The Patriot Post ~ 9 Featuring "GARY BAUER"

A Deeply Dubious Peace Prize Nomination


There are no doubt plenty of hurt feelings in Portland today, where antifa thugs learned that they’ve been snubbed once again by the Nobel Peace Prize committee. That their fellow thugs at Black Lives Matter have been nominated for the, ahem, prestigious award only added insult to injury.

As for the rest of us, we’re wondering how the Nobel committee could, like CNN and the rest of the mainstream media, simply ignore all the violence done by these hoodlums and all the destruction they left in their wake. Or are those “mostly peaceful” infernos there in the background?

As The Guardian uncritically reports, “In his nomination papers, the Norwegian MP Petter Eide said the movement had forced countries outside the US to grapple with racism within their own societies. ‘I find that one of the key challenges we have seen in America, but also in Europe and Asia, is the kind of increasing conflict based on inequality,’ Eide said. ‘Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice. They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.’”

To anyone paying attention, the roots of the Black Lives Matter movement are red. And scrubbing its Marxist heritage from the BLM website doesn’t make it any less so.

As our Arnold Ahlert wrote back in July, “Despite all the media-orchestrated lies about Black Lives Matter being a spontaneous grassroots uprising — amply abetted by power-hungry Democrats, cowardly Republicans, morally bankrupt academics, and contemptible corporate virtue signalers — BLM is actually a front for a web of well-funded communist/socialist organizations that have agitated against America for decades.”

Perhaps this is a fitting tribute to the mob and perfectly in keeping with the Nobel award’s steady downward spiral into obsolescence. After all, Barack scumbag/liar-nObama won a Peace Prize participation trophy back in 2009, just days after having taken office — an award that even the cheerleading New York Times called “a stunning surprise.” And there was Palestinian terrorist Yasser Arafat, who won it in 1994 despite never having renounced his bloodthirsty ways. And Wangari Maathai, the first African woman to win the award, a woman who once told a Kenyan newspaper that the HIV virus was originally developed by Western scientists in order to depopulate Africa. And there was FDR Secretary of State Cordell Hull, who won the award in 1945 for his efforts to establish the United Nations, yet who in 1939 had denied entry to our shores a ship full of Jewish refugees and thereby sentenced many of them to die in Nazi concentration camps.

“Political satire,” said leftist singer-songwriter-essayist Tom Lehrer many years ago, “became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.” If nothing else, this news about BLM’s nomination makes clear that Lehrer was wrong. There are still a few good satirists out there — working for the Nobel Peace Prize committee.

In addition, there are a few others working for The Babylon Bee. “The Nobel Committee has announced they have nominated Black Lives Matter for the brand new Nobel ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Prize,” the Bee reported, “for its hard work bringing attention to racism by burning down cities around the world.”

“No one has done more to contribute to the cause of ‘mostly peace’ than Black Lives Matter,” the Bee fictionally quoted Norwegian MP Petter Eide as saying. “They brought attention to racism, and they did it while mostly not being criminal terrorists!” The Bee added, “MP Eide then demanded the interviewer raise his fist while shouting ‘Black Lives Matter’ before knocking him over with a brick.”

Congratulations, then, to the “mostly peaceful” thugs of Black Lives Matter.   ~ The Patriot Post


scumbag/worthless-Maxine Waters Switcheroo
Exposes Leftist Hypocrisy

Not long ago, we were “fact-checked” on social media for “missing context” in a meme merely quoting several Democrats calling for violence or threats of intimidation. As our Andrew Culper explained, “missing context” is the last-resort catch-all for these lying checkers of facts. We quoted the Democrats accurately. Leftists with an agenda didn’t like that, so it got hit with a “fact-check” for “missing context."

 One of those Democrats we quoted was scumbag/worthless-Maxine Waters, the unhinged congresswoman from California. She said in the summer of 2018, "If you see anybody from that Trump cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd! And you push back on them! And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!”

A Twitter account called “Cuomo Watch” had a little fun at the New York governor’s expense by swapping out “Trump cabinet” for “Cuomo administration” just to see how people would react.

It was as predictable as it was hypocritical.

