The Patriot Post

Yes, Georgia Republicans Should Vote
LjWprMtvljNG5XmjxTCfPDcAD4TMX8PE7vevdtJeN4hK4vEoa_HIW9ftmR_dJ_m-j398UNBFeFcFC_E_VrWJmGLf9UY0WSCG_eiQ7iCuSeiBlr4p07adzP26iOKz9KCKpALMb78K1cg167xF0aLcCDm87iyO-7MNRFBwYPEb2VpX_U_S=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xNATE JACKSON   We’ve written more than once about the importance of the Georgia Senate runoffs and the critical need for victories by both Republican senators, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. We’ve also warned about the radical nature of their opponents, socialist-Raphael Warnock and socalist-Jon Ossoff, respectively. There were important developments in the race over the weekend.

We’ll start with the reason for Republican infighting — the 2020 election results and the allegations of voter fraud in the Peach State. Republican Governor Brian Kemp backed a hand recount in the state, which reduced scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s lead by only about a thousand votes from the initial count. Kemp backed a second recount, which found the same result. And he rejected President Donald Trump’s call on Saturday for a special legislative session with the hopes of appointing pro-Trump electors to throw the state to the president anyway.

Why? As Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger put it, “We’ve never found systemic fraud. We don’t see anything that would overturn the will of the people here in Georgia.”

To Trump’s credit, he still came to the state Saturday and stumped for Loeffler and Perdue. “The answer is not to stay at home,” Trump declared. “That’s what scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi and [Chuck] scumbag-Schumer … want you to do.” Indeed, as Mark Alexander warned, scumbag-Schumer hopes Georgia is his path to tyranny — court packing, Senate packing, ending the legislative filibuster, draconian gun control, etc. “Now we take Georgia,” scumbag-Schumer said last month, “and then we change the world.”

Instead, Trump said, “If you want to do something to them — I don’t want to use the word ‘revenge,’ but it is a certain revenge — to the Democrats, you show up and vote in record numbers. That’s what you have to do.”

He also reminded people that Georgia’s voter registration deadline is today, December 7.

Meanwhile, Loeffler and Warnock debated Sunday night, covering a number of things from the economy to coronavirus policy to the character of each candidate. Notably, Loeffler challenged socalist-Warnock on a couple of key issues — court packing and Marxism — and socalist-Warnock evaded on both.

“People [in Georgia] aren’t asking me about the courts and whether we should expand the courts,” said socalist-Warnock. “I know that’s an interesting question for people inside the Beltway to discuss. But [voters are] wondering when in the world are they going to get some COVID relief?”

On the Marxism question, Loeffler pointedly asked, “In your writings and your teachings you’ve repeatedly praised Marxism and the redistribution of income,” said Loeffler. “Can you here [and] now for all Georgians renounce socialism and Marxism?”

socalist-Warnock responded by noting that his dad was a small business owner and that his church built a community center. But Loeffler’s right about his longtime support for socialism.

For whatever little it’s worth, polls show a tight race. Some polling even has the two Democrats leading the Republican incumbents. Many folks, from Trump’s attorneys to the malcontents at The Lincoln Project to their leftist allies, are urging Georgia Republicans to boycott the election. So, again, we’ll convey to our Georgia readers the critical message of voting on January 5. As President Trump put it, “Friends of mine say we are not going to vote because we are angry about the presidential election. Don’t listen to my friends.” He added that “Georgia Patriots” must “show up and vote for these two incredible people.”   ~The Patriot Post

Did scumbag/liar-Biden Reveal His White House Exit Plan?
VhThqK-zmzPqdoysBRCqsapSr9AO1LEtePRIgRJUofmoVCQK7HAZBrjD6eRRr3Cxo49Vk9CWa4fTIf-TVtGjfy4kXmsaPvYO-ke2AoNxhrgH5V5tqmjMTJFgmrLtI14p1I-I4IqXrjUuWV43I0wNtJPbir_JgMVbqhv64w74UthqsT2u=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xTHOMAS GALLATIN   Did scumbag/liar-Joe Biden just reveal his and the Democrats’ exit strategy in the event that he is sworn in as the 46th president of the United States? You could argue he did based on comments during an interview in which scumbag/liar-Biden and lowlife-Kamala Harris appeared with CNN’s Jake Tapper and Don Lemon.

