The Patriot Post ~ 8 issues

Congressional Unity on Spending Blowout
OAhtHQtYJGwNvs8oX7dGkRL3pSqMID6qmTzuN6iM4KMhSmx-PzRayuw9Almu3NrPAJwxjmENUAuE1_gDPoNwce0VcRa6jlkI5Y0ExcRkZJJA_aNRZWIKQaqvvGOys88hs7jqqbMzT2Kp7s3FqdI27Hy-AfDCHA-ecCuoMslnackU8SQy=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_584xNATE JACKSON   “This action in the lame-duck session is just the beginning,” proclaimed Joe Biden. “Our work is far from over.” He was talking about both houses of Congress passing on Monday the $900 billion COVID relief package, combined with a $1.4 trillion omnibus bill to fund government agencies through September. The government can shut down your business, but heaven forbid the government stop spending money. And scumbag/liar-Biden isn’t done yet, saying earlier this month, “I’m going to ask for more.”

COVID relief contains a number of provisions, but the three primary pillars are an extension of the Paycheck Protection Program of loans for small business, a $300 boost to unemployment checks, and another round of individual payments (this time $600 per person) for most Americans (individuals earning $75,000 or less, and married couples filing jointly earning $150,000, plus $600 per dependent child). But the package also includes billions more in rental assistance, bailouts for movie theaters and schools, child care, and so much more.

The package is far smaller than Congress’s last COVID spending spree of $2.2 trillion in March. And it’s less than a third of what scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi spent eight months demanding after the House passed another $3.4 trillion in May, followed by $2.2 trillion in October, neither of which was taken up by the Senate. Why is she okay with less money now? “Because we have a new president,” she explained recently.

Higher unemployment benefits are an incentive to stay unemployed. That hasn’t changed. Moreover, according  to The Heritage Foundation, “While the impulse to preserve jobs is understandable, the Paycheck Protection Program cost over $100,000 per job saved based on several studies. Worse, the program was not properly targeted, creating inequalities between businesses. These loans also make it easier for state and local governments to justify overly restrictive lockdowns.” That’s just one issue Heritage finds with this spending bill.

The much larger problem, however, continues to be  runaway federal debt made worse by pandemic panic. Clearly, neither party really cares about the debt, and most voters just don’t want their own favorite programs cut. But at some point, $27.5 trillion in federal debt is going to cause disaster of its own.

Don’t miss the fact that the government is spending your money to fix what the government broke. “Stay at home,” bureaucrats say. “But here’s more money to spend when you go out,” they also say. “And here’s some money for the businesses we closed.”

Your elected representatives at work.

How long did members of Congress have to consider this 5,600-page behemoth? About six hours.

That didn’t sit well with Senator Ted Cruz, for one, who complained, “It’s ABSURD to have a $2.5 trillion spending bill negotiated in secret and then — hours later — demand an up-or-down vote on a bill nobody has had time to read.”

South Carolina Republican Ralph Norman likewise called it “awful governance, and a disservice to the American people.”

What about the massive deficit spending?

Senator Rand Paul tore into that, saying, “If money really did grow on trees, why not give more free money? Why not give it out all the time? Why stop at $600 a person? Why not $1,000? Why not $2,000? Maybe these new Free-Money Republicans should join the Everybody-Gets-A-Guaranteed-Income Caucus. Why not $20,000 a year for everybody? Why not $30,000? If we can print out money with impunity, why not do it?”

The Senate vote was 92-6, with just six Republicans opposed: Rick Scott (FL), Mike Lee (UT), Marsha Blackburn (TN), Ted Cruz (TX), and Ron Johnson (WI). The House vote was 359-53, including 50 GOP “nays.”