Leftists galore rushed to the fainting couch, complaining that the account was inciting violence against Andrew Cuomo and his staff. It wasn’t just your average Internet dupe, either; numerous elected Democrats must have gotten a talking points memo to universally denounce this uncivil rhetoric.

Carl Heastie, the speaker of the New York State Assembly, wrote, “This is appalling and dangerous. Encouraging violence must never be tolerated. Shame on whoever is behind this kind of garbage.” New York State Senator Diane Savino likewise condemned the tweet and insisted, “Twitter should ban this dude now!” Gale Brewer, the borough president of Manhattan, warned, “I will be alerting appropriate authorities.” Even New York Congressman Ritchie Torres weighed in, hysterically asserting, “As a Congressman who lived through the insurrection against the US Congress, I am appalled by the tweet below, which is an invitation to violence against public officials.”

Torres serves on the House Committee on Financial Services, which is chaired by — wait for it — scumbag/worthless-Maxine Waters.

When confronted with their hypocrisy, these Democrats either deleted their tweets or explained, Shut up!

“I see what they did,” wrote Savino, “but that was then and this is now, and 4 years of Trump has led to words becoming weapons. We can’t just ignore them anymore, people take them as a call to violent actions.”

For his part, Governor Cuomo just blanket-blamed the Right: “When you see the ugliness being fomented for selfish political reasons, everyone should condemn it. … We all know who spreads the ugliness on the Internet.”

Would that be ugliness like claiming he “would’ve decked” President Donald Trump? Yep, that was none other than Andrew Cuomo, who already has enough to answer for with his horrendous handling of the coronavirus pandemic in his state. Maybe he should worry about that instead of selectively condemning certain rhetoric.  ~ The Patriot Post


Trump Shakes Up His Impeachment Defense Team

Mere days away from the Democrat-initiated second impeachment charade, er, trial of Donald Trump, the former president pulled a rather surprising move — he canned his entire defense team. Peter Heck reports, “Butch Bowers, Deborah Barbier, Josh Howard, Johnny Gasser, and Greg Harris had all been members of the Trump defense team before the abrupt announcement Saturday that all were out.” The decision was said to be mutual, but it seems to be clear that Trump instigated it.

The apparent reason behind the sudden exodus had to do with a sharp disagreement over the direction of the defense. Trump evidently wants to continue to litigate the “stolen election” claim, while the now-former defense team wanted to focus on challenging the constitutionality of impeaching a president who is out of office. The former defense team did not want to touch any of the controversy surrounding the election itself, as it would only distract from the issue of the dubious legality of post-office impeachment.

For Trump, however, since 45 Senate Republicans have already voted against proceeding with an impeachment trial, the question was moot, as there simply aren’t enough votes for the Democrats to get a conviction. As GOP strategist Janet Mullins Grissom observed on social media, “If you’re Trump this is rather a no brainer. With Senate [Republicans] aka the jury on record that impeaching former president is unconstitutional why spend money on lawyers?”

However, sensing the political opportunity, Trump acted quickly and by Sunday had assembled a new legal team that will follow his desire to focus legal strategy on alleging massive election fraud. At its best, this may present an opportunity for Republicans to push forward on confronting the Democrats’ efforts to further weaken protections against election fraud, i.e. massive mail-in voting.   ~ The Patriot Post


Wall Street Is Part of the Swamp

“Folks, it’s not just political now. The elites are bent out of shape that a bunch of average, ordinary users have figured out how to make themselves billionaires. … Whatever you think is going on in politics, Washington establishment, the deep state, what have you, it’s the same thing in finance.” —radio host Rush Limbaugh

Limbaugh is spot on. Putting aside the somewhat complicated mechanism surrounding short sales, what Americans of every political persuasion have learned is that what is promoted as “free market capitalism” is an utter sham. Americans got their first taste of that sham in 2008, when our self-anointed Masters of the Universe brought the entire financial system to its knees, only to be bailed out by the American taxpayer, who got more than a decade of Federal Reserve-engendered zero interest rates, decimating their savings, as a “reward” for doing so.

In short, “too big to fail” institutions that routinely privatized their profits had their losses socialized.

