and “Fiscal Responsibility Night” at Washington Wizards games.

And maybe, in arenas all around the nation, we’d have “Uyghur Genocide Awareness Night,” and we’d wonder about the sickening kowtowing to the Communist Chinese of supposedly socially conscious corporations like Nike, whose products, it seems — and our purchase of them — are contributing to China’s genocidal campaign against its Uyghur Muslim minority.

But, hey, what’s a little genocide between and among our woke college and professional sports teams? What time’s the game on?  

~The Patriot Post


Bogus Narrative: White Supremacy-Induced Anti-Asian Hate Crime

On Wednesday, police apprehended and arrested a man for brutally assaulting an Asian woman last weekend while she was on her way to church in midtown Manhattan. During the unprovoked attack, which was caught on a surveillance camera, the perpetrator is seen kicking the 62-year-old woman to the ground, where he then inflicted several more kicks before walking away. No one attempted to intervene, including an apartment security guard who is seen in the video footage simply closing the lobby door as the assault transpires directly outside in front of him.

The suspect, who has been charged with a hate crime for the assault, happens to be a black man on parole. He was released from prison in 2019 after spending 20 years incarcerated for murdering his mother. During the attack, witnesses observed that the assailant told the woman, “F— you. You don’t belong here.”

This incident is just the latest in a string of apparently unprovoked attacks on Asian Americans. In early March, an elderly Asian man in Oakland died following an assault in which the attacker slammed him to the ground. Authorities indicated that the assailant, who was black, had a “history of victimizing elderly Asian people.”

Mark Alexander observes, “The rising assault on Americans of Asian heritage is not a ‘white supremacist’ problem. The most disproportionate attacks against other races are committed by black assailants. And black-on-black assault is the most prevalent violent crime in the nation.”

Meanwhile, Democrats and the Leftmedia continue to promote the demonstrably false narrative of anti-Asian hate crimes rising due to the bogeyman of “white supremacy” — a term the Left has so thoroughly politicized that it has become almost entirely untethered from its original definition and amounts to little other than a meaningless slur.

The reality is that if anyone can rightly be called out for anti-Asian sentiments, it’s the Left. Who is engaged in systemic racism against Asian students, seeking to limit their admission rate into some of America’s top universities? It’s certainly not white conservatives. Who is essentially ignoring reporting on crimes against Asian Americans when the perpetrators aren’t white? As our own Douglas Andrews asks, “Why would Asian Americans want to join a political party that supports discrimination against them in higher-ed admissions, and whose most loyal voting block consistently targets them for assault?”

When a false narrative trumps truth, real people suffer the consequences.   ~The Patriot Post


Will SCOTUS Eliminate the Fourth Amendment?

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” —Amendment IV, U.S. Constitution

Democrats and the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration would like to seize Americans’ firearms, apparently by any means necessary. It remains to be seen if the U.S. Supreme Court will collaborate with them.

On March 24, the U.S. Supreme Court began hearing arguments in Caniglia v. Strom. The case arises from a 2015 incident in Cranston, Rhode Island, where police were summoned to do a “wellness check” on Edward Caniglia after his wife reported that he might be suicidal. While Caniglia was arguing with her, he put an unloaded gun on the table and told her to “shoot me now and get it over with.” She responded by calling a non-emergency number, and the police arrived in short order. While at the scene, the police disagreed about whether Mr. Caniglia was acting “normal” or “agitated,” but they convinced him to take an ambulance to the local hospital for evaluation. The police did not go with him.

While he was en route, his wife told the police he kept two handguns in the house. Without first obtaining a warrant, police conducted a search of the house — after obtaining Mrs. Caniglia’s permission by lying and saying her husband consented to the search. They found two guns and seized them. Mr. Caniglia sued, asserting police had violated his Fourth Amendment rights as well as his Second Amendment right to own firearms for self-protection.

The First Circuit Court of Appeals sided with police, citing the “community care taking doctrine” that has already been recognized as an exception to the Fourth Amendment by the United States Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Cady v. Dombrowski. In that case, the Court held that police officers did not violate the Fourth Amendment when they searched the trunk of a car that had been towed following an accident.The Court acknowledged that police cannot search private property without consent or a warrant, “except in certain carefully defined classes of cases.” Yet it further noted that “there is a constitutional difference between houses and cars.”

A host of cases used that ruling to establish the doctrine of “community caretaking,” which Cady had defined as activities “totally divorced from the detection, investigation, or acquisition of evidence relating to the violation of a criminal statute.” In short, if a police officer might reasonably decide a warrantless search could prevent the community from being endangered, that search was constitutional.

