The Patriot Post ~ 8 issues

A Great American Vaccine
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Consider these two stubborn facts: First, President Donald Trump shut down travel to and from China early on, a crucial decision that bought our nation time and likely avoided an early, overwhelming blow-up of COVID-19 cases. A day later, scumbag/liar-Biden called the decision “hysteria, xenophobia, and fearmongering” before flip-flopping and retroactively embracing it more than two months later.

Too late, scumbag/liar-Joe.

The other fact could be seen with our lyin’ eyes, rolling out of a Pfizer plant in Portage, Michigan, Sunday morning on so many tractor-trailers: a COVID-19 vaccine imagined, created, tested, manufactured, and now being distributed nationwide. In less than a year, compliments of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. This, too, will save countless lives. And Biden and his ilk said it couldn’t possibly be done.

“Mainstream journalists celebrated news of the country’s first COVID-19 vaccinations on Monday,” reports National Review’s Tobias Hoonhout, “after claiming for months that the Trump administration’s push to deliver a vaccine in record time was ill-advised and unrealistic.”

“Ill-advised and unrealistic”? Remember scumbag/liar-Biden’s DNC nomination acceptance speech? That’s when Debbie Downer declared, “No miracle is coming.”

As Hoonhout continued, “CNBC reported Monday morning that the vaccine’s development ‘shattered every record in modern medical history,’ considering that Pfizer and BioNTech began their vaccine partnership on March 17 of this year. But in October, CNBC clipped a segment of the final presidential debate — in which President Trump stated that the vaccine is ‘going to be announced within weeks, and it’s going to be delivered’ — with the headline ‘President Trump says Covid-19 vaccine will be coming by the end of the year, despite contrary evidence.’”

Typical of the mainstream media’s dismissiveness — even derision — of President Trump ever since he said months ago that we could have a vaccine by year’s end was a May 15 conversation between MSNBC’s Brian Williams and the Trump-hating network’s house “expert,” Dr. Irwin Redlener, who referred to the president’s statement as “another day of POTUS in Wonderland” and “preposterous.”

Who’s looking preposterous now, Doc?

Typical of the mainstream media’s mad scramble to pour cold water on this spectacular news, to downplay this great American success story, to describe as a loss this unequivocal win for the Trump administration is the following headline from the Associated Press: “Vaccine comes too late for the 300,000 US dead.”

Really? That’s the worst you can do, AP?

The article continues down the same path of abject misery and unalloyed Trump hatred, telling us how the awful path of destruction taken by this pandemic “represents an extraordinary failure in our response” and how our efforts to resolutely cope with some 3,000 deaths per day “as though it were just business as usual … represents a moral failing.”

Good news comes out eventually, though, despite our media’s efforts to ignore it. Like the story of the first front-line worker to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I felt a huge sense of relief,” said Sandra Lindsay, a Jamaican immigrant and an ICU nurse at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens, “hope for everyone around the world that healing is coming, that we took a step in the right direction to finally put an end to this COVID-19 pandemic.”

Responding to fears about the vaccine — fears that have been shamefully stoked by Democrats from scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and lowlife-Kamala Harris on down — Lindsay said, “As a nurse, my practice is guided by the science. I believe in science. What you should not trust is COVID-19. I hope that me taking the vaccine today is an inspiration to you.”   ~The Patriot Post


Electoral College Reunion: scumbag/liar-Biden Is Elected
piwvAlJZZvII_OOtkCXvdT5tmPHfH51F090uocL9SASl8EQAr7ApqSlGi61gPYtCRtxYVf2F-WPG7oT-qsTTLxpp2M3o5MV1x2cpc4RmpethUMFpoRbNalVPlQhOqz6ydnNY0vm_q_nZVhNeiUBQRCEzoip0akDeDOrBvnxvbIMpRACm=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xTHOMAS GALLATIN   The Electoral College electors from all 50 states formally convened on Monday to cast their votes for the presidency, and the result was as expected — scumbag/liar-Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump 306 to 232. Interestingly, the number of votes exactly matched Trump’s 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton. While Biden plagiarized Trump in touting his EC victory as a “landslide,” the truth of the matter is that his margin of victory in the swing states was even smaller than that of Trump’s in 2016. Trump won by besting Clinton by 77,744 total votes in the swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, whereas Biden slipped by Trump by 42,918 votes combined in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

