The Patriot Post ~ 8 issues

Trump Admin Fails to End DACA
Ev7OqCrF4WjYMQ-vQzK_d774eM8v0U_8CusucvpiBLCkLR4rVjoFzj3J8kr9RfI6SaB3dbebexSZsuVRIr1dYw9moi-yGYyC_6YSvj5WE7eDoZrexrv-I677h-Jecbt5Hhobi3zYci4yUwXugEDZSs5AEsSLbOjrTIX2bLvFatiO3aIS=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xTHOMAS GALLATIN   Federal Judge Nicholas Garaufis on Friday ordered that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration program be fully reinstated. This decision is the latest blow to President Donald Trump’s years-long effort to end Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s unconstitutional executive order.

Recall this past summer the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 5-4 ruling against the Trump administration’s attempt to halt DACA — not over the question of the legality of the program itself but over procedural issues. The Court declared that the Trump administration violated the Administrative Procedure Act when ending DACA.

Following this latest setback from Judge Garaufis, however, the Trump administration has essentially thrown in the towel, as the Department of Homeland Security announced that it would abide by the ruling and begin the reimplementation of DACA this week. This means that at least 300,000 more illegal aliens will be eligible to be added to the current 640,000 DACA recipients.

With the increasing likelihood of scumbag/liar-Joe Biden taking up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the new year, the possibility of truly ending DACA is all but dead. scumbag/liar-Biden has vowed not only to retain the program but to also press Congress to make it a pathway for U.S. citizenship for its recipients.

However, there remains the possibility that DACA’s reinstitution may be short-lived, as a federal judge in Texas will rule on the program’s constitutionality before the year is up. CBS News reports, “Judge Andrew Hanen, who has previously said DACA is likely illegal, has scheduled a hearing on this case for December 22.” Should Judge Hanen rule against DACA, then SCOTUS will likely and finally have to rule on the constitutionality of the program itself. And, hopefully, given the current conservative makeup of the Court, even Chief Justice backstabber-John Roberts won’t be able to save yet another unconstitutional power grab.

DACA’s merits (or lack thereof) is actually not the primary issue here. Rather, it’s the manner in which Obama blatantly acted to circumvent Congress and the Constitution to issue an executive order that effectively legislated a new immigration law. Initially, it was a move that he himself repeatedly and correctly declared was beyond his constitutional authority. That wrong needs to be righted, irrespective of the larger illegal immigration issue.  

~The Patriot Post

Pentagon Pick Has a Bad Record
5dC3s-sAefOZpYSCrOCptbtfOhKLFipeyqnH60agriqCu5dWBXI7_B4LBfRsGav5bN-eRNT2_YFmbM9KfrYzfEIJV-YEpUo1gTbi5KpBAfDmIOE21rim0OatxWhhRg2JcG6T3YCeWLnImx7_XM3OXFCZ752ZV_UmDRc7O0pauiTQCvqz=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xNATE JACKSON   There are three things you should know about scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s pick to lead the Pentagon, retired U.S. Army General Lloyd Austin. One of those things — he’ll be the first black defense secretary — is largely media churn. Another of those things is typical for the swamp — he became a lobbyist after his retirement four years ago. And one of those things is of utmost concern: He allegedly gave some terrible advice that led to the rise of the Islamic State.

As we noted last week, the most important theme of scumbag/liar-Biden’s foreign policy team is that it’s full of America-last globalist retreads from the scumbag/liar-nObama administration. So it’s little wonder that the media would rather focus on the fact that Austin is black.

Ironically, the identity-politics game has a few leftists “fuming.” The fact that Austin was chosen over frontrunner Michèle Flournoy, who would have been the first woman secretary of defense, irked many women. As Georgetown professor Оlga Belogolova put it, “A lot of women in national security are fuming tonight not b/c they wanted a woman to be nominated for SecDef just because. We’re fuming b/c the most uniquely qualified person for the position happened to be a woman. And she still didn’t get the job. And we’ve all been there.”

