Nearly one month ago, there was a lengthy piece in Time Magazine that required a serious response in order to help “normal people” make some sense of what was being written beneath the surface or between the lines of propaganda. I offered my viewpoint, but there was way too much embedded in Molly Ball’s article to ignore. I recommended that the article be read despite her annoying, self-congratulatory tone and the attempt at the ideological brainwashing of naive readers. The article titled, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” should be read by people who love the Republic to become acquainted with how contorted and inverted such people’s conception of justice in this nation has become. However, her article reveals more.
“The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign…”
“The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign…” serves more than a simple roadmap of how people who hated President Trump worked within the shadows (certainly the left- leaning mainstream media would not have called attention to the covert effort to fully undermine election integrity. The writers hired by the elitist media moguls work for pay to misrepresent the truth at best, and at their worst to promulgate propaganda to the masses. They are the enemy of the people despite what Wolf Blitzer, or the other media mouthpieces would like to tell themselves. Molly Ball is one of them who must believe in the cause she touts in the article. Her article reveals some in the inner media circles had the knowledge of what was going on “in the shadows.”
It is safe to assume that if Ball knew what was transpiring, there were some within the inner circles of the media moguls who knew and condoned the nefarious activities. Ball was paid for her glowing account. According to what citizens were expected to believe:
The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Such an account is actually an account of a network of conspirators on the left who did want to stop a Trump victory and an account of how they plotted to undermine a federal election—one way or another.
read more here:
Molly Ball's statement categorically classifying the election as a failure highlights how openly and criminally disgusting the left have becom: "a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding." It is time for the RNC/GOP to organize the several Red States to propagate anti-commandeering and nullification legislation and actions they can all unify around.
And long as the Marxist Democrat Party retains their power there will NEVER BE fair and open elections... they will follow Stalin's model of rigged elections... those who count the votes determine who wins... not the electorate.
I say BHO who stayed in Washington was a big ring leader .Trump did not have the support from his base just his deploarble voters which to this day he still has. The destruction of this country will be from within as we are witnerssing massive massive corruption such as an election being stolen and the SC will not hear any of the evidence. Dark Painful times ahead