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"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."
Quote: Marcus Tullius Cicero
The traitor moves among us freely, appealing to the baseness of man... offering what he can not lawfully give. He rots the soul of humankind... Murderers are less feared. Sounds like the Marxist Democrat Party to me... how about you?
The democrat governors are already declaring a limited martial law I believe with their so called curfews at night, in which I don't understand what a curfew at night will do to stop the virus. And as we all know rioters, and crimminals will always obey curfews (right lol). If antifa, and blm ,along with whoever else is controlled by the democrats do start trying to take over it is our duty to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic, even if they are a certain poltical party. And thank you Ron for this article.
State''s may use martial law...however, if the President finds the state is using such law to deny and oppress the civil rights of its citizens or makes it impossible to enforce federal laws he may circumvent the State and convert all militia forces to Federal Control and order Federal Martial Law...
Here is a section of the US Code that allows this:
"Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion." 10 USC Sec 332-334
Any State that refuses to defend the civil rights of its citizens is aiding and abetting violations of the Civil Rights Acts of the United States and the President may act to restore such rights and to maintain civil order as he deems proper using military force.
I my self, never really understood what Martial Law was all about. Thank you for giving me this information which allows me to better understand what it really means. God Bless Our Great Republic For Which It Stands.
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Thank you for your information, Col. Nelson.
One truism regarding the event of war, and how to win it when it comes, is to know who the enemy is.
Truly, the first step is to recognize that there is an enemy that should be known. When there is doubt about the existence of an enemy this allows him to advance without any resistance, or if there is any at all it will be confused and weakly applied. Martial Law is an example of weakly resisting an enemy that many, if not most, people are unwilling to recognize.
The enemy is not the foreign Nazi or Communist. It is right here, in America, not in Europe or some hot, steamy jungle thousands of miles away. The enemy has a name. The name is the Democrat Political Party. This is a corrupt, criminal organization, attemmpting to overthrow the Presidency by fraud, and install their own version governing by lies, deceit, or any means necessary, in order to acheive dominion over the American People.
You may think I am nuts. The truth is, I no longer care if you do. The Obama administration proved to me that what I just said is true. What has transpired throughout the Trump administration has sealed the deal in concrete and steel. The evidence is astonishing and overwhelming and ongoing. Yet few it is that will stand up and announce it. Only a pathetic and pitiful few.
No. We want to blame it on Trump. He is too Harsh. He is not presidential. He should tone it down. He isn't dignified. He is too orange. He should do this, do that, not do this or that.
And all the while the enemy, the enemy unrecognized, unknown, and unnamed, relentlessy advances. America's hope depends on what Trump has done, not what he hasn't. He has sought to place right thinking honest people on the Supreme Court. If justice is denied, then we have lost the war that we did not fight, simply because we would not admit who the enemy truly was.
I am wondering if the Pentagon is not part of this criminal effort as well. I do know that some of the top brass is suspect, to say the least.
My point. Get real. The bandaid of Martial Law is not going to stop the enemy that confronts us. And that is my view. Thanks for sharing yours.
Dale, here is a partial answer to your thought about the Pentagon. Trump fired Esper, Sec Def. for this reason.
From the Hill, "Trump and Esper have had a rocky relationship since the summer’s nationwide racial justice protests. During the height of the protests, Trump threatened to deploy active-duty troops to quell the demonstrations. Esper responded by holding a press conference at the Pentagon announcing his opposition to deploying troops. ..."
Esper’s public split reportedly angered Trump so much that he had to be talked out of firing the Defense secretary then...."And he was not asked to resign, he was asked to resign by Mark Meadows. No comment from the Pentagon.So this is for you, too, Col. Trump wanted to send in troops during the riots and the Sec Def stood against Trump. -
Know your ENEMY... it isn't the common man on the street, it isn't the Black, Red, Yellow, or Whiteman, it is the political class and their allies that have brought us to this point in time. If there is to be civil war wage it upon your enemies ... not your neighbor or fellow workers... not those who have faithfully worked all their lives to support our Constitution and its Republican form of government.
Separate friend from foe... know your enemy, it is the progressive, pragmatist, and political hack, whose only thought is to feed their own belly and that of their kind. Those evil men and women, who would deceitfully use their neighbor to advance their own cause, whose entire existence has been one of self-promotion.. they are the common enemy of the People. The opportunist, Marxist, pragmatist, and Globalist, and professional politician have sold out America for a seat of power in the New World Order.
