socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden's Opaque Border 'Transparency'


Ever since socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden reversed Donald Trump’s successful border-enforcement policies, hordes of migrants have rushed to illegally cross into the U.S., creating a humanitarian crisis that is fast threatening to spiral entirely out of control. The few available visuals show scenes of overcrowding conditions with minors kept in cages facilities where they are sleeping and covering nearly every square inch of available floorspace.

Even still, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden- lowlife/liar-Harris administration continues to insist that the border crisis is no crisis at all — that it’s merely a “challenge” over which it has complete control. However, to continue presenting this fraudulent narrative, the administration has increasingly worked to prevent news and especially images of the crisis from getting out to the American public.

Just last week, a delegation of 18 senators visited the border to ascertain the conditions of the holding facilities. During the visit, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) attempted to take pictures and video footage of the kids in cages facilities when a member of Customs and Border Protection stopped him, insisting that he “respect” the dignity of the migrants.

Republican Senator Mike Braun (IN) was asked to delete his photos. Braun explained, “There was one of Biden’s representatives. I felt sorry for the lady because she actually talked to me about deleting a picture, but by the time she got to me, all those other pictures were taken, and that shows you the hypocrisy. None of us would have gone down there if we were going to be muzzled.” He observed that Border Patrol officials were only asking that no photos be taken “because they had to.”

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, who has repeatedly touted the transparency of his administration, was asked last week when the press would have access to the border facilities. “I will commit when my plan, very shortly, is underway to let you have access to not just them, but to other facilities as well,” he equivocated. He added, “I will commit to transparency … as soon as I am in a position to be able to implement what we are doing right now.”

A reporter pressed a bit, asking, “And just to be clear: How soon will that be, Mr. President?” to which socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden retorted, “I don’t know, to be clear.”

When the question was raised again on Friday during the White House press briefing — with a reporter inferring that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden “will let more cameras in once [he’s] satisfied with the conditions” — Press Secretary liar-Jen Psaki responded, “That’s not actually what he meant.” She then explained, “What he was conveying is, right now, his focus is on moving these kids out of these Border Patrol facilities — right? — and making sure it’s done in a way that keeps them safe and keeps everyone safe.”

In other words, you’re not allowed to see our messy room until we clean it up. That’s not how transparency works.

Even Fox News’s Chris Wallace took the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration to task over its lack of transparency, observing that Team socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is “less transparent” than the Trump administration. But Fox isn’t the only mainstream media outlet being denied access. CBS News’s Margaret Brennan  explained that the network had to use photos provided by Democrat Representative Henry Cuellar (TX) “because journalists are being blocked largely by the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden administration from bringing our own cameras inside to do firsthand reporting.”

And there is still no word on when socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s newly appointed border czar, lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris, plans to visit the border.

Finally, the Government Accountability Office opened an investigation into whether socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s order halting funding for the construction of the border wall violated the law. The request to investigate was made by more than 70 GOP members of Congress who argue that socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s EO was “a blatant violation of federal law and infringe on Congress’ constitutional power of the purse.”

Indeed, it turns out the only wall socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is building is the one between his administration and the American people.  

~The Patriot Post


More Illegal Immigrant Blood on socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden

There were more border deaths last week — the direct result of the Demos’ open-border debacle — meaning more blood on  socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s hands and those of his inept “border czar” and administration puppeteer, lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris.

While promising transparency, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration officials continue to enforce his news blackout on the devastating consequences of their illegal immigrant invitation to come one, come all — resulting in, among other things, more “kids in cages.”

But the administration could not conceal the death of a nine-year-old girl who drowned in the Rio Grande River while trying to illegally enter the U.S. with her mother and little sister. Border Patrol agents found the three migrants washed up unconscious on the Mexican side of the river. Attempts to revive the mother and her three-year-old were successful, but the older child did not regain consciousness.

The death of this and other migrants is tragic, which takes a toll on our Border Patrol personnel who are on the front lines of the  socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris border disaster every day. El Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Austin Skero noted, “We extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of this small child. During these hard times, our agents remain resilient, and I am extremely proud of their efforts to preserve human life.”