There’s no doubt that millions of Americans are hurting financially. Even if some aren’t “hurting,” they can still use the extra cash this Christmas. But the outrageous reality is that the government has grossly mismanaged this pandemic at virtually every level, and now the government is coming to the “rescue” with the money of taxpayers not yet even born. The people getting the most relief are the DC politicians who can pat themselves on the back in fundraising appeals to their constituents.   ~The Patriot Post


San Francisco's Greater Pandemic — Overdose Deaths
WboUuxUd6biZ0FQLrCRes-qh-dUE7JRTvp2AXdJSl6l6PRjx3ucC7dtGtXvb2r-WRyaGg1y5zFPHDJfdUg2psyoKY5n0cOBI-EiL2jAK9T54eenE3IOA5WrSXshY5C0WXyBd6RIiERNC7pOJ_hS81O4cyUBXvPhpyHOEalt714lcPfFs=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xTHOMAS GALLATIN   In San Francisco, 621 people have died of drug overdoses this year, a total that is — astonishingly, if you’ve been following the mainstream media’s breathless pandemic coverage — triple the number of people who have died from COVID (173). However, the number of overdose deaths would likely be much higher but for the use of Narcan. As the Associated Press reports, “Last year, 441 people died of drug overdoses — a 70% increase from 2018 — and 2,610 potential overdoses were prevented by Narcan, a medication commonly sprayed up the nose to reverse an opioid overdose, according to data from the city Medical Examiner’s office and the DOPE Project.”

This data comparison may help explain why House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi saw little problem in breaking her region’s COVID restrictions to visit her favorite hair salon, or why Governor Gavin Newsom thought nothing of celebrating a birthday party at the swanky French Laundry. Obviously, gross hypocrisy is the primary cause, but neither Democrat is in danger of dying from the greater pandemic sweeping the nation, a pandemic that has been exacerbated to frightening degrees by the draconian response to COVID.

San Francisco, the district scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi has represented in Washington since 1987, serves as a microcosm of the spiking number of overdose deaths across the entire nation, as those numbers hit a record high this year. A recently released report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that from June 2019 to May 2020, there were 81,230 deaths from drug overdoses. Significantly, the CDC notes that there was “a concerning acceleration of the increase in drug overdose deaths, with the largest recorded from March 2020 to May 2020, coinciding with the implementation of widespread mitigation measures for the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Mitigation,” they call it.

And those numbers only include the first few months of COVID restrictions being in place. What will the overdose death totals be for the remainder of 2020? Just how high will they go? The spike in overdose deaths represents yet another way that COVID is killing folks — via state and local governments’ response to the novel virus.  ~The Patriot Post


Navarro Takes Election Fraud Seriously
z4TUrjb2E5uv_6BChrSxnXj33RH2c_beYtcMFBZUDh1MPDm0d48wATv3tGvnc2VKxxcihMZkK2jo81QaRskk0fXg7oFjkJd_zbQEQliHrbcBsXt00HEOmhrm2ETz2HCp4hspDDk32foX1XGEdZdKrN94CEDL5KyJF1YB1Xir9aMKd1Qn=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_584xDOUGLAS ANDREWS   Last Thursday, Assistant to the President and Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro published a 36-page report on the 2020 presidential election titled, “The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities.”

To no one’s surprise, the mainstream media ignored it.

We could’ve done without the clever title, and we’d rather have seen it posted to the official White House website (or even President Donald Trump’s campaign website) than to Steve Bannon’s “War Room,” but here it is. The document is essentially a single source for all the election irregularities we’ve been hearing about since Wednesday, November 4.

The report is heavily footnoted, but it’s also easy to read, mainly because it’s free of academic gibberish and legal jargon. As its subtitle indicates, it focuses on six types of voting irregularities: outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, equal protection clause violations, voting-machine irregularities, and significant statistical anomalies. The report also limits its study to six crucial battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

According to the Executive Summary: “From the findings of this report, it is possible to infer what may well have been a coordinated strategy to effectively stack the election deck against the Trump-Pence ticket. Indeed, the observed patterns of election irregularities are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election outright, strategically game the election process in such a way as to ‘stuff the ballot box’ and unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris ticket.”

The report’s top-line findings rightly slam the mainstream media for continuing to claim that there’s “no evidence” of fraud. There’s plenty of evidence of fraud, and it’s a bald-faced lie to suggest otherwise. The question is whether the fraud was decisive, and, as the report notes, “The ballots in question because of the identified election irregularities are more than sufficient to swing the outcome in favor of President Trump should even a relatively small portion of these ballots be ruled illegal.”

