The U.S. is in the midst of one of the most chilling eras for American Liberty in recent memory, if not our nation’s entire history. Specifically targeted is America’s most foundational right, the right to freedom of speech, enshrined in the First Amendment. The Left is engaged in a serious attack against Americans’ freedom to think and speak freely, because leftists accurately recognize that such freedom presents a roadblock to their lust for greater power and control over the country. It’s as if George Orwell’s 1984 wasn’t merely dystopian fiction but a prophetic vision or a “How To” manual.
Since even before the election of socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, the Leftmedia has been stumping hard against allowing the free flow of information and ideas from the Right, all in the name of preventing “disinformation.” In truth, this semantics game being played by the Left to justify silencing conservative speech didn’t begin recently. It started years ago with that dubious and intentionally misleading term “hate speech.”
Ending “hate speech” was the gateway through which leftists, particularly in media and now social media, began their campaign to erode Americans’ commitment to First Amendment values. Today, the Left’s call to end “hate speech” has morphed into demands to end the spread of “disinformation.”
Case in point comes via a recent New York Times article titled, “How the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis.” Conflating conservatives and Trump supporters with fringe conspiracy theorists, the story’s author, Kevin Roose, advocates that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden create a “reality czar” to “tackle disinformation.”
In describing the agency run by this “reality czar,” Roose writes, “For example, it could formulate ‘safe harbor’ exemptions that would allow platforms to share data about QAnon and other conspiracy theory communities with researchers and government agencies without running afoul of privacy laws. And it could become the tip of the spear for the federal government’s response to the reality crisis.”
The irony and blatant hypocrisy at play here is downright bewildering — so much so that one wonders if it wasn’t a joke. Unfortunately, Roose and his ilk are dead serious.
So, back to the question of reality. Was it not the Gray Lady and her Leftmedia colleagues who incessantly and without evidence for years promoted the conspiracy theory of Donald Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia? How about prior to the 2020 election, when the Times as well as other Leftmedia outlets refused to run any stories regarding the Hunter Biden laptop bombshell — going so far as to claim it had all the earmarks of “Russian disinformation” — only to discover that the FBI was indeed investigating Hunter Biden?
Or how about observing the Times’s stance on science, or rather lack thereof? The Times refuses to recognize the truth that the claim of “transgenderism” is not consistent with biological reality, going so far as to insist that the refusal to use and accept a gender-dysphoric individual’s “preferred” pronouns is tantamount to “hate speech.” Or take the issue of abortion — the Times continues to reject the scientific reality that life begins at the moment of conception.
Furthermore, let’s look at how the Times itself has been on the forefront of the Left’s disinformation campaign with its ahistorical 1619 Project, as it worked to promote the academically popular yet unfounded and thoroughly racist Critical Race Theory.
The Left’s objective is to ensure that its narrative is promoted as fact while preventing conservatives or any others from being allowed to counter or challenge it. As The Wall Street Journal editorial board observes, “Intellectuals don’t merely want the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Administration to promote progressive policies. Flush with power, they’re now suggesting that government should police the flow of ideas and assume the authority to define reality itself. So bring on the truth commissions. And if any political minority group complains that the Ministry of Truth is biased, worry not — the reality czar can make quick work of such disinformation.”
No one individual, entity, or organization has the corner on all truth, facts, or reality. Our Founding Fathers recognized this, which is why they intentionally decentralized power and enshrined the right of every American to freely think and speak their mind. Any person who would impose upon this freedom has only selfish ambition for power and control over others in mind. ~The Patriot Post
A GOP House Divided?
House Republicans just made clear that “we’re not going to be divided and that we’re not going to be in a situation where people can pick off any member of leadership.” So declared a triumphant Liz Cheney after she retained her leadership post as Republican Conference chair in a 145-61 vote Wednesday. She might have won that vote, but that doesn’t mean Republicans aren’t divided. The 61 “no” votes and four-hour grievance meeting attest to that. Yet there are some signs that Republicans are trying to mend fences and work together after an underappreciated strong election cycle that put them within a hair’s breadth of House control.