Introducing a rather strange question, Tapper asked scumbag/liar-Biden how he would handle significant differences of opinion with lowlife-Harris on policy issues. The obvious answer should have been that the buck stops with the president (the one elected by the people to lead the nation), not the vice president, but that’s not the answer scumbag/liar-Biden offered. Instead, scumbag/liar-Biden answered by presenting a strange coequal-sounding arrangement before rambling, “Like I told Barack [scumbag/liar-nObama], if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.”

Some have sought to spin scumbag/liar-Biden’s remark as him merely attempting a joke that fell flat. Yet the context of his response belies such an interpretation. scumbag/liar-Biden’s comment leaves folks with two possible understandings: Either scumbag/liar-Biden is suggesting that his arrangement with scumbag/liar-nObama will carry over in similar fashion to lowlife-Harris, in that if she finds herself in significant moral disagreement with scumbag/liar-Biden, the expectation is that she will give some bogus reason outside of a policy dispute and resign, or (the more likely interpretation) is that scumbag/l;iar-Biden will be the one faking and resigning.

The blatant dishonesty scumbag/liar-Biden suggests he would present to the American people as his rationale for potential resignation should be shocking. But given scumbag/liar-Biden’s problematic record with truthfulness, it’s not. The obvious takeaway from scumbag/liar-Biden’s statement is that Americans can never really trust him when he declares his rationale for the decisions he makes.

Furthermore, as Fox News’s Lawrence Jones points out, “This is why he doesn’t do interviews — because he is so incoherent. This is why they kept him in the basement for the majority of the campaign.” scumbag/liar-Biden’s slipping mental acuity is evident. Furthermore, he has essentially let the cat out of the bag on what the arrangement between him and lowlife-Harris has been the whole time. Should scumbag/liar-Biden become president, he will enjoy the accolades of becoming president for a short time only to then step aside for lowlife-Harris to take the lead and move forward with her radical leftist agenda. Conservatives have long suspected this was the arrangement after scumbag/liar-Biden secured the Democrat nomination, and his bumbling remarks could be seen as having confirmed it.   ~The Patriot Post

commie-AOC's Phony Working-Class Warfare
j2pRB-qqQPgrfqeT6GmIVfHi-Wf7EzuX2zSmasoMC8-JHiBDhrpPFHKMdrv4FMfb2te3mowUZf7KRx_T93eEIAEgBUevRpyoxmwXx-FNoM90R2g_J__o7Fwy9dPX41m6c4oxyFPlxNy9WLk2QIVRuheXd-rLnDwEAr0btFgYAw02r1X0=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xDOUGLAS ANDREWS   commie-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a hard worker, and her Republican colleagues are lazy bums. Just ask her.

“The thing that these conservative Senators don’t seem to understand,” she tweeted recently, “is that I’ve actually had a physically difficult working-class job without good healthcare most of my adult life. I bring that work ethic to Congress & to my community. They sit around on leather chairs all day.”

So says the glamour-conscious “working class” girl whose adult life is actually a relatively recent phenomenon.

Marco Rubio, one of those slothful senators she smeared, wasn’t taking it sitting down. “Working together R’s & D’s helped save the jobs of 55 million Americans through PPP [the Paycheck Protection Program],” he fired back. “Work more, tweet less & one day you too can make a difference.” (Rubio clearly has a point about commie-AOC’s love affair with Twitter. She’s been in Congress less than two years, yet she’s already fired off nearly twelve thousand of the substance-free mini-missives.)

“Republicans like to make fun of the fact that I used to be a waitress,” she added, “but we all know if they ever had to do a double they’d be the ones found crying in the walk-in fridge halfway through their first shift bc someone yelled at them for bringing seltzer when they wanted sparkling.”

commie-AOC may have some thin skin about having been a waitress. But lots of folks work hard waiting tables or bartending or laboring in countless other ways, whether they’re young or old. One of our newest members of Congress, 69-year-old former NFLer Burgess Owens, for example, used to clean chimneys. Regardless, any self-styled working girl who’d would walk away from a perfectly good name like Sandy Cortez in favor of a snooty, sesquipedalian mouthful like commie-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deserves whatever ridicule comes her way.