Meanwhile, Trump has still refused to concede defeat, arguing that some of his continued legal challenges have yet to be ruled on. That said, Trump has had little success in the courts, and it is all but impossible that there remains a genuine means for Trump to remain in the White House. Trump’s lack of concession clearly raised the ire of Biden, who blasted the president and Republicans following the EC vote. He derided their legal challenges as an “unprecedented assault on democracy” while falsely asserting that “no cause or evidence was found to reverse or question or dispute the results.”

But oh, by the way, scumbag/liar-Biden then talked of this being the “time to turn the page,” “to unite,” and “to heal.” Sure thing.

scumbag/liar-Biden and the Left spent four years “assaulting democracy” and denying Trump’s legitimacy, and they continue to act as if Trump’s presidency was a disaster. The facts demonstrate the exact opposite, of course, and scumbag/liar-Biden’s false characterization of the past four years does nothing to encourage Americans to come together. Yet he opined, “In America, politicians don’t take power — the people grant it to them. The flame of democracy was lit in this nation a long time ago. And we now know that nothing — not even a pandemic, or an abuse of power — can extinguish that flame.” That’s a rich statement dripping in irony and abject hypocrisy coming from the number-two man in Barack  scumbag/liar-nObama’s White House, an administration that’s infamous for its abuse of power, that initiated a deep-state cabal in an attempt to oust a duly elected president, and that actively sowed the seeds of divisiveness, identity politics, and racial animus that are currently roiling the nation.

What may have been the most obtuse comment by scumbag/liar-Biden, however, was his reference to the now more than 300,000 Americans who have died as a result of contracting COVID. scumbag/liar-Biden continued to push the false narrative that Trump’s response to the novel virus from China was an abject failure even as the lifesaving coronavirus vaccine, developed in record time thanks to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, was literally being delivered to all 50 states.

On a final note, despite scumbag/liar-Biden securing the EC vote, demonstrating that a Democrat can still win an election via the Founders’ well-designed system, one New York state elector believes she knows better even as she registered her vote for scumbag/liar-Biden.  scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton delivered the same old sore-loser message: “I believe we should abolish the Electoral College and select our president by the winner of the popular vote, same as every other office. But while it still exists, I was proud to cast my vote in New York for  scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and lowlife-Kamala Harris.”

While it would be tempting to claim that scumbag/liar-Clinton’s remark demonstrates her abject ignorance of federalism, the truth is she knows exactly what federalism is and rejects it because it serves as a roadblock to leftist elitists’ desire to perpetually run the nation without having to consider and be held accountable by voters in red states.

The bottom line: Unless some massive unforeseen developments occur, scumbag/liar-Joe Biden will be inaugurated the 46th president of the United States on January 21. Buckle up.   ~The Patriot Post


Trump v. scumbag/liar-Biden — The Middle East Then, and Again
TjcZd3cL5M_8zBWG3kgAsUFjY-4F612HeLHzQYhTRmyCZkXjz4QbbjfVkG_iQWB6zMnwljx5vB3BMpMiwRJUOdsh2NkbntFD2x1FFdQ924oxWcw93IYOor7r6wUzavrWsEN-5nxOfs_JX-x5kK-gSC3FTuUbrW95cBlR9-eAUINMclGU=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xMARK ALEXANDER   On January 28, a joint statement by President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set the stage for a series of historic agreements this year. President Trump has now received multiple Nobel Peace Prize nominations for those successes. Notably, those are earned nominations, unlike the “participation trophy” given to Barack scumbag/liar-nObama for just showing up.


