The Patriot Post ~ 8 Featuring "GARY BAUER"

Canceling July 4th, Promoting ‘Pride’ and Juneteenth


Evanston, Illinois, is a scenic, wealthy, and mostly white town on the western shore of Lake Michigan, just 30 minutes north of Chicago. It’s also the home of Northwestern University and is therefore — like other elite university towns such as Cambridge, Ann Arbor, Austin, Boulder, and Berkeley — just chock-full of leftist virtue signalers.

So it’s not so much a surprise as it is an outrage that the city has canceled its Independence Day festivities while embracing celebrations for Juneteenth and Gay Pride Month.

“The city commemorated Juneteenth after President Joe Biden signed a bill making it a federal holiday last week, holding a parade and musical performances at a local park,” reports the Washington Examiner. “The city also has a gay pride parade planned for later this month.”

But as for Evanston’s annual 4th of July celebration, the city pulled the plug back in February due to — what else? — COVID-19 fears. According to a statement:

Based on concern for public health due to the unpredictability of the pandemic’s impact, vaccination rates, and in cooperation with our local authorities, the Trustees of the Evanston Fourth of July Association voted to cancel the Fun Run, Parade, Palatine Concert Band performance and Lakefront Fireworks show on July 4, 2021. However, we are committed and already working toward an Independence Day celebration that will be safe, creative and build community.

As of this publication, however, Evanston had yet to announce any plans for that community-building Independence Day celebration, despite the holiday being less than two weeks away.

Why not, we wonder, given that back on April 21, President Joe Biden gave all of us his conditional  permission “to celebrate our independence from this virus on July 4th with family and friends in small groups,” so long as we all “mask up until the number of cases goes down, until everyone has a chance to get their shot”?

And why not, we wonder, given that Evanston did just that? The city didn’t report a single new COVID-19 case last week for the first time since the pandemic began, and 87% of its residents age 12 and over have now received at least one dose of the vaccine.

Jamie Black, organizer of the city’s Fourth of July Association, blamed the cancellation on “deadlines for permits and to secure the fireworks, as well as taking applications for the parade that happen early in the year.” Said Black: “We erred on the side of caution. If things weren’t better, we would have been criticized for being a super spreader event.”

Maybe Evanston’s authorities simply believe that  Juneteenth should be the nation’s new “Independence Day,” since it commemorates that date, June 19, 1865, on which slaves in Galveston, Texas, were finally told of their emancipation. After all, this is the same Evanston whose white-guilt-ridden city council, as we reported back in March, voted 8-1 to pay reparations to the city’s 16 eligible black households.

Evanston is clearly blazing a bizarre trail. Time will tell whether other left-leaning college towns choose to follow.  ~The Patriot Post


‘No Work, No Pay,’ Abbott Tells State Democrats

On Friday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott made good on his threat to veto a bill funding the state legislature, asserting that taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook for legislators who fail to do their jobs. “Texans don’t run from a legislative fight, and they don’t walk away from unfinished business,” Abbott insisted. “Funding should not be provided for those who quit their job early, leaving their state with unfinished business and exposing taxpayers to higher costs for an additional legislative session. I therefore object to and disapprove of these appropriations.”

Recall that last month, the Republican-led legislature put forward a bill to enhance election integrity in the state. The legislation rolled back some pandemic-related expansions of voting conveniences, though it included a generous two-week window for early voting. It also created a new ID number-based system for authenticating absentee ballots rather than the notoriously unreliable system of trying to match signatures. Rather than debate and vote on the bill, Democrat state lawmakers snuck out of a legislative session prior to a scheduled vote in an underhanded move to prevent the bill’s passage. Abbott blasted Democrats and vowed to withhold legislative funding until the election integrity bill receives a vote.

“Abbott vetoed Article 10 of the state budget approved by the legislature Friday,” The Daily Wire reports. “Article 10 not only funds lawmakers’ salaries, but also the salaries of staff and maintenance workers, and it funds legislative agencies such as the Legislative Reference Library.”

Predictably, Democrats cried foul, falsely accusing Abbott of acting as a dictator. State Representative Chris Turner (D), the chair of the state’s Democrat caucus, even asserted that Abbott’s actions were unconstitutional and vowed to take him to court. “Our constituent services are the lifeblood of our public service, something Abbott should try learning about,” Turner lamented. “By placing a termination date on the employment of all legislative staff, the governor is cutting off service to millions of Texans.”