While not a senator, Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw felt compelled to weigh in as well. At a campaign rally this weekend for incumbent Georgia Senator David Perdue, Crenshaw said, “These people are nuts. It’s not just Chuck scumbag-Schumer; Chuck scumbag-Schumer is controlled by people like commie-AOC, who believes that the biggest hardship in life was figuring out whether it was still or sparkling, and you don’t know hardship until you’ve cried in the back. … I was like, jeez, I am so glad I did not have to do that in my former career. That was our biggest problem in the mountains of Afghanistan … do we offer them still or sparkling, and what if they don’t like it? Rough out there, man.”

Crenshaw, who lost his right eye in 2012 to an IED in Helmand Province during his third deployment, added to commie-AOC, “Thank you for highlighting how ridiculous you sound. We ‘republican elites’ who fought in the mountains of Afghanistan will just go ahead and check our privilege.”

commie-AOC can’t seem to quit while she’s behind, and she appears intent on becoming her generation’s version of “Scranton scumbag/liar-Joe” Biden: a show-horse politician who consistently invokes his phony blue-collar roots.

If the results of November’s election are any indication, though, blue-collar folks aren’t buying it. As The New York Times’s Lisa Lerer reports, “Of the 265 counties most dominated by blue-collar workers — areas where at least 40 percent of employed adults have jobs in construction, the service industry or other nonprofessional fields — Mr. scumbag/liar-Biden won just 15, according to data from researchers at the Economic Innovation Group, a bipartisan policy research group.”

So much for the one-time party of the working class.   ~The Patriot Post

No, Election Laws Were Not Changed Just for COVID
uN7u3xMNanZVaT6N5crHBsCNhD3arnwg9rfR0K27GFTmHUCug5i3mzh5B_AwOlSD2Tz81l92h-65HPrhZc7iuMIgx_22zxRop3acFGoHv0m33NxtZ6AKXzDjMpDfhoNdn3neELfIchjTLa_z7Tb-rp4Ey276RdyFJhyOt1wRwBupbVpN=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xROBIN SMITH   Voting laws, and their timing, make Americans question if their votes in this constitutional Republic have meaning, equal value, and are protected from scandal. In some instances there were warranted changes to the voting laws to accommodate those fearful of COVID-19, but leftists began their efforts to impact the November 2020 election much earlier than this year.

“As Democrats select their 2020 presidential nominee, a constellation of left-leaning groups is looking ahead, laying groundwork for huge voter turnout in November by filing an avalanche of voting-rights lawsuits against state laws they say suppress participation in elections,” said Politico in a February article titled, “Democrats launch massive legal campaign on voting ahead of 2020.” The article adds, “The groups, including state and national party committees as well as outside nonprofits, are spending millions of dollars to fight voter-registration purges, ID requirements and rules regarding signature-matching and ballot order, and they are also hiring voter protection staffers and recruiting and training volunteers in key states. Democratic donors are flooding the wide-reaching legal effort with millions of dollars.”

Without knowing the date, we might think this quote was published just before the presidential election, or at least after March once COVID was known to be a pandemic. In February, however, Politico was describing the legal groundwork underway by the political Left to change voting procedures. But the quote discusses things that came all the way back in January 2019.

House Resolution 1 was introduced that month, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi resumed her party’s majority control over the House with the aim to restructure voting for all Americans regardless of state laws and jurisdictions. The timing was critical to make these changes, not just because of the determination to beat Donald Trump but because of the redistricting done at the state level set to occur in 2021 based on the Census completed every 10 years.

Nobly named, the For the People Act of 2019 eventually passed the Democrat-controlled House with no Republican support in March of last year. This supposedly honorable piece of legislation filled with 622 pages of changes to the voting process wasn’t supported by anyone from the Center-Right for good reason.