At that historic meeting, Netanyahu said: “Like you, Mr. President, I understand the magnitude of this moment. With you, Mr. President, I am prepared to seize the moment and change history. I know that there will be opposition; there’s always opposition. I know there will be many obstacles along the way — much criticism. But we have an old Jewish saying: ‘If not now, when? And if not us, who?’”

Last week, Morocco became the fourth Islamic nation to signal peace by normalizing relations with Israel — which is a prerequisite for a broader historic peace deal in the region. The previous nations already normalizing relations are the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Sudan. We may well hear more from Saudi Arabia before the end of the year.

According to Netanyahu: “I want to first thank President Trump for his extraordinary efforts to expand peace, to bring peace to Israel and the peoples of the Middle East. President Trump, the people of Israel and the State of Israel will be forever indebted to you for your magnificent efforts on our behalf. … The light of peace on this Hanukkah day has never shone brighter than today in the Middle East.”

Recall the words of scumbag/liar-nObama’s inept secretary of state — not scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton, but her successor, the enhanced version of ineptitude, hanoi-John Forbes Kerry. In 2016, hanoi-Kerry, the author of the “Iran Nuke Deal” who, with scumbag/liar-Clinton, gave  rise to the Islamic State, declared regarding Middle East peace: “There will be no separate peace between Israel and the Arab world. I want to make that very clear with all of you. I’ve heard several prominent politicians in Israel sometimes saying, ‘Well, the Arab world is in a different place now. We just have to reach out to them. We can work some things with the Arab world and we’ll deal with the Palestinians.’ No. No, no, and no. There will be no advance and separate peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. Everybody needs to understand that.”

I am quite sure that presumptive President-elect  scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, his soon-to-be successor  lowlife-Kamala Harris, and their former scumbag/liar-nObama administration retreads support hanoi-Kerry’s feckless effort to ensure there would never be a “separate peace between Israel and the Arab world.” They will do their best to undermine the extraordinary Trump administration successes in the region.   

~The Patriot Post


A Strategy to Handicap the Paris Climate Accord
JORDAN CANDLER   Barack scumbag/liar-nObama, with the help of his secretary of state, hanoi-John Kerry, made the Paris Climate Accord a staple of his presidency. That accord was portrayed as a do-good framework aimed at lowering the global temperature via a reduction in worldwide carbon emissions. The reality, though, was that it would only negligibly lower temperatures at best, and it also wrongly assumed member countries would follow our lead. (Trusting China to follow through on a commitment is tantamount to believing its “official” COVID death toll or that its coronavirus vaccine is 86% effective.) Oh, and most importantly, the climate agreement didn’t follow our Constitution’s protocols. More on that in a bit.


President Donald Trump, then, was wise to say au revoir to the accord. However, Kerry and his henchmen strategically included in it a contingency plan. And given Trump’s unfathomable win in 2016, that plan may end up proving to be quite useful to the scumbag/liar-Joe Biden administration — unless Trump takes immediate action to do something he should have done from the get-go.

Article 28 of the Paris Climate Accord stipulates: “1. At any time after three years from the date on which this Agreement has entered into force for a Party, that Party may withdraw from this Agreement by giving written notification to the Depositary. 2. Any such withdrawal shall take effect upon expiry of one year from the date of receipt by the Depositary of the notification of withdrawal, or on such later date as may be specified in the notification of withdrawal.”

In other words, any nation’s exit is willfully delayed by four years. And since the accord became official on November 4, 2016, that means the U.S. exit wasn’t official until November 4, 2020. The election, you’ll recall, was on November 3. As the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Marlo Lewis warned in 2018, “That means the next president could rejoin the pact with a stroke of the pen, picking up where President scumbag/liar-nObama left off.”

Pretty sneaky, eh?

Lewis was concerned about Trump’s method of abandoning the accord for this very reason. According to Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, “[The president] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.” And as Lewis advised at the time, “To ensure future executives do not try this underhanded maneuver again, Mr. Trump should submit the agreement to the Senate with a recommendation that it be voted down.”