That’s an ironic charge, given the fact that it was Democrats refusing to do their jobs that created this situation in the first place. Abbott is simply holding the legislature to account and looking out for taxpaying Texans who expect their state lawmakers to do the job they were elected to perform.

Of course, the crux of the issue is protecting elections, which Democrats have falsely painted as a Republican effort at “voter suppression.” What the bill actually does is work to promote greater integrity in the vote and thereby instill more public trust in the state’s election process. Obviously, Democrats prefer a system rife with fraud, the keystone of which is their bulk-mail ballot strategy.

Coupled with his announcement last Wednesday of a $250 million down payment on Texas’s plan to “build a border wall … to help secure the border,” Abbott is showing himself to be a bold leader. He’s not afraid to stand against the Democrats and their leftist anti-America, individual-liberty-eroding agenda, and other Republicans should take note.  ~The Patriot Post


Asylum for Domestic Violence?


After months of a growing border crisis capped by an all-time record number of apprehensions in May, what’s another few migrants crossing the border?

socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s associate attorney general, Vanita Gupta, who also serves as the Justice Department’s civil rights regulation division chief, announced last week that the administration will revive a former Barack scumbag/liar-nObama-era asylum policy that had been discarded by Donald Trump. The asylum policy expanded the requirement for legitimate asylum request qualifications to include individuals fleeing spousal abuse or local crime.

Clearly, the move is yet another example of the Biden administration’s commitment to a de facto open borders policy. “Root causes,” indeed.

Gene Hamilton, the vice president of America First Legal, warned that this “will lead to tens of thousands of meritless asylum claims — if not hundreds of thousands — in the months and years ahead.” He further explained:

Generalized crime in other countries has never been a legitimate basis for asylum under the laws passed by Congress — despite the best efforts of advocates and radicals during the scumbag/liar-nObama Administration to provide otherwise. … This, of course, is part of a bigger plan under the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration that involves the Department of Homeland Security granting asylum en masse along the border to anyone who comes from a country with higher general crime rates than the United States. The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration will deport roughly zero percent of those who do not qualify for asylum, these new meritless cases will lead to delayed relief for legitimate asylees, and these radical decisions will ensure open borders for as long as they remain in effect. The American people deserve better.

Ah, but that’s just it. Forget the American people. Democrats just think Democrats deserve more votes.

How would this result in votes? The reason this is a bigger deal than the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s resurrection of scumbag/liar-nObama’s catch-and-release policy is that granting asylum puts individuals on a track to U.S. citizenship.

Predictably, the decision was praised by leftists, who ridiculously assert that it rights the horrific moral wrongs of the Trump administration’s narrowing of asylum qualifications. The ACLU asserted that it “will help undo some of the damage caused by the Trump administration’s attacks on asylum.”

While we’re talking about admitting people who are in genuine danger of losing their lives, what of the 18,000 Afghans who risked their lives helping U.S. forces in the fight against the Taliban? With socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s decision to pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by September, these interpreters and other friends of America now have bullseyes on their backs. Will they be at the front of the line of refugees gaining asylum?

Apparently, the violence they’re facing doesn’t rise to the same level for the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration. They’re not migrants from Central and South America otherwise illegally crossing the southern border.  ~The Patriot Post

Portland Police Protest the Left’s War on Cops

Portland, Oregon, the unofficial headquarters of antifa, just lost 50 members of a voluntary police riot squad after they resigned en masse to protest leftist policies and violence in the city. While they all remain on the city’s police force, they will not serve in riot response. It turns out that when, as Portland Police Association Executive Director Daryl Turner argued, Democrats have “encouraged and enabled some of the violence” over more than 150 nights of riots in Portland, police no longer want to risk their lives to restore peace.

But this is a national problem, and Democrats are reaping what they’ve sown.

The Left began its war on cops during Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s tenure. He decided it was politically expedient to vilify “racist” police after a series of incidents involving officers and belligerent black suspects. Incessant (and often misleading) Leftmedia focus elevated such incidents to the nation’s consciousness, which then made the excruciating video of George Floyd’s death a watershed event. And all the while, the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization made lucrative work of elevating and exacerbating the problem to justify its own existence and revenue.

Thus, the war on cops has only escalated.