First, despite the fact that public schools have terrible proficiency in Civics and U.S. History, HR1 would allow children down to age 16 to vote. The law would have begun automatic voter registration for all who engage with the government for any service, such as welfare and the DMV, which in some states does not require proof of citizenship. It would have allowed same-day registration, preventing accurate verification of identity and residency. Furthermore, the Democrat legislation would have prohibited states from purging voter rolls of inactive voters, dead people, or noncitizens. It would have also given the automatic restoration of voting rights to all felons without consideration of sentencing, crime committed, or time served. Among many other federal controls, HR 1, had it passed the Senate, would have allowed activist or third-party groups to canvass neighborhoods and take possession of absentee ballots not returned via U.S. Postal Service.

If this failed bill and well-used excuse of COVID-19 aren’t enough to make the voting process seem unstable, add to it the “eight-figure investment” to flip state legislative races, the “court challenges on tackling barriers to registration and voting, as well as ballot-order rules, in states with high-profile Senate races, including Arizona, Texas and Georgia,” and the work of a super PAC called Priorities USA, working in Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin to file suits.

The trust in American institutions is already frayed and eroded with the press, education, and even healthcare assigned to partisans. Now, sadly, American Patriots have lost confidence in their votes being dependably counted.   ~The Patriot Post

Corporate Oligarchs Lobby for Less Restriction — on Slave Labor

EI9EkhObbBvgM8SjyV_qzjHq3bHoK62n88f6hTiBiXs_hiZ47UEEktWm5ekNAUO3cWK5gk-mCOeaWfUOHgW33nx7RVmB_eSab8-z5o7kvKo0IMXv6-Bd_p35TXmOLK0NzcJ3XEVkj85EtWwDxc7-Zs5dWihJT6ba13FjM7XTHWuC3SNN=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xARNOLD AHLERT   Perhaps nothing better reveals what the American public is up against in terms of whether or not we remain a constitutional republic than the coordinated effort to blame the devastation arising from the coronavirus pandemic on the Trump administration. In short, the reality that communist China is the source of the scourge — and that its secretive and criminal behavior has exponentially exacerbated it — has been largely obscured. This is no accident. An American electorate focused on the true culprit of this ongoing calamity would present huge problems for our corporate oligarchy, which is so hellbent on maintaining “market share” with communist thugs that the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans is reduced to the cost of doing business.

How contemptible are these oligarchs? Several “American” companies, including Apple, Nike, and Coca-Cola, are lobbying Congress to water down legislation aimed at barring the import of products made with Uyghur forced (read: slave) labor from China’s Xinjiang province.

Despite America being as divided as it has ever been, the level of bipartisan support for this bill is overwhelming. The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, introduced by Representative James McGovern (D-MA) in September, sailed through the House in a 406-3 landslide vote.

Its purpose is clear. “Goods manufactured or produced in Xinjiang shall not be entitled to entry into the United States unless Customs and Border Protection (1) determines that the goods were not manufactured by convict labor, forced labor, or indentured labor under penal sanctions; and (2) reports such a determination to Congress and to the public,” it states.

After that it gets exceedingly “interesting,” especially if scumbag/liar-Joe Biden ultimately gets to the Oval Office. That’s because it also requires the president to periodically report to Congress a list of foreign entities and individuals knowingly facilitating the use of forced labor, and impose property- and visa-blocking sanctions on the listed individuals and entities.

If the New York Post’s exposé of Hunter Biden’s involvement with Chinese companies is even remotely accurate, including the more than $1 billion windfall received by his business venture just days after visiting Beijing with his father, it is conceivable that such a bill, if it is ultimately passed by the Senate, might be further watered down by the “Big Guy” himself.

In the March/April edition of Foreign Affairs, scumbag/liar-Biden asserts that America needs to “get tough” with China — and then states the way to do so “is to build a united front of U.S. allies and partners to confront China’s abusive behaviors and human rights violations, even as we seek to cooperate with Beijing on issues where our interests converge, such as climate change, nonproliferation, and global health security.”

If that sounds like typical bureaucratic doublespeak that keeps the door wide open for reinstating the America last, globalist oligarch status quo — that’s because it is.

scumbag/liar-Biden’s nominee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken, is indicative. Blinken cofounded  WestExec Advisors, a company whose website boasts about helping a “leading American pharmaceutical company” and a multibillion-dollar American technology firm expand their Chinese market share. And in 2015, during his tenure as the deputy secretary of state in the scumbag/liar-nObama/scumbag/liar-Biden administration, Blinken praised China’s counterterrorism efforts, saying that nation “warily guards against the growing pull of extremist ideology among its youth.”