Fortunately, there’s still time — but not much. As reported by The Washington Times, “Presumptive President-elect  scumbag/liar-Joseph R. Biden reiterated his vow Saturday to reenter the Paris climate agreement on the first day of his administration, but that could become a problem if the accord’s foes can ferry it to the Senate first. Conservatives behind the scenes are seeking to foil his plans by persuading President Trump to transmit the 2015 agreement to the Senate for ratification, thus treating the accord as Republicans say it should have been handled all along: as a treaty. … If Mr. Trump transmits the agreement to the Senate after the start of the next Congress on Jan. 3 … then foes of the accord suddenly have a potent new legal argument to block a  scumbag/liar-Biden effort to enter the agreement via executive action.”

Importantly, “Even if Democrats capture both Georgia Senate seats to gain a chamber majority, and swing a few votes from moderate Republicans, nobody thinks they could cobble together enough votes to clear the two-thirds hurdle.” Putting the climate agreement up for a vote wouldn’t just be a fitting tit-for-tat. More to the point, it’s the constitutional thing to do.   ~The Patriot Post


California's Business Exodus Grows
F4W0Fbik2JUCybp8hYGklQg8nFUX9V19gXMqpNhaV2V4nL3tGcVWZ_Z8tOLowlyeZh9zRRj0Yj2Xa8lNyVfaf63DiG6oHE_CgxuHHKBX-6oEBd-uTw7uNtPtzOAVKasZP4m0qV7gp5zqueDhhIEZBbjMmsN50ArYTOzsgKK3qg53gK6x=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xTHOMAS GALLATIN   Oracle joined a growing list of big companies pulling up stakes to flee California for greener business pastures. Oracle’s Friday announcement means it’s following in the footsteps of fellow Silicon Valley tech giant Hewlett Packard, which just weeks ago announced its coming move to Austin, Texas.

But this exodus of businesses out of California is not a recent phenomenon that can be blamed on COVID and Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom’s draconian lockdowns, although they have certainly contributed. Instead, this problem has been years in the making, thanks to California’s high taxes and over-regulation. It is estimated that over the last decade some 17,000 businesses have left the state. Tesla CEO Elon Musk is also moving to Austin, where he plans to set up a new auto plant by next year. The Daily Wire pulled up stakes from LA and moved to Nashville. Popular podcaster Joe Rogan left California for — where else? — Austin. Even Tinseltown is bleeding businesses, with tax-friendly Georgia fast becoming the Hollywood of the South.

Jim Wunderman, CEO of the Bay Area Council, rang the alarm bells about Oracle when he stated, “Anyone who doesn’t believe that this latest departure isn’t a threat to California’s economy is a business-climate denier. We are watching the unraveling of one of the world’s mightiest economies and the consequences will be devastating.”

What might have been a trickle a few years ago of businesses leaving has fast become a steady stream, with the tax-happy Golden State making it harder and harder for businesses to justify staying. As prominent California entrepreneur Tom Siebel has advised, “I think every responsible chief executive officer has to consider moving their company out of California. If you’re not considering that, you’re not fulfilling your job for your shareholders and your employees.”

National Review’s John Fund observes, “If California continues its economic decline, something Texas-sized in its ambitions may be called for — whether it’s a moratorium on new business regulations or a restructuring of the state’s corrupt unemployment compensation or reining in suffocating litigation. Nothing less is likely to stem the outflow of businesses and jobs from the Golden State.”

The problem for Texas and Georgia — to name just two of the aforementioned refuges for California businesses — is that the states should welcome the new arrivals but beware the leftist policies the companies and their employees bring with them. “Hollywood of the South,” for example, sounds great … until the Peach State turns blue. Silicon Valley in Austin may be a boon … until deep-blue Austin flips the Lone Star State.

