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I'm one of the few people in America who can explain exactly what's happening to America. This is a full-scale assault. A radical communist takeover of our country: our government agencies; our justice system; our borders; our schools and colleges; our police and military; and our economy.

And don't forget our voting system. It's now completely rigged by Democrat-coordinated voter fraud – build around a foundation of mail-in ballots with no voter ID; printing your own ballots at home; ballot harvesting; no signature verification; counting ballots for days after the election; and millions of noncitizens voting with the driver's licenses Democrats demanded they get from the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Exhibit A is the California recall election that just ended last week. It was rigged from the get-go. Larry Elder never had a chance. California Democrats just conducted a test run of the expanded plan. It worked to perfection.

Before I get to the details of the why this is happening, I have some good news: I have the solution.

I have formulated a multipronged action plan that puts us (conservatives, Christians, patriots and Trump warriors) on offense. It's time to play offense. It's time to counterattack.

Part I of this action plan is my new book, "The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book." With the information in this book, "once a company goes liberal and woke, we will make them go broke."

This book transforms 80 million Trump voters and patriots into the LOUD MAJORITY. The days of being silent while our money is looted, our quality of life destroyed, our civil rights stolen, are over. We can't afford to be silent any longer.

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