Now that those efforts include forced sterilizations and abortions, as well as concentration camps and forced labor? Salih Hudayar, prime minister of East Turkistan’s government in-exile, fears these blatant human rights violations will be papered over by a scumbag/liar-Biden administration and its apologist approach to the communist regime. “We fear that it’s just going to give China the green light to continue its brutal campaign of colonization, genocide, and occupation in East Turkistan,” he warned.

Hudayar also offered his take on the efforts by corporate America to water down the Uyghur Forced Labor Act, saying, “They’re just trying to — thinking from a strictly business perspective — maximize their profits.” He also noted the inherent contradiction of those companies denying they use slave labor, even as they tried to undermine legislation against it. “If they weren’t using forced labor, why are they pushing against this bill?”

According to The New York Times, double talk prevails: “Lobbyists have fought to water down some of [the Act’s] provisions, arguing that while they strongly condemn forced labor and current atrocities in Xinjiang, the act’s ambitious requirements could wreak havoc on supply chains that are deeply embedded in China.”

Those would be the same multinational-supported supply chains that have made America unconscionably vulnerable to the whims of Beijing. It took a pandemic for Americans to learn their nation relies on Chinese supply chains for critical drugs, and that the last American plant producing penicillin was Bristol-Myers Squibb, which closed its factory in East Syracuse, New York, in 2004. China also has a monopoly on rare earths that comprise the components of cars, dishwashers, military equipment, and magnets, as America’s last major producer, Molycorp, went bankrupt in 2015.

What kind of nation allows itself to become dependent on its chief adversary for critical needs? One run by people with unprecedented levels of wealth and wholesale contempt for patriotism, national security, and the nation-state itself — even as they remain wholly insulated from any consequences of their odious machinations. Thus, while Coca-Cola lobbies against the Uyghur Forced Labor Act, it insists it “strictly prohibits any type of forced labor in our supply chain” and employs third-party auditors to enforce the policy. Nike spokesperson Greg Rossiter said the company was not “lobbying against” the bill but was rather in “constructive discussions” with Congress. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce asserts the legislation was well-intentioned but missed the mark. Apple CEO Tim Cook insists his company does not employ forced laborers. “We would not tolerate it in Apple,” he said, adding that Apple would “terminate a supplier relationship if it were found.”

One suspects that Apple, along with other multinationals, isn’t looking too hard. And while Cook insists Apple supports the legislation, two congressional staffers who worked with the company’s lobbyists said they are trying to weaken the bill. Moreover, now that the bill, sponsored in the House by Jim McGovern (D-MA) and in the Senate by Marco Rubio (R-FL), has moved to the upper chamber, those efforts are allegedly intensifying.

Yet there’s a question no one appears to be asking. Why is this legislation geographically limited to the Xinjiang province? What’s to stop China from relocating what amounts to slave labor to any location of its choosing, especially if it enables this contemptible construct to remain intact?

The bet here is that no one in our corporate-controlled media will ask. Thus, Americans will continue to endure corporate virtue signaling about the need to end nonexistent “systemic” racism in America, even as those same corporations abide slave labor in China. And Congress, equally bipartisan when it comes to taking corporate campaign donations, will propose largely toothless legislation to accommodate them.

In short, it’s the perfect storm — of quid pro quo corruption.   ~The Patriot Post

The Left's 'Fact-Check' Farce
SF0pLTh2VZsB4MiSVtZfzln2IXhKEo64xk_QlTLrbYu1RHbjRxfzoL7uBRURzA2tAco0cph16SIbVN4TeWSeLmi9gYnu1HhuCl_Y0bCav4uFfd95sRKjTuq3C7lu2zGT9GK9OmdGXTzMCeQfDDNUJ-k6vA4eqNnDqd01nYOJeQtiFmaP=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xDOUGLAS ANDREWS   Dennis Prager has made many astute observations in his life, but perhaps none of them more perspicacious than this: Leftism destroys everything it touches.