Meanwhile, the fact that Austin’s military career ended less than seven years ago means he must obtain a congressional waiver to serve as SecDef, in addition to confirmation by the Senate. There was once some grumbling among Democrats in particular about such waivers, however. Democrat Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island, the ranking member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, complained four years ago that “such waivers would destroy the principle [of civilian military control] that is so critical to an essential tenet of our civil and military relations.” We’ll see if those same concerns come up now that it’s a Democrat doing the nominating. (Hint: They won’t.)

That brings us to the third thing worth knowing about Austin. His 41-year military career would be laudable except for the glaring fact that he last served as commander of Central Command, overseeing U.S. military operations in the Middle East. He did so during Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s administration, and he bears some responsibility for the rise of the Islamic State. While Austin is sometimes credited with developing the strategy to fight ISIS, he was in reality cleaning up his own mess.

“Early in 2014, scumbag/liar-nObama’s intelligence advisers told him that ISIS was of marginal importance,” wrote Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic back in 2016. “According to administration officials, General Lloyd Austin … told the White House that the Islamic State was ‘a flash in the pan.’ This analysis led scumbag/liar-nObama, in an interview with The New Yorker, to describe the constellation of jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria as terrorism’s ‘jayvee team.’”

Austin also oversaw the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, a disastrous scumbag/liar-nObama policy that scumbag/liar-Joe Biden spearheaded. And he still owes some answers for why the U.S. spent $500 million to train only a handful of Syrian fighters.

Flournoy was criticized for being too hawkish for a scumbag/liar-Biden administration. Austin seemingly has the opposite problem and is unlikely to be the Pentagon leader best suited for America’s national security. But did we mention he’s black?   ~The Patriot Post

Sacking a Principal's First Amendment Rights
MARK ALEXANDER   Amy Sacks is the principal of one of Pennsylvania’s highest-performing elementary schools. Well, she was principal of Evergreen Elementary until daring to exercise her First Amendment right to express her political opinion on her personal social media page, and then being fired “with little explanation.”

According to Sacks and her attorney, Francis Malofiy, who are now suing the school system for reinstatement, she was fired because her personal political views did not comport with those of her system’s superintendent, Barbara A. Russell, thus triggering an acute episode of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Sacks shared a series of memes expressing her personal views about a variety of issues last summer, my personal favorite being an image of a potato with the text, “If this potato was running against scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, I’d vote for the potato.”

I note Sacks “dared” to express her personal opinion because her profession is overwhelmingly controlled by statist Democrat Party bureaucrats who, like leftists in general, don’t tolerate divergent views. Increasingly, not only are the First Amendment rights of organizations like The Patriot Post being suppressed by social media platforms, but people like Sacks are being “canceled” by their employers for having the audacity to step off the leftist ideological plantation.

According to Sacks: “Perkiomen Valley School District and Superintendent Barbara Russell have decided that the First Amendment Freedom of Speech has no place in public schools and that teachers and administrators are unfit to serve if they hold and express political beliefs that are right of center. This cancel culture within the public school system has to stop. I was Principal of one of the best performing elementary schools in Pennsylvania and still fell victim to being cancelled out by liberal bureaucrats who don’t believe in diversity of thought, speech, opinion, or political affiliation.”

Sacks added: “With the support of my husband and family, I have decided to challenge the school district by filing a lawsuit against them to save my job. In doing so I hope to lead by example and inspire others to stand against the erosion of our constitutional rights in America. … Please understand that this is a very difficult issue for me to address and that it has hurt my family and ruined my career, but I have felt it necessary to let my family, friends, and others know the truth about what happened to me and why.”   ~The Patriot Post

The Achement Gap and How Not to Fix It

IPZFOGrktySj4u9JB5DXJ7TPLbObrtSCBl0etlSDDzBPCrgXJE66oUmmkajdVCrnaBqUlZkL0OHf5mn5mA5PodIzFR1McKc-6qxzX4I5fMke82Qxihh9WQc6Yx7K6-DYcDvmOolTnKCJjvGR98Ms84nlB8E2k1zN7E20IfMOaOOKuX5w=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xDOUGLAS ANDREWS   “Facts,” said John Adams, “are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

Adams was speaking to a jury, he was speaking about the law, and he was defending the perpetrators of the Boston Massacre. But he might just as well have been addressing the do-gooders and the race pimps who insist that black underrepresentation in certain areas of the American workforce is the result of systemic racism.