Recall that as a result of Biden’s open-border invitation, in recent weeks there were eight illegal immigrants killed in a human trafficker’s vehicle, and 13 were killed in another trafficker’s vehicle.

The blood of these poor souls is on socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden’s hands because, as policy analyst Stephen Miller notes, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s immigration policies are “morally monstrous” and “indefensible.”

Despite the fact that Trump administration policies  dramatically curbed illegal immigration, in 2019 the Demo Leftmedia publicists attempted to blame Donald Trump for two Rio Grande deaths. But don’t expect them to hang the surging number of illegal immigrant deaths around Biden’s neck, even though he is directly responsible for that surge.

The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden border rush will increase in April, as will the humanitarian crisis it has created. But what matters most to socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, lowlife/liar-Harris, and their socialist Democrat Party cadre is the surge of illegal immigrant votes in future elections.

There are now an estimated 16.5 million to 29.1 million illegal immigrant in our nation — competing for the jobs of U.S. citizens and putting enormous downward pressure on the wages of American workers.  ~The Patriot Post


Quid Pro Joe Manchin?

There are effectively two people standing between Democrats and eliminating the Senate filibuster: Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ). Both are feeling intense pressure to bow to the wishes of radical Democrats.

“The pressure that we are going to put on Sinema and Manchin is calling [the filibuster] racist and saying that they are, in effect, supporting racism,” the race-baiting “Reverend” Al Sharpton admitted recently. “Why would they be wedded to something that has those results? Their voters need to know that.”

Our Lewis Morris recently covered this push to characterize the filibuster as “racist.” Suffice it to say, as Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) put it, Democrats “use the word ‘racist’ whenever they are trying to scare people into their corner.”

There’s been another card dealt, and that’s the cushy job just handed to Manchin’s wife Gayle. For $160,000 a year (if she takes the salary), she’ll serve as federal co-chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission. Much of the speculation regarding this possible quid pro quo centers on Manchin’s decisive vote two days earlier to advance the nomination of Colin Kahl as undersecretary of defense for policy.

The Washington Free Beacon reports, “Pro-Israel groups and West Virginia legislators had urged Manchin to oppose Kahl, citing his extensive involvement in the Iran nuclear deal, his opposition to Iran sanctions, and his criticism of pro-Israel policies. The White House and Democratic operatives also lobbied Manchin heavily to support Kahl.”

But make no mistake: Manchin is under intense pressure over the filibuster. It could be a public relations disaster to vote on the filibuster too soon after his wife landed her job, though with a lickspittle press always ready to carry water for Democrats, it’s not unthinkable. And favors like this job — or pressure like the racist label — will continue to come Machin’s way.

That’s why the best solution for Republicans might be, as Mark Alexander recently argued, for Donald Trump to take his 39-point win in West Virginia and make the case to Machin’s constituents that it’s time for a change.   ~The Patriot Post


Our Special Ops Get Woke

If you think socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s efforts to debilitate and demoralize our Armed Forces have gone far enough, you’ve grossly underestimated the Left’s desire to ruin everything it touches. Not even our vaunted Special Forces are being spared.

“USSOCOM welcomes our new Chief of Diversity & Inclusion, Mr. Richard Torres-Estrada,” said last Thursday’s tweet from U.S. Special Operations Command. “We look forward to his contribution in enhancing the capabilities and effectiveness of SOF through diversity of talent, helping us recruit the best of the best. #QuietProfessionals”

Our nation’s Special Operations Command oversees Delta Force, the Navy SEAL teams, and the rest of our best-trained and most lethal warfighters. So it’s no surprise that this new-hire announcement reads more like a hostage video.

SOCOM’s Instagram post is even more depressing, as we learn that the new guy, Mr. Torres-Estrada, has “nearly two decades worth of experience working diversity and inclusion programs and activities in federal agencies.” Strangely absent from the post are any details about Mr. Torres-Estrada’s experience in the U.S. military generally or in Special Ops particularly. Clearly, he doesn’t have any. We also learn that his arrival is of a piece with “the publication of the USSOCOM [Diversity and Inclusion] Strategic Plan, which will guide the enterprise-wide effort to institutionalize and sustain D&I.”

Translation: Diversity and inclusion are now necessary preconditions for our elite warfighters’ ability to conduct reconnaissance, counterterrorism, hostage rescue and recovery, and other highly demanding activities.