But for now, California serves as a warning to the rest of the country. This is the result of leftist Democrats’ anti-business policies, which prize symbolism and virtue signaling over substance, truth, and individual liberty.   ~The Patriot Post


The Road Ahead for Our Compromised Republic
Vo1MZF5gDVlN9JLdMvGRkMl0EbWJdfuWEK1UrgoS6pNxs8VXrzThFxiqd7sUIXSEnNNYHHjInk0DCLhyynFMxoTZLtv9JDhbjvMqAUpIf_SA2SaSfxPr9O6RM8YCiuffd3CQRyvi9JLJu-G822QegeH6E2sjf3mP7hWO6SPrAPaNkHrj=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xHAROLD HUTCHISON   With his Electoral College victory putting scumbag/liar-Joe Biden one step closer to the presidential oath on January 20, grassroots Patriots have to face a sobering reality: The Supreme Court’s refusal to even grant Texas a hearing in its suit against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin leaves millions of Americans believing our republican form of government as established by the Constitution has been compromised — badly.


The issue isn’t even fraud, although ballot fraud will have to be addressed if Republicans expect to win the White House ever again. The real issue is the failure to follow the law and the U.S. Constitution. When election officials and judges in the aforementioned four states usurped electoral powers reserved by the Constitution to their respective state legislatures, they did far more damage to the norms, standards, and traditions of America than Donald Trump was ever accused of doing.

We simply cannot be confident that every legal vote was counted, nor every illegal vote disallowed. For example, Scott Adams notes that we were forcibly denied transparency during the vote counts in crucial states. That alone is good cause to question just how free and fair the 2020 election was — although Joel Pollak noted in an interview with Adams that there are other reasons to do so as well. The simple question is this: If they had nothing to hide, why did they go to such great lengths to avoid transparency?

Worse, they’ll claim that those who did stand up in opposition to and then demanded accountability for the extra-constitutional changes are the ones harming the country, and then they’ll use such nonsense to justify retaliation. Assuming scumbag/liar-Biden takes office, that threat will become much greater — especially should he pick Andrew Cuomo for attorney general, given the war on dissent currently being waged by the Cuomo regime in New York.

The situation is undeniable: Our rights under the First Amendment will be in danger. The Second Amendment  will also be in their sights. We noted earlier that the deck would (continue to) be stacked against grassroots Patriots by Big Tech and the mainstream media, but we must also be wary of the state and its ever-growing powers.

We’re at a dangerous point. The Left may indeed have defeated Trump, but doing so may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory. Already, there are glimmers of good news. Robert Cahaly of the Trafalgar group — a pollster who called the 2016 election accurately — notes that grassroots Patriots are demanding answers from their leadership. Georgia Republican Party chairman David Shafer is also taking steps to ensure election integrity, even taking on a fellow Republican to do so.

No matter what happens over the short term, grassroots Patriots must maintain hope that the Republic can be reborn from the ashes of this compromised state. Anything less would be a failure, and failure cannot be an option.   ~The Patriot Post


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Got Vaccine? Thanks, President Trump!

There was a moving scene Sunday in a place you have probably never heard of before: Portage, Michigan. People spontaneously gathered waving American and Trump flags as the first trucks pulled out of a Pfizer factory carrying the first batches of COVID-19 vaccines. This marks the beginning of the end of the coronavirus.

Some conservative commentators have compared it to D-Day. Well, if it’s D-Day, then Donald Trump is the commander-in-chief. He brought together our military, shipping companies, medical researchers, and more as he waged war against this virus.

It is possible that by December 31, 99% of nursing home residents will have received the vaccine. That will break the back of COVID.

Nursing home residents are 1% of the population. But, sadly, they represent about 40% to 45% of all the deaths. Stopping half of the COVID deaths by the end of the year or early next year would be a huge achievement.

By the end of yesterday, vaccine doses had arrived in all 50 states. By the end of February, 100 million doses will likely be delivered. This is a monumental logistical effort that has been orchestrated by President Trump and Vice President Pence.

The scumbag/liar-Biden Crime Family

Remember how scumbag/liar-Joe Biden repeatedly insisted that he never discussed Hunter’s business dealings with him?

Well, late Friday, news broke that Hunter Biden had ordered extra keys to be made for his “office mates” at a suite he identified as “The scumbag/liar-Biden Foundation” and “Hudson West (CEFC US).” CEFC was the Chinese energy company that was going to pay Hunter and the whole scumbag/liar-Biden gang big bucks.