In a departure from the overarching voting-machine fraud that former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and her team have been claiming, this report suggests “theft by a thousand cuts across six dimensions and six battleground states rather than any one single ‘silver bullet’ election irregularity.”

The report also warns, as we repeatedly have, “If these election irregularities are not fully investigated prior to Inauguration Day and thereby effectively allowed to stand, this nation runs the very real risk of never being able to have a fair presidential election again — with the down-ballot Senate races scheduled for January 5 in Georgia an initial test case of this looming risk.”

If nothing else, the 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump — and especially those who think this election was stolen by the Democrats and their corrupt big-city machines — now have a document that pulls these many allegations together into a single thoroughly sourced report. And anyone who continues to claim that there’s “no evidence” of fraud will (or should) have to contend with it.

As to why the Trump team has so far failed repeatedly in the courts, National Review’s John Fund has some ideas. First, he points to the ticking clock between Election Day and Electoral College certification. “That’s a very short time window in which to collect clear evidence of fraud or irregularities great enough to change the outcome, to file lawsuits, and then to have them decided,” he says.

Next, Fund notes the daunting requirement for Trump’s legal team to succeed in overturning the elections in at least three states, as opposed to, for example, the 2000 Bush/scumbag-Gore election, which focused exclusively on Florida.

Finally, he points a damning finger at the media: “Reporters who spent countless resources on the dry hole that Trump colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election showed a complete lack of curiosity over both voter fraud and the now-revived Hunter Biden scandal.”

How do we fix our broken system going forward? Fund presents some ideas well worth pursuing: requiring a government photo ID to vote, such as in Kansas and Alabama currently; using Department of Homeland Security records to check voter citizenship; doing away with the mass mail-out of absentee ballots; and making the computer software used in voting machines available to election officials and courts upon request.

And remember: If we don’t fix it this time, there won’t be a next time.   ~The Patriot Post


Who's Been Violating Norms and Standards?
5ZnCshwOoT7_bt-96V6hanGL_OBxSOTVNiaE-jjxgptVcg76KGLubgiIcI2otexKBo7yfPH9H6N6o48h-A4rdeM4_eONTwiaaEQU3FKXD9h3zIqpKNPkSmyV_qMbQ3tXug4Xct186h3cvIiG91fA7o69O9cz1iDd7DTaTDkFqDaa4gdG=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xHAROLD HUTCHISON   The Never-Trumpers who now seem to be either defecting to the Democrats or becoming “independents” (read: de facto Democrats) often make the claim that they’ve been driven to do so by Donald Trump’s attacks on “norms” and “standards.” The record, however, tells a very different tale about who’s been doing the attacking.

We can go back a ways, too. Because the emergence of Trump came about not just from the failure of the  Republican establishment but also from decades of attacks on those aforementioned norms and standards by the Left.

If there was a catalyzing event in our nation’s unraveling civility, it’d be hard to top the 1987 Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Robert Bork. Prior to that, such hearings were rarely controversial. But that all changed with a full-on character assassination that has become the all-too-common norm — at least when a Republican president is doing the nominating. Trump didn’t do that; the Left did. And the Senate Judiciary Committee was then chaired by a mediocrity named scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, a guy who graduated 76th out of 85 at Syracuse Law School.

Prior to 2000, there had never been a concerted effort to challenge electoral votes or flip electors after a presidential election. Yet the Left did both when George W. Bush edged out scumbag-Al Gore and repeated the attempt in 2016. In 2004, with Bush seeking reelection, Democrats even forced a vote in Congress over Ohio’s electoral votes. Many who were active in those efforts are now howling with indignation that Republicans are contemplating similar action on January 6.

And since when has doxing average citizens as punishment for their vote or their support of a cause ever been acceptable? Well, it happened to supporters of Prop 8 in California a few years back. Who was responsible? Hint: It wasn’t Trump supporters.

Was it ever normal to let weapons fall into the hands of drug cartels? Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s ATF did even worse with its disastrous Operation Fast and Furious, which put hundreds of guns into the hands of murderous Mexican drug cartels. The blood of Brian Terry, a Border Patrol agent who was killed with one of those weapons, is on the scumbag/liar-nObama administration’s hands. And yet, silence from the “norm” police.

