Mail-in ballots are the latest talking point for Democrats and their media allies. They claim this will keep voters safe from the Wuhan virus, even though it is burning itself out quite nicely on its own.
The surges in cases we are seeing across the country means that more and more of the population have been exposed to the virus. The vast majority are not getting sick; in fact most don’t even know they are ill and they are getting tested due to potential exposure, for return to work, travel, or simply because the tests are widely available and free under most insurance plans.
Once the virus tears through a population, there are fewer left to infect, and it goes away. A summer surge in positive tests brings us closer to herd immunity and this will likely burn itself out by fall. Normal colds and seasonal flu may complicate things, but that’s another story.
The compassionate Democrats say it’s too dangerous to wait in line to vote. Yet it was fine for hundreds to wait in line for John Lewis’s funeral procession. Hypocrisy is on full display when it comes to the Chinese coronavirus.
The all-knowing, all-caring Dr. Anthony Fauci donned a large mask while standing all alone on the pitcher’s mound waiting to launch his ill-fated pitch closer to the dugout than home plate. Yet in the bleachers, he was yucking it up with some pals, forgetting all about masks and social distancing.
Aside from mail-in ballots being ripe for cheating, there are other more subtle forces at play here. CBS did their own vote-by-mail experiment and surprisingly, at least to CBS, discovered “potential problems” such as “3 percent of voters were effectively disenfranchised.” That could be enough to tip a close election.
RealClearPolitics reports, “28 million mail-in ballots went missing in the last four elections.” Someone should ask rino-Mitt Romney for comment, if he is not too busy marching with the Black Lives Matter Marxists. How many of those ballots had his name on them? Or rino-John McCain’s?
Mail-in ballots have been in effect in my home state of Colorado since 2013. Local media described this as “smart.” It was certainly smart for Democrats. A couple of years later, not coincidently, the Daily Beast observed that Colorado is, “starting to look more blue than purple.” Aside from an anemic Colorado GOP, ballot harvesting is quite easy with mail-in ballots, turning Colorado blue
Is the Democrat-Media push for mail-in ballots simply so they can cheat and steal the election from President Trump? Perhaps, but suppose Trump is headed for a landslide victory, as some of us have suggested. Even cheating may not be enough to drag Dementia brudling lips liar-Joe across the finish line.
Uber left Harvard law professor Lawrence Tribe let the cat out of the bag with this tweet.
Another tweet from Time further connects the dots.
The Democrats don’t have to cheat in the casting of ballots. They simply don’t have to count the ballots at all. It’s quite clever and Professor Tribe, along with the US Postal Service provided the roadmap.
Democrats will push mail-in ballots, for voter safety they say. As in it’s safe to attend John Lewis’s funeral without distancing but try that for your own family member’s funeral. The media will fan the flames with exaggerated case counts and deaths. Democrat governors will keep their subjects in fear with increasing mandates – masks, face shields, school and business shut-downs – such that everyone is afraid to leave their house for anything, including voting.
The Postal Service will conveniently shut down, unable to deliver the ballots. If some post offices remain open, they will misplace or lose ballots. If ballots cannot be delivered, they cannot be counted. The election will not be decided, not on election night, not the next day, next week, next month.
It will be a repeat of scumbag-Al Gore’s hanging chad story, with lawsuits and scumbag-Soros funded state and county officials unwilling to certify any election results. Democrats have been preparing for this scenario.
CNN reported, “brudling lips liar-Joe Biden's campaign is assembling hundreds of lawyers nationwide to monitor potential voting issues as part of its extensive voter protection efforts heading into the general election.”
There will be mass chaos and confusion. The virus will be long forgotten, and the new narrative will be that there is no way to declare a winner as too many ballots were lost and unable to be counted.
Enter Professor Tribe’s prediction. Section 3 of the 20th Amendment.
If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.
Amidst the chaos, enough states won’t be able to certify their electoral votes and neither candidate will have a majority. Voila it will be up to Congress to decide, the Democrat controlled House choosing a president and the Senate choosing the irrelevant vice-president.
And not necessarily House Speaker liar-Nancy Pelosi, as she is only a half-step behind Dementia brudling lips liar-Joe in age and cognition. How about scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton? Michelle scumbag/liar-nObama? Mayor Pete? Take your pick. rino-Mitt Romney for VP? How about rino-Susan Collins? Bipartisan in name only.
It is certainly clever and now obvious how the Democrats plan to steal the election and install a president of their choosing, without the messiness of an actual campaign and election. If I figured this out, certainly the very stable genius President has too. And he is ready, based on this recent tweet.
Trump merely suggested the possibility of delaying the election and the media, Democrats, NeverTrumpers, and everyone else went ballistic saying that there is no way this can be allowed. Check and checkmate to Professor Tribe’s scheme of delaying the election results.
They will still try and the media will cheerlead the effort, but Trump is prepared and this latest Road Runner vs Coyote scheme will fail, just like all the others. Enjoy the show!
The Real Reason Democrats
are Pushing for Mail-In Ballots
By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D. ~{ }
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