It isn’t. And it’s a sad truth that there simply aren’t enough high-achieving blacks to go around.

As Heather Mac Donald writes in City Journal, “The United States is being torn apart by an idea: that racism defines America. … Now, activists and their media allies are marshaling a more sweeping set of facts to prove the dominance of white supremacy: the absence of a proportional representation of blacks in a range of organizations. That insufficient diversity results from racial bias, claim the activists, and every few days, the press serves up another exposé of this industry or that company’s too-white workforce to drive home the point.”

Indeed, we discussed this very topic last week regarding Wall Street.

It’s not just Wall Street, though. It’s also those rich, sanctimonious, speech-suppressing lefties in Silicon Valley. As Mac Donald points out, “3.7% of Google’s employees and contractors are black, compared with about 13% black representation in the country at large; at Salesforce, 2.9% of employees are black; at Facebook, 3.8%; and at Microsoft, 4.5%. Black investors make up less than 1 percent of venture capitalists and less than 1 percent of the startup founders whom those venture capitalists underwrite.”

How did this happen? Two words: achievement gap. “The median black eighth-grader does not possess even basic math skills,” writes Mac Donald. “Fifty-three percent of black eighth-graders scored ‘below basic’ on math in 2017. Only 11% of black eighth-graders were proficient in math, and 2% were advanced. By contrast, 20% of white eighth-graders were below basic in 2017, 31% were proficient, and 13% were advanced. Only 12% of Asian eighth-graders were below basic, 32% were proficient, and 32% were advanced. The picture was not much better in reading. Forty percent of black eighth-graders were below basic in reading in 2017, 17% were proficient readers, and 1% were advanced readers. Sixteen percent of white eighth-graders were below basic in reading, 39% of white eighth-graders were proficient readers, and 6% were advanced readers. Thirteen percent of Asian eighth-graders were below basic, 45% were proficient, and 12% were advanced readers.”

Care to guess why there are so few blacks in Big Tech?

A case can be made that this yawning academic achievement gap is at least in part due to the inherent imbalance in school funding. But it’d be a weak case. The Detroit Public Schools, for example, spend more per student than all but eight of the nation’s 100 largest school districts, yet the district still generates the nation’s worst reading scores among low-income students. Of course, the U.S. has also spent trillions of dollars to close this awful achievement gap — but to no avail.

When all else fails, start counting by race. Every company that gets called out immediately pledges to do better. Some pledge to do much better. Take Facebook, for example, which says that a preposterous half of its workforce will come from “underrepresented communities” by 2023, according to Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg. We’ll say this: With a workforce that’s currently 3.8% black, it’s got plenty of room to grow.

Of course, as Mac Donald points out, if racial bias doesn’t explain Facebook’s staffing disparity, then counting by race will only compromise the caliber of its product. And so will every other American institution that thinks race-based discrimination is the answer to the dearth of black employees in their midst.

The same goes for grad schools, law schools, and medical schools, but don’t dare suggest that admissions should be merit-based rather than race-based. As Mac Donald writes, “A paper published in the Journal of the American Heart Association in March 2020 argued against racial preferences in medical school admissions, arguing that students admitted under a racial-preference regime disproportionately flunk out.”

Imagine that. The paper’s author, Norman Wang, is the director of the electrophysiology fellowship program at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Check that — he was the director. Soon after calling for the colorblind evaluation of future doctors, both he and his paper got canceled. He lost his position at Pitt, and one of his colleagues at the medical school tweeted that she and other faculty “denounce this individual’s racist beliefs and paper.”

This is what we’ve come to: the knee-jerk rejection of objective standards, and the looming debilitation of our most fundamental institutions.

