The Similarities Between America Today And The Russian Revolution
Similarities between the Bolshevik 1917 Revolution and what has happened with the Democrats
Starting with the Democrats handling of the Vietnam War and comparing it to Russia in WWI. The people started to disassociate themselves from trusting the Government. the Democrats realized this and started to turn the youth against our Capitalist Republic and the Constitution. The Democrats deliberately did nothing to counter the Counter Culture Revolution of the 1960's.
The hidebound Republicans of that time acted just like the Duma did in 1917 and maintained their corrupt ways. In doing so they exacerbated the rift between the youth and the Government. That was the beginning of the end because it mated the earlier infiltration of our universities by the Communist influence that were placed there by Lenin and later Stalin to warp the universities over time into the Pro-Socialist/Communist agenda organizations they are today. they also infiltrated the Democratic Party slowly beginning then.
Riots broke out in Russia over Food and Housing and general incompetence of the government to deal with those things. That equates to the stubborn obstructionism the Democrats have played since the Nixon Administration through the Reagan administration and culminating in open rebellion now, in the Trump administration.
As under the Kerensky Provisional Government, the Left Wing broke with the Central Provisional Government. The Bolshevik's used the conditions to cause massive unrest among the Citizenry with their Peace,land, and bread campaign. This dovetails with the Antifa as the Bolsheviks, the BLM as the Left Socialist Revolutionaries.
The public believing in the Bolsheviks led to the Soviet State with all it's oppression. This is the path we are treading down in lockstep because we did not teach our children what we were taught in then 1940's and 1950's. Unless we act immediately against then Democrat influence and expose the hidden Puppet Master Overlords controlling the Democrat Party, we will follow the Soviet Union into the depths of tyranny for several generations if not forever.
The Tradesman