The result has been ugly, both for cops and the black community. On the one hand, police have pulled back on some enforcement efforts. Cops around the country are also quitting in droves. The result of what has been dubbed the “Ferguson Effect” has been increased crime and lost black lives.

Nevertheless, police are losing their lives at a drastically higher rate. According to the Washington Examiner’s  analysis, “The number of police officers intentionally rammed by vehicles, killed by gunfire, or stabbed to death has increased over 40% throughout the first six months of 2021 compared to last year as crime in major cities in the United States continues to rise.”

Our End of Watch tribute page bears witness to the individual lives lost.

It is against that backdrop, as well as riots specific to Portland, that all 50 members of the city’s Rapid Response Team (RRT) resigned. The specific straw that broke the camel’s back was the dubious indictment of Officer Corey Budworth for allegedly assaulting a rioting photographer last year. She already received a $50,000 settlement from the city.

The resignations sent Democrat Mayor Ted Wheeler scrambling to come up with officers who would respond to yet more nights of unrest late last week. But other Democrats are scoffing. Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, an advocate of defunding police (to the tune of $15 million in Portland last year), crowded that the “good ol’ boy network is crumbling” and that the city didn’t need the “rogue” response team anyway. Moreover, Hardesty basically said the cops can’t quit because they’re fired: “We should formally disband the RRT, but through Council action.”

How’s her plan working out for Portland? The Washington Times reports, “The police bureau logged 453 shootings from January through May, more than double the 200 shootings during the same period in 2020. There have been 42 homicides versus just nine at this time last year.”

Police officers aren’t perfect, but no one hates a bad cop more than good cops. And the overwhelming vast majority of cops are good — just trying to do their jobs and get home safely at the end of their shift. That’s getting harder all the time given the deadly violence escalating around the country, perpetrated by lawless leftists with a lot of winking and nodding coming from Democrat power brokers. That must end. ~The Patriot Post


Will the Real Propagandist Please Step Forward

What does it say about the current state of America when a former KGB thug-turned-president of Russia can make legitimate points about our increasing embrace of the very same totalitarian impulses for which he is routinely derided?

Following the Geneva summit between socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin, Fox News  accused Putin of “trolling” socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden. That’s because for every accusation the president made regarding Putin’s authoritarian conduct, Putin cited a valid counterpoint illustrating the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s equally thuggish behavior.

When socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden attempted to hammer Putin for tamping down on opposition to his government, and locking up Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, Putin pointed out that Biden has done essentially the same thing with regard to those who participated in the Capitol riot on January 6. “People rioted and went into the Congress with political demands,” Putin stated. “Many people were declared as criminals, threatened with imprisonment from 20 to 25 years. These people were immediately arrested after those events; on what grounds we don’t always know.”

It’s worse than that. As of this writing, a number of those arrested have not only been denied bail but confined in solitary confinement for months, prior to being tried. Whom the media and Democrats label dangerous “insurrectionists” includes an 18-year-old high school senior from Georgia and a 70-year-old Virginia farmer with no criminal record.

And it’s not just conservatives who’ve noticed that such treatment makes a complete mockery of the “right to a speedy and public trial” guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment. “Detaining Americans captured within the United States indefinitely without trial or even charge is a clear violation of our Constitution and our values, and it must not be permitted,” says California Democrat Dianne Feinstein.

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s response to Putin’s allegations? “I think that’s a ridiculous comparison,” socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden said during a news conference following the summit. After that, he told a flat-out lie: “It’s one thing for literally criminals to break through … go into the Capitol, kill a police officer, and be held accountable.”

That would be Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, whose death was officially attributed to natural causes, long after Democrats and their media lapdogs fully embraced and promulgated the false narrative that he had been killed by a fire extinguisher wielded by protesters. That socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden still clings to that wholly debunked narrative is astonishing. Either he is a propaganda-monger of the first order, or his mental capacities have diminished to the point where he is no longer capable of keeping up with the news.

In his own press conference, Putin compared the pro-democracy movement led by Navalny in Russia to both the Capitol riots and those led by BLM last summer. And when ABC’s Rachel Scott asked Putin what he was afraid of with regard to that movement, Putin insisted Nalvany’s moment had called for mass disorder and was extremist in nature. “America just recently had very severe events, well-known events, after the killing of an African American,” Putin stated, referring to protests following the police killing of George Floyd. “And the entire movement developed known as Black Lives Matter. I’m not going to comment on that but here’s what I do want to say: What we saw was disorder, destruction, violations of the law, etc. We feel sympathy for the United States of America but we don’t want that to happen on our territory. We’re doing our utmost in order to not allow it to happen.”