That kind of search was related to vehicles. Caniglia v. Strom is about whether or not it can be extended to homes.

The First Circuit Court of Appeals certainly thought so. “At its core,” the court wrote, “the community caretaking doctrine is designed to give police elbow room to take appropriate action when unforeseen circumstances present some transient hazard that requires immediate attention. Understanding the core purpose of the doctrine leads inexorably to the conclusion that it should not be limited to the motor vehicle context. Threats to individual and community safety are not confined to the highways.”

That giving cops such “elbow room” makes an utter mockery of the “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects”? As Forbes columnist Evan Gerstmann points out, “The community caretaking exception is not limited to circumstances where there is no time to apply for a warrant.”

In other words, “immediate attention” and “transient hazard” are extremely malleable terms. Police can simply decide — at their leisure — that an emergency has come into existence, thereby negating the need for a warrant. Thus, Gerstmann wonders, will police be able “to conduct warrantless searches of political protesters’ homes to make sure they aren’t planning on violent behavior at their next political rally?”

Political protesters, or Americans who disagree with the policies of the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration — or those who simply disagree with progressive dogma?

As were are learning, courtesy of a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, political considerations already motivate the U.S. Justice Department. According to the panel, the DOJ abused its power by denying bail to many of the protesters at the January 6 riot, even for misdemeanors, by alleging they were part of a vast conspiracy. As columnist Clarice Feldman so aptly explained, “Keeping in D.C. jails without bail some of the protestors who engaged in no specific violent acts at the Capitol until their cases can be heard was very obviously designed to compel them to plea bargain so they could return home to their families and jobs, and the three-judge panel wasn’t buying it.”

It doesn’t take much of an imagination to envision a scenario where police conduct a warrantless search of someone’s home, find a gun, and subsequently allege that finding to be part of a conspiracy, precipitating the denial of bail — especially when they can conduct an ex post facto search of someone’s social media for what could be deemed “incendiary” statements.

Statements that bring the First Amendment into play as well.

Matt Agorist, an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA, sees the proverbial writing on the wall. “We have already seen tech giants like Facebook hand over the private messages of those who talked about the events of January 6,” he writes. “If [Caniglia v. Strom] is upheld, it could pave the way for cops to raid the home of those who engage in peaceful discourse based solely on the premise that violence might happen.”

The 2002 movie “Minority Report” envisions a future where police have the legal authority to prevent crime before it happens. It was set in the year 2054, and much like George Orwell’s 1984, it was presented as a cautionary tale — not a how-to manual.

Unsurprisingly, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration and attorneys general from nine states have sided with the police, and as Fox New host Tucker Carlson warns, “The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is asking the Supreme Court to approve of this and make it a precedent. They’re asking for permission to search any home they want, without a warrant and take what they want.”

We used to call that “tyranny.” What an increasingly feckless Supreme Court will call it is anyone’s guess.   ~The Patriot Post


socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s Judicial Remake Begins

President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has released his first group of judicial nominees this week, and just like with his cabinet picks, he has proven that ethnic and gender diversity is the most important qualifier for the job. Well, that and hard-left progressivism.

The three appellate court nominees are black women, including federal trial judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit left by Merrick Garland, who is now attorney general. Jackson was appointed to the federal bench by Barack scumbag/liar-nObama in 2013 and is already rumored to be a top candidate for the Supreme Court. The DC Circuit is often a stepping stone to the High Court, and socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has already promised that he will nominate a black woman if 82-year-old Justice Stephen Bryer buckles to demands that he retire. Other appellate judge nominees include Candace Jackson-Akiwumi for the Seventh Circuit and Tiffany Cunningham for the Federal Circuit. Both women are currently in private practice.

Along with these picks are nominees for federal and magistrate judgeships that would include, if confirmed, the first Muslim American federal judge in U.S. history, the first Asian American Pacific Islander woman to serve on the U.S. District Court in DC, and the first woman federal judge for the District of Maryland.

The White House, no doubt heavily influenced by the NAACP, the National Urban League, and race hustler Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, asked these very same organizations to help rally support for these nominees.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden currently faces 72 judicial openings with another two dozen seats to open up in the coming months. Senate Majority Leader Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer is revving up his engines for a major push to get as many of the nominees confirmed as early as possible before voters get a whiff of just what a disaster a Democrat-led Senate is and return control to the Republicans in the 2022 midterms.