That debacle also involved massive amounts of “short selling,” a concept that confuses the average American. A short seller borrows shares of stock from a broker and then sells them. If the price falls, the investor buys them back again at the lower price and returns them to the broker, making a handsome profit. If the price goes up? As opposed to a bottom limit of a stock price reaching zero, there is no limit to that same stock’s price rise, meaning there is no limit on the amount of money a short seller can lose as a result.

Last week, a group of small investors in a Reddit forum known as WallStreetBets decided to work together and drive up the stock price of a video game retailer called GameStop. The group was enormously successful, and the price soared from $6 four months ago to a high of $469. Short-selling hedge funds were crushed. One them, Melvin Capital, lost nearly $3 billion closing out its position.

In short order, Americans discovered some short selling is “more equal” than others. “Wall Street is losing its mind and Wall Street now wants to change the rules of the game because a bunch of people with accounts ranging from $500 to $2,500 are taking down the billionaires,” Fox Business host Charles Payne explained.

In even shorter order, the rules were changed. Robinhood Markets, a company that sold itself as a brokerage platform for the “little guy,” promptly screwed those little guys by curbing trades in GameStop and AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc., whose price had also been driven into the stratosphere using the same strategy. Robinhood was joined by Interactive Brokers Group Inc., Morgan Stanley’s E*Trade, and Charles Schwab Corp.‘s TD Ameritrade, which also put trading curbs on the stocks.

Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy explains the utter corruption of such efforts. “[They’re] saying, 'Hey, hedge funds are getting smoked, billionaires are getting smoked,’” he explains. “‘So we are no longer going to let you trade on certain stocks GME, AMC — we are just shutting them off. You can’t buy those stocks anymore, you can only sell them, we are going to craft those stocks so all our hedge fund billionaire friends can get out and not get killed.’ It is one of the most remarkable, illegal, shocking robberies in plain sight. No closed-door meetings, nothing behind, just right in your face putting a gun in your mouth and saying, ‘Give us all your money.’”

The orchestrated pushback promptly united the political class from both ends of the ideological spectrum. “People on Wall Street only care about the rules when they’re the ones getting hurt,” said Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), the incoming chair of the Banking Committee.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) concurred. “This is unacceptable,” she tweeted. “We now need to know more about @RobinhoodApp’s decision to block retail investors from purchasing stock while hedge funds are freely able to trade the stock as they see fit.”

Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) were also on board. “Let the people trade,” he stated. She echoed, “Free the traders on @RobinhoodApp.”

According to the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post, the acting head of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was “monitoring” the developments. Nonetheless, the paper quoted Georgetown finance professor James Angel, who raised the possibility the Reddit traders engaged in what is known on Wall Street as a “pump and dump scheme,” but added that regulators need to prove traders engaged in “an intentional act to push a price away from its fundamental value to seek a profit.”

Columnist Matt Taibbi put such orchestrated vapors in the proper perspective. “The only thing ‘dangerous’ about a gang of Reddit investors blowing up hedge funds is that some of us reading about it might die of laughter,” he writes. “That bit about investigating this as a ‘pump and dump scheme’ to push prices away from their ‘fundamental value’ is particularly hilarious. What does the Washington Post think the entire stock market is, in the bailout age?”

There’s far more to it than that. As columnist Glenn Greenwald notes, Americans never talk about how powerful Wall Street hedge funders at the top of the financial food chain “get to be multibillionaires, without really producing anything of value, just leaching off the American economy, taking huge amounts of money in exchange for nothing.”

He also illuminates the closed loop that facilitates it. “What we have is a totally rigged system where the government constantly intervenes in the economy but not to help people who are in need, but to help the richest and most powerful.” The only people that support it, he adds, “are establishment centrists in both wings of the parties” who see ordinary Americans united against them as a threat, thus they are “desperate to reimpose a wedge between us so that we can’t unite anymore.”

In other words, while Americans are purposefully distracted with the canards of “systemic racism,” “domestic terrorism,” or “climate change”; while they are besieged with lockdowns and mask mandates; and while they had millions of their businesses and jobs crushed by a Chinese pandemic, Wall Street rolls on.

Until last Thursday and Friday, when fear gripped the markets — because a bunch of little guys fought back. Fear that revealed America is a de facto oligarchy that brooks no challenge to its contemptible status quo. And perhaps there was no better indication of that status quo than Press Secretary Jen Psaki refusing to say if Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen would recuse herself from advising the president on GameStop — because she received approximately $810,000 in speaking fees from Citadel, a hedge fund that helped bail out big loser Melvin Capital.