For background, Cheney faced this vote of confidence after she joined a mere nine other Republicans in voting to impeach President Donald Trump. The former president certainly didn’t behave admirably in the two months following the election, but neither was he guilty of “incitement of insurrection,” the ludicrous title of the Democrats’ impeachment farce. Their vote happened just days before he left office in any case, and that leaves serious constitutional questions hanging over his pending post-office Senate trial.
Nevertheless, the day before the vote, Cheney asserted, “There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.” Yesterday, she called it “a vote of conscience” for which she cannot apologize. That’s fine, but those 61 Republicans have every right to say her conscience should cost her the third-ranking leadership position given that it puts her ahead of 197 Republicans who were perfectly capable of seeing through the Democrats’ charade and voting against impeachment. As our Douglas Andrews argued, “That makes her by definition an extremist.”
That said, Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is no RINO, as some would suddenly categorize her over this single vote. Yet she’ll almost certainly face a primary challenge for her Wyoming seat. Perhaps this vote is just a manifestation of Republicans working through the political impact Donald Trump had on the party.
That brings us to the other blonde Republican woman under fire from her own side: Marjorie Taylor Greene, the newly elected Georgia representative. Greene finds herself in hot water with the Republican Conference because of revelations about some of the truly bizarre things she’s said over the years. (Jewish space lasers starting wildfires?) Suffice it to say, as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy put it, “Past comments from and endorsed by Marjorie Taylor Greene on school shootings, political violence, and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories do not represent the values or beliefs of the House Republican Conference. I condemn those comments unequivocally.”
McCarthy held a private meeting with Greene to give her a warning, no doubt reminding her what happened to Steve King, the Iowa Republican who lost his committee assignments after saying one too many unacceptable things before being defeated in a primary. Ultimately, McCarthy kept Greene where she is, but Democrats have advanced a resolution to strip her of committee assignments and make her the face of the supposedly radicalized GOP.
However, McCarthy argued that punishing members of Congress for things they said before becoming members of Congress means “it will be a hard time for the Democrats to place anybody on committee.”
Never mind before office. Try judging what they say while in office. We’ve previously compared Greene with worthless-Ilhan Omar, the unhinged and hateful Democrat from Minnesota who has repeatedly spewed anti-American and anti-Semitic bile while funneling campaign money to family and even marrying her own brother to cheat the immigration system.
That isn’t to excuse Greene’s loony statements, but it is to say she doesn’t hold a candle to Omar.
And then there’s commie/liar-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s histrionics and false attempted-murder allegations against a sitting U.S. senator. But that’s another story.
Moreover, Greene apologized Wednesday — in the private Republican meeting, anyway — for many of her statements, including advancing the so-called QAnon conspiracy theory. That’s great; now she just needs to mind her Ps and Qs.
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans tend to hold their wayward members to account. Democrats just keep reelecting them. But the larger story here is the establishment and the populists figuring out just how big the GOP tent really is. We’ll see how that plays out in 2022, when Republicans need just a handful of seats to retake the House. ~The Patriot Post
commie/liar-AOC Doubles Down on Ditzy
If Sandy Cortez wants to be taken seriously as a member of Congress, she certainly hasn’t tipped her hand. Her recent behavior, in fact, gives us the sense that she’d rather not be taken seriously.
Last week, we noted the attention-starved commie/liar-AOC’s flair for the dramatic, when, in response to Senator Ted Cruz’s effort to find common ground with her on Wall Street’s short-selling fiasco, she hysterically accused him of attempted murder and demanded that he resign, ostensibly for having had the nerve to question the results of the November 3 election and thereby inciting the riot. (Whoa. Didn’t former President Donald Trump incite the riot?)
This week, commie/liar-Cortez is doubling down on ditzy, having come under fire for her Mittyesque claims of a near-death experience on January 6. As it turns out, she wasn’t even in the Capitol building during last month’s riot. Instead, she was safely tucked away in the Cannon House office building, which, according to Google maps, is four-tenths of a mile and a seven-minute walk from the Capitol.
So much for “almost” being “murdered.”
