The question is not do the people want to be heard… it is will they be heard. History has long demonstrated that governments often hold themselves separate from those governed; that the diligent resolve of those governed must not only petition but be prepared to persuade government…  by peaceful and consistent contact, through open public debate, and when there is yet no return on the voice of the people… by massive assembly and if need a general strike.

It appears the words of many may have raised the eye of those in power but the will to engage in reform is yet to be seen.  Little but rhetoric and political theater have resulted from the cries for reform.  The people must not become complacent and the voice of appeasement must be ignored; for the feigned words of the unjust even though on paper sooner find the waste bins of government… too, be forgotten.  The chalice is yet empty, the return of liberty and our heritage in doubt… be not fooled by the fools voice, but measure that which is done… not by words nor empty promises, but by actions that profit reform.

I have seen the enemy and it is us… the complacent and foolhardy who hear the tempered tones of Washington, as it engages a desperate time with feeble resolve to bring about real change.  Acts that are undertaken, while knowing the end is not sure, are not likely to bring about reform. They are but empty chalices given to appease those whose resolve is often short and tempered by the fear to act.

Let us then rally to the cause of the Patriot… to double down on our efforts, that the tyrant may know we intend to stay the course. Let us with resolve declare the feigned reform for what it is and demand the truth of reform be engaged… Let America resolve to hold ACCOUNTABLE its servants, that government may soon be of the people, for the people, and by the people.

So let it be resolved:

Ronald A. Nelson

Col., US Army (ret)

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  • Bump... Lessons learned over a lifetime of fighting Marxism and Globalism...

  • Slowly turn the wheels of change and long grows the shadow of despair upon our children's future... There is a great dirth of leadership in our nation.. .a betrayal of the common good among those with the power and wealth to organize and fund the resistance to the open insurrection taking place in the citadels of our government. The governing Leftist cabal and privileged plutocracy are dangerously dancing with the Devil... putting our liberty and prosperity at risk

    One doesn't covenant with the Devil... and expect to secure their future and seats of power... It never works out ... Never.  It is time for the connected and privileged to act in the defense of our Constitution and the Republic... America as we know her is out of time. Our nation is at risk of being consumed in a conflagration of its own making... a fundamental transformation... rejecting everything our forefathers purchased with their treasure, blood, and industry is at risk.

    It is time for the People to stage a national labor strike to stay at home... all except essential services: fire, police, utilities, critical transport, etc stay at home ... while sending a nationally recognized team of leaders to DC and every State Capitol to negotiate the return too Constitutional Government... an Article 5 Convention, with a Recall and Term Limits amendment ratified as law.

    Recall every sitting elected and appointed government official subject to new elections... TERM LIMIT all elected and appointed positions to ONE TERM... 6yrs with 1/3rd standing for elections and appointments every 2yrs.  Repeal the 17th Amendment and return the selection of US Senators to the States as they determine to choose them.  Restrict all current sitting elected and appointed officials from ever holding another elected or appointed position in the Government.

    Let the public remain at home and on strike until the government passes the proposed amendments above are ratified and new elections are set...

    • Thank You, COL. Ronald A. Nelson-!!!

  • usually when the populace aren't being heard then you see guns  pithchforks torches 

    • Chemicals upon chemicals have done that, plus aborted fetal cells in vaxx's. Have they cared to make sure only boy cells were inocculated into boys, and vice versa?  No, probably part of the plan. We didn't have autism, ADD and ADHD until they amped up those vaxx's to include 70+ chemicals, PLUS aborted fetal cells. They are all evil. 

    • "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."  Declaration of Independence

      The people have yet to suffer beyond their tolerance for evil... however, that is about to end.  If the November elections are stolen, trifled with in any manner, look for Revolution to break out.  The People's patience is about to run out and the Marxists are waiting in the wings to ignite a fire that can not be suffered or contained.   After a long train of abuses, the Nation is finally coming to the end of its tolerance for evil men and their manipulation of our economy and children's future.... it would be wise to prepare for the worst now... not after the conflagration ignites the nation in a world-class struggle for liberty.

  • We will only be heard if we speak lound enough, unfortunately most of the so called called patriots are more mimes than shouters and are called the silent majority for a reason. They claim they will do anything for their children and families, even give up their lives, but won't even stop watching anti American NFL football.

    • Idols were forced down over the year of lockdowns only to be picked up again. However we are witnessing God take down lying media and Disney.


    • Yep, they lost their cover and it's about time. 

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