No longer is it sufficient to be the best of the best. Going forward, our special operators must now be woke — with proficiency and lethality now trumped by race and gender identity. As the Strategic Plan itself says, our Special Forces must now “create enduring organizational change by developing comprehensive inclusive environments, policies, processes, and procedures while divesting of harmful cultural norms, narratives, processes, and procedures that diminish diversity and inclusion.”

As if the hiring of a non-military bureaucrat weren’t bad enough, Torres-Estrada is an ardent hater of Donald Trump. Last summer, he snidely commented on social media, “Here I leave this and slowly retire (to continue working from home)…” over a two-sided picture: President Donald Trump holding a Bible on one side and on the other a photo of — who else — a book-holding Adolf Hitler.

In addition, Torres-Estrada posted this meme, with denigrating quotes from Trump’s former advisers. He added the caption, “I just have to post this.”

A quick scroll through the comments thread beneath SOCOM’s Twitter post shows that we aren’t alone in our revulsion. “As a retired USAF Lt Col,” tweeted one commenter, “I find this is despicable & how Generals care not about readiness but allowing a waste product like this to trowel out a tonnage of woke crap all about getting their next star. So glad I’m retired.”

We’re happy that the above officer and others like him got out in the nick of time. The real problem, though, is that the morale and readiness of the Patriot men and women currently in uniform will be seriously harmed by the “woke” garbage being heaped upon them by an America-hating commander-in-chief and his social engineers.   ~The Patriot Post


lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris 'Empowers' Serial Predator scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton

What does a total lack of self-awareness look like? lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris taking part in a women’s empowerment seminar … with scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton.

The event, which took place last Friday, was hosted by the scumbag/liar-Clinton Foundation and featured the two speaking one-on-one at lowlife/liar-Harris’s alma mater, Howard University. Other luminaries in attendance included Stacey Abrams, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, Howard University President Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick, scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton, Chelsea scumbag/liar-Clinton, and college students from around the world.

According to a press release, the scumbag/liar-Clinton Global Initiative’s (CGI) 13th annual event focused on “the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, and empowering women and girls in the U.S. and around the world, restoring faith in democracy, environmental justice, and creating systemic change.”

Funny how systemic change looked depressingly familiar — as in the scumbag/liar-Clinton family still searching for relevancy and decency — in a world that has since moved on.

Such is only possible in a nation where revisionist history reigns supreme. It’s been a long time since scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton sat in the Oval Office, and millions of younger Americans are only dimly aware of the former president’s sordid past — one that included allegations of rape by Juanita Broaddrick and sexual misconduct by three other women over the course of decades; a sexual dalliance with White House intern Monica Lewinsky that scumbag/liar-Clinton initially lied about to the nation until her semen-stained dress forced his hand; and an association with convicted pedophile and sex-trafficking billionaire Jeffrey Epstein that included several flights on Epstein’s private jet, where passengers were allegedly provided young girls for sex.

Unsurprisingly, some of those allegedly victimized by scumbag/liar-Clinton were furious. Virginia Giuffre, who was one of Epstein’s sex-trafficking victims, led the charge. “Wow!! [Harris is] asking scumbag/liar-Clinton how to empower women???” she tweeted last Wednesday. “Wrong person, what she should be asking him is what the hell was scumbag/liar-Clinton doing on #Epstein island & private jets 27 TIMES!!” (That’s an assertion, by the way, that the “fact-checkers” love “debunking” because there’s no record of scumbag/liar-Clinton landing on the island.)

Juanita Broaddrick was equally incensed, and not just by scumbag/liar-Clinton. “Is this a f—ing joke? This pervert …….. who raped me….is going to talk about empowering women….with a woman who spread her legs for power,” she tweeted.

Leslie Millwee, who also accused the former president of sexual assault, was likewise astonished. “He is going to get up on a stage and tell us about how to be empowered?” she exclaimed. “I truly can’t think of anything more brazen. I think this goes to show you the political power that the scumbag/liar-Clintons still have.”