As Fox News’s Sam Dorman reports, “The controversy erupted after the New York congresswoman posted a video in which she described a confrontation with Capitol Police at her office, which … is located in the Cannon building, which is accessible through underground tunnels connected to the Capitol as well as via a short stroll down a walkway and across the street. … In response to the incident, the congresswoman said: ‘I did not know if I was going to make it to the end of that day alive.’”
Here’s the video Dorman mentions, which commie/liar-AOC broadcast Tuesday via Instagram Live. It’s a garment-rending, forehead-punching 90 minutes in length, but the only span worth watching is the 12 seconds from the 50:37 mark to the 50:49 mark, in which she says, “Maybe I’m reading into this, right? Like, maybe I’m projecting … um, maybe I’m projecting, like, something onto him, that, that, like, maybe I’m just seeing anger but maybe he’s not trying to be angry.”
The rest of the video — at least what we’ve seen — is pure Chinese water torture. Avoid it at all costs. (You’re welcome.)
Not surprisingly, there’s at least one other side to commie/liar-AOC’s story — the factual side — and we got part of that from a congressional colleague of hers. As The Daily Wire reports, “Republican Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), whose office is two doors down from Democratic Rep. commie/liar-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, noted that ‘insurrectionists’ never made it to their hall when the U.S. Capitol building was breached on Jan. 6. Mace made the note while hitting the media for their attempts to ‘fan fictitious news flames’ about the breach.”
“Egregious doesn’t even begin to cover it,” Mace rightly noted. “Is there nothing MSM won’t politicize?”
More on point, though: Is there nothing commie/liar-Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett won’t publicize?
“And the weird thing about moments like these,” she told her Instagraminions, “is that you lose all sense of time. In retrospect, maybe it was 4 seconds. Maybe it was 5 seconds, maybe it was 10 seconds. Maybe it was one second, I don’t know. It felt like my brain was able to have so many thoughts. In between the screams and the yells, I mean, I thought I was going to die.”
Whatever, Sandy … like, whatever. ~The Patriot Post
The Great Reset — to Global Totalitarianism
As of this writing, more than 104 million people have contracted coronavirus worldwide, and nearly 2.5 million have died. In the United States, more than 450,000 deaths have been attributed to the Wuhan Flu. In a better world, the Chinese communist thugs who lied about both the origins and the severity of the pandemic would be treated as the international pariahs they have proven themselves to be. In this one, an equally contemptible bunch of multinational corporatist thugs with oligarchic ambitions will not only continue doing business as usual with China but will rely on Beijing as an ally in their pursuit of what they call The Great Reset. In short, never let a crisis — or a worldwide, society-altering catastrophe — go to waste.
“To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions,” insists World Economic Forum (WEF) CEO Klaus Schwab, a German octogenarian orchestrating this elitist power grab. “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”
Capitalism? A WEF-created video posted on Facebook reveals Schwab is a bald-faced liar. Of the eight “predictions” the globalists wish to impose on the world by 2030, the very first one gives the entire game away. It shows the smiling face of a young man with the following caption underneath:
“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”
People who own nothing can be many things. A capitalist in control of one’s own destiny isn’t any of them. And in case the message still isn’t clear, the second “prediction” is equally telling:
“Whatever you want you’ll rent. And it will be delivered by drone.”
Rent? From whom, if nobody owns anything? The answer is simple. While millions of people have been locked down, and while their jobs and futures have been eviscerated, America’s billionaire class increased its own wealth by a staggering $434 billion since the stock market began its recovery in March. While ordinary Americans stood in food banks and waited desperately for stimulus checks, the stock market soared. And when, for the briefest of moments, the bounties of that stock market accrued to the interests of smaller traders at the expense of those billionaires, the rules of the game were altered by those for whom the Rule of Law no longer applies.
Lawlessness — of the in-your-face variety — is the essence of The Great Reset. And capitalism has nothing to do with any of it. “When Americans went to buy cars, or even light bulbs and shower nozzles, they found their choices limited by deals between government, industry, and insurance companies,” explains columnist Angelo Codevilla. “These entities regarded each other as ‘stakeholders’ in an oligarchic system. But they had ever less need to take account of mere citizens in what was becoming a republic in name only. As the 20th century was drawing to a close, wherever citizens looked, they saw a government and government-empowered entities over which they had ever less say, which ruled ever more unaccountably, and whose attitude toward them was ever less friendly.”