So, who needed keys to the CEFC office? One key was for Gongwen Dong, an “emissary” of CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming. Another key was for Hunter’s uncle James Biden. Another key was for Jill Biden. And the last key was reportedly for … scumbag/liar-Joe Biden.

Why would scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, who never discussed his son’s business dealings, need a key to the Washington, DC, office of a Chinese energy company?

Are we supposed to believe that scumbag/liar-Joe would walk in one day and ask what a Chinese guy was doing in his suite? Of course not. He knew all along! And note the close connection between the scumbag/liar-Biden Foundation and a Chinese company that was bankrolling the scumbag/liar-Biden family.

In one of the presidential debates, President Trump raised the issue of Hunter’s questionable business dealings. scumbag/liar-Joe Biden responded by saying that dozens of former national security experts dismissed the charges as Russian disinformation, and then he accused Donald Trump of making money off the Chinese.

The entire scumbag/liar-Biden family spent the entire campaign lying to the American press and the American people. And not one of those journalists is angry about it. They knew they were being lied to, but they were all in for their anointed candidate. They media were lying too!

The Founding Fathers believed that a free press was essential to the preservation of freedom. But we don’t really have a free press today. We have a hyper-partisan press just as committed to one party rule as the talking heads of Pravda were.   ~The Patriot Post


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Hunting for Hunter Biden

It isn’t that the alleged exploits, profits and questionable business deals involving Hunter Biden and his father, scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, were not known for most of this election year. Much of mainstream media either ignored it or put it down as right-wing extremism.

Until now.

We’ve recently learned that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware is investigating Hunter Biden’s tax affairs, and has been doing so since 2018. According to the Associated Press, a person familiar with the matter said, “The Justice Department’s investigation scrutinizing Hunter Biden’s taxes has been examining some of his Chinese business dealings, among other financial transactions.” Hunter Biden disclosed news of the investigation himself last week. He said in a statement, “…I take this matter very seriously, but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisers.”

Why is this investigation just now coming to light? Where has media been all this time?

Even Attorney General William Barr, mocked by historian Neil J. Young as Trump’s “real personal lawyer,” reportedly sat on the news of the Biden investigation. As The Wall Street Journal reported last week, “(Barr) has known about a disparate set of investigations involving Hunter Biden’s business and financial dealings since at least this spring, a person familiar with the matter said, and worked to avoid their public disclosure during the heated election campaign.”

Why wait until after the most important presidential election in U.S. history to now reveal all? Would the outcome of the election been any different if media and Barr had come forward sooner?

The Media Research Center (MRC), a conservative watchdog group, conducted a small survey (1,750 voters) in seven swing states. It found one in six who voted for  scumbag/liar-Joe Biden would have changed their vote had they known about stories the national media didn’t cover. MRC concluded if that figure had been applied nationally, it would have changed 17 percent of the vote and Trump would have handily won the election.

The greatest power the media have is ignoring stories and depriving the public of information they have a right to receive so they can make informed decisions. This was perfectly revealed in a statement about The New York Post story when NPR’s managing editor, Terence Samuel, said: “We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions. And quite frankly, that’s where we ended up, this was … a politically driven event and we decided to treat it that way.”

But now media is reporting on the Biden tax investigation. After the election. After voters made their choice with half the information necessary to do so competently. And they wonder why trust in the media has been declining for years, as have their TV ratings and, sadly, newspaper subscriptions.

We are now getting revisionist reporting from the same media outlets that relentlessly pursued Russian “collusion” in the 2016 election, impeachment and the Mueller Report among other “stories” designed to damage the president and separate his supporters from him, which didn’t work as his rallies have shown.

It’s no wonder Trump’s base agrees with him that the election was “stolen.” It isn’t just about the number of ballots cast, it’s about censorship and suppression.

But the investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax records should continue and the media should be reminded of their failure to pursue them sooner.   

~The Patriot Post

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