Richard Nixon’s enemies list was widely seen as government abuse. But when scumbag/liar-nObama used the IRS and other federal agencies to target his political opponents, including GOP donors and the Tea Party, those champions of norms and standards were, again, silent.

When rogue prosecutors in Wisconsin used “John Doe” laws to go after conservative activists in the state, where was the outrage? How about when some state attorneys general wanted to use the RICO statute to silence critics of certain environmental policy proposals?

Worst of all? These same defenders of “norms and standards” had no problem with the Gitmo bar’s efforts on behalf of al-Qaida cutthroats. Those Bush-hating leftist law firms did plenty of damage to our nation during wartime, even attacking a Patriot for having had the temerity to question their decency.

Those same folks who were silent about sucking up to terrorists, though, are fine with doxing, harassing, and intimidating lawyers who wish to help a Republican president pursue legal challenges in the face of voting irregularities that an experienced observer said would cause him to refuse to certify the election as free and fair.

Is it really normal to insist that Islamist terrorists deserve better access to our legal system than Donald Trump? Or is it the ultimate in disgraceful double standards? Indeed, what standards justify ignoring the myriad red flags in this election?

Once we think it through, we’re left with no doubt about who’s been attacking our norms and standards over the years. And it isn’t Donald Trump.   ~The Patriot Post


'Shut Up,' Democrats Explained
1qYAYdihuTx6hm1TgLrsk1FFsCQAm2-56VQ9xdB13E-kXkVIkoaQ0wRZpOlKJcXtE55JLcH6vu-zcKUgG3wa4RYyFUx-Suapx-FIp0sLJxeXvGhrWs2aUnF0eI-AkFcJjKy_b_l4YhroHiL_uGPbLAUXPCI_COY3nABnhYEliWUYUGg7=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xDOUGLAS ANDREWS   President Donald Trump called a meeting at the White House over the weekend. To hear the Left tell it, all they talked about was declaring martial law and dog-whistling to their legions of white supremacists.

Take CNN’s Elizabeth Neumann, for example. She’s a former “civil servant” who somehow served in the Trump administration from 2017-20 before “reexamining” her pro-life position, throwing in with the Trump haters, and cutting a campaign ad for an organization called Republican Voters Against Trump. “In the conspiratorial conservative base of supporting Trump,” Neumann told a credulous CNN audience, “there are calls for using the Insurrection Act to declare martial law. When they hear that the president is actually considering this, there are violent extremist groups that look at this as a dog whistle, an excuse to go out and create … violence.”

“It’s a concept she calls ‘acceleration,’” writes CNN’s Jazmin Goodwin, “in which violent extremist groups, especially White supremacists, try to overthrow the United States government. These groups believe that will take place through a civil war and look to ‘accelerate the chaos, accelerate the coming of the civil war.’”

Got that? When President Trump calls a meeting, all 19 of our nation’s white supremacists go to DEFCON 2.

Donald Trump gave this less-than-astute analysis, and others like it, all the attention it deserves: “Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!” he tweeted.

On the other hand, what could be more “2020” than a little martial law? And how much worse could it be than, say, an outgoing president spying on an incoming president? Or an outgoing president using our nation’s intelligence and law enforcement services to investigate his successor under false pretenses? Or impeaching a sitting president for calling on a foreign head of state to root out the clear-cut corruption in his midst — corruption that, as it turns out, was already being investigated by our own FBI? Corruption that seriously taints and compromises that president’s successor.

The Left, though, isn’t too concerned about martial law. What it really wants to do is silence those Deplorables  and begin writing that all-important first draft of history:  scumbag/liar-Joe Biden won the election fair and square, and any Republican suggestion to the contrary is a crazy conspiracy theory. That’s the narrative it’s pushing.