It’s true. You name it, and the Left has likely ruined it. As Prager points out, leftists have destroyed our universities by making them “laughingstocks of intolerance.” They’ve debased the arts by turning them from a pursuit that elevates us to one that seeks simply to shock. As for literature, they’ve canceled Shakespeare in favor of a more “diverse” lineup of authors, poets, and playwrights. Once-funny late-night TV is now unfunny “Left-night TV,” religion has been poisoned by hard-left politics, free speech is now “hate speech,” and on and on.

The Left even wrecks the words we use. Take the word “fact,” for example. According to the ol’ Funk and Wagnalls, it means: Anything that is, is done, or happens; an act; deed; truth; reality.

Fact = reality. Got it? Got it.

But no more. A fact, according to the Left, is now contingent on context. For example, when we point out the fact that a lot of Democrat politicians are preaching one thing while practicing another — telling us to stay home to stop the spread of COVID while they sneak into a tony San Francisco salon, or slink off to some sickeningly snobbish French restaurant in Napa Valley, or jet off to a timeshare in Cabo San Lucas — the Leftmedia can now run a “fact-check” headline telling us that “politicians on both sides of the aisle have flouted COVID-19 guidelines” and that our claim “lacks context.”

Republicans are doing it, too! scream the “fact-checkers” at USA Today.

And indeed they are, from President Donald Trump on down. But there’s one yuuge difference: hypocrisy. The Republicans are on the opposite side of the “lockdown” argument, and they haven’t been shuttering their constituents’ businesses and sanctimoniously telling them to stay home. The Democrats have.

Lots of folks can stomach onerous rules and regulations. Nobody, though, likes a hypocrite. And when it comes to hypocrisy, the list of pro-lockdown Democrats who’ve broken their own COVID-19 guidelines is a long one: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi, California Governor Gavin Newsom, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, and Austin Mayor Steve Adler, to name some of the leading culprits.

In a similar vein last week, USA Today “fact-checked” the claim that Jen Psaki, scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s nominee for press secretary, posed for a picture with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Stooge hanoi-John Kerry while wearing a stylishly pink Cossack hat with the Russian hammer and sickle on it.

Remember: This is the same USA Today that recently “fact-checked” as true the claim that the eagle on an “America First” shirt was actually a Nazi symbol.

This hammer-and-sickle thing would seem to be the easiest of claims to check. Either Psaki was wearing the hat or she wasn’t. And she was, as this photo makes abundantly clear. Or so we think.

See if you can make sense of USA Today’s “fact-check” ruling: “Jen Psaki, recently named White House press secretary for President-elect scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, is seen in a 2014 photo … wearing a pink hat with a hammer and sickle emblem, which was a gift from the Russians that she returned. At the time, Psaki was spokesperson for the U.S. State Department. The image is real, but claims that the hat was anything more a gift or that Psaki was with Russian officials in any capacity beyond her official role are MISSING CONTEXT.”

Who cares whether it was a gift? And who cares whether she returned it? Did she wear the hat or didn’t she?

Clearly, we’ve entered a strange new world. As the Washington Examiner’s Becket Adams notes, “Fact checks are supposed to review claims for factual accuracy, not downplay them with a ham-fisted attempt at bothsiderism. … This is not fact-checking. This is damage control. This is advocacy.”   ~The Patriot Post

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scumbag/liarBiden's Bizarre Answer

Biden’s Bizarre Answer

scumbag/liar-Joe Biden and lowlife-Kamala Harris sat down for a joint interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper yesterday. It was the typical “puff piece” you would expect from the liberal media, but it got interesting when Tapper asked scumbag/liar-Biden how he and lowlife-Harris would handle their significant policy differences.

That question alone is odd. One of them is the president of the United States! The other one isn’t. What is there to handle? But the question reinforces the idea that they are equals or that lowlife-Harris is the president-in-waiting.

But scumbag/liar-Biden’s response was just bizarre. He said:

“Like I told scumbag/liar-Barack, if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.”

There’s so much to unpack here, but this is not how an astute politician who has been in office for nearly 50 years would answer such a question. Is he suggesting that Harris should resign the first time they have a major disagreement? Or is he going to resign?

And scumbag/liar-Biden also indicated he would have lied to the American people about his health. So, has he been lying about his health for the past year?