That incestuousness speaks volumes — about unprecedented levels of corruption.

And don’t think our ruling class doesn’t know it, which is why those who despise border walls have turned Washington, DC, into an armed camp, replete with razor-wire fencing and thousands of troops.

What are they protecting? The aforementioned status quo where “too big to fail” — and “too little to succeed” — remain immutable concepts.   ~The Patriot Post


socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden's War on Women

One of the most ubiquitous refrains from those on the political Left is to “follow the science.” This is why the hashtag # socialist/scumbag/liar-BidenErasedWomen was trending on social media right after President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden signed an executive order on Day One requiring no distinction be made of biological sex relative to “access to the rest room, the locker room, or school sports.”

In his pledge to keep his promises to a very small group of individuals who identify as “transgender,” socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden — with the tacit approval of Vice President Kamala Harris, no less — has mobilized federal agencies, such as the Department of Education and the Justice Department, to prohibit biological sex as a point of “discrimination.” No individual should be mistreated or segregated from equal opportunity, education, employment, or other essential services based on any immutable trait or state of being. However, biology matters, and it impacts not just performance in sports but other inherent differences and distinctions.

In 2001, the Institute of Medicine published Exploring the Biological Contributions to Human Health, which the NCBI website describes with these words: “It’s obvious why only men develop prostate cancer and why only women get ovarian cancer. But it is not obvious why women are more likely to recover language ability after a stroke than men or why women are more apt to develop autoimmune diseases such as lupus.” This book  "discusses basic biochemical differences in the cells of males and females and health variability between the sexes from conception throughout life" and varies in topics ranging from the variant immune responses to reproductive organs to heart disease to cognition.

Somehow, though, that’s not the science the public is supposed to follow. According to socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, this science must be labeled as discriminatory and then erased and forgotten.

Critics of this executive move to force women to be spectators in their own sports were not limited to conservatives, Christians, or the center-right more broadly. Dr. Jane Clare Jones, founder of the Institute of Feminist Thought, tweeted, “Unilaterally imposing trans ideology on a nation with no thought for women’s rights is not how you create unity.”

“Finished. Done.” Those were the words of Olympic track-and-field coach Linda Blade, who expanded on her frustration: “The leadership skills, all the benefits society gets from letting girls have their protected category so that competition can be fair, all the advances of women’s rights — that’s going to be diminished.” The women’s coach observed with wisdom that “parents of teen girls are generally uninterested in watching their daughters demoralized by the blatant unfairness of a rigged competition.”

In contests where speed, strength, and musculoskeletal physics and structure are relevant, a distinction must be made, especially once the changes of puberty commence. The presence of testosterone offers increased production of hemoglobin — the protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen to your body’s organs and tissues — and red blood cells, a normal state in males. The normal increase in testosterone in adolescents enhances muscle size and strength as well as bone development, structure, and strength. These yield enhanced performance.

Looking at the effect of time and hormone replacement therapy in so-called “transwomen” (biological males who “identify” as or even make changes toward becoming female), The Daily Wire reports, “Even two years after hormone therapy had been used, trans women were 12% faster on the 1.5 mile-run than women they were competing against.”

Bringing this from research to application, let’s look at the lawsuit filed by three Connecticut female runners suing the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference. The suit notes that one of the world’s fastest female sprinters, Allyson Felix, finished a 400-meter run in 49.26 seconds, but Felix would be beaten by almost 300 American high school boys, based on 2018 data.

Though it’s clear that male and female humans are different and have distinct strengths and weaknesses, President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and the political Left are erasing women’s opportunities and rights to compete. Sports will not be the only practice where opportunities change for women. Make no mistake, when dealing with brains and not just brawn, women hold their own — they compete and excel. But is it really fair to create a construct where brawn is overlooked for the sake of politics and those who dare point out the authentic differences are bullied into silence?  ~ The Patriot Post


socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden Carpet Bombs America
With Executive Orders

“If you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.” — socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden in October

That was then; this is now. Acting like a dictator is now a virtue. Under the cover of the Capitol riot and  impeachment redux, Democrats are enacting their radical leftist agenda through the pen of President socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden. Members of Congress prefer this because they don’t have to take tough votes or worry about GOP opposition.