Millwee also took lowlife/liar-Harris to task for her blatant hypocrisy, noting that in April 2019, the then-senator  stated she believed allegations made by Tara Reade, who accused socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden of sexual assault. “It goes back a lot to partisan politics and I hate to keep bringing that up, but I think that’s crux of it,” Millwee added. “It’s brazen. This man has gotten by with so much in the last 50 or 60 years. And I think it goes back to a power entitlement. He feels like he can do whatever he wants. Nothing’s going to get in this way, and he’s going to bulldoze his way through anything he wants to.”

lowlife/liar-Harris apparently feels that same entitlement. “lowlife/liar-Harris pursued unsubstantiated accusations of sexual misconduct against [Brett] Kavanaugh, even introducing a letter from a ‘Jane Doe’ who claimed that youthful Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her ‘several times’ after offering her a lift home from a party,” Breitbart News reported last August. “She earned condemnation for a deceptively-edited video in which she claimed Kavanaugh opposed birth control.”

lowlife/liar-Harris, who said she was in favor of Kavanaugh’s impeachment after he was confirmed, has also conspicuously avoided commenting on Democrat New York Governor scumbag/liar-Andrew Cuomo’s alleged harassment of several women. This despite her alleged support for the #MeToo movement.

Support — or lack thereof — that is apparently determined by one’s political affiliation.

Reade also pounded lowlife/liar-Harris. “The most amazing thing about the elite Democrats is both the hypocrisy and arrogance wrapped in lack of self awareness,” she tweeted. “ scumbag/liar-Bill Clinton is going to discuss girls and women with lowlife/liar-Kamala Harris Friday… Really? Seriously?”

It’s not just elite Democrats. A number of prominent women’s groups, including Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List, the Women’s March, Time’s Up Now, the Center for Reproductive Rights, the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), and the American Civil Liberties Union — all of whom were quite vocal about their support for Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford — were contacted for comment by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

None of them responded to repeated requests made last Wednesday.

So what’s really going on here? Why would America’s first female vice president, who appears destined to be commander-in-chief sooner rather than later, take on such unnecessary political baggage? Washington Times columnist Kelly Sadler provides astute speculation, all of which boils down to what every politician is interested in doing — as in getting aboard the donor gravy train, with a large dollop of quid pro quos thrown in to make the scumbag/liar-Clintons happy as well.

Despite being despised by many working-class Americans, “Mrs. lowlife/liar-Harris had more billionaire donors than any other Democratic candidate running for president last year,” Sadler explains.

And as Jacobin magazine reported, those donors included Salesforce’s Marc Benioff, Amazon general counsel David Zapolsky, Microsoft president Brad Smith, LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman, Dropbox CEO Drew Houston, Oracle NetSuite executives Evan Goldberg and Dorian Daley, Cisco CFO Kelly Kramer, former Facebook chief security officer Alex Stamos, and venture capitalist John Doerr. As Politico reported, other donors included “Tony Fadell, co-founder of smart thermostat maker Nest; Jony Ive, the design guru at Apple; Sean Parker, the Napster co-founder and former Facebook president; and Brian Chesky, chief executive of Airbnb.”

“So, it makes sense why Mr. scumbag/liar-Clinton would want to tap into her wealthy donor pool and invite Mrs. lowlife/liar-Harris to have a conversation,” Sadler adds. “Given the broad Clinton Foundation donor list, it also makes sense as to why Mrs. Harris agreed. To be sure, this conversation will focus on ‘women’s empowerment,’ but all it’s really about is swapping information on wealthy donors to bulk up both Mrs. lowlife/liar-Harris’ and Mr. scumbag/liar-Clinton’s vast Rolodexes.”

In the world these hypocrites inhabit, that’s all the “women’s empowerment” that really matters.  ~The Patriot Post


Georgia Boosts Election Integrity

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has signed into law an election-reform bill that aims to protect voting integrity and prevent fraud associated with no-ID bulk-mail balloting, as was prevalent in the 2020 election. “Significant reforms to our state elections were needed,” Kemp explained. “There’s no doubt there were many alarming issues with how the election was handled, and those problems, understandably, led to a crisis of confidence in the ballot box here in Georgia.”

Of course, the crisis of confidence in the 2020 election was not limited to Georgia. Democrats exploited the coronavirus pandemic across the nation to push for massive mail-in balloting with few checks in place to guard against fraud. The results proved contentious as millions of Americans had and still have little confidence in the legitimacy of the election results.