One of Donald Trump’s greatest successes as president was the mark he left on the judiciary, placing three Supreme Court justices, 54 appeals court judges, and 174 district court judges in four years. Senate Democrats are itching to outdo that record, but socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden doesn’t (yet) have nearly as many opportunities to reshape the federal bench as his predecessor. Democrats also face tough sledding against a united GOP that is very proud of the work done to make a conservative federal bench that can stand as a bulwark against leftist attempts to unravel the Constitution.

We can expect a lot of accusations of racism to come from Schumer and his comrades as they attempt to ram through this list of candidates who appear to have been chosen primarily for their race and gender. Let the battle begin.   ~The Patriot Post


The Steele Dossier Was Garbage

Brian Auten doesn’t live in infamy alongside the likes of scumbag/commie-John Brennan, scumbag/liar-James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Kevin Clinesmith, but he ought to. Because his role in Crossfire Hurricane, the Russia-collusion railroading of our 45th president, was every bit as instrumental as that of those other malefactors.

How so? By perpetuating the lie that is the Steele dossier, an opposition-research document bought and paid for by  scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, vouched for by the FBI, and used with devastating effect to secure FISA warrants for spying on Donald Trump.

As Paul Sperry writes in RealClearInvestigations, “For the past four years, Democrats and the Washington media have suspended disbelief about the Steele dossier’s credibility by arguing that some Russia allegations against Donald Trump and his advisers have been corroborated and therefore the most explosive charges may also be true. But recently declassified secret testimony by the FBI official in charge of corroborating the dossier blows up that narrative.”

That heretofore obscure FBI official was Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten, and he knew the Steele dossier was garbage and its contents a farrago of falsehoods. And yet he didn’t do a thing about it.

The supposed kompromat that the Russians had on Trump? The grainy “golden shower” videotape of him in the Moscow Ritz Carlton hotel, ordering prostitutes to urinate on a bed once slept in by former President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama? A fake, a fraud, and the source of endless speculation from the Trump-hating media. Other salacious claims like it? Also false.

Auten, who was the top analyst assigned to Crossfire Hurricane, “admitted under oath that neither he nor his team of half a dozen intelligence analysts could confirm any of the allegations in the dossier — including ones the FBI nonetheless included in several warrant applications as evidence to establish legal grounds to electronically monitor a former Trump adviser for almost a year,” Sperry says. “After years of digging, Auten conceded that the only material in the dossier that he could verify was information that was already publicly available, such as names, entities, and positions held by persons mentioned in the document.”

As Sperry notes, Auten’s testimony is uniquely powerful, because it’s the first time anybody from the FBI has admitted that their leadership failed to verify any of the dossier’s evidence supporting the wiretaps on Trump officials. And while Auten is obscure, he’s interacted with everyone from Comey on down — McCabe, Strzok, Page, British spy and Trump-hating dossier author Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS cofounder Glenn Simpson, DOJ official Bruce Ohr, everyone.

Word around Washington is that Special Counsel John Durham is continuing his investigation of the crooked investigators. Let’s hope so. In January, Durham secured a criminal conviction against FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith for having falsified evidence against Trump campaign associate Carter Page to help justify the last FISA spy warrant, which was issued in June 2017.

The conviction of Clinesmith was a slap on the wrist. An embarrassment. He got probation — probation — for having faked evidence that was used to secure a spy warrant against a sitting U.S. president. If we can’t do better, our constitutional republic is in serious trouble.

“John Durham’s inquiry into the origins and conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation is chugging along during the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration,” reports the Washington Examiner, “with the special counsel arranging witness interviews and issuing subpoenas in recent months, according to a new report. … A report from CNN published on Tuesday cited unnamed sources who said that after delays last year, pinned on the coronavirus pandemic, Durham’s investigators ‘are now arranging witness interviews’ and grand jury subpoenas ‘also were being used to gather documents in recent months.’”

Still, at this snail’s pace, is it any wonder that folks are getting frustrated? Former President Donald Trump is one of them. “Where’s John Durham?” he asked last week. “Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?”

Former FBI Special Agent Michael Biasello certainly hopes so. Biasello, a 25-year FBI veteran who spent 10 years in counterintelligence, said Auten and his colleagues must be held accountable.

“A FISA warrant must be fully corroborated,” he says. “Every statement, phrase, paragraph, must be verified in order for the affiant to attest before a judge that the contents are true and correct. … To think the Crossfire team signed off on those FISA affidavits knowing the contents were uncorroborated is unconscionable, immoral and also illegal.”

