

In the name of environmentalism, many on the left have proposed switching the nation’s energy from reliable fossil fuels to new green energy sources that rely on the good fortune of clear skies and proper wind velocity to power America.

As if that weren’t enough cause to hesitate to indulge in such wishful thinking, another vulnerability has become painfully apparent as a third of the contiguous U.S. was plunged into subzero temperatures Monday due to a polar vortex weather pattern, according to CNN.

Not only have freezing temperatures created an excessive draw on the power grid as residents struggle to keep warm, but generating electricity has also become a major issue for areas that rely on sources such as solar and wind power.

In Texas, freezing temperatures and winter precipitation have caused some of the state’s wind turbines to seize up, costing 12,000 megawatts in power on an already taxed state grid, according to the Austin American-Statesman.

In addition, The Dallas Morning News reported that 2 million Texans did not have power Monday due to the stress on the state’s power supply and the necessary implementation of rolling blackouts.

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  • The Democrats need to know that

  • The Green New Deal has plunged thousands of people into cold darkness in Texas. It's bad enough the wind turbines slaughter birds every day, but freezing to a total stoppage is unacceptable. I wonder how many people with electric heat will have frozen busted water pipes when the temperature rises? I'm sure the total damages will be in the millions, mostly imposed upon the homeowners. I'll keep my oil and gas thank you. I am not opposed to nuclear either, but my truck still needs gas to run and I cannot afford to replace it with an electric vehichle. Don't electric vehichles still need lubricating greases and oils?

  • Oil works everything "green" just doesn't. Environmentalism is a phony made up religion. It's basically for atheists to have something to believe in. 

    • Do you know who the biggest contributors to environmentalism are?  The Big Energy Companies... they use them to manipulate supply by getting the government to respond to their insanity as necessary to keep supplies and refining capacity low... thus keeping prices for petroleum products high.

  • Trump had the right idea when he supported fossil fuel. It's the right idea for energy, for labor, for business, and for the environment.

  • whoever decides to shut off peoples's electrical power needs to be an elected official. rolling blackouts need to have rule like : maximum time they can last and being notified that it's going to happen. 

    • Rolling blackouts are not necessary...  building more nuclear power plants on an expedited track can save the need for such non-sense.  Nuclear wastes are no longer a problem... recycling wastes into reuseable fuel rods is now a viable and common process.  The problem is phony... rigged shortages by Big Oil and Energy to boost profits at consumer expense.  It is time to build a few hundred modern nuclear power plants to replace all coal and oil-fired plants... keep our hydro-electric and existing solar and wind plants.... add nuclear power plants wherever needed and watch the cost and availability of electricity suddenly expand to meet private and commercial uses... CHEAPLY.  

      Oops, the BIG ENERGY COMPANIES will not allow it... they will scream it is unsafe, dirty, and costly.... paying environmental groups to protest against the plant's construction and paying politicians to keep the plants from being built.  Big Energy is engaged in price-fixing and Anti-Trust criminal conduct... they need to be broken up into smaller less powerful corporations and it needs to happen quickly.  Dollar a gallon gasoline is possible if we go to all nuclear, hydro, and alternative energy sources (wind and solar).


  • Hide it of course.  Or else they will claim it is a once in a lifetime occurrence and nothing to be concerned about.  I have news for them, it may be unusual for the southern states to have freezing weather in the winter months, we who live up north experience it every winter. 

    Dems are dopes!

  • Rolling blackouts for lack of power and Biden issues an EO to terminate federal leases and the XL Pipeline... the government in DC should have to live in the snow... cut the power to the White House and Congress every time anyone in this nation experiences a power shortage... do it.  Tell the President and members of Congress they must do their share to save the environment... if they want to limit fossil fuels, they must stop using electricity or heat sources, anytime a single individual in the US is deprived of energy because of their policies.

    Shut down all AC, Heat, Lights, and electronic devices in DC every time a city in the USA experiences a blackout or brownout due to energy shortages... The USA has the world's largest fossil fuel energy reserves in the world and any shortage is CONTRIVED.... either by Congress or BIG ENERGY. Big Energy is not innocent in this debacle .. they are trying to drive out small energy companies, and they want to drive up the costs of energy by claiming they must reduce production based on US Energy policy... instead of their GREED.  Make no mistake it is greed on the part of big energy as much as it is Biden.

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