But not everyone is buying into the ol’ siddown and shaddap. Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, for one, seems to remember who sent him to Washington: “Yesterday, I was talking with some of the constituents back at home,” he said during a recent Senate hearing, “a group of about 30 people, every single one of them — every one of them — told me that they felt they had been disenfranchised, that their votes didn’t matter, that the election had been rigged. These are normal, reasonable people. These are not crazy people. These are reasonable people … who firmly believe that they have been disenfranchised, and to listen to the mainstream press and quite a few voices in this building tell them that after four years of nonstop Russia hoax … after four years of that … now these same people are told, ‘You just sit down and shut up and if you have any concerns about election integrity, you’re a nut case. You should shut up.’ Well, I’ll tell you what: 74 million Americans are not going to shut up, and telling them that their views don’t matter and that their concerns don’t matter and they should just be quiet is … not a recipe for unity that I hear now the other side is suddenly so interested in after years — years — of trying to delegitimize President Donald Trump.”

Hawley’s words are, in the end, just words. But at least they’re the right words. Our electoral system is straight-up broken. And in its broken state, it favors the Democrats. And if we don’t fix it this time, there won’t be a next time.

As for those Democrats: For months now, they’ve either engaged in, encouraged, or turned a blind eye toward riots, arson, looting, and murder. They declared war on our heritage, our statues, and our cops. And now they want us to move on? Good luck with that.

PS: Donald Trump wonders what you’re doing on January 6.   ~The Patriot Post


The Latest Demo/ChiCom Virus Lies
BdW7mWyTvTr05mWZxgrwfzqMfbPkfBXc28Va5_YSK9viBTGF-6uV0WoAOzUOYU2ompmvvHkm8GVzWVYrwm0IGtecU5A-IcXwPX0yJprz_mRlJILqZAVuSM8wiG-QvPuPjErEOnpZE0lMZEqvs81H7MTlXHbYId4URWyQ-vHTx3_d0I1t=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xMARK ALEXANDER   There were three notable entries for the ChiCom flu files this week.

First, as the latest round of deep-debt pandemic spending was approved by Congress, there are ludicrously laughable assertions by Chinese state media that there are no new ChiCom Virus cases in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

As you recall, that is where Chinese officials, in concert with the World Health Organization, first endeavored to conceal the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, estimated to have actually begun more than 15 months ago. That cover-up would have lasted longer if not for the defiant courage of Dr. Li Wenliang and a handful of other medical personnel who exposed it — and paid a heavy price.

Of course, the chorus of Leftmedia scribes and talkingheads dutifully continue to report the propaganda being dumped by China as factual, including the leftist propaganda leaders, The New York Times and CNN. According to CNN, “Wuhan tests nearly 9.9 million residents with no new cases found.” For the record, China — a nation of 1.393 billion people (half of whom live in squalid poverty) and a nation four times the size of the the U.S., where more than 320,000 people have died — claims that a mere 4,634 people have died.

You can believe nothing — I repeat, NOTHING — from the ChiCom state media. But Democrat Party leftists and their media parrots will promote China’s Wuhan “success” as a justification for keeping the U.S. economy crippled by insisting such “draconian tactics” work.

Second in the notable ChiCom Virus entries this week is the fact that, at the same time they promote ChiCom propaganda, both The New York Times and CNN have reluctantly discovered that Xi Jinping’s government, after the massive cover-up of the outbreak, launched a massive campaign to ensure the virus would not be called the “Wuhan” or “Chinese” virus.

It worked, as leftists scumbag/liar-Joe Biden,  scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi, her congressional minions, and media reporters condemned President Donald Trump for calling CV-19 “the Chinese virus.” Frankly, given not only the origin of the virus but the initial efforts to cover it up and subsequent efforts to lie about its impact, I think it would be better called the “ChiCom Virus.”

Finally, from the 24/7/365 mainstream media fear factory comes “COVID: The Sequel.” As the Operation Warp Speed vaccine rolls out nationwide, the scribes and talkingheads are now proclaiming that the virus has mutated, so scumbag/liar-Biden and his sidekick lowlife-Kamala Harris can extend the statist oppression  indefinitely!