Biasello added, “All of them must be prosecuted for perjury, fraud and other federal crimes.”

The more we learn about the as-yet unresolved episode known as Crossfire Hurricane, the more we realize what an affront it was and what a threat it still is to republican government.

Remember this new name, then. It’s Brian Auten. And like Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and the rest of them, he’s as crooked as a stick in water.   ~The Patriot Post


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The George Floyd Narrative

It is difficult to change a narrative once it has been established in the public’s mind.

A narrative was firmly fixed by the media, activists, and rioters prior to the trial of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, which opened Monday. Chauvin is charged with murdering George Floyd.

Many people have seen the nearly nine-minute video of Chauvin pressing his knee on Floyd’s neck while Floyd pleaded, “I can’t breathe.”

What they may not have seen, and the jurors should view, is a much longer treatment of the scene that begins with a store owner approaching a police officer, claiming a man, later identified as Floyd, had passed off a counterfeit $20 bill. The owner points to a car across the street. He says the man is in it.

In a video compilation from police body cameras, bystanders and a shop camera, Floyd is in an agitated state, first saying, “please, don’t shoot me,” then refusing to put his hands on the steering wheel and later resisting officers. He occasionally appears incoherent and struggles with officers attempting to place him in a police car.

The entire video has been analyzed by George Parry, a former chief of the police Brutality/Misconduct Unit of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office from 1978 to 1983.

Parry says that when the first officer (not Chauvin) approaches Floyd, he asks him to put both hands on the steering wheel. When he doesn’t the officer views him as “noncompliant” and draws his service revolver which, he says, is standard practice in such situations. As soon as Floyd places both hands on the wheel, the officer holsters his gun.

From there, the video shows the officer moving Floyd to the sidewalk. “He was noncompliant throughout this procedure,” says Parry. Floyd was not under arrest, but he was in custody and officers then began to conduct an investigation into what happened in the store. This included another officer interviewing two people in the car with Floyd. “They were trying to determine why Mr. Floyd was behaving in a noncompliant, bizarre and incoherent manner,” says Parry.

After noticing foam around Floyd’s mouth, one of the officers asks Floyd if he had taken drugs. Floyd responded he had been “hooping,” which is defined as “putting drugs in the anus, resulting in a quick and intense high.”

When the officers attempted to place Floyd in a squad car pending information about the drugs he had taken and the reaction they produced, Floyd screamed he was claustrophobic and again resisted.

The video shows he was then taken out of the car and police complying with his request to lie down. Before lying down, according to Parry, Floyd shouted seven times that he couldn’t breathe.

It was at that point Officer Chauvin begins to kneel on Floyd’s neck, which Parry says, “is entirely consistent with what is taught” at the Minneapolis police department academy.

The video shows Chauvin’s knee going up each time Floyd attempted to raise his head, indicating, says Parry, that Chauvin “was not using brute force.” When officers noticed Floyd deteriorating “they placed another call for an ambulance” with a higher priority code. When it arrived, Floyd appears to have stopped breathing.

The Hennepin County medical examiner determined that Floyd had a “fatal level” of fentanyl in his system. The report also found that “Floyd had a ‘heavy heart’ and ‘at least one artery was approximately 75 percent blocked.’” Floyd also had a history of severe coronary artery disease and hypertension, which, along with the drug and his agitated behavior, likely contributed to his death.

Parry claims prosecutors withheld this information for nearly three months as riots erupted in Minneapolis and elsewhere. Such behavior is normally considered prosecutorial misconduct.

Watch the video, read the medical examiner’s documents, and see how the original narrative was wrong. Will jurors succumb to political pressure and the threat of more rioting, or will they examine the entire video and make their decision based on evidence?

We will soon know.   ~The Patriot Post


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The Photo Nobody Sees

There is a crisis at the border and everybody knows it. Nevertheless, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris administration has been running a news suppression operation that would make communist China blush. Yet, in spite of its best efforts, images are coming out every day of the total chaos at the border.

This chaos was completely avoidable. It did not exist last year. But it is a mess the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris administration intentionally created. This crisis is a small price to pay for its goal of importing new voters sympathetic to big government socialism and racial identity politics. (See below.)

The photos of these children in their tinfoil wrappings, virtually on top of each other, spreading COVID among them, are heartbreaking. They also scream hypocrisy.

Our government leaders are telling us that if we behave like good little boys and girls, and wear multiple masks to avoid the “impending doom,” we might be allowed to have a few people over for July 4th. Thank you, “Dear Leader.”