Would the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration felt the same way. Yet it has become transparent that the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s DOJ believes some rioters — and some police — are “more equal” than others. One June 7, five Republican senators sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding the inescapable discrepancies between the DOJ’s handling of 2020 protesters and his office’s prosecution of January 6 protesters. “DOJ’s apparent unwillingness to punish these individuals who allegedly committed crimes during the spring and summer 2020 protests stands in stark contrast to the harsher treatment of the individuals charged in connection with the January 6, 2021 breach of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.,” the letter stated.

The senators also noticed another glaring discrepancy: The DOJ has a publicly available website, listing all of the January 6 defendants and their crimes — yet no such database exists with regard to the rioters who caused between one and two billion dollars worth of damage. Damage that included the burning of police stations, molotov cocktails tossed at police in New York and a federal courthouse in Portland, the looting and burning of countless businesses, many of which were minority-owned, and numerous attacks on police.

And while the media and Democrats have labeled the Capitol riots as the equivalent of Pearl Harbor and/or 9/11, the multi-city carnage perpetrated by BLM and antifa were presented as “mostly peaceful” demonstrations that “intensified.”

What fueled those demonstrations? Massive levels of anti-police sentiment related to George Floyd’s death at the hands of police. Yet remarkably, those same demonstrators, who invariably insist cops are both systemically racist and murderous, are wholly uninterested about the still-unnamed police officer who shot and killed Capitol protester Ashli Babbitt. The same protesters who insist virtually every police shooting of a person of color is unjustifiable and demand a thorough investigation couldn’t care less about the clandestine one that cleared an officer who killed an unarmed woman.

Nonetheless, the focus remains on socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s ineptitude because he allowed Putin to  disseminate “propaganda.” Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was especially incensed, declaring that Putin was allowed to “spout Russian propaganda to create the context for moral equivalence between the United States and Russia on every front, whether it was talking about BLM or protesters or our judicial system.”

That would be the “judicial” system that insists QAnon conspiracy theorists may engage in “real world violence,” while ignoring the reality that antifa and BLM have  engaged in real-world violence, and Democrat-controlled cities do endure real-world violence by gangs — on a daily basis. The same system encourages Americans to report on friends, coworkers, and family members who are “radicalized,” while conspicuously failing to define the term. The same system that refuses to release 14,000 hours of video taken during the Capitol riots because it is “highly sensitive” government material — even as selective clips are being used to prosecute rioters who, like the American public, apparently have no right to see exactly what happened — in totality.

But there’s no moral equivalence between Russian justice and a DOJ willing to preserve a despicable, liberty-crushing narrative at the expense of the truth?

Is Putin a thug? Absolutely. Does he have a legitimate point? Last week, former assistant director for FBI counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi insisted that taking on domestic terrorism required the DOJ “to attack and dismantle the command and control element” — one that may include “people sitting in Congress right now.”

Does that sound more like the FBI — or the KGB?

“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” —George OrwellAnimal Farm  ~The Patriot Post


socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s Cold War Against Our Military

Is our nation’s commander-in-chief at war with his own military? It sure seems so. At least in a shadow sense. Every move socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has made since taking office has worked to demoralize our troops or degrade our warfighting capability, or both.

What a difference a commander-in-chief makes. And what could be more damaging to our warfighters’ esprit de corps than to pit one warrior against another, or one racial group against another?

On February 5, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, ordered a military-wide, one-day stand-down to address the issue of “extremism” in the ranks. (“Extremism” in the ranks is leftist code for “white supremacy” in the ranks, which is leftist code for “Trumpism” in the ranks.) In addition, our military also has books like Ibram X. Kendi’s How to be an Antiracist and Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility on its recommended reading lists. (If you’re wondering how to be an antiracist, Kendi believes you must embrace simple precepts such as, “The language of color blindness is a mask to hide racism,” and, “[Our] color-blind Constitution [perpetuates] a white supremacist America,” and, “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.”)