The 21st century has seen an exponential increase in that dynamic. For all intents and purposes, there is no separation between the Ruling Class elites in both political parties and their allies in Big Tech, academia, Hollywood, and virtue-signaling corporations, all of whom have made it clear that any dissent from their agenda will inevitably lead to one being “un-personed,” in all its Orwellian permutations. Continued resistance may earn one a designation as a “domestic terrorist,” even as the elites’ corporate mouthpiece, more familiarly known as the mainstream media, has tirelessly endeavored to tie the entire bloc of 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump to the handful of people who rioted at the Capitol.
The elites’ targets include sitting Republican senators who dared to question the integrity of the 2020 election. Senators who will now be judged by what amounts to a Star Chamber of secret deliberations, conducted by the Senate Ethics Committee.
In the meantime, the same Democrats who called President Trump a “dictator” when he issued a handful of executive orders and actions are completely sanguine with a President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden issuing 40 of them in his first 10 days in office. When and if they actually legislate, Democrats will attempt to use the power of the purse to effectively — and unconstitutionally — nationalize elections to ensure the permanence of their power.
And while coronavirus has kept Americans distracted, the real transition to global governance with be engendered by climate change. “It might be a good idea for President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden to call a climate emergency,” contends Senate Majority Leader Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer, who apparently has no problem making the legislative branch of government increasingly irrelevant in pursuit of unassailable power. He is joined by Climate Czar hanoi-John Kerry who, despite his own predilection for private jets, insists, “[The Great Reset] will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine. In effect, the citizens of the United States have just done a Great Reset. We’ve done a Great Reset. And it was a record level of voting.”
One suspects a duplicitous hack like hanoi-John Kerry knows full well Americans didn’t vote for serfdom. But if he and his party’s ambitions are realized, voting will become a largely symbolic exercise whose chief purpose will be to maintain the illusion that people have choices — and that the nation-state he and his fellow globalists so clearly despise still exists.
And despite Schwab’s assertions, those who attended the WEF virtual Davos Agenda summit made it clear that the primary impediment to their agenda is capitalism. “We will get out of this pandemic only with an economy that thinks more about fighting inequalities,” asserted French President Emmanuel Macron. German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted the coronavirus shows “how much we are interlinked, how globally interdependent” the world is, and that “trying to isolate yourself fails.”
The dead giveaway behind the utter hollowness of such “high-minded” assertions? Despite the worldwide havoc engendered by his regime, the honor of being the summit’s keynote speaker was bestowed upon Chinese President Xi Jinping, who urged the G-20 nations and the European Union to serve as the “main forum for global economic governance.”
In China, that economic governance includes the use of forced labor by Uyghurs, who produce goods for many of the same multinational corporations that promote their “wokeness” with regard to human rights.
It’s hardly different in America. “As the elite has grown ever richer and less and less attached to the idea of the United States as an independent nation-state its goals and ambitions have become less and less attached to the welfare of the average man or woman,” warns columnist Charles Faddis. “Increasingly, what the elite wants is in direct opposition to what the average American wants.”
hanoi-Kerry characterizes that increasingly orchestrated disconnect as “the the dawn of an extremely exciting time.” Totalitarianism — on steroids — is more like it. ~The Patriot Post
1776 vs. 1619
When President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden terminated the 1776 Commission by executive order, it was assumed that was the sad end of a brief experiment in true historical reflection on America’s founding. The commission and its January 18, 2021, report were unceremoniously scrubbed from the White House website barely an hour after “Mr. Unity” took office.
The 1776 Commission isn’t dead yet, though — not if people continue to spread the word. The commission’s final report is still available around the Internet, including on the Trump White House archives site and at other sites associated with commission members.
Several major media players and their leftist allies in academia assailed the 1776 Report as pseudo-history. Even the Wikipedia page on the commission reads like a hit job, repeating the erroneous and deceitful leftist talking points about the report without challenge.