Georgia is just the first of several Republican-run states to remedy the election abuses witnessed in 2020. Several sates are lining up to oppose the blatant partisan power grab by congressional Democrats with their HR 1 “election reform” bill — legislation that would nationalize these abuses.

Georgia’s election bill did offer compromises for Democrats. Early voting for both primary and general elections was expanded, as was allowing drop boxes placed in early-voting locations, though these will be accessible only when the sites are open. Voting remains in place on one pre-election Sunday, which was a demand to accommodate black churches. Furthermore, the bill continues to allow no-excuse absentee ballot applications, but these ballots must be matched to ID numbers, eliminating the subjective and contentious process of signature verification. One item the GOP did not compromise on is that in-person voters will need to show IDs, and those who need an ID can get one for free.

Democrats have predictably responded to the bill by crying “voter suppression,” with socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden calling Georgia’s law “un-American” and an “atrocity,” while ridiculously asserting that the legislation “makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle.” They continue to argue that minorities are somehow less capable of getting IDs, which supposedly makes this requirement “racist.”

The truth is this bill is anything but Jim Crow 2.0. If anything, it presents a compromise — something congressional Democrats were unwilling to entertain when they rammed HR 1 through the House on a party-line vote, and something they’re deliberately trying to quash by arguing for eliminating the filibuster in order to pass S 1. Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock routinely deflected on the filibuster question on the campaign trail, but now that he’s seated in the Senate, the filibuster is suddenly a problem and needs to go. That’s Democrat politics in a nutshell.  

~The Patriot Post


Hunter Biden and Our Two-Tiered Justice System

The never-ending saga that is the life of Hunter Biden took another weird and outrageous turn this past week when it was revealed that President socialist/ scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s corrupt and deeply troubled son likely committed a felony by lying on Form 4473, a federal background check document that prospective firearms purchasers must fill out prior to the actual purchase.

According to Politico, Biden answered “no” in response to the question, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” The background check was administered on the Firearms Transaction Record that Biden filled out in order to purchase a .38 revolver in October 2018.

How did all this information come about just now? The Politico authors note: “The gun-store incident occurred during a period after Hunter Biden’s administrative discharge from the Naval Reserves for his positive cocaine test and his subsequent divorce from his first wife, Kathleen. At the time of the gun incident, Hunter was in a romantic relationship with Hallie, the widow of his late brother, Beau. The incident began when Hallie searched Hunter’s pickup, which was parked at her home in Wilmington, because of unspecified ‘suspicions she had,’ according to the Delaware State Police report. Inside the truck, she found a .38 revolver. Hallie took the gun to Janssen’s Market, a nearby high-end grocery store where the Bidens are longtime regular customers. There, she tossed the gun, wrapped in a black shopping bag, into a trash bin outside of the store.”

Later, after Hallie revealed to Hunter what she’d done, he demanded that she return to the store and retrieve the gun from the trash. But when she did so, the gun was gone.

The story gets even stranger though — if that’s possible — because the Secret Service intervened on Hunter’s behalf. And that would be a no-no, because the Delaware State Police and the FBI were already involved, having been alerted to the situation by the store’s general manager after Hallie told the store what had happened.

According to two people familiar with the incident, while police were questioning Hunter and Hallie, two Secret Service agents arrived at the store where Hunter had purchased the gun. The agents showed their badges and identification cards to the gun store’s owner and asked to take possession of the Firearms Transaction Record that Hunter had filled out to buy the gun. The store owner, though, rightly refused to hand over the transaction record, because he knew the documentation fell under the purview of the ATF, not the Secret Service.

Stranger still, the New York Post reports, “The Secret Service denied any role in investigating the missing gun. ‘U.S. Secret Service records confirm that the agency did not provide protection to any member of the socialist/ scumbag/liar-Biden family in 2018, and that the Secret Service had no involvement in this alleged incident,’ the agency said.”

Someone’s lying. Because text messages from Hunter Biden indicate that the Secret Service did indeed intervene. Who was covering for him? And why hasn’t Biden been charged with a felony for falsifying a federal firearms document? The socialist/scumbag/liar-Bidens are very adept at concealing corruption, so we may not get an answer.

