The Political Myth of 'Nice'

Democrats suck

Michelle Obama kicked off the first night of the Democrat’s national convention with a familiar refrain referring to President Trump. It’s always some version of the same song - this time an unplugged and prerecorded version that resulted in a 30 percent decline in viewership from four years ago.  Donald Trump isn’t empathetic. Donald Trump doesn’t “feel your pain.”  Donald Trump just isn’t nice.

 For a few election cycles, this almost childlike refrain has always been at the heart of the Democrats’ message to voters.  “We’re nice and they’re mean.”  Does it work?  Time will tell, but any notion the opposition to Donald Trump is like a warm hug from your grandma is as laughable as their latest manufactured mailbox scandal.  

What is nice about the videos you’ve seen of the looting and burning of stores across the country? What is nice about a full-frontal assault on law enforcement? Is nice found in the desecration of federal monuments and buildings, statues and murals? Is nice blocking traffic, and in some cases literally dragging people out of their cars and beating them within an inch of their lives?  

“Nice” on the American left is no more sincere today than it was the days, weeks, and months after Donald Trump won the election of 2016.  Remember the signs in the yards of your Hillary voting neighbors? “Hate has no home here.” Those signs effectively communicated to everyone in their neighborhood and to passersby – if you voted for Trump you’re not welcome here.  That’s not very nice. 

Of course it wasn’t nice when Mrs. Clinton referred to the president's supporters as “deplorables” before the election.  It wasn’t nice when the “p*ssy hat” brigade led by the likes of Madonna marched on the mall after the election declaring she’d “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”  It wasn’t nice when Brett Kavanaugh was accused of rape during his Supreme Court confirmation without a shred of evidence.  It wasn’t nice when high school student Nicholas Sandmann was publicly and falsely smeared as a racist on network and cable television news.    

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