In closing, Mac Donald rightly points out that thousands of blacks outperform whites and Asians thanks to study and self-discipline. And that, she says, points to the only real solution: “honesty about the cause of racial employment disparities and an unapologetic embrace of hard work and high expectations for all.”   ~The Patriot Post

It's Time to Stand Up or Step Aside
G3a-9uKmlag0B8sI5iZVqZn2tosg2E8r758czK2PpkDSR35ExB9MTgH1pENYiTif9rL1XCJKBZg1z6h6-JSCaywehoHvLVp_JSGiuVgpAlalS2RefzPh4gpwae-Nm9_MLiHKhS-Wi_o1XufjMhSjhnUDPdBqblG3JlVafVNKPgg7ZXJo=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xHAROLD HUTCHISON   Crises have a way of clarifying things — what’s important, who’s ultimately worthy of your trust, who can get things done. The five weeks since Election Day have done just that for grassroots Patriots, and one conclusion is clear, regardless of the outcome: The establishment has failed us.

For the past decade, especially in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, grassroots Patriots have been hit with one coordinated attack after another. Let’s take a quick spin through some of these attacks, coupled with the establishment’s response to each:

  • In 2011, Sarah Palin was falsely accused of inspiring a mass shooting that killed six and seriously wounded Arizona Representative Gabby Giffords. The establishment mostly sat on its hands.
  • The Internal Revenue Service targeted the Tea Party for harassment, potentially suppressing its activity to the point of tipping the 2012 election in scumbag/liar-nObama’s favor. The establishment did nothing to hold the abusers accountable or to prevent future abuses.
  • After failing to pass massive anti-Second Amendment legislation in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, the scumbag/liar-nObama administration kicked Operation Chokepoint into high gear, targeting gun manufacturers and other law-abiding businesses. The establishment failed to hold the administration accountable.
  • In Wisconsin, rogue prosecutors targeted conservative nonprofit groups in Wisconsin with a “John Doe” investigation. Ultimately, the state’s supreme court put the kibosh on the politically motivated hit but, again, bupkis from the establishment.
  • When a number of state attorneys general plotted to use RICO statutes to attack opponents of their preferred environmental policies, the establishment did nothing to stop the attacks.
  • When the FBI and Justice Department abused their powers to spy on the Trump campaign in 2016, the establishment did nothing — at least so far.
  • When the duly elected governor of Missouri was targeted by a scumbag-George Soros-funded prosecutor and hounded out of office, the establishment did nothing.
  • When Andrew Cuomo and his attorney general  targeted the NRA during the crucial run-up to the 2020 election, the establishment did nothing.
  • When Donald Trump and Senate Republicans faced a must-win election in 2020, some members of the establishment formed the bogusly named Lincoln Project … to defeat the Party of Lincoln.

When was the last time any media Never-Trumper called out the Left for smearing those on his or her side as racist? The last time rino-John Kasich defended a colleague falsely accused of sexism? The last time rino-Jeff Flake came to the aid of a fellow Republican being called a domestic terrorist merely for supporting the Second Amendment? The last time Paul Ryan stood up for Patriots seeking a secure border against smears of xenophobia?

Even now, with mounting evidence of ballot fraudfailures to follow the laws and procedures established by the state legislatures, the removal of safeguards against fraud, Big Tech’s massive in-kind donations to scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s campaign, and the systemic denial of vote-counting transparency in Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit, among other places, grassroots Patriots are smeared in the media for seeking to address these depredations through peaceful and constitutional means.

Some Republican leaders have fought back. These include Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelly Ward, Georgia GOP Chairman David Shafer, RNC Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon, Alabama Representative Mo Brooks, former ambassador and Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell, and others. Many leaders, though, haven’t fought back — especially when their party’s standard-bearer, President Donald Trump, has come under attack. These people haven’t earned our support, whether during a party leadership election, a nominating convention, or a primary.

Enough is enough. If Republicans and conservatives can’t hang together, we will, as Ben Franklin put it, most assuredly hang separately.  

~The Patriot Post

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How to Make Sure the 2020 Election Never Happens Again

To see what’s wrong with our election system, just look at all the claims and allegations being made in the litigation filed by the Trump campaign and other organizations contesting the outcome of the presidential election.

Regardless of what happens with that challenge, state legislatures should take note of the underlying problems, which have existed for years, and finally do something about them — before we have our next set of state and federal elections.