He has blown away the previous record for executive actions in the opening days of his presidency. He signed a whopping 17 executive orders and actions in his first few hours and has followed that up with even more in his first 10 days — the total is close to 40, including at least 25 executive orders. The Dispatch reports, “Over the same timeframe, Donald Trump and Barack scumbag/liar-nObama had both signed 20, George W. Bush five, and Bill Clinton 11.” We fully expect socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is only just getting started playing the role of dictator, and whenever lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris takes over she’ll do likewise. (And on that note, Mark Alexander says, “It is my estimation that Biden’s massive EO dump is an effort to hurriedly establish his presidential legacy as it will be short-lived.”)

But even The New York Times is telling Joe to “ease up on the executive actions.” While cheering on the substance of his actions, the Gray Lady’s editorial board lightly chastises, “This is no way to make law.”

White House communications director Kate Bedingfield slammed the Times editorial on social media: “As the NYT ed board criticizes President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden this am for taking swift executive action to reverse the most egregious actions of the Trump Admin, I can’t help but recall that during the primary they encouraged voters to consider what a president could accomplish through exec Action.”

Most presidents resort to executive orders when they cannot get a measure through Congress. But last time we checked, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden was a Democrat and the House and Senate are both controlled by Democrats.

What has Scranton socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe done to rule your life? Plenty. What follows is a list of his executive orders so far and their significance:

    • Systemic racism is now the policy of the federal government. Executive Order 13985 disguises this as direction to “pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all,” but in practice this will mean counting by race in everything the federal government does. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s order also rescinds President Donald Trump’s September order banning racist “diversity” training (known as critical race theory) in federal agencies. Furthermore, our Douglas Andrews explained why equity isn’t equality, and our Lewis Morris recounted socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s related dismissal of the 1776 Commission.

    • If not racism, fighting climate change will henceforth dictate socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration policy. Executive Order 13990 makes it official policy to pursue “environmental justice.” This “justice” includes  killing hundreds of thousands of jobs by rescinding oil drilling in federal areas, axing the Keystone XL pipeline, and undoing a slew of Trump’s energy-related deregulation. Moreover, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s order will “restore science” to its rightful place as the state religion. Just don’t tell the girls competing against boys after the aforementioned order or socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden’s “transgender” HHS pick.

    • Executive Order 14008 likewise is about “tackling the climate crisis at home and abroad.” Primarily, this means “putting the climate crisis at the center of … foreign policy and national security.” Specifically, it means advancing a plan to “rejoin the Paris Agreement.”

    • And because Science™ is so important to these mad political scientists, Executive Order 14007 establishes the “President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.”

    • It’s fair to say the term “China virus” is now effectively banned for federal agencies and public health documents, per a presidential memorandum. “China virus” was, of course, President Donald Trump’s favorite label because, well, the virus came from China. While socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden doesn’t specifically use the words “China virus,” his directive does say that the federal government shouldn’t continue advancing “xenophobic sentiments” by referring to COVID “by the geographic location of its origin.” Moreover, he says without evidence, “Such statements … have contributed to increasing rates of bullying, harassment, and hate crimes” against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

    • Executive Order 13987 is about “organizing and mobilizing” the U.S. government to effectively combat the China virus. Oops — we forgot the other directive. Biden’s plan is primarily to plagiarize Trump’s plan, but the Leftmedia will dutifully treat his work with awe and wonder. The main difference is to reengage with and “strengthen” the World Health Organization, which Trump exited because of its Chinese puppet strings. Strangely, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s new order does not include the word “mask.” Maybe that’s because he forgot to wear one on federal property

    • Speaking of which, Executive Order 13991 mandates masks on federal property.

    • Not done with COVID, Executive Order13994  proclaims that the federal government will now enact a “data-driven response.” Brand new concept, we’re sure.

    • Still not done with COVID, Executive Order 13995 requires “an equitable pandemic response.” Based on the socialist/scumbag/liar- =Biden administration’s policy of counting by race and gender (“identity”), we’re pretty sure that violates his order on the response being “data-driven.”