Know your enemy and target them for your wrath... not your neighbor or the misguided poor and minority, used by the politically corrupt to usurp the power and consent of the common man. Instead, turn these misguided souls around, expose the lies of their masters and benefactors for what they are... traitors, broken cisterns, filled with corruption. Encourage the misguided to re-think the path they have chosen and if they will not turn from it... mark them out for the wrath of the righteous judge... who will judge the foolish with their wicked masters.
Know your enemy and mark them well... For they seek anonymity among the people. They speak with the twisted metaphor, promising what they have no intention of delivering. These evil men and women seek their own ends and are prepared to reach their goals by any means necessary. Be not deceived by their feigned service, as they are corrupt, incapable of honorable service to our nation. It is the corrupt pettifogger who seeks to fundamentally transform our heritage, too engage a new world order... whether the people consent or not.
Thomas Jefferson warned: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” It is the essence of man's struggle, that after suffering many abuses, and patiently enduring the tyrant's whip, that they cast off the chains of oppression; too, take their rightful place as the sovereigns of their destiny. Know this: those who oppose the right of the people, to be sovereign are the enemies of liberty. The CONSENT of the People to be governed is the cornerstone of liberty. It is the tyrant that opposes the sovereignty of the People who must be marked for removal from government power.
Mark well the enemy of the People's sovereignty... for they would soon bring a Nation to heal and a People to chains...
RA Nelson
The Federal Court may review the President's decision to invoke Martial Law all day long... however, the judges may find themselves under lock and key and in prison if they interfere with the orders of the President as Commander in Chief and Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the Land.
Abraham Lincoln using martial law arrested a Supreme Court Justice and had him removed. Martial Law is not subject to CIVIL Law enforcement, including the orders of Civil Courts. Of course, the Pettiffogers of today and their Judges will claim they are the supreme branch of government, able to enforce their rule over all the other branches of government ... However, the founders did not give the Courts the power to enforce their judgments. They knew to do so would make all the other branches their subordinates. Instead, the Judicial Branch is supposed to be the weakest of the three branches of government.
The strength of the Deep State rests in using the legal profession to RULE the Republic under the COLOR OF LAW... the Judiciary are not elected and therefore don't have the consent of the public to govern. The Judiciary is to administer the law, not to make law or to govern by judicial edict. The Jury System was supposed to be a check on the Judiciary, having the final word on the LAW and the Facts. However, recent legal doctrine stripped the Jury of its power to NULLIFY the law whenever a Jury found the law oppressive or unconstitutional. Of course, attorneys and Judges did not like JURIES, common citizens, ruling on the law. The doctrine of Jury nullification strips the Judiciary of the power to rule and reign as kings ... thru judicial edict... unchecked by a Jury.
Congress is the only check on Martial law... Congress may legislate the end to martial law, or cut the funds off that support martial law, or Impeach a President for refusing to end martial law. Of course, Congress must have 2/3rds of its members vote to override a president's veto or to Impeach. Habeas Corpus can only be suspended by Congress. However, they have already suspended Habeas Corpus with the Patriot Act. Also, LIMITED Martial Law may permit 'habeas corpus' and provide for normal 'due process'. Limited Martial law can be structured to allow civil law and it's authorities to enforce most laws and government functions, it all depends on how the President's Executive Order, establishing Martial Law, assigns the Military their JURISDICTION under Martial Law.
President Eisenhower used martial law to enforce school integration in Little Rock, Arkansas... On September 23, 1957, President Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10730, which put the Arkansas National Guard under federal authority, and sent 1,000 U.S. Army troops from the 101st Airborne Division to Little Rock, to maintain order as Central High School desegregated. President George H. W. Bush invoked martial law in 1989 when he sent troops to the U.S. Virgin islands after looting broke out following the devastation of Hurricane Hugo, according to NPR. Current Attorney General Bill Barr was also Attorney General under President Bush at that time.
Presidents have invoked Martial Law... dozens of times throughout U.S. history, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service. It was invoked numerous times in the middle of the 20th century to enforce desegregation and respond to riots. For example, President Lyndon Johnson invoked it to deploy federal troops to Detroit in response to the 1967 riot.
Don't listen to the Marxist Petitffogers who would claim that the President doesn't have the unilateral authority to "...take care that the laws be faithfully, executed..." quote Article 2, Section 3 of the US Constitution... the President may use whatever power he has, including as Commander in Chief of the Military to faithfully execute the laws... it is the President who decides what force is necessary to 'TAKE CARE' that the laws be executed..not Congress, not the ACLU, not the DOJ or AG.. it is the President who has that constitutional power as commander in chief of the military and as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States.