As I noted in our “ChiCom Virus Timeline, the Left’s biggest benefactor, billionaire socialist scumbag-George Soros, asserted early on that the ChiCom pandemic would provide a ”revolutionary moment“: "I would describe it as a revolutionary moment when the range of possibilities is much greater than in normal times. What is inconceivable in normal times becomes not only possible but actually happens. People are disoriented and scared.” scumbag/liar-Biden and lowlife-Harris will continue the leftist exploitation of this “revolutionary moment” by keeping people “disoriented and scared.”   ~The Patriot Post


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Barr's Outstanding Record of Accomplishments

Attorney General William Barr will leave office Wednesday the same way he came in — as a class act. He carried out his role as the consummate professional who followed the law, administered justice, and forged ahead — despite relentlessly unfair and unjustified criticism leveled at him.

Barr offered a refreshing contrast to President Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s former attorney general, Eric Holder, who characterized himself as scumbag/liar-nObama’s wingman. Barr understands that his first loyalty is to the Constitution and the rule of law, not the president. He knows that the attorney general must be an objective, apolitical enforcer of our nation’s laws.

Barr certainly cannot be characterized as the president’s wingman. Consider the anger expressed from the right over the fact that Barr kept the investigation of  scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s son Hunter secret until after the November election.

Barr has conducted himself as an ethical professional, adhering to the longstanding rules inside the Justice Department that require maintaining the confidentiality of criminal investigations to avoid damaging the lives and reputations of individuals over unproven claims and charges, as well as not harming the ability to conduct thorough criminal investigations.

Many conservatives criticized other actions taken by Barr, such as his support for FBI Director Christopher Wray and his statement that he had not seen evidence of widespread voter fraud sufficient enough to change the outcome of last month’s presidential election.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with such statements, Barr obviously called them like he saw them, and certainly was not kowtowing to the president or anyone else.

Barr, who previously served as attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, spent a lot of time trying to bring the Justice Department back in line as an objective executive agency divorced from politics, where prosecution decisions are driven by the best interests of justice.

As he stated in his resignation letter, Barr did not want FBI agents and Justice Department prosecutors to get away with targeting the presidential campaign of the opposition political party “with frenzied and baseless accusations of collusion with Russia.”

Barr’s willingness to appoint U.S. Attorney John Durham as a special counsel to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia “collusion” probe — regardless of the fact that this could end with the prosecution of federal agents and lawyers — demonstrates his priority of maintaining and repairing the ethics and professionalism of the Justice Department as an institution.

Even if the Durham investigation damages the reputation of the Justice Department in the short run, it will hold individuals responsible for their misconduct and abusive behavior and restore the public’s confidence in the Justice Department in the long run.

It’s important to note that Barr didn’t change a single decision by Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation of alleged ties between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia. Nor did Barr try to withhold Mueller’s report or prevent him from testifying before Congress.

In fact, Barr worked with Mueller’s team on issues related to the redaction of sensitive information from the Mueller report, so that the public could see as much of the report as possible. This demonstrated Barr’s interest in transparency and his refusal to allow politics and the desires of some to have him censor and otherwise limit that investigation.

It is hard to summarize all of Barr’s accomplishments. Under his leadership, the Justice Department defended religious liberty, brought back the carrying out of the federal death penalty, and changed the Justice Department’s procedures in light of the abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The abuses were revealed by the Russia investigation and the work of the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General.

Barr’s willingness to reveal the misconduct of government officials involved in the prosecution of former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn also demonstrated how Barr is determined to do the right thing, not the politically correct thing. President Trump went on to pardon Flynn and reverse a miscarriage of justice against the retired Army lieutenant general, despite fierce criticism from the media and others.

Under Barr’s leadership, the Justice Department fulfilled its obligations to enforce federal immigration law. This included filing the first-ever immigration fraud prosecutions of individuals involved in the birth-tourism industry, a multimillion-dollar criminal industry that existed for decades but was ignored by prior administrations.

Barr also worked to reverse some actions of the Obama administration, which tried its best to terminate all cooperation that local authorities were giving to federal authorities to enforce our immigration laws.

Similarly, many colleges and universities — particularly Ivy League schools — have been violating civil rights law for years with impunity by discriminating on the basis of race in their admissions practices. Prior administrations ignored this. But under Barr, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division finally started investigating these violations of federal law, suing Yale University in October and conducting an investigation of Harvard University.