    • Okay, he’s really not done with COVID. Executive Order 13996 establishes a “pandemic testing board” for increased and politically charged testing, as well as ensures a “sustainable public health workforce,” whatever that means.

    • We give up. Here’s another COVID one, and another hypocritical one at that: Executive Order 13997 is aimed at “improving and expanding access to care and treatments for COVID-19,” including an effort to “accelerate the development of novel therapies.” Remember when Trump tried to do that? He was mercilessly mocked by Democrats. Now his policy is their policy.

    • Executive Order 13998 enacts mask mandates and xenophobic travel restrictions to combat COVID. Just kidding. When Biden does it, it’s not xenophobic.

    • Protecting workers from COVID is the goal of Executive Order 13999. We’ve read it and we’re still not sure exactly how it changes anything.

    • It’s time to reopen schools, says Executive Order 14000. The Chicago Teachers Union didn’t get the memo.

    • Executive Order 14001 calls for “a sustainable public health supply chain.” Nowhere does the order mention China or its dominance of the supply chain.

    • Economic relief related to the pandemic is the goal of Executive Order 14002. Translation: The government will redistribute even more of your great grandchildren’s money to fix the government-caused economic crisis blamed on the pandemic. Trillions have already been spent, with trillions more on the way.

    • Executive Order 13988 ostensibly prevents and combats “discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.” In reality, it turns the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on its ear, putting boys in girls’ locker rooms and endangering women’s sports entirely.

    • In a similar vein, Executive Order 14004 removes restrictions on “gender identity” and “transgender” individuals serving in the U.S. military. This has nothing to do with enhancing military readiness. Quite the contrary, it’s about making the Armed Forces a petri dish for social engineering.

    • Executive Order 13989 calls on “every appointee in every executive agency” to take an ethics pledge, which says in part, “I commit to decision-making on the merits and exclusively in the public interest, without regard to private gain or personal benefit.” Take a moment to marvel that the hypocrite issuing this order is the father of Hunter Biden — the “Big Guy” himself.

    • Executive Order 14003 is all about “protecting the federal workforce” … from the accountability orders enacted by President Trump.

    • Executive Order 13992 continues the work of undoing Trump’s deregulation by revoking several of his orders. Biden’s goal is to restore “robust regulatory action.” Translation: Big Government.

    • The census question regarding citizenship was revoked by Executive Order 13986. Biden calls this “ensuring a lawful and accurate enumeration” of people.

    • Executive Order 13993 “revises” immigration enforcement by rescinding Trump’s order to ensure things like … enforcing immigration law. Fling the border open wide, says socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden. In fact, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden even hopes to remove the word “alien” from U.S. code.

    • “Make it in America again” might as well be the title of Executive Order 14005, which aims to have more stuff “made in all of America by all of America’s workers.” Don’t question socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe’s patriotism.

    • Donald Trump worked across the aisle to undo the damage done to minorities by socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s 1990s crime bill, but socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden didn’t leave that untouched either. Executive Order 14006 eliminates the use of “privately operated criminal detention facilities.” Because Democrat-run government has a way better track record on race.

    • Ostensibly to “strengthen” healthcare, especially for women, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden signed an  executive order restoring U.S. taxpayer funding for international abortions. That doesn’t help women, and at least half of the babies terminated before birth are girls. Ironically, there’s unity on this issue — three-quarters of Americans oppose socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s order. The order is also for “strengthening Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act.” That basically means more regulation of healthcare. And beware the Democrats’ real strategy of pushing the nation toward Medicare for All.

Remember: With one exception, the above list is just the executive orders. We didn’t list the other actions and memorandums from the Oval Office, or even scratch the surface of all the edicts being pumped out of his cabinet offices and other bureaucracies. The clear goal is to erase as much of the last four years as quickly as possible. That may be good for Democrats, but it’s absolutely terrible for America  
~ The Patriot Post  

A Focused Resistance


A historian may one day revisit socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s inaugural speech to catalog its many lies, but we needn’t wait to know which of its whoppers was the biggest. When our 46th president said, straight-faced, “I will work as hard for those who didn’t vote for me as those who did,” we knew it would tower Everest-like above all others.