The New York Times’s reporting is particularly laughable. The paper accuses the 1776 Commission and its subsequent report of being devoid of scholarly merit with no qualified historical experts. It’s almost as if the Times were writing about its own 1619 Project, that Pulitzer Prize-winning leftist screed that sought to recast the founding of America as a slaveocracy.
The 1619 Project took a lot of heat from the academic community for its fast and loose portrayal of history as written by a group of political writers and polemicists with an obvious ax to grind with the American Republic. This public drubbing forced project leader Nikole Hannah-Jones and company to quietly retool some essays behind the scenes, though not enough to remake the project into a respectable work of scholarship. Just the same, the Times received accolades from its pals in media and academia, and its work was ushered into classrooms around the country to indoctrinate our children.
Sadly, it’s to be expected that this country’s top-heavy, bureaucratic, union-controlled, left-leaning public education system would choose the 1619 worldview over the 1776 Report. It would seem as if the 1619 Project has defeated the 1776 Report, leaving our children wide open to propaganda that preaches identity politics over social cohesion and seeks to besmirch the memory and work of America’s Founders.
There is more at stake here than just two competing schools of thought about America’s founding. The 1619 Project relies on an interpretation of history that is conjured up in the imagination of people who believe in the power of the state over the individual. It’s not the work of scholarship, but a propaganda narrative that rejects the basis for America as a nation of laws in which the power of the government rests with the consent of the governed. It magnifies sins and flaws to the point of false caricature.
Unlike the 1619 Project, the 1776 Report is not an attempt to rewrite history, and it does not pretend to be the last word on the subject. Instead, it recognizes that America’s founding was unique in world history at the time, and not all that common today. The report also examines the current divide in our country with regard to how we view our past and how we see our future. It warns against the forces that endanger our Republic like progressivism, radicalism, and identity politics — forces that happen to be at work in the 1619 Project.
The 1776 Report should not be allowed to drift into obscurity. People should read it and share it. At only 20 pages, with another 20 for appendices, it’s a relatively brief read. And unlike the 1619 Project, it doesn’t push lies to steer your thinking a certain way. But it does ask you to keep an open mind, which is not something the Left likes people to do. ~The Patriot Post
The Leftmedia's Hurting Without Trump
Back in 2016, the Leftmedia, led by infotainment giants CNN and MSNBC, worked overtime to elevate Donald Trump. He was great for ratings, for one thing, but these Democrat propagandists also believed scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton was a sure bet against him in the election. He proved them wrong on that count, of course, so they turned him into their biggest foil, incessantly playing off him for four years to build up their Resistance™ brand. And grow their ratings and advertising revenue.
For the Leftmedia, Trump was Hitler, the evil emperor, the devil in an orange-skin suit. He supposedly epitomized all the worst ills of society, from a bigoted racist buffoon to a conniving orchestrator of the greatest election heist of all time — 2016, that is, not 2020. In truth, Trump was the Leftmedia’s fall guy, the one on whom it could blame everything. There was no effort to offer any cogent argument against Trump’s policies, because its “orange man bad” trope trumped any need for honestly engaging in the very real issues facing the country.
The defeat of Trump became the Leftmedia’s primary reason for existing. Heck, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden never even had to leave his basement, as the Leftmedia did his campaigning for him. In fact, the less exposure to the public socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden had, the easier it was for the Leftmedia propagandists to promote him as the man to save America’s soul from Trump.
Following the election, however, the Leftmedia’s meteoric rise began to flatten. Oh, there were still the vestiges of the “enemy” that needed to be put down, as anyone raising questions over the integrity of the election, given the Democrats’ massive mail-in voting gambit, were treated as tinfoil-hatted kooks and enemies of the state. Then the Capitol riot provided the Leftmedia with its high-water mark, as conservatives and Trump supporters of all stripes were collectively condemned as “domestic terrorists” who needed to be expunged from polite society and even the public square. It was the perfect opportunity for Leftmedia activists to expand their cartoonish caricature of Trump supporters and all conservatives, and they took it without hesitation.