On top of all this, the Barr Justice Department has done everything it can to help our beleaguered state and local law enforcement agencies. This included opening up multiple investigations of the violent rioters who attacked law enforcement officers — something that many local prosecutors were ignoring (often at the direction of their mayors).

The Latin motto of the Justice Department is “Qui Pro Domina Justitia Sequitur.” Roughly translated, this means he who “prosecutes on behalf of justice.”

Unlike some prior attorneys general who seemed to believe that this motto means he who “prosecutes on behalf of his political and ideological allies,” William Barr successfully carried out his solemn obligation to prosecute on behalf of justice in a professional, ethical, objective and nonpartisan manner.

We can only hope this continues with the next attorney general.   ~The Patriot Post


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Leftists Hijacking Vaccination Rollout

You were warned about this first in July. Now, it’s happening. On Sunday, the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended that seniors ages 65 to 74 be moved toward the back of the line for the COVID-19 vaccine.

The reason, says ACIP, is that “racial and ethnic minority groups (are) under-represented” in this age group. Put another way: Seniors are too white.

Vaccines are already being administered to health workers and nursing home residents. The question is this: Who comes next? ACIP wants to push 87 million essential workers — such as transit workers, supermarket employees and uniformed public servants — to the front of the line, forcing 32 million seniors to wait.

Vaccinating a majority of 87 million essential workers will consume the vaccine supply for several months.

Thousands of seniors will die needlessly if this decision goes into effect. ACIP actually admits as many as 6.5% more elderly will die over the next six months but dismisses that loss of life as “minimal.” Not if it’s your grandma.

A person 65 or older is at least 90 times more at risk of dying from COVID-19 than a young working-age person. Vaccinating the elderly first is the obvious strategy to save the most lives. ACIP says its twisted priorities are based in “fairness, equity and justice.” What the committee really means is “wokeness.”

Committee member Peter Szilagyi, from the University of California, Los Angeles, defends ACIP’s move, because “essential workers” include “a high proportion of minority, low-income and low-education workers.”

These left-wing academics are exploiting the pandemic as a launching pad for their redistributionist agenda. The lives of seniors — who need the vaccine the most — be damned. Harald Schmidt, from the University of Pennsylvania, explains that “older populations are whiter.” He says “society is structured in a way that enables them to live longer. Instead of giving additional health benefits to … them, we can start to level the playing field a bit.”

What’s alarming is that Schmidt’s call to level the playing field is widely shared. Dr. Douglas White, an ethicist at the University of Pittsburgh, says that if COVID-19 therapeutics are in short supply, they should go to patients from disadvantaged groups first. What’s next? Requiring that when emergency rooms are packed, minorities and poor people get helped ahead of the elderly?

Medicine is no place for social engineering. It’s frightening.

In Britain, vaccines are being administered with one unambiguous goal — saving the most lives. Those over 80 are first in line, and then those in their 60s and 70s, followed by younger people with high-risk health conditions. Britain’s health service explains, “The optimal strategy for minimizing future deaths” is “to offer vaccination to older age groups first.”

The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, and the World Health Organization agree. But in America, the academic left has hijacked vaccination.

The bogus excuse is “structural racism” in American health care. The New York Times points to a “documented history of (minorities) receiving unequal care.”

In the distant past, yes, but there is almost no evidence of racism in medicine today. A recent article in Scientific American could cite only two studies in more than 20 years documenting unequal care. New research from NYU Langone shows that Black COVID-19 patients “if anything … do a little better” than white patients in the hospital. A larger study comparing Black and white COVID patients in 92 hospitals in 12 states found almost identical survival rates, though Blacks again did slightly better.

The persistent and unproven claims of racism in medicine are a slap in the face to the overwhelming majority of nurses, doctors and other medical personnel who provide care to their patients based on medical need, not race.

Medical need should be the only standard for dispensing vaccines, as well. By that standard, all people 65 and over should be top priority. Beware of arguments to level the playing field. They are malevolent and have no place in medicine. This time, seniors are the victims. Next time, it could be you.   ~The Patriot Post

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