Had we a gulp of coffee in our mouth when we heard it, we’d still be cleaning our keyboard.

The proof of this falsehood isn’t hard to find, and it mounts with each passing day. As our Nate Jackson  noted, “[ socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden] signed a whopping 17 executive orders and actions in his first few hours and has followed that up with even more in his first 10 days — the total is close to 40, including at least 25 executive orders.”

Does anyone here believe that this unprecedented onslaught of executive orders works as hard for those who didn’t vote for socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden as it does for those who did? Didn’t think so.

So, what to do? Resist, dagnabbit, resist!

No, we don’t mean taking to the streets like antifa or BLM, and we don’t mean mobbing up and harassing socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration officials like scumbag/worthless-Maxine Waters encouraged her fellow Democrats to do to Donald Trump’s cabinet members. We all know in our gut that those kinds of tactics, that sort of scumbaggery, is beneath us.

What we mean is, we can arm ourselves intellectually, especially in one-to-one and small-group conversations. We can be better informed than the opposition and better able to argue why their policies are so ruinous. And if we don’t have the time or energy to soak up and spit out the details of specific policies, we can focus on a single existential matter — that of free speech. We can announce at every turn that the First Amendment to the Constitution is first for a reason, and we can commit its 45 words to memory and recite them on command just as we can our favorite Scripture.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Resistance, like everything else, is most effective when it’s focused. Rather than reciting a laundry list of complaints, we can continually demand the redress of a single grievance: that of the right to speak freely.

We can and should use the First Amendment as a rhetorical truncheon.

We can remind others that there is shame in censorship. And cowardice in cancelation. And tyranny in both. And, if we’re bold enough, we can venture into town hall meetings and school board meetings and neighborhood association meetings, and we can challenge those in our communities with one simple mic-dropping truth: If they weren’t afraid of losing the argument, they wouldn’t need to censor us.  

~ The Patriot Post


socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden to Resurrect scumbag/liar-nObama's Racist Suburb Regulation

The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration announced last week that it will examine the effects of the Trump administration’s actions on ending the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule (AFFH), the scumbag/liar-nObama-era Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rule secretively created to further the leftist social-engineering scheme designed to effect greater federal control over American suburbs.

In ending the AFFH last July, Donald Trump’s secretary of HUD, Ben Carson, asserted, “The best run communities are the ones run locally. Today, we are tearing down the scumbag/liar-nObama Administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, which was an overreach of unelected Washington bureaucrats into local communities.”

In announcing its own intended reversal, the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration referenced the typical Democrat identity-politics tropes of systemic racism and discrimination as the rationale for its action.

Peter Kirsanow, arguing against the AFFH back in 2017, noted that race was its primary and essentially sole category of measurement. For HUD, fairness is supposed to be addressed via race-neutral means. The AFFH does the opposite by elevating and emphasizing race in determining housing policy.

Power Line’s Paul Mirengoff wrote in July, “[The AFFH] enables the federal government to order more than 1,200 cities and counties that accept any part of annual community development block grants to rezone neighborhoods along income and racial criteria. It thus allows unaccountable federal bureaucrats to dictate who lives where, in order to create racially and economically balanced neighborhoods. It effectively abolishes self-government in the suburbs.”

No wonder the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is looking to resurrect this dangerous and Liberty-threatening rule. And all in the name of “equity.”   ~ The Patriot Post


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March for Life

Yesterday was one of my favorite days of the year — the annual March for Life. Every year hundreds of thousands of people come to Washington, DC — in January! — to march for the sanctity of life. That tells you something about the dedication of the pro-life movement.

This year, however, was different. Like so many recent events, this year’s March for Life took place virtually. But it has never been more important for pro-life Americans to make their voices heard, and our activism will not end.

Sadly, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris administration is already proving to be the most pro-abortion administration in history. But it is its policies that are extreme and divisive, and most Americans reject them. For example:

  • While socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden supports abortion on demand, 76% of Americans support “significant restrictions” on abortions. Only 15% believe abortion should be allowed at any time during all nine months of pregnancy.

  • 77% of Americans oppose the use of federal tax dollars to subsidize abortions overseas.

  • 58% oppose using federal tax dollars to subsidize abortions here at home through scumbag/liar- nObamacare, Medicaid, or Planned Parenthood.

