Won't be the First time the govt. Shut down No Big Deal. Pay Cuts ?? Sure 50 percent sounds good to me. Followed by big time IRS audits on all Senators and Congressmen!!
Perhaps they should all take a paycut. Not having the government function doesn't sound like such a bad thing, they aren't doing a good job, they aren't even doing the job they were elected to do!!!!! We can't continue like this is correct!
What an incredible mess we are in.
Won't be the First time the govt. Shut down No Big Deal. Pay Cuts ?? Sure 50 percent sounds good to me. Followed by big time IRS audits on all Senators and Congressmen!!
Perhaps they should all take a paycut. Not having the government function doesn't sound like such a bad thing, they aren't doing a good job, they aren't even doing the job they were elected to do!!!!! We can't continue like this is correct!