The Heritage Foundation has an Election Fraud Database that provides a sampling of proven fraud cases from across the country. It highlights the many vulnerabilities in the election process that can be — and are — exploited by those willing to game the system.

It is everything from noncitizens registering and voting to vote-buying and submission of fraudulent absentee ballots, to individuals voting more than once because they are registered multiple times in the same state or are registered and voting in two different states (like former Democratic congressional candidate Wendy Rosen was caught doing in Maryland and Florida).

Anyone who doubts this type of activity can make a difference in an election should look at what happened this past summer in Paterson, New Jersey, where a new municipal election was ordered and four locals were charged with absentee ballot fraud.

Or the 9th District congressional race in North Carolina that was overturned in 2018 due to absentee ballot fraud and illegal vote harvesting by a political consultant and six of his staffers, all of whom were criminally charged.

But it is not just intentional misconduct. It’s also the errors, mistakes, and incompetence of sloppy, inefficient systems that exacerbate all of these problems. Like state election officials not doing something as basic as checking the addresses of newly registered voters with county tax records to ensure they are really residential addresses where someone lives, as opposed to a vacant lot or a mall or a UPS store.

Or modifying their registration software to detect multiple registrations by the same individual with only slight variations in his or her name, such as using a full middle name in one registration but only the first initial of that person’s middle name in a second registration. In many states, that will get you registered twice without election officials noticing, which will then allow you to vote twice with little chance of detection.

There are a whole series of steps that need to be taken by state legislators to fix these problems, and they should act in the upcoming legislative sessions that will start in many states in January 2021. It should be the states, not Congress, that address these issues, since the states are primarily responsible under our Constitution for administering elections.

There is no doubt they will run into opposition, and left-wing advocacy groups will sue to try to stop any reforms that would fix these problems and make it harder to cheat. States just need to be prepared to defend their reforms in court, the way states that have implemented voter ID laws have, usually successfully.

In fact, that is the first reform states need: requiring a government-issued photo ID to vote not just in-person, as in Georgia and Indiana, but also for absentee ballots, as is the law in Kansas and Alabama. That includes providing an ID at no charge for the tiny percentage of the residents of their states who don’t already have one.

And states need to modify their driver’s licenses, which are the default national ID card used by the average American every day for many different purposes besides voting, to conspicuously note whether the individual is a citizen or not.

Unfortunately, it is easy for a noncitizen, legal or illegal, to register and vote with little chance of being caught, because states don’t verify citizenship. That needs to change. States should require proof of citizenship to register to vote. They should also use available Department of Homeland Security records to check the citizenship of registered voters.

For those of us who’ve been called for jury duty, you may recall that you had to swear under oath that you are a U.S. citizen. Yet very few states require state courts to notify election and law enforcement officials when individuals called for jury duty using voter registration lists are excused because they are not U.S. citizens.

Furthermore, federal courts also use state voter registration lists to find jurors for federal cases. Yet they also don’t notify states when those called for jury duty are excused for not being U.S. citizens. This should have been changed years ago.

Absentee ballots are the only ballots voted outside the supervision of election officials and outside the observation of poll watchers, making them particularly susceptible to fraud, forgery, theft, and numerous other problems we’ve seen surface in this year’s election.

For that reason, the use of absentee ballots should be limited to individuals who have a valid reason, such as being disabled or out of town on Election Day, to vote absentee. They should require witness signatures or notarization and the signatures of voters on both absentee ballot request forms, and the absentee ballots themselves should be compared to the signature of the voter on file before they are accepted.

With all of the disputes over absentee ballots received after Election Day, the deadline in every state for receipt of a completed absentee ballot should be Election Day itself. Voters have many weeks prior to Election Day to obtain and vote via absentee ballot. There is simply no reason to have a deadline past that day.

Additionally, vote harvesting should be banned in every state. You are just asking for trouble if you give candidates, campaign staffers, party activists, and political consultants the ability to pick up and handle the ballots of voters — including subjecting voters to coercion and intimidation.

Absentee ballots should only go to voters who request them — there should be no automatic mailing of such ballots to all registered voters. Why? Because as this and past elections have shown, state voter registration lists are in terrible shape, filled with voters who have moved, died, or otherwise become ineligible.