  • 70% oppose aborting a baby just because it has Down syndrome.

If socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden were serious about unity, there’s plenty of common ground to be found in promoting pro-life policies. And I am pleased to report that 200 House Republicans have signed a letter to the congressional leadership urging them to protect the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding of most abortions.

Unfortunately, today’s Democrat Party will not tolerate any compromise on the issue of abortion. Last year, Joe Biden reversed his longstanding opposition to taxpayer funding of abortion, and not one House Democrat joined their Republican colleagues in supporting the Hyde Amendment.

More Extremism

socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden has set a record for the number of executive orders and actions issued in the first days of a new administration. He’s now up to 40, and even The New York Times says he’s overdoing it.

Needless to say, he’s covering a lot of ground, even going so far as to ban federal agencies from referring to the coronavirus pandemic as the “China virus” or the “Wuhan virus.” Free speech, anyone?

How deep does your ideology have to go that one of your first orders is to stop government officials from referring to a virus based on where it originated? This goes beyond political correctness. It’s pandering to the Chinese Communist Party.

Just imagine the left’s reaction if a virus had originated in Siberia and Trump issued an order banning references to the “Russian virus.” There would be howls of outrage.

Meanwhile, someone in the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration has apparently decided to prioritize the jihadists at Guantanamo Bay. They will reportedly be vaccinated next week, even though many senior citizens are still waiting for their vaccinations.

Will any reporter ask the White House why terrorist prisoners in Gitmo are getting the vaccine before Americans in nursing homes? This is left-wing virtue signaling of the worst kind. Whoever came up with this idea should be fired.

If the Pentagon was operating properly, the secretary of defense would have delayed that order until every service member in the Armed Forced had been vaccinated.

Cuomo’s Incompetence

Throughout the past year, we were told that Donald Trump’s incompetence was responsible for the coronavirus pandemic, even though he oversaw the production of multiple vaccines in record time.

Meanwhile, one elected official was consistently held up as the ultimate example of competence: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. And while the media worshipped Cuomo, he was accusing the president of bungling and lying.

In fact, just this week, Cuomo was on MSNBC bashing President Trump again, saying, “Incompetent government kills people. More people died than needed to die in COVID. That’s the truth.”

Well, Cuomo would certainly know all about that. He is speaking from his own experience.

He not only insisted, in the name of equity and non-discrimination, that nursing homes had to accept COVID patients, he lied about the number of nursing patients who died as a direct result of his incompetence.

New York’s attorney general released a damning report Thursday after discovering that Cuomo “cooked the books” to undercount the true number of New York’s nursing home COVID deaths by as much as 50%.

Tragically, the actions of one incompetent governor got a lot of people killed. He should resign immediately.

Speaking of incompetent government, I must remind you that President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s nominee to be assistant secretary of the massive Health and Human Services Department also forced COVID patients into Pennsylvania’s nursing homes. Every senator should oppose Dr. Levin’s confirmation if for no other reason than that demonstration of utter incompetence.

Government Hypocrisy

The Capitol Hill Police and many liberal politicians are now demanding major security upgrades for their protection after the violence that broke out on Capitol Hill earlier this month.

While that may not be an entirely unreasonable request, I was stunned by the call for “permanent fencing” around the Capitol. How many times have liberals told us that “fences and walls don’t work”?

So, we can’t have a fence or a wall to secure our border and preserve the safety of border communities, but members of Congress can have a fence for their safety. Gangs, criminal aliens, and drug dealers can come into the country, but the American people have to be kept out of the Capitol.

Good News

    • President Trump had a positive meeting Thursday with House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, and he promised to help Republicans retake the House and Senate in 2022.

    • Republican governors and legislators are moving in several states to make election reform a top priority. We are working with allied organizations to ensure that “emergency measures” invoked during the pandemic are rolled back.

    • There is a growing backlash to the decision of the San Francisco School Board to purge the names of American heroes from area schools. An online petition seeking to reverse the board’s decision has so far attracted more than 9,000 signatures. If you live in the immediate area, call the School Board at (415) 241-6000. Politely, but firmly, express your opposition and urge them to reconsider.   ~ The Patriot Post

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