Eric Trump, a longtime hunting and firearms enthusiast, notes, “If that was … anybody in the Trump family, and we lied on a federal form, we’d be in jail for the rest of our lives. … He lied on multiple questions. It wasn’t just the drug question. He lied on multiple questions. And I think a lot of people … in this country are sick and tired of the unequal scales of justice.”

It is clear that there is a two-tiered justice system, especially when it comes to powerful Democrats.

As former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy writes, “The basis for a criminal investigation of Hunter Biden … was already considerable before the sudden emergence of the apparent false statement on the firearms form. Though the latter is serious in its own right, we should not allow it to overshadow the former. Attorney General Merrick Garland vowed that there would be a single standard of justice, applied to all Americans, with politics kept out of prosecutorial decision-making.”

Indeed, we can only hope that AG Garland is a man of integrity — and a man of his word. But we’re not holding our breath.   ~The Patriot Post


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So Much for Mr. Nice Guy

During President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s press conference Thursday, a left-wing PBS reporter suggested that because socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is such a nice guy, migrants now feel welcome to come to America. And that’s why our border is so overwhelmed right now.

The reporter was expressing something that many people believed, including many young Christians who voted for socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden. I think it should be obvious by now that socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is not a nice guy.

A nice guy who becomes president doesn’t come into office eager to ensure that there are more abortions in America this year than last year. A nice guy doesn’t force Americans who find abortion morally repugnant to pay for what we know is the taking of innocent life.

Race baiting is when someone exploits race for political advantage by smearing their opponents. Nice guys don’t do that. But that’s what socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden did last year when he repeatedly lied by claiming that President Trump had praised neo-Nazis. He did not!

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden did it again at the press conference when he suggested that Americans who support voter ID laws are morally the same as segregationists. For the record, 75% of all Americans support voter ID laws, including 69% of black Americans. But “Mr. Nice Guy” just blasted three-fourths of the country as bigots.

A nice guy doesn’t wipe away all the safeguards at the border, causing a massive human tragedy. A nice guy would not block the media from visiting border facilities so we can’t see what’s happening.

A nice guy doesn’t tell the big lie that Donald Trump threw five year-olds out of America to starve on the other side of the border. That’s a disgusting slander. Nice guys don’t do that, but socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden did do that in his press conference.

Here’s another lie. socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden insisted that most migrants were being sent back to Mexico. Really? If that’s true, then why are we flying migrants to processing centers on the Canadian border? If that’s true, then why are our detention facilities at 700% capacity or more?

It’s not true. And, according to the liberal media outlet Axios, only 13% of migrant families are being returned to Mexico.

I hope Americans who voted for socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden are beginning to realize that he is clearly not a nice guy.

A closing thought. As I noted yesterday, that press conference was difficult to watch. But we weren’t the only ones watching. The whole world saw that press conference. I can only imagine what they must be saying today in Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran.


I want to focus on another comment socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden made, which I thought was very revealing.

Asked about his plans in four years, and whether he could be running against Donald Trump for reelection, the guy who claims he wants to bring us together launched another sarcastic attack on Trump. But then he said this: “I have no idea whether there’ll be a Republican Party [in four years]. Do you?”

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s quip got a few chuckles from the liberal reporters, but it wasn’t sarcasm. The radical agenda socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, lowlife/liar-Harris, scumbag/liar-Pelosi, and scumbag/liar-Schumer are pushing is designed to turn America into a one-party state.

Many of the reporters were also pushing that agenda. They repeatedly questioned socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden on whether or not he had the guts to eliminate the filibuster so Democrats could ram through their radical agenda.

In fact, there were no questions about COVID or when our schools might fully reopen. But the filibuster was mentioned 27 times!

And the signals socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden gave made it clear that he is willing to blow up the Senate so scumbag/liar-Schumer and scumbag/liar-Pelosi — with a 50/50 Senate and a razor-thin majority in the House — can achieve Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s dream of “fundamentally transforming America.”

socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden is not trying to unite the country, my friends. Not when he calls 75% of Americans who support commonsense election reforms bigots!

socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden and lowlife/liar-Harris know America is not racist. Quite the opposite. We have elected a black president and a black vice president.