It’s an awful policy. And it’s wrecking our military. As Fox News’s Tucker Carlson put it last week:

Good people, driven from military service, many of them serving generationally because their fathers and grandfathers did, are having to leave now purely because of the extremist ideology of its leaders. It’s crushing if you think about it. But it’s also scary for all of us. We need the military. The Pentagon isn’t the Department of Education. It’s not the DMV. We have to have it. It’s essential to the survival of the county. But the commissars in the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration don’t care. They’re not slowing down. They’re intensifying the political purge in the ranks.

Fortunately, our warriors aren’t buying this crap en masse. Indeed, they’re starting to speak out. Their complaints, in fact, have given rise to a whistleblower form that Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, a former Army infantry officer, and Texas Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL, posted to Crenshaw’s congressional webpage. “Enough is enough,” said Crenshaw. “We won’t let our military fall to woke ideology.”

Let’s hope not. But, again, demoralizing the troops is only half the war being waged against them by the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration. The other half involves defunding them, just like leftist local governments have done to police departments around the country during the past year — with predictably disastrous results.

Back in the day, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden himself was fond of saying, “Don’t tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.” It’s a great line, really, and from it we can tell that Biden doesn’t much value our Armed Forces — at least not if our nation’s defense spending is any indication. Last week, when he wasn’t making embarrassing gaffes or taking cheap shots at his political opposition, socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden was in Cornwall, England, telling the G7 summiteers that “America is back” as the leader of the free world. It all sounded good, unless one considers that by “America is back,” socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden means that we’re no longer putting America first, and we once again have that scumbag/liar-nObama-era “Kick Me” sign on our backs. As the Wall Street Journal editorial board reported:

China, Iran and Vladimir Putin would be more impressed if Mr. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden wasn’t cutting America’s defense even as he rightly stresses the challenge from the world’s authoritarians.

Unremarked in the White House spending deluge is that its trillions for “infrastructure” include little new for defense. Mr. socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s $715 billion Pentagon budget for fiscal 2022 is a 1.6% increase over last year. Adjusted for inflation, this is a cut. The bipartisan National Defense Strategy Commission and other experts say the Pentagon needs steady 3% to 5% real increases annually to address threats from “near peers” such as China and Russia.

Does anyone else out there wonder what sort of message this sends to our adversaries? Congress will of course have its say regarding the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden budget, and its members should also remind the American people that a modern military is an expensive and necessary investment, especially for the leader of the free world. “But,” as the Journal’s editors conclude, “the choice America is facing is not whether to buy more ships instead of tanks. It is whether to defend itself adequately or pretend to do so while shrinking defense to fund an ever-growing social-welfare state. Adversaries can see the trend even if the White House would rather not acknowledge it.”

And that’s the problem for socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden. Our political opponents are taking his measure, and they’re paying attention to his focus on wokeness and welfare over warfighting. In short, they’re finding his rhetoric to be at odds with reality.   ~The Patriot Post


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Demoralizing the Police

As I have noted in previous reports, the left’s efforts to constantly restrain and demoralize the police are an alternative way to effectively defund the police. Here’s the latest example.

Portland, Oregon, has always been a hotbed of protests. So, it was no surprise when riots erupted there last year. What was somewhat surprising to many residents was the frequency and severity of the riots.

A federal courthouse in Portland was under siege for weeks last summer. It was attacked again this year. (Insurrection, anyone?)

To combat the constant rioting, roughly 50 Portland police officers agreed to form a voluntary rapid response team that could quickly deploy to deal with social unrest. They were the first to rush into the breach.

They were routinely assaulted with fireworks, lasers, rocks, feces, etc. Left-wing protesters doxed these officers and threatened their families.

Portland’s liberal district attorney refused to prosecute most rioters. As a result, state police pulled out of Portland.

During one of these many riots, a member of the police rapid response team struck a protester with his baton. A complaint was filed. A grand jury was formed. Earlier this week, the officer was indicted for unlawful and excessive use of force.

In response to this indictment, all 50 rapid response officers resigned in protest from this special force. They will no longer rush to protect the city of Portland that clearly does not respect them.

Chaos In The Park

Community parks are great places for people to come together to relax and have fun, whether it's picnics, playing with the family pet or outdoor concerts. But not in Washington Square Park in New York’s Greenwich Village.

The iconic park has been taken over by hundreds of miscreants, revelers and vagrants. There are mass parties at all hours of the night. Local residents pray for rain “because then we are quiet.” Worse, drugs and public sex acts are rampant. Crime has surged.