A Troubling Video

There was a dramatic development in Georgia overnight. A video captured by surveillance cameras appears to show evidence of major voter fraud. Here’s what it shows:

Right after the Republican poll watchers were ordered to leave the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, because they were told that counting was done for the night, what appears to be several “suitcases” that were hidden under a table were taken out and brought over to the counting machines.

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on there. So how many ballots were in those suitcases in that one counting center in a state Trump lost by just 13,000 votes?

Responding to this disturbing video, Governor Kemp repeated his call for a signature audit of mail-in ballots, but legal authority to order the audit rests with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

I don’t see how this media, and particularly Fox News, can continue insisting that the Trump campaign has failed to provide any evidence. The video is evidence, as are the hundreds of affidavits the campaign has amassed. You can undermine evidence in court, but eyewitnesses signing statements under penalty of perjury is evidence.

Unfortunately, the difficulty for the campaign is that it has struggled to articulate a legal argument that compels a court to jump into the middle of this dispute. If the only available remedies involve throwing out thousands of ballots or invalidating the results of an entire state, it is a rare judge who would be willing to do that.

And that makes the efforts of the president’s campaign all the more important because if there is no accountability, then this kind of cheating will be repeated over and over again.

It is imperative that Republican officials prosecute anyone found to be involved in election fraud. There must be a price to be paid or we will lose the republic.

Confronting Communist China

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has authored an important column published in the Wall Street Journal that every American should read. Ratcliffe warns in stark terms that communist China “poses the greatest threat to America today, and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom world-wide since World War II.”

Ratcliffe writes, “The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically.”

He also warned that China is launching major influence operations aimed at members of Congress “with six times the frequency of Russia and 12 times the frequency of Iran.”

Ratcliffe concludes his column by declaring what is plain to everyone: Communist China represents a generational and existential challenge just as the Soviet Union did and for precisely the same reasons. Beijing intends to “reshape the world in its own image and replace America as the dominant superpower.”

Netanyahu’s Warning

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is clearly concerned about scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s stated plans to rejoin the Iranian nuclear deal. In an interview with the Hudson Institute, the prime minister was asked about the possibility of the United States returning to the nuclear deal with Iran.

Netanyahu responded frankly, saying that the 2015 scumbag/liar-nObama/scumbag/liar-Biden nuclear deal not only failed to stop Iran’s nuclear program, but “opened the cage and let the tiger lose.”

It empowered the ayatollah’s regime by providing it with billions of dollars in sanctions relief that the regime used to “fund an unbelievable campaign of conflicts… expanding into Iraq, expanding into Yemen, establishing military bases in Syria, supporting with greater funds Hezbollah, supporting Islamic Jihad and Hamas…”

Netanyahu made it as clear as he possibly could that the Iranian nuclear deal put Israel at risk, our interests at risk and the interests of other Arab nations in the region at risk.

Unlike the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the father of Iran’s nuclear program, the strategy of appeasing Iran with “deals” and sanctions relief makes war more likely.

Israel cannot stand by and watch Iran get billions of dollars from us again that will be used to build up its military, while it rushes toward nuclear weapons and vows to wipe the Jewish state off the map.

And here’s something to think about: The scumbag/liar-nObama/scumbag/liar-Biden deal gave Iran billions of dollars, including pallets of cash. Soon we could see a scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife-Harris deal that again gives Iran billions of dollars. That would make two stimulus deals that scumbag/liar-Biden has orchestrated, not for you, but for Iran, an avowed enemy of the United States.

Good News

The Supreme Court this week issued another victory for religious liberty. The justices ordered an appeal of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s shutdown of churches to be reheard in light of the Supreme Court’s decision against Governor Andrew Cuomo last week.

Of course, it remains to be seen whether the district court gets the hint, but it’s clear that a majority of justices want these left-wing restrictions against houses of worship to end.

Speaking of judges, the Republican Senate is continuing to confirm as many of President Trump’s conservative judges while it can. Next week, the Senate is expected to confirm Justice Barrett’s replacement on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

To date, President Trump has appointed 229 federal judges. That’s more than Barack scumbag/liar-nObama (160), more than George W. Bush (204) and more than scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton (203) and they each had eight years in the White House!   ~The Patriot Post

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