But they also know that no American wants to be called a racist, and that’s exactly why they keep labeling half the country as racists. They are trying to smear conservatives, hoping the label will stick, hoping to destroy the conservative movement.

Most Americans oppose amnesty and the open-borders agenda. But socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden is not trying to unite the country when he ignores public opinion. The border crisis is not a mistake. It is key to the left’s desire to transform the country with millions of migrants.

They need new voters to tip enough states so that it will be impossible for a conservative to ever be elected president again.

They want HR 1 in order to nationalize elections and institutionalize all the illegal changes that occurred last year like massive mail-in balloting with no voter identification.

They want the Green New Deal to fundamentally transform the American economy and implement their socialist agenda.

So Nice Guy socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe let the cat out of the bag. The left believes this is its moment to destroy the conservative movement, eliminate the GOP, and transform America into a socialist nation.

The Border Crisis Is Real

Some commentators on the left are dismissing the border crisis as a “right-wing talking point.” It’s not. Senator Susan Collins, one of the most liberal Republicans in the Senate, toured the border Thursday night and tweeted this:

“Border Patrol is overwhelmed, overworked, & discouraged by new policies. Agents took us through a dangerous path to the Rio Grande where we could hear the Cartel members taunting us across the river. Human trafficking, child abuse, & drug smuggling are rampant. This is a crisis.”

Common Sense Prevails

I am pleased to report that Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed legislation into law that implements several important commonsense reforms that will restore integrity to Georgia’s election process. Here are some of the key elements of the new law:

  • Voter ID will be required when requesting and submitting absentee ballots.

  • The use of ballot drop boxes will be limited.

  • State bureaucrats are restricted from entering into so-called “consent decrees” that change election laws.

  • It prevents private groups like Mark Zuckerberg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life from funding official elections activities.

You can read more about these commonsense changes here.

Chag Sameach — A Joyous Festival

Tonight, Jews all over the world will celebrate the miracle of Passover, commemorating the liberation of their people from ancient Egypt.

The Book of Exodus tells us that Moses was sent by God to tell Pharaoh to “Let my people go.” When Pharaoh refused, a series of plagues were inflicted on the Egyptian people. Through it all, Pharaoh’s heart hardened and he still refused to end the bondage of the Jews.

The final plague that God used to free the Jews from Pharaoh and Egyptian captivity was to kill all the firstborn males.

Forewarned by God, Jews marked their doors with the blood of a lamb, and, as a result, He passed over their homes. Pharaoh finally relented and released the Hebrew people. (Exodus, Chapter 12.) God told the Jewish people to mark the day as a memorial day and to observe it as a feast to the Lord forever.

God was with His people then as He liberated the Jews of Egypt and led them to the promised land of Israel. He is with them now.

To all of our Jewish friends, Chag Sameach, a joyous festival!   ~The Patriot Post


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The New York Times Can't Get Basic Facts Right on Election Reform

Not surprisingly, The New York Times is pushing liberal talking points when it falsely asserts in an article from Tuesday that reforms by state legislatures to remedy the vulnerabilities in their election laws are “voting restrictions.”

Trying to guarantee the fairness and integrity of the election process, when polling shows a large number of Americans have lost confidence in the security of our system, isn’t “rolling back access to voting,” as the Times put it. It is ensuring that every eligible voter is able to vote, and that their vote isn’t stolen or diluted due to errors or fraud.

What does The New York Times categorize as a “voting restriction” that is “rolling back access to voting”? One example, according to the Times, is a new Arizona law just signed into law by Gov. Doug Ducey that “requires the secretary of state to compare death records with voter registrations.”

If you want to make sure that fraudsters can take advantage of a registered voter who is deceased in order to submit a counterfeit ballot in that voter’s name, you could, we suppose, call this a “voting restriction.” But we bet that most people would think that “rolling back access to voting” by dead people is probably a good idea.

Examples of this and other types of fraud, which the Times asserts is just “voter fraud dogma,” as if it doesn’t exist, can be found in The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database, which contains over 1,300 proven cases of fraud.

In 2020 in Paterson, New Jersey, and in 2018 in the 9th Congressional District of North Carolina, political operatives committed such massive voter fraud that judges ordered new elections. We doubt voters there believe election fraud is just “dogma.”