But those same leaders are mocking us with these human COVID petri dishes at the border. What happened to six feet or even three feet of separation? What happened to wearing masks at all times?

As revealing as the photos are, and as much as they pull on our heartstrings, there are plenty of other photos of children and the adults who love them that we are not seeing.

It’s the photo of the working-class family in Cincinnati trying to figure out how to save enough money to put their kids through college. It’s the photo of a black child in Chicago who wonders if her mother will survive today’s trip to the grocery store.

It’s the picture of the entrepreneur with three young kids wondering if his family business will ever be profitable again. It’s the military wife whose husband is still in Iraq or Afghanistan, trying to hold it all together back here in the U.S.

It’s the photo of a grieving mother or father “separated” from their child who was murdered by an illegal alien.

There isn’t a camera big enough to capture all the Americans born here or who came here legally who have no place to migrate. And the burden of paying for the expected one million-plus migrants who will cross our border this year will fall on their backs!

Where is the compassion for these America taxpayers and their children?

And why stop at one million? Why not two million migrants, as Joe Biden suggested? Why not more?

Ignoring Root Causes

As you may know, I am a Trump-appointed commissioner on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. We held a hearing recently about refugees and the migrant population. Our witnesses, who were goodhearted people, sadly did not demonstrate any concern for hardworking Americans who pay for all this “compassion.”

So, I pointed out to them that some estimates suggest several hundred million people, who are legitimate refugees and victims of oppression around the world, would rather live somewhere else than where they currently are. About 150 million would like to come to the United States.

I asked the witnesses if they were president for a day how many migrants would they accept into the U.S. Suddenly, these very forthcoming witnesses were having difficulty coming up with a number.

When I asked them if our real goal should be addressing the root causes of what is driving people out of their home countries — redoubling our efforts to defeat socialism, communism, and radical Islam — none of them wanted to have that conversation.

Killing King’s Dream

Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his life fighting for civil rights in America. His eloquent speech at the Lincoln Memorial should be required reading for every child and policymaker in America, especially our school teachers and college professors.

What they are teaching today — critical race theory — is killing King’s dream of a society where we are judged based on the content of our character rather than the color of our skin.

Case in point: A video has emerged from Loudoun County, Virginia. In the video, a teacher shows a student a picture of two women and asks what he sees. The student says, “It’s just two people chillin’.” The teacher asks, “There’s nothing more to that picture?” And so it goes until the teacher is harassing the student about the race of each woman.

That’s critical race theory. It turns Martin Luther King’s legacy and teachings upside down. It is not striving for a racially blind society. It is striving for a society where the only thing you can see is race.

This isn’t an isolated incident. This isn’t just one bad apple. When parents began organizing to fight back against this radical agenda, teachers and elected officials — public servants paid by the taxpayers — secretly plotted to hack, dox, and smear them! I am pleased to report that there is now an active recall campaign against six Loudoun County school board members.

I know there are some people who are skeptical of vaccines and don’t trust the government and medical elites. We can have that debate. But there is no debate about this: Critical race theory is a poison being injected into the brains of our children that will destroy this country more efficiently than any virus or vaccine developed to fight it.

My friends, you must fight for your local schools! It will be unpleasant. You will be criticized. You may lose friends.

But unless we’re willing to sit by and lose the country in one more generation, we must stop what is happening in our public schools.

If you can, I urge you to consider Christian schools, homeschooling, or creating pods or coops of like-minded parents who can take turns teaching your children. But we cannot allow this to continue in our public schools that we are all paying for and where the vast majority of our children are being indoctrinated.

CNN’s Alternate Reality

This item doesn’t need any commentary, although I could go on for pages. I want you to see what CNN says about biological sex. And just so we’re clear, this is from a news report — not an opinion piece — about two executive orders just issued by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.

I’ll let the quote stand on its own — as an indictment of anything else CNN has to say, especially its reporting on the Russia-collusion hoax over the past four years. CNN clearly has a problem with basic facts.

“Though the two executive orders signed by Noem do not explicitly mention transgender athletes, they reference the supposed harms of the participation of ‘males’ in women’s athletics — an echo of the transphobic claim . . that transgender women are not women. The orders also reference ‘biological sex,’ a disputed term that refers to the sex as listed on students’ original birth certificates.

"It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.”

CNN regularly chants the mantra, “Follow the science.” The paragraph above from its “news” report is sheer left-wing, idiotic ideology and a mockery of every fact of biological science.

If you would like to share your thoughts with CNN about its reporting, click here.   ~The Patriot Post

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