That is because many states are not taking the most basic steps to keep their lists accurate and up to date. They need to be comparing their voter registration lists with other states; using available state, federal, and commercial databases such as credit agencies, tax records, driver’s licenses, and public assistance filings; Department of Homeland Security alien records; and deaths listed by the Social Security Administration and other government agencies.

These fixes are just a start. There are many others to add to this list, including more vigorous investigations and prosecutions of fraud by election and law enforcement officials who all too often don’t want to know about these problems or don’t take them seriously.

We have razor-thin elections all the time in this country at the federal, state, and local levels. As the Supreme Court and many others have pointed out, including the bipartisan Carter/Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform, fraud can make the difference in a close election. And so can errors and slip-ups by election officials.

That is why state officials all over the country need to concentrate on addressing all of these vulnerabilities and problems and finally do something about them.   ~The Patriot Post

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Reduced to Tears and Taking Action

Have you seen the incredibly moving video of Angela Marsden? She’s a California restaurant owner who just invested $80,000 to set up an outdoor dining facility in a last-ditch effort to serve customers and keep her workers employed.

But left-wing politicians in Los Angeles County just banned all dining. And I mean all dining — indoor AND outdoor.

There is no science behind what is being demanded here. No science shows that outdoor activity is spreading COVID. But it’s too easy for these politicians and bureaucrats to make such decisions because they don’t affect them.

This is a war against working class Americans! And California is the worst offender of all.

Predictably, the outdoor dining ban exempts the film industry. Hollywood hypocrisy at its worst!

So you can imagine Marsden’s reaction when she showed up at her restaurant last week to find a huge new outdoor dining area set up right next to her new outdoor facility that was just banned! Hers is illegal. But this new one, run by a movie studio, is legal.

Why? Science? Of course not. Hollywood has money to throw around. Small business owners don’t.

California will turn itself into a pretzel to defend illegal immigrants. But where is the sanctuary city for hard-working citizens? Where will they be safe from marauding bureaucrats who are trying to destroy their lives?

This is the state where residents are supposed to step over human feces to get into their businesses and serve customers. This is a state that hands out needles to drug addicts because it cares more about them than hard-working taxpayers.

Governor Gavin Newsom doesn’t think twice about telling Californians to stay home, while he racks up a $15,000 bill at an exclusive French restaurant for a birthday party!

Pat Buchanan used to talk about the “peasants with pitchforks” rising up against our out-of-touch elites. Of course, he was speaking metaphorically. But leftists do show up at public events with baseball bats, and our media passes that off as “mostly peaceful.”

While I am pleased to see people like Angela Marsden and a handful of pastors standing up and speaking out, I’m surprised that they are still a distinct minority. Whatever happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave? Increasingly, it seems that we are neither.

It is time for massive opposition by middle-class and working-class Americans to reclaim their rights!

If you did not see Angela Marsden’s heartbreaking video, you can watch it here.

Santelli vs. Sorkin

Rick Santelli, whose epic 2009 rant launched the Tea Party movement, and Andrew Ross Sorkin had their own debate about the reasonableness of the lockdowns on CNBC recently.

Sorkin hid behind “science” and suggested that government mandates limiting our rights to attend church and engage in commerce were the answer. Santelli defended freedom and the common sense of the American people.

It was a good example of the debate that is raging across the country right now, as the progressive left wages war against the working class. It will defend left-wing demonstrations but then tell us that people eating dinner outside or going to church are what’s harming America. It’s beyond absurd!

Elections Have Consequences

The consequences of “President scumbag/liar-Joe Biden” are being made clear every day. Over the weekend we learned that scumbag/liar-Biden wants California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.

Becerra is a pro-abortion extremist who thought he had the power to force faith-based pro-life pregnancy centers to promote abortion. Thankfully, the Supreme Court stopped him.

But his commitment to the left’s radical abortion-on-demand agenda is undoubtedly why scumbag/liar-Biden selected him to oversee America’s healthcare policy.

