The Re-Rehabilitation Of The Clintons

David Icke on Twitter: "The Clinton Crime Family: <a href= ..." />

Tonight, former President Bill Clinton speaks at the Democratic National Convention. Tomorrow night, it’s his wife Hillary’s turn. The pervert and the enabler. Hell of a line-up Democrats have assembled. 

It wasn’t that long ago Democrats were condemning Bill for his well-documented perverted past. They didn’t mean it, of course, but they did it. 

Remember the #MeToo movement? When the left pretended to care about sexual harassment and women being abused by men? Democrat politicians and donors were dropping like flies – John Conyers, Al Franken, Harvey Weinstein, etc. – the party was having a rough go of it. 

Then came the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Democrats manufactured an opportunity for them to get a scalp. There was one big problem, however, the former president of the United States was a well-known philanderer who’d been accused on multiple occasions of not taking “no” for an answer. 

Bill Clinton’s handsy, gropey history with women and soiling dresses was well documented, he’d even confessed to an affair with Monica Lewinsky (eventually) when she was an underling in the White House. That’s a huge power discrepancy, which liberals told us was a no-no but looked the other way at the time. 

With the Kavanaugh hearing looming, Democrats recognized the hypocrisy was too much to ignore; they had to address it. 

The condemnation of Bill Clinton, nearly two decades too late, came from various quarters of the Democratic Party, with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) saying he should have resigned at the time. She, along with all those Democrats who suddenly found a conscience on the issue, of course, was silent about it before it became a political liability. Having situational ethics means you don’t really have ethics at all.

Bill and Hillary receded a little in the party, but reemerged after a while to resume their previous role. 

Then came Jeffrey Epstein, their friend and donor. Bill traveled around the world with the most famous child sexual predator in history. “Bill only traveled on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” for charity causes in Africa,” we were told. The story broke and quickly went away. Then Epstein “committed suicide” in custody and that was that.

But that wasn’t that. One of Epstein’s chief accusers claimed in a court filing that Bill was on the pervert’s private island, widely known as “pedophile island.” This fact was immediately ignored by traditional media outlets because it was wildly inconvenient. That doesn’t make it untrue.


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