Yet as Trump’s presence has faded from public view, much of it due to Big Tech banning him, the Leftmedia’s ratings have faded with him. The hacks killed the goose laying the golden eggs. And their sycophantic coverage of Old socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe hasn’t come close to making up the difference. As Variety reported on Monday, “Viewership data across two key metrics — the target news demographic for people ages 25-54, and the total audience watching — shows that CNN ended the final week of January with ratings dropping roughly 44% for total audience versus the prior week across all three hours of primetime.”
Megyn Kelly, who was no fan of Trump yet still knows good journalism from bad, warned of this very phenomena in November. “They need him,” she asserted then. “As long as he stays somewhat active, [media outlets will] have a little bit more of a life span. But their ratings are going to go down, I have very little doubt: Without Trump in the office every day, there’s no way, especially CNN and MSNBC, sustain the numbers they are getting.”
Well, at least they’ve got the Democrats’ second impeachment trial charade to cover. The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board gives one caveat: “[It] could be a sort of last hurrah for current programming strategies.” That may partially explain why the Leftmedia is pounding the drum for canceling conservative media outlets like Fox News. Essentially, the message is this: If you can’t beat ‘em, get 'em banned. It’s pathetic, but this is what the once-tolerant and open-minded Left has become. ~The Patriot Post
“The crisis is arrived when we must assert our rights, or submit to every imposition, that can be heaped upon us, till custom and use shall make us as tame and abject slaves.” —George Washington (1774)
Over the last four years, the Democrat Party’s most ardent hate hustlers, in collusion with their Leftmedia propagandists and their Big Tech free speech suppressors, have perfected the politicization of hate, aiding and abetting now countless leftist insurrections across the nation. They have effectively used their “hate platform” to foment fear, anger, and division in order to systematically disunite America — giving rise to leftist mob rule.
Their uprisings began with destructive “historic cleansing campaigns,” which devolved into violent “antifa movement” assaults and then crystalized last year with the deadly urban burn, loot, and murder riots based on the BIG Lie that our nation is infested with “systemic racism.”
Hate hustlers and their supporting cast are nothing new, as evident in the writings of Frederick Douglass, Booker Washington, and Martin King. But what is new is their ability to proliferate hate and division through mass media networks.
During the six months leading up to the 2020 election, on top of politicizing the devastating ChiCom Virus pandemic, Democrats stirred the hate. The primary proliferators of this have been House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and now-Senate Majority Leader Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer (D-NY), but it’s become abundantly clear that the socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris regime is now the launching platform.
socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden fanned the riot flames declaring, “Does anyone believe there will be less violence … if Donald Trump is reelected?” Of course, Donald Trump’s election didn’t create the hate; it merely revealed it. Notably, however, Trump’s rhetorical “style” did nothing to suppress that anger, and I believe it is largely accountable for why he is a one-term president.
Likewise, lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris said, “They’re not gonna stop before election day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after election day. … They’re not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not.” So committed was she to those “peaceful protesters” that she supported a bail fund for their release. Many of them were re-arrested, and at least one violent protester was re-re-arrested.
Socialist “Squad” member worthless-Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) was more to the point: “You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives.” (The Twitter police must have missed this hate rhetoric because accounts for socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, lowlife/liar-Harris, and worthless-Pressley have not been suspended.)
Of course, Democrats were promoting constituent violence before their “Summer of Rage.”
Recall that last year, scumbag/liar-Schumer addressed a mob on the steps of the Supreme Court, fomenting disruption while a case was being deliberated: “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
Recall that scumbag/liar-Pelosi told her constituents: “If there is some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it.”
Recall that ahead of the 2018 election, scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton declared that Democrats can’t be civil: “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for. … I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.”
Recall that Sen.scumbag-Cory Booker (D-NJ) incited Democrats: “Go to the Hill today. Please, get up in the face of some congresspeople.”
Recall that Sen. scumbag-Tim Kaine (D-VA) told Democrats, “What we’ve got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets…”
Recall that Rep. scumbag/worthless-Maxine Waters (D-CA) called on Democrats to harass Republicans in public places: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”
Notwithstanding any limits on their abject hypocrisy, Democrats were able to identify one riot in the last four years they could all condemn, ad infinitum — the one perpetrated in the Capitol building in early January by a fractional faction of jackass thugs.