Remembering Pearl Harbor

Yesterday marked the 79th anniversary of the Japanese attack on the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor. Sadly, many children today do not have a clue about the significance of Pearl Harbor Day. This is a great time to speak to your children and grandchildren about the Greatest Generation and what it took to win World War II.

When America’s involvement in World War II began, there wasn’t much good news. There was defeat after defeat, retreat after retreat. Americans who lived through those dark days experienced something that no generation since has experienced — the fear that we might lose the war and lose our freedom.

Much has changed since Pearl Harbor and World War II. But human nature and the precarious position of liberty have not changed.

It is sad and dangerous that so many young Americans (other than those wearing the uniform) are more interested in condemning their country and second-guessing previous generations than they are in understanding what happened 79 years ago and how each generation must defend liberty.

But as long as God gives me breath, I will continue to defend this great and exceptional nation, and I will always fight for our values!  

~The Patriot Post

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Trump Is Still Winning on the Economy

Some people can’t handle success. The latest jobs report shows that despite the pandemic President Trump’s policies of lower taxes and reducing regulations continue to work. Raising taxes and imposing regulations, as scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has pledged to do, has historically had the opposite effect, but there are people who continue to deny the history, believe lies and appear ignorant of sound economic theory.

Yes, some businesses are struggling, or have closed, thanks to arbitrary orders from politicians, some of whom ignore their own directives. Employers added 245,000 jobs in November, down from 638,000 jobs the previous month. Overall, future signs remain positive and additions are better than subtractions.

The November jobs and economic numbers were released last Friday. According to a tweet by the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), a U.S. agency within the Executive Office of the President, which advises the president of the United States on economic policy, “Despite newly imposed lockdowns by States and local governments, the unemployment rate has dropped by 8.0 percentage points since April. As of November, there were 4 million MORE Americans with a job than what the CBO in July estimated would occur at years-end.”

This recovery is phenomenal by any objective standard, if objective standards exist anymore because we are so polarized and no longer seem to listen to each other.

November also posted strong gains for minorities, the CEA reported, “as nearly 70 percent of job losses by Hispanic Americans and over half of job losses by Black Americans have recovered.” It makes one wonder why so many African Americans continue to vote for Democrats when under this president they have done better with jobs, wage increases, prison reform and in some states, school choice, than they did under the scumbag/liar-nObama-scumbag/liar-Biden administration and previous Democratic presidents.

CEA also reported, “The construction industry has recovered 74.2 percent of all pandemic job losses as of November. Nearly two-thirds of all job gains over the past seven months occurred in relatively low-wage sectors vulnerable to shutdowns, including retail, leisure & hospitality, and education and health services.”

That record alone should have ensured Donald Trump’s re-election, but combined efforts by Democrats and their media allies refused for the most part to report on these and other successes. On the rare occasions when they did, little or no credit was given to Trump and his administration. Instead, the media featured Democratic congressional leaders downplaying the results, or crediting Barack scumbag/liar-nObama.

This is beyond unfair. It is the deliberate manipulation of truth to benefit a party and politicians preferred by the media and establishment Democrats and, sad to say, establishment Republicans.

It does not take a prophet to accurately predict what Democrats and the media will say after presumptive President-elect scumbag/liar-Biden takes office, assuming all challenges to the November 3 election are unsuccessful. Especially if there is a downturn in the economic and jobs numbers in a new administration, the media and Democrats will blame Trump.

All anyone needs is a rudimentary recall of history. When taxes have been cut, going back to those proposed by President John F. Kennedy and extending through the Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump administrations, the economy soared. No one doubts what the economy would have looked like had there not been a pandemic. If Congress would cut unnecessary spending and reform entitlement programs, which is unlikely, the economy and the jobs that go with it would likely soar as never before, reducing, or even eliminating, the $27 trillion debt.

During the 2016 campaign, candidate Donald Trump predicted people would get tired of winning. His policies kept the economy going and he received more than 74 million vote in the election. If scumbag/liar-Biden succeeds in raising taxes and re-imposing unnecessary regulations, while radically increasing spending on dubious programs to combat “climate change,” Americans may have to get used to losing again.   ~The Patriot Post

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