According to police reports, felony assaults in the area are up 80% compared to last year. Misdemeanor assaults are up 367%. Grand larcenies are up 183%.

When police recently attempted to enforce a curfew, they were attacked. Nearly two dozen people were arrested and eight officers were injured. But it has done little to stem the violence.

The denizens of Greenwich Village are probably among the most left-wing voters in an already liberal city. Many celebrities call Greenwich Village home. But the “progressive” residents are mortified by what’s happening now. They can’t sleep. They are afraid to walk the streets with their children and pets.

A recent “emergency meeting” was held to discuss the anarchy in Washington Square Park. Hundreds of area residents complained that the police aren’t enforcing the law. While they were inside demanding law and order, there was a demonstration outside against the police.

Crime is a problem all over America. It’s going to get worse as some of it is driven by gangs and drugs, which are pouring across the border in record numbers. But it is most prominent in places where the left is in complete control. At some point the voters of these cities have to wake up.

By the way, I couldn’t help but notice the irony of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot declaring racism a “public health emergency.” Not only is this the same bigoted mayor who refuses to grant interviews to white journalists, she had the audacity to declare:

“At almost every single point in our city’s history, racism has taken a devastating toll on the health and well-being of our residents of color – especially those who are Black.”

Well, Democrats have dominated Chicago for decades. So, I guess we know who’s to blame for the city’s history of racism.

Celebrate Juneteenth

President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden signed legislation creating a new federal holiday this week – Juneteenth. The holiday recognizes the day when the last slaves in the Confederacy were freed by Union soldiers in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865. Or as one commentator put it, the day when Republicans freed the last of the Democrats’ slaves.

Texas became the first state to officially recognize the holiday in 1980. Today, 49 states recognize Juneteenth. President Donald Trump routinely recognized Juneteenth, and proposed making it a federal holiday.

While the left obsesses over the sin of slavery, it’s important to remember our history and to recognize the sacrifices that were made for the progress we have made. Freedom is something we should all celebrate.

Confronting Communist China

Conservative senators led by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) have introduced legislation to deny visas to Chinese scientists affiliated with the People’s Liberation Army. Sen. Cotton’s legislation is urgently needed. Communist China’s history of espionage is well-documented.

FBI Director Christopher Wray recently stated that his agency is opening new investigations into illegal Chinese activities every 10 hours. And the National Institutes of Health recently admitted that it is investigating as many as 500 potentially compromised scientists and researchers.

So far, only six senators are co-sponsoring this important bill – Braun (IN), Cruz (TX), Grassley (IA), Hawley (MO), Rubio (FL) and Tuberville (AL) – all Republicans.

I hope some Senate Democrats will co-sponsor this important bill. Protecting our national security, industrial and medical secrets from communist China shouldn’t be a partisan issue.

Unfortunately, House Democrats defeated an amendment this week that would have required corporations to disclose any business dealings involving slave labor in communist China.

Speaking of communist China, there are reports that Dong Jingwei, a very high-level Chinese counterintelligence official, defected to the United States earlier this year, and has provided damning information about the Wuhan lab. We will keep you posted.

Life Is Winning!

I was honored this week to join my good friend Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, for a discussion about the remarkable advances of the pro-life movement. You can watch our discussion here. (My remarks begin at the 33:45 mark.)

Good News

  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed legislation banning critical race theory from his state’s public schools. Abbott also signed legislation prohibiting state officials from closing houses of worship.

  • The state of Texas is committing $250 million as a “down payment” to begin the construction of new barriers at the border.

  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is sending law enforcement officials to the southern border to help Arizona and Texas deal with the massive influx of illegal immigration.

  • Federal judges issued injunctions blocking socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s reparations for black farmers and socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s ban on new oil and natural gas leases.

  • House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy vows to remove scumbag/worthless-Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Relations Committee after Republicans retake the House.

  • Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell vows to block socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden from appointing a Supreme Court justice in 2024 after Republicans retake the Senate.

  • The New Jersey school board that dropped all holiday names from the school calendar to avoid offending someone has scheduled a meeting to reconsider its decision after heavy pushback from outraged parents and taxpayers.

  • More minorities (here and here) are speaking up against Marxist critical race theory.  ~The Patriot Post

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