The Times credits our two organizations, The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action, and our list of election integrity best practices published Feb. 1, for some of the changes that Arizona adopted. This list of recommendations was based on years of research and experience in the administration of elections.

If Arizona followed our recommendation that states complete “monthly comparisons of the statewide voter registration list with … state vital records” to identify voters who are deceased, we are happy that they did so.

In fact, we hope Arizona and other states that are pursuing election reforms follow all of our recommendations, which are intended to ensure accurate, up-to-date voter registration lists.

That includes not just verifying and comparing voter registration lists with state death records. It also means doing the same thing with the databases maintained by state motor vehicle departments; state corrections departments (to check for felons whose ability to vote has been taken away); and state welfare and public assistance agencies, to find information relevant to registration, such as address changes, deaths, citizenship status, or other factors affecting eligibility.

When it comes to voter ID laws, the Times just can’t help itself in pushing the false and insulting liberal canard that such laws restrict access and prevent members of the public, particularly minority voters, from being able to vote. The Times can’t admit that voter ID requirements are overwhelmingly supported by voters, no matter their race or the political party with which they are affiliated.

Every state, including Georgia, that has put in a voter ID requirement provides a free ID to anyone who doesn’t already have one. Numerous studies, such as one released in 2019 by the National Bureau of Economic Research, have shown that ID laws do not “suppress” turnout, which is supported by more than 10 years of actual turnout data from states that have these laws in place.

That includes Georgia, where turnout — including of black and Hispanic voters — went up dramatically after a photo ID law became effective.

Of course, you wouldn’t know that, since The New York Times story claims that Georgia’s voter ID law was “ruled discriminatory in 2005.” What the paper of record fails to explain is that the only provision of Georgia’s ID law that a court didn’t like was a requirement that a voter sign a form declaring he was “indigent” in order to get the free ID.

The state quickly changed that so a voter can now simply request a free ID, a minor blip that made no substantive change in the ID law.

The court then dismissed the claim that the ID law was discriminatory, pointing out that in two years of litigation pursued by Common Cause and the American Civil Liberties Union, were unable to produce a single Georgian who would “be prevented from voting” due to the ID requirement.

That is why it is dishonest for the Times — and other outlets such as CNN, The Washington Post, the Associated Press, and a host of others — to keep pushing the false claim that requiring an ID for voting in-person or absentee, one of our basic recommendations that Georgia took up, is somehow “restrictive” or will prevent “access to voting.”

Average Americans agree with us on this issue, no doubt because they need an ID almost every day to buy a beer, cash a check, buy a cold remedy at the pharmacy, board an airplane, and get vaccinated for COVID-19.

The Times mischaracterizes many of our other recommendations, trying to cast them in a sinister light. It says our proposals include “preventing ballot collection.” The Times doesn’t want to explain that we seek only to prevent the collection of absentee ballots by political operatives, campaign staffers, and other strangers who have a stake in the outcome of the election.

Giving political operatives access to ballots puts them in a position to coerce and pressure voters and to change, alter, or fail to deliver a ballot. We fully support allowing family members and caregivers helping voters deliver their absentee ballots, but giving third-party strangers — vote traffickers — that ability is a reckless, dangerous policy.

It is true that we want to give greater access to election observers, but why in the world would the Times think that is somehow a “restriction” or a “rollback” of voting rights?

The Times says we want to give greater access to “partisan” election observers. But the reporters must have missed the sentence where we say states should provide complete access to observers from “political parties, candidates, and third-party organizations” — that includes supposedly non-partisan “news” organizations such as the Times.

Transparency is essential to guaranteeing the democratic process and maintaining public confidence in the fairness of our elections. That is why our State Department is constantly sending observer teams to countries all around the world and why every state has laws allowing observers.

Apparently, the Times disagrees with that and thinks elections should be conducted under a veil of secrecy. While that may be true with regard to the secrecy of the ballot, it should not be true of any other part of an election.

The goal of our best practices recommendations is to ensure access to the polls for every eligible citizen, and a fair and secure voting and counting process that minimizes errors, mistakes, and fraud. We want a system in which the public trusts the outcome of every election, even when the favored candidate loses.

It is unfortunate that The New York Times doesn’t seem to have the same goal.   ~The Patriot Post


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