That small atypical break-off group of violent radicals, clearly distinguishable from the otherwise lawful and respectful Trump rally attendees, were less likely inspired to violence by anything Donald Trump said than they were by the rhetoric spewed by a primary benefactor and promoter of that rally: fringe agitator and perpetual charlatan Alex Jones. He has a long and sordid history of promoting wholly discredited conspiracy theories, and he has amassed a substantial “alternate reality” cult following. Jones’s path to promote “Stop the Steal” was paved by one of his most noted adherents, the eccentric Roger Stone.
The night prior to the post-rally eruption, Jones rallied his ilk by declaring: “We have only begun to resist the globalists. We have only begun our fight against their tyranny. They have tried to steal this election in front of everyone. I don’t know how this is all going to end, but if they want to fight, they better believe they’ve got one.”
The next day Jones fired up his bunch even further, yelling, “We declare 1776 against the new world order. We need to understand we’re under attack, and we need to understand this is 21st-century warfare and get on a war-footing.”
Predictably, Demos used the disgraceful Capitol incident as a catalyst to lure more violence, and the Jones followers are precisely the type they’re trying to bait and hook. It is a callous and crass political calculation, and they know exactly what they’re doing.
Despite socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and lowlife/liar-Harris having declared themselves “The Great Uniters,” they set about carpet-bombing conservatives with a record number of executive orders in their first 10 days.
As political analyst Rich Lowry notes: “The dulcet tones of socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s inaugural address already seem an artifact of a bygone era. … socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden has proved willing, too, to go it alone via rapid-fire, unilateral executive actions. … socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden, who has never been woke himself, is attempting to deliver victories to the left wing of his party almost unimaginable eight or 12 years ago — and do it quickly.”
So brazen has the leftist collusion and rhetoric been — what David Horowitz calls a “Tsunami of Hate” from the Democrat Party — that former Demo presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard condemned it outright: “The scumbag/commie-John Brennans, scumbag/liar-Adam Schiffs, and the oligarchs in Big Tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style surveillance are also domestic enemies — and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob that stormed the Capitol.”
Actually, much more dangerous, and their political theatrics are both grossly disproportionate to the actual threat and unprecedented since the Civil War.
The nation’s capital looks like an occupied war zone with 6,000 National Guard personnel and an absurd array of hardened barriers — and the Democrats want to make those barriers permanent. (When the Trump administration’s DHS used concertina wire as a deterrent atop some southern border walls, the Left was offended.)
As political analyst Byron York asks rhetorically, “Why is the National Guard still in Washington?” Acting Secretary of the Army John Whitely explained, “There are several upcoming events – we don’t know what they are – over the next several weeks, and they’re concerned that there could be situations where there are lawful protests, First Amendment-protected protests, that could either be used by malicious actors, or other problems that could emerge.”
But Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) notes, “I sit on the Intelligence Committee, but I’m aware of no specific, credible threat reporting—as distinguished from aspirational, uncoordinated bluster on the internet—that justifies this continued troop presence.”
To take the fear and angst nationwide, the FBI issued a national violence alert for all state capitols — none of which has occurred.
scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi, apparently needing a reality check, publicly ratcheted up the rhetoric by warning that conservative members of Congress are “the enemy … within.” According to scumbag/liar-Pelosi, “I do believe, and I have said this all along, that we will probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the House of Representatives, a threat that members are concerned about in addition to what is happening outside.” She added, “We have members of Congress who want to bring guns on the [House] floor and have threatened violence on other members of Congress.”
Topping that off, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and lowlife/liar-Harris had ordered intelligence agencies to conduct a “comprehensive threat assessment” on domestic terrorism: “The [January 6] assault on the Capitol and the tragic deaths and destruction that occurred underscored what we have long known. The rise of domestic violent extremism is a serious and growing national security threat.”
That was code for the administration’s objective to, in effect, classify as terrorists more than 100 million conservative grassroots Americans.
Having spent some years engaged in counterterrorism analysis, I can tell you with certainty: The Democrats’ actions are an open invitation to incite violence, and as I noted previously, that is precisely their calculation. The Demo proliferators of hate and division are banking their political fortunes on more anarchist violence that they will attribute to “Trump supporters.” And, given that a growing number of Americans believe, accurately, that the Leftmedia and Big Tech have systematically suppressed our First Amendment rights, thus monopolizing public opinion, Demos are inviting a shift from ballot box to bullet box.
Their strategy extends well beyond enhancing the theatrical optics around the upcoming Trump impeachment farce. The incessant claims of impending insurrection are a disgraceful endeavor to lure mentally unstable conspiracy nuts out of their rat holes and then use their actions, or intended actions, as fodder for continuing the leftists’ war on all conservatives.
In the oft-apropos words of Barack scumbag/liar- nObama’s former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel: “You don’t ever want a good crisis to go to waste; it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Or more recently, in the words of the Left’s biggest benefactor, billionaire socialist scumbag-George Soros, about how to manipulate the public during the ChiCom Virus pandemic: “I would describe it as a revolutionary moment when the range of possibilities is much greater than in normal times. What is inconceivable in normal times becomes not only possible but actually happens. People are disoriented and scared.” ~The Patriot Post
Power to the People 2.0
During the rebellious ‘60s, the slogan “power to the people” became a mantra for the young to protest what they saw as oppression from their elders. Now comes a moment when significant numbers of Americans can exercise real power in ways that will improve the country.
Most people will never attain a level of influence comparable to a president, a member of Congress, a Supreme Court justice, a newspaper editor, or a TV network anchor/reporter, but ultimate power does not reside in any of these institutions or professions. It resides in “we the people.”
The pandemic has given especially parents of young children an opportunity to seize power they already possessed but have never fully exercised. With teachers unions dictating when, or if, public schools will open again, parents are discovering the power of educating their children at home where they cannot only teach the real history of the country (as opposed to the revisionist version now taught in too many schools), but add a moral foundation that secular public schools no longer provide.
According to, “a go-to site for students for reliable and unbiased information and statistics about education,” in the spring of 2019 (the last period for which figures are available), “grade K-12 students constituted 2.5 million children who opted for homeschooling. If we observe the trend in the last few years, there is an annual homeschooling growth rate by 2 percent to 8 percent.”
That may not sound like much when one considers that 48.6 million K-12 students attend public schools, according to the Census Bureau, but it suggests momentum. The cost of a public-school education increased 3.4 percent from 2017. Given demands from teachers’ unions it is likely to continue climbing. A public-school education now costs, on average, more than $12,000 per student per year.
The Wall Street Journal has taken note of this under-the-radar transfer of power, which is still at an early stage, but appears to be advancing rapidly. It cites three states out of many experiencing increases in home schooling: “In North Carolina, the state’s home-school monitoring website crashed on the first day of enrollment, and more than 18,800 families filed to operate a home school from July 1 to Jan 22 — more than double the school-year before. … In Connecticut, the number of students who left public schools to be home-schooled jumped five-fold this school year to 3,500. In Nebraska, the number of home-schooled students jumped 56 percent to 13,426…”
Combine this with the 5.7 million students attending private schools and one might call it a movement.
Home schooling one’s children is far easier today. Not only are there substantial online resources, many parents are combining their skills and backgrounds with other parents, so that if one is deficient in history or math, another parent with knowledge of these subjects can contribute.
Many of these subjects have been tainted by political correctness and in the case of history, revisionism. It is why the Biden administration has nixed former President Trump’s 1776 Commission, which sought to restore accurate teaching of U.S. history rather than a contemporary version seen only through the lens of slavery and America as a bad nation. Trump called it “patriotic education.”
Conservatives who want to preserve America from what they regard as incremental socialism should embrace home schooling as a way to rescue the next generation and preserve the country.
I have quoted her before, but sometimes repetition is needed for it to sink in. The late Barbara Bush said: “Your success as a family … our success as a nation … depends not on what happens inside the White House, but on what happens inside your house.”
She understood where real power comes from. Now, if more people will only